Pieces in a Museum
Pieces in a Museum Copyright Š Jack Galmitz 2016 All Rights Reserved
Pieces in a Museum
Jack Galmitz
ambience ambience ambience ambience
tourists leave Auschwitz
an as semb lage
can you see yourself
brickbrickbrick brickbrickbrick brickbrickbrick brickbrickbrick brickbrickbrick brickbrickbrick
read red
but tress
strain ge
an equation ≠it
serial serial cereal serial serial
trans migrate
alien ate
she drew hearts with her hand
reign falling
inside out
reck less
dis org ani zed
approx imate
a border crossing
sesquipedalian words are abstract
is this water
I draw my bath with pencil and paper
a great sound the television crashing on the ground
In a Whiteout