Jackson EMC offers you choices.
At Jackson EMC, we know one size doesn’t fit everyone. We provide our members a range of choices -- including payment options and special rates. As a Jackson EMC member, you decide how you want to receive and pay your monthly electric bill.
Take a look at the options available to you. If you see a qualifying program that meets your needs, contact your local Jackson EMC office. We’ll get you set up for the option you choose. It’s that simple.
OUR BILLING CYCLES Jackson EMC bills are sent over a month-long period. Billing cycles determine the date your bill is mailed and when payment is due. For member service, call 1-800-462-3691 to speak to a representative from 7 a.m. to 6 p.m., Monday-Friday. Local Jackson EMC offices are located at:
» Gainesville:
» Lawrenceville:
1000 Dawsonville Highway P.O. Box 5909 Gainesville, GA 30504
825 Buford Drive Lawrenceville, GA 30043 Phone: 770-963-6166
Phone: 770-536-2415
» Jefferson: 850 Commerce Road P.O. Box 38 Jefferson, GA 30549 Phone: 706-367-5281
» Neese:
85 Spratlin Mill Road P.O. Box 85 Hull, GA 30646 Phone: 706-548-5362
Our offices are open Monday-Friday from 8 a.m. until 5 p.m. (except holidays), and calls are answered from 7 a.m. until 6 p.m., Monday-Friday. Emergency service and automated account information are available 24/7.
PAYING YOUR BILL We offer several ways to pay your bill. Our online and automated phone payment options offer the most convenience. » Online Payments: Make a payment at MyJacksonEMC.com or via the MyJacksonEMC mobile app. » Phone Payments: Call 1-888-228-9166 to pay over the phone using our automated payment system, which is available 24/7. » Auto Pay Program: Pay your monthly bill through an automatic draft from your bank account or credit/debit card. Sign up for the Auto Pay Program at MyJacksonEMC.com or via the MyJacksonEMC mobile app. » Pay Kiosk: Pay your bill at a 24/7 self-service pay kiosk at local Jackson EMC offices using cash, check or credit/debit card. » Mail: Mail your payment with the return envelope provided with your bill to: Jackson EMC, P.O. Box 100, Jefferson, GA 30549. » In Person: Visit one of our local offices in Gainesville, Jefferson, Lawrenceville or Neese to pay your bill. We accept Visa, Discover, Mastercard, and debit cards with the Visa or Mastercard logo. Credit/debit card payments are limited to $600 per single transaction. E-checks are also accepted using our automated payment telephone system. Payments are posted immediately.
PAYING ON A BUDGET Seasonal temperature changes mean your heating and air conditioning system uses more electricity in the summer and winter, increasing your electric use. By enrolling in Budget Billing, you can balance your electric bills so your payments are the same each month. The plan works by averaging your current month and last 11 months of electric use. Your bill will be this average amount each month until the anniversary of the date when you signed up for Budget Billing. On your sign-up anniversary, your average will be recalculated to determine your new Budget Billing amount. Your new Budget Billing average will take into account your current and last 11 months of electric use, as well as any adjustment needed to compensate for higher or lower use during your previous Budget Billing period. An increase could be caused by extreme changes in weather conditions, the addition of appliances or an increase in the number of residents in your home. A decrease could be caused by the installation of a new heat pump or energy efficiency improvements in your home, such as new windows or added insulation.
Budget Billing is offered to residential members* who: » have lived at their current address for at least one year, or have moved to a location that has a 12-month history of electric use that can be used to calculate an average usage amount; » plan to live at their current address for at least one year; » have electric service from a single meter that is wired for their individual use; » have no balance on their Jackson EMC account at the time they begin the plan; and » have established a good payment record on their Jackson EMC account. *Businesses, churches and poultry houses are not eligible for the Budget Billing program. To find out more about Budget Billing, visit jacksonemc.com/budgetbilling. If you’re interested in Budget Billing and there is no 12-month electric use history for your current address, please check back with us when you have lived at your location for one year.
$200 $150 $100 $50 Jan
Aug Sep
PAYING ON A SCHEDULE Frequently, our members’ monthly Social Security, disability or pension checks don’t arrive at the same time their electric bill is due. Our Senior/Disabled Plan can help. Members who qualify to participate in this plan have the flexibility to pay their electric bill after their due date. However, participating members must still pay their bill before their disconnect date or risk having service interrupted. To qualify for the Senior/Disabled Plan, members must: » be at least 62 years of age or qualified to receive disability income from an approved plan; » have a residential account for a primary residence; and » complete a Senior/Disabled Plan application and provide your date of birth and/or proof of another approved retirement or disability plan. Contact your local Jackson EMC office or visit us online at jacksonemc.com for a Senior/Disabled Plan application.
SENIOR/LOW INCOME ASSISTANCE Qualifying members certified by the cooperative will be eligible for a credit to be applied to the service charge or minimum monthly charge. To qualify, the member must be 62 years of age or older with a total household income at or below 100% of the current year’s Federal Poverty Guidelines (FPG) annual income level for a family size of two, provided that the electric service is the member’s principal place of residence and is individually metered and in the member’s name. For a complete listing of Jackson EMC’s residential rates, visit jacksonemc.com/rates. Complete copies of these rates are also available at local cooperative offices.
GETTING AN ENERGY EFFICIENT RATE Energy efficient homes help us control the cost of producing electricity and make your family more comfortable. Because Jackson EMC actively supports energy efficiency, living in an energy efficient home can bring you added benefits. You can qualify for a special Energy Advantage electric rate if your home is a certified Right Choice home or if your home qualifies under the Home Energy Evaluation program. For more information about these energy efficient products and the Energy Advantage rate, contact your local Jackson EMC office. For more information, visit jacksonemc.com/rebates.
VIEW YOUR ENERGY USE With the energy use tool on MyJacksonEMC, you can view your energy use by the hour, day, month or specific date ranges. Members can also view their average energy use by billing or time periods. The tools in MyJacksonEMC also allow you to compare your energy use to daily weather temperatures. Typically, you’ll use more energy to heat or cool your home or business when weather temperatures are extremely low or high. To get started with the energy use tools in MyJacksonEMC, be sure to sign up for a MyJacksonEMC account at MyJacksonEMC.com or download the MyJacksonEMC mobile app from the App Store or Google Play. For more information, visit MyJacksonEMC.com.
GREEN POWER Jackson EMC is one of the 38 Georgia electric cooperatives that formed the nonprofit cooperative Green Power EMC to contract for electricity from renewable resources to offer EMC members. You can opt for 150 kilowatt-hours of green energy as part of your monthly electricity use. This is about a tenth of the average monthly household use. Your bill will include an additional $4.50 charge, or 3 cents per kilowatt-hour, to cover the added expense of generating from renewable resources. Your cost to help the environment is just 15 cents a day. You can opt out of Green Power at any time and the $4.50 charge will stop after the current billing period.
NET METERING If you’re interested in installing solar photovoltaic, fuel cell or wind generation to sell electrical energy to the cooperative, you must contact Jackson EMC to request safe interconnection and learn about the requirements. Anyone participating in net metering must pay an additional $10 monthly service fee to cover incremental costs. A distributed generation facility must: 1. Be owned and operated by a member of Jackson EMC for production of electrical energy, and 2. Be located on the member’s premises, and 3. Be connected to and operate in parallel with the Cooperative’s distribution facilities, and 4. Be intended primarily to offset part or all of the member generator’s requirement for electricity, and 5. Have peak generating capacity of not more than 10 kW for residential applications and not more than 100 kW for commercial applications. Larger applications are at the sole discretion of the Cooperative, and 6. Use solar photovoltaic system, fuel cell or wind generation.
PAYMENT FOR ENERGY Electricity generated by the member and not used will be purchased back by the cooperative. All electricity credited by the cooperative will be credited at AVOIDED ENERGY COST, with this kWh credit appearing on the bill for the billing period. Credits made to the member for generation onto the Cooperative’s distribution system will be calculated as follows: Total Avoided Energy Cost = Base Charge at Generator + Transmission Line Loss Avoided Costs at Substation + Distribution Line Loss at Customer In the event the member develops a credit balance during a billing period, the credit balance will be applied to the next month’s billing charges. Each December, the account will be cleared of any credit balance by a check to the member for the credit balance.
SAFETY, POWER QUALITY, AND INTERCONNECTION REQUIREMENTS The member is responsible for ensuring a safe and reliable interconnection with the cooperative system and all costs incurred. The cooperative has available, upon request, a bulletin setting forth criteria for interconnection including system protection requirements, power quality and operating guidelines. The member should be familiar with the bulletin and follow all procedures. Each interconnection request is handled individually by the cooperative.
TIME-OF-USE RATE SAVINGS If you’re committed to energy conservation and have a flexible lifestyle, Jackson EMC has a program that can reduce your electric bill up to 25%. Called the Time-of-Use rate, this program gives you a year-round lower electric rate in exchange for reducing your consumption of electricity between the hours of 3 to 8 p.m. on weekdays from June 1 through September 15. Reducing energy requirements during summer peak demand periods helps us control the high cost of producing electricity in the summer. Time-of-Use rates pass those savings on to you. Here’s how it works: When you sign up for Time-of-Use rate, Jackson EMC will install a special electric meter that records the date and time, logging all energy used during peak and off-peak periods. Each year, Jackson EMC offers a signup period from January 1 to May 1 to participate in the Time-of-Use program. For more information, visit jacksonemc.com/time-of-use. Adjusting your lifestyle can be easy. Go ahead and use lights, television sets, computers, refrigerators, and fans – just avoid using the big power guzzlers like air conditioners, electric water heaters and clothes dryers between 3 and 8 p.m. when the Timeof-Use rate is in effect.. You can switch air conditioning and water heating units off manually if you like, but we recommend you install a simple water heater timer and programmable thermostat for your air conditioner to ensure they are taken care of. Think this would be difficult to do? Here are some simple steps that can make Time-of-Use rate work for you: » Cooling: • Pre-cool your home before 3 p.m., turning the thermostat down to 74° rather than 78°, then turn the air conditioning off until after 8 p.m. • Use ceiling fans or oscillating fans to circulate air. • Close blinds and drapes to keep the sun from heating up rooms. • Minimize the opening of windows and doors. • Don’t use appliances that add heat to the house, such as the oven or stove.
» Cooking: • Grill out or picnic in the park. • Cook meals before 3 p.m. or on weekends, then warm food in the microwave. • Eat salads, fruit, sandwiches or other meals that don’t require cooking. » Electric Water Heating: • Make sure the water heater is off between 3 to 8 p.m. by manually switching it off or installing a timer. • Avoid using large amounts of hot water (washing clothes, bathing, etc.) from 3 to 8 p.m. to conserve hot water for other activities. » Other: • If your home uses a well pump, limit water use from 3 to 8 p.m. • Avoid using high energy appliances, like the dishwasher, washing machine or clothes dryer. • Restrict hot tub use. If you feel the Time-of-Use program will fit with your lifestyle, contact your local Jackson EMC office for more information or to sign up.
PLUG-IN ELECTRIC VEHICLE RATE The whole-house Residential Plug-In Electric Vehicle Rate is similar to our Residential Time-of-Use rate plan, which encourages the shift of electricity use from peak time periods, 3 p.m. to 8 p.m. on summer weekdays, to off-peak periods. In addition, those on the Residential Plug-In Electric Vehicle Rate have the added benefit of a Super Off-Peak period during the hours between 11 p.m. and 7 a.m. year-round when charging their car will result in the greatest savings. For more information, please visit our website at jacksonemc.com/evrate.
1000 Dawsonville Highway Gainesville, GA 30504 770-536-2415
850 Commerce Road Building 2000 Jefferson, GA 30549 706-367-5281
825 Buford Drive Lawrenceville, GA 30043 770-963-6166
85 Spratlin Mill Road Hull, GA 30646 706-548-5362