For internal circulation
2 Chronicles 7:14 (NIV)
If My people who are called by My name will humble themselves, and pray and seek My face, and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin and heal their land
Missions Week Reflection
Page 4
Kayu Ara Bersih Phase 3
Page 5
Transformed by the Spirit
Page 9
Living Here & Now
Page 10
Glimpses of God
Page 11
We Won Right
Page 12
Second Chances
If you have a story to share, write to us at! We would love to hear your stories
Selamat Hari Merdeka Sungai-Way Subang Methodist Church
MESSAGE FROM PASTOR! Greetings to the SSMC Family. It is so very good to be HOME for there’s no place like HOME. Ps Kok Moi and myself were away on our ‘Leave of Passage / Sabbatical’ towards the end of May till our return on 13th August. It has been quite a trip - visiting, seeing and experiencing much in our travels in UK, Europe and ending up in the US. But at the end, there is truly no place like home – our immediate family, church family SSMC and our beloved country - Malaysia. Every Sunday save one when we were away, we made it a point to attend a Sunday service wherever we were. It was a new experience visiting and worshipping in churches that we find just by googling and know only by name and address. Being a visitor to a church, we found some churches were more welcoming than others, experience different styles and yes, decibels of worship as well as in the preaching of the Word. At the end of the day, it is not where we worship, how we worship not even when we worship that matters but it is WHO we worship – the Lord God Almighty. It is my constant prayer that each SSMC’ian will grow in their relationship and experience with our Saviour and Lord, that we will all be true worshippers not only on Sundays in church but each and every day of the week wherever we are. Let this also be your prayer for yourself, your family members, fellow DG members & other Christians, that our Lord whom we worship is the only hope for us and our nation. So even as we celebrate our Independence Day, there is a quiet confidence, optimism and hope taking root in our nation after what happened in GE14. Into this new era of hope as a nation, as Christians in our beloved Malaysia, let us continue to pray and stand in the gap, that God Almighty who has miraculously given our nation a second chance as it were to get things right, that righteousness, justice and truth will prevail and become foundational for Malaysia Baru. However even as we rejoice and celebrate as ‘New’ Malaysians this Independence day, let us be reminded that our Hope and Trust is not in any man or politicians, but only in the Lord who alone guide and move human hands and hearts to accomplish His Will and Purpose for our nation. Let us as God’s chosen ambassadors in this nation continue to be Light and Salt where we are, in whatever we do and with whoever the Lord chooses to bring across our path each and everyday. All Glory, Praise and Honor to Him who sits on the Throne. In His Service Ps Dr Ng Swee Ming
ASK PASTOR We have a column where you get the chance to ask Pastor for his views on any issue. Drop us an email at! We look forward to your input and questions.
Written / Compiled by Ko Hui-En
CB Samuel came from Methodist church background who spoke to us in SSMC on the topic of Wind of God on 20th May which is also Pentecost day. A great reminder that He shared that it is a strong link with the Holy Spirit and mission, yet which is sadly missing today. The problem today is that many churches can do so much without the help of the Holy Spirit, the churches still can be there because largely driven by own understanding and own work and their own planning. We learn the technique of doing things and we bring this technique and hope we can go to the world and change the world. CB Samuel
Ezekiel 47: 8-12
8 … When it empties into the sea, the salty water there becomes fresh. 9 Swarms of living creatures will live wherever the river flows. There will be large numbers of fish, because this water flows there and makes the salt water fresh; so where the river flows everything will live. 10 Fishermen will stand along the shore; from En Gedi to En Eglaim there will be places for spreading nets. The fish will be of many kinds—like the fish of the Mediterranean Sea.
12 Fruit trees of all kinds will grow on both banks of the river. Their leaves will not wither, nor will their fruit fail. Every month they will bear fruit, because the water from the sanctuary flows to them. Their fruit will serve for food and their leaves for healing.” A great challenge for us is this: Ask your family members or people who are close to you, what has they seen in you which is different? It is important that you go to this church and people sees no wonder you are such a fresh person and you bring freshness because you belong to a community of the Spirit? Wherever the river flows, everything become fresh. Do we have that freshness and the joy we can bring to our communities? OR Have we lost the joy of life and not able to touch a life, and we view life as just a continuation of yesterday?
Aunty Mary is 83 years old and our Prime Minister is 93 years old, we have no excuse to say I am too old and not able to mobile. I can do something! Ask God! There is no retirement from God’s works. Prayer from CB Samuel for SSMC: “This church will become a model for all Methodist church on how to be a missional church because you are a community with the Spirit, because the Spirit directs Mission.” My personal prayer: Lord, I want to be an instrument, I want to be spirit filled person because where the river of the Lord is, there is freshness. Freshness in my family (Ko’s), my church (SSMC),my working place, my community, my nations (Malaysia + China)!
Where there is the spirit of the Lord is there is abundant life not a boring life. When we are in the community with the Spirit and when the Spirit moves there are plenty of opportunities.
Speaker CB Samuel & Wife
Written / Compiled by Ko Hui-En
Breakout sessions Living Missionally by Philip Phua
Reaching the unreachable by Phua Seng Tiong
The session was done through interviewing 3 people who are of different professions. The questions asked are: • Are others aware of your relationship with Jesus? • Are there restrictions on sharing your faith? • What does’ living a missional lifestyle mean for you in your context? Philip led each to share their experiences. They also shared their stories on the opportunities that God has given them to be salt and light in their workplace. We also heard the challenges faced in living missionally and the ways they chose to deal with those challenges.
He shared his experiences in reaching out to the unreachable who were searching for the truth in the midst of their discontent. Those who attended the session heard that on the surface, doors seemed to be closed but opportunities exist. Many of them are searching we just need to open our eyes to seize the opportunities. We need to take off our tinted vision so that we can reach out in love and friendship to begin the process. We were challenged in our resolve to put this into practice.
The session concluded with each encouraging others to live missionally. The honest sharing gave a good insight of what it means and entails to live missionally. It has certainly challenged one to do likewise.
KAYU ARA BERSIH PHASE 3 The efforts of showing love to our community continues with Phase 3 of Kayu Ara Bersih to beautify the space. Our faithful green finger gardeners have been tirelessly spending their Saturday mornings, harvesting the place and pouring our God’s love, beauty and creation in the form of planting, weeding and growing a garden for this community. We asked Daniel of his thoughts and reflections for Phase 3, and here is what he said… We are literally putting hands on the plough for the kampung.
When I was approached, I felt the privileged to be part of change in the community. At first I was afraid as I only did gardening in my home and not sure how many people would be there but God was faithful and sent many fellow church members to work on this together. We got the opportunity to know more of the folks at Vista Flats as many of them pass by. There were opportunities to interact and not just nameless people we ‘pray’ for. I truly enjoyed the many hours together with Ariel, it was a great father daughter time
By Daniel Khaw
Almost immediately into our first session, the word spoken was “Breakthrough” for each one of us individually, as well as for the church as a whole. We were reminded that wherever we are at, it is NOT where God wants us to STAY. The speaker, Ps John Cairns mentioned about the stirred pool (John 5: 1-15) and that all of us must push past our issues and “go into the center of the stirred pool”. We were reminded to set the sail, be in position and be ready! To forget the past and to press on! To launch out. To step out in FAITH, even though stepping out in Faith is spelt as “ri-s-k-y”. God wants to flow powerfully through our lives, but we are reminded also to nurture our relationship with God - for “the acts of God are known by observation; but the ways of God are known or understood by association (with God)”. The Holy Spirit empowers us but we must check ourselves by asking, “Does the Holy Spirit have us?”. The WOW factor is to have the Holy Spirit in us, to fill us, to lead us and to guide us. We ended the opening night with ministry time “Holy Spirit, I hunger for you”.
AMAZING QUOTES: "Where you are at is not where God wants you to be ... God is on the move and so must we“
At camp there were many other opportunities for ministry times for healing, impartation of the word, receiving . . . .
"Need to have a healthy godly discontentment where we are and continue to press on....“
Bright and refreshed after a sumptuous Saturday morning breakfast (by the way, all meals this year were fantastic!), our Saturday session continued:
Faith is a 4 letter word spelled "RISK“ "To see a miracle, we must be in a place to experience the miracle....“ "God's gift to us is our potential, Our gift to God is how we use our potential“ "The acts of God is known by observation, The ways of God is known by association“ "We cannot live a positive life with a negative mindset.... Our minds need to be transformed“ The Question is not - if we have the Holy Spirit ? The right question is - does the Holy Spirit have us?
We were reminded that the HS is not just a doctrine but a reality. And as such, we are to live a NORMAL supernatural LIFE! It should be ‘normal’ for us to experience ‘miracles’. We are to move in the HS and experience the miraculous. Not to settle for less. God wants to use us everyday! We were reminded to love & to have compassion. To make God our focus. To face God. To be imitators of Him. The sessions were filled with much engaging stories and laughter as well. One story led to all of us also infectiously crying out “FIRE!” and that desire for the HS fire continued to be the call and cry throughout the camp that whole day! Those who were at camp, let’s cry out now… ready? F-I-R-E !
About 260 of us were at camp last weekend. The Chinese congregation had about 50 campers (i.e. about 80% of the congregation), whereas about 210 were from the English and Children’s Church (i.e. just about half of our congregation. BTW, our KBM had their camp earlier in May.) So, here is a brief report with photos to share with the whole church body.
CHURCH CAMP 2018! We had a whole session on the “Holy Spirit and Discipleship”. Disciples are whole-hearted followers of Jesus - dynamic, energetic, forceful, living a radical new way of doing life. We were reminded that it is not adding-on Jesus to our lives as it were, but to leave everything and follow Him. To hunger for God. To seek God. God is speaking, but are we listening? To worship in Spirit and in Truth. To have a vibrant relationship with the HS. Disciples live by the Word of God, know the Word, speak the Word, love the Word, be the Word and do the Word. Disciples also live a prayerful life, intentionally seeking God’s purpose and will. Transformation is ‘surrender’ first to our Lord, and then to be informed by Him as our Teacher. We are to live a life of counterculture (i.e. Kingdom culture) and not live under a sub-culture. We are to live a life eager to share Jesus with others - and that’s part of our Kingdom culture. We are the light. We have the mandate to GO and reach out.
Sunday’s session was on God’s heartbeat and how important it is for us to live a life “on mission”. God’s heart is missional, and our lives should be the evidence of what God’s grace is. Make Jesus your closest friend (not your closet friend!). We are to live life abundantly. Father God takes small things to achieve great things (as in the 5 loaves and 2 fish, and that’s Kingdom culture!). God is asking us, “what is in your hand?” Other camp highlights include two days of early morning watch & prayer starting at 6 am (attended by about 30 of us), lots of fellowship especially over the meals and night supper, we had an eventful durian party; camp games were filled with fun telematches for all ages, Saturday night celebrations had the children and Chinese church all coming together.
The Children’s session had their theme on being “Totally Transformed” where they performed a song and dance. It was truly a delight in watching how enthusiastic and passionate the children were. Chinese Church performed a worship song and dance expressing their love and gratitude for Christ. We had grandparents standing strong, up on stage expressing their form of worship was truly an encouraging sight. We truly had a wonderful time with God and as a church family. We look forward to many breakthroughs in the individuals of SSMC and SSMC as a church family! If you would like to testify of God’s goodness and how He transformed you, write to Ebenezer, tell someone, because His greatness is worthy to be praised
AMAZING QUOTES: * Don’t shrink Christianity into the size of your life … * Supernatural is not in the New Normal * Trying to do the Lord’s work in our own strength is the most confusing, exhausting & tedious of all work. But when you are filled with the Holy Spirit, then the ministry of Jesus just flows out of you.” Corrie Ten Boom * When God wants to do the miraculous, He will ask us to do the ridiculous * Compassion is not just feeling sorry for someone. Compassion is feeling sorry and then doing something about it.
PHOTO GALLERY AMAZING QUOTES: * If we settle for the ORDINARY, we will miss the EXTRAORDINARY *Seek His Face, not His Hands. If you seek Him, you get everything that God has * God is speaking, are we listening ?
AMAZING QUOTES: * When we become a disciple of Jesus, we do not only lay down our ‘wrongs’ but also all our ‘rights’ as well * We prefer Knowledge before Surrender….. With Jesus it is Surrender before Knowledge
AMAZING QUOTES: * Christian life is about TRANSFORMATION, not INFORMATION * We see our Christian Faith as a Sub-Culture but Jesus calls us to be a Counter-Culture in the world * God’s order is for Christians to GO to the lost instead we are waiting for the lost to COME to us !!
* God is a Missional God…
* Christians should be the evidence of what God’s Grace can achieve
* We Pray for God to Move. God is waiting for us to move, to go…
* People are the mission but people are also the obstacle * The problem is not the harvest, the problem is the labourers in the Church, not ready, not going and not reaping. * As Light Travels Faster Than Sound, so our Action Travels Much Faster Than Our Words * Why would the world want to live like the Church when the Church do not live up to it’s own standard and is seen as dull & boring ?
*Jesus is meant to be our Closest Friend, not our Closet Friend * Instead of Christians telling people what they are against, time for Christians to tell people what they stand for * God is looking for ordinary people through whom he can do extraordinary things, so that He can get all the glory. * People do not need to know all the answers. They just need to know how God has impacted your life.
By Koay Su-Jian
“I will keep to the speed limit to avoid getting any more summonses!” This was my 2018 New Year resolution. I used to drive very fast at a highway that has a speed limit of 90km/h and averaged more than a couple of speeding fines in a year. I must say, the intention of keeping to the speed limit was reasonable but not particularly in the right spirit. In my selfish intentions, God in His grace, taught me to appreciate the longer but more meaningful journey on the road and in life. The immediate thing I noticed the past few months were the surprisingly beautiful flowers at one small stretch of the highway; pink and red (I have no idea what flowers they are). Never had I thought to see such beauty along this highway. Such serendipity or the lack of it was also reflected in my life. Not that I led a fast paced life, but the routines and busyness had blinded me to God’s pockets of grace in my life. Even if I had noticed them, I did not pause to really savour and thank God for them. I was simply fixed to get it done well and to get it over with. I was not living in the “here and now”. Routines will remain but the way I engage them by living in the “here and now” will make the difference. I recall 2 simple yet reflective spiritual exercises I learned at a retreat from an old Japanese man, Ohtawa San. During our silent meal time, we learned to ask questions like, “Where did my rice come from? What kind of work was put in by the farmers that planted this rice? What does it mean for the chicken to die in order to give me life?”
I have to admit that some of these questions sounded ridiculous at first. But by doing so, it forced me to simply be present before my food and listen to the story behind the things on my plate. It had also taught me to not only be thankful to God but also to all those who were involved. Even the chicken! This spiritual exercise goes beyond savouring the flavour of the food but a deeper understanding and appreciation of God’s provision in my life through the people and things around me. The second spiritual exercise was “Greetings”. Do I mean my every “Good Morning” or “Good Night”? Greetings ought to be a wish and prayer upon the other person. Morning greetings is simply praying that God will grant my friend (or even a stranger) a good morning today. How beautiful it is knowing that our greetings also mean committing someone to God in prayer. So, no more “Hi…Bye…” But a sincere presence of prayer for the other. To quote Henri Nouwen, “Prayer is the discipline of the moment. To pray is to listen attentively to the One who addresses us here and now.” The apostle Paul also urged the Thessalonians to “pray without ceasing”. For the longest time I consider Paul’s plead as something impossible or merely a figure of speech. As I reflected on it, what I understood was the need to be in tune with God at every moment. Prayer has now become more than just a petition to God, but to attentively realign myself to God at each and every moment. Prayer becomes a space within me where God dwells and where I am invited to dwell with God.
Prayer also forces me to confront the chaotic state of my mind and heart. And many of these moments happened in the 45 minutes of my car ride at the end of a day. I remembered one day, singing a line, “So I lift my hands and I bring my song…” As I sung it repeatedly, what I slowly realized that it was not a hand of praise but an angry fist toward God. The process of dealing with this was a painful one but it was through the posture of prayer and submission before God that allowed me to see His countenance once again. Jesus’ prayer at Gethsemane demonstrated an honest contemplation and a humble submission to the will of the Father. For those who enjoy driving above the speed limit, I want to encourage you to slow down and turn off the music once in a while. Be attentive to your surroundings and open your heart to listen to your being. Speak to God in the midst of ordinary routines and hectic schedules. I have no idea what God is going to do. But may He surprise us, as we live in the here and now.
By Rosalind Chong
I remember a post I wrote back in 6 Oct 2016. Ethan was helping me carry a heavy bag of water bottles that morning. His shoulders were tilted to one side as the bag was too heavy for his little frame. After walking quite a distance when we reached the car, he said "Mommy, this side of the bag was hurting my leg but I didn't give up ... I didn't give up mom because I know you had to carry Ryan." At that instance, my mouth blurted the standard motherly reply that I have become so accustomed to, "Good job Ethan, thank you". After dropping the kids off at school that morning and on my way to work, I had some time to reflect. My heart was moved by what my son said. "I didn't give up mom". I have had some rough weeks myself back then. And I told myself that morning, I won't give up. As I was reading through the Psalms this whole week (in our BWJ reading), I remembered that story back in 2016. I was reminded of what my son said. What my spirit was receiving that morning.
Often, when we are going through the fire, desert, trial or pain in life – we find ourselves on the brink of giving up. When the load becomes too heavy to bear and it hurts. It scratches our soul and dampens our spirit. It robs our joy and delight. We lose our childlike receptiveness to God. Our soul is no longer awaken to the wonders of God. We abort our God given dreams. We give up on God’s promises to us. We start asking WHY God? WHY me? WHY now? WHY? Sometimes our questions seemed to birth more questions. Most times, if you are anything like me, I don’t necessarily get the answers I’m looking for. God does not seem to answer my WHY questions very much. But He answers my WHY question with a WHO answer. He tells me who He is. In Psalm 16, David provides us glimpses of who God is:
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God is our refuge (v1) He’s the source of all things good (v2) He is worthy of our allegiance (v4) He my portion and my cup, He secures my lot in life (v5) I have a delightful inheritance in Him (v6) He is my Counselor (v7) He is before me, He is near (v8) He makes my heart glad and my tongue rejoices (v9) He gives rest to my body, I can rest in peace (v9) He gives me life eternal (v10) He has made known to me the path of life (v11) He fills me with joy and eternal pleasures in His presence (v11)
“I will walk with you on this journey. I am reliable. I will give you your portion and cup. I will be your Counselor. I am before you. I am near you. I will restore your joy. I will secure your lot. I will give you rest. I will make known to you the path you are to take. I will give you my eternal pleasures.” He gives me glimpses of who He is. If you have a big WHY question mark hanging out in your soul, take a break from your frantic search for answers and look around for the arrows that points you to who God is. The Psalms are full of them. Father, we admit we want answers and there’s nothing wrong with that. But we can trip ourselves up when we hold clenched fists around our own agendas. We are looking for a plan, but then you offer us Your hand. May it be enough today. Grow in us hope where confusion used to live. Grow in us courage where once there was fear. Thank you for never leaving us alone. Emily P Freeman
Car rides aren’t the most exciting thing in the world anymore. All that waiting needs to be filled with something. Sometimes my eldest reads a book, sometimes he has a toy. Most of the time, all we have is stories. He’ll ask me to tell him a story about machines, about computers, about water, about parking, about whatever comes to mind. And then we’ll continue to talk about that topic, till the next one comes along. Today the topic abruptly changes, because he’s spotted a red, white, and blue pennant by the road. “PKR flag!”, he exclaims. The blue and green counterparts aren’t in view, but he knows what that symbol means. “Can I have a story about elections?”, he asks. I’ve told this story a few times already, and so I start explaining about the democratic contest, about voting, about constitutional monarchy and how our king isn’t all-powerful. He’s heard most of this before, and as usual he’s very quick to interrupt. “We won, right?”
This line of thinking hasn’t come up before. I’ve described corruption and grand larceny, authoritarianism and censorship, protests and civil rights, but his main takeaway seems to just be this simple idea. We won. Did we?
Pakatan Harapan definitely won. It wasn’t even close, the win was more emphatic than even the most optimistic Harapan supporter not named Rafizi could have imagined. A margin sufficient to overcome real and conjectured electoral roadblocks, legal tangles, coalition struggles, political fatigue. PKR, DAP, Amanah, Bersatu, they won. Civil society, to some extent, did win. Suddenly another Bersih rally seems very far away. Media personnel no longer fear criticizing politicians and their parties (whether ruling party or opposition). Social media in general feels lighter (though not any more intelligent, sad to say) without the imminent threat of police or other official action. There is more space for expression, even if cultural forces and political realities mean the more marginalized remain that way (especially those minorities considered deviant and sinful). Did Christ’s church win? In terms of identifiably Christian representation, there’s certainly an improvement over the recent past.
Perhaps more significantly, there seems significantly less traction to attempts to characterize the political contest as some sort of Christian/minority conspiracy. And emotionally, there’s no doubt many of us feel like we’ve won. We claim this victory because we fought for it as voters, as volunteers, as protestors. We claim this victory because we believe we fought for justice, and against injustice. And so I answer my son. “Yes. Yes, we won.” But I do not believe it, because the fight continues. A new government rises with hope, but Christ’s church, these citizens of no earthly city, will continue to fight. Because injustice and oppression remain, because division and hatred remain, because the poor and marginalized remain so. And because if we stop fighting, if our knees do not continually bend for our nation and our hands continually build it up, other powers will capture Malaysia. Christ won us our independence. Selamat Hari Merdeka.
God can transform a nation in a day. Never doubted that, but never thought I’d live to see it. Perhaps I had little faith. I remember having a conversation with my husband about the elections and saying that a change was definitely coming, but I had no idea in what form. But I know that God’s ways are higher than mine and what my little mind can comprehend.
The night of elections, I was slotted to lead in prayer for the outcome of the elections. We worshipped God, we called on Him, we surrendered all things unto Him. The results poll was flashed on the big screen so that we pray informed prayers. But I couldn’t focus looking at the results, so I kept my eyes shut and interceded for my home. We ended early and I went home.
The month leading up to elections, I was slotted to lead the church in intercession and there was a deep burden to pray for our nation. It was my first time leading the Sunday congregation, so you can imagine nerves were rising but I wanted to pray, I wanted to pray for my country and I had the privileged to lead others in prayer to align our hearts to God’s will for this nation, to not pray selfish prayers, to completely surrender our nation to God.
I stayed up until 3am, I could not keep my eyes open anymore and fell asleep. I woke up the next morning recollecting my memories of the night before, grabbed my phone and checked the news websites, a couple of them just to be sure. It was unreal, I checked my Whatsapp messages from different chatgroups with celebration in those messages. And I thought to myself, “Wow, this really happened”.
Our young adults group gathered to pray for our generation, for Malaysia and for the upcoming election that was to take place in a week. That night, many other young adult brothers and sisters gathered and united to do our part in nation building, on our knees. It was a mix of emotions, it was empowering and anxiousness to know the outcome.
I texted my cell leader and said… “This is so surreal. I can’t believe that I’d live to see history made. It is like God gave Malaysia a new lease on life. He is so faithful, and He loves us so so much. What an emotional day”. And it really was for me. I’m 31 and this is my 2nd time voting. I was a polling, counting agent the last election and I was an intercessor this election.
My amazing God gave Malaysia a new life, a chance to start a new. A change for us to do it right again. I was reminded of the day I accepted Christ at 19. It was surreal because I have a chance to do it right. He saved me from darkness and He saved Malaysia from that same darkness. Because of this, I am even more empowered to give my best for the purposes He intends for me, where the work of my hands is to glorify Him alone. We have a lot of work to do, Malaysia just like each of us shall continue to be sanctified by Him. But God is always on the move and I want to sail alongside with Him. I believe He will use every generation to fulfil His purposes. For now, thank you Lord for what You have done.