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STUDIO PRACTICE Statement of Intent Name

Jack Newbert

Blog Address




Rationale To develop my knowledge and understanding of photoshop layer masks, effects, digital painting techniques, formats To develop my final presentation and professional outcome to my practice attention to detail, contexts, layout, margins To develop high standard pieces of work my portfolio (concepts) character development, key art, key frames and applied illustration Themes / Subjects Sci-fi Fantasy Products / Methods of Distribution

Book illustrations Key art Key frame Cover art Box art presentation boards/design boards Practical Skills / Media / Formats

Character design location Design Thumbnailing analog drawing digital painting compositional roughs

Brief 1:

YCN:Roald Dahl

Deadlin 23 of march e

Rationale: Create one illustration\key frame of a child character from a Roald Dahl novel Create one illustration\key frame of a villain character from a Roald Dahl novel Create one illustration\key frame of a fantastical creature from a Roald Dahl novel All illustrations must represent that of a published series Brief 2: Art Station: The job

Deadlin 1st of march e

Rationale: Create a series of characters. Create a bar location. Create a key frame of the created characters located in the created bar. Characters and location must fit the star wars franchise. Additional Project Proposals

Character development to be presented on a design board format high quality prints of final illustrations

Contextual References

Roald Dahl Novals Roald Dahl films Book Illustration artists Star Wars Movie Star Wars concept art Star Wars concept artists Star War key frame art Character design artists Character design Presentation


Deadlin 15th feb e

Details Read Roald Dahl novels to be inspired. to select between 1 and 3 books. to select 3 scenes from those books. Research book illustrators and illustration RESEARCH ACTIVITY: Art station: the job

Deadlin 5th feb e


Watch the Star Wars movie to be familiare with the design of the franchise. Research Star Wars concept art and Star Wars concept artists Research Character design artists who have worked on the franchise and the Character designs

ACTION PLAN – use this section to identify specific tasks that you need to complete in order to resolve the brief. Brief

What do you need to do?

Deadlin e

YCN: Roald Dahl 1

25th feb Create a body of work that explores the character development of each chosen character from the novels. Finals of each character.

1st mar

Create a body of work that explores the location/scene development of each character from the novels

6th mar

Finals of each location/scene

10th mar

Final out comes of 3 illustrations

22nd ma

Art startion: The job 2 Create a body of work that explores the character development.


Finals for each character

5th feb

Create a body of work that explores the location/scene of the bar 10th feb Finals of each location/scene

15th feb

Final out comes of illustrations

28th feb

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