The Mayor's Stimulus Task Force Recommendation

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economic Quarterly JUNE 2011 - OCTOBER 2011


economic Quarterly


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Florida’s Warmest Welcome

In Pompano Beach, we know that obtaining building permits can sometimes be a confusing and frustrating process, especially if you don’t know how to navigate the system. The City of Pompano Beach Development Services Department recently hired four permit expediters who are given one basic charge: ease and expedite the building permit process.

Our expediters know the codes and

procedures associated with obtaining building permits.

On March 22 nd, 2011, the City of

They coordinate the permit process by logging, labeling,




adopted a new logo and a brand

This saves our residents, contractors and builders time,

promise. The City promises to “provide

money and aggravation.

an envioronment where your comfort,








enjoyment ans success is our top priority”. The City and Community Redevelopment Our trained team of permit expediters can be easily


recognized by their yellow shirts. They are available to

Wilesmith Advertising and Design to

meet with applicants to provide a preliminary review of


applications and communicate information about our per-


mit process. They also conduct project research and help

advertisement team conducted a series

with paperwork in order to allow plan reviewers more time


to review your building permit. In some cases, they split

meetings, and gained input from

permits so that different trades can conduct concurrent


reviews. These

comprised of City staff, the CRA,






process, so you get your permit sooner.




Pompano interviews















Advisory Boards, local business leaders, the Historical Society and the Chamber

The permit expediting program has been in place for less than a year and we have already experienced measurable success. Our plan reviewers are now able to review more permits daily, and the turnaround time for permits has been significantly


strumental in ensuring

The expediters will be in-

of Commerce. The City will use the new logo on City business cards, vehicles, shirts and signs. Kim



director of the CRA and branding

a smooth and seamless

committee member said “It’s about

transition to the

E-Plan program.

a brand promise, not a tagline and

In the future,

our permit ex-

not an image. The idea is to send a

offer pick up

cohesive message about what the City

pediters will and


ery services

wants to say to its residents, business








branding committee member Elaine Fitzgerald





you feel the parks, beach and clean environment.”

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Duke Invests in Pompano Du



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Duke Realty Corporation (NYSE: DRE), an Indianapolis-based real estate investment trust, has started the process to purchase Pompano Beach based Premier Commercial Realty’s 4.9 million square foot South Florida portfolio (3.4 million square feet of the portfolio went to closing on December, 2011). The total purchase price is $450 million, with Duke also assuming $292 million of debt. City officials had a ‘meet and greet’ with Duke Realty on January 6 th, 2011. The agreement includes four Pompano Beach business parks and five other similar properties scattered across South Florida from Davie to Plantation to Boynton Beach to West Palm Beach. The Pompano Beach properties include:

Atlantic Business Center . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,300,000 sf Park Central Business Park . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 972,430 sf Sample 95 Business Park. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 469,318 sf Copans Business Park. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 384,711 sf

Total . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3,126,459 sf

Recently, the South Florida Business Journal

Journal listed this purchase as the # 1 deal in the

included the top two parks from the list above on

County in 2010.

their Top 25 Largest Business Parks (ranked by acres developed) in South Florida. The Atlantic Business

Industry statistics from the fourth quarter of 2010

Center ranked 18th with 137 acres, while Park

show the Pompano Beach submarket with a vacancy

Central came in 25th with 90 acres.

rate of 9.5%. After applying this figure to the newly purchased space, it would seem that Duke has

Considering the City’s entire industrial market is ap-

approximately 281,000 square feet of available

proximently 30.4 million square feet, this purchase

space. Duke is marketing aggressively to lease up

encompasses 10% of the entire Pompano Beach

their new space. Nearby properties will also reap the

submarket. Pompano Beach industrial properties

benefit from the increased exposure.

comprise just over 23% of the entire Broward County market; with this deal, Duke has effectively

Currently, Duke has submitted applications for per-

purchased 2.3% of the Broward County market. The

mits to build-out 110,000 square feet for the De-

move makes Duke one of the largest commercial

partment of Treasury and to build-out 2901 NW 27 th

property owners in South Florida with more than

Avenue for Agro Turboserve, an aerospace company

7 million square feet. The South Florida Business

relocating to Pompano Beach from Cincinnati, Ohio.

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in Pompano Keeping Our Economy Afloat

This article was derived from the reports prepared by Alexa Von Staden and Sandra Von Staden.

In an effort to help stimulate the business

cultural / heritage tourism, and leisure activities such

economy in the City of Pompano Beach, the

as shopping, dining, entertainment and sightseeing.

Mayor’s Stimulus Task Force was formed in October

The Plan also addresses branding, marketing, adver-

of 2009. The Task Force concluded that based upon

tising and public relations.

the ongoing tourism analysis, the City should define a tourism strategy and a plan for the City. The Task

The Tourism Strategic Planning Team was charged with

Force invited Alexa Von Staden, a masters student in

addressing the following issues and recommendations

the University of Florida’s Tourism and Commercial

contained in the Tourism Overview and Assessment:”

recreation program to prepare a working document that would form the basis of future tourism planning and development in the City of Pompano Beach. The report, which is known as “Tourism in Pompano Beach – Overview and Assessment “2010” included both short-term and long-term recommendations.

o A1A Scenic Corridor (3 miles) o Atlantic Boulevard Corridor o Federal highway corridor sections immediately north and south of the East CRA boundaries o Rehabilitation of existing accommodations o New hotels and tourism related development

This 2010 report formed the foundation for the creation of a Tourism Strategic Planning Team (TSPT). This group arduously worked to create an Action Plan for the City of Pompano Beach called “Tourism in Pompano Beach – Planning, Development, Marketing and Management (2011).” The group adopted the following vision statement: “Pompano Beach will enjoy prosperity and sustainability as a tourism destination in a renewed environment wherein our local tourism industry functions and grows as an integral part of the economic development and positive image of the City of Pompano Beach.” The Action Plan establishes specific goals and

o Ecotourism o Sport Tourism o Cultural/ Heritage o Relationship building Convention & Visitors Bureau and Visit Florida o Partnerships with neighboring municipalities and chamber of commerce o Tourism focused press releases/ media relation ships/communication outlets including web cam o Tourism advertising/ marketing program o Visitor Center and Kiosks o Comprehensive Visitor’s Guide o Comprehensive website & connectivity w/other sites o Community involvement via City Advisory Boards/ members

strategies in the following areas: physical environ-

o Partnerships with schools offering hospitality and related programs

ment, accommodations, ecotourism, sports tourism,

o City-wide branding initiative

:: Page Three ::

The tourism action plan was presented to the City Commission on April 26th, 2011. The Tourism Strategic Planning Team also identified the Tourism Network, which will be integral to implementing the City’s tourism goal. This informal network consists of representatives from the City of Pompano Beach, the EDC, the CRA, local citizens, professional advisors, the Chamber of Commerce, local public & not-for-profits, and other tourism marketing partners. Together, this network will help create the framework to effectively and efficiently support the tourism industry in Pompano Beach.

Why is Tourism so Important? A. Psychological & Development Benefits:

• • • • • • •

Provides urban, neighborhood revitalization Generates pride, enthusiasm for local residents Encourages historic preservation Improves destination image Creates social activities for public Aids protection of natural resources Develops interpersonal skills

Source: A & B US Travel Association 2009


B. Indirect & Induced Benefits:

• • • • • • • • •

Creates jobs and services Generates new payroll Reduces taxes paid by existing residents Enhances local infrastructure Provides for city services, personnel Enhances real estate values Diversifies economy Attracts businesses Encourages entrepreneurial opportunities

Snap-shot of a tourist in Broward County

Average Age. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50 years

Average Length of Stay. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.9 Nights

Average Household Income. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $85,100

Average Expenditures (per person per day). . . . . . . $152.00

Average Number in Party . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.7

Mode of Transportation Mode of Transportation

Accommodations Accommodations










Private Home



Other Paid

Trip Party Composition Trip Party Composition

Purpose PurposeofofStay Stay



General Vacation

10% 6%

35% 34%


One Adult

Visit Friends/Relatives

20% 19%

Getaway Weekend

8% Special Event



Other Personal





Other Source: C, D, E, F & G Excerpt from “Tourism in Pompano Beach – Overview and Assessment (2010).” Provided by Greater Fort Lauderdale Convention and Visitors Bureau, August 2009. Information determined by D.K. Shifflet & Associated Ltd. and Visit Florida 2006

continued on page 5

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What Activities are They Engaged in? H.

Did You Know? Pompano Beach has many annual events and local traditions for both tourists and City residents. Some highlights include:


Shopping Tourism/Sightseeing



Fine Dining 2%

2% 2%

3% 3% 3%


20% 18%

• • • • • • • •

Boating/Sailing Watch Sports Events Playing Golf Museum, Play, Concert Visit Historic Site(s) Festivals/Craft Fairs Other

Fishing Rodeo- largest sport fishing tournament in South Florida Holiday Boat Parade Seafood Festival Nautical Flea Market Green Market - December through April Car Show East Village Uncorked Music Under the Stars Free summer concert series

To view a detailed list of the City’s events, please visit the Sun N’ Fun section of the City’s Trade Winds Source: H, Excerpt from “Tourism in Pompano Beach – Overview and Assessment (2010).” Provided by Greater Fort Lauderdale Convention and Visitors Bureau, August 2009. Information determined by D.K. Shifflet & Associated Ltd., in 2000.

magazine located at, or in the events section of our city’s website.

Spotlight on Sustainability On the Fast-Track

The Pompano Beach City Commission voted to

by eliminating the need for multiple paper copies

create an electronic plan review (E-Plan) process

of printed plans.

that will be accessible through the City’s website. The E-Plan review process will allow designers to

E-permitting will not only decrease the amount of

submit electronic (paperless) plans to the City for

paper wasted, but will reduce unnecessary travel

review. Through the electronic submittal, multiple plan reviewers will be able to look at the plans at the same time. The software will also highlight any revisions to the plans, thus allowing the City to review plan revisions quickly and accurately. These

to City Hall. This initiative will compliment the green building program, which offers incentives to green certified projects including “fast-track” permitting, reduced permitting fees and final project designation by the City.

efficiency gains will mean that residents, builders

The City has purchased the software and hardware to

and businesses will be able to receive their build-

make the E-Plan program possible. Pompano Beach’s

ing permits in less time than ever before. In addi-

IT department is currently configuring the new

tion to speeding up the permitting process, E-per-

computers for deployment. The City plans to go live

mitting will reduce printing and production costs

with the E-permitting system with the new fiscal year.

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First Quarter News from the President of the Greater Fort Lauderdale (Broward) Alliance: Partnership for Economic Growth

Partnership for


The following clips were all taken from the Greater Fort Lauderdale / Broward Alliances newsletter.

The City of Pompano Beach economy functions with-

is expected to have ten employees in the first year.

in the regional context of Broward County and eco-

CROMA was founded in Vienna in the mid 70s and

nomic activity in Broward reveals trends and creates

Fort Lauderdale is their launch site in the U.S. market.

opportunities for Pompano Beach. To take advantage

The Alliance assisted with both of these projects.

of the regional dynamics, the City of Pompano Beach is involved with the Greater Fort Lauderdale/Broward Alliance (the Alliance) which is the official Broward

The Alliance performed extensive industry cluster outreach in the first quarter of 2011. Alliance members attended the Mobile World Congress in

County public/private partnership for

Barcelona, Spain, and the CoreNet

economic development. The mis-

Global NYC Discovery Forum in

sion of the Alliance is to lead

New York City. The Mobile

Broward County in build-

World Congress is the

ing a stronger and more

mobile industry’s “must

diverse economy. This is

attend” event each year

done by promoting in-

and the Alliance took

creased public/private sector

the opportunity to tell


delivering development

some of the world’s


leading wireless com-


panies why they should

tives focused on new in-


vestment and job growth,



as their location of choice for

enhancing the competitive-

future expansions and reloca-

ness of Broward’s business

tions. With some of the leading

climate and driving regional

wireless companies in the world

initiatives. Along with its part-

already located here, including Mo-

ners, the Alliance markets Broward

torola, Research in Motion, Foxconn

County to reach company executives,

and General Dynamics C4 Systems, the

site selectors and real estate consultants.

Alliance was able to tell others in this $1

The top public and private sector leaders

trillion industry about the benefits of lo-

in Broward County are involved in the Al-

cating in the area’s strong and successful

liance, including business, government,

cluster. Local technology leader Citrix was

academia and community leaders.

also at the Congress and provided impor-

In March 2011, the Alliance announced the recent locations of two companies in Broward County. Off Grid Solar, Inc. is located at 2775 NW 63rd Ct. in Fort Lauderdale. Off-Grid Solar, Inc. manufactures solar energy panels and plans to hire 150 employees and make a capital investment of $11.7 million. CROMA Pharmaceuticals is an Austrian based company involved in the manufacture of ophthalmology, or-

tant introductions for the Broward team. More than 40 directors of corporate real estate attended the Corenet Global Forum and met with active headquarter prospect contacts and corporate real estate/site selection consultants in the New York City area. The Alliance’s CEO Council served as the primary sponsor of the Forum.

thopedics and aesthetics products. CROMA located

The Alliance held their Economic Gardening Forum

a new subsidiary in Fort Lauderdale. The company

for Second Stage Companies on April 8th at the Sigcontinued on page 7

:: Page Six ::

nature Grand in Davie. Second stage companies are

become a landmark organization bringing together

those that have 10-50 employees and revenues of

more than 5,000 delegates and over 200 speakers

$1 million to $25 million a year. The Alliance offers

combined under the auspices of three annual confer-

a free suite of economic gardening support services

ences: the Conference of Montreal, the Toronto Forum

including 40 hours of technical assistance and up to a

for Global Cities and the Palm Beach Strategic Forum.

$250,000 business loan, access to CEO Forums, events

For more information, please go to http://pbstrategic-

and a statewide referral network, to qualified Second

Stage Companies. Contact the Alliance at for more information. The Palm Beach Strategic Forum was held April 4th, 2011 at the Palm Beach County Convention Center. The Alliance was one of the partners in this event. The Palm Beach Strategic Forum, held under the auspices

The Alliance contributed to the March edition of Florida Trend magazine which printed a 35 page special section on Broward County. The section talks about many of the reasons companies are choosing Broward County as their location of choice.

of the International Economic Forum of the Ameri-

The Alliance Annual Meeting will be held on Thursday,

cas, is a non-profit organization fostering dialogue on

October 13th, 2011, at 6:00 p.m. More information is

national and global issues. The Forum has grown to

available at

CRA: On the Move


The Pompano Beach Community Redevelopment Agency (CRA) is open for business and the first project in the East CRA has started. The East Atlantic Boulevard Streetscape improvement project kicked off on April 27 with a Ground Breaking Ceremony that celebrated a grand vision for the businesses and the gateway to Pompano Beach. Planned improvements for this project include reconfigured street lanes, wider sidewalks for outside dining, and enhanced landscaping. This project will take approximately four months to complete. The CRA is also in discussions with the property and business owners to beautify the building exteriors. Frank’s Ristorante received a Façade & Business Site Improvement Grant and Merchant Assistance Program Grant and is working

a rd

towards being the first building updated on this block.



In the meantime, CRA consultants are


working on all other East CRA projects



and the construction documents are



90% complete and moving forward with



the permitting process. These projects include improvements on Atlantic Boulevard, from NE 20th Ave to A1A, the new parking lot and façade improvements to the Harbor Village commercial subdivision, and Pompano Beach Boulevard, from Atlantic Boulevard to NE 5th Street.

In the Northwest CRA, work continues along NW 6th Ave and NW 6th St., while permits are being secured to finish site development activities at Ortanique Estates. The CRA has contracted with Keith & Associates and their sub-consultants to provide design services for the Downtown Pompano Connectivity Project. Keith & Associates was the #1 ranked firm in a Request for Qualification published by the CRA in December, and the CRA Board authorized CRA staff to begin negotiations in March. Staff expects to begin design activities immediately. The design plans will take approximately six months to be completed.

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A property located at 731 MLK Boulevard /Hammondville Road has been purchased by the CRA with plans to develop it into a Âą 6,000 sq. ft. retail/office facility. The 1st phase of this project is to process a site plan through the Planning and Zoning Department followed by final design plans and necessary construction permits.

Incentive Program Grant Recipients The renovations to the properties located at 2201, 2205 and 2209 E. Atlantic Blvd. in the East CRA District are complete. Improvements to the building included adding a parapet, new impact glass, new light fixtures and








design accents.

Construction has begun at the properties located at 31, 44, 50 and 60 N.E. 1st Street in Old Pompano, a component of the Downtown Pompano Connectivity Plan in the NW CRA district. Improvements to the








building include new impact glass, new exterior walls, new stucco and paint.

Pompano Beach CRA Business Resource Center The Pompano Beach CRA is proud to announce the Grand Opening of the Pompano Beach CRA Business Resource Center. This newly renovated facility located at 50 NE 1st Street in Old Pompano, opened in June and will house the Microenterprise Business Loan Fund Program, the new Business Incubator Program and the new Job Placement Center. Since 2006, the Microenterprise Business Loan Fund Program has offered business training, one on one technical assistance and loans to qualifying micro/small businesses. The Business Incubator is a place where micro/small businesses can operate under one roof, sharing services and receiving business support at a reasonable cost. The Incubator will have seven on-site, actual business office spaces and 40 virtual office spaces for businesses that do not need an actual office but want to take advantage of the business support and services. The Job Placement Center will offer job seekers access to material, equipment and individual support to assist them in finding employment, training and educational opportunities. To learn more about these programs and how you can participate, please call 954-786-7867.

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