BAL GANGADHAR TILAK’S RATIONALISATION OF VIOLENCE THROUGH THE INTERPRETATION OF THE GITA Dr. J. Kuruvachira A background to Bal Gangadhar Tilak (1856-1920) Bal Gangadhar Tilak was born on 23 July 1856 in an orthodox Chitapavan Brahmin family in the small town of Ratnagiri in Maharashtra. Tilak’s father lived on a small salary, which he supplemented with earning from writing textbooks. His mother passed away when he was ten years old and his father when he was sixteen. He joined the Deccan College, Poona, in 1872, took his Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) degree in 1876 with Mathematics and Sanskrit, and completed his education with a Law degree in 1879. In the years that followed, he emerged as a formidable political leader, Sanskrit scholar, writer1 and political philosopher with radical views. Tilak was greatly influenced by Western thought on politics and metaphysics 2 and was to a great extent a product of English education. Tilak was foremost among the earlier generation of national leaders who had fought for the independence of India. He was accused of instigating people to violence, criticised for his extremist activities and rated among the most controversial leaders of India’s struggle for independence. K.M.Panikkar, the noted historian, says: “He [Tilak] was the recognised leader of the ‘Extremists’ in India who considered it their duty ‘to rise up and fight’ foreigners in Indian soil” 3. In fact, together with Bipin Chandra Pal, Lala Lajpat Rai and Aurobindo Ghose he constituted an ‘extremist’ core within the Indian National Congress4. In spite of this, Tilak was respected and held in high esteem even by foreign intellectuals for his scholarship, but was feared for his extremism. As a wielder of a sharp pen he used his talent to promote extremism and oppose foreign rule especially through his Kesari (in Marathi)5 and Mahratta (in English) which were started in 1881 The columns in these newspapers unfold his compelling, strong and radical personality and militant political views. Jawaharlal 1
Tilak’s major works are: The Orion (1893), The Arctic Home of the Vedas (1903) and The Gitarahasya (1915). 2 Tilak was particularly fond of Hegel, Kant, Spencer, Mill, Bentham, Voltaire and Rousseau. See “Tilak, Balgangadhar (1856-1920)”, 118. 3 See K.M.PANIKKAR, “Hindu Revival”, 14. 4 See D.D.PATTANAIK, Hindu Nationalism, vol. 2, 38. 5 At one time Kesari had a circulation of 20,000 copies, which was a large circulation for India at the time of Tilak. It also had a Hindi version published from Nagpur. See B.G.TILAK, Selected Documents, vol. 1, 90.