III. Method: Method consists of reduction i.e. going to the origins of particular objects/experiences Method consists of epoché or bracketing or putting aside assumptions/ prejudices and the like. Why method? To get back “zu den Sachen” or the essences or phenomena. Phenomena are the intentional structures of consciousness that underlie everyday experiences. Method brings about a shift from presuppositions to thinking without presuppositions or prejudices. To bring about a shift from the naturalistic attitude to a transcendental phenomenological attitude. The method is meant to isolate the essence of intentional consciousness. Thus, both the act of consciousness and its object will be unearthed from the essential point of view. One has to do something in order to move beyond the naturalistic attitude of taking facts for granted. The method prescribes a procedure It urges human beings to do something: expressed in imperatives Effects a transformation Husserl’s method has influences: Epoche derived from Greek and means abstaining from judgement. But Husserl did not advocate a withdrawal from the world like Greek skeptics Rather epoche for him consisted in not taking a stance-suspending judgment till one is sure (like Descartes and Kant) Testing one’s judgment whereby one can be sure that it lies on a firm foundation