izzie + sky // issue 02

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issue 02 // 04•15


izzie + sky

t // @izzieandsky

ig // @izzieandsky

tumblr // izzieandsky.tumblr.com


featuring PHOTOGRAPHY longwood gardens 4 terrain at styer's 28 CREATIVES matt robertson 14 billy cress 18 vanessa bowden 24 MUSIC nathan darmody 36 kwesi k 40 spring playlist 60 FASHION 90s 42 FOOD fruit smoothies 54 DIY mason jar succulents 56 TRAVEL kathryn's spring break travel log 58

calling all creatives! Interested in being featured in / contributing for izzie + sky? Shoot us an email - izzieandsky@gmail.com


LONGWOOD G A R D E N S kennett square // pennsylvania





matt robertson w // lakewoodcreativeco.com ig // @mrobertson




01. What kick started your passion for photography and cinematography?

05. Where do you see your work and company in the future?

When I was growing up I conveniently had a bit of ADD. What I mean by conveniently is that I always had to find something new to explore in the things I was obsessed with. At the time it was dirt biking and snowboarding. I remember spacing out so badly that I didn’t even hear the teacher talking most of the time because I was drawing something that had to do with those sports. I think this is where the visual aspect really kicked in. This eventually progressed into me picking up my Dad’s little digital cameras and shooting my buddies dirt biking on my family’s farm, then seeing people react to the cool (now lame) filters and slow motion I put onto the clips.

I see myself and my company pushing the boundaries of creative music videos, as well as narrative commercial work in the future. Music is an endless realm of creative outlets so it’ll be awesome to see where it goes. I guess my style now is a bit more basic/semi old school, but I constantly push to put out quality work. I think that nowadays there are huge leaps in technology that allows anyone to be a “photographer.”

02. Tell us about Lakewood Creative. Lakewood Creative is something that I’ve wanted to do for a long time, to create a digital boutique company that I could call my own and watch grow into something huge. It keeps me focused every day, knowing that there is growth that’s happening.

03. What (or who) has been your favorite project to work on (or work with)?

06. As a director, how do you go about setting up for a shoot? Setting up for a shoot is all about planning ahead and finding the best deal. For me, I use my go to producer to find all the best locations, and he puts together the perfect schedule as well.

07. How do you come up with messages you want to achieve in shoots? Messages are really based on the lyrics of the song. Some have a deeper meaning and then some are just solely based on the performance.

08. Describe your shooting style in one word.

I’ve got a few musical tours under my belt, so I would say the most fun I’ve had would be with a band called Allstar Weekend, then recently a once in a lifetime experience to South Africa with Jill Scott.


04. Is there anything cool or different you’ve had the opportunity to see or be a part of because of what you do?

Usually I stick with a nice organic feel for most of my projects, so yeah that definitely transfers over.

I’ve gotten to meet some really awesome people, as well as travel to some pretty unique places. I had a blast touring with PJ Morton, Maroon 5, and Kelly Clarkson. It was pretty inspiring to see all those legends work hard on an amazing show.

09. Do you notice patterns and similar styles in your final products?

10. Do you have any exciting projects coming up that you can tell us about? There’s always something exciting popping up so it’s hard to pick one. I would say my New York City trip. I’ll be heading into the studio with some dope artists.


billy cress ig // @billycress grid // billycress.vsco.co

01. What first drew you into Instagram? The interest with Instagram has always been a creative outlet. I’m a creative person who has found it hard to find a full time creative job, so Instagram became a way to have a continuous way to satisfy that need. On top of that, Instagram has a really strange way of bringing people together. I’ve met some really great people who have become friends as a result. It’s also incredible to peer into life in other parts of the world. You can follow someone from the Pacific Northwest and see what’s happening artistically there, or follow a photographer from the Netherlands to see beautiful images from that part of the world.

02. Tell us about #phillyhomeportrait. When and how did you come up with the idea? The Philly Home Portrait project is a collaborative idea between me and my friend Austin Hodges @austinxc04 (met through IG). Austin and I had an eerily similar eye for street photography. Often times we’d photograph the same house in a less traveled Philadelphia neighborhood. We, of course, met in person and continued the idea by collaborating on a few volumes of self-published books which we had a lot of fun making. We’re still in the process of finding a publisher for the project. So yeah, Philly Home Portrait has always been our project, I just created that hashtag to put a title to it. It’s been fun seeing people become interested in it and thousands of photos have been

added which is great. It’s a fun and easy thing to do in Philadelphia since the residential neighborhoods here are full of character.

03. What are your future plans for #phillyhomeportrait? Like I stated in the previous question, we see it as a thick hardback coffee table book. We’re looking for a publisher to put faith in what we think would make a great book.

04. Do you have a specific editing process for your photos? The majority of the home portrait photos are processed with 3 photo editing apps: Retouch, Snapseed, and VSCOcam.

05. What’s your favorite thing about Philadelphia? I don’t exactly have a singular favorite thing about Philadelphia, but I could talk for a while about all the things I love. Philly has a huge spectrum of life, people and a great artistic community. We truly experience all four seasons in the northeast and Philadelphia embraces them all really well. I love the homes here. It’s very walkable and doesn’t feel too big like NY can feel. I’m really big on the restaurant scene and I’m glad to say it’s amazing here for food. I love how Philadelphia is currently in this huge resurgence of tourism and people are starting to realize what a great place it is to visit. To be polite I’ll stop here, but I could go on for a while...

Photo: Kyle Huff





VANESSA BOWDEN “Art is a passion of mine and I’m going to keep with it forever.”

What inspires your art? What inspires me most is probably music, other artists on social media, and hearing positive feedback from people. The people don’t make me create, but it makes me want to create even more when I hear it.

What is your favorite mode of creating? When I’m at a peaceful or even sleepy state of mind. I’m able to take my time, concentrate on my art, and not feel rushed. For some reason half of the time I end up liking my pieces more when I am half asleep working on them.

Which artists influence you/do you look up to? There is no one else I adore more than the great Charmaine Olivia. Every piece and photo she takes inspires me so greatly. I admire her colorful personality and the beautiful and unique pieces she creates.

Is there a piece you’ve created that means the most to you? I try to be happy with everything I make, but it would probably be this oval paining of a lady with pink and blonde hair. It was my art final in my senior year of high school. It was supposed to be a self-portrait, but it turned into Charmaine instead. She is who I hope to be like someday.

What are your goals and plans surrounding your art, whether short or long term? It would be a dream to have my art (as well as my photography) support me completely, but while I dream about that, I would at least like to keep this as a side thing I do. Art is a passion of mine and I’m going to keep with it forever.

ig // @thevanessadanielle w // thevanessadanielle.madefreshly.com




T E R R A I N AT STYER’S glen mills // pennsylvania







t // @IWXO fb // nathan darmody yt // nathandarmody soundcloud // nathandarmody

“Hey, now that’s something I want to do for the rest of my life.”


01. What initially brought about your passion for music and the creativity that comes along with it? When I was 10 years old I officially became obsessed with music. It was my curiosity that led me to find my Dad’s guitar lying underneath a dusty bed, and since then my curiosity and passion for music hasn’t stopped. I always enjoy creating something from nothing and from that creation I look to inspire others the way music has moved me. You know, like when you see something or someone do something astonishing and you say “Hey, now that’s something I want to do for the rest of my life.”

04. What has inspired your writing for this album? All of the songs on this album were created spontaneously and in the moment. Whenever times are good or whether they’re challenging, in that moment I take out my tape recorder and start singing. In other words, I didn’t sit down and say “right now I’m going to write a song from beginning to end”. That’s not how I write. These songs are a direct reflection from genuinely powerful moments that I’ve had.

05. How do you want the audience to feel when listening to it?

02. Is there an overall theme that you think your music holds that is signature of your writing style?

I want my audience to relate, reflect and smile. This is an album that will be on repeat all through the summer.

The overall theme of my music is comprised of memorable hooky choruses supported with spiritual lyrics that pertain towards love and peace. I take my love and longing for righteousness and implement that passion into each song. Most of my music is masked with positive melodic ideas and phrases, but my music is much more than that. I spread a spiritual message in each song that I write in hopes of making a connection with my audience.

06. How do you prefer the space and atmosphere around you when you’re writing?

03. What can we expect to hear on your upcoming record? My freshman album intertwines reggae/indie/electronic music. There are love songs about women who inspire me, reggae roots related tunes, and some with electronic influence. (Photos by Matt Robertson)

I always want people around me when I write. I like to have my best friends in the same space as me so that I can soak up their energy as well as get their feedback on any musical ideas that I may have. There are usually candles lit and incense being burned.

07. Where do you see your music taking you in the future? Music takes you to the most abstract places physically and mentally. Every time I write a song I feel a sense of revelation and connectedness to humanity and ultimately my true being and soul. Ideally if my music took me to places all around the world I would be very thankful. Jamaica where you at?!



KWESI K 01. What made you have an initial interest in music? I’ve always been interested in music. My older brother worked at a record store when we were little and he used to bring home all kinds of different music. I loved and listened to it all so now I feel like my music is like that too. I used to love the radio when I was a kid too. I never thought I could do music until I went on a study abroad to Barcelona, Spain in 2010. There I saw several things that changed my life and pointed me in the direction of music.

02. Do you notice a base component that comes about in all of the music you write - something that separates you from other singer/songwriters or is characteristic of your personal style? Yes, I notice a base component, but it’s a very popular subject. Love is a theme that pops in and out of my songs. Not romantic love or falling in love, but more like projecting love and positivity all around you. In my song “Great Goodbye” I wrote a line that says “I’m in love, it’s all I need” which basically means that if you can find ways of creating your own love dependent on no one else but yourself, you’re much better off.

03. What sort of experiences inspired your EPs “Pronouns” and “Lovely?” The two EP’s were actually recorded at the same time and part of the same project, but I decided to release them separately. They’re both heavily focused on the idea of love, relationships, or girls that got the best of me. As well as about the traveling and making the most of everyday.

04. Is there a certain environment that you find is the easiest to write in? I like writing in the mornings when I’m really happy. Oh and really, really high on caffeine.

05. Who would you love to collaborate with? I would love to collaborate with James Blake and/or Kanye West. I would love to write a song for Ariana Grande. I think ODESZA is amaze balls. I would love to play with John Mayer or Gary Clark Jr. The list could go on.

06. Where do you see your music taking you in the future? All over the world is the dream. I’ve traveled a lot with it already, so it’s definitely a good start. I want to start taking advantage of the internet and realize there are over three billion people online and continue getting my name and my brand out there!

w // www.kwesik.com t // @_KwesiK

soundcloud // kwesik











fruit smoothies the easiest & best tasting homemade smoothies

strawberry & banana one banana six strawberries cup of apple juice handful of ice blend together!

very berry four strawberries six raspberries handful of blueberries cup of apple juice handful of ice blend together!

fruit explosion six strawberries one apple half banana one peeled kiwi handful of grapes cup and a half orange juice handful of ice blend together!

citrus punch cup of sliced pineapple one orange cup of orange juice handful of ice blend together!


diy mason jar succulents





succulents of choosing mason jars *tip! check your local antique shop for vintage blue mason jars* potting soil *fast-draining* sand perlite

I N S T R U C T I O N S 01. mix the potting soil, sand, and perlite. the amount used is relative to the size of the mason jar you choose to use. mix 3 parts potting soil, 2 parts sand, and 1 part perlite. mix until it is well blended. 02. fill your mason jar to the bottom of the lid grooves with the soil. alternate idea: you can mess around with the amount and how you want to display your succulents. if you fill it up half way you can have your succulents in the jar to show through the glass, which is also cute! 03. screw the base of the lid onto the jar, leaving out the round middle section of the lid. 04. place the succulent in the jar, burying the bottom in the soil. be sure that it will be able to grow and that the edges of the succulent aren't too big for the mouth of the jar. some of the succulents can grow to be pretty tall. 05. enjoy your succulents in all their cute, succulent-y glory.


KATHRYN'S SPRING BREAK TRAVEL LOG Day 01: As I stepped onto the bus to embark on my first service trip I was excited but mainly nervous, having absolutely no idea of what to expect. All I knew was that I was on a bus with thirty-nine fellow students from the University of Delaware, who, minus two, were strangers. Thinking of what my friends were doing at this same moment, lying on beaches around the world and spending their spring breaks relaxing in the sun, I had a few flashes of regret. I was sitting on a bus with this huge group of strangers, about to leave for an eighteen hour drive that would begin in Newark, Delaware, and end in Silver Springs, Florida. I had no idea that one of the best weeks of my entire life was unfolding right in front of me. We left the University of Delaware at 5am and arrived in Florida that night around 11:30pm. We would be spending the next five days building habitats for a wildlife sanctuary that operates solely on donations and provides safe homes for life for over 100 animals. All of the animals at the sanctuary have narrowly escaped death, as they have been victims of neglect and abandonment. Many come to the sanctuary scarily malnourished, and with the help of the community and donations, the sanctuary is able to nurse these animals back to health and then go on to provide lifelong care. Days 02-05: Each morning, we loaded onto the back of a trailer and were driven from the main street down the dirt roads and into the sanctuary. This ride would signal the start and end of each work day and would be one of my favorite parts of each day. Each day we broke down into smaller groups and would spend the day working on various tasks throughout the sanctuary. The majority of the work we did during the week was on the new habitat for the sanctuary's three black bears. Some of the work we did included putting up and laying down fences, transporting dirt, clearing out trees, and more. Having the joy of being able to work close by the animals all week provided not only a bit of excitement, but also

encouragement. When times got tough or we got frustrated, we were able to look over and see the beautiful animals that we were helping. Staying at a camp about ten minutes away from the work site, we spent the evenings down by the dock swimming, kayaking, listening to music, and getting to know each other. We had group meetings each night and would go to bed exhausted but happy, ready to prepare for the following day. We worked for five days, and collectively completed 1,500+ community service hours. Day 06: After five days of work, we left the camp at 8:30am on Friday and headed out to St. Augustine, where we would spend our free day. St. Augustine is the oldest town in the United States, and is an absolute dream of a destination. We spent the morning on a lovely boat tour before parting into groups and exploring the town separately. Some of my friends and I stopped at a cute patio restaurant and had a delicious lunch. We then went exploring and were able to shop around and see more of the town before heading back on the bus to depart for the long journey home. Going into this service trip, I had no idea that it would have such an amazing impact on my entire life. Not only were we able to spend the week giving back to the community of Silver Springs, Florida, but we were able to bond with each other in ways unimaginable, and come out of the week absolute best friends. We now all have thirty-nine other people who we can call best friends that we didn't even know before the trip. It's amazing what coming together for the community for six days can do. I'd like to thank my Mamaw for making this trip possible for me. You gave me the opportunity to not only do something good for the community and to learn to give back, but to also learn so much about myself and the person I want to be. I love you!


spring playlist west coast // lana del rey tell me // rl grime blessings // big sean curry chicken // joey bada$$ hard work // ella denderson don’t wake me // moonchild bloom // ODESZA feathery // milky chance darkest dim // tokimonsta uptown funk // bruno mars FUNKNROLL // prince open season // josef salvat full records: ahmad jamal trio - live at the pershing elephant micah - louder than thou john coltrane - ascension special thanks to our features for contributing!


ambedo n. a kind of melancholic trance in which you become completely absorbed in vivid sensory details—raindrops skittering down a window, tall trees leaning in the wind, clouds of cream swirling in your coffee—briefly soaking in the experience of being alive, an act that is done purely for its own sake.




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