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The French American Culinary and Hotel Institute



INTRODUCTION Master French Pastry Program Course in San Diego, California, US The French American Culinary & Hotel Institute is offering in San Diego the unique opportunity for people who wish to learn professional French pastry from one of the leading Head Pastry Chefs and Instructors in France and internationally. The program consists of a 10-week course covering all of the specialties of Professional Pastry.


p. 2 p. 3

Mastering High-Tea and Coffee Cake Confection Mastering Tart Making Mastering Contemporary High-End Composite Cakes

p. 4 p. 5

Mastering the Classics of French and International Pastry

p. 6

Mastering Fine Dry Petits Fours and Biscuits

p. 7

Mastering Fresh Miniature Petits Fours & Fancy Cakes

p. 8

Mastering Plated and Classic Restaurant Desserts

p. 9

Mastering Sweet Bread and Breakfast Roll Making

p. 10

Mastering Bread-making

p. 11

Mastering Candy & Marmalade Confection

p. 12

Mastering Chocolate Confection

p. 13

Mastering Ice-Cream, Sherbet and Frozen Cake Confection

p. 14

French American Culinary and Hotel Institute Inc. 4370 La Jolla Village Drive Suite 400 San Diego, CA 92122 Tel. (858) 546-4332 Fax (858) 546 4334

Muriel Schiffmann CEO of FrenchAmerican

About the Instructor,


Before devoting all of his talent to the training of the new generation of outstanding pastry chefs, Christian Forais was the Head Pastry Chef of the prestigious and world famous Ritz Hotel in Paris, France for over 9 years… He was later the head pastry instructor of the hotel’s culinary school for 9 more years where he exercised and perfected all of his instructors skills and abilities training hundreds of international pastry chefs and entrepreneurs. Of a giving and generous nature, he is committed to transmitting his experience, knowledge and passion to the new generation of Pastry Chefs. Furthermore, many members of the international artistic, cultural and political elite have also called on this great pastry Chef for the pleasure of learning the art of French pastry with one of its best ambassadors. Become his student and learn step by step the techniques and secrets of this outstanding French Chef Pâtissier!

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Program and Course Description The program covers in 10 weeks all the techniques, knowledge and recipes that a high skilled pastry chef should have to create his own business or to work for a pastry shop, a bakery, a restaurant, a luxury hotel or for a catering company.

Mastering High-Tea and Coffee Cake Confection «Maîtriser l’élaboration des Cakes et Gâteaux pour le Café et le Thé» The ability to master the confection of different kinds of rising doughs (by the addition of a leavening agent), of whipped-up doughs (by intensive whisking), to the good utilization of ingredients (butter for example in different states and / or temperatures), to the correct use of professional molds and the proficient use of baking temperatures will all permit the production of a full range of cakes and sponge cakes of exceptional quality: madeleines, financiers, cake au chocolat et à la pistache, Pain de Gênes, scones, muffins etc., …

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Mastering Tart Making «Maîtriser l’élaboration des Tartes » The confection of tart dough requires mastering techniques such as the “sablage” and the “fonçage” so that at the time of eating, the client will be able to enjoy a tart that is soft, moist and at the same time tasty and crispy. The use of a large variety of doughs (pâte sucrée, pâte sablée, pâte sablée au chocolat et aux noisettes, sablé breton etc …), of garnishings (crème d’amande, crème de noix de coco, appareil à mirliton, crème pâtissière, ganache, crème brûlée etc.…), and the use of various fruits that will be employed fresh, cooked, pan fried, poached or caramelized will allow the confection of a great variety of tarts starting with the classics that never go out of style (tarte aux fraises, tarte aux poires et aux amandes, amandines etc…) and finishing with the most contemporary ones (tarte à la crème brûlée et aux framboises, tarte au chocolat et aux abricots, tarte Tatin à la mangue et au pain d’épices etc…)

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Mastering Contemporary High-End Composite Cakes «Maîtriser l’élaboration des Entremets Contemporains» Contemporary high-end composite cakes (Entremets Contemporains) are challenging because they require the perfect combination in the same cake of different biscuits (biscuit cuillère, biscuit Dacquoise, biscuit au chocolat, biscuit aux amandes…), mousses (aux fruits, au chocolat etc…), and other preparations such as jellified fruit disks, ganaches, appareils praliné croquant, glazings etc… In order to obtain a great tasting product that is also very attractive visually, it is necessary to master the “chemisage”, the “montage”, the “démoulage” of an entremets, the confection of mousses (based in meringue italienne, crème fouettée, sabayon etc…) and also all of the decoration techniques (biscuit, sugar, chocolate, … decorations).

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Mastering the Classics of French and International Pastry «Maîtriser l’élaboration des Grands Classiques de la Pâtisserie . ..Française et Internationale » Created by international pastry chefs, these cakes are essential in the windows and display of a pastry shop and are always greatly appreciated by the clientele. They require mastering several basic doughs such as pâte feuilletée, pâte à choux, biscuit cuillère, etc… but also different creams and mousses (crème frangipane,appareil à cheese cake, crème pâtissière, crème diplomate, crème mousseline, mousse au chocolat, etc…).

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Mastering Fine Dry Petits Fours and Biscuits «Maîtriser l’élaboration des Biscuits et Petits Fours Secs » The confection of dry petits fours requires the mastering of numerous techniques in pastry. Eaten during teatime or receptions, dry petits fours are a must in the product selection of the pastry chef and catering specialist. They also enhance the presentation, quality and complexity of plated desserts. Their long lasting conservation makes them ideal for commercialization.

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Mastering Fresh Miniature Petits Fours & Fancy Cakes «Maîtriser l’élaboration des Petits Fours Frais et Moelleux » All the techniques for the elaboration of these are taught in detail in the confection of these fresh miniature petits fours and fancy cakes that are the pride and joy of the leading pâtissiers: petits fours made in a frame, in soft silicone molds, in rings, using multiple doughs, biscuits, creams and confections… The objective is to permit the production of a very large great tasting variety of fresh miniature fancy cakes with an impeccable presentation. This course will culminate with the organization of a “cocktail dinatoire”(a fancy reception).

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Mastering Plated and Classic Restaurant Desserts «Maîtriser l’élaboration des Desserts sur Assiette et de Restaurant » The dessert in a restaurant remains the last tasting impression of the customer and for this very reason it must be of a very successful nature. This work permits the realization of the most classical restaurant desserts such as the chocolate éclairs, chocolate mousse, crème brûlée, fine apple tart, the frozen nougat, the raspberry mille-feuille (Napoleon), chocolate fondant, etc… It also includes the elaboration of a plated dessert menu that is contemporary and refined for gastronomic high-end restaurants: cristalline d’abricots poêlés aux amandes caramélisées, tarte fine aux fraises dans leur jus et riz au lait à la vanille, tartelette au chocolat et sa glace au basilic etc… Finally, a few delicious wellness desserts are presented for health conscious clients…

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Mastering Sweet Bread and Breakfast Roll Making «Maîtriser l’élaboration des Viennoiseries » The full variety of products in viennoiserie are made essentially from four principal rising doughs: “the pâte à brioche”, “the pâte à croissants”, “the pâte à Danish” and “the pâte à brioche feuilletée”. The production of each of these base doughs will allow the elaboration of all of the products derived from these doughs: “brioches mousselines”, “brioche Nanterre”, “Pliés aux pépites de chocolat et à la pistache”, “brioches aux fruits”, “croissants”, “petits pains au chocolat”, “roulés au chocolat et à la pistache”, “moulins aux abricots”, “Danish aux amandes”, “brioche feuilletée au beurre de cacahouète” and also “chaussons aux pommes”, “petits pains au lait”, “cannelés”, “kugelhof ”…

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Mastering Bread-making « Maîtriser l’élaboration des Pains » The making of a bread requires the understanding of the leavening / fermentation principle and also the principle of the base temperature. Its production must follow specific key stages: the “pétrissage”, the “pointage”, the “pesage”, the “détente”, the “façonnage”, the “apprêt”, the “incision des pâtons” and the “cuisson”. All of this extremely important information for the successful making of individual breads is explained in detail in the production of classics like the baguette, the “pain de campagne”, the “pain de mie”, the “pain de seigle”, the “fougasse”, etc… All of these techniques and recipes are the basis for all international bread elaboration.

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Mastering Candy & Marmalade Confection «Maîtriser l’élaboration des Confiseries et Confitures » Mastering the cooking process of sugar is one of the keys for success in the production of candies and sweets. Becoming fashionable again “home made” without the use of artificial products and preservatives, the confection of caramels, marmalades, marshmallows, nougats, “pâtes de fruits”, “sucre candi”, lollypops, “berlingots” is explained step-by-step in great detail in order to be able to make a full range of artisan candies & sweets of very high quality. Another section of this program is also dedicated to the “work” of sugar in the making of sugar decorations and artistic pieces: “sucre tire”, “sucre bullé”, “sucre coulé”, “sucre soufflé” and “sucre filé”.

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Mastering Chocolate Confection «Maîtriser l’élaboration des Chocolats » The creation of chocolates and chocolate artistic pieces requires the mastering of tempering and conditioning of the chocolate so that a delicious, shiny and crunchy finished product can be obtained. The attention to detail is required in the work of the artisan chocolate maker from the selection of the base products, the tempering, and the many elaboration techniques used for making chocolates and fillings. Another important aspect of the work of the “chocolatier” is making chocolate “sculptures” and pieces for parties and special occasions. The second part of this program focuses on the techniques necessary for the elaboration of these artistic pieces that are the pride and joy of the chocolatier: the use of chocolate molds, the use of a variety of products used to create these pieces, the production of jelly molds, the assembly process for the sculptures, etc…

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Mastering Ice-Cream, Sherbet and Frozen Cake Confection «Maîtriser l’élaboration des Glaces, Sorbets et Entremets Glacés » Frozen desserts are among the most appreciated internationally. Their production is very delicate and requires mastering the necessary steps in the specific preparation of sherbets, ice-creams, and “parfaits glacés”. The cooking, the pasteurization and maturation processes are key steps in the elaboration of ice-cream. The sherbet (sorbet) mix must be balanced so that a good fruit taste can be obtained and at the same time the formations of crystals can be avoided. The role of the different types of sugar must be understood (saccharose, atomized glucose, inverted sugar…). This learning process is done though the elaboration of several frozen cakes combining different biscuits (biscuit dacquoise, pain de Gênes, macaron, meringue…) along with several ice-creams, sherbets and “parfaits glacés”.

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The French American Culinary and Hotel Institute



The French American Culinary and Hotel Institute Inc. 4370 La Jolla Village Drive - Suite 400. San Diego, CA 92122 Tel. (858) 546-4332 Fax (858) 546 4334

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