State of the school address 2013

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State of the School

State of the School Address 2013-14 Information Strategic Plan Vision of Excellence 2016 Update Items in this State of the School Address x Overview of school programs and improvements this year x School programs and improvements next year x Costs that impact cost of education at SBPS x School Highlights x Tuition reduction opportunities x 2013-14 tuition costs

St. Benedict Preparatory School continues to grow and strengthen in our mission of offering quality PK-12 Catholic education on the north side of Chicago. Over the past ten years, we have witnessed many changes in the school program. Some of the most significant changes are coming in the next few years as we implement our Vision of Excellence 2016 strategic plan to strengthen our unique PK-12 Catholic, coed school. Thanks to the supportive community, we continue to thrive. St. Benedict Prep continues to have a strong draw from neighborhood, parish and Chicagoland families. We expect to have waiting lists in the early childhood and primary grades; our applicant pool and student body in the secondary school continues to strengthen as we implement programs to shape the culture of college prep learning. This strong interest in our school will allow for enrollment growth; in turn, the school can keep tuition costs affordable while working on continual program and facilities improvements. Many school parents make a significant financial commitment to send their child(ren) to St. Benedict Prep. We want our families to know that we are committed to keeping parents well informed about where their tuition dollars are going, as well as the vision and plan for the school. It is also time to start planning for the coming school year of 2013-14. Part of the planning involves creating a realistic budget that projects the cost of quality, Catholic education. There is a lot to consider when setting tuition and determining the school financial goals. It is our goal to continue the growth of the school programs, enhancing the school environment, all the while being fiscally responsible by paying off debt incurred over the past years. We have also been addressing the physical plant needs as well, and plan to continue this during the coming year. There have been many improvements made over the past ten years at SBPS thanks to the dedicated staff, supportive parents, caring pastors and generous donors and parishioners. This year’s budget and tuition information supports the ongoing efforts to continue to grow our school according to our strategic plan, Vision of Excellence 2016. This school year the school advisory board has been implementing our 5-year strateInside this issue: gic plan in order to realize our “vision of Catholic school excellence.” Please refer to this publication for more details on the strategic plan goals as well as accomplishments. Please enjoy this year’s State of the School 2 Additions & Address! Improvements

Gratefully, Father Jason Malave, Pastor Ms. Rachel Gemo, Chief Executive Officer

We are pleased to report that the following programs were implemented during the past year: x x x x x x x

AIMSweb Testing Program for grades K-5 New electives for middle school: Scientific Inquiry, Scientific Method, Conditioning for the Dancer and Athlete The One-to-One Technology Program now expands grades 6-12 with a Bring Your Own Device Component (BYOD) New High School Courses: WWII and the Western Front, Media Literacy, Health Occupations, and Catholic Social Teaching Web-based textbooks for middle school Social Studies iPads in preschool classrooms Fully integrated and organized PK-12 Prayer Buddy Program

Next Year’s Plans 3 Affording SBPS


Fund Our Future


Inclusive Education


School Year Highlights


Strategic Plan


Tuition Info


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State of the School Address 2013-14 Information New Positions Added This Year Additional kindergarten teacher (5th classroom) Additional second grade teacher (4th classroom) Additional third grade teacher (3rd classroom) Director of Alumni Relations (Mr. Ben Mazzone) K-5 Inclusion Specialist (Ms. Stephanee Balsley) 6-12 part-time Inclusion Specialist (Ms. Anne Reily) Asst. Head of Secondary School (Mr. Rob Potempa) Part-time preschool PE teacher (Mr. Mike Hilty) Part-time NEW teacher coach for ES (Mrs. Desiree Gentile) Facilities Improvements in 2012-13 at SBPS

Do you know that our Fund our Future appeal supports programs like fine arts, foreign language, technology and other quality curriculum initiatives? Remember to support the 2012-13 Fund Our Future!

x x x x x x x x x x

New Kindergarten Classroom: remodeled and new furniture and books New First and Second Grade Classroom furniture and books Secondary School Cafeteria painted and kitchen equipment upgrades New exterior door near preschool rooms in elementary building First floor elementary hallway plastered and painted Heating Systems Upgrades: Replacement of all steam traps, radiator & boiler maintenance and insulation of pipes Windows in weight room replaced (thanks to Athletic Fundraiser 2012) Paving of campus alley/driveway Cleared basements of scrap metal in exchange for cash Two new busses are on their way soon (a 15 passenger and 32 passenger)

Preparing for 21st Century Learning with the Protégé Program

Below, Joseph Calderone and Victor Ramos are sharing what they have learned in the Career Prep class with middle school students.

In its second year, St. Benedict Preparatory School’s Protégé Program is already off to a great start. With the help of Ms. Suzanne Stone, our Protégé Program Director, high school students are getting an invaluable “real-world” education in the fields they plan to pursue in college. After taking a business prep class first trimester, where students learn practical work-setting skills, our protégé students submitted resumes and interviewed with local business partners as well as other Chicago firms. The response from the business community has been outstanding. We are pleased to announce the following students and their Protégé placements where they will complete their internships in the spring (there are many more to be announced soon): x x x x x

Hwa Jin Lee will be diagnosing her interest in pharmaceutical medicine at Weiss Memorial Hospital Alexander Salas will be examining nutritional value of meals alongside a dietitian at Bethany Methodist Hospital Zoe Tarantino will be exploring television production while working on the Frequency Channel at Columbia College Roxanne Tang will be developing her community service instincts as an assistant at Albany Park Community Center Israel Aragon will be exercising his talent and skills while interning at AthletiCo

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State of the School Address 2013-14 School Year Program Planned Improvements and Goals x x x x x x x x


Additional third grade and fourth grade teachers and classrooms Tuck-pointing work across campus School Access and security system upgrades Handwriting Without Tears Preschool Program New Interactive Science Program for elementary grades Updated middle school religion texts to increase rigor Addition of a grant-writer to the Mission Advancement Team Continued teacher training and support technology integration, writing instruction, Guided Reading, Reading Mastery, Everyday Math, Inclusive Education and Assessment Additional facilities work to upgrade and modernize classrooms throughout the campus

Other Expenses Impacting the Cost of Education at SBPS Additionally, St. Benedict Parish and Preparatory School is planning for a vital and prosperous future where we can continue to support our many programs. In order to remain vital and to be good stewards of our resources, we have made it our goal to pay off the school and building loans as soon as possible. The remaining school debt, approximately $993,000, is a result of bathroom renovations and the new preschool building loan in 2001. With Father Jason’s help, our debt is now at under one million (and remember we just paid off the Bell Tower project as well which by itself was $1.2 million). The Archdiocese has agreed to match dollar for dollar our payments up through June 2013, so the overall total of NEW GIFTS we need to clear our debt is $397,000. NOT MANY PARISHES GET THIS KIND OF INCENTIVE SO LET’S MAKE THE MOST OF IT! This matching incentive period will expire. Included in next year’s budget is $100,000 payment towards the school loans if we are not able to pay off the debt before the “matching” period ends. We encourage all families and parishioners to assist with the loan payoff as much as they can. This will put us in a great position to grow and expand the campus as needed in the future.

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State of the School Address 2013-14 continued...Expenses that Impact the Cost of Education Other factors impacting the 2013-14 cost of education at St. Benedict Preparatory School x x x x x

Health insurance annual increase of $420 for a total of $9,552 per full time employee Increase in property/casualty insurance costs 2.5% wage increase for staff and teachers (wage increases set by Archdiocese) Increase in preschool food costs Increase in electrical costs

We value all that our parishioner families do for the parish and schools. You make our community vibrant and dynamic. Membership as a parishioner at St. Benedict requires that families give of their time, talent and treasure to support its many ministries. This participation is essential to the life and the life-giving of the parish, and it is because of this participation, that St. Benedict Parish and Preparatory School will extend the $1150 parishioner grant for each K-8 student, plus an additional $1000 for each sibling. A family with three students K-8 is receiving a parishioner grant of $3450 in tuition. Please understand that being a parishioner at St. Benedict Parish means more than just completing the parish application. Since parishioners are given the benefit of lowered tuition, they are expected to attend Mass regularly, volunteer in parish or school ministries, and support the parish financially according to the means of the family. Family participation in parish activities is essential for the growth and vitality of the school. This is the essence of stewardship.

St. Benedict Preparatory School Institutes “New Family Fee” for those families NEW to SBPS Our current and past parishioners and families have done a lot to give their time, talent and treasure to address parish and school debt stemming from the recent Bell Tower Construction, the preschool building, bathroom remodeling, and school loans. Plus, they have given in so many ways to enhance the school programs and facilities. As a result, we are now enjoying the benefits of increased demand, higher enrollment, the ability to clear debts and get ready for the next chapter of growth. One of the indicators of a fiscally healthy school is the establishment of a savings for capital improvements. The SBPS “New Family Fee” is a ONE TIME fee of $500 per new family that will be “saved” in a separate account for significant capital improvements and maintenance. The funds will be invested back into the school campus in order to ensure its safety, efficiency and ability to last well into this century. The advisory board leadership as well as the parish and school facilities committee will work together with our pastor, Father Jason, and school leadership to use these monies wisely.

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State of the School Address Tuition Covenant Plan — Keeping Catholic Education Affordable St. Benedict Preparatory School has adopted the Tuition Covenant financial strategy suggested by the Office of Catholic Schools. Essentially this plan encourages Catholic schools to x

Base tuition on what it actually costs to educate a child (this is the non-parishioner rate) x Provide financial assistance to families who demonstrate need (our Tuition Covenant Grants) x Ask families who can afford the cost of this education to pay full cost or at least contribute the difference in costs between parishioner tuition and the per-pupil cost (Fund Our Future)

Making Catholic Education Affordable at SBPS Families who demonstrate financial need are encouraged to apply for a Tuition Covenant Grant. This grant is awarded to families with students in grades K-12. These grants award families up to forty percent of the amount of tuition. There are many factors considered in this process besides income earned: number of children in Catholic schools or college, single parents, death of a spouse, loss of work, disability, etc. Families need to complete an application and submit it to SBPS by Friday, March 15th. Applications are available in the elementary school office or secondary school office. The financial assistance form allows parents to explain any special circumstances that need to be considered. Families with more than one child in Catholic schools are encouraged to apply for the Tuition Covenant Grants. The goal is to support families of any size to afford a Catholic education for their children. Financial assistance awards will be distributed in May so that parents can make their decisions regarding registration for next year. High school families awarded Tuition Covenant Grants need to fulfill a Work Study agreement by May of the school year. Essentially, high school families need to complete one hour of volunteer work for each $20 awarded in tuition discount.

Parent Partnership Program Continues Next Year K-8 Parents are able to earn $200 off the cost of tuition per family by volunteering at least 20 hours in school related activities. Last year we granted almost $14,000 in parent partnership grants.

Congratulations to the high school students above who have received the “Creative Spirit Scholarship” in honor of the late Ms. Carol Molenda, beloved high school art teacher of 30+ years.

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State of the School Address 2013-14 What is the Fund Our Future Appeal? The Fund Our Future Appeal (in its 8th year!) is the PK-12 School Advisory Board fundraising campaign. Parents are asked to make monetary contributions to the school to cover the difference of the cost of tuition and the actual cost of education. (In the past we have called it the “Parent Appeal” of “Paws for Excellence.”) This year the Board adopted the name, Fund our Future, because a successful appeal does lead to a vibrant future! The $1,150 difference between tuition and the actual cost to educate a student in K-12 is covered through the fundraising efforts of the Ball and Auction, BenFest and Market Day. But did you know that our school’s Mission Advancement Office also sends out appeal letters to elementary and high school alumni, grandparents, former teachers as well as parents? Last year our direct appeals to these various constituencies raised over $235,000 for the Preschool through Grade 12 program. 100% of this money goes right to SBPS(PK-12)! We will be using half of the funds raised from the Fund our Future campaign toward school loans since those funds are being matched by the Archdiocese. We are trying to be good stewards of the gifts our families have given us! Thanks to the efforts of the school advisory board, this campaign has grown tremendously over the past seven years. We hope you will be able to contribute this year.

Fund Our Future Appeal STATS Parent Campaign







Total Raised

$19, 880





$68,063 (so far!)

Total # Gifts

53 gifts

65 gifts

95 gifts

116 gifts

158 gifts

129 gifts

# of Families

47 donors

57 donors 85 donors

97 donors

150 families

127 families

The above total reflects both money donated and gifts pledged. We’d also like to thank the parents who have taken advantage of the matching gift program at their places of employment. We will be receiving at least $2850 in matching gifts! Even though we are only three months into our annual Fund our Future appeal, we are definitely on track to meet last year’s total and increase the amount of families participating. We still have five months of this fiscal year left. Our goal is 100% family participation—whether the gift is $5, $50, $500 or more. Won’t you help us reach our goal of 100% participation? Even in this economy, parents are still willing to donate money to the Fund our Future because they believe in our school so much. Again, this year’s Goal is 100% family participation PK-12. We can do it together! Thank you to the 127 families who have already contributed.

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State of the School Address

St. Benedict Preparatory School and Our Commitment to Inclusive Education St. Benedict Preparatory School is committed to providing quality, Catholic education to families who seek this for their students. Because we value the family unit (no matter what shape or size) it is important that we are able to serve all the children in our school families to the fullest extent possible. When we welcome all students into the general classroom, and equip teachers and families to help students learn and thrive, this is considered inclusive education. While we are committed to hiring quality, caring teachers and keeping class size small, we realize that this isn’t always enough to do our best job. Teachers need additional training on educational best practices, classroom manipulatives and resources, as well as specialized consultation and support. This year, SBPS has been able to strengthen our commitment to Inclusive Education in several ways: x x x x x x x

A full-time Inclusive Education Specialist for the elementary school A part-time Inclusive Education Specialist for the secondary school (recently joined the team) AIMSweb progress monitoring program Continued partnerships with Aspire to provide on-site service and teacher training Continued partnership with United Stand in order to provide diagnostic services, small group and individual counseling Mrs. Ann Kulig as student services coordinator for the PK-12 School Regular “student-centered” team meetings to support teacher effectiveness

We continue to be blessed with significant support from the Christopher L. and M. Susan Gust Foundation this year. This Foundation has been able to provide learning specialist support with two staff members, Sheila Danaher and Leslie Garrison. Ms. Garrison works with secondary teachers , and often co-teaches with regular classroom teachers to provide accommodations for a high school students. Ms. Danaher works with teachers, administrators and parents PK-12 on classroom accommodations and teacher strategies. Their positions are funded by the Foundation, and they are both certainly a blessing to our entire school community. Ms. Danaher is also mentoring Ms. Balsley, our elementary Inclusive Education Specialist. Such expert consulting is priceless! We’d also like to thank the Stern Family for donating money to support the elementary inclusive education program led by Ms. Balsley. Ms. Balsley is able to work with students who need specialized instruction as well as support classroom teachers with inclusion strategies. They provided funds to allow Ms. Balsley to purchase learning resources to grow the program. With these wonderful resources, we have been able to help the 12-15% of the school population who have learning disabilities or other individual needs. When teachers are supported, and student needs are addressed, we create a better learning environment for all students.

State of the School Address and 2013-14 Tuition Info

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Professional Development at St. Benedict Preparatory School Each year, St. Benedict Prep faculty and staff participate in many hours of professional development in order to strengthen teaching skills, learn to differentiate instruction for a variety of learners, successfully implement core programs (such as EveryDay Math, AIMSweb progress monitoring, technology integration and much more). Besides ten full days of teacher professional development throughout the year, teachers also have one hour each Tuesday (due to our early dismissal) for professional development time. These smaller “chunks” of professional development time are critical for teacher growth and collaboration. Best practices in teacher professional learning shows that teachers improve more when they have ongoing formation all year instead of “one shot opportunities” that do not relate to classroom practice and school wide improvement goals.

What teachers have been doing for professional development this year so far... Each of the administrators for the three school programs—preschool, elementary and secondary school— are leading the faculty on this year’s initiatives. Preschool teachers are learning how to incorporate iPads into classroom use. Elementary teachers have been learning how to use effectively the EveryDay Math Program, Readers Workshop, and AIMSweb progress monitoring. Secondary teachers have been working on digital portfolios, integrating national Common Core standards into their curriculum, using test data to improve student learning and more. And thanks to a very generous donation of $25,000 from the Christopher L. and M. Susan Gust Foundation, the school has been able to help teachers attend workshops and receive in house training. Other Professional Development Teachers Have Attended So Far This Year… x

EveryDay Math Training (17 teachers)


Irons Oaks Team Building for all Parish and School Faculty and Staff (60+ faculty and staff)


Guided Reading Assessment (20 teachers)


AIMSweb training (20 teachers)


Autism and Sensory Integration (2 Teachers)


National Council for Teachers of Math National Conference (4 Teachers)


Fundraising Software Training and Best Practices for Advancement Staff (3 staff)


Executive Functioning Workshop at Rush Medical Center (4 Teachers)


Preschool Best Practices ( 2 Teachers)


Physical Education Conference (2 Teachers )

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New Partnership with Loyola University: SBPS and Loyola to be Professional Development Partners We are pleased to inform our school community of an upcoming professional development partnership with Loyola University Chicago’s School of Education. Given both our innovative academic program, the professional culture of our faculty and our experience as a professional development school with DePaul University, we have been chosen by Loyola University to join this distinctive program. Loyola University will be unveiling its revolutionary teacher preparation program and we are certainly honored to be chosen! What does this mean for SBPS? x

Access to Loyola’s School of Education and its faculty for teacher professional development and curriculum support


Opportunities for SBPS and Loyola to engage in reflection and collaboration to improve student achievement


Well-prepared Loyola teacher candidates to assist in the classrooms

Do College Prep Differently: New Secondary School Programs Help Build School Spirit, Community and Leadership Among the Student Body One of the school programs we continually evaluate for effectiveness to identify areas for improvement is the Secondary (Grades 6-12) program. We have an excellent opportunity to utilize our unique structure to “re-think” how SBPS offers a college prep program. Given that research shows that college prep begins in middle school (grades 68) we have realigned our faculty in a 6-12 model and have implemented innovative programs to build a Secondary College Prep Program. Here are some things we’ve done in the past year and a half: Curriculum Alignment Rigor and Added Dual College Credit Courses (4 added this year) In 2011-2012 we successfully created 6-12 Academic Departments that aligned all course outcomes for all subjects in grades 6-12. Each department aligned course outcomes with the Common Core Standards, College Readiness Benchmarks and other content area standards. For 2012-2013, departments will be collaborating on designing common summative and formative assessments in departmental learning communities that assess students for content mastery and rigor. New Secondary House System The goal of the House System is to foster in our students a sense of tradition in, responsibility for, and ownership of their school community. This system was also designed to increase leadership and service opportunities. New Merit –Demerit System A team of secondary faculty devised the new meritdemerit system to encourage positive behaviors and recognize students for making good choices. We also wanted to empower young people to express themselves in a mature and appropriate way. Campus Ministry and Retreats - The faith formation of our younger and older adolescents is a priority of our school mission. Faith retreats often create a safe place and time for teens to talk about their faith. We are developing our campus ministry program and creating an intentionally aligned faith retreat program for our secondary grades. Other areas of Secondary School Alignment and Improvement Expansion of the Protégé Program Grades 6-12 Bring Your Own Device Grades 6-12

Vision of Excellence 2016 Five-Year Strategic Plan Goals and Accomplishments Vision 1 - Commitment to Catholic Faith Mission Driven – Service to Community – Collaborative Faith Formation – Rigor of Catechesis Accomplishments Committee formed — Analyzing national goals and brainstorm local needs — Service Learning project kickoff scheduled Goals Draft Catholic Identity mission/statement Implement parent and student survey Look for parent education options Work with parish for more student service opportunities Administration to complete review of religion curriculum and seek high quality texts and teacher training Vision 2 – Academic Excellence Preschool through Grade 12 Outstanding Teachers, Curriculum and Programs – Foster College Prep Culture – Commitment to Inclusive Education – Technology Integration – 21st First Century Global Skills Grades 6-12 Accomplishments Aligned all course outcomes with content standards — Campus Wide Summer Reading Initiative — Implemented the SBPS House System fostering student responsibility and leadership — Implemented a college planning exam, study center with tutoring, grade six course selection to plan for AP courses, guidance office, the Protégé Program — Four Advanced College Credit classes added to the junior and senior curriculum for a total of nine Goals: Development of a student assessment for content mastery and rigor Implementation of online student portfolios Successfully implement BYOD (Bring Your Own Device) Grades K-5 Accomplishments New teacher induction and mentoring program—Purchased new family life curriculum —Increased after school club offerings — Aligned teacher and student goal setting process with curriculum — Answering special learning needs with outside partnerships, learning specialist and teacher problem solving teams— Installed MOBI interactive devices and homeroom computer centers — Increased Spanish classes and opportunities for service Goals: Update Science and Social Studies programs Increase technology use in portfolio assessment process Increased access to tablets, computer lab, and online resources Tie in curriculum to service opportunities

Pre-School Accomplishments Development of Junior Kindergarten classroom and curriculum—Implemented social groups — created partnership with services coordinator and learning specialist — increased the use of in classroom technology and after school club offerings. Goals Establish school based problem solving teams (SBPST) to determine how best to serve the students Implement the Handwriting Without Tears program

Vision 3 – Facilities Stewardship Safe and Secure Campus – High Standards for Building Maintenance – Plan for Future Growth and Modern Needs Accomplishments Collaboration with Parish Facility Committee — Secure bids on contracting maintenance/custodial service, safety upgrades, & heating — Upgrades to heating (boiler, insulation and steam traps) — Wiring upgrades and wireless upgrades — Moved after school campus access to 3911 N. Bell and furnished reception area — Cleaned up basement and recycled metal junk for cash Goals – Review maintenance custodial costs internal v. outsourcing — Campus Signage review and options — Stewardship /room usage instruction Vision 4 – Strong Relationship Families – Parish – Alumni – Universities – Community – Neighboring Schools Accomplishments Created an alumni association—Hired a Director of Alumni—alumni contacts updated—phonathon revamping Goals Increase accurate alumni contacts — Increase community outreach via Protégé Program — create reunion packages and options—implement annual young alumni reconnection program Vision 5 – Funding our Future Strengthen admissions and retention - increase outside funding – build on fundraising accomplishments Accomplishments Fine tuned admissions process—Raised admissions standards for secondary school — Rebranded and kicked off Fund Our Future Goals Diverse revenue streams—Increase parent participation with Fund our Future campaign Vision 6 – Financial Best Practices Realistic Budget and Financial Forecast – Eliminate Debt – Increase Savings and Establish Endowment Accomplishments End last year in the black — Realistic Budget set—paid off two school loans Goals Institute Financial Forecasting procedures — Establish endowment this school year — Debt elimination Vision 7 – Communications and Public Relations Branding and Mission – Campus Signage – Strategic Messaging Accomplishments—revised secondary admissions materials—assigned internal and external communications responsibilities—investigating campus signage upgrades—established branding guidelines Goals educate all constituencies about school brand—Seek new ways to promote SBPS—Update school signage to match new brand and structure

Vision 8 – Board Development In partnership with the Administration, implement the School’s mission by creating a visionary and actionable five-year implementation outline for strategic plan. Accomplishments Created a unified PK-12 Advisory Board and instituted a 20-person advisory board to accomplish board goals—Aligned committees with school functional and administrative efforts — Strengthened the Board Committee structure Goals Secure 100% participation by Board members in the Board-led annual appeal fundraising drive — Ensure that each Board Committee is maximizing its potential and accomplishing goals as planned — Increase interest in School Board service — Refine process for Board recruitment

TUITION & FEE SCHEDULE St. Benedict Preparatory School PRESCHOOL Program 2013-14

Tuition and Fees Annual Tuition

3 Half - Days

3 Full - Days

5 Half -Days

5 Full - Days





Supplies Fee





Activities and Trips Fee FACTS Tuition Program Fee Total Tuition and Fees





$30 per family

$30 per family

$30 per family

$30 per family





Additional Fees, Costs and Incentives Fundraising and Volunteer Requirements The tuition and fees listed on this page include all program course fees and expenses. There is no mandatory fundraising fee or volunteer requirement. Our school community has thrived over the past years because families give generously of their time, talent and treasure. We encourage families to contribute as their time and income allows. Annual Registration Fee $200.00 per child for CURRENT SCHOOL FAMILIES (due at registration) $700.00 per child for NEW families (This includes $500 NEW FAMILY FEE) This fee is due at the time of registration and guarantees your child’s space for the school year. The Registration Fee and New Family Fee are NON-REFUNDABLE. Non-parishioner fee $600.00 per child – this fee is rolled into tuition payments. FACTS Tuition Payment Program By enrolling in FACTS, parents can make 11 equal monthly payments from July to May. The payments are automatically deducted from a specified bank account. Parents will be billed $30.00 per family FACTS enrollment fee with their first tuition payment. School families will only be billed a maximum of $30 by FACTS no matter the number of students enrolled. All school families participating in either the two-payment or 11-payment plan need to enroll in FACTS. Families who pay in full by July 15, 2013 receive a $150 discount. Preschool Extended Care Annual Fee (no increase in rates since 2006-07) Three Days AM $500.00 Five Days AM $900.00 Three Days PM $1650.00 Five Days PM $2600.00 Three Days AM/PM $2100.00 Five Days AM/PM $3400.00 *** AM extended care hours 7AM to 7:45AM PM extended care hours 2:45PM to 6PM *** NEW FAMILY FEE $500 per family This ONE TIME initial fee is for families new to the school. The funds raised from this fee go into a special capital improvements account and will be used for extraordinary building and maintenance costs. This fee is considered part of the registration fee and is NON-REFUNDABLE.

TUITION & FEE SCHEDULE St. Benedict Preparatory School Elementary School (K-5) for 2013-14

NonParishioner Tuition $6,925

Annual Registration Fee

FACTS Tuition Program Fee

1 Child

St. Benedict Parishioner Tuition $5,775


$30 per family

2 Children




$30 per family

3 Children




$30 per family

4 Children




$30 per family

Additional Fees, Costs and Incentives Fundraising and Volunteer Requirements The tuition and fees included on this page are all program course fees and expenses. There is no mandatory fundraising fee or volunteer requirement. Our school community has thrived over the past years because families give generously of their time, talent and treasure. We encourage families to contribute as their time and income allows. Annual Registration Fee Required $200.00 per child for CURRENT SCHOOL FAMILIES (due at registration) There is a $400 per K-12 family maximum for current families. $700.00 for the first child for NEW families (This includes $500 NEW FAMILY FEE) There is an additional $200 registration fee required for all additional children K-12. The registration/new family fee is due at the time of registration and guarantees your child’s space for the school year. The Registration Fee and New Family Fee are NON-REFUNDABLE. Early Registration Incentive Register by Friday, March 15, 2013 to receive $75.00 off the tuition balance – (ONE DISCOUNT PER SCHOOL FAMILY for K-12 students; preschool not included). The annual registration fee is due at the time of registration and guarantees your child’s space for the school year. The Annual Registration Fee is NON-REFUNDABLE.

FACTS Tuition Payment Program By enrolling in FACTS, parents can make 11 equal monthly payments from July to May. The payments are automatically deducted from a specified bank account. Parents will be billed $30.00 per family FACTS enrollment fee with their first tuition payment. School families will only be billed a maximum of $30 by FACTS no matter the number of students enrolled. All school families participating in either the two-payment or 11payment plan need to enroll in FACTS. Families who pay tuition in full by July 15,2013 receive a $150 discount. NEW FAMILY REGISTRATION FEE $500 per family This ONE TIME initial fee is for families new to the school. The funds raised from this fee go into a special capital improvements account and will be used for extraordinary building and maintenance costs. This fee is considered part of the registration fee and is NONREFUNDABLE.

TUITION & FEE SCHEDULE St. Benedict Preparatory School Secondary School (6-8th) NonParishioner Tuition $6,925

Annual Registration Fee

FACTS Tuition Program Fee

1 Child

St. Benedict Parishioner Tuition $5,775


$30 per family

2 Children




$30 per family

3 Children




$30 per family

4 Children




$30 per family

Additional Fees, Costs and Incentives Fundraising and Volunteer Requirements The tuition and registration fee includes all program course fees and expenses (except middle school “one-to-one” technology costs). There is no mandatory fundraising fee or volunteer requirement. Our school community has thrived over the past years because families give generously of their time, talent and treasure. We encourage families to contribute as their time and income allows. Annual Registration Fee Required $200.00 per child for CURRENT SCHOOL FAMILIES (due at registration) There is a $400 per K-12 family maximum for current families. $700.00 for the first child for NEW families (This includes $500 NEW FAMILY FEE) There is an additional $200 registration fee required for all additional children K-12. The registration/new family fee is due at the time of registration and guarantees your child’s space for the school year. The Registration Fee and New Family Fee are NON-REFUNDABLE.

Early Registration Incentive Register by Friday, March 15, 2013 to receive $75.00 off the tuition balance – (ONE DISCOUNT PER SCHOOL FAMILY) The annual registration fee is due at the time of registration and guarantees your child’s space for the school year. The Annual Registration Fee is NON-REFUNDABLE. FACTS Tuition Payment Program By enrolling in FACTS, parents can make 11 equal monthly payments from July to May. The payments are automatically deducted from a specified bank account. Parents will be billed $30.00 per family FACTS enrollment fee with their first tuition payment. School families will only be billed a maximum of $30 by FACTS no matter the number of students enrolled. All school families participating in either the twopayment or 11-payment plan need to enroll in FACTS. Families who pay in full by July 15, 2013 receive a $150 discount.

Middle School One-to-One Technology Fees (these costs will be rolled into annual tuition costs) Sixth Grade (Bring Your Own Device Technology) – $100 Seventh Grade (Bring Your Own Device Technology) – $100 Eighth Grade (Laptop Leasing Fee) $310 per student (with $1 buy-out at end of year) Transfer students in Grade 8 (Bring Your Own Device Technology) - $100

St. Benedict Preparatory School High School Tuition and Costs for the 2013-14 Academic Year










Retreats and Activities Technology










$275 Tablet lease $9,575

$275 Laptop lease $9,575

Additional Fees, Costs and Incentives Fundraising and Volunteer Requirements There is no mandatory fundraising fee or volunteer requirement. Our school community has thrived over the past years because families give generously of their time, talent and treasure. We encourage families to contribute as their time and income allows. Early Registration Incentive

Register by March 15, 2013 to receive $75.00 off the tuition balance – (ONE DISCOUNT PER SCHOOL FAMILY) The annual registration fee is due at the time of registration and guarantees your child’s space for the school year. The Annual Registration Fee is NON-REFUNDABLE

FACTS Tuition Payment Program Be enrolling in FACTS, parents can make 11 equal monthly payments from July to May. The payments are automatically deducted from a specified bank account. Parents will be billed $30.00 per family FACTS enrollment fee with their first tuition payment. School families will only be billed a maximum of $30 by FACTS no matter the number of students enrolled. All school families participating in either the twopayment or 11-payment plan need to enroll in FACTS. Families who pay in full by July 15, 2013 receive a $150 discount. Graduation Fee for Seniors $175 – this cost will be rolled into total tuition and fees due. Other Costs and Fees that Impact Overall Cost of Education

The tuition and registration fee may not include all program course fees and expenses. Some courses may have a nominal lab or course fee to help cover extraordinary expenses. Most high school course require families to purchase textbooks and other learning materials. Information on purchasing/renting textbooks, purchasing uniforms and paying athletic fees will be forthcoming. High School Program One-to-One Technology Fee Incoming 9th grade, 10th grade and Transfer students need to bring their own laptop or table device. The fee covers the virtual desktop provided by the school.

NEW FAMILY FEE $500 per family This ONE TIME initial fee is for families new to the school. The funds raised from this fee go into a special capital improvements account and will be used for extraordinary building and maintenance costs. This fee may be rolled into tuition or paid in full in July.

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