I used illustration friday as a fast production task. In this method i had to use roughs and thumb nails and had to use them pretty quick. Making roughs and thumbnails fast tested my ability, it tested how quick i could make ideas for one image. I wanted all my images to work as a set so I Used the same process for each of them.
I didnt come across any major issues when answering these short briefs. The only problem that occurred was finishing one before the next topic was released. I enjoyed the fast pace of answering weekly briefs. It challenged me to generate ideas quickly. It made me think of diferent solutions due to the number of people who submit. Keeping away from the obvious and the trendy illustrations.
i think that i succeeded and came out with a few strong illustrations. I learnt lots about my practice from Illustration Friday.I leant that i can produce good work in a short space of time not always the best of my ability but good enough for the time i had given my self.
I made a collection of album covers that all shared a theme. The theme was appropriate clothing and appropriate drink that went with the track. I had to give my self a time limit to complete this task due to the submission date. I had 2 days to find a context, research thumbnail, rough and then go through the final development stages I.e drawing then digitally colour. It took a while to come up with the idea that runs through out the covers, also drawing them and getting the perspective right was challenging. Drawing the hands in the right place was vital, the wrong place and size by a fraction made the arm look like it belong to another person and appeared to be waving in front of someone else. My solution was keen reference drawing from photos. I wanted to take this secret 7� project as an opportunity to use my digital skills that I had learnt with in illustration friday and also develop those existing digital skills a little further.
The skills I learnt, Generating quick ideas through roughs and thumbnails with in illustration friday and applied to this project paid of. One of my illustrations that I submitted was accepted and earned a place on the shelf at the event. This conformed that I had accurately answered the brief well.on a personal level, this also confirms that my methods of working works and that there is a context for my work to live in.
Orchard pig was a calabrative project. My part of the project was to create the character design and the illustrations for the animation and to create a beer mat. At the start of the project it was decided to make the style of the illustrations playful and unalterable . A style that I had never drawn before. It would have been a better idea to stick to my stronger drawing ability due to this been a competition but I saw this as an opportunity to come away from my comfort zone.Even though not my strongest of skills and I didnt realy enjoy drawing in this child like style I believe that it worked well for the context of the project.
ORCHARD PIG COLLABORATION My illustrations was combined with my partners animation. With both mine and my partners skills we produced a nice playful animation. I think the concept works well and answered what the brief was asking, we was bold, funny and kept it rooted to the course. I think the illustrations was kept simply to create a simple crafted animation style.
It was hard at times to work around each others time management. Working with in a calibration I had to adjust to rate of pace, criticism, debating what would work with in my own practice, and on line communication Im used to being blunt and been diplomatic over the net can come across aggressive. I was happy with the paring and was satisfied with what we had accomplished over the past few weeks. I have learnt lots about collaboration projects and animation skill from this experience. Collaborating is something that I look forward to doing again in the future. I feel that it worked well and we got some good results.
S P E C T R U M 23
This project is substantial. I treated this project as a good opertunity to explore the concept world and create my own vehicle, location, and character. Research was the main focus in the body of waork that I had produced. Very detailed research was made to get the the deveoplment of the vehicle and the chracter. This was propbely the forst time that I had gone into so much depth in my research and I learnt that its a vital process in my practice. I will continue to go into detailed reserch in my practice, leaving no stone unturned I was happy with the journey I had made, how I had got to my final image. I used all the skills I had gained in this project. Research, roughs, experiments, refernceing, story boards, artist research ect. I can honestly say that this may have been the point were the penny had dropped for me, I had realised how important research is and how to use a sketch book correctly. The part that went wrong for me in this project was my time management. I was enjoying my new ability to work right and dedicated to take a week and dedicate to this project and get this finished. I can tick the box and move on to something else. In doing so I had put my other projects aside for a while. When I had completed the spectrum I was reminded of the pressure of a presentation and a essay. All my focus went onto these projects witch lead to my dates wrong and tried to submit my work one day late of the dead line. I knew I had no chance in winning a place in the competition I was still very upset and disappointed. i wanted to submit and feel the accomplishment of completing the task. The task that I felt was probably the best project that I had constructed at higher education. I learnt from this qucik. I learnt that I shal use time tables to help me keep on track with my work and use ipad callander to alert me of important submission and event. I make to do lists and use sticky notes through out my practise. This was a lesson well learnt and I learnt the hard way. Time management is the key to my practice.