Chronicle of a Reversed Universe-II The Encoder
By: J.R. Silva Bittencourt
Chronicle of a Reversed Universe-II The Encoder The overvaluation lent to the Doppler Effect, today, denotes that we consider the cosmic background radiation, synthesized in the word "light", as the messenger of the events that would rest in our past, as is the case of the big bang. The problem is that it is also considered, as already mentioned in the previous article, that light and space would be one thing. So if we followed the messenger in the direction of our past we would reach some place in space where any such astronomical event would have occurred. This is the case, for example, of the explosion of a supernova. The uncertainty of the position of light sources condemns this way of evaluating the light-space set. But, one understands that the attitude is justifiable. So I was thinking about how to come up with a solution to the problem, and I did not find it until I stopped picking it up from the "outside". That is, until I seriously consider the hypothesis that time is a kind of intrinsic movement, or that it would be contained in myself (and in all other isolated observers) by a principle of exclusion of direct access to the future. The word "future", in this case,
encompasses all the process that would have allowed the functioning of our memory. That is, the previous "encoding" of the messages transported by the light of the stars, until their final scattering. I concluded that if light were only the messenger of space, space itself should be involved with the coding of those messages. Acting as an encoder, it would have lost the ability to communicate directly the changes in its geometry, as would be the case with its curvature. Space itself tells us nothing; it sends the message for someone. Light, in its natural state, is invisible to us directly, needing to undergo a process of condensation (quantization) at the subatomic level of matter. This packaging process gives the appearance of a cloud of cosmic dust to the light of the stars, which would make it apt to be captured by our limited senses. For its part, the Doppler effect shows us a light that would have already spread, on Earth, after a packaging process that would not require measurable time. Even so, the Doppler shows us a snapshot of our own past. Although there was a time necessary for the condensation of light (quantization), our best experimental methods have proved incapable of measuring it directly. This would have totally confused our current assessment,
justifying the thought that there would have been an apparent fusion between cosmic radiation and space. It is assumed that, by retaining time, the quantization of energy could be able to simulate a curvature in space. If the process required time, one would expect that light and space would be separated from each other. However, the quantization of energy could also have "polarized" the light at the subatomic level of its atoms, placing at one end the band of light of greater energy, and in the other the band less energetic. This polarization is usually exemplified using the limits of the visible light range: one pole would be the ultraviolet and the other the infrared. In this case, polarizing the light in the absence of measurable time would result in an energy leveling by joining these extremes, whether apparent or not. The consequence is that, even in the presence of a curvature of space, the messenger would tell us, late and through Doppler, that this space would remain flat or, what is more correct to think, that space would have assumed a tendency to become flat. This tendency would have to have been suspended to the infinite, aiming to preserve the uncertainty of the position or speed of the subatomic particles. The problem would have been restricted to our inability to measure time from
certain levels of its contraction at that microscopic level. Without the measurability of time there is no movement and the particles cease to exist even though they are there, for we can not remember them. So everything that would have occurred during the packaging process of light would not be part of our physical reality, which would justify the initial thought that light and space would form a whole or a single thing, even if they were separated from each other by quantization. The direct consequence of the energy leveling promoted by the polarization of light, be it real or apparent, would be to have migrated the zero time frame, of each of the stars that illuminate the night sky, to the position of the isolated observer who traces them. That is, it would no longer be possible to move that landmark out of the position of the observer by saying, for example, that "if zero time was put into the position of Beta Andromeda, the light it emits into space would require 75 years for us catch up". To make this kind of statement, we would have to rely on the presence of another isolated observer next to that star. In fact, when it comes to our point of view, Beta Andromeda's light has always been on our side. This problem would have been imposed on the observer only, and not on the rest of the universe. In this form
of interpretation of reality, and at least for me, it is difficult not to notice a certain "intentionality" manifest, for we would have been placed in the condition of real prisoners of time, exiled in some dimension of our own past. Worse, we can not get out of space-time, to know if there's anything on the "outside" side of it. Another issue related to the Doppler effect is that it would be part, as we have seen previously, of a "package" of information that we would see unfolded instantaneously, and out of its own time. The Doppler, of that no one has doubt, is a thing of the past. In this case, it must be overriding events that should be happening in real time, or whose information is still being incubated. Our exile in space-time, as you note, is informative. The Doppler effect is related only to the light and harmonic motion that it performs, and would have no direct relation to space. This was materialized in the uncertainty of the position or speed of distant light sources. Therefore, it is worth remembering that light would perform a harmonic movement composed of two phases, in which conservative forces would act. In the first one, there would be a predominance of elastic potential energy over kinetic energy, resulting in deceleration. If we
compared light with an elastic, this phase would be equivalent to its stretching. It would also correspond to the timeless phase of quantization and polarization of light, in which time would lose its measurable characteristics. Therefore, this phase would cease to exist for us, because it could not be remembered. Even so, it would be behind our mistaken analysis, according to which the space and the cosmic radiation would form one thing. The second phase of the harmonic motion of light would be accompanied by acceleration, with the involvement of positive (restoring) forces. In the case of elastic, acceleration comes when you let it free to relax. It is understood that, because we consider only the whole formed by space and light and not the parts in isolation, our natural reaction would be to juxtapose the effects of the two phases. The Doppler, representing the first phase of the MHS, would appear accompanied by the acceleration of the movement of the galaxies, characteristic of the secondary phase of restoration of the force (gravity). If space and light were apparently fused, even though they were separated by the quantization of energy, the Doppler effect would migrate from the first to the second phase of the MHS of the cosmic radiation, making the
scattering of light continuous and allowing the observer access the information he needs. From there, our memory could act without solution of continuity due to the inversion (apparently continuous) in the direction of the arrow of the time, promoted by the exclusion of direct access to one of the phases of the MHS. This would have confused our assessment of the direction of the forces acting in space-time. The antigravity, for example, would have turned into a fictitious force, being involved with the stretch phase of the elastic. The uniform acceleration, which is noticeable for expanding galaxies, would be a feature of the relaxation phase of the elastic, but the Doppler shows this elastic in the full phase of its stretching, as if the expansion were happening in real time. It could be said that the polarization of light, during the stretching of the light-space assembly (in the expansion phase of the universe), would act in the likeness of an immense eraser of information. However, since they would remain there, it would be more correct to think that space would only be encoding this information in the light itself, while retaining the time involved in the process. This would allow us to understand how, after the scattering of starlight on Earth, when the arrow of
time reverses and apparently points to our past, our evaluation of the entire celestial vault is made instantly and seemingly continuous by our memory . In our space-time, what can not be remembered does not exist.
Santa Maria, RS, 06/02/2018.