Philosophy notes38

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The Phenomenological Critique of Representationalism: Husserl's and Heidegger's Arguments for a Qualified Realism by John Davenport Ph.D. Candidate Department of Philosophy University of Notre Dame February, 1997 821 West Angela South Bend, IN 46617 ABSTRACT This paper begins by tracing the Hobbesian roots of `representationalism:' the thesis that reality is accessible to mind only through representations, images, signs or appearances that indicate a reality lying `behind' them (e.g. as unperceived causes of perceptions). This is linked to two kinds of absolute realism: the `naive' scientific realism of British empiricism, which provoked Berkeley's idealist reaction, and the noumenal realism of Kant. I argue that Husserl defined his position against both Berkeleyian idealism and these forms of absolute realism by way of two arguments: a pragmatic argument against skepticism about the external world (as described by Karl Ameriks) and a distinctively phenomenological argument against the representationalism implied by absolute realism. In the Second Introduction to Being and Time, Heidegger reformulates these arguments, giving them a more rigorous form and tracing their implications for the nature of Being. In section 7,

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Philosophy notes38 by jack - Issuu