Star wars concept research

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star wars

research - concept artists and influence on character design

i decided to visit the work ramp did for star wars, he was the image behind star wars everything you see on screen from the original 3 come from his mind so i felt it was only logics to visit his concept work. here is the story of Chewbacca and his journey before his was put on the screen.

I'm glad i decided to take the time in looking at Ralph's work, because here i got a rough idea of what i should be creating with in parts of my project. head shots, full shots. also because i have no back ground in concepts art and with no experience i don't know exactly what goes on in the office but here it shows that one idea is experimented with and exhausted and pushed to get the perfect result .

the main reason i researched Ralph is to get a feel for the creatures he designed.its important that my out come looks like a page out of the star wars saga rendered work is something i get to practice with in this project its been a few years since i painted like this so i feel it will take me some time.

here are some of the creatures i was that i should use as a rule that is make sure you have a balance of human like characters not just aliens and driods. plus the top image is to remind me of making a few renders of characters applied in there location. bottom left is what i inspire my sketchbooks to one day look like‌ understandable and recognisable journey of a concept

watched the star wars cantina scene to study the creatures and get that understanding of how the characters look. a lot of human like characters (rule) and theirs a lot of big eyed characters. makes it more tame i think so i need to get that across in my project also, remember star wars is a kids film essentially light and shadows to creat mood is one factor that is been used here to creat that dingy back ally pub

this is a shot from the force awakens film i researched this also because i wanted to see if the new film had the same connections as the new hope. same kind of feel for the characters and the same amount of fancy dressed humans. i think they have the same balance of characters between creature and human. all that has changed is the quality of the make up and effects.

i took to some of my own collection for inspiration and guidance. even though I'm a huge fan of the star wars franchise i feel that i cant just jump into this project, after looking at rales and watching the saga again i feel there much more though and planning to go into this for this to be acceptable as a star wars piece.

these are art from the star wars sage but they look part of it. this is what i need to be translating original ideas but with the voice of star wars. I'm questioning the media i use to render i feel that i should be going digital becuase the industry is heavily digital but i know i can get that realism across if i use acrylic and water colours

an idea of what my final concept will look like.

these images and the next few slides are what i want my sketch book and the development of my concepts to be influenced by. for their detail and the loosens but yet they get the story across and the idea

a lot of pencil work to get ideas flowing then its worked into ink and digital to get that idea clear and to experiment i want to introduce all media into my development to find the right one that tells the story better

i love these presentations of glyn dillon's storm troopers. again something i inspire that my work one day will have this level of quality and drama in just a character concept

more glen and influence

so from my research i have learned that making roughs and developing that rough by renders and illustrations to get to a final piece. make sure i have a balance of human like characters with creatures and aliens. be mind full of other artists, use concept artists from star wars to influence the character designs

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