2013 annual report final

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Comm ^ St. Benedict Parish & Preparatory School

Annual Report 2012-2013

Dear Family of Faith, “Do this in remembrance of me.â€? With these words stirring our hearts, we regularly receive the Eucharist during communion. Communion is an intimate encounter with Christ, in which we sacramentally receive Christ into our bodies, that we may be more completely assimilated into His. Communion is more than a part of Mass. Our continued participation in this powerfully energizing feast inspires our thinking and brings to life deeply spiritual truths in very concrete ways. It shapes our identity as a people of God and strengthens our faith community. We’d like you to consider the following equation: Communion + Commissions + Commitment = Community. They certainly do seem to add up! These words share similar roots meaning “oneness,â€? “togetherness,â€? “fellowshipâ€? and “connectedness.â€? Yet the sum of these words is worth something far greater; we witness it here at St. Benedict Parish and Preparatory School each day. It is certainly no accident that this year’s parish and school annual report focuses on the theme of “community.â€? Our faith community is strong, and together, united in Christ’s commandments of love and service, we are accomplishing many great things! 2YHU WKH SDVW \HDU LW KDV EHHQ YHU\ FOHDU WKDW WKHUH LV FRPPLWPHQW WR WKH Ă?YH G\QDPLF DQG VWURQJ FHQWHUV RI PLQLVWU\ or commissions, of the Parish. The commissions focus on the Spiritual Life of our Parish, Human Concerns, Parish Life, Catechesis, and Catholic Education. This year’s annual report highlights all our parish commissions. Because Catholic Education is our largest commission, we take this opportunity to thank all the talented administrators, HGXFDWRUV DQG IDLWK IRUPHUV WKDW FRPSULVH RXU IDFXOW\ DQG VWDá DV ZHOO DV WKDQN DOO WKRVH ZKR VXSSRUW WKLV commission with their time, talent and treasure. For each of you - every parishioner, parent, student, alum, donor, VWHZDUG EHQHIDFWRU IULHQG DQG SDUWQHU RXU IDFXOW\ DQG VWDá ZRUN H[WUHPHO\ KDUG WR WHDFK ZKR &KULVW LV DQG WR educate and form young minds preschool through grade 12. It is an honor to serve and partner with a parish community so deeply committed to this commission, as well as all the parish commissions. &RPPLWPHQW WR WKH PLVVLRQ DOVR PHDQV EHLQJ JRRG VWHZDUGV RI RXU UHVRXUFHV 6WDUWLQJ ODVW 6HSWHPEHU WKH SDULVK VWDá FRQFHQWUDWHG RXU HYHU\ HáRUW RQ HOLPLQDWLQJ GHEW WKDW KDG EHHQ FDUULHG E\ WKH SDULVK DQG VFKRRO IRU D GHFDGH DQG D half. Having previously accomplished great projects like gym improvements, a completely restored bell tower, refurbished stained glass windows in the Church, and more, it was time to retire old debt. Because of everyone’s generosity to the ‘Restoring the Past’ campaign and the ‘Fund our Future’ campaign, it seems likely that we will enter 2014 as a debt free parish with a ground-breaking new endowment for Catholic Education! Congratulations and thank you. Your generosity demonstrates commitment to our parish community. Commitment to this community of faith also requires strategic planning to inspire new growth and to seize new opportunities. Our Parish Transformation process, currently underway, is helping us focus on the strengths and growth areas of our parish community. This Parish Transformation Plan implemented in conjunction with the school’s VWUDWHJLF SODQ 9LVLRQ RI ([FHOOHQFH ZLOO VSDUN QHZ LQLWLDWLYHV WR IXUWKHU RXU IDLWK PLVVLRQ 7KH 3DULVK $FWLRQ 3ODQ ZLOO EH XQYHLOHG DIWHU WKH QHZ \HDU :H DVN IRU \RXU SUD\HUV DV ZH FRQWLQXH WR H[HFXWH WKHVH SODQV :H DOVR DVN \RX to consider giving of your time and talent to carry these plans out successfully. 7KDQN \RX IRU \RXU SUD\HUV DQG \RXU IDLWK Ă?OOHG SDUWQHUVKLS One-hundred and eleven years ago, the founding families built a Church and School committed to growing a relationship with Jesus. That mission continues to thrive today! The St. Benedict community is thriving due to its commitment to our commissions centered around communion with Christ. Rev. Jason Malave Pastor, St. Benedict Parish and Preparatory School Ms. Rachel Gemo &KLHI ([HFXWLYH 2øFHU 6W %HQHGLFW 3UHSDUDWRU\ 6FKRRO

St. Benedict Preparatory School Advisory Board Shannon Archer , Chair Audrey Cosgrove, Vice-Chair Iris Hart, Secretary Anne Connolly-Reif Tony Couty Janet Davies Suzanne Devane * Daniel Farris * Tim Farrell Amy Gaylord * Charles Greco Mary Jo Hayes Dan Kapcar * Beka Kohmescher

Cindy Kuhn Peggy Malone Jim Myers Rima Ports * Peter Quinn Ally Regnier John Smith Jason Staley Ryan Stecz David Wolke Jo Marie Yonkus, 2øFH RI &DWKROLF 6FKRROV /LDLVRQ

* indicates members whose terms ended June 2012

Table of Contents Ministry & Religious Education 4-5 Community is The Eucharist 6 Community is Prayer 7 Community is Faith 8 Community is Legacy 9 Parish Financial Report 10 Vision of Excellence 2016 Update 11 SBPS Financial Highlights 12-15 Building Community Through Protégé Program 16 Building Community Through Inclusion 17 Building Community in the 18 Secondary School Donor Lists 19-23 A Return on Your Investment 24

St. Benedict Parish Pastoral Council Mark Kromkowski Mary Kurczak Linda McBride Sandy Pirok

Lazar Bityou Trish Gollehon Bern Kachinsky Linda Krier

Finance Council

Steve Koch Rebekah Kohmescher Melissa Mulhern

Mike Sands Gary Stark Nina Viloria

Jen Russell Michelle Stevens Joan Wilcox

Liasons from the Parish Council and Advisory Board



Catechetical Commission The Catechetical Commission works to instill the gospel message of Jesus by providing life-long education and formation for all ages and abilities. OHIW SPRED (Special Religious Development) SDUWLFLSDQWV UHFHLYH WKH 6DFUDPHQW RI &RQĂ?UPDWLRQ DV sponsors look on. Other Catechetical Commission ministries include: %DSWLVP 3UHSDUDWLRQ &KLOGUHQĂŠV /LWXUJ\ RI WKH :RUG 5LWH RI &KULVWLDQ ,QLWLDWLRQ RI $GXOWV 5&,$


Education Commission The Education Commission prepares young people preschool through high school for life-long learning through academic excellence, spiritual formation, personal growth, and Christian stewardship.

Human Concerns Commission The Human Concerns Commission ministers to those in our community with spiritual, physical, social, and economic needs. Lunches are provided daily to those who are in need in our community. Other Human Concerns Commission ministries include: 7KH 6RFLHW\ RI 6W 9LQFHQW 'H3DXO (DVWHU 7KDQNVJLYLQJ &KULVWPDV 'LQQHUV 0LQLVWHUV RI &DUH 3HDFH -XVWLFH 0LQLVWU\


4 ^ ­ 4 ^ Parish Life Commission The Parish Life Commission leads the celebration of community in the parish through social functions and events. Benfest, an annual summer event, brings the community together to celebrate our patron saint. Other Parish Life Commission ministries include: .QLJKWV RI &ROXPEXV +RO\ 1DPH 6RFLHW\ /DGLHV 6RFLHW\ <RXQJ $GXOW 0LQLVWU\

Spiritual Life Commission The Spiritual Life Commission focuses on enhancing the spiritual lives of individuals in our community. Other Spiritual Life Commission ministries include: &KULVW 5HQHZV +LV 3DULVK &5+3




ULJKW Father Rex celebrates Mass with the school one last time before beginning his new parish assignment. EHORZ Welcome to Father Rodlin, our newly ordained associate pastor.

DERYH All-School Masses begin and end the school year.

DERYH The annual Grandparents Day event begins in Church with the celebration of the Mass.

OHIW The school chapel provides a more intimate space for weekly House Masses.


4 ^ SSSPrayer

Advent and Lent are two liturgical seasons that provide SBPS students with the opportunity to learn more about their faith. OHIW Students gather in the courtyard to pray and burn palms before Ash Wednesday. DERYH Advent and Christmas celebrations take place in Church and in the school Chapel.

DERYH Religious Education invites community students to deepen their faith and share the Eucharist.

OHIW St. Benedict Prep students honor Mary during the annual May Crowning Mass.



DERYH Secondary School students demonstrate their faith by participating in a Holy Thursday prayer service and the Living Stations of the Cross. ULJKW DQG EHORZ Second grade and eighth grade students grow in their faith by receiving the Sacraments of First Holy Communion and &RQĂ?UPDWLRQ

St. Benedict Preparatory School students share their faith with younger grades through schoolwide “prayer buddy� activities.

Elementary School students live their faith by collecting food and supplies during the annual St. Vincent DePaul Advent Food Drive.

Kindergarten students learn about their faith through Advent activities.


4 ^ SSSLegacy


Legacy... something that is handed down from someone in the past. There are many families who can claim the title of St. Benedict Preparatory School Legacy Family. The Genge Family, Pete and Donna Carlson Genge (’75), is one family that has handed down their belief in quality Catholic education to the next generation. Their daughters Tracey, Amanda, and Alexis, began their SBPS education in the preschool and continued to be part of the St. Benedict Prep family through their high school graduation.

and grants. My daughters and many of their friends are attending some great colleges and universities because of their achievements at St. Benedict Prep.� Tracey, Class of 2007, graduated from Northeastern Illinois University with a degree in psychology and is planning to return to Northeastern to pursue a master’s degree in early childhood education. Amanda, Class of 2011, is currently a junior at Carthage College,

7KH *HQJH )DPLO\ OHIW WR ULJKW 7UDFH\ 'RQQD 3HWH $PDQGD DQG $OH[LV “We compared St. Benedict Prep double majoring in exercise sports with other schools in the area and science and education. She plans felt that SBPS was the best choice to be a physical education teacher. for our daughters�, said Mrs. “Going to school at St. Benedict Genge. “At St. Benedict Prep, my Prep felt like another family to me. daughters excelled both I always had someone to lean on�. academically and athletically, receiving many honors, Alexis, Class of 2013, is a freshman recognitions, and awards. Their at Loyola University Chicago, academic accomplishments helped majoring in Public Relations. them receive college scholarships During her senior year at

St. Benedict Prep, Alexis participated in the ProtĂŠgĂŠ Intern Program, which allowed her the opportunity to intern with a local fashion designer. Alexis hopes to incorporate that experience by focusing on fashion public relations and plans to continue her education by pursuing a master’s degree. “Going to St. Benedict 3UHS IRU \HDUV KDV GHĂ?QLWHO\ helped shape me into the person I am today. It was like a second family to me, where I could be myself 100%â€?.

“Over the years my daughters have had outstanding teachers who have LQĂ?XHQFHG WKHP WKURXJKRXW WKHLU years at St. Benedict Prepâ€?, Mrs. Genge said. “I am very proud to be a SBPS Legacy Familyâ€?.


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! 2 2016

$ 9LVLRQ RI D 8QLĂ?HG 3UHVFKRRO WKURXJK Grade 12 Parish School Community Strategic Plan Implementation Update...In 2010, the school advisory board embarked on a bold project to write and implement a new strategic plan. Vision of Excellence 2016 is designed to “RE-VISIONâ€? two separate parish schools (the elementary and high school) into ONE Preschool-12 Parish School, with one shared PLVVLRQ DQG YLVLRQ 7KH ERDUG XWLOL]HG WKH DVVLVWDQFH RI ([HFXWLYH 6HUYLFH &RUSV D QRQ SURĂ?W JURXS RI experienced strategic business leaders, to guide the parish and school community through the strategic planning process. Over the course of a year, the entire school population was surveyed. There were also focus groups and individual interviews of key stakeholders to gather information on critical issues and opportunities. The work UHVXOWHG LQ D Ă?QDO SODQ 9LVLRQ RI ([FHOOHQFH ZLWK WKH HQG JRDO WR VWUHQJWKHQ WKH RYHUDOO 36 SURJUDP That goal is to become a top-tier choice for Catholic education in the Archdiocese of Chicago in an already strong and highly competitive market. Through this process, the intentional move to go from “schoolsâ€? (plural) to “schoolâ€? (singular) and the intentional “revisionâ€? of the mission to a PS-12 mission was extremely bold as there are no such models for this kind of Catholic educational institution in Chicago. The board aligned its working committees with the main themes of the strategic plan. Each year, the committees review the plan, create its annual goals, and complete its work to further the implementation of the plan. As a result of the implementation of this plan, enrollment has increased, board engagement has strengthened, debt has reduced, savings started, participation in fundraising is up, and the school’s image in the community is changing from good to better. Many new academic and school culture improvements have been made; there has also been an intentional development of an inclusive culture at all grade levels while also remaining college prep. As a result of the writing and implementation of the school advisory board’s strategic plan, the SBPS Advisory Board and school faculty has been able to accomplish the following:


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SBPS Financial Highlights...Each year, St. Benedict Preparatory School relies on the generosity from

DOXPQL VFKRRO IDPLOLHV SDULVKLRQHUV WKH FRPPXQLW\ IRXQGDWLRQV DQG IULHQGV WR KHOS XV IXO�OO WKH 6%36 mission of Catholic school excellence. Enrollment continues to grow across the campus, a very positive sign that the mission and vision of St. Benedict Prep is one that people want to support with time, talent and treasure. Furthermore, the parish's three-year campaign, "Restoring the Past; Preparing for the Future" initiated by our IRUPHU SDVWRU )DWKHU %HDYHQ SDLG Rá WKH %HOO 7RZHU FRQVWUXFWLRQ WKDQNV WR D PDWFKLQJ JUDQW E\ WKH $UFKGLRFHVH of Chicago). Our current pastor, Father Jason Malave, continues to encourage parish and school families to pay toward the loan so that we can take this unique opportunity of the matching grant to eliminate the debt once and for all. Currently, we are set to be debt free by January 2014. We were also able to take seed money from high school alumni to create an endowment for tuition assistance. All the while, we have been able to keep the tuition FRPSHWLWLYHO\ ORZ DQG RáHU RYHU LQ WXLWLRQ DVVLVWDQFH WR KHOS RXU SDULVKLRQHU IDPLOLHV LQ JUDGHV . DáRUG TXDOLW\ &DWKROLF HGXFDWLRQ We have much to celebrate! As you can see, the various annual appeal campaigns did well last year and we are ORRNLQJ IRUZDUG WR DQRWKHU VXFFHVVIXO \HDU 7KH �QDQFLDO YLWDOLW\ RI WKH VFKRRO FDQ EH FUHGLWHG QRW RQO\ WR WXLWLRQ but to several fundraising programs, campaigns, and events. We are especially grateful for the work of the SBPS 0LVVLRQ $GYDQFHPHQW 7HDP -RH $FFDUGL 0LVVLRQ $GYDQFHPHQW 2øFHU DQG KLV WDOHQWHG VWDá %HQ 0D]]RQH Janet Olson and Kate Schock-Williams. We could not accomplish all of this together without their time and talent!

Annual Fundraising Appeals & Events Annual Parent Appeal (PK-12) $ 124,486 In its eighth year, this SBPS Advisory School Board sponsored-appeal has grown (in 2005, the appeal JHQHUDWHG LQ WRWDO DQG ZH DUH JUDWHIXO IRU WKH ERDUGĂŠV HáRUWV /DVW \HDU ZH GRXEOHG IDPLO\ participation over the previous year! Formerly called the Paws for Excellence Parent Campaign, this parent appeal reached over 50% parent participation. In keeping with our commitment to the vision of St. Benedict Preparatory School, our school charges tuition less than the true cost of educating a student. This appeal helps to fund the “gapâ€? between the cost of tuition and the cost to educate one student. Last year, 50% of the funds raised went toward parish and school loans. With the Archdiocese generously PDWFKLQJ HDFK GROODU XVHG WR SD\ Rá GHEW ZH ZHUH able to maximize these donated dollars and put over WRZDUG ORDQV WXUQLQJ WKHVH )2) GROODUV LQWR VXEWUDFWHG IURP RXU ORDQV 7KDQN \RX and congratulations to the School Advisory Board Development Committee: Janet Davies, Ally Regnier, John Smith and Janet Olson.


Each year, hundreds of SBPS alumni give back to their school in the form of time, talent and treasure. They understand the gift of a St. Benedict education and are proud to support it! Thanks to all our high school students and families, as well as our alumni, who help support the work that goes into our mailings and phonathon! We couldn’t do it without your help. Also, thank you to Ben Mazzone, Director of Alumni Relations, along with Joe Accardi, Mission $GYDQFHPHQW 2øFHU DQG WKH $OXPQL $VVRFLDWLRQ 2øFHUV 7RQ\ &RXW\ 'HE &DQFLOOHU &LQG\ 7RYDU and Bill Peters.


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Grandparent Appeal $8,495 After our PK-5 Grandparents and Grandfriends Day Events, we send out a Thanksgiving Appeal to our guests. We are fortunate to have so many generous grandparents who value Catholic education and demonstrate support through their donations. This fund increased by over IURP WKH SUHYLRXV \HDU 7KDQNV WR DOO WKH IDPLOLHV who help support the legacy of Catholic education.

Market Day $1,818 Thanks once again to Mrs. Deborah Jones (mother of Tatum and Hunter) for her leadership in running this school fundraising program. We appreciate all those who support this tasty school fundraiser.

St. Benedict Prep 12th Annual Ball and Auction A Night in Hollywood $216,076 Thanks to Ball and Auction Co-Chairs, Misha Mann and Kathy Goetz, last year's event at The Galleria Marchetti had the most success since its inception 12 years ago with over 425 attendees. Last year’s Ball and $XFWLRQ QHWWHG 7HQ SHUFHQW RI WKHVH SURFHHGV ZHUH DOORFDWHG IRU GHEW UHGXFWLRQ SD\PHQWV DQG HDFK GROODU ZDV PDWFKHG E\ WKH $UFKGLRFHVH $QRWKHU ZHQW WR WKH )XQG D 1HHG 6HFXULW\ 3URMHFW 6WD\ tuned for the implementation of the new security system‌we are FXUUHQWO\ Ă?QDOL]LQJ SURMHFW GHWDLOV 7KH UHVW RI WKH IXQGV ZHQW WR support the school program and curricular costs. Congratulations on a job well done to the 2013 Ball and Auction Committee and .DWH 6FKRFN :LOOLDPV RXU 6%36 VWDá %DOO DQG $XFWLRQ /LDLVRQ

Bingo $23,259 Each Tuesday, parishioners and community members gather to play Bingo in the gym. This weekly event helps to support the school scholarship program. Thanks to 'DUDOLV 2OLYHU DQG KHU UHJXODU VWDá of volunteers who run this weekly event. The scholarship money does PDNH D GLáHUHQFH WR PDQ\ IDPLOLHV

Corporate Donors and Miscellaneous Sources $14,481 Each year, we receive donations from national corporations like Target, Box Tops for Education, Fundinco, and Tea Collection, along with more local businesses who want to support our school, such as Van Gogh Photographers, Lands End, Roscoe Village Chamber of Commerce, Northcenter Chamber of Commerce RibFest, HomeMade Pizza, and more. We are pleased to be partners with all of our community supporters!

BenFest 2012 $14,905 Proceeds from this Parish summer festival in honor of St. Benedict are split with the parish. One half of the proceeds go to support the school. This and Bingo are the two forms of parish support on which the school UHO\ :H GHĂ?QLWHO\ WKDQN WKH %HQ)HVW FKDLUV DQG YROXQWHHUV SDUWLFXODUO\ BenFest 2012 Chair Stephen Meskan (who also served as the 2010, 2011 and 2013 Chair!). We also would like to give a big round of applause for WKH %HQ)HVW FRPPLWWHH ZKR UDLVHG RYHU IRU WKH SDULVK DQG school this past summer.


Annual Fundraising Appeals & Events FRQW Restricted Fund Donations $36,982 The Restricted Fund is comprised of donations targeted for particular projects. Most of this year’s donations were earmarked for professional development, inclusion education and tuition assistance. We’d especially like to DFNQRZOHGJH WKH &KULVWRSKHU / DQG 0 6XVDQ *XVW )RXQGDWLRQ IRU WKHLU JLIW WR VXSSRUW 3. professional development.

Athletic Fundraiser $3,915 Each year, the St. Benedict Athletic Association hosts a fundraising concert for music lovers and revelers alike. Last year’s 80’s themed-event was an absolute blast. The funds raised from this event go to support gym facilities upgrades. Last year’s proceeds went WRZDUG WKH QHZ J\P GLYLGHU FRVW 7KDQNV WR -HQQ\ Courtad and Rick Petrillo for spearheading the 2013 event!

Scholarship Funds & Donations ES Scholarship Fund $24,377 HS Scholarship Fund $39,127 HS Scholarship Support from Outside Organizations $76,250 0DQ\ RI RXU VWXGHQWV LQ JUDGHV . UHTXLUH WXLWLRQ DVVLVWDQFH LQ RUGHU WR DáRUG TXDOLW\ &DWKROLF HGXFDWLRQ About 25% of elementary school and 50% of high school families receive some tuition assistance. Donations come from school families, parishioners, the Home and School Association, alumni, and board members. We also UHFHLYH LPSRUWDQW Ă?QDQFLDO VXSSRUW IRU VFKRODUVKLSV IURP 7KH %LJ 6KRXOGHUV )XQG 7KH +RHOOHQ )DPLO\ Foundation, The Irish Fellowship Foundation, and HighSight. SBPS would like to especially thank the &KULVWRSKHU / DQG 0 6XVDQ *XVW )RXQGDWLRQ IRU SURYLGLQJ RYHU LQ VFKRODUVKLS IXQGV WR KLJK VFKRRO students. With everyone’s help, we are pleased to be able to assist our school families with a tuition assistance SDFNDJH WKDW PDNHV D GLáHUHQFH

Home & School Association Accomplishments

Home and School Wreath and Wrap $24,397 * after 10% debt tax Home and School Baby and Kids Garage Sale $11,592 *after 10% debt tax The preschool and elementary school Home and School Association is comprised of parents who enjoy being involved. They work hard planning HYHQWV DQG DFWLYLWLHV WR EHQHĂ?W WKH VFKRRO DV ZHOO as build community. The 2011 NCEA awardwinning organization hosts two main fundraisers each year to support its operating costs, teacher Christmas bonuses and teacher wish-list items. 7KH +6$ PDNHV D VLJQLĂ?FDQW FRQWULEXWLRQ HDFK year, and their contributions come in more forms than money alone. The Home and School Association is an invaluable source of volunteers and school support for which we are truly grateful.



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Through the ProtĂŠgĂŠ Program


Joshua Weichert ’13 had the honor of participating in a unique program at St. Benedict Preparatory School. The ProtĂŠgĂŠ Program provides students the opportunity to learn about a wide variety of careers before their college years. In this way, students get a “tasteâ€? of what that career looks like in addition to experiencing a real-life internship. Joshua’s internship was with the Forensic Science Division of the 2øFH RI WKH &RRN &RXQW\ 3XEOLF Defender. “The ProtĂŠgĂŠ Program taught me a great deal about the law and responsibilityâ€?, reports Joshua.

“I spent time reading court transcripts and watching recordings of trials. I was able to prove myself by taking on more responsibility. I was even able to attend a few trials ZLWK GLáHUHQW SXEOLF GHIHQGHUV , had a wonderful experience while in the ProtĂŠgĂŠ Program. I met a number of great people who all did their best to help me learn. By spending time with law professionals, I have been speaking ZLWK PRUH FRQĂ?GHQFH DQG authority. I have also started networking, which will be useful in college and beyond. I will be attending the University of Chicago in the fall for my undergraduate degree and have

plans to attend law school. I have even considered returning to the 3XEOLF 'HIHQGHUĂŠV 2øFH DV D lawyer.â€? Joshua’s experience with the ProtĂŠgĂŠ Program is not unusual. Students in the middle school grades begin to explore careers, develop interview skills, and begin to think about college majors. By senior \HDU WKH Rá FDPSXV LQWHUQVKLS enriches their education and provides critical career insight. Now in its third year, the ProtĂŠgĂŠ Program is one more way that St. Benedict Preparatory School prepares students for college and beyond.


5 4 ^ SSS Through Inclusion

Community is inclusion – we welcome all. As a Catholic community, our faith calls us to welcome everyone and serve everyone. The celebration of each child’s gifts and talents is a central part of our educational mission at St. Benedict Preparatory School. To accomplish this mission, the SBPS Inclusion Team continues to implement new initiatives giving teachers the tools and resources to reach all learners in the classroom environment. 7KURXJK WKH FRQWLQXLQJ JHQHURXV Ă?QDQFLDO DVVLVWDQFH RI WKH &KULVWRSKHU / DQG 0 6XVDQ *XVW )RXQGDWLRQ 6%36 LQFOXVLRQ HáRUWV IRFXV RQ VXSSRUWLQJ WKH FODVVURRP WHDFKHU LQ DGDSWLQJ FXUULFXOXP DQG GLáHUHQWLDWLQJ OHVVRQV WR PHHW WKH QHHGV RI DOO VWXGHQWV ,QFOXVLRQ )DFLOLWDWRUV DW WKH secondary and elementary school level provide professional development and modeling of inclusion practices in the classroom and focus on individual support for students outside of the classroom. In addition, secondary school inclusion teams will be meeting weekly with faculty to address ways of making school relevant and challenging for all learners. God has gifted us all with a variety of talents, skills, and abilities. Using Jesus as our model, St. Benedict Preparatory School continues to be a community that respects and welcomes the diversity of our families and students.

Mrs. Stephanee Kukankos (left), elementary school Inclusion Facilitator, assists Mrs. Dawn O’Farrell during a VHFRQG JUDGH PDWK OHVVRQ 0UV .XNDQNRVÊV SUHVHQFH EHQH�WV DOO OHDUQHUV LQ WKH FODVVURRP HQYLURQPHQW



4 ^ SSS

In the Secondary School

The St. Benedict Preparatory School House System fosters leadership among its members and builds community within the secondary school. In its inaugural year, the House System combined achievement with friendly competition. Houses worked together to earn points through academic GPAs, attendance, skills competitions, and a variety of other opportunities.

7KH Ă?YH +RXVHV DUH QDPHG DIWHU saints belonging to the religious order founded by St. Benedict: Bede (green), Boniface (orange), Gregory (purple), Hilda (silver), and Scholastica (blue). During NLFN Rá ZHHN VWXGHQWV ZHUH assigned to a House, created House crests and cheers, and designated a charity. Monies raised throughout the year were donated to the chosen charities: Anti-Cruelty Society, Lurie Children’s Hospital of

Chicago, Share Your Soles/ Deborah’s Place, Breast Cancer Awareness, and the Multiple Sclerosis Foundation. Activities coordinated by the Houses included a Fall Festival, Penny Wars, Spirit Rallies, and special House Activity Days for silent auction bidders at the annual Ball & Auction. By combining achievement, service, and competition, the House System builds a special type of school community at St. Benedict Preparatory School.


7 3 Fund Our Future Appeal St. Benedict Club (over $1,500) Stetson & Kristie Atwood 'DPRQ 7L÷DQ\ $XHU Michael & Nancy Beebe Bristol-Myers Squibb Matching Gift Paul & Holly Edlund Christopher & Jean Faris The Christopher L & M Susan Gust Foundation Bojan & Elizabeth Guzina Michael & Iris Hart Shaun & Margaret Heneghan Julie Watts Klein & Dan Klein Ted & Alma Kreuser Michael & Dana MacMillan The McGovern Family Microsoft Matching Gift Program James O’Donnell & Eileen Mattimore Richard & Jenni Petrillo -H÷ 3UHVWRQ -DQHW 'DYLHV Rob & Marta Rhyner Greg Reif & Anne Connolly-Rief Dan & Jennifer Russell The Schubrych Family Eric & Cobey Struckmeyer Jennifer Turner

Gold ($1,000-$1,499) Anonymous Shannon & Amy Archer Baxter International Foundation Wes & Angela Breton Dave & Suzanne Devane Brian & Angela Dillon Anonymous Patrick & Anna Gallagher Gleb Gorelick & Angela McElwee The Grady Family The Christopher L & M Susan Gust Foundation James & Megan Heneghan Shaun & Margaret Heneghan 'DQ .ULVWLQ +R÷PDQQ David & Stephanie Keenan Kevin A. & Joanne C. Krakora Karl and Cindy Kuhn John & Mary Mangan The Marsico Family Patrick & Erin Nolan Anne-Marie & Erik Petersen Tom & Kelly Rieckelman Sean & Susan Sullivan Dan & Katie Walsh Larry & Joy Walton Wells Fargo Educational Matching Gift


Maroon ($500-$999)

White ($100-$499) continued

Michael & Joan Balcsik Barclays Educational Gift Matching Program Ms. Bridgette Blake Joseph & Judy Castillo Christopher & Kristen Cooper Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Cosgrove John & Diann DeSantis Walter Weglinski & Kendra Ensor Alex & Elizabeth Galiano Patrick & Anna Gallagher Chris & Erin Goergen David & Kristin Gonnella Daniel & Melissa Guilfoyle Chadwick & Charlene Hoyt Huron Consulting Group Matching Gift Edward Kestler Jim & Susan Klein Brian & Molly Klucznik Todd Kramer JoAnn & Justin Leonard Stacey & Raquel Litherland Ferdinand & Rochelle Luciano Tiny & Peg McLaughlin Richard & Katherine Milton Troy & Susan Noble John & Megan O’Connor Michael & Jillyn O’Shea Matthew & Rima Ports John & Malissa Smith Jason and Britt Staley Mr. & Mrs. Ryan J. Stecz -H÷ $P\ 6WHUQ Thomas Tansor & Aileen Blake Greg Thompson & Jane van der Zanden-Thompson Tim & Fiona Urquhart Brett & Tammy Williams Yahoo Matching Gifts -H÷UH\ -DQLFH =DFK

Kenneth Chada & Elizabeth Benacka Meg & Jordan Chalmers Timothy & Rachel Combs Andrew & Jennifer Courtad Tony & Gwen Couty Romel Dalalo & Perlinda Cruzado Jim & Lynne Damsma Kevin Davis & Patti Morrow Kathryn Deeley T.R. & Rebecca Dellin Bernard & Natalie Eden Exelon Matching Gifts Bret & Anna Faford Chris Falor & Holly Peterson Jeanne Farley

Alan Johnson & Annie Watson-Johnson Kyle & Meredith Kappel Hanko & Jenny Kim Bob & Kerry Kinsloe Steven & Aimee Kish Chrisina Kneitz Steve & Melissa Koch Julie Kogen Ms. Rebekah Kohmescher Peter & Donna Koulogeorge Roman & Iwona Kubik James & Cathy Kyle Dan Labonte Matthew & Jessica Lane Michael & Kelly Lish

Gus & Judith Ghuneim Gian Luca Ferme & Daniela Giralt Gerardo & Jessica Fernandez David & Andrea Field Filbey Family David & Kim Fisher Edward & Christine Fleming Katie & David Flores Tom and Amy Gaylord Chris & Laura Gilbert &KULV 7ULFLD *UD÷ Christian & Erin Greiner Damian & Emma Gryglak Jesus & Luz Guevara Andrew & Laura Guschwan Kenny & Alicia Haller William & Christina Hardin John P. Harney Alan Hauser & Anne Suh Edgar & Nancy Jean Hillner Kelly Hodgson Mike & Jamee Insko Jacob & Francy Jesson

James & Karen Lust Michael J. Lynch Joseph & Anne-Marie Maida Margaret Malone The Mann Family John Martin Fred & Brighid Matvias Andrew & Matty May Linda McBride Ryan & Heidi McFarland Michael Meiling & Ann Kalaska Larry & Cheryl Menke Kimberly & Curtis Miller Tom & Bernadette Molloy Kathleen R. Moore Curt & Melody Mullenix Martin & Gina Munoz Jim & Mara Myers Eamon Nash & Eileen Moran Karen Neimanas Sean Noonan & Brooke Noonan Chris & Heather Nordloh Amy & Tom Novicki

White ($100-$499) Kirk & Jane Ahlfors Ernesto & Mary Almodovar Alfredo & Kathryn Alvarez Brian & Julie Annulis The Aylward Family Chris & Julie Balzarini John Bernbom & Maureen Turman Steve & Margie Best Christina Bohling Werner & Laura Buol Fred & Ann Butzen Scott & Nancy Campbell Anne Candioto

White ($100-$499) continued


Fund Our Future Appeal continued White ($100-$499) continued Colleen Sullivan & Max Nutkowitz Daniel & Shelly O’Brien Mary O’Byrne James O’Donnell & Eileen Mattimore Chad & Aimee Ogren Patrick & Megan Owens Patrick & Jen Patras Carmina Pereja David & Lisa Periolat Tim & Kate Phair -H÷ /DXUD 3UHXVVHU Roger & Toni Puccio-Johnson Mariusz & Halina Pydych George & Kim Radich Allyson & David Regnier David & Lynn Retford Ms. Siobhan Rice-Connolly Armando & Abad Rivas The Rivers Family Dan & Liz Roarty Ronald & Lara Rooney Michael & Julie Rothweiler Thomas & Isabelle Ryan Thomas Sadler Silvia Sanchez Christine Sato Mr. & Mrs. Francesco Sessa &KULVWRSKHU .DUD 6KHD÷HU Mark & Hiroko Sodergren Karl Stark & Kristin Wolf Thomas Stoodt & Martha Pagliari Larry & Peggy Strimple Susquehanna Matching Gift Janet Sweat Margie A Tomlinson Jamie Toussaint Mr. Charles Trimarco & Ms. Mary Markarian Mr. & Mrs. Camilo Trujillo Michael & Renee Ujiki John & Jane Van Houten Christopher & Heidi Vassalotti Brandon & Dana Walsh Andrew & Mary Eileen Weber Brian Wittenwyler & Jill Corcoran Howard Wong & Collette Young Matt & Elizabeth Zakaras

Bengal (up to $99)

Joe & Alexandria Accardi Mark & Meg Ahlheim Randy & Madeline Amil Thomas & Marzena Anderson Melissa Anderson Jacquelyn Baldwin Matthew & Annie Beach Danilo Belicena & Sally Sobrepena Amy E. Bergren John & Jill Billhorn Tony Bowles & Erika Mickelburgh Alex & Jeanne Brashear Philip & Arlene Calderone

Mrs. Debra Jerger Canciller Heidy Carcamo Juan & Blanca Cerda Rafael & Ivette Class James & Sherry Colaianni Shaun Considine John & Cynthia Crimmins Todd & Meredith Cywinski Sam & Melissa Dababseh The Dace Family Laura Donnelly Brian & Katie Doughty Alison Dvorsky Mike & Eileen Erenberg Erik & Maria Fagrelius Daniel Farris Greg & Hilary Fedorinchik Greg Furman & Christine Allison Glenn & Patricia Gaerditz Nelson Gonzalez & Teresa Garcia Wendi B. Gillespie Kelly Glenn Ricardo & Graciela Gonzalez Charles M. Greco Hai Truong & Cham Hang Gerard & Kathy Haslwanter William & Mary Jo Hayes Brad & Jill Henderson Mary Hubbard Milan & Syble Jovanovich Daniel & Eileen Kapcar Fatbardha Kazazi Preston & Kristy Kendall Ronald Kinn Stuart & Elizabeth Kirk Bryan & Suzanne Kirkland Amy Koning Timothy Kramer Samuel & Alison Krauss Mark & Christina Kromkowski Katie & Jon La Varre Edward & Jeanne Lane Russell & Kelly Lee Jose & Elizabeth Lopez Bernardo & Maria Lorbes Linwood & Sarah Ma Matthew & Mariann Madden The McJessy Family Michael McKewin The Baxter/Mendoza Family Martin & Ana Miller Ben & Dionne Miller Elizabeth Mills Michael & Joanna Mitchell Merito Mujo

Piro Nino & Kozeto Xhaxho John & Dawn O’Farrell Lookman Olowo Ferdinand & Kelly Pagan The Quinn Family -H÷ (ULQ 5HPRWLJXH -H÷UH\ &DURO 5LFK Clark & Anne Richter Christopher & Grace Rink Maria Rivera Erin Ross Rosendo Ruiz Ceannaich & Shawna Ryan Barbara Schneider Stephen Shure & Kristin O’Brien Shure Gene & Lorraine Sikora Suzanne Stone Annie Tang Edward & Irene Thalhammer Michelle Thelin Gilbert & Stephanie Tolentino Doug & Nora Trybula Jule A. Uddfolk Christopher & Christine Vicere Tin Vu David Wolke William Wooten & Anni Braverman Tatiana Zjawin

Grandparent Appeal Brad & Lynn Adams Edward & Sharon Ahlfors Joy Anderson Mary Anderson Jerry & Sandy Bartlett Ted & Victoria Bas Eugene Bohmert John & Mary Bowles Jeanne Buckey Anita Butler John & Barbara Cornett The Douglas Corporation Roger & Joanne Cree Rogelio & Amalia Dalalo Robert & Ann Davis Dee Davis Geraldine Delaney Tomas Dellin Mila DeMars Kenton Ensor Mo & Tina Fahnestock Sam & Lucille Fazio Sally Frye

Terry & Nancy Guilfoyle Mary Hamelin Rick & Dorothy Hans Gary Heist Jim Humay Mary Johnson Donald & Mary Jane Klein Betty Kuhn Catherine Lampert Steven & Joy Larson Carl Larson Susan Levora Francis & Deanna Lichtscheidl James & Amy Lilla Paul Lindsay William and Virginia McDonald Kirk & Jill McGregor Dareld & Cynthia McGuire Amy M. Melchert Barb Meyer Jim & Linda Mielke Rick & Donna Nadeau Dan & Patsy Nadeau John & Mary Nordhoh Dr. Paul & Dr. Ikuko Nutkowitz Dr. & Mrs. Robert O’Dea Romona Pavel Dr. & Mrs. John Powers Brendan Putek & Kate Kakoda Michael & Carole Rice Daniel & Mildred Rief (LOHHQ 6HUDÏQH Sandra Skach John & Nancy Swanholm -H÷UH\ -DQHW 6ZHHWVHU William & Sally Umphress Dan & Patty Walsh The Walsh Foundation Keith & Marie Washburn James & Shirley Weber Shirley Weber Ellen Williams Mike Wolf & Margaret McCarney

HS Annual Fund 6W %HQHGLFW $VVRFLDWLRQ ($1,000+) Anonymous Bernard & Edna Ford F. W. “ Bill “ Sanzenbacher Maxine Wallisch William Ziemann

Founder’s Society ($500-$999) Robert Bruett George & Lenore Crowe Carol & John Emerson Diane & Joseph Jensen


HS Annual Fund continued Bengal Club ($250-$499)

Anonymous Tomas & Rebecca Dellin $QQ 3 'X÷\ Barbara & Robert Herrmann Dr. Thomas & Deborah McGuire William & Lynne Switalla Target Alice Taylor

Maroon and Gold ($100-$249) Philip Anselmini Stephanie & John Bortko Margaret & Alan Buchert Mary Carney Patricia & Richard Chapman Bernadette M Davel The Faris Family Agnes & Ken Fuerst Guy Grundhoefer Ann Heraty :LOOLV 'LDQQH +R÷ Arthur J. Hundrieser, Jr. Marilyn Jerger Alan G. Kalitzky Dorothy & C. Thomas Kuhn Marianne Laga Brian & Margaret McKitterick John & Peg McLaughlin Michael & Bonnie Mularski Gerhard & Therese Perschke Kathy & Dale Plapp Gloria & Edwin Romanowski Kathleen & Jon Romas Patrick Rowan Mary Therese Schertler Barbara & Robert Smith Robert & Kathie Stumpf Margie Tomlinson Carl Wagner Herbert & Beverly Weidinger Wells Fargo Educational Matching Gift Program Walter Winsor 5RQDOG -H÷UL :RMFLN Joseph & Philomena Zelasko

Supporters ($99 and under) Ruth & Kyle Albrecht Adm. Micaelle Alexis Susan & Alfred Barrett Thomas Brown Mary Ann Buergler Maureen & Stanley Cubala Marilee & Bernard Dentzer George & Cara Deroeck Jim Dolan Charles J. Dulay Ralph Egan Larry J. Elenz Eileen Elenz Charles Emmling, III Judith Fazzari James & Marguerite Fischer

Allan & Mary Gamauf Jacqueline M. Garland Elizabeth & Robert Gavitt Rosemarie & Robert Germann Diane Giannini Mary Lou Ginter Arthur & Karen Gorski Karen & James Halla William & Nancy Hanley Thomas & Patricia Hausheer Phyllis Healy Jeanette & Robert Heiner Richard Hellgeth Charlene Hennessey Sandra A. Woodhouse Jacob Rose Ann Jarvis Mary Ann & Peter Kattner Carol J. Kloser, (Dec’d) Joseph A. Lasch Clare & Larry Lau Lynn-Ann & Ron Linka David B. Lyng Marion & Daniel Meyer John & Janice Mocarski Michael & Robin Mulchrone Darlene Noesen Mary A. Nugent George & Marianne Pamper Mr. & Mrs. Robert Poppenga Stephen Portenlanger, SFO Richard Rapp William & Malia Schaefer -RDQ 5REHUW 6WD÷RUG Berton & Janet Stevens Jeanette Swanson Michalene Thone Marlene & Ronald Victorine David & Anita Vilter Marlene Wildi Barbara A. Williams Timothy & Alvena Wohland Kenneth & Patricia Woodhouse Pat Noesen Woodhouse James Zdeb Melvin & Charlene Ziegler

HS Alumni Phonathon Mary Cascino Albergo Mary & Robert Alvord Philip Anselmini Barbara & Spyros Antonopoulos Collin & Christine Baldonieri Patricia & John Barnes David & Joan Bayer Jennifer J. Begovic Karen & Joseph Bellini Catherine & Kenneth Berglund

Petra & Andrew Beucher Judith Biala Margaret & Bob Blevens Jo Lynn Blomquist Victoria J. Bluemel Donna & Thomas Bober Wayne & Theres Brueckman Jayson Buckley Carol (Busser) Canivez Michael Caplis Beverly & Kenneth Carlson Matthias & Susan Casey John & Eileen Chambers Kathleen & Thomas Chekel Thomas Cleys Frederick Colantonio Anne Marie Dempsey Monique DiVarco Eunice Dohra Ted Dorner Philip & Cynthia Doyce Susan & Ron Ekx Mary & Doug Eppich Dawn & Jay Fairbanks Pamela & David Fritzsche Lynn & John Finneke James & Marguerite Fischer Brian & Marie Fitzpatrick Donna & J. Ford Catherine Fournier Joanne & Ernest Frankovich Carol Fucarino Kathleen & Alan Funck Gailard Evans Family (YD $OH[ *DLUDEHWR÷ Nancy & George Gannon Edward Garvey MaryLee Geesbreght Timothy Gibbons James Gilmore Michaeline Glascott Margaret Gumler Judith & Ronald Guzzo Thomas Haase Kathleen F. Haran Loretta & Stephen Harders Robert Harrison Thomas Hassmer Hugh & Catherine Hegarty Robert & Josephine Hellgeth Nancy & Richard Hennig Mike Hess William & Mary Hetland Tish & Steve Hines (GZDUG 'LDQH +R÷ :LOOLV 'LDQQH +R÷

William Hottinger Bridget & Luke Howe Mary & Thomas Hurt Robert J. Jagla P. Jerome & Karen Jakubco Charlene & Joseph Jarabek Rose Ann Jarvis Carolyn & Donald Jensen Michael & Carolyn Jerger Steven & Cynthia Jerger Jerome & Eileen Johnson Elizabeth & James Kaese Mariann & Thomas Kaiser Antoinette & Conrad Kalchbrenner Bonnie & Donald Kapolnek Marianne Kattner Donald & Mary Keller Patricia & Robert Keller Gerald Kiehn Mary Ann Kimbler Nancy Klein Siegfried & Linda Klemm Sr. Sheila Kloss Kevin & Lucy Kloss Thomas & Libby Koenig Lauri Konicek Ellen Kostro Linda M. Krier, CPA William & Sinta Kulanda Adrian LaBoy Sharon LaBoy Alvin Lambrecht Thomas Lasser Jacqueline & Alan Leksander Bruce Lemke Sylvia & William Lill Barbara & Natali Lima Lynn-Ann & Ron Linka Kathleen M. Lipinski Robert Loos Fred Luby Raymond Luth Marianne Maggi Edward Maggi Margaret Malone Dale Marcus Deborah & Donald Marszalik Kathleen Martin Mary & Richard Mau Marilyn & Joseph McCarthy Noreen & Michael Mc Cormack Margaret & Michael McDonald Brian & Margaret McKitterick Robert & Anne McMullen +HQU\ /\QQH 0LFNOLQJKR÷ Mary E. Mika Aaron G. Miranda George & Donna Mohrlein Julie & John Molenda Diane & Joseph Moretti-Schmit Mary Munoz Susan Murphy Kathleen & Julian Murphy


HS Alumni Phonathon continued Dr. Ronald & Jacqueline Neidhart Kay & Thomas Neurauter Karen & Don Neustadt Paul & Mary Neustadt Patrick & Florence O’Brien Mary & Michael O’Byrne Ellen & Joseph Blie O’Gallagher Peggy Ogorek Ronald & Arlene Ohlhaber Colleen Oliver Geraldine & Thomas Orchard Wayne & Michelle Orna Gary Osgood Amy & Scott Paeth Thomas Parry Jack Pasquale Carol & Scott Patrizi-Engmann Alyce & Ronald Pilarski Christine & James Piper Renee & Bill Pitts Armando Pizzi Mary Kay & Craig Plomin Susan & Joseph Port Linda Rabagliati Marie & Robert Reiser Susan Renner Michelle Reyes Thomas & Frances Rich Margaret & James Richard Rose Ann & Robert Richards Kathy & Kevin Richards Marilyn & Kenneth Rolnicki Luis Rosario Thomas H. Rudnik Gary & Phyllis Ruther Donna & Sean Ryan Jeanette D. Saletta Frank & Catherine Sansone Anna & Otmar Scheer Carole & Jerry Schemitsch-Mabus Diane &. Helmut Schmidt Sally Schmitz John Schmitz William & Barbara Schneider Eleanor & Fred Schreyer Margaret & Erik Scully Denise & James Shaw Dr. Norman Sliwa Mary Lou Smiskol Edith & Peter Soraparu Robert & Mary Rose Strezewski James Sugrue Mary Sugrue Laura & Lou Surprenant Joseph & Barbara Thomas Carol & Fred Thorelius Dr. Dolores M. Tichenor, Ph.D. Diane & Steve Urbane Karen Vallone Fred & Ann Vertucci Jeanne & Charles Vogt John & Kathleen Vogel Carolyn & Anton Wagner

Gerald & Evelyn Walker Maxine Wallisch Daniel Walsh James & Judith Weniger Kathleen & Gary Wente Howard & Joan Wilcox Jacqueline Williams Barbara A. Williams Judith & Carl Wisniewski Robert Wolf Peter & Celina Wysgalla

The Chris Ford Scholarship Fund Joseph & Cheryl Adams $QQ &KULVWRSKHU $OÏUHYLF Diane Alva Lynette Andrews Anonymous Nikolaos & Vasiliki Antonopoulos Big Shoulders Fund Joel & Elaine Brody Catholic Healthcare Audit Network Patricia Clucas Alisa Cohn Samuel Cohn Kevin Cornish Davis Street Land Company Elizabeth Dertz Louise Donham Beth Ford Susan Ford Darlene & Daniel Foy Shirley Franklin Agnes & Ken Fuerst Girls Catholic Athletic &RQIHUHQFH 2øFLDOV $VVRF Louis Goggin 'DUD *ULøWK Dr. Hugh & Rose Anne Grimes John & Carrie Hague Van & Christine Hanover

John Schmalz Sisters of Charity, BVM Jacqualyn Stancin Deborah Stevenson Cindy Tovar Laura Walsh Pat Noesen Woodhouse Patricia Newberry Jill Noble Paul & Sharon Nockels Mary Ann & Justin Northrup James & Diane Nothnagel Perlmutter Investment Company $XGUH\ 3IHL÷HU Cathy & Chuck Reiter Leslie Reynolds Susan Risley Rita Rusin Martin Saladin Kathryn Schremf Barbara Singer Mindy Smiley C.J. & E.A. Sokolowski Barbara H. Spehn Trust St. Anthony Hospital John Steger William Vogelsang Kenneth & Patricia Woodhouse

The Patrick Heffernan Scholarship Fund Mr. & Mrs. James & Katherine Kartheiser

The Fr. Arthur Krueger Scholarship Mr. & Mrs. Robert & Barbara Gaertner

The Bob McTigue Scholarship Mr. & Mrs. Karl Kuhn

The Carol Molenda Scholarship Laura Harvey William Hassett Jeremy Henson Nancy & Edward Hinsberger International Airport Centers L.L.C. J. Allen & Roselyn Isaacs Patrick & Ann Kitchen Becky LaGesse Barbara Lea Susan Longawa Mike & Chris Maloney Scott McDonald James & Jacqualine McDonough Mary Pat & Thomas McKenna Melissa Moran

Lynn & Daniel Berk Rachel & Chris Bernhardt Rafael & Ivette Class Tony & Gwen Couty Cynthia & Larry Daker Charles & Cynthia DeCicco Daniel Dowling Margaret Kaepplinger Edward Kestler Julie Kogen Mr. & Mrs. Karl Kuhn Fr. Jason Malave Pauline & John McHale Julie & John Molenda Lillian Molenda Becky Molenda Geri Pawelski Peterson Picture Co

HS Scholarship Fund Ruth & Kyle Albrecht Ramon & Solita Alpasan Joseph Babbo Quintin & Corazon Balingit Daniel Balys Denise Barton Baxter International Foundation The Beebe Family Lazar & Wilma Bityou Sue Breunig Paul & Carol Brimstin Kevin & Kathleen Buchar Erwin & Debra Canciller Bienvenido & Georgina Capeles Robert & Marsha Cassidy Joseph & Elizabeth Contreras Francine & Steven Cottini Paul & Rita Davis Richard & Regina Davis Lurdes Delgado Cathleen &. David Dixon Jim Dolan James Doney Embellish Boutique, Inc. Edward & Rose Fleming Virginia Frechette Hilda Geldmyer Lawrence & Katherine Gnapp Gloria Goerner Judy Gumler Rita Gumler Alan & Anne Hauser Hoellen Family Foundation Anne Hoellich Kathleen & Joseph Hubberts Lindsay & Lisa Huge Anne & Bruce Hunt Carl & Jean Hybinette Irish Fellowship Educational and Cultural Foundation Manny Irizarry Michael & Katherine Jensen Marilyn Jerger Charles G. Joseph Hans & Emilie Kaim Linda Kappas Theresa Kattner Eugene & Karen Leone Edward Kestler Gloria Goerner Corazon Lopez Eric & Jeannette Lowing Howard Luecke Janice McNeill Brian & Annaliese McSweeney Joann Moretti 22

HS Scholarship Fund continued Regina A. Mulhern Timothy & Bozena Mulvenna Sean & Patti Murray James & Mara Myers Robert & Dori Nolan Richard Paschall Arturo & Belinda Recinto

Michael & Alicia Regalado Matthew & Rebecca Sand Patrick & Kathleen Schaefer Dennis & Tess Schlagheck John Schmitz William & Mary Jo Shaver Juri Sikkut Mindy Smiley Darlene & Walter Steinbeiss Sean & Susan Sullivan & Family William & Lynne Switalla Joan Theis Michelle Thelin John & Jane Van Houten Jose Villagomez Tom & Mary Weirath Quentin & Lydia Williams Charles & Rosemary Wimberly Marianne Wojak Edward & Barbara Wolke Pat Noesen Woodhouse Rita & Robert Zeitner Walter Zenkner

ES Scholarship Fund A&R Estate Buyers Ramon & Solita Alpasan The Annulis Family Anonymous Joseph Babbo Denise Barton Angel & Loreta Bautista The Beebe Family John & Maureen Bernbom Lazar & Wilma Bityou Sue Breunig Paul & Carol Brimstin Andrea & Robert Burke Bienvenido & Georgina Capeles Beatriz & Mario Cervantes Anna Mary Cloonan Joseph & Elizabeth Contreras Richard & Regina Davis Lurdes Delgado Amalia Deyo DirecTV4Schools James Doney

Charles J. Dulay Dradyne Robyne Eudeikis Kerri Erb Eugene & Margaret Finnegan Barbara Flaherty Virginia Frechette Fundinco Kellie Gasper Lawrence & Katherine Gnapp Gloria Goerner Patricia Gollehon Consolacion Golloso Rita Gumler 7KH *UD÷ )DPLO\ Marian Greene Eleanor Haberkamp Anne Suh & Alan Hauser Mary & Howard Henneman Hoellen Family Foundation Anne Hoellich Anne & Bruce Hunt The Insko Family Manny Irizarry Michael & Katherine Jensen Douglas & Elsa Johnson Francis Kaihatsu Rita Kattner Edward Kestler Mary Lou Kestler Theresa Kattner Peter & Donna Koulogeorge Edward Kozak Carl & Doris Kriho Mary & Joseph Kurczak Corazon Lopez Howard Luecke Mary & John Mangan Peter Martinez The McGovern Family Janice McNeill Margaret & Eusebio Mederos Bernadette & Thomas Molloy David Moran The Morand Family Joann Moretti Marge Mueller Irmgard Muirragui Regina A. Mulhern Timothy & Bozena Mulvenna Thomas & Amy Novicki Joseph & Lorraine Neumann James & Susan Ochoa John & Megan O’Connor Janet E. Olson Gloria Ottesen Arturo & Belinda Recinto Clara Repking David Reyes Luis Rosado 5XÏQD 6DELQR Dr. Matthew & Darlene Sagun Patrick & Kathleen Schaefer Dennis & Tess Schlagheck John Schmitz The Schubrych Family Laela Skaer

Sean & Susan Sullivan & Family Karen Tabbert Target Joan Theis Michelle Thelin Greg Thompson & Jane van der Zanden-Thompson Margie Tomlinson Nelia Valera John & Jane Van Houten Susan Westwater Maureen & Rich Wilson Charles & Rosemary Wimberly Pat Noesen Woodhouse

Friends of St. Benedict Prep St. Benedict Prep Home & School Association The Christopher L & M Susan Gust Foundation Kathleen Halper HS Class of 1960 James Hollis Linda M. Krier, CPA The Shelby Family Foundation The Stern Family

Protégé Program Sponsors Bethany Methodist Hospital First Chicago Bank Mr. & Mrs. Kelley Halper Ms. Linda Krier Our Lady of Hope/Schwab Yvonne's Dance Academy

SBPS Home & School Association John J. Schmitz Cobey & Erich Struckmeyer Mary & Eric Stoelinga Patricia Tomlinson Nancy Uczen Annie Watson-Johnson

Fund-a-Need: School Security Shannon & Amy Archer Jeanette & Colin Aylward Nancy & Michael Beebe Gina & Mark Doleski Tom & Christina Duggan Chris & Jean Faris Jeanne Farley Christine & Ed Fleming Bethany Gale & Gary Stark Anna & Patrick Gallagher Kristin & David Gonnella Iris & Michael Hart Margaret & Shawn Heneghan .ULVWLQ 'DQ +R÷PDQQ David & Stephanie Keenan Aimee & Scott Kish Karl & Cindy Kuhn Cristy & John Logan Linda & Martin Lunkes

2013 Ball & Auction A Night in Hollywood Sponsors & Underwriters Jane Ahlfors Ms. Blue’s Kindergarten Class Wes & Angela Breton Crown Imports-Kris Boron Joseph & Betty Contreras Andrea & David Field Margaret & Gene Finnegan James Flynn Anna & Patrick Gallagher Kathy Goetz Consolacion Golloso Guaranteed Rate The Christopher L & M Susan Gust Foundation ,QÏQLXP 6SLULWV 7DWH 7URHOVWUXS Doug Johnson Gladys Jouzaitis Marianne Kattner Theresa Kattner David & Stephanie Keenan Misha Mann Larry McCarthy Chad Ogren -H÷ 2OVRQ Pabst Brewing CompanyRob Rhyner Pump It Up, Chicago Precision Excavation, LLC

Dana & Mickey MacMillan Tim & Cheryl Mahon Annie & Joe Maida Michael & Sandy Marsico Karla & Todd Martin Jennifer & Andrew May Todd McGovern & Lisa Dall John & Peg McLaughlin Katherine & Richard Milton Mara & Jim Myers Brooke & Sean Noonan Heather & Chris Nordloh Megan & Patrick Owens Richard & Jenni Petrillo Peter & Annie Quinn Lynn & Dave Retford Kelly & Tom Rieckelman Liz & Dan Roarty Kate Schock-Williams & Mike Williams Jason & Britt Staley $P\ -H÷ 6WHUQ Tom Tansor & Aileen Blake Lisa Torres Kim & Steve Turek Brandon & Dana Walsh




Joshua Martin

Received scholarship and attending Oral Roberts University

Joseph Calderone


Jocelyn Tamayo

Received scholarship and attending Susquehanna University 5HFHLYHG VFKRODUVKLS RรทHUV IURP $XJXVWDQD &ROOHJH .QR[ &ROOHJH

Ashley Krysztopik


Joshua Weichert


$ *

ย 7 At St. Benedict Preparatory School, we excel in educating the whole individual in the Catholic tradition, challenge students to develop their God-given talents, create a Christian community by sharing our gifts, honor the gifts and diversity of the community, and serve the Lord and each other in an ever-changing world.

ย ย S 5 ' 7 7 $ 0 7 7 The St. Benedict Preparatory School Graduate enters post-secondary life well-rounded and prepared for learning, achievement, and service in a 21st century global society. Honoring the tradition of St. Benedict, our graduates possess the knowledge, reason, diligence, and perseverance to grow in faith, wisdom, and spirit.

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