Sungai Way-Subang Methodist Church
EBENEZER A Publication of Sungai Way-Subang Methodist Church
May 2015
The 40th Anniversary Edition
One BIG Family
Celebrating 40 years of God’s Faithfulness PASTOR SPEAKS. by Rev Dr Ng Swee Ming
40 years is a longtime by any reckoning Sungai Way-Subang Methodist Church was called into being as a church on 24th May 1975 with a DNA to be ‘different’ even ‘missional’ (way before the word became mainstream) in the way to ‘do’ church. They say hindsight is a very good teacher and truly as we look back over 40 years of God’s amazing and at times, amusing faithfulness to us as a Church, we can only stand in awe, amazement, and thankfulness at how ‘thus far the Lord has lead us – Ebenezer’.
Pastor shares on the history & DNA of SSMC
Disclaimer: The opinions expressed herein represent the views of the respective contributors and do not necessarily reflect the views and position of SSMC or its leadership. This publication is for private circulation only, and no part of this may be reproduced in any form without the prior permission of the editorial team.
Ebenezer, 40th Anniversary Edition May 2015 | Sungai Way-Subang Methodist Church |
PASTOR SPEAKS As a Church, in the early days, we did not always fully understand what or why we were doing certain things, let alone imagine or foresee the long-term impact and consequences of our actions. Practices such as having a Pastoral Team leadership, Small Group Ministry, 5-year Church Planting strategy, Anniversary Gift Day for Missions, even allocating 50% or more of our annual Church budget for Missions – were radical ideas in the late 70’s and early 80’s. The Church leadership just sought to honour and obey the Lord. As He revealed and guided, we just followed, many-times not fully appreciating the eventual outcome. Over these 40 years, the Lord has crystalized and distilled for us our DNA as a local church. This is the Lord’s distinctive call and giftings upon SSMC as a local church. We seek to be faithful and fruitful as we continue to work them out in our time, place and season. WORD & WORSHIP SSMC as a Methodist Church is called to faithfully preach and expound the whole counsel of God as contained in the Word of God – the Bible. Over the years, our worship sessions have
BY REV DR NG SWEE MING embraced a more contemporary and spontaneous style of worship, and employed a variety of musical instruments, flags, banners and tambourines.
contents 1-3
Pastor Speaks
4. We were one of first few Englishspeaking churches to use Bahasa Malaysia songs in worship and now we intersperse BM songs into our English sessions with ease.
SSMC Miletones
Humble Beginnings by Eileen Foong
Isa 56:7 “for my house will be called a house of prayer for all nations” features prominently in SSMC’s history. It was our very first annual theme verse in 1990 and repeated again in 1991.
However we treasure our Methodist heritage and continue to sing hymns during worship as well as use liturgies whenever appropriate because there is a richness and depth in meaning and significance.
The church started with a small Care Group meeting in one home and over the years evolved into being a Care Group Church and then maturing into a Discipleship Group Church. The Discipleship Group is where the heartbeat, life and growth of the Church happens week in and week out. Another unique practice is our annual DG Sunday when we meet in the different DG homes instead of our church sanctuary, recapturing the early house church experience in Acts. This has been a good platform not only to invite friends and relatives to attend a Sunday Service in a home but also to mobilise the many and varying gifts in our members.
Small Beginnings by Liz Chua
Building His Kingdom
Chalkboard Testimonies
A Pictorial Trip in Time
Moving Stories by the AV Team Generation to Generation by Sam Mui
My Mentor & Friend Auntie Mary
SSMC & I by Ho Peng
My Story-His Glory Various
The Call by Lucrece
Finding my Spiritual Home by Earn Soo
Blessing the Community
Must Stay Focussed MSF
Isaiah DG Rocks
30-31. 32-33.
SS17 & USJ18 DGs Young Adults
Kebaktian Bahasa (KBM) oleh Ps Peter Ukung dll
Wawasan Penabur by by Randy Singkee
38-46 Chinese Church by Henry & Julia Chong + others
Ebenezer, 40th Anniversary Edition May 2015 | Sungai Way-Subang Methodist Church |
PASTOR SPEAKS Over the years as we participated in many prayer initiatives such as “Praying thru the 10-40 Windows I, II and III” and subsequently prayer drives and prayer walks and identification of spiritual strongholds when we moved into Kampung Sungai Kayu Ara, prayer and intercession took on a different focus and importance. Even until now, as a church each Sunday, we set aside time during worship to pray for Unreached People Groups (UPGs) or current special needs in our nation and the world. Prayer and intercession remain the undergirding foundation for us as a church. GIVING & SENDING (GOING) SSMC started asking the Lord for RM3,000 with our first Anniversary Gift Day for Missions in 1979. As we w e r e f a i t h f u l i n l i t t l e, G o d challenged us to enlarge our vision as He released more resources for His work. “He who is faithful in what is least is faithful also in much” Luke 16:10. From those early small steps of faith, the Lord released more than RM1.1 million in 2014. For 2015 we are asking the Lord for RM1.2 million to sow into missions, both locally and abroad. Even as we learned how to give, the Lord taught us the importance of sending out mission teams, starting first with Sabah and Sarawak and subsequently to our neighbouring countries and even beyond – Indonesia, Thailand, Cambodia, P h i l i p p i n e s, M ya n m a r, L a o s, Vi e t n a m , B a n g l a d e s h , I n d i a , Pakistan, China, Mongolia and Russia. Right from the onset, all our mission team members finance their
BY REV DR NG SWEE MING own expenses on the mission trips. T his has g reatly helped our members to better understand and develop a heart for missions. We have remained true to our main focus on church planting for mission – either directly or indirectly over the years. We take on a “Kingdom view” in our approach to missions as opposed to an agenda to replicate ‘SSMC-like’ churches or fellowships. Our goal is to extend and expand God’s Kingdom irrespective of denominational labels or circles. The Lord in His sovereign plan brought to us two missionaries who had the calling but without the home church support. Once we have sought and received confirmation from the Lord, SSMC adopted them without hesitation and stood with them all these years. Today they are still faithfully serving the Lord Henry Cheah in SIM Bolivia for 26 years and Y Mooi in AO / GT for a good 24 years. Subsequently the Lord raised up two home-grown couples to pioneer the work in Indonesia for a season. Since then we have sent out another two other mission workers and a few others are prayerfully considering their calling into the mission fields.
contents 47.
Cambodian Ministry
Malaysian Care
Care Corner Orphanage by Ricky Tan
By Ooi Kiah Hui
by Joshua Aw
Tung Ling SOM
Postcard frm Bolivia
Cross Cultural Training
Antioch Missions by Ross & Christine Paterson
by Henry Cheah by Yeow Moo
Greetings from Colin & Julia Hurt
Word of Faith Center
58-59. 60.
Greetings... OA Missions
by Rev. Richard Samporoh
Mission Partners
Word to SSMC
My Ebenezer
Your Story
Looking back over 40 years, we can truly declare in one voice with full faith and conviction ….
God was Faithful, God is Faithful and God will be Faithful. To God Be All Glory
Ebenezer, 40th Anniversary Edition May 2015 | Sungai Way-Subang Methodist Church |
Ebenezer, thus far the Lord has helped us... Song composed by Catherine Phoon
This special edition of Ebenezer shares the same theme of SSMC 40th Anniversary, which is “Our Story, His Glory”. It is a chronicle of faith and a testimony of God’s faithfulness in our life as a community of believers in SSMC and our shared experiences with our extended family - the many partners and mission organisations with whom we have had the privilege of co-laboring in the gospel. Even as God has led us corporately as a church, His hand is also evident in the lives of individuals in our midst. Some of their personal journeys, featured here and also in a series of video interviews, are interwoven into the grand “His Story” of SSMC. We trust that you will be encouraged by these real life stories of hope, faith and personal growth even in the midst of difficult situations, challenges and crises. Even as we share these stories, we are mindful of His prevailing divine providence - “there but for the grace of God go I”, that ultimately it is God who chooses to work in and through us, unworthy as we are.
But He said to me, “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.” Therefore I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses, so that Christ’s power may rest on me. (2 Corinthians 12:9).
We celebrate Your faithfulness, O King With hearts of joy Your praises we will sing We've seen Your mighty hands Doing wonders in our midst Your promises of days gone by We've seen them come to pass
We recognise that there are still many untold and, perhaps, even unfinished stories that are still unfolding. We have left a blank page at the back for you to write your own “Ebenezer” as a record of His goodness and mercies and to be a living testimony from one generation to another. Ebenezer is a reminder of God's faithfulness. Ebenezers are created in times of celebration and are powerful reminders in times of trial.
Ebenezer, thus far the Lord has helped us Ebenezer, Your faithfulness we've tasted And we believe without a doubt To higher planes You'll lead us on Where once again we'll celebrate The goodness of our Lord Our faithful God
Take time to listen to the song Ebenezer, composed during a time of transition as SSMC moved into KSKA, and reflect on the lyrics as you create your own “Ebenezer”.
Unfailing love You've shown us thru' the years Your perfect peace and presence ever near We've seen Your mighty pow'r Bring renewal to our lives Refiner's fire purify us 'til we be as gold We look toward the years ahead with You To greater works and deeds You'll do anew Anoint afresh our lives, fill us with Your holy zeal That we may see the greater glory Of this present house We look toward the years ahead with You To greater works and deeds You'll do anew Anoint afresh our lives, fill us with Your holy zeal That we may see the greater glory Of this present house
Ebenezer, 40th Anniversary Edition May 2015 | Sungai Way-Subang Methodist Church |
1975 - Methodist Youth Fellowship 1976 - Taman Kanak-Kanak Methodist, subsequently Pusat Penyayang Kanak-Kanak (PPKK) and now Tadika Methodist 1978 - First Family Camp 1979 - First Anniversary Gift Day
1975 - the birth of SSMC
1984 - First local mission trip to Sabah 1986 - Subang Jaya preaching point which later on formed Subang Methodist Church 1987 - SSMC moves to Dayang Hotel and then into Bangunan TES
Early 80's - Bahasa Malaysia Ministry 1980 - First preaching point branched out which later on became DUMC (1985) 1981 - Care Groups (CG) started
1996 - Sunday School transitioned to Children's Church 1998 - Pusat Penyayang Tuisyen & Community Services 1999 - Pusat Penyayang KSKA
1994 - SSMC Chinese Fellowship
2004 - Cambodian Ministry
2001 - Pusat Penyayang Rekreasi 2003 - Care Group transitioned to Disciple Group
2010 - Change of Senior Pastor 2010 - VBS started
2005 - Major church extension - addition of double-storey extension 2007 - Ladies Bible Study 2009 - Methodist Senior Fellowship
1993 - First overseas mission trip to Cambodia 1994 - SSMC moves to Widuri Pine Resort (TTDI) before settling into its own building, KSKA @ Lot 1044
Timeline compiled by Juat Chin
Ebenezer, 40th Anniversary Edition May 2015 | Sungai Way-Subang Methodist Church |
Meetings @ the Fongs’ Residence
The Stones & the Fongs
In 1973 Rev Ho Chee Sin, pastor of Trinity Methodist Church, Petaling Jaya, invited my late husband, Fong Seng Yee, to open our home to start a preaching point as there was no Methodist church on this side of the Federal Highway now known as Jalan Persekutuan. We were told that for a church to be established, a group of worshippers of no less than 35 must meet regularly for a period of time. Seng Yee and I accepted it as a challenge from God to be sent out by our mother church to plant a church in this part of Petaling Jaya. We knew it was a commitment we had to make to open our home every Sunday. We sought God's confirmation and we believed that if it were God's plan, He will provide like-minded people to help. To start off, Rev Denverstone, pastor of Sentul Methodist Church, was sent to help us. Every Friday evening, Denver Stone met up with Phua Seng Tiong and my husband to pray and visit potential members to share the vision of church planting with them, some of whom are still worshipping in SSMC. As the weeks went by, more and more people attended our Sunday service and worshippers were even willing to sit on the hard tiled floor.
We had to mark attendance to keep record of the number of regular attendees. We soon realized that the children should not be neglected. So Jean Stone, wife of Rev. Denver Stone, and I agreed that we would conduct Sunday School for the children in 2 groups - one in the front balcony and another in the back balcony of my house. Thank God for His guidance for most of these kids are now serving the Lord in one way or another. The Lord led us in every way. By the end of 1974, we had exceeded the number of 35 charter members and the "house church" in Paramount Garden was bursting at its seam. With the support and financial blessings from TRAC we purchased a bungalow house situated on 2 plots of land in SS3 (Sungai Way- Subang). Thus SSMC was established on 24th May 1975. It was officially declared a Methodist Church by our then Bishop Doraisamy with Rev. Denver Stone, Fong Seng Yee, Phua Seng Tiong and many others as charter members.
Eileen Fong
On 24th May 1975 SSMC was officially declared a Methodist Church by our then Bishop Doraisamy
All Glory be to God! Continue on next page
Ebenezer, 40th Anniversary Edition - May 2015 | Sungai Way-Subang Methodist Church |
Continue from previous page
The new church in SS3 was well utilized...not only for Sunday services but we also ran a kindergarten for many years. It was popular because word went around that the kindergarten was run by the church. As a church we also saw the need to reach out to out-station students studying in a university. With Dr David's contact as a lecturer in the University of Malaya we offered to charter a bus to bring students to worship with us every Sunday. In order to get to know them better, we started the foster students programme and many of us are still in touch with our foster children who are leaders in different churches or society. Praise The Lord!
In 1980 SSMC had the vision to plant a daughter church by sending out a group to start a preaching point and the Lord led them to a shop lot in Damasara Utama, that being quite near the KDU college. That is why our daughter church is known as DUMC and the Lord has used them tremendously. Subsequently SSMC has moved to a few venues to accommodate the growing number of worshippers. In 1994 the Lord blessed us with a piece of land in Kampong Sungai Kayu Ara on which stands SSMC. Hallelujah !
The above is merely a historical record of how SSMC started but knowing its history enables us to see God's master plan unfolding to fulfill His purpose when He calls us. I thank God for allowing me to journey with SSMC for 42 years, experiencing the high and low periods of the church. I have also experienced the joy of seeing people coming to the Lord and the pain of seeing them leaving or called home to the Lord prematurely. My prayer is firstly, that we remember that SSMC was established to plant a church for God's Kingdom. Secondly, I pray that the young people in our church will equip themselves to take the responsibility of looking after the sheep entrusted to them when the older generation passes on the baton to them.
Setting up chairs before Sunday Service
SHALOM to all in SSMC.
Ebenezer, 40th Anniversary Edition - May 2015 | Sungai , Way-Subang Methodist Church |
Teaching was Biblical, Fellowship was sweet, and Food was great. What more did we need? LIFELONG LESSONS THAT SHAPED OUR THEN YOUNG LIVES SMALL CHURCH BEGINNINGS
A simple invitation whisked us back forty years. A church-plant , Sungai-Way Subang Method Church (SSMC), in the midst of a new g rowing community sounded exciting. We were young, energetic, eager, and happily naïve. Starting in the living room of the home of gracious Fong Seng Yee & Eileen, a small group of us met each Sunday to worship Christ, our Lord. Teaching was Biblical, fellowship was sweet, and food was great. What more did we need? From these weekly meetings, plans were soon made to purchase a house in SS 3 as more people became regulars. A house-church in the midst of a residential area sounded novel. No big plot of land for a grand church building with a Cross on a steeple. Not even a parking spot. Just a regular double-storey house with rooms upstairs, a small kitchen area downstairs, and a living room, et voila, we have an official church building! Risk-takers like novel. Everyone helped to set up the chairs before and stack up them after services. Chairs extended into the garden outside as more people attended. Open-air acoustics, free of charge. Stirring hymns and enthusiastic praises to God wafted t h ro u g h t h e S u n d ay m o r n i n g neighbourhood. A simple wooden lectern stood in the hall from which many great Biblical sermons were preached.
No paid pastoral staff, just a roster of fantastic layleaders faithful in humble exemplary s e r v i c e . Communion was served once a month by an assigned Methodist pastor. Sunday School Christie Chua, Denver Stone & Phua Seng Tiong classes were held Wednesday prayer meetings were upstairs. Mothers with babies listened atypical – a handful, but persevering in from the kitchen, a stand fan we were. Even a small library and a created the ‘cool breezes.’ When babies fussed, mothers rocked them simple newsletter were to be had (Liz outside in the garden. Mid-week was librarian/ first Editor of the Some Easter Services Youth Fellowship brought out the Berita SS). raucous energy of the neighbourhood were unforgettable - the washing of each other’s feet were poignant. youngsters. Sharing at New Year’s Eve watchnight services were personal and powerful. Family Camps in PD were boisterous and fun, fun, fun!
Counsellor Christie Chua, with MYFers With guitar in hand and a piano on deck, fun and games were had as lessons were taught. What did we know as young counsellors? Not much, but with the Word of God, the guidance and mentorship of godly elders, and the enthusiasm of the Holy Spirit, invaluable lessons were shared and learned.
Rev. Denver Stone guided us with his able gentleness and Mrs. Stone taught us to teach Sunday School. Seng Tiong’s , David Burfield’s and Mr. Amarasingham’s powerful and unwavering preaching boomed across the hall into our hearts. Ai Swee’s happy laughter could be heard teasing young dating couples. They became our beloved marriage counselors. Fong Seng Yee encouraged with his big smile and even bigger heart and Eileen with her group of ladies cared for hungry stomachs. Continue on next page
Ebenezer, 40th Anniversary Edition - May 2015 | Sungai Way-Subang Methodist Church |
SMALL BEGINNINGS Continue from previous page
Young graduates Cheong Seng Gee, Daniel Ho and Peter Sze honed their preaching skills. Eng Bee and her team carried the Sunday School and ladies fellowship torch. Ngoh Peng Teck and Catherine led many a cell group with their tender loving care. Alex Thomas was sent to seminary in India and returned to pastor in the Methodist circle. He would be the officiating pastor at our wedding. I believe we were the first young couple from SSMC to get married but the wedding had to be held at KL Wesley (for want of an aisle). Young Henry Cheah answered God’s call to Bolivia and has been there ever since. Swee Kien went to serve and train on the Logos Ship. Paul George Ponniah continued his pastoral internship. Gaik Kim went to Regent College in Vancouver, Canada. We would meet her when we landed on Canadian shore years later. She returned to work in STM. We were young, energetic, eager, and happily naïve. The lifelong lessons that moulded our then young lives were shaped by the teachings at SSMC. We now live across continents and oceans but we remain ever grateful for the love and caring stewardship of SSMC leaders and congregants.
SSMC A Poem by Liz Chua . Mar.15/15 Forty years ago We were young then Charter Members of SSMC What did we know then? Not much, except Eager of heart Envisioned by God Excited by possibilities Enabled by the Holy Spirit Engendered with faith Empowered by Hope Ennobled by love
And then birthed Damansara Jaya Methodist Church (DUMC) Subang Methodist Church (SMC) SSMC Kampung Sg. Kayu Ara
The love of the John 3:16-God Birthed a house-church, SSMC in the new neighbourhood of SS3 Planted precariously Strategically Tendered carefully Lovingly
We were young then what did we know then? Not much, except The Lord Almighty Himself led a small band of believers to begin a small house church in a small new neighbourhood
Nourished by faith, hope, and love The church grew and grew and grew despite and in spite of challenges (stinky sewer smell) despite and in spite of ourselves the church grew
"Do not despise the day of small beginnings." (Zechariah 4:10). "Not by might, nor by power, but by My Spirit," says the Lord Almighty. (Zechariah 4:6)
Ai Swee & Auntie Cheong in a 3-legged race, watched in amusement by David Burfield Ebenezer, 40th Anniversary Edition - May 2015 | Sungai Way-Subang Methodist Church |
Signing of Charter Members Cert by Bishop Doraisamy & Rev Dennis Dutton
SSMC @ SS3 Bungalow
Pastoral Team 1989
Pastoral Team in Bangunan TES
The big shift from Bangunan TES Ebenezer, 40th Anniversary Edition May 2015 | Sungai Way-Subang Methodist Church |
Jalan Chempaka 1993
Foundation Works Sign reads: “The Glory of the Lord is Here”
Building Site Office
M a i n s t r u c t u re bu i l t , Roofing works in progress circa Jan 1994
Finishing works Almost done! Open for God’s Business
Nehemiah 4:6 (NKJV)So we built the wall, and the entire wall was joined together up to half its height, for the people had a mind to work. Ebenezer, 40th Anniversary Edition - May 2015 | Sungai Way-Subang Methodist Church |
Ebenezer, 40th Anniversary Edition - May 2015 | Sungai Way-Subang Methodist Church |
Ebenezer, 40th Anniversary Edition - May 2015 | Sungai Way-Subang Methodist Church |
Honour the Past. Celebrate the Present. Embrace the Future. “Life can only be understood backwards; but it must be lived forwards.” (Soren Kierkegaard) In the run up to the 40th Anniversary Celebrations, we recorded interviews with some of our members on video over a 2 month period. We asked them to share their stories and testimonies. In an anniversary themed initiative, we could have so easily fallen into a nostalgic trap and reminiscence the good old days, yet fail to see how God is doing a new thing even in our midst. We are reminded of the prophetic word given to SSMC at threshold of 2015, from Isaiah 43:19 “Behold, I will do a new thing, Now it shall spring forth; Shall you not know it? I will even make a road in the wilderness and rivers in the desert". As we provided some broad common “talking points” to the interviewees to established a context of their beginnings and key “God encounters” in SSMC, we also wanted to get a sense, perhaps more importantly, of their hopes and prayers for SSMC going forward. Our desire was to capture an audio-visual record of this triple perspectives - to honour the past, celebrate the present and embrace the future. “Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles. And let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us, fixing our eyes on Jesus, the pioneer and perfecter of faith” Hebrews 12:1-2 In documenting these testimonies, we recognise and appreciate that each of them and indeed any one of us, would have our own story and roller-coster
journey of faith. As we were compiling and sharing these heart-warming stories, we are amazed at God’s faithfulness not just in the past (some of which literally spanned many decades) but also at how God is still actively at work in each of their individual lives today. Beyond isolated experiences, we s e e G o d we av i n g o u r p e r s o n a l encounters into a rich colorful tapestry that make up the ongoing narrative of SSMC. Indeed, God is revealing to us His grand plan and showing us how each one of us are part of His Story which is still unfolding. As Winston Churchil famously said, “Now this is not the end. It is not even the beginning of the end. But it is, perhaps, the end of the beginning.”, our story is not done. We are beginning a new 40 year cycle. It is our prayer that all of us will play our individual part to complete the story of SSMC. From KSKA to closure! We invite you to watch these video testimonies (in technicolor) - currently at 7 episodes on , which are collectively and aptly titled “Our Stories, His Glory” The common thread running through the collective hopes and prayers is to be MISSIONAL – to live out our calling as individuals and a family of God to be a blessing to the community, nation and the world. There is a great hope expressed for our youths and young adults to rise up and work hand-in-hand with the older generation to fulfill our destiny. So it wasn’t surprising that the two most common one-word adjectives used to describe SSMC are “Family” & “Missions”.
Ebenezer, 40th Anniversary Edition - May 2015 | Sungai Way-Subang Methodist Church |
I returned to PJ from Johor Bahru in early 1970 and attended the Trinity Methodist Church where I was one of their founder members. In 1973, Foong Seng Yee and Eileen invited us to join the preaching point in their home. In 1975, SSMC became a church and Bee Lee and I are honoured to be part of the founder members. Over the years, we matured as disciples in SSMC and our children and grandchildren grew up and learned to love the Lord in this church. When our son Kok Wai and Esther were planning to get married, we were hoping to have their wedding in the present sanctuary which would have been the first wedding ceremony here, but it was not possible as the premise was not ready and we had to switch location at the eleventh hour. However we are thankful that our second son, Kok Pheng and Anne
were married here and wedding was officiated by our present bishop when he was a pastor in Ipoh. My darkest and saddest day was the passing of my dear wife, the mother of my children and grandmother of my grandchildren, my lover and golfing partner. Her home going service was the first to be conducted in SSMC sanctuary. In SSMC we learned to care for one another. In spite of individual shortcomings we learned to love one another. Just as long ago Christians in the west prayed for our salvation we now pray for the salvation of the unreached people. Prayer is the strength of SSMC and mission is one of our core distinctiveness. We are a mission church and I pray that we will always be a mission church.
One generation shall commend your works to another, and shall declare your mighty acts. On the glorious splendor of your majesty, and on your wondrous works, I will meditate. They shall speak of the might of your awesome deeds, and I will declare your greatness. Psalms 145 : 4-6
Sam & Bee Lee with MSF members
Ebenezer, 40th Anniversary Edition - May 2015 | Sungai Way-Subang Methodist Church |
My Mentor & Friend As I was thinking about SSMC 40th Anniversary, many good memories and experiences came back to mind. When Roslyn and I first joined SSMC and then started to attend Dr. Kheng’s Care Group (CG), I remembered Aunty Mary who came to visit. She made an impression on me, even though she was a simple and humble lady but who was full of joy when talking about God. As the years passed, I really got to know her better as we went on many mission trips together. I noticed that she was always the first to respond to someone who has a need for prayer or a word of encouragement. I was intrigued by her simple yet powerful declaration of God’s Word to bless and also to rebuke sicknesses or deliverance from spiritual oppression. In a matter of time, Aunty Mary, Xavier and I became the core team on mission trips to Tachilek, Maesai and Cambodia. We would go together every year without fail and were joined by good teachers of the Word like Kathy Chang, Marina Yong and Johnny Saynar on some of the trips. During those mission trips we bonded together even as we taught, prayed and supported each other. In time, she became my m e n t o r a n d t e a c h e r. I h av e personally learned so much from her in the areas of deliverance and prophecy. Even today I praise the Lord that we are still together as a team. I am writing this short tribute about dear Aunty Mary as a praise point to God for her life and her faithfulness.
Truly, she is a woman whose is after God’s own heart and used by God to bless many brothers and sisters in so many countries. She is always an encourager, a friend and a mother to many. Her words are sometimes sharp but most of the time it’s filled with healing, war mth and compassion. I recalled an incident in Tachilek many years ago. As we were doing ministry, Auntie Mary went into the village shaman’s house. After about 10 minutes, she ran out towards me, with her both hands shaking and grasping something. “Come! Come! Very strong! Very strong!” she shouted. I have never seen her so agitated before so I ran towards her. As she opened her palms, I could see various charms and talismans which were taken from the village healer’s home. We went immediately to the corner of Pastor Juddah’s house, disarmed the enemies and burned all the charms and talismans in the name of Jesus. That incident taught me a great lesson in ministry, “ALWAYS DO IN PAIRS”. Even Jesus sent out His disciples – two by two. We praised the Lord together and rejoiced after that. Today Aunty Mary is 82 years old, walking with a slight limp, but she always carries her “sword” beside her. She still has a heart and passion for missions. I am privileged to have shared in this partnership with her in missions and ministry all these years. I thank God for her selfless life, and I am proud to call her my mentor, teacher and friend.
Aunty Mary praying for anointing & deliverance
Aunty Mary flanked by Bayern & Xavier
Praise the Lord!
Ebenezer, 40th Anniversary Edition - May 2015 | Sungai Way-Subang Methodist Church |
SSMC and I
Permanently carved in stone over a Kinsey Hall entrance at UCLA was the entreaty from Psalms (119:18): “Open Thou mine eyes that I may behold wondrous things out of Thy Law.”
sometimes anger inside me on why I should be there in church. However, God is amazing. He had His ways of calming me and getting me to come to SSMC more regularly. Slowly, over time, coming to SSMC on Sundays is something to look forward to. God’s care and affection, imparted to me through Pastor Phua Seng Tiong at SSMC in those early days gradually made me share a commitment with Linda to follow Christ and to attend Sunday services at SSMC regularly. Reverend Dr. Ng Swee Ming, together with Linda’s Care Group members have immensely enhanced my faith in SSMC and in enriching my understanding of God’s ways as we honour Him. Through SSMC I am led to hold on to Proverbs 3:5-6,
It was winter 1972 at the University of California at Los Angeles (UCLA). I was at Kinsey Hall to meet my professor. As I read that awesome entreaty I instantly felt the first impact of God’s words upon me. That entreaty has since transformed my life. Praise the Lord for opening my eyes “Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and my heart. and do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways Like UCLA, SSMC has been acknowledge Him, and He will make “transforming” my life. Indeed, my your paths straight.” wife Linda and SSMC have impacted me tremendously with the words of Through SSMC I am moving forward our Lord. Each time I am in SSMC I with the Lord. I believe I have the learn more about our caring and assurance that God is able and mighty loving Lord. to keep His Words and will do what Linda joined SSMC in 1998 and soon after I would try to follow her, then at my whims and fancies, to church on Sundays. Oftentimes, in those early days when I was a recalcitrant “visitor” to SSMC there were reluctance, resistance, frustration, and
He has promised as I remind myself of God’s words in John 14:27 “Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your heart be troubled and do not be afraid.”
TESTIMONY BY JOHN E 1. Share how you came to be part of the SSMC Family? I came to SSMC in 2000 after I accepted Christ following a miracle healing from God. My son, Kyle was already attending SSMC then so after a few times visiting SSMC and DUMC, I decided to stay on in SSMC. It was the warm and family environment that attracted me to SSMC. 2. How do you think SSMC has changed or grown since you first joined? The focus is more in Discipleship these last few years though mission is still the key objective of the church. 3. What are your hopes and prayers for SSMC going forward? A new generation of passionate God seeking young people who will bring the church forward into the next phase, much like how the new generation of Israelites lead by Joshua going into the promise land and took possession of it. 4. W h a t i s y o u r s e n s i n g o r understanding of this prophetic verse for SSMC ? Isaiah 43:19 Look ahead and not at past glories. If we have faith and trust in God, He will do great things in SSMC in the future but this is not in the manner of what we want but but what God wants for SSMC. Seek Him first. 6. If you are asked to describe SSMC in ONE WORD, what will it be? MISSIONAL
Ebenezer, 40th Anniversary Edition - May 2015 | Sungai Way-Subang Methodist Church |
1. Share how you came to be part of the SSMC Family? The first time I came to SSMC was to a prayer meeting. I was brought by my husband's uncle (Uncle Richard Oh) who wanted to link us to Pastor Dr Ng as my daughter was borne with cleft lip and palate. Sophia, my girl was then only 5 months old. Although my husband, Beng Kiat and I were Christians, we had stopped going to church since Sophia’s birth.
I remember vividly when Pastor Phua told the congregation that the leaders of the church needed to seek and hear the Lord on God's direction for the church for that year. My spirit inside me leapt with joy and excitement, as I felt the presence of God. Coming from a very traditional Methodist background where many of the programs followed a fixed order, I found the worship sessions in SSMC to be refreshing and vibrant.
Even after that, we still did not go to church for Sunday Service as we needed to travel back to Ipoh on weekends to see Sophia who was being looked after by my sister temporarily until she had completed her palate operation scheduled at her 11th month. Pastor Ng, a DG Leader and some other members staying in Sri Kembangan visited us at my old house in Balakong. Subsequently, the DG Leader encouraged us constantly to join their Care Group on Wednesdays for fellowship even if we could not attend any church service. He took the effort to record the Sunday sermons on audio cassette (as my car only had a cassette player then) which he passed to me every Wednesday. I listened to and was encouraged by the sermons mainly by Pastor Phua many times during the week while driving, and became closer to God. After about 6 months, I could recognized Ps Phua’s voice though I had not met him yet.
2. Share one key experience(s) in your life @ SSMC ? I have learned to worship God freely, in spirit and in truth. From being a very reserved person (who didn't even dare to raise my hands), I am now enjoying expressive worship with all my heart between me and my God, without being conscious of how others look at me. Besides worship, I learned to demonstrate the great love of Jesus even as I experienced His love shown to me through my DG leaders. In them, I saw Jesus love, patient and graciousness.
After Sophia completed her operation and came back to KL to be with us, the DG Leader’s wife encouraged me to attend SSMC Sunday service So after 11 months of "not attending any Sunday service", I stepped into the sanctuary of God in SSMC for the first time. From that day, I felt at home in this church.
3. How do you think SSMC has changed or grown since you first joined? While SSMC has always been mission minded, I see that our involvement in m i s s i o n s ex t e n d e d b eyo n d t h e stereotyped mission field i.e. overseas, but included our neighbors in KSKA and our own homes. It really warm my heart as we become ‘missional’ and go out and do church outside the four walls of our buildings. Our labour of love towards the people in KSKA resulted in us being accepted as part of this community.
4. What are your hopes and p r a ye r s f o r S S M C g o i n g forward? I pray that God will do something even greater than what we are having right now and that whoever walk into SSMC will know that God is here with us. My desire is that every one of us will thirst for God, get closer to Him, and rise up and allow God to work in us and through us. 5. W h a t i s yo u r s e n s i n g o r understanding of this prophetic verse for SSMC ? Isaiah 43:19 Amen! God's way is higher than man's. He will surely do a new thing, so that we are no longer dependent on the old experience or routine. God want us to hear Him. He will reveal His plans to us. Now is the time, just like Joshua said to his people, to consecrate yourself for tomorrow God is going to do a new thing. God can do wonders but we need to be ready. That means renewing our commitment, sacrificing our personal pleasure, equipping ourselves with the Word of God, humbling ourselves and being ready to obey Him. 6. If you are asked to describe SSMC in ONE WORD? Family.
Ebenezer, 40th Anniversary Edition - May 2015 | Sungai Way-Subang Methodist Church |
1. Share how you came to be part of the SSMC Family? In 2000, our family moved house from Ampang to Shah Alam. I asked God to lead us to a church where He wanted us to serve. We visited the Methodist churches at the vicinity of Subang and Damansara. In January 2004, God's gave us a confirmation to attend SSMC through John 7:38 which also happened to be the verse on the cover of the church bulletin. 2. Share one key experience(s) in your life @ SSMC ? It was at the end of the first Sunday Service, that I was very touched by the response to the altar call. The people who responded didn’t merely go to the front but they knelt down before the Lord on their own accord. Even after more than 5 years in SSMC, I sometimes wondered why God chose to move us when we were actively serving and our family were comfortable in our previous church. One day, I seriously asked God, "Lord, what is in SSMC which is not in my CMC (our former church) that You have to move us here for? Almost instantly, His reply was: 'KK and KBM'. 3. How do you think SSMC has changed or grown since you first joined? Trish: As I have been worshiping ìn KBM for the past few years, I see that it has grown in numbers and the members have grown deeper in their faith and commitment. They are more independent and assured and more importantly, walking more closely with Tuhan Yesus.
Among the larger family in SSMC, there is a greater awareness and willingness to meet the needs of the BM church and the East Malaysians who have come to the peninsula for work or studies. I also see God's plan unfolding in placing SSMC in Kg Sg Kayu Ara, where there are many East Malaysians and Indonesians whom our KBM can reach out to and minister. David Tan: SSMC is still very much a local church with a great focus on mission and community services. Over the recent years, I noticed that the church is increasingly challenging the congregation to grow and develop spiritually and also to have personal relationships with the Lord. 4. What are your hopes and prayers for SSMC going forward? Trish: I pray that the KBM in SSMC will grow and be established into a local church with a bigger congregation who will stand firm and strong in the Lord, and reach out to the people in the community and the nations, starting with ours.
David Tan: I hope and pray that more resources can be mobilised for pastoral care. Although the church has a Home Visitation Team to visit and pray for the church members who are unable to attend church due to ill health or are bed-ridden, I hope more people can support this ministry to connect more personally with the people 5. W hat is your sensing or understanding of this prophetic verse for SSMC ? Isaiah 43:19 David Tan: When the church and its members are bonded spiritually, nothing is impossible as the Lord will provide a way. May God be gracious and merciful unto us. May He help us to be sensitive to His prompting all the way; as He leads and guides. 6. If you are asked to describe SSMC in ONE WORD, what will it be? Humble.
Ebenezer, 40th Anniversary Edition - May 2015 | Sungai Way-Subang Methodist Church |
- beginning with Small Steps Looking back, it has been an amazing journey with SSMC. I was with YWAM in 1988 and at the end of 1989 I was led to come back to KL and was looking for a church to establish a base for future missions. Through my ex-boss, Michelle Gan, I was introduced to SSMC and I started by attending her Care Group. It was led by See Ah Sing who was very supportive of my missionary calling. I wanted to be absolutely sure I was in the right church, and so, I sought the Lord. He clearly confirmed that SSMC was the church. Even as the Lord had directed, sure enough, within a short period of time, the Pastoral Team affirmed my calling and I was sent to YWAM Singapore to do the School of Biblical Studies. Upon reflection, what actually drew me to SSMC was her emphasis on missions and that love for the nations, which was very rare in those days as I found most churches to be inward-looking and unaware of national issues. After my Bible School training, I was supposed to serve the church for two years, after which I would go into missions. That was my plan but the Lord had higher pur poses and overruled. I ended up serving in the church for 18 years. It was truly a privilege to be the first and, at that time, only ‘full-time’ church staff. Two or three years later, another staff came in. It was a humble beginning, operating without an office in Bangunan TES. My ‘office’ was just a table in a little corner of the church library where I
met up with individuals for follow-up, Bible study, discipling (young people), counseling and visitation. Every weekend those whom I was discipling would gather for intercession. We then did street evangelism, allowing the Lord to lead us to various places. We had such an amazing time each weekend! In September 1993, I was led to go for further training in Tonga at the School of Intercession, Worship & Spiritual Warfare. Part of our school training was pioneering YWAM, University of the Nations together with more than 200 missionaries from different nations. Unknowingly, this was to prepare me for the next phase of ministry even as the church finally purchased land and moved to Kampung Sg Kayu Ara (KSKA) in April 1994. Where should we begin in view of such great hostility from the community? The Lord brought Joe Ozawa to train the church in Intercession, S p i r i t u a l Wa r f a r e & Mapping, enabling us to move into the next level of identifying strongholds in the land. Identifying strongholds was only a beginning. We needed sustained prayer against the onslaught of the enemy. By the grace of God, through the discipling of the young adults, a committed Prayer Group was birthed and trained to pray for the church, community, our nation and other nations. We would come together on
Friday nights for Beachhead (Prayer Drive in KSKA) and some would stay overnight in church till Saturday evening for further intercession and ministry, especially in building bridges with our community. We had such an incredible time in intercession and an unbreakable bond of fellowship. Thank God for this precious group of faithful and committed young adults! Looking back, I thank God for the Pastoral Team for their trust and the liberty they gave as they released and empowered me to function and fulfill His will. I am thankful and ever so grateful for their kingdom-mindedness as I was given the freedom to serve beyond the four walls of SSMC and be i nv o l v e d i n t h e n a t i o n a l a n d international Prayer Movement. This has helped and prepared me to advance further into His call and destiny for me.
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Ebenezer, 40th Anniversary Edition - May 2015 | Sungai Way-Subang Methodist Church |
The Call
Intercessors Team Continue from previous page
Entering into Our Destiny! By January 2009 I moved into a new season in my journey as I stepped out from serving in the church. Highlighting the glowing points of ministry may cause some to think that serving in the church is a bed of roses. Is it only about service or victories? No, it is all about relationship in the body of Christ. The enemy knows how to enter our lives and church, wreaking havoc through misunderstanding, resulting in broken communication and broken relationships. Little by little all the hurts, anger, disappointment and frustration crippled, demoralized and hindered ministry and robbed us of the joy in serving Him. At the end of my eighteen years of serving in the church, I had become a dead skeleton. On the outside all looked great as I was serving at the national front but I felt so dead inside. Finally in 2010, in obedience to the Lord, I laid down my role in NECF and all ministries for two years and allowed Him to plough deep into my heart and to let go of all that entangled and hindered me from running the race.
It was a painful time as I let go and t h r o u g h forgiveness, allowed the Lord to reconcile and restore all broken relationships. As I looked back, I rejoice at what the Lord has done and am grateful for all that has happened for good! God is not interested in our ministry but He is after our lives and character. He has restored everything and has done exceedingly above what I could imagine. God is eternally faithful!
Then as one powerful unit, we need to reconstruct a godly foundation, built on biblical principles so that we, as individuals and corporately as a church, can reach the destiny God has for us to impact the nation and beyond. To God be the glory!
Why do I share this on the occasion of this 40th anniversary? As a church, we are entering into a defining moment where God is longing to realign His church so that ‘…the glory of this present house will be greater than the glory of the former house’ (Hag 2:9). But hurdles need to be overcome, roadblocks need to be removed, mindsets need to be shifted, both individually and corporately. Likewise, to enter into our destiny or ‘promise land’ after 40 years, we need to let go of past experiences, remove all offenses and unforgiveness, realign to God, and be reconciled with one another.
Ebenezer, 40th Anniversary Edition - May 2015 | Sungai Way-Subang Methodist Church |
SSMC - A Church Without Walls
At a time when I was praying and asking God to lead me to a church that I can belong, I was invited to a Watchnight service in SSMC held at the SS3 bungalow. My prayer was that He will lead me to a church whose leaders I could submit to (for me, the leaders of a church make or break a church, humanly-speaking) and a church where I could serve. During that 1983 Watchnight service various ones shared but it was the sharing by David Burfield and Uncle Phua that left a deep impression upon my heart. Even though they did not speak very long, somehow my heart and spirit was convinced that they were leaders who were godly and love Him and His people. They were the kind of leaders I can serve with and submit to. I could not join SSMC on Sundays immediately, as I was committed to teach Sunday School in a Chinese Presbyterian Church (I was teaching the children in English). Therefore, my journey with SSMC started with Chin Chin and I attending the Care Group led by Peter Sze. Uncle Phua and Ai Swee were also part of the CG. The Care Group members and Peter made good effort to connect with us immediately.
When I began to join SSMC fully, Chin Chin and I served as MYF counsellors together with Ai Lee. We served for many years. Over the years, SSMC has been my spiritual home and I have learnt and grown much. There are too many lessons to share but here a few distinct ones: 1. The Generosity of Giving. For many years, SSMC gave 51% or more of her annual budget to missions. This was a WOW factor for me. Quite a few leaders from outside have told us that such giving was rare. Surely it must be God’s doing – in o u r s e l fi s h / i n w a r d looking/insecure world, it goes against c o nve n t i o n a l h u m a n wisdom to give 51% of our annual budget to others. It was always a big challenge for most of us to give but yet it was such a priviledge to be part of this. We have been told, and it is true even today, that the mission fields out there need more funding than people. My prayer is that we don’t lose this spirit of generosity.
2. Care Group/Discipleship Groups. Many have been nurtured, cared for and grown spiritually through small groups. As SSMC grew in size, Discipleship Groups become ever more essential for us to have a sense of belonging, where we can feel safe and secure to share our lives. It is a platform for us to grow in Worship, Word, Prayer and in the bond of Fellowship. It is also a place where we can bring new friends. A book that articulates the importance of small groups is The Second Reformation. I was impacted by the book and was so convinced that I joined the church staff as the Care Group/ DG Coordinator for many years. Incidentally, even the MYF became Youth DGs because we saw the effectiveness of small groups. If you are not part of a DG, you are missing out on a big part of SSMC life. Continue on next page
Ebenezer, 40th Anniversary Edition - May 2015 | Sungai Way-Subang Methodist Church |
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3. Community service in K ampung Sungai K ayu Ara (KSKA) For me personally, KSKA was initially just a physical location where SSMC was located. It was not easy to identify with this pot-holed filled, filthy with rubbish and over-grown lalang place. The river was not exactly scenic. Yet from day one when SSMC moved to KSKA, we knew that we are to be a blessing to the Kampung even though we hardly know anyone in KSKA. We tried all kinds of ways to bless the people of KSKA. At that time the people were suspicious of us. We failed many times and many things we did yielded no or little results. It was hard ground and most of us could not identify with the people. Nevertheless, we did not give up. We prayed and as staff we went for many prayer drives around KSKA. Intercessors were also raised to pray for KSKA. We claimed KSKA for Him by faith.
More than anything, God has opened doors for us to build relationships and connect with many families in KSKA. It is Him who is at work because I know we could not have planned it even if we wanted to. Over the years, it is as I get to know more and more people in the kampung that I started to have a burden for KSKA. At last, there is a connection with the kampung. I really believe this is God’s given opportunity and it is our priviledge to have doors opened for us to be a blessing to KSKA. My prayer is that we will not miss this opportunity and we can really be a church without walls in KSKA.
Today, much has changed. KSKA has improved and is increasingly urbanised.
Ebenezer, 40th Anniversary Edition - May 2015 | Sungai Way-Subang Methodist Church |
The Collector, 1234 Main Street, Any Town, State ZIP | 123-456-7890 |
Must Stay Focused (MSF)
My mouth will tell of your righteous acts, of your deeds of salvation all the day, for their number is past my knowledge. With the mighty deeds of the Lord God I will come; I will remind them of your righteousness, yours alone. O God, from my youth you have taught me, and I still proclaim your wondrous deeds. So even to old age and gray hairs, O God, do not forsake me, until I proclaim your might to another generation, your power to all those to come. Psalm 71:15-18
The idea of a SSMC chapter of MSF was conceived when a group of men met in one of the fellowship meeting. The chapter was established in 2009 and a pro tem committee was formed to look into the details in accordance to the constitution. The basic Aims & Objectives are: • To p r ov i d e a n d e n h a n c e Christian Fellowship for all senior members of the congregation as well as friends. • To share, love, care, show concern and bring about a sense of belonging amongst one another. • To organise activities for the mental, physical and spiritual benefit and well-being of the members. • To use the MSF as an avenue of Evangelism and Social Work. • To tap resources from the wealth of knowledge and experience of senior members of a church congregation in fulfilling the total mission of The Methodist Church. While our chapter is just 6 years old compared to the 40 years of SSMC, we have grown from about 40 members to more than 80 which translate to a 100% increase. This reflects a growing interest and engagement by the seniors which we hope to increase in the coming years. Whilst others may joke about the abbreviation M.S.F. referring to “Memory Slowly Fading”, we happily appropriate it as “Must Stay Focused” as our new tagline . Indeed, we are encouraged and challenged by Philippians 3:13-14
MSF members leading worship during MSF Sunday “Brothers and sisters, I do not consider myself yet to have taken hold of it. But one thing I do: Forgetting what is behind and straining toward what is ahead, I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus.” We, the MSF members also pray and claim Deuteronomy 5:33 – “Walk in all the way that the LORD your God has commanded you, so that you may live and proper and prolong your days in the land that you will possess.” We shall remain faithful and thankful to the Lord Almighty for all His provision.
Transportation; Health Talks on Hearing loss, Alzheimer and Parkinson, Gastroenterology and Colon Cancer. Besides this, we organised excursions to Melaka, Tg Sepat and Hua Hin/ Bangkok, Thailand and also many fellowship meals and Golf fellowships. While some of our members join different mission trips , the MSF made a dedicated Sarawak mission trip last year where all of the participants were MSF members. An annual highlight of MSF is the MSF Sunday where the MSF members take over the entire Sunday Celebration Service and lead the congregation in a wonderful time of worship and celebration.
Among some of the activities and events organised Pastor praying for MSF by MSF are Senior members going on Mission Trip ALPHA training, Spiritual Talks e.g. on Temptation; Good Governance and Christian Living; Talks on current affairs such as Will-writing, Pe r s o n a l D a t a Protection Act, P u b l i c
Ebenezer, 40th Anniversary Edition - May 2015 | Sungai Way-Subang Methodist Church |
ISAIAH DG that Isa iah As DGL, I person all y bel ieve to ful fill thi s ian s have to the poten tia l vin ced that pro phe cy in SSMC. I am con the typ ica l Isa iah -ia ns wi ll no t be eve r im agi ne. you th-nex t-door you cou ld a sea son of Person all y, I exp erienc ed wi lde rn e ss an d dr yn e ss an d i t wa s t he m , t he Isa iah -ia ns wh o bec ame the road an d river to me . So sit bac k an d enj oy. -Jo hn Ch ai-
The youths of Isaiah has truly been an inspiration and encouragement to me personally. It is amazing to see what great potentials each of them has. This group is a mix bag from diverse backgrounds and personalities but bound with the love of God to grow together. I am humbled to grow up with each of them. -Melissa Tan-
Isaiah DG is one DG that you sho uld never underes timate. Though a little quieter than the rest of the DGs, Isaiah’s DG members are packed with gifts and talents that are so unique. Walk i ng w i t h t h e m o n t h i s journey, I am excited to see what God’s plans are for them and how they will be making a difference in the lives of those around them. -Ernest Oh-
by Isaiah DG
We are Isaiah DG. We are a group of 14 years old, God-fearing youths who are both energetic and sentimental. As SSMC celebrates its 40th year which represent the lifecycle of a whole generation, this milestone also signifies the coming of age of a new generation i.e. born out of the previous. Most of us in Isaiah DG have known SSMC as our first and, for some, the only church we grew up in. It is common to hear some of us saying, ‘I was born in this church’ or ‘the only thing I can remember is Children’s Church’. Of course some of us joined the church community at a later stage of our childhood or youth. Notwithstanding, our parents have played a major role in our spiritual and social formative years.
Word of God. Each of us Isaiah-ians has a unique story which we may not be able to fully articulate here. So, we invite you to reach out and talk to us. Ask us about our dreams and aspirations. Listen to our struggles in our spiritual walk and growth. Pray with and for us that we may discover our spiritual giftings and our roles and areas of service in the kingdom of God. Hint: If we appear shy, an ice-cream is an excellent “icebreaker” to get us to open up.
Our collective journey in SSMC can be described as one big adventure. The guys can identify themselves as the brave knights in shining armour while the girls are the virtuous princesses, but all serving our King who is our God and who has sent us out on His Majesty’s Service. We have had many great adventures in SSMC such as Youth & Family Camps, Good Friday Service, VBS. We enjoy Sunday Celebration Service even as more youth get involved in leading Worship and we are learning to deepen our understanding of our faith through the sharing of the
It is our hope and prayer that SSMC will not rest on our laurels but continue to embrace even new things and directions that God is leading us into. Our desire is to see the church family grow and touch more lives.
As youths, we are thrilled that SSMC is a mission-minded church and is also reaching out to our community around us, providing us with the opportunities to interact with the Kampung folks through different activities such as football, music classes, festive visitations, Open House, Pesta Azam, etc.
We think it is too limiting to describe SSMC in one word, so we will do it in one sentence. “SSMC is the BEST because it i s H O M E t h a t i s a l w ay s F R I E N D LY a n d T E E M S (overflows) with EXCITING FUN.”
Ebenezer, 40th Anniversary Edition - May 2015 | Sungai Way-Subang Methodist Church |
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Ebenezer, 40th Anniversary Edition - May 2015 | Sungai Way-Subang Methodist Church |
n n r
Our USJ18 DG Family ~ Great is Thy Faithfulness! Our DG was birthed on September 2010 with 17 adults (include Pastor & wife), 12 youths & children. Praise God for moving many new hearts to our DG. Today, we have 24 adults, 15 youths & children (meet our cutest & youngest 1 year old!). In the last two years, 6 members (1 youth & 1 child inclusive) have accepted Jesus and we have witnessed 2 baptisms. It was such a great joy to see the baptism of the Lee family! J Thank you Lord for guiding our DG! All glory to Jesus!! Cheng Hoe & Debbie, Alyssa & Anthony
Love Melvin & Sueann
HOME Adeline Family
Oon-Ee, Shu Yi & Yong Jerng
Fulfilled Tim & Rdeen, Laura & Kristiana
Ronald & Shirley, Jia Lynn, Jia Anne & Jia Yi
We started attending SSMC when a friend who attends the church invited us to come. She said she thinks we will like the church because it is very mission-minded and has a heart for the nations. We found this to be true from the first time we came. The flags of the nations help us remember to bring all the tribes, peoples, and tongues before the throne. We appreciated the worship and Bible-based teaching. One of the highlights for us is the Anniversary Gift Day where members give generously towards missions both local and abroad. We decided to become members in 2012 and are proud that we can be part of this church family. We will be sad to leave this church home when we move to Penang this summer, but we plan to keep in touch and visit once in a while. ;)
Ebenezer, 40th Anniversary Edition - May 2015 | Sungai Way-Subang Methodist Church |
We’re called the Millennials, the Echo Boomers Generation and a more common name used to label our generation: Gen Y. Surveys have shown that 61% of Millennials want to make and believe they can make a difference in the world we live in. God is raising up a generation whose passion for Him knows no limit and whose desire is to make a difference for Christ in our spheres of influence and in our nation Malaysia.
Conversations on Life
Authenticity matters a lot to us. We need spiritual mothers and fathers who are authentic in their faith, who will embrace us, engage us and help us find our spiritual rootedness in Jesus. We desire to be a young adult community that seeks to encounter God in an authentic and personal way. We sojourn on life’s journey together as a community to discover how we can live life through the lens of our Christian faith in Jesus. Our desire is for each of us to Encounter God, be Faithful DISCIPLES of Christ, Experience Continual TRANSFORMATION and Fulfill our DESTINY.
Throughout the year, we hold Lunch CatchUp sessions & KopiTalk forums where we have informal conversations about issues that concern us in life and how we can engage the world we live in. We talk about areas that affect us as young adults: career choices, workplace challenges, relationships, lifestyle, family & finances. Look out for our next KopiTalk forum on the 7 June 2015, where we talk to 4 panel speakers from various backgrounds (ie. public sector, NGO, education) who will share their thoughts with us on whether "Fulfilment @ the Workplace" is an exaggerated or idealized concept or it is achievable.
Each week, we meet in small group communities we call Discipleship Groups (DGs) at different locations around PJ. We learn about Jesus, share lives, pray, laugh and eat. It is at these Discipleship Groups, that we engage with each other on a more personal and intimate level. Our desire is for everyone that joins us at DG to find If you are looking for a young adult R E F U G E , e x p e r i e n c e R E S T, community, we welcome you to encounter RENEWAL and anticipate connect with us! REVIVAL with Jesus.
Remember us in prayer … that • We will be faithful disciples of Jesus especially when we transition from a student to a young working adult. • We will be firmly rooted in our faith and make God honoring decisions in the marketplace where our faith is being examined, tested & questioned. • We will be lighthouses and carry the presence of God to places of darkness where we need His light to penetrate. • We will have spiritual mentors who will embrace us and walk with us on our journey of faith. • We will be a vibrant community who will make a difference in the world that we live in and bring the gospel of Christ to “our” Jerusalem, throughout Judea, in Samaria and to the ends of the earth.
Visit our website, 40th Anniversary Edition - May 2015 | Sungai Way-Subang Methodist Church |
These are some post-it responses by the young adults when they were asked to share what SSMC meant to them at the Young Adults Retreat @ Melaka in March 2015...
Ebenezer, 40th Anniversary Edition - May 2015 | Sungai Way-Subang Methodist Church |
Coming a Full Circle There is a small but growing and vibrant Bahasa Malaysia Ministry in SSMC. On Sundays, about 40 to 50 BM speaking Christians gather in Room E2 for the BM Service to worship and study the Word of God. On weekdays, there are a number of BM Discipleship Group meetings. Many of them are East Malaysians who have come to work or study in Semanangung and also Indonesian migrant workers.
in KSKA. God also raised up many from the English Congregation, among them are Roy Lee, Swee Lan, Randy, John Lee, Trish, Harold Wee, whose BM is not their mother-tongue, but were still willing to avail themselves to serve in the BM ministry. God is also expanding the ministry beyond the KSKA locality and opening doors to reach out to pockets of EM students in Klang Valley.
The BM Ministry or KBM, first started back in the early 1980s. The impetus of this ministry was a realisation of how ill-equipped our members were in ministering in Bahasa when we went to East Malaysia (EM), first in 1984, and later to Indonesia for short-term mission trips. So it was partly started as a platform or a “training school” to prepare SSMC members who had the heart, but not the fluency of the language, for the Bahasa speaking people particularly in East Malaysia.
And God has led our brother Randy to Wawasan Penabur, which is now fulfilling a void in BM Christian literature and is blessing many BM speaking Christians especially in EM. After many years, God answered our prayers for a full-time KBM pastor when Pastor Peter Ukung joined SSMC in early 2014.
Although the KBM work went quiet for a season in the mid 90s corresponding with fewer mission trips to East Malaysia, God revived the ministry in 2001 and opened our eyes and hearts to experience a paradigm shift. God was bringing a growing number of Indonesians and East Malaysians to our very doorsteps
In the past few years, there has been a resurgent interests in East Malaysia. Within TRAC and SSMC, there was a renewed focus on working with the Sarawak Iban church in Sarawak both with Sarawak Iban Annual Conference and also with Harvest Center. This is also in response to a call by Rev Hwa Yung to stand with and
support the EM church which oversee the majority of Christians in Malaysia but which is facing many challenges and also threats from other religions. We are moving away from the “touch & go” ad hoc mission trips to the current emphasis on systematic Leadership Training among Iban church leader s through Local Preacher License (LBL), Church Planters Institure (CPI) and also Youth Leadership Programs. In a sense, our BM ministry has come a full circle - starting with short term mission trips to EM in the 80s to a KSKA-based BM ministry in the early 2000s and now revisiting EM work.
Bangkit & Bersinar 2014
Christmas 2014 gathering with EM Students in Subang Jaya
Sarawak Iban Youth Camp Ebenezer, 40th Anniversary Edition - May 2015 | Sungai Way-Subang Methodist Church |
Sowing BM Christian Resources It is alarming to look at how Christian children and young people (especially in schools and colleges) are becoming the main targets of the aggressive and systematic (in most cases, well-funded) conversion effort. Blanket statements such as “the Bible is corrupted,” “Jesus was just a prophet,” or “you worship three gods” can shake their faith and sow the seeds of doubt. Recognising the need of BM speaking Christians to know what and why they believe, Wawasan Penabur has published a series of eighteen Basic Christian Doctrine (Siri Asas Kepercayaan Kristian) booklets. They are designed for both personal reading and group discussion, with Scripture verses and space for notes. At the end of each book, there are some group discussion questions or personal application. Dr Ng Kam Weng wrote in his endorsement of the books, “Many young Christians are vulnerable to temptations of modern society. Their faith is shaken when teachings in schools exposed them to ideas that challenge Christianity. The task of strengthening the faith of young Christians has never been more urgent”. One response to this challenge is the Siri Asas Kepercayaan
Kristian - a series of booklets which provides a simple, comprehensive and practical introduction to basic Biblical doctrines. This is also an excellent resource to pastors equipping them to serve God and His people and to build up the faith of young Christians so that they “will attain maturity of faith and will no longer be children tossed to and fro by wave and carried about by every wind of doctrine, by human cunning, by craftiness in deceitful schemes (Ephesians 4:13-14).”
since the launch of the campaign in June 2013 and another 30,000 copies are being printed. Notwithstanding, there are still many children who still do not have access to the Alkitab even as Wawasan Penabur team visits churches and Sekolah Alkitab in the interior of Sabah and Sarawak. SSMC has been supporting Wawasan Penabur since it was established. The Wawasan staff, Randy and Edwin are members of SSMC.
Miss Ho Gaik Kim, a lecturer from Seminari Theoloji Malaysia (STM), believes the series will help Bahasaspeaking believers build their basic foundation of Christian doctrines and also help them to respond to some questions raised by non-Christians through easy-to-understand discussion of apologetic topics such as the Trinitarian God, the deity of Christ and the Bible. The series include topics such as “The Beginnings”, “The Bible”, “God, Jesus Christ, Holy Spirit”, “Spiritual Maturity”, “Stewardship”, “Victory”. Satu Anak Kristian Satu Alkitab (One Christian Child One Bible) is an on-going campaign to equip each Christian child with a copy of the Alkitab Kanak-Kanak. To date, we have distributed about 210,000 copies
Ebenezer, 40th Anniversary Edition - May 2015 | Sungai Way-Subang Methodist Church |
Shalom… Keluaran 4:1-5 TUHAN berfir man ke padanya: "Apakah yang di tanganmu itu?" Jawab Musa: "Tongkat." Firman TUHAN: "Lemparkanlah itu ke tanah." Dan ketika dilemparkannya ke tanah, maka tongkat itu menjadi ular, sehingga Musa lari meninggalkannya. Tetapi fi r man TUHAN k e pada Mus a: "Ulurkanlah tanganmu dan peganglah ekor nya" -- Musa mengulurkan tangannya, ditangkapnya ular itu, lalu menjadi tongkat di tangannya. (ayat 2-4). To n g k a t a d a l a h sesuatu yang sangat sederhana yang ada di tangan Musa. Tongkat itu tetap menjadi tongkat biasa sebelum ia berada di t a n g a n T U H A N.
Tetapi ketika Tongkat itu diserahkan kepada TUHAN maka Keajaiban terjadi. Musa sebenar nya tidak menyedari bahawa TUHAN ada di tempat itu. TUHAN setia dan mencintai anda semua sehingga anda dipakai dan menjadi saluran berkat bagi orang banyak. A p a ya n g a n d a m i l i k i sekarang? Apa yang ada di tangan anda ataupun talenta apa yang anda miliki sekarang?. Tidak ada seorang pun anak TUHAN yang hidup tanpa talenta. Apakah yang ada di dalam hidup anda yang dapat anda serahkan kepada TUHAN untuk dipakai bagi kemuliaan-Nya? Kalau kemahiran, talenta, dan diri anda di serahkan kepada TUHAN, anda pasti menjadi manusia yang luar biasa!! Anda melakukan sesuatu oleh kerana orang lain bukan untuk diri sendiri. SSMC bertapak sampai pada hari ini di sebabkan TUHAN masih memakainya sebagai alat Penyalur Berkat kepada dunia yang penuh dengan kejahatan dan kegelapan. Di sebabkan SSMC sudi menjadi Tongkat di tangan TUHAN, maka wujudlah pelayanan KBM. # K B M To n g k a t d i t a n g a n TUHAN… Pelayanan KBM di mulakan oleh beberapa orang yang memiliki hati yang murni di hadapan TUHAN sejak beberapa tahun yang lalu. Tanpa mereka ini, KBM belum wujud. Terpujilah nama TUHAN kita YESUS KRISTUS kerana mereka sudi melayani di KBM sebagai tongkat di
tangan TUHAN. Pada 15 hb Januari 2014, TUHAN membawa saya (Ps. Peter Ukong) secara rasmi melayani di SSMC sebagai Pastor KBM sepenuh masa. Ia merupakan suatu cabaran yang baru di mana saya melayani Jemaah yang datang daripada aliran gereja yang berbeza. KBM datang dari latar belakang kaum, suku, bangsa, budaya dan gereja yang berbeza. Berasal dari Sabah, Sarawak, Indonesia, dan Semenanjung Malaysia. Suku-suku yang ada di KBM seperti Lun Bawang, Iban, Kadazan, Bidayuh, Orang Asli, Batak, Flores, India, Cina…ada juga yang tidak disebut di sini. Dengan kepelbagaian Budaya yang unik. Mereka datang untuk bekerja dan belajar di Semenanjung Malaysia dan dari latar belakang gereja yang berbeza pula s e p e r t i RC , S DA , P C S , S I B , METHODIST. TUHAN mengumpul KBM dibawah bumbung SSMC. # Matlamat KBM seba gai Tongkat di tangan TUHAN… * Agar KBM memiliki sifat “diri kekitaan” (self of belonging). Ada rasa keyakinan untuk memimpin, tidak terus bergantung, belajar untuk memberi dan memberkati, yakin melayani orang lain, dan berani bersuara sebagai seorang Kristian. * Agar KBM membangkitkan dan melengkapi para anak muda untuk melayani TUHAN dengan apapun cara mereka yang TUHAN telah kurniakan kepada mereka. Bersambung di muka-surat sebelah
Ebenezer, 40th Anniversary Edition - May 2015 | Sungai Way-Subang Methodist Church |
Bersambung daripada muka-surat sebelum
* KBM bertekad memberitakan Berita Baik kepada sesiapapun yang belum percaya kepada YESUS KRISTUS sebagai Penyelamat bagi hidup mereka. Memandangkan anggota Jemaatnya bukan orang yang tetap di gereja SSMC dan bukan penduduk tetap di Semenanjung Malaysia, maka pelayanan KBM membekalkan mereka dengan berbagai bentuk pengetahuan dengan cara membentuk, melengkapi, dan memuridkan mereka dalam masa yang singkat di SSMC dengan harapan apabila mereka balik ke tempat dan gereja mereka masing-masing, mereka akan memainkan peranan mereka sebagai TERANG dan GARAM kepada dunia ini. # Pe l a y a n a n K B M s e b a g a i Tongkat di tangan TUHAN… Persekutuan Doa KBM. * Di mulakan pada 11 Mac 2014 dan dihadiri 7 orang anggota KBM di Bilik Agape. Persekutuan Doa ini berterusan sampai ke hari ini setiap malam selasa. KBM mempunyai 3 DG. * DG Rh. Mazail - Setiap Malam Rabu. * DG di Store ( Tempat tinggal Pekerja ) - Setiap Ahad Minggu ke 1&3.
* DG di Flat Vista - Setiap Ahad Minggu ke 2&4. * Pelayanan Pelajar Kolej dari Sabah di Subang (Rh. Jack setiap malam Jumaat). Melalui pelayanan ini, beberapa pelajar menghadiri ibadah setiap Ahad. * Pelayanan Pelajar UiTM dari Sabah dan Sarawak UiTM - setiap Sabtu petang berdasar kursus Alpha Youth KBM sudah melatih beberapa jemaat untuk memimpin puji-sembah pada Ibadah hari Ahad. Pelayanan Okultisme atau Pelepasan dari kuasa gelap sangat penting di kalangan jemaat KBM. Pada 19 Februari 2014, Seorang jemaat yang ber nama SALVA dibebaskan dari kuasa kegelapan dan percaya kepada YESUS KRISTUS sebagai TUHAN. KBM ada panggilan untuk melayani di perkampungan Orang Asli memandangkan cara hidup, pendekatan dan budaya tidak jauh bezanya dari orang Sabah dan Sarawak. Pelayanan ini bertujuan mendedahkan jemaat KBM pentingnya Penginjilan supaya meraka mengambil berat tentang keselamatan jiwa orang lain yang belum percaya kepada YESUS KRISTUS. # Gereja SSMC di ingat sebagai Tongkat di tangan TUHAN… Keyakinan dan kepercayaan saya adalah mereka yang mengalami perubahan hidup dan pertaubatan akan sentiasa
SALVA dari Indonesia dibebaskan dari ikatan kuasa gelap berkata dalam kesaksiannya; “ketika saya berada di gereja SSMC, saya mengalami pertemuan dengan TUHAN dan perubahan yang luar biasa…” Mereka yang mengalami hal tersebut pasti sudi menjadi TongkatTongkat di tangan TUHAN untuk orang lain juga seperti apa yang SSMC lakukan terhadap mereka. Harapan saya sempena menyambut Ulang Tahun ke 40 SSMC kali ini adalah lebih ramai anggota Jemaah SSMC sudi dan bangkit menjadi TongkatTongkat di tangan TUHAN demi kemuliaan-NYA. Amen!! “SSMC adalah GEREJA Untuk Semua Suku, Memberitakan INJIL kepada semua Bangsa!!” Soli Deo Gloria
Ebenezer, 40th Anniversary Edition - May 2015 | Sungai Way-Subang Methodist Church |
它的4生并非偶然,也不是人的意念… BIRTHED NOT BY CHANCE, CONCEIVED NOT BY MAN’S WISDOM… 典,他感9年迈的家庭成∠也)到甜 ≌好像是SSMC中文堂的出 ≌好像是
生≈明~。 生≈
1994年11月26日下午4点是 1994
中文》契4生,它是第一 中文
个名正言’的》契聚会。 个名正言
文堂招兵rp,呼吁;中文事工有@ 担的弟兄姐妹一起来服事≌些新生的
》契 ?“ ?
它的4生并非偶然,也不 它的
∈孩。感】神,他的信々和慈 始≌
i史性的一刻:1994年11月26日。 始的道路崎∞不平,回D当年若非
店]"家庭∷。 店
会友携3一家大小一起 会友携
去n受上帝的I∥和神 去
家的温馨。 “我的父母不通【英文,他到那 %犹如∨子听雷,一点都不明 白。”
≮ 。 当 〃 , 我 u L ?趣 地 “ : “ 其 々,我u有六个人来聚会,包括另外 三位,圣父,圣子和圣
“我u全家都到波德申,把老人 家留在家里真有点不放心。“ “如果有中文的聚会,肯定≌班 老人家会
“用中文B他u.福音,也×他 u真的能
*老(Uncle Lee)和夫人
弟兄姐妹[i一起成*的日子,里面 参∫了我u的K笑和泪水。 我u看W一些年老的朋友因「我u 的分享Z入神的救恩,一个个安息主 J。我最R得李*老曾[很感恩地; 我“:“建=啊!我特
(Aunty Mary)听W会友的心声,
庭∷里另・一个中文聚会。 感】∮美主,一些老人家在家庭∷ 念…
教会q?「什么要有中文 教会
1994年8月,SSMC在波 1994
人会『:“SSMC不是英文 人会
里接受耶∵。≌是好得无比的美事, 全教会都K欣跳⊙,x声∮美神的恩
体有 弱,却也U持来教会得
在他u可ˉ任的n域,如代祷,迎( ∠,茶点招待,来事奉神。 Continue on next page
Ebenezer, 40th Anniversary Edition - May 2015 | Sungai Way-Subang Methodist Church |
Continue from previous page
我u看W年青一#,借≌小≥的 ∶,*#的〖心教6培育下,
更有信心事奉,「中文堂注入年青 活w的元素。 我u也看W青少年,在≌里得属 的
有些在国外念~,也参与事奉,造 就当地的教会。但愿他u回国以 后,能
多的青少年。 在SSMC40周年,中文堂20周年的 日子里,我u没有什么可夸的,唯 一可夸的是神的信々,唯一可做的 事数算主的恩典,唯一可祷的是更 U的信心和更深的
的是|≌福音棒子从≌代到那代, 永⌒.承下去。阿
SSMC in its 40th year, Chinese church in its 20th year - we have nothing to boast about. The only boasting we can have is to boast of God’s faithfulness, only work we can do is to count His blessings one by one, only prayer is to strengthen our faith and deepen our love, only hope we have is to pass the baton from one generation to another, amen! The well-worn document above is like the birth announcement of SSMC Chinese Church. At 4 pm on 26th November 1994, SSMC Chinese Fellowship held her inaugural meeting. At the Family Camp in Port Dickson in August 1994, many brought their entire family as they could not leave the elderly alone at home. However, many of the parents could not understand English and there was a crying need for Chinese sessions so that the elderly could also hear the gospel and be touched by the Lord. Uncle Lee Chee Weng and Aunty Mary heard the heart cries and after much prayer, a Chinese session was organised at the camp. Some elderly members accepted Christ through the session and the whole church rejoiced! These elderly converts needed spiritual growth and Uncle Lee and Aunty Mary encouraged and challenged some Chinese-speaking members of the English congregation to commit themselves to serving in the Chinese Ministry.
Through God’s faithfulness and loving kindness, 26th November 1994 then became a historic milestone in the history of SSMC. The beginnings were not easy and were it not for God’s love that compelled us to persevere, the Chinese Ministry would not have gone beyond infancy. There was one particular Sunday Service where there were only 3 attendees - the worship leader, the preacher and one “congregational member”! Twenty long years have passed - years of journeying together through joy and sorrow. Some have gone home to be with the Lord shortly after receiving their salvation. Uncle Lee expressed his gratitude for the timely salvation of these elderly ones. To this day I see elderly members faithfully attending church and serving wherever they can - in intercession, ushering and hospitality. I see the younger ones growing in their confidence to serve God, even as they are equipped through the DG and teachings. I see youths serving in the local churches overseas because they were equipped during their time with us. We pray they will serve together with us in reaching out to the younger generation when they return home after graduation. SSMC is in her 40th year and the Chinese Church is in her 20th year. We have nothing in ourselves to boast of. If we boast, we boast of God’s faithfulness as we count His blessings o n e by o n e, p r ay i n g th at H e strengthens our faith and deepens our love, and with the hope of passing the baton to the next generation. Amen!
Ebenezer, 40th Anniversary Edition - May 2015 | Sungai Way-Subang Methodist Church |
BY UNCLE LEE CHEE WENG AND AUNT MARY We have been members of SSMC for 38 years and we thank God for all blessings in leading us to serve Him in S S M C . We h a v e l e a r n t t r u e discipleship. One key experience in serving the Lord was the formation of the Chinese speaking congregation with the inaugural Sunday worship service held on 26th November1994. At that time the Holy Spirit clearly impressed on us the need and urgency to minister to the many elderly people in the church who are not so conversant with the English language. The Lord reminded us of His Word in Gospel Luke 15:10..." I tell you there is rejoicing in the presence of the angels of God over one sinner who repents". Truly God is love and since then many elderly souls in our midst have been saved. Our prayer is that all of us in SSMC will live out the Goal of our church "transforming lives and expanding His Kingdom"
家, 神的I∥在路加福音15:10提
醒我u, “我告〔你u,因「一个
罪人悔改, 神的使者也必≌∩「
我 我u有迫切的需要去服事一群来到
ic L: S hard ri K Cha i em ban gan /
Puc hon
61得那是十五年前的事,在一个 我
太太做了一个.$的祈祷,就7) 我!
能活出“≯化生命,c展神国”的教 会使命。
和共享基督的 和共享基督的+,使我!深深感
" ";后来他!来我家拜3,就在
那天我 那天我!接受了,
当耶 当耶-基督8入我心的那一天, 生命就从此改 生命就从此改%。 是父神在我 是父神在我!生命<暴中/了我
都很彷徨痛苦;我很清楚那次的祈 祷/了我太太很大的鼓励和安慰。
!真正的避:所,/了我!盼 望,也/了我!力量。 感5主,祢不但没有9弃我而常 ;念我。 今天我!一家人都信主了,感5 有祢伴我行;使我!以前'人生 充*彷徨,而,在不但心。
Ebenezer, 40th Anniversary Edition - May 2015 | Sungai Way-Subang Methodist Church |
SSMC Chinese Church the place of my second birth.
– +仰芬
限,力不从心。在此要向会友u“声 声
,无法一一 J非常有 非常有
;不起,更加多】你 u的包容和k k
我主耶∵基督,是你的恩手一路3n 3n
堂,就像××多多教会那∩,人的情 与
?暴,也不可能被摧N。除非人的情 不再靠上帝,离了上帝,人就 辛苦
我是3着相当沮、失!的心情来到 SSMC中文堂,那是2002年,算算有 13年的光景。在我生命最破碎的〃 刻,我必±把≌些名字都重新唸一 次:慧洁、玉清、建=、美良、玉 英、玉燕、敬慧、彩e等都曾[B我 鼓励和支持------。 在教会幼稚
Tadika Methodist)服事是我最
最令我J念的日子。同事V的感情也 因「共事而」固地建立起来。我在≌ 十多年的服事里,逐X累Q了教育方 面的知—和[∏,≌;我往后到文y 的服事影响巨大。 2009年我
每星期二早上都「我的事工和健康祷 告。每次aunty MaryW到我都B我几 句勉励的I∥或引用[文「我打气, L有梅太太和o太太≤是z}√抱
SSMC Chinese Church - the place of my second birth. A building, however impressive and well-equipped, does not captivate me. Love and care matters more than anything else to me. Of course, being human, our relationships can be tainted. Nevertheless, if the church is built on God’s love, even the fiercest storm cannot destroy it. If our love is an outflow of God’s love, we will not complain even if our labour for the Lord becomes too hard. When I came to SSMC in 2002, I had a depressed and defeated spirit as I was going through some of the most crushing experiences of my life. I thank God for the support and encouragement of my brothers and sisters-inChrist during that difficult period.
relationship among the staff. The knowledge and experience from those years also equipped me to serve in The Bridge Ministry. The Chinese Church intercessors upheld me when I started serving in The Bridge Ministry in 2009. Not only did they pray for my ministry and health, they frequently used God’s Word to encourage me. The love s h o w e r e d u p o n m e i s b eyo n d description. I thank the Lord Jesus Christ for graciously leading me to this land overflowing with milk and honey!
My days of serving in the church kindergarten were some of my happiest days as there was a wonderful
Ebenezer, 40th Anniversary Edition - May 2015 | Sungai Way-Subang Methodist Church |
42 42
by Liew Yoke Voon I accepted the Lord Jesus as my Savior on 22-12-2002. Since then my son, who was quite resistant, had also accepted the Lord and was baptized in July 2014. I want to thank God for His grace and love for our family. The year 2002 was not a smooth year for our family as shared by my wife, Chai Lan. While I was idling away at home waiting for the outcome of the investigation of the poison pen letters, my wife invited me to church as it was not helpful filling myself with all sorts of negative thoughts. Consecutively for 3 Sundays, the sermons by the pastors were like a personal message to me. On the 3rd Sunday, 22-12-2002, during worship when the song “Above All” was sung, I was so touched that my tears flowed uncontrollably. During the altar call I accepted the Lord as my Savior. I felt total peace within me. Subsequently my case was resolved and I was cleared of all allegations. Later my wife told me that she prayed and sought God’s intervention and God gave her assurance through Psalms 27:1. I thank Lord Jesus for His comfort and love during this difficult period.
I had been a smoker for nearly 30 years and even after I became a Christian, I was still smoking. I tried unsuccessfully to quit smoking using many of my own methods. One day a small voice told me to seek God’s help to quit this addiction. Immediately I prayed to God for His help to strengthen my will power, to kill my urge for cigarettes and to help me quit smoking. There and then I threw away whatever cigarettes I had. That was in 2005 and I praise the Lord for His mercy as since then, I have not touched a cigarette for 10 years. Through the years the Lord has been guiding and moulding me according to His will. He gave me a verse which has become a guiding light in my walk with Him, “Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of compassion and the God of all comfort, who comforts us in all our troubles, so that we can comfort those in any trouble with the comfort we ourselves have received from God.” 2 Corinthians 1: 3-4 Though English-educated, I have a love for Mandarin and was able to pick up the language easily. When I first attended SSMC I joined the English service while my wife attended the Chinese service. Eventually I joined my wife and daughters in the Chinese service as it was my desire that we should worship together as a family. It was only then that I began to understand why Mandarin factored so much in my life.
I was even able to join 2 mission trips with a third one coming up in May 2015. All glory and praise to our God! He had plans for me even before I knew Him and He had been preparing me to be a useful vessel unto Him. Looking ahead, my prayer is that God will provide us with more young people who will become the 3rd generation of leaders in our Chinese Church.
By Loo Chai Lan I accepted the Lord Jesus as my Savior and joined the Chinese Church in 2002. My mother-in-law was a Christian. When she went home to the Lord in May 2002, SSMC conducted the wake. During the wake some members from the Chinese Church invited me to join them for worship. My husband encouraged me, wanting me to make more friends. However, he cautioned me not to become “fanatical.” When I accepted Christ during a Sunday Service, I kept it from my husband for fear of his objection.
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Ebenezer, 40th Anniversary Edition - May 2015 | Sungai | Way-Subang Methodist Church |
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When we ventured out for Street Evangelism in the early days, my heart went out to the many Chinesespeaking individuals who were lost. Eventually, it was my calling and joy to serve in the Chinese Ministry.
2002 was a difficult year for our family with my mother-in-law’s demise, my daughter’s appendicitis operation and my husband’s gallstone operation. My husband also had work problems as he was a victim of poison pen letters.
SSMC was given the prophetic verse of Isa 43:19, "Forget the former things; do not dwell on the past. “ I believe that God is asking SSMC to forget the failures and successes, the pain and the joy and to throw off everything that hinders and the sin that easily entangles, and move on to take hold of what God has for her.
With so many problems and no one to turn to, I had to seek God for His help and intervention. Being a young Christian, the only way that I knew was to talk to Him. As I prayed God gave me Psalms 27:1, “ The LORD is my light and my salvation-whom shall I fear? The LORD is the stronghold of my life-of whom shall I be afraid?” God strengthened me through this verse and I shared this with my husband to comfort and encourage him. My daughter and husband had very successful operations and my husband’s poison pen letter issue was resolved and he was cleared of all false allegations. He later followed me to SSMC and was touched by the Lord and became a part of the SSMC family. I want to thank God for His comfort and assurances during my difficult times. His promises came true in our family and we have grown in love and knowledge of God in SSMC, our bigger family in God!
By Yun Wai Jee Since 1988, I have set my roots in SSMC, my second home. It has been the place of my rich inheritance - of missions, giving, service, prayer, discipleship.
“Forgetting what is behind and straining toward what is ahead, I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus.” Phil 3:13-14
In the early years, I was involved in intercession which was rewarding though tough due to level of commitment required. What God had planted in SSMC is still burning today - interceding for nations, tribes, tongues and His Kingdom.
Chalkboard testimonies by Chinese Church members
Ebenezer, 40th Anniversary Edition - May 2015 | Sungai Way-Subang Methodist Church |
有一年,我儿子媳A3我参加在 AWANA ]"的家庭∷,神触摸了 我,在最后一天∷会Y束前,我流着 眼泪接受了主。成「基督徒后,我 的生命得到≯化,没有惧怕,不再 有⊥。,不再有困苦,因「有主与 我同在。我在SSMC T 中文堂已[ 有17年,中文堂从前 ,〗在已[
姐妹人数也增加了,在中文堂就像 一个大家庭,有
安。 有一年,我肚子痛的不得了,住Z Pantai医院,做了多次 X-RAY 都找 不出原因,医生决定要9手…,在
了。”≌真是奇迹,神医治了我。 神≌份
⌒不会忘R。 感】主! I practiced idol worship for decades. That was until my son and daughterin-law brought me to Genting Awana for the SSMC Family Camp. God touched me during the final session and I accepted the Lord with tears of joy. After becoming a Christian, my life was transformed – no fear, no sorrow, no hardship as God is with me. Emmanuel! For the last 17 years I have been a member of the SSMC Chinese Church. I have seen it transformed from a meeting room
我是儿女把我3ZSSMC 教会。
主。 从中文堂
个人,除了主日崇拜外,很少其 他的活9,因「当〃的会≮年T 都很年*。但是我u〗在中文堂 增加了×多新血,有老、中、青 三代。〗在有小≥、青少年》 契、每月有晨祷会、一年一度的 家庭∷,L有社区
My son and daughter brought me to SSMC. In fact, I was quite against them believing in Jesus as I was a devout Buddhist then. Fortunately, God did not forsake me and caused me to understand what salvation was; that Jesus died on the cross for my sins. I accepted Jesus as my personal savior at a Family Camp. When Chinese Church started, there were only about ten people.
with a small entrance to a venue with a big entrance. The congregation has grown and the Chinese Church is like a big family with much love, joy and peace. I once suffered from acute abdominal pain and was admitted to Pantai Hospital. The doctors could not diagnose the cause even after a series of X-ray. They decided on surgery. However, on the morning just before I was scheduled to go into the operating theatre, the final X-ray showed that all was nor mal and there was no necessity for surgery. God had healed me - a miracle indeed! I will never forget God’s love and His miraculous healing. Praise the Lord! Mrs Lai (Loh Sau Lan) Besides Sunday Service, there were no other activities as the members were quite elderly. Now we have many more members – the elderly and younger ones. We have DGs, a Youth Group, monthly prayer meetings, our own sessions at the Family Camp, a visitation group and mission trips. I am touched by the leaders’ sincerity and faith in God. Though I am 80 years old, I still do my best to fulfill the duties of a Christian and serve in whatever small w a y p o s s i b l e. I thank God for His care and grace! Mrs. Moy (Lee Sook Ching)
Ebenezer, 40th Anniversary Edition - May 2015 | Sungai Way-Subang Methodist Church |
MY STORY - HIS GLORY - SSMC CHINESE CHURCH 是清醒的,可以听W医生用〉/^子 在1999年,当我丈夫去世后,我自
h3我去SSMC 中文堂教会做主日崇
命,并教6我更~—主,明白主;我 的旨意,耶∵是我的盼望,阿
在2009年,我在p大医院做M膝盖 手…,当G士把我推Z手…房〃,我 一点都不感_惧怕,因我知道耶∵会 看D我,我也感到神2下全副`装B 我
上,去抵57人攻P,整个手… F程中,我
In 1999 my husband passed away and being alone, I was often filled with grief. My daughter, Debbie, brought me to SSMC Chinese Church for Sunday Service. I was moved by the worship songs and touched by the sermons. I eventually became a member of SSMC. Hallelujah! I am now a child of God! I thank God for His overflowing grace as He transformed my life. He brought me into a deeper knowledge of Him and gradually revealed His will for me. He is my hope.
In 2009, I had to undergo a knee replacement operation. I was not fearful even as the nurses wheeled me into the operating theater as I was sure Jesus would look after me. I sensed God putting the full armor upon me to resist the enemy’s attack. I was fully aware of what was going on throughout the surgery as I could hear the sounds of what seemed like a “saw and hammer” throughout the procedure. I knew that as long as I drew strength from the Holy Spirit and trusted God’s great power through prayer and petition, all would go well. Within half an hour, the two doctors completed the procedure successfully. Two weeks after my surgery, I was able to move around freely and carry on like as usual. Hallelujah! I want to praise Jesus and His wonderful deeds! Amen! Phui Heng
My son and daughter-in-law brought
me to church. I felt very comfortable even as I stepped into the church hall
一次去教会〃,当我一踏入礼堂〃,_ for the first time. I sensed something 得很舒服,很不一∩,有不知身在何- very different though I could not 的感_,当会友u唱¨歌〃,我看了那 identify what it was. While other 些歌1,就_得十分感9,后来我就~ —了主耶∵,接受
members were singing, I read the lyrics of the songs and was deeply touched. I
成 「 我 个 人 的 救 soon became a Christian as I accepted
Jesus as my Lord and Savior.
be encouraged to pray more frequently
My wish for SSMC is that members will
and fervently and that they would
友 ; 祷 告 更 迫 切 , 更 ~ 真 学 』 神 的 I want to study God’s word seriously. ∥。 I wish to see the next generation more dependent upon the Lord. I pray that
我想看W教会的下一代更好,靠着神, our leaders will draw strength from 求神能帮助教会n袖u,栽培年{的一
God to train up the next generation to take on the mantle and that the
代,靠着神的力量培∶出更多的年{n church will flourish. 袖来做接班人,把教会=∪光大。 Yew Moi
Ebenezer, 40th Anniversary Edition - May 2015 | Sungai Way-Subang Methodist Church |
By Judy Tan - 曾宝珠
By Chng Yok Yan – 庄玉燕
虽然我住得很靠近SSMC , 但我却不
. 而在外《流浪了好
, 神的
向H By Christine Low -向H
, 弟兄姐
虽然有〃因工作,心境都疲f, 神L 是|我没有借口不来SSMC.因我知
来到≌里, 我被
我是在SSMC里信主的. 我在≌里的
日子, 人&得gE,不会怕W人,〗在
After many years of wandering, God brought me to SSMC. Ironically, I live nearby! I was deeply drawn by the church and my value system and per spective of life was slowly transformed. I thank Jesus for bringing me here!
Physical and mental exhaustion due to work pressure has never been an excuse to be absent from SSMC for I know that God loves me deeply. The sisters in the DG make me feel comfortable. It is like a home. The only regret I feel is that I have yet to be well-versed in the Bible.
深深吸引了. 从此,
3来丰富的酬f! In SSMC, I see love – from God and from the brothers and sisters. I thank God for changing my life and granting me growth through SSMC. After accepting the Lord in SSMC, I became more optimistic and was no longer afraid of meeting people. Now I can communicate with people through the love of God. He has also blessed the labor of my hands and granted me abundant rewards. By Jesmi Tan - 慧娟 因小儿子上SSMC的幼儿
SSMC5年了.感】神, 我三个孩子都信 主了! 我喜KSSMC中文堂有家的感_,弟兄 姐妹的友善与》契!
I attended SSMC because my son went to the kindergarten. Five years have passed and I thank God that all my three children have accepted the Lord as their Saviour. I love SSMC Chinese Church because it is like a home. Brothers and sisters are friendly and we have great fellowship.
Ebenezer, 40th Anniversary Edition - May 2015 | Sungai Way-Subang Methodist Church |
by Bayen & Rosyln Lok “It is an extremely exciting time for the Malaysian church as God is calling her to Rise Up. The Malaysian church is underperfoming in sending workers. However, in the past 10 years, we've seen the Malaysian churches becoming increasingly evangelistic locally and in South East Asia. God has also brought unreached people groups to the door-step and the Malaysian church can no longer live in their comfort zone.” excerpt from OM online article on Malaysia. This is evident even in KSKA where we see settlements of foreign people groups and migrants at our door steps. Another diaspora was the increase in the number of domestic helpers from Cambodia as a result of the Indonesian government banning domestic workers to Malaysia in 2009. Many SSMC members who had employed Cambodian maids brought t h e m t o c h u rc h o n S u n d a y s, prompting the start of a Cambodian Ministry in 2004 with only 7 Cambodian sisters, lead by Bayen and Rosalind Lok. A few ladies -Aunty Bee Lee, Eileen Fong & Chee Gek supported the ministry with their time, dedication and love and touched the lives of these Cambodian sisters. In time, and by God’s grace, the Cambodian fellowship grew to about 65 at its height. Many of them accepted Christ and were baptised in SSMC, and quite a number of them
went home and became active in their local churches in Cambodia. From a small beginning, God has blessed this Ministry and it is making a difference even beyond our shores without us having to go to Cambodia. The number of Cambodians has dwindled in Malaysia because of the Cambodian government’s current restrictive policy. Even as the doors are closing, we are reminded that t h e re i s a lw ay s a w i n d ow o f opportunity that God opens - and that we have to be sensitive, faithful and responsive to His timing and calling or we will miss out the tremendous privilege of being His co-laborers. We believe that we have sown the seeds even in the lives of these Cambodian sisters when they were amongst us. We pray that the fruits of our labor of love will be multiplied even in the land of Cambodia as they continue to serve the Lord and extend His Kingdom. In 2015, Clarissa Chang has assumed responsibility of leading the Cambodian Ministry, and she is assisted by Christina Lee and Kathy Chang. As women, they will be able to relate and share more intimately with the Cambodian sisters; averaging about 15. We look forward to an increase in attendance with the lifting of the Cambodian ban.
Ebenezer, 40th Anniversary Edition - May 2015 | Sungai Way-Subang Methodist Church |
God’s Glory in the Community By Ooi Kiah Hui, C o o rd i n at o r, Po l i c y, A dvo c a c y & R e s e a rch Department, Malaysian Care SSMC and Malaysian Care have been in partnership for 5 years now through Financial Literacy Programme (FLP) and Network for Economic Transformation (N.E.T.). We consider SSMC as a local church that is steadfast in making the Kingdom of God visible in its neighbourhood. We are deeply encouraged by your consistent display of care and service towards your poor neighbours. You have made God’s goodness and justice tangible by acting out in love, giving hope to the needy. We are inspired by your team’s creative efforts in supporting the FLP participants and providing opportunities for positive experiences in their little business development. Since launched in 2010, over 800 members of urban poor communities in the Klang Valley have undergone FLP. Trainers from SSMC have directly trained over a hundred of them and made further attempts to take some of the participants forward to start income generation projects. During one of your FLP Level 2 graduation evening, one of your
outstanding FLP graduates surprised and amazed me when she delivered a simple but almost flawless speech in English. Besides FLP, she had also been receiving some infor mal coaching in the English language and that evening, she was determined to express her gratitude to the FLP trainers in English! She attributed her new found confidence and income generation opportunities to her devoted FLP trainers/coaches. The majority of the FLP Level 2 participants were happy to continue attending the training sessions even without receiving any food aid. This is an indication that you have made prog ress in empowering your participants and they are growing in t h ei r s en s e o f i n d e p en d en c e, determination and communal spirit. Although N.E.T. is an informal network, SSMC’s commitment,
involvement and collaboration has made it a valuable platform for collective Christian actions. Your enthusiastic participation over the last 5 years has contributed to its growth as a unique network with a s p e c i fi c f o c u s o n e c o n o m i c development. Many of the newer church partners shared that it has been very fruitful learning from your experiences. Malaysian Care is encouraged by the work of SSMC. We are heartened to see how God places His vision for the urban poor in your hearts which is evident in your humble and willing service over a long haul. We thank you for your partnership and rejoice with you as you celebrate God’s faithfulness and goodness in the community. We pray that SSMC will be enriched in every way so that you can always be generous. As a result of your ministry, [people] will give glory to God. For your generosity to them and to all believers will prove that you are obedient to the Good News of Christ. (2 Cor 9:11 & 13 NLT)
SSMC with N.E.T partners at various advocacy engagements.
Ebenezer, 40th Anniversary Edition - May 2015 | Sungai Way-Subang Methodist Church |
CARE CORNER ORPHANAGE CHIANG MAI The island of Penang, where I grew up, was known for it hawkersʼ food, beaches, carefree lifestyles & religious potencies. We lived as a clan in a community where all my uncles, aunties and cousins lived together, but not always in harmony. We were a respected business and religious clan in Penang. My late uncle was once a leader of the Buddhist Association in Penang, and one of my cousins was one of the key leaders in the Taoist Association in Penang. Whenever there were any auspicious religious celebrations of both faiths, you can be sure our home was the key place where religious ceremonies and gatherings took place. Growing up in the above setting did not give me any fulfillment in life. I was still lost, despaired and miserable. I wanted to find meaning in life, and so I began searching for the solution. My search led me to indulge in music, disco parties, sports, martial arts, drugs, etc., etc. It was all about: Me, myself and I. What can I find to keep me happy and satisfied?
I believe God knows the right time to get me. I always thought that Jesus was the devil, and I hated Christians while growing up It was at that moment of deep desperation that I asked Jesus for help. I asked Him to intervene in my meaningless life. That was in October 1978. Indeed He did a miracle in my life. I got off drugs (heroin) cold turkey. I was ushered into a Christian community living. The word of God renewed my spirit, soul and body. I became a new creation in Christ (2 Cor. 5:17). My attitude in life was transformed by the power of God. I stopped seeking personal fulfillment. The “Me, myself and I” pursuant disappeared. Instead, I helping others who found joy in serving and were in need.
A visit from some working adults who grew up at Care Corner Orphanage.
In 1993, the Lord directed my wife and I to Chiang Mai, Thailand. We were invited to help in a bible school, and we planned to live and serve in Chiang Mai for four or at the most, five years.
While living in Chiang Mai, we learnt that many children were lured into prostitution by unscrupulous business people, or sold into prostitution by their own parents. The Lord laid a strong desire upon our hearts to find a solution for these children.
At the chapel
It was late 1978 when I last attempted suicide because of my drug dependence. I thought Iʼd tried everything to find meaning in life, but the more I tried, the more depressed I got.
By Ricky Tan PAGE
Ricky with one of the children
I know, on my own, I can do nothing to help them, but in Christ, I can do all things because He strengthens me (Phi 4:13). By the grace of God, we started Care Corner Orphanage in 1995. A home for orphans, underprivileged children, children who have been abandoned by their parents, children whose parents are in prison, children who are infected with HIV at birth, and children whose parents died of HIV related diseases. In our 20 years of ministry in CCO, we have seen more than a thousand children and some widows (James 1:27) being blessed. To God be the Glory! SS Methodist Church, Malaysia is one of our mission partners supporting the ministry of Care Corner Orphanage. Thank you for your faithfulness in serving the Lord together. You have made a difference in many childrenʼs lives! From our initial commitment of four to five years in Thailand, believe it or not, we are still serving in Care Corner Orphanage, Chiang Mai, Thailand after 22 years. Glory to my Savior Jesus!
Entrance to CCO
Ebenezer, 40th Anniversary Edition - May 2015 | Sungai Way-Subang Methodist Church |
“Go. Serve. Give. Love. Love slips by undetected, unglamorous, and changes history quietly.” Congratulations to the Pastors, Elders and member s of SSMC on your 40th Anniversary Celebrations! We are grateful to our Lord for the continuous support and partnership with SSMC over the years in doing the work of our Lord.
Interserve is an international evangelical mission organisation with about 800 partners in a wide range of ministries in Asia with National offices around the world including Malaysia. Interserve was started in 1852 by two women who saw a need to share God’s love to the oppressed women and children of India. Today, the organization has grown worldwide. Recognising the need to provide a channel for Malaysians to serve overseas, Interserve International identified Malaysian CARE as a local representative in Malaysia. Interserve partners with Malaysian churches to enable Malaysian Christians to serve cross-culturally in Asia and beyond.
Your partnership and support has enabled us to send workers to much of Asia and the Arab World. Interserve Malaysia which started in the mid 1980’s as the overseas department of Malaysian Care to enable Malaysians to serve overseas with a handful of workers, had grown over the years as a result of the support given by churches like SSMC and individuals. Your support for Choon , our first worker had enabled her to serve in some very hard places and also in some very critical role within Interserve such as Country Leader, Regional Director and also help pioneer new areas of work. Choon wrote as follows:-
cultural work all these years. You can never underestimate the important role all of you play in crying to the Lord. The day will come when you will stand with men and women of every tribe and nation praising the only one and true God and know that what you are and have done was not in vain. I strongly believe that you have been instrumental in helping me to ride above the challenges whether at work with street kids who have aged beyond their years; seeing shattered lives destroyed by HIV/AIDS and rejected or just daily living like even having a motorbike hit me while in a shop or seeing the battle won and good news accepted. So “Go. Serve. Give. Love. Most Christ-like acts are not reported by the press, or history books, or featured in video games. The world's eyes see only power, pride and aggression. Love slips by undetected, unglamorous, and changes history quietly.” By your favour, O LORD, you made my mountain stand strong. Psalms 30:7a” Once again , congratulations and looking forward to continued support and partnership of SSMC !
“Praise God for His abundance and faithfulness all these years! I hear of the beautiful way the church gets together in one big celebration of giving; whether young and old, to make a loud noise to the Lord in spreading His goodness around. I hope to get the opportunity to witness it one day. I have been privileged and honoured to have the church coming alongside me in cross
Ebenezer, 40th Anniversary Edition - May 2015 | Sungai Way-Subang Methodist Church |
Training workers in “Eastern Mountain” for the mission field In the mid-70s, the Charismatic Renewal was sweeping across Singapore and Malaysia. It was during this period that Tung Ling Bible School was established in Singapore in 1978. The name “Tung Ling” means ‘Eastern Mountain’ in Mandarin as the founding pioneers believed that God will train many workers in this “Eastern Mountain” and send them to the mission field based on Micah 4:2. Over the years, we see the fulfillment of this vision. Tung Ling is a ‘School of the Spirit’, ch a r i s m a t i c i n n at u re, i n t e rdenominational and maintains a strong emphasis on the Word of God and the present working of the Holy Spirit. From Singapore, a branch called Tung Ling Seminary was established in Malaysia (Subang Jaya) in 1993. Tung Ling Seminary, Malaysia further established a branch in India
Hi Ps Swee Ming Thanks for SSMC support of Tung Ling all these years. We are really grateful your church is sowing into training workers for missions.
in 2001, working together with Harvest Apostolic Ministries. Our School in India has trained more than 500 workers in the last 14 years. In 2009, Tung Ling Manila was established together with Jesus Reigns Ministries. Also in 2009, another branch was established in Ipoh, a major town in Malaysia. Tung Ling presently has schools in Singapore, Malaysia, India and Philippines and has trained more than 7000 workers since its inception in 1978. We offer a short term 3month School of Ministry Program as well as modular courses leading to a Bachelor of Ministry in 4.5 years. We are grateful to SSMC for their p a r t n e r s h i p w i t h Tu n g L i n g Seminary and give thanks to God for His faithfulness to the Church all these 40 good years.
Unfortunately, I will be in New Zealand on 23 & 24 May. I arrive back only on 24th Night. My apologies I cannot attend the 40th anniversary. Wah Lok Principal Past graduates from SSMC 2005 Leong Hap Choy 2007 Chen Su Ai 2009 Joshua Jassis, Kathy Chang, Povanesvaran Karuppiah, Debbie Liew 2010 Tabitha Xavier 2011 Doris Oh 2012 Samuel Anthony 2013 Choong Lai Theng, Muraly Mariappen 2014 Stephen Wong, Catherine Wong
SOM Class of 2015 SSMC Members: Jennifer Kwek (seated extreme right); Elizabeth Wong (2R-2FL); Deborah Wong (2R-4FR); Brandon Lee (3R-8FL), Bryan Phoon (3R-6FR); Shaun Yeoh (3R-2FR). e.g. 3R-2FR = 3rd Row, 2nd from Right
founded in 1978 A school of the Spirit
School of Ministry 9 MARCH – 29 MAY, 2015 Experience
Ebenezer, 40th Anniversary Edition - May 2015 | Sungai Way-Subang Methodist Church |
52 52
As far as I can remember SSMC´s anniversaries are always characterized by giving to missions as an expression of the church´s gratitude to God for all that He has done for the church. This is in contrast to many churches that spend great amount of money only for itself. It is little wonder then how the Lord has been blessing the church through the years. There is an expression in Spanish that goes like this: “el pastor es el clave o el clavo” Translated it means: “the pastor is the key or the nail”. I am convinced that in the earlier days when the church started 40 years ago, in God´s goodness, He put together a great team of lay leaders to move the church forward to what it is today. When I first went to Bolivia, things and situations were very different from the present day. Through the years the Lord began to work in the lives of many believers and churches and as a result, their thinking and mindsets also change from that of “give me” to “giving”. Today, I have the joy to share with you about the sending church of Bolivia. There are still a lot to be done in teaching, challenging and mobilizing the national church in the area of mission involvement but I can already see some results in a number of churches, amongst which are a few that God has given me the privilege to start. A couple of them have, at one time or another also copied the SSMC style of giving to mission in their anniversary celebration!
The latest example is found in one of the church plant that I am involved with. During the last year´s 3rd anniversary celebration, we collected an offering for a Bolivian missionary who is working in the 10/40 window. Since the beginning of this year, the church has decided to send a monthly offering to that missionary, even though it wasn´t a big sum. Most churches here don´t have much to give but they are learning to give and that´s the most important part. Just recently, another small church held a special service to send out their first missionary to China after the footsteps of Hudson Taylor, being the first not only for the church but also for the country! I want to end by encouraging the church to continue to move forward “as a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, an holy nation, a peculiar people; that you should show forth the praises of Him who had called you out of darkness into His marvelous light”1 Peter 2:9, so that many more nations of the world will come to know and worship Him.
Ebenezer, 40th Anniversary Edition - May 2015 | Sungai Way-Subang Methodist Church |
Training Cross Cultural Workers As SSMC celebrate 40 years of God’s faithfulness, we want to thank you for walking with us on this journey to serve Jesus. I still recall back in 1991 when SSMC decided to support me for six months. That six months has now become 24 years! During this time you believed in me and in what God has asked me to do, and then in 2003 when Geoff and I got married, you continued to walk with us as a family. You did not ask anything in return but gave generously of your love, care, encouragement, finance, advice, manpower, and prayers. You were committed to our success in fulfilling what the Father has asked us to do. Without your unwavering partnership, we would not have been able to do what He has called us to do well – to walk with others who are called to bring the good news to the largest UPG. Thank you for being an example of how God unconditionally loves and empowers people. It was 33 years ago that I started following Jesus. Within the first year, I was required to disciple someone else because I was the only one who could speak enough Cantonese in a small pioneering church. Every week, I attended the English Bible Study led by the full time worker, and the next morning went to a sister’s home to disciple her Cantonese husband. It did not deter me that I was a very young believer. I did what I could with what I had. Since then, my life vision has been to influence those who know me
to fall deeper in love with Jesus, and thus follow Him. From teaching Sunday school and leading small groups, to serving in Hong Kong with AO, traveling throughout Asia and starting a church for young HK students, this vision continues to be the same. Eight years ago, God opened the door for us to relocate to Malaysia to mentor small groups of overseas workers for cross cultural living and work. It’s a privilege and honour to share our lives with these young workers, discipling them with the goal of them discipling others when they go to the nations. Now after years of serving in different countries in different capacities, Geoff and I are still of the same mind and believe this is really what Jesus has asked us to do – make disciples who will love Him and make disciples. It’s not about how long a person has known Jesus or how much knowledge of the Bible he or she has. It’s to be faithful to share what we know and obey together with others who have made this same commitment.
Yeow Mooi & Geoff Today, the Great Commission has not changed! Jesus is still asking us to “go into the world… and make disciples of all nations, teaching them to obey His commands.” When each of us does that as His disciples, we will see the Gospel of the Kingdom reaching the uttermost of the earth… and then the end will come! Thank you for partnering with us, SSMC! Together let’s continue this amazing journey with Him and prepare ourselves to welcome His return!
Ebenezer, 40th Anniversary Edition - May 2015 | Sungai Way-Subang Methodist Church |
The Lord our “Rock of Help”, our Ebenezer ROSS & CHRISTINE PATERSON (FOUNDING DIRECTOR). ANNE KHOO (BASE MANAGER) C o n g r at u l at i o n s o n t h e 4 0 t h Anniversary of SSMC. On behalf of AMCCSM Malaysia, we extend our heartfelt congratulations to Rev. Dr Ng Swee Ming, the Pastors, Staff and the whole body of SSMC, and rejoice with you on this wonderful and significant milestone. Ross Paterson, founding director of Antioch Missions-Chinese Church Support Ministries writes: Christine and I feel a particular resonance with SSMC in your celebration of 40 years as a church. We are also celebrating 40 years of marriage in 2015 and for us, too, the theme is that the Lord has been our “Rock of Help”, our E b e n e z e r, over this time! It is amazing to look back over four decades and see God’s faithfulness. We rejoice with you at the privilege of being yoked in His service and giving our all for His glory. We are blessed to know two successive senior pastors of SSMC. I, Ross, have enjoyed special fellowship over the years with both Pastor Phua and Dr Ng. I first met Pastor Phua when invited to speak at SSMC about ten years ago and was touched not only to stay
in his home but to encounter such a wonderful church. Then, in 2008, Christine and I met Dr Ng Swee Ming at a Kairos course in Petaling Jaya. We were immediately drawn to him and enjoyed the fellowship of common minds as we wrestled with the challenges of mission in the modern world. As career missionaries ourselves, we deeply appreciate a church and her leadership who are committed to taking the gospel out cross-culturally to the nations, bearing in mind that thousands of people groups are still effectively unreached. Your giving to our ministry in China has been astonishingly generous and has been much appreciated over the years. We are blessed in these days to see a movement of Mainland Chinese beginning to move out crossculturally with the gospel and it is our burden to see them both trained and well supported as they do so. We are also blessed by a ‘partnership in the gospel’ with some SSMC members. Let us share a testimony passed on by Anne, our Base Manager - it was shared with her by an SSMC member following a visit to China. The AM Intercessory team visited tribal villages to intercede for the land. This was the testimony: In every place the team had been, “we always left Christ's footprint ” (a stone cross or Bible scriptures) so that whenever any tribal people passed, they would see it. Then, while the
team were praying in the mountains, a shepherd passed by - after the team shared the good news of the Gospel with him, he accepted Christ. The team also ministered to a group of students/young adults who, on the team’s last night in China, received God's call on their lives to reach out to their fellow students. The SSMC church member said, “It was a wonderful time with them... encouraging and praying for them. This mission trip has really touched me with a ‘burden for the lost’ more than ever in the land of China......truly the field is ripe but the labourers are few.” We l o o k f o r w a r d t o f u t u r e partnership with SSMC. Meanwhile, we bless you for your obedience to the Master thus far and pray for the next forty years to be similarly blessed by Him!
Ebenezer, 40th Anniversary Edition - May 2015 | Sungai Way-Subang Methodist Church |
GREETINGS FROM COLIN AND JULIA HURT We want to express our deepest thanks to all the leaders and members of SSMC for their partnership with us in spreading the Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ and in training and preparing people to fulfil the great commission in the many nations to which the Lord has sent us. Here in Asia the prayers and support of SSMC have enabled us to minister in many nations besides Malaysia: Singapore, Cambodia, Philippines, Indonesia, China, India etc. Without the help of SSMC this would not have been possible. One incident, very early in our association with SSMC, sticks in Colin’s mind. It was when we were wo rk i n g a l o n g w i t h S S M C i n establishing the school for church planters in Cambodia. At one period Colin was left alone in the apartment on the property adjacent to the school. At midnight he was woken up by the sound of all kinds of guns being fired – handguns, rifle, machine guns etc. etc. This went on for a long time. It was terrifying. He was convinced another Cambodian war had broken out. Sleep was impossible through the whole night. The next morning he discovered that it was the Cambodian Lunar New Year celebration and, traditionally, anyone who had a gun came out and fired it at the moon.
Julia ministering in Mexico
Some of our fellow Co-Laborers in Mexico If only someone had informed him the night before!! Besides our ministry in Asia, the partnership of SSMC has been invaluable in our ministry in Latin America in such places as Venezuela, Mexico, Costa Rica, Peru etc.
Whenever Colin ministers at SSMC he always tells a Julia story. Well, here goes. Last year Colin had the privilege to go to Nepal for the first time. He was sharing about this in a church in England and said that because he was going to Nepal he would probably climb Mount Everest while he was there.
The time spent in Costa Rica was very memorable. After a very long journey J u l i a s h o u t e d o u t f r o m t h e by road, with a huge can of petrol congregation: “You can’t even climb strapped to the roof of the vehicle (no the stairs.” Life is never dull serving petrol station on the island we were Jesus together. heading for), we arrived in the early hours of the Colin & Julia describing SSMC morning at the place where we were going to take a boat to Chira Island where we were going to help set up a training school. We were told to turn off all mobile p h o n e s, t o rch e s e t c . because the boatman guided himself through the swamp ahead of us entirely by the position of the stars. Many time it seemed like we were Thanks SSMC for your partnership in heading straight into a clump of trees, the gospel. So sorry we can’t be with but suddenly out of the dark a way yo u f o r t h e 4 0 t h a n n i ve r s a r y through would appear. The most celebration as we will be back in UK disconcerting thing was when the by then, but our thoughts and prayers boatman told us to keep our hands will be with you. Have a wonderful inside the boat because the whole weekend of fellowship, thanksgiving swamp was infested by crocodiles. We and vision. were inspired to pray earnestly that the boat would not capsize.
Ebenezer, 40th Anniversary Edition - May 2015 | Sungai Way-Subang Methodist Church |
SSMC: A Vessel of God’s Enduring Love and Endless Generosity by Marjorie Ann M. Pongase and edited by Lina P. Bechayda
It has been said that you can give without loving, but you cannot love without giving. This statement has been proven true and valid for the ministry of Word of Faith – Prayer C e n t e r t h ro u g h t h e b o u n t i f u l generosity of SSMC. Word of Faith – Prayer Center (situated at Lala, Lanao del Norte, Philippines) is one of the ministries that has been blessed by SSMC, both spiritually and financially. The church, headed by Ps. Jo h n a n d P s. L i n a Bechayda, has been supported by SSMC right from the beginning when God called both of them to minister for the lost souls.
For a newlywed couple, it was a struggle for them to establish a strong financial foundation of the ministry. God started His work in Word of Faith – Prayer Center through a handful of believers who prayed hard for His provision. As always, God provided as He established a divine connection between SSMC and WOF-PC. At the time when everyone thought about very small possibilities, G o d m ove d a n d re l e a s e d t h e impossible. In the pioneering stage of the ministry, Ps. John and Ps. Lina used a bicycle to follow-up on c h u r c h members, even those who were living very far in the baranga. The very first SSMC fund allocation received by WOF-PC was used to purchase a single Lifan
motorcycle. This motorcycle replaced the old bicycle and enabled the pastors to be more effective in home visitations, follow-up and Bible Studies. With SSMC’s help,WOF-PC also purchased two tricycles to help transport poor church members and also as a means of transportation for outreaches, birthdays, funerals and Sunday services.. As part of our efforts to develop their personal and spiritual lives simultaneously, the ministry supported a handful of young people, who served as church workers, to finish high school and four of them in their tertiary education,. SSMC’s financial help had also aided Ps. John and Ps. Lina to complete a one-year Bible School at Harvest Institute of Theology (Advance Bible Ministerial Course) as well as to attend various conferences and seminars with WOFPC’s leaders which equipped them in caring for God’s flock.
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Ebenezer, 40th Anniversary Edition - May 2015 | Sungai Way-Subang Methodist Church |
A portion of SSMC’s financial aid to WOF-PC has been allotted for various operating expenses for repairs and maintenance, and ministry activities like leadership training, and missions, children’s DVBS, youth camps, evangelistic salu-salo days, St.Tomas Outreach, Children’s Ministry, Baroy Outreach; leading to establishment of 2 outreaches in the neighboring municipalities. The current WOF-PC sanctuary, with an attached parsonage serving as the pastors’ current residence, is located in an old cemetery lot owned by the government who could repossess it anytime. Through the financial assistance of SSMC, WOF-PC was able to purchase a 1,200 sq.m c h u rc h l o t o n a n installment basis for 2 years and undertake the construction of the c h u r c h b u i l d i n g. Although there were donations from other churches and i n d i v i d u a l s , solicitations, and faith pledges from church members, the biggest contribution to the church building project is from SSMC.
The musical instruments (keyboard, bass guitar, hollow and electric guitars and a drum set) and technical equipment (such as laptop, projector, and sound mixer, among many others) of the ministry are also part of the precious outgrowths of the SSMC’s generosity. Through the unfailing grace of God, SSMC has become His pillar of encouragement and support to numerous ministries around the globe including Word of Faith – Prayer Center.
One could never imagine that a small and simple ministry in the province of Lanao del Norte, Philippines, could become co laborers with a church in Malaysia, in fulfilling the Great Commission here! But as God has promised in His Words in Luke 1:37, ‘For with God nothing shall be impossible.‘
remembrance of you.(Philippians 1:3) We always thank God, the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, when we pray for you, 4 because we have heard of your faith in Christ Jesus and of the love you have for all God’s people (col 11:3-4) From Word of Faith - Prayer Center
Ebenezer, 40th Anniversary Edition - May 2015 | Sungai Way-Subang Methodist Church |
Dear Pastor Swee Ming and Friends, Many thanks for this kind invitation! Wonderful to know that you are able to rejoice and celebrate together on this 40th Anniversary! I must ask for your kind understanding in not being able to be present as I am committed for that evening to speak at a CAC District Conference Prayer rally. Please accept my apologies. This comes with warmest wishes from Bee Teik and me for your anniversary! May the Lord bless the occasion with His gracious presence. In Christ, Hwa Yung
Praising the Lord for the testimony of SSMC all these years and for the lives which have been changed and enriched for the extension of His Kingdom. May the Lord continue to pour our His favour for SSMC in the days, weeks, months and years to come and may SSMC continue to be a beacon and light in the community which the Lord has placed them in. To God be the Glory! Blessings, Wee Min Partnership in STM Theological Training Seminari Theoloji Malaysia (STM) is certainly thankful to Sungai Way-Subang Methodist Church (SSMC) for their valuable contribution towards theological education. SSMC helped to finance Ms. Ho Gaik Kim, who was then a member of the church, to receive training at Regent College, Canada. This picture shows the many leaders and members of the church who were at Subang Airport to send her off. She has taught at STM since her return in 1990. SSMC has continued to faithfully support the seminary till today and for that STM gives thanks to God. We pray that this partnership will not only endure but be strengthened with the passage of time. It is with joy that STM wishes SSMC â&#x20AC;&#x153;A Blessed 40th Anniversary!â&#x20AC;? Ebenezer, 40th Anniversary Edition - May 2015 | Sungai Way-Subang Methodist Church |
My wife Joy and I, along with all the coworkers of Asia Harvest, congratulate SS Methodist Church on the occasion of your 40th anniversary! We were first privileged to speak at your church in 1998, and after that time we have been greatly blessed and privileged to enjoy a strong and effective partnership for the Gospel. In the past several years SSMC has supported many evangelists among unreached people groups in China, as well as dozens of injured house church pastors who are unable to work because of persecution and imprisonment. These have been supported through a project we call the "Living Martyrs fund".
We join you in giving glory to our Heavenly Father for all He has done! All around the world these are perilous times, but they are also exciting times for bringing in the harvest for Jesus. May your church continue to be a vessel of honour that the Lord will use to reach the nations. We pray the next 40 years of SS Methodist Church will be even more fruitful for God's kingdom, and that your church will never lose sight of the importance of sound doctrine, as well as the fire of the Holy Spirit to do His work in His power. For our Soon-Coming King, Paul & Joy Hattaway Asia Harvest
Realising that SSMC cannot fulfill our vision on our own, we thank God for the opportunity to be co-laborers with many mission partners, both local and global over the years. These are but some of the mission organisations and ministries that have become part of the SSMC extended family. Some have shared their stories here. There are many more which we cannot list here but whom we are involved with and are constantly in our prayers.
We give thanks to God always for you all, making mention of you in our prayers, remembering without ceasing your work of faith, labor of love, and patience of hope in our Lord Jesus Christ in the sight of our God and Father, knowing, beloved brethren, your election by God. 1 Thessalonians 1:2-4
NECF Open Doors, Malaysia World Outreach International Kenosis Home - Drug Rehab Elijah Touch- Rev Titus Shum SU Team Support FES Team Support Global Ministry Team (GMT) Seminari Teologi Malaysia Reconre Sdn Bhd Tung Ling Seminary Wawasan Penabur SIB Semenanjung- church planting
Raphah Ministry Colin and Julia Hurt Ministries Malaysian Care Semai Bible Translation Talitha Kuomi Church PlantingBangladesh Asia Harvest GT Ministries Antioch Ministries Word of Faith Prayer Center , Philippines Interserve Care Corner Orphanage, Chiengmai Drug Rehab Centre, Yala Thailand STAMP- Andaman Sea Gypsies
Ebenezer, 40th Anniversary Edition - May 2015 | Sungai Way-Subang Methodist Church |
PARTNERS IN THE ORANG ASLI MINISTRY TEMUAN by Rev. Richard Samporoh The Lord’s work is growing among the Orang Asli Temuan. The small beginnings in Kg. Ulu Kemin, Negeri Sembilan, has slowly but steadily expanded. The senior Orang Asli couple in that village, Pak Cik Tahan and Mak Cik Kusak, had been visiting their relatives in Kg. Ngongoi , a small Temuan village, around 30 minutes drive away. Sometimes they go by car with one of their children or sons-in-law, and sometimes by motorbike. Recently, there has been an encouraging increase in the number of believers in the village. There is a plan to build a small chapel in there. Twice or thrice a month, small teams from the town BM churches, SIB Shah Alam, SIB Subang Perdana and SIB Damansara Curve, visit the two villages to fellowship and teach the believers, both children and adults. The Kg. Ulu Kemin believers have more relatives in Kg. Ulu Tekir, in Habu, Negeri Sembilan. Visits were made by their relatives and some church members from our town BM churches. The relatives and some other friends were interested to know
more about the Gospel. By God’s grace and the support of friends and churches, a chapel was built in Kg. Ulu Tekir in 2014. The new believers in this village are visited two or three times a month by small teams from SIB Shah Alam, SIB Subang Perdana and SIB Damansara Curve. Some church members from these three town churches also helped build a house for a very needy Orang Asli family in this village. The mission gifts and support from SS Methodist church has been timely in meeting the ministry needs of the Orang Asli ministry in the three villages. Our partnership and the support of other friends and churches, with the Lord’s blessings have prospered the work. We continue to pray and work towards supplying them with suitable teaching materials. Recently, we age d to gi ve th em s o m e m an aged colourful children’s books on Bible stories, written in BM and English.
Newly built chapel in Ulu Tekir
Thank you for your continued support and partnership in the ministry.
OA Children in Ulu Tekir
Pak Cik Tahan & Mak Cik Kusak
Sunday Service in Ulu Kemin Ebenezer, 40th Anniversary Edition - May 2015 | Sungai Way-Subang Methodist Church |
Congratulations on 40 years! We would like to thank SSMC for yo u r a m a z i n g f a i t h f u l n e s s i n partnering with us for so many years. Beginning in the earliest days serving an unreached people, your support for over 20 years has been a backbone to changing the spiritual climate in a number of regions. Beginning with very little witness, today there is significant indigenous community of faith who love the name of Jesus, and experience His presence and authority in their lives. Now those who were once unreached are a part of those being sent to other islands*. Although we send this to you at a time of Celebration of SSMC’s 40 years, it is good to remember the price that indigenous communities pay as the evil one attempts to oppose the Good News being firmly planted amongst the unreached. Those embracing the Gospel understand that a willingness to suffer, and to love ones enemies, is a part of this message they embrace. One such example is our dear brother and his friend from this network who were imprisoned for sharing their faith. After 2 years of imprisonment for sharing the Gospel in their village, Ustad* and his friend were released in recent months.
We thank you that some of your support was able to assist them during this time, as they re-establish themselves and look to serve God in new locations. Here is a message from them... All praise we give to God who has given us strength during our time in prison. This last month has been a highlight because it has been a long time since I could spend time with my wife and children. In prison I learnt in a greater way about the amazing love of Jesus, who gave us the heart and desire to minister to my fellow inmates. We left the prison gates with great joy, but were also sad to leave those we were ministering behind. Leaving the gates left me with a sense of responsibility for the souls within, who have heard and embraced the Gospel.
I hope to remain in some sort of contact with them. In prison we realised that God has a wonderful plan for us all. This is one testimony amongst the many whose lives have been changed. Thank you for being a significant part of this. The nature of this work does not allow much interaction between those at the grassroot level and the Christian Church, due to suspicions by many communities towards anything not from their own religious traditions. However the love of Jesus is breaking down even these barriers. We know that there will be an even greater Celebration than you are experiencing now! That will be in the future, when you can fellowship with a spiritual family that you gave sacrificially for. It may even be in this generation, where religious barriers come tumbling down, and you can celebrate together with a spiritual family you never knew you had, united by the Blood of the Lamb. If not, we will all experience that fellowship in the age to come. Warm Blessings Your Friends in the Harvest
* pseudonyms & generic references used to protect the identity of field workers and ongoing ministry work
Ebenezer, 40th Anniversary Edition - May 2015 | Sungai Way-Subang Methodist Church |
Col 1:10 so that you may live a life worthy of the Lord and please him in every way: bearing fruit in every good work, growing in the knowledge of God,
John 8:31-32 To the Jews who had believed him, Jesus said, ' If you hold to my teaching, you are really my disciples. Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.' .
2014 2 Cor 5:14-15 For Christ's love compels us,... that those who live should no longer live for themselves but for Him who died for them and was raised again
Col 4:2 Devote yourself to prayer, being watchful and thankful. 2005
John 10:27-28 'My sheep hear My voice, and I 1 Cor 11:1 know them, and they follow Me. Imitate me, as I also imitate And I give them eternal life, and Christ. they shall never perish; neither shall anyone snatch them out of 2012 My hand.' Col 4:2 Devote yourself to prayer, being 2004 watchful and thankful. John 4:34 2013
"My food," said Jesus, "is to do the will of him who sent me and John 7:38 to finish his work. Whoever believes in Me, as the 2003 Scripture has said, streams of John 8:31-32 living water will flow from within Joshua told the people, him. "Consecrate yourselves, for tomorrow the LORD will do 2010 Daniel 9:19 amazing things among you." O Lord, listen! O Lord, forgive! O 2002 Lord, hear and act! For your Romans 12:1-2 sake, O my God, do not delay, I urge you, brothers, in view of because your city and your God's mercy, to offer your bodies people bear your Name." as living sacrifices, holy and pleasing to God—this is your 2009 1 Thes 1:3 spiritual[a] act of worship. Do We continually remember before not conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but be our God and Father your work transformed by the renewing of produced by faith, your labor your mind. Then you will be able prompted by love, and your to test and approve what God's endurance inspired by hope in will is—his good, pleasing and our Lord Jesus Christ.' perfect will. 2008 Phil 3:13-14 ' 2001 Brothers, I do not consider Colossians 2:6-7 myself yet to have taken hold of So then, just as you received it. But one thing I do: Forgetting Christ Jesus as Lord, continue to what is behind and straining live in him, rooted and built up in forward what is ahead, I press him, strengthened in the faith as on toward the goal to win the you were taught, and prize for which God has called overflowing with thankfulness. me heavenward in Christ Jesus.'
2000 1 Peter 2:9 'But you are a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people belonging to God, that you may declare the praises of him who called you out of darkness into his wonderful light' 1999
Luke 9:23 Then he said to them all: ' If anyone would come after me, he must deny himself and take up his cross daily and follow me' . 2001
Colossians 2:6-7 So then, just as you received Christ Jesus as Lord, continue to live in him, rooted and built up in him, strengthened in the faith as you were taught, and overflowing with thankfulness.
1 Peter 2:9 ' But you are a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people belonging to God, that you may declare the praises of him who called you out of darkness into his wonderful light' 1999
Luke 9:23 Then he said to them all: ' If anyone would come after me, he must deny himself and take up his cross daily and follow me' 1998
John 15:5 ' I am the vine; you are the branches. If a man remains in me and I in him, he will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing.' 1997
Daniel 11:32b '... but the people who know their GOD shall be strong & carry out great exploits ...'
Even as one shares his testimony, he affir ms his own faith and also encourages others who may be going through similar trials. Feel free to write your own story on the back page - left intentionally blank for you to testify of God’s goodness and faithfulness. The SSMC story is incomplete without yours!
Here I raise mine Ebenezer
Inasmuch as we should look back and remember God’s goodness, there is a uplifting sense of looking ahead as described in the lyrics to the song Ebenezer composed by our own Catherine Phoon...
Samuel took a large stone and placed it between the towns of Mizpah and Jeshanah. He named it “Ebenezer” “the stone of help" for he said, "Up to this point the Lord has helped us!" 1 Samuel 7:12 The history of Israel can be summarised as a series of cycles - of obedience and rebellion invariably corresponding with periods of blessings and judgements. When Israel repented under the leadership of a new judge, Samuel, God restored their status. To mark this, Samuel placed a large stone to publicly commemorate God's faithfulness and His eternal covenant. Even as the peoples went about their lives, the stone remained a permanent reminder to them and to all who passed that way, of God’s judgment and the peoples’ repentance and of His mercy and restoration. Indeed, the Ebenezer stone represented a fresh beginning, a restoration of favor for God's people.
It is also a marker and a signboard declaring His everlasting mercies and faithfulness.
Here I raise mine Ebenezer; hither by thy help I'm come; and I hope, by thy good pleasure, safely to arrive at home. Jesus sought me when a stranger, wandering from the fold of God; he, to rescue me from danger, interposed his precious blood. These lines from the beloved old hymn, Come Thou Fount of Every Blessing by Robert Robinson (1735-1790), speaks of God’s help in our times of need. We are called to raise our Ebenezer declare His mighty acts in our lives as in Psalms 145:4-6. Sharing what God has done helps us to remember to remind others what God had done through and for us.
“Ebenezer, thus far the Lord has helped us Ebenezer, Your faithfulness we've tasted And we believe without a doubt To higher planes You'll lead us on...” Ultimately, these testimonies are recorded to glorify God and God alone, and not to fuel any ego trip. As we recollect God’s goodness, it can be an encouragement or even a compass to point us back, when we lose our way in despair and hopelessness. We can honestly testify that there were times when we wandered off into own our wilderness, but God has always been faithful even when we were not! As the hymn continues, it is like God’s fetter to bind our wandering hearts to Him.
Let thy goodness, like a fetter, bind my wandering heart to thee. Prone to wander, Lord, I feel it, prone to leave the God I love; here's my heart, O take and seal it, seal it for thy courts above.
Ebenezer, 40th Anniversary Edition - May 2015 | Sungai Way-Subang Methodist Church |
The blank page is left for you to write your own story as a chapter in our collective unfolding narrative as Godâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s family in SSMC.
I have told the glad news of deliverance in the great congregation; behold, I have not restrained my lips, as you know, O Lord. I have not hidden your deliverance within my heart; I have spoken of your faithfulness and your salvation; I have not concealed your steadfast love and your faithfulness from the great congregation. Psalm 40:9-10
Ebenezer, 40th Anniversary Edition | Sungai Way-Subang Methodist Church |