Philosophy notes35

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CHAPTER I— INTRODUCTORY. The importance of Srlmad Bhagavadglta — the words used' at the end of each chapter of the Gits showing the conclusion of the chapter — the meaning of the word 'Gita,' — description of several other Gltas and the inferiority of these Gltas and of the Yoga-Vasistha etc. — methods of examination of a book — modern external critics of the Bhagavadglta — the explanation of the moral of the Gita as given in the Mahabharata — the Prasthanatrayl ( i. e„ the Upanisads, the Vedanta-Sutras and the Bhagavadglta), and the doctrine-supporting commentaries on it — explanations of the moral of the Gita according to these commentaries — Sri Samkaracfirya — Madhusudana — 'Tat-TvamAsi ' — the Paisaca-Bhasya — Ramanujacarya — Madhvacarya — Vallabhacarya — Nimbarka Sridharsvami — Jnanesvara — the point of view of all of them is to support some doctrine or other — the method of finding out the import of a work, without seeking to support a doctrine — how that method is neglected by the doctrine-supporting method — the introductory remarks and the concluding portion in the Gita — the deadlock arising from mutually conflicting Ethical principles, and the resulting confusion as to one's duty — the advice in the Gita for solving that confusion ... ... ... p. 1 to 39' CHAPTER II. EARMA-JIJNASA( THE DESIRE TO KNOW THE BIGHT ACTION ) Two English (foreign) examples of the doubt about duty — ■ the importance of the Mahabharata from this point of view — the doctrine of Non- Violence (ahimsa-dharma), and the exceptions to it — 'the doctrine of Forgiveness (ksama), and the exceptions toit — the discrimination between Truth (saiya) and Falsehood (anrta) according to our Sastras — a comparison of that discrimination according to English (foreign) Ethics — superiority andi importance of the point of view of our philosophers — the observance of a vow (pratijfia) and its limitations — the doctrine

xii DETAILED CONTENTS OF VOLUME I of Not-Stealing, and the exceptions to it — the exceptions to the doctrine that 'living is more important than dying' — self-defence — duties owed to one's mother, father, preceptor (guru) and other revered persons, and the exceptions to the same— the relative importance of the restraint of Desire (kama\ Anger (krodha) and Avarice (lobha) — the occasions and the limits of Time and Place for showing courage, and other virtues—the relative importance of different courses of Action — the subtle distinction between Morality (dharma) and Immorality (adharma), and the wonderfulness of the Glta... ... ... ... ... p. 40-69 CHAPTER III. KARMA-YOGA-S ASTRA. (The Science of Right Action).

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