Letter from the Vice President of Expansion Dear Prospective Members: We are pleased with your interest in Sigma Lambda Beta Fraternity. Since April 4, 1986, Sigma Lambda Beta has grown from a single chapter at the University of Iowa to well over eighty chapters and colonies that stretch from California to New York and even reached the shores of Puerto Rico. This growth can be attributed to the combined efforts of alumni, faculty, staff, honorary members and undergraduate students who believe in the ideals Sigma Lambda Beta stands for and the programs it promotes. We exist to establish honorable friendships that will work together to foster academic excellence and the dissemination of Latino cultures. Our philosophy is best summarized by our motto: “Opportunity for Wisdom. Wisdom for Culture.� As an international organization, we are working diligently to assure that we move in a direction that will affect change on our society. Though we welcome new schools to join us in our mission, we demand that those committing to the expansion process be ready to exert the energy, planning, time and motivation that are necessary to properly build a firm and well established extension of our organization. We also adhere to our principles (Brotherhood, Scholarship, Community Service and Cultural Awareness) on an everyday basis to become productive members of society. Our strong emphasis on brotherhood helps promote the family-like atmosphere that is present on all Sigma Lambda Beta affiliated college and university campuses. In this packet you will find a summary of the expansion process. Please review it thoroughly. After review you may feel free to contact Carlos Ortiz, our Headquarters Staff Director of Chapter Services, with any questions you might have. He may be reached at 319-626-7679 or via e-mail at Carlos@SigmaLambdaBeta. com.
Fraternally, Derek Lugo Vice President of Expansion Expansion@SigmaLambdaBeta.com
Sigma Lambda Beta International Fraternity Incorporated
Contact Information Sigma Lambda Beta National Headquarters 900 West Penn Street North Liberty, IA 52317 Phone: 319-626-7679 (888) 486-BETA Fax: 319-626-7688 Email: Headquarters@ SigmaLambdaBeta.com
2008-2010 International Board of Directors President Sam Centellas
Vice President of Collegiate Operations Juan Izaguirre
Vice President of Alumni Cesar Ramirez
Vice President of Expansion Derek Lugo
Vice President of Finance Ben Robles
Vice President of Communication Carlos Frevert
Communication@SigmaLambdaBeta. com
4 5 6
Table of Contents Expansion Summary
New Member Education Expansion Related Resources and Support 7 Colony Petition Guidelines 9 Chapter Petition Guidelines 10 Frequently Asked Questions About Sigma Lambda Beta Sigma Lambda Beta International Fraternity Incorporated, is an organization which emphasizes brotherhood, intellectual excellence,service, leadership and cultural awareness. The Fraternity was established on April 4, 1986 at the University of Iowa by 18 men. The Founding Fathers saw the need and feasibility for creating a Latino organization to disseminate and promote the rich Latino culture which we all share, in order to enhance the understanding of one another and advance the general welfare of the Latino population. The Fraternity’s motto is “Opportunity for Wisdom, Wisdom for Culture.” The Fraternity’s colors are royal Purple and pure White and its mascot is a White Stallion Mustang. Sigma Lambda Beta International Fraternity, Inc. is a young and growing organization which has accomplished a great deal in its existence.The Fraternity is a national fraternity and is actively part of the National Interfraternal Council (NIC) and is a chartering member of the Concilio Nacional de Hermandades Latinas/ National Latino Greek Council (CNHL). The Fraternity spans across the United States in such locations as New York, New Jersey, Iowa, Florida, Minnesota, Texas, Illinois, Colorado, Indiana, Ohio, Arizona, Missouri, Rhode Island, Michigan, Nebraska, Pennsylvania, Kansas, Wisconsin, California, and the island of Puerto Rico, making it the Largest Latino Fraternity that is found from “Coast to Coast.” Expansion Information
Expansion Summary Eligibility In order to participate in this expansion process, the group of full-time undergraduate college men will need to meet the following criteria: • 7 (seven) or more full-time students. • Individual member GPA using the following scale: Minimumu Individual GPA
Spring 2009 2.35
Fall 2009 2.45
Spring 2010 2.5
• A group cumulative GPA of 2.5
Stages of Expansion The expansion process consists of three stages: interest group, colonization and chapter status. Interest Groups • Contact the Headquarters Director of Chapter Services • Contact your respective District Governor • Create a group e-mail account which will allow us to communicate regularly • Meet with the campus Greek Advisor to discuss the possibility of bringing Sigma Lambda Beta to your campus. • Discuss how to access campus resources such as, room reservations and other assistance given to student organizations. Develop a record keeping system (meeting minutes) • Fundraise • The more you fundraise the less you will have to pay individually Colonization The group will begin to petition for colony status. Once the group has obtained the necessary information and meets the expansion criteria, a formal petition will be submitted electronically to the Vice-President of Expansion at Expansion@sigmalambdabeta.com and the Director of Chapter Services at Carlos@SigmaLambdaBeta.com. The group will also submit a one-time non-refundable $200.00 processing fee payable to Sigma Lambda Beta Fraternity (money order or certified check only). Other requirements of the colony period are: • • • • • • • • • • •
Develop by-laws Establish an executive board (president, vice-president, secretary and treasurer) Establish a group bank account Create a budget system Familiarize the members with all Sigma Lambda Beta policies and procedures Host a community service, cultural awareness project, fundraising event and a member bonding event Obtain a campus mailing address, P.O. Box is acceptable. A faculty advisor that the group meets with monthly. Outline goals for the next two semesters Participate in monthly teleconferences Continue communication with Headquarters Director of Chapter Services, and District Governor
In conclusion, the two stages will prepare you to undergo the process of membership education if the petition is approved. The group will be notified within 3 weeks. At such time, the group members will need to forward the induction fee of $175.00 per man to the Fraternity Headquarters before the New Member Education Program begins. We strongly suggest contacting Fraternity Headquarters before submitting the petition to discuss the necessary materials and ensure compliance. Once all materials are submitted and verified, the petition will be presented to the V.P of Expansion for approval. Submission of a compliant petition does not guarantee approval. 4
Sigma Lambda Beta International Fraternity Incorporated
New Member Education Process
Once the group has been approved and induction fee collected by Fraternity Headquarters, the Vice President of Expansion will appoint a Membership Educator (ME) to facilitate the membership education process. Before the education process is complete, the group will need to forward an Initiation fee of $125.00 per man to the Fraternity Headquarters. As the group finishes the educational process, they will be initiated into Sigma Lambda Beta Fraternity, Inc. The members of the colony will have between six months and two years after their initiation date to file for chapter status. The transition between colonization and chapter chartering is marked by the submission and approval of a progress report. Chapter petition requirements: • • • • • • • • • • • • • •
10 or more undergraduate members Members maintain a G.P.A. of 2.35 on a 4.0 scale Paying Fraternity dues of $105.00 each semester Group G.P.A of 2.5 or higher on a 4.0 scale By-laws in compliance with SLB’s constitution Colony participates in any local greek council Attend one educational program regarding campus,local,state and Fraternity polices (statutes, laws, etc) on hazing Attend Brotherhood Retreat and/or Convention Understand Fraternity’s history and traditions Develop a system of recruiting and electing new officers in compliance with Fraternity’s polices Maintain in good standing with National Headquarters Maintain contact with Faculty and Greek advisors Maintain communication with V.P of Expansion, HQ and District Governor $200 filing fee
The steps toward becoming a chapter are demanding, but a group that is diligent, and aspires towards excellence will make a productive addition to Sigma Lambda Beta Fraternity. Your concerted efforts and dedication will definitely lead you to success. If your group cannot complete a given question or requirement, please indicate the reasons why. The main contact for administrative issues with expansion is the Director of Chapter Services at the Headquarters Office. The Vice President of Expansion is the contact for policy-related questions regarding expansion.
Financial Responsibilities Colony Petition • $200.00 non-refundable filing fee • $175.00 per man for Induction fee. This will start the New Membership Education Process. • $125.00 per man for Initiation fee. Due at the end of the New Membership Education Process. Chapter Petition • $200 non-refundable filing fee Active Members • $105.00 per man for semester dues. This keeps the organization functioning with full-time staff, membership resources and programs
Expansion Information
Expansion Related Resources and Support Vice-President of Expansion The V.P of Expansion is a member of the Board of Directors. His responsibilities are to oversee the operations of all interest groups and fraternal colonies and grant interest/colony/chapter status to all qualified fraternal entities. He keeps consistent contact with the members of the Expansion Committee and the Headquarters Staff in efforts to continuously provide better services to our interest groups, colonies and our new chapters.
Headquarters Staff Sigma Lambda Beta’s Headquarters Staff consist of one full-time Director of Chapter Services. Some of their responsibilities include supporting our expanding groups through consistent communication and facilitation of resources. He will be an important resource during the development of colony/future chapter protocols and administrative structures and many others.
District Governor He works with colonies and chapters in their district under supervision of the International Vice-President of Collegiate Operations. He will offer support for our new colonies and play a key role in relaying information from the Board of Directors to the district. They facilitate retreats and district meetings and are able to answer questions on policy, procedures, and many others. They will be instrumental in aiding you to build a network with the entities in your area.
Colonies List Serve This will be the main tool of communication between the organization and the colonies. It will provide a forum for colonies to be a resource for each other. The colonies will have the opportunity to share ideas on programming, solutions for common concerns and answers to administrative situations. The president is required to be a member however; other members of the colony can join.
BG Connexion Beta Gamma Connexion is an online community and membership database. This online community is used to communicate with other members across the nation. The database is used to manage all Sigma Lambda Beta business items. It contains resources, important files, and is how we submit semester reports. BG Connexion allows our membership to maintain their information, grants them access to Fraternity resources 24 hours a day, seven days a week, and allows for direct contact between members, the Fraternity leadership and Headquarters.
Sigma Lambda Beta International Fraternity Incorporated
Colony Petition Guidelines
Documentation of each of the following requirements should be included in the group’s petition 1. The petitioning group has seven (7) full-time undergraduate or graduate students attending the same College or University ready to begin membership education. Give name and location of group 2.
Provide the following in your petition for each member: • • • • • • • • • • • • •
Name Home and School Addresses Home and cell Phone number(s) Age Parents’ names and contact information E-mail address Campus phone numbers Year in school Major Anticipated date of graduation Major college activities Signature A current official academic transcript (must be mailed to Headquarters with petitioning fees) Give an explanation of how your group became interested in Sigma Lambda Beta.
4. The group has a permanent mailing address, preferably on campus. P.O. Boxes are acceptable, but must be in the group’s name. 5.
The group conducts weekly meetings and has provided copies of minutes to verify that meetings are occurring.
The group has an advisor and meets with him/her individually and collectively on a regular basis.
7. The group has implemented a budget and dues paying system and has provided a sample worksheet showing how it will be keeping track of revenues and expenditures. 8. At least one community service and cultural awareness project has been carried out. Include documentation along with the petition. Picture documentation is a plus. 9.
At least one fundraising project has been carried out. Include documentation along with the petition.
10. A list of area Sigma Lambda Beta alumni have been contacted either personally or by letter Provide the following in your petition for each contacted alumni. Name, undergraduate institution, year of graduation, cell phone number, alternate phone number, Fax number, E-mail address, Profession, address. 11.
Explain the role of the alumni in helping your group succeed.
12. The group participates in at least two activities per week other than group meetings (i.e. study hours, community service, etc). 13.
Outline the group’s goals for the next two academic terms and the actions planned to achieve these goals.
14. Frequent contact is maintained with the school’s Fraternity/Sorority Life office or the school administrator acting in their capacity. Submit a letter or other written correspondence stating that the group has in fact met with Fraternity/Sorority Life or other school administrator acting in this capacity. This letter must be from the Fraternity/ Sorority Life Office or other school administrator acting in this capacity.
Expansion Information
Colony Petition Guidelines cont. 15. If allowed, the group participates in the Inter-Fraternity Council (IFC), National Pan-Hellenic Council (NPHC), and any other local Greek Councils. Submit a written statement from IFC, NPHC or the Greek Council explaining its affiliation process. Include a copy of the IFC and other Greek Council’s risk management policy if available. 16. List all fraternities and sororities on campus. (Note: Most of requirements 16 – 22 can be found in the Greek Affairs Office) 17. List the names of all local Greek Council officers and their affiliations. 18.
List the grade point averages (scholarship averages) for:
• • • • 19.
All undergraduate men All fraternal undergraduate men All petitioning group members All students At the group’s college or university, state the numbers of:
• • • • 20. • • • • • •
Students enrolled in the school (undergraduate and graduate listed separately) Students living in residence halls Minority students (students of color) in the school Number of male students in school Of the total student population, provide the percentage of the student body that is: African American Asian American Caucasian or no race/ethnic group reported Hispanic, Latino, Chicano, Puerto Rican, etc. Native American International
21. The group has the recommendation of its advisor and other community or school officials. Submit at least one letter of recommendation from this advisor or official. 22. • • • •
Give name, title, address, and phone/fax numbers of the highest ranking university officials in: The University (e.g. President or Chancellor) Student Affairs/Student Activities Greek Affairs/Greek Life Admissions
23. E-mail the electronic petition to the Vice President of Expansion at Expansion@SigmaLambdaBeta.com and the Headquarters Staff at Carlos@SigmaLambdaBeta.com. Mail the academic transcripts and petitioning fee to: Sigma Lambda Beta Fraternity Headquarters 900 West Penn Street North Liberty, IA 52317
Sigma Lambda Beta International Fraternity Incorporated
Chapter Petition Guidelines
Allow the list below to guide you on your written request for chapter status. For numbers 1, 4, 6, 9 and 12, be thorough with the information, yet concise. And provide the proper documentation for numbers 5, 7, and 10. Please contact V.P of Expansion or Headquarters before starting this process to discuss petition requirements. The colony has existed at least six months, but not more than two years. Give name, location, and approval (founding) date of colony. Provide the following in your petition for each colony member: • Name • Age • Parents’ name(s) • E-mail addresses • Home and school addresses • Campus and home phone numbers • Year in school • Major • Anticipated date of graduation • State in detail the college and community activities of all members (even alumni and honorary members, i.e. student government, civic organizations, sports, clubs, jobs, etc.). Each member has an in-depth understanding of the Fraternity’s history and traditions. Each member has a grade point average of at least 2.35 on a 4.0 scale. The grade point average of the entire group must be above 2.5 on a 4.0 scale. PLEASE INCLUDE A CURRENT OFFICIAL ACADEMIC TRANSCRIPT FOR EACH ACTIVE MEMBER. A financial system has been implemented. The petitioning colony must provide a worksheet detailing the financial obligations of the colony as a whole [colony filing fee, chapter filing fee] and each brother [lifetime membership fee and semester dues] since they were initiated into the fraternity. The group has completed at least one educational program regarding campus, local, state, and Fraternity policies (statutes, laws, etc.) on hazing. A list of short and long-range goals is submitted with the Charter Petition. A set of by-laws in compliance with the Fraternity’s Constitution has been adopted and submitted with the Charter Petition. Members have attended a conclave, leadership school or congress (i.e. – United States Leadership Institute, National Council of La Raza, Sigma Lambda Beta National Convention, Sigma Lambda Beta Regional Convention, and Regional Leadership Conferences). Explain how the colony manages risk and liability at social functions (i.e. parties or other officially sponsored events). Explain why the colony believes it is prepared to become a chapter of Sigma Lambda Beta Fraternity. A $200.00 Money order or Certified Check payable to Sigma Lambda Beta has been mailed to the Fraternity Headquarters as a filing fee. E-mail the electronic petition to the Vice President of Expansion at Expansion@SigmaLambdaBeta.com and the Headquarters Staff at Carlos@SigmaLambdaBeta.com. Mail the academic transcripts and petitioning fee to: Sigma Lambda Beta Fraternity Headquarters 900 West Penn Street North Liberty, IA 52317 Expansion Information
Frequently Asked Questions Q: Can I join Sigma Lambda Beta Fraternity if I am not of Hispanic decent? A: Yes, Sigma Lambda Beta does not base membership on ethnicity, race or religion. Sigma Lambda Beta has members of many nationalities. However, the focus of the fraternity is the Latino Culture.
Q: Can I undergo the educational process if I am a first semester freshman? A: No. Unfortunately first semester freshmen are not eligible to join Sigma Lambda Beta.
Q: How long does the educational process take? A: The process will take 8-10 weeks.
Q: What types of cultural activities are performed? A: While our members perform a wide variety of cultural awareness progress and community services, the most common participation has been in: Dia De Los Muertos, The Puerto Rican Day Parade, Cinco de Mayo, Mexican Independence Day, etc. Another common activity is members hosting a Latino speaker on campus and supporting Latino based performances.
Q: Does Sigma Lambda Beta have a fraternity house on Greek Row? A: No, Sigma Lambda Beta has no official houses on Greek Row at any campuses around the country. The reason why Sigma Lambda Beta chooses not to have a house on campus is because we choose to keep our membership dues as low as possible. Acquisition of a large house on Greek Row would cause dues to increase and this is against our philosophy as an organization. Sigma Lambda Beta does not want to impose a large financial obligation on the student.
Q: What is the average size of your chapters? A: Our average chapter size is 10. We feel that by being selective with our members and keeping the amount of members within a reasonable range, we can allow a strong bond to be created within the chapter. Sigma Lambda
Sigma Lambda Beta International Fraternity Incorporated
ΣΛΒ Beta wishes to create a surrogate “home away from home” allowing each member to be part of a working team instead of being lost in the crowd.
Q: What does Sigma Lambda Beta bring to me as a student? A: Sigma Lambda Beta brings many advantages to the student. The first is the opportunity to meet other on campus that they may not have known prior to involvement in the Fraternity. The second is the opportunity to network with other members around the country. The third is the opportunity to travel. The Fraternity holds a biennial convention and retreat located in different parts of the country each year. Another is the chance to meet other members in a similar career field as you around the country. Sigma Lambda Beta also allows the student the chance to give back to the community and take on a leadership position. Finally, the fraternity allows the student to be more culturally aware of his surroundings.
Q: Does Sigma Lambda Beta offer scholarships? A: Yes, the fraternity offers two types of scholarships. The first sets of scholarships are given on the national level. These are awarded at our conventions and conferences. The second sets are awarded on the local level. Many chapters and alumni associations raise funds and provide scholarships for members and to deserving students.
Q: What sets Sigma Lambda Beta apart from other fraternities on campus? A: Each organization can bring different assets to the student. Sigma Lambda Beta does not claim to be superior to other fraternities on campus; however, some organizations are better suited for an individual than others. Sigma Lambda Beta encourages the student to explore their options and determine which fraternity is better suited for the individual.
Q: I am a part of a club on campus. Can I still be a part of Sigma Lambda Beta Fraternity? A: Yes, as long as the other organization is not another fraternity on campus (The only exception being honorary fraternities). Sigma Lambda Beta encourages all of our members to be as actively involved on campus as possible.
Expansion Information