Cosmology - Chronicle of a reversed universe

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Chronicle of a Reversed Universe

J.R. Silva Bittencourt

Chronicle of a Reversed Universe J.R. Silva Bittencourt When at night we look at the celestial vault we are, somehow, looking at our own past. There is no doubt about that. To understand and examine this past, we have only two variables: space and cosmic background radiation. The scientific community of our time considers that both would form a continuous whole, one thing only. It is believed, therefore, that in spite of the physical limitations, imposed by the insurmountable distances that separate us from the stars, we could reach their hot nuclei simply by tracing the light they emit into space. If the space around these stars had its geometry altered by the considerable masses that compose them, this would be reflected directly in the light. For this group of people it is as if the light were like a thin, continuous thread that connects us directly to the past. This error was already corrected by Planck and Einstein at the beginning of the last century, but some people insist on not giving up the continuous waves. This shows that the human being has an immense difficulty in recognizing that in reality he knows little or nothing of what happens billions of light years from where we are. The

impotence in solving these impasses forces us to firmly support the Doppler effect, which depends directly on the continuity of the light waves. If we revise our position, showing a certain humility and paying more direct attention to some concepts of quantum mechanics, we would see that light would not use its wave aspect to 'traverse' the vacuum, but its particle aspect. The verb has been spelled because there is no way to know if a particle is motionless or in motion in a vacuum. From our point of view, the light of the stars has always been here, until the very moment when our senses were able to capture it. The most important thing would be to recognize that there would have been a separation between light and space, an event that would have coincided with the beginning of the time counting. This rupture would tell us, basically, that it would not be the space that would keep us directly informed about what happens in the astronomical distances, or even the very small distances that separate the subatomic particles. The light would have become the bearer of the information we need to describe the geometry of space. The reader might ask why so much concern for such a despicable detail (?). As I will try to show forward, the thesis would be able to reverse even the sense of the forces

acting in our space-time. You see, accepting that the light would be the messenger of space, we would have to take into account the differences between the behavior of both. Space, although apparently in the background in this theoretical process of separation, would have created favorable conditions for condensation or the packaging of light (quantization). However, the behavior of light is distinct from space, since only it obeys a movement known as a "simple harmonic", in which conservative forces would be involved. It is the old story of elastic, in which we note the existence of two mutually exclusive phases: either the elastic is recorded in its stretching or relaxation phase, without both being able to be confronted. In the first phase of its harmonic motion, equivalent to the quantization of light energy, the packaging of light would be perfectly capable of simulating a curvature in space. That would be tantamount to stretching the elastic. If light and space formed one thing, the curvature of space and the force involved in the process would point in the same direction, and we could not count on the uncertainty in the position of the light source. It is said, therefore, that the immense mass of stars would generate gravity

directly, at the same time that it curves the space. This is the modern view of astronomy. Accepting as viable the revision proposed in this article we see that, when quantizing, the light would be assuming its aspect of corpuscle, which would prevent it from radiate energy. The "packing" of light in the first phase of its harmonic motion would be a negative movement, much like an implosion. If there were any forces involved in the process it would be fictitious, corresponding to antigravity: space would stretch in one direction, contracting time in a complementary way, while the resulting force would point in the opposite direction. The consequence for the observer is that without the existence of measurable time, he could not measure motion. The explanation is that without time there is no memory, and for us there is only what can be remembered. Thus, we would live, in an apparently continuous way, only with the second phase of the harmonic movement of light (relaxation and contraction of the elastic) that would correspond to the phase of scattering of the photons. This would promote an apparent reversal towards the arrow of time: although the arrow still points in the direction of the future obeying the increase in entropy, the observer sees the light as if it were coming from his

past. In addition to "projecting" the expansionary phase in the past, the inversion in the direction of the time arrow would mix the effects of the two distinct phases of the harmonic motion of the light: the expansion appears as if it were happening in real time, and being unexpectedly accompanied by acceleration of the movement. Again we must remember that this erroneous assessment is justifiable, for in considering radiation as being continuous and inseparable from space, we would have acceleration as the direct result of the expansion and curvature of space. This explains why acceleration and gravity are equivalent concepts, at least in the modern view of cosmology. We know how gravity acts through its side effects, but we do not know the causes that would be behind its action. Due to the characteristics of the harmonic movement of our messenger of space, the cosmic background radiation, one could put some bold postulates: 1-If the expansion were happening in real time we, as isolated observers, could not remember it, for time would contract in a complementary way with the stretching of space, holding the light forever.

2-If the acceleration of motion arose for us only in the second phase of the harmonic motion of light, we could conclude that the galaxies move away from each other, faster and faster, because the curvature of space is undoing in the present. That is, the space would appear if stretching in the expansionary phase because the light (it is not known if this would also be happening with space) would be in its phase of contraction (losing curvature and density); 3-As it is predicted that by the time of its existence our sun would increase in volume, the secondary increase of gravity described by lightradiation would suggest that the curvature around the star should gradually dissolve. In this case, contrary to current expectations, the planets would not be plastered by the increase in solar gravity, as the decrease in the curvature of space would push them further and further away from the star, even in the presence of increased gravity. 4-If we remembered that the phases of the harmonic motion of light would influence our subjective evaluation, especially in relation to distant events, it would seem that we are living outside our own time, or as if we were simultaneously in more than one place in space,

which sounds like science fiction. This is due, in principle, to the finding that both the expansion of the luminous elastic and its contraction would have turned into tendencies, which would have been suspended in the direction of infinity. The first phase of harmonic motion of light does not exist for us, because it would retain the time in the future (or even the scattering of light). The second phase also does not exist because the information that would account for the relaxation (contraction of the elastic) appears with delay, or would be displaced of its own time by those that give account of the expansion as if it were happening in real time. Conclusion: what exists, in fact, is only the eternal moment, which we call present. This opens the possibility of the existence of a static universe, unrelated to the undulatory movements that we value so much. Santa Maria, RS, 01/24/2018.

Note: To better understand this way of approaching the theme, in much more detail, follow the Issuu website and look for "The Adventures of Ben-Hur and Padilha in outer space". There are five episodes of much information.

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