Jacob Westerman CV 2020

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+447815410087 jacobwesterman@live.com

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Jacob Westerman

i t g n u k o lc Pri litecn ts, an office men durin wor e exp uctio ally an acc erna t st abl str e t of o itec re ploy em l r x i p e h e A list of Referees and a portfolio h tu lu n h on Arc hitec y em for t ers. W d va nd c n som pme of a can be made available upon e na m t oc k o t o s l r n r i g a rin wo ma ga ini ig ork deve men c s request e I l u y ed o e o w h s t d k r d t m re is o du d uir l Ti ac ss of hitec f the gh t the furb ch. eq in l mo ssiste s r a b i r o s r s g u r c e o e r r a in er A ere ar wa with rist rec ind a ages e eno uch the c chu ctu nn h -H -B ite ilano gree I ship h y st nat cts s and tori pla or Pe e w n h R E e s a l c n s , e n u i r a e r W AL hem and dy ab ici ma s fort proj illage ant h I w ts e A ial - Msters Did inte -U u ain e. P t sc on hn a ing al v ific c ree hitec m er i a a t w ust odul por ilitati ver st g e t t p d S a M n r n i p ll i a ea al T er e de arc ial exc ire ru lly sig in io m c su fac del Fu erSp of my e an u ce. t na LL tur Exet aduat an, an on & ident n p nts Stud emi ng in and ts. c t e e r u PA e i s r i d d S s Pa ertak ts offi tio hit ects - derg cMill ervati the re of stu esign n aca train plan tuden na A und itec c r r a o n s M s a d t d A hit y u rris on hin rio rn ye a D is ve ues ther to Arch e i t . t C g d c e e i a m a d an rnin s rec hniq or o ua n Ar ting at H es in nly w my p to le ndar an d a f t c ra illa ple ork cialis mai ring nity sta ieve into Le den g te ons G i m w u u e u M o e IM ch re rt st chin sess Mc pon c yed to ich spitectu tors, d oppo onal B ces i a r hous ally coa port t i U plo wh rch sec he i o n s p s n ng ig ie su em ctice aus a tical ned t profe xper y ma for d undi of n ale r s i a e o r r e t p sivH lesia I ga at a ble entu sibl surr atio s gi Pas ecc ment rking nota 6th c spon the form Ma & d n a an ploy d wo most g a 1 g re h and site i e r ent n au em hiCa f the ertin bei hurc equi the r d st - L onm Arc e o conv l, an oric c the Po ne of o r y n i m v m , o my la So lude choo hist vide Mi ilt En ake ilano ring i t r inc oga s ng an o pro de di M e, du t o d Bu na un a y delli phy ject. nic ure: to nico ectur ies to esig nal d c o a o r r e h c hit nit o d tio m og e p t t g i e l c t u ble t li a o c Po hite s top entir en at Po of ar portu and tern ssem , a r e c e , r t n n a l r , k i s a A erio tuna dies ool he op nnia an er re Wee ure, er ead l s L risto summ Int as for te Stu ng sch ted t ce Bie Milano as lat cture hitect ound n o y B i r s a I w dua eadi gran Veni ne on w hite l arc ll ar r ) – or a i Gra rlds l I was the i salo pavil n Arc tiona rom xcu t (EF temp ol est e E o ies in ri d he s s r a cho larg ila rna cts f te rienc i r e w e i a i t o M t o t F d e d a s , f i u e ar rtun xpe ico o stu ticip for f ition f the es int rchit tiv on ed ge ld’s a ar lion hib rt o rat lan ge yewas fo ty to e litecn bility f Ac cati ploy angua e wor i s p a u x i b u m h o p al iM n sI ni Po ic a Pav sign e d as cele stigi Ed was e EF a l e of t ders. o d xcha tudie portuat the adem than h e y on ovi c I e use hich pre i b d p S e g c n r e s o f w ts d job ich i on pr tec S – r o he yea g a or gua he an tival ttrac oli SMU rd yea eive t for a stratin year m, a lan ior to t p a s ha . wh cati e P f u i r d n n e ic lo ld ec A h ed wh wor ER n my t h to r abroa demoring th n Italiage of po deve Italian e i ed e t g ing gh I h u t e t u h D l h o l en tudy throu rior. taug now n ab ear. T reat , s of ano, ars p was ing k s soo the y ut a g n the eory l Mi he ye urse work t I wa out m p nd o gn th e i o l t in he c d no r bu rough syst ups a f des nica E) t ha yea th W n ro n o ech f o U i o I t e t at n g io ity d( tha hang abil educ ing i licat l and lan TPI – c ing ral ork p rica g x p e R w rk tu d a to e f En g – wo hitec is on g an g his mm que st o nnin a n s c n i r r i a e o d g a ph an n tr pro d a u ilt e W & Pla m erst h a s a e e h e p t t e i r eiv u elo d of eg re d un ng w ge. eb ity tectu rt 1 ited d K I recs of th to devlicy an lo wled s a r o hi pa cred e U ale ow po s to ive kn Un s) Arc ARB dual th in thicro sc arnt h nning nciple the e i r Th hon rt 1– yea ed 6 nd m es I le of pla al pr d by k 4 ( e Ba A pa on a ly ran acro a studi ledge eoreticcredit y t About Me r RIB dying urren the m ing m know nd th e is ac Yea r I grew up in the small rural town of Stu t is c n in , dur king ical a egre 1 a o e s tha cati ment wor echn he d Barnstaple in Devon, where I developed a u T ork d 3 Y ars ed iron lan, a ion, t n. – W fascination with artisan crafts which later r e s a v rp tat g o Y c i n i t s e ste en c rch or 5 ear grew into an interest into the interactions de e l a V a A trat m lem tur 5 Y ars p within the built environment and more im hitec us sign l l Ye rs I c specifically architecture, which I later went 7 e ar Ind CAD 7 Yea s on to study.

Curriculum Vitae
















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During the day I can often be seen drinking a strong coffee namely an espresso, a love affair which first ignited whilst I was studying in Italy, this was an influential period of my academic a personal gestation, which nurtured a greater awareness of the arts and philosophy, and helped to nurture a deep passion for Architecture. I admire the works of Alvaro Siza, Alvar Aalto, Carlos Scarpe, Peter Zumthor, & Herman Herzberger, what I find most interesting about these architects in particular, is their respective approaches to design, the craft that they place upon their architecture, and the ways in which they respond to contextual issues.

Employment 2019 - Pascall + Watson - London I am currently employed as a Part II Architectural Assistant at Pascall + Watson, I am currently a member of the Aviation team, working on the redevelopment and expansion of Heathrow Airport London which is an important international hub. The project that I have been working on is a Revit BIM lod 300 project which requires a great deal of design accuracy & collaboration with external consultatnts. 2019 - SuperSpatial - Milano As part of my academic studies during my masters degree, I undertook an internship at a small Italian office which focuses on public design competitions, during my time at SuperSpatial I worked on two design competitions and one public exhibition, The design software that I used for this placement includes the full Adobe Suite, Sketchup, Rhino & AutoCad. 2017-2018 - Jonathan Rhind Architects - Shirewell I was employed as a Part 1 Architectural Assistant, at Jonathan Rhind Architects, a rural medium size award winning practice, which specialising in conservation architecture, during my period of employment I worked on a range of projects at different stages and scales, ranging from refurbishments of existing domestic & public building, to the regeneration of a rural village. My roles and responsibilities involved technically detailing for heritage projects, designing small secondary structures, site inspections, making planning applications, and liaising with planners, clients & contractors. The design Software I used for the placement was VectorWorks, SketchUp, and Pens & Pencils 2016-2017 - Harris McMillan Architects - Exeter I was employed as a Part 1 Architectural Assistant, at Harris McMillan Architects, a small Practice which specialised in conservation and sustainable design in adaptive re-use projects. I worked on a range of scales, from small domestic extensions to the maintenance of a rural village estates. My responsibilities included, technical detailing for heritage buildings, designing small extensions, carrying out surveys, creating maintenance reports & schedules, creating BIM models of heritage buildings from historic 2D drawings, meeting with existing & prospective clients, office admin & marketing. The design software I used for this placement includes the full Adobe Suite, ArchiCad, and Pens & Pencils. 2012-2016 - University of the West of England - Bristol I was employed as a PAL leader, during my academic studies for my Undergraduate degree. I ran a weekly lecture series on sustainable urban planning for students in their first year of the Architecture & Planning degree, and I also assisted some design studio classes providing design tutorials. and critiques. 2013 - Education First - Bristol At EF Bristol I was an activity excursion leader, this role required leading groups of students at a language school on numerous excursions around the UK, for this position it was imperative that I was able to communicate effectively with young students with varying levels of English to ensure that they could achieve the most rewarding experiences possible from their short stay in the UK


2009-2011 - Next - Barnstaple I was employed as a retail assistant and as a member of the warehouse delivery crew. My responsibilities involved meeting and greeting customers, serving customers, receiving & processing stock deliveries and undertaking inventory checks.

2017-2019 - Laurea Magistrale (Postgraduate MSc) Architecture - Politecnico di Milano I was fortunate enough to undertake my Post Graduate Studies, at Politecnico di Milano, one of the worlds leading schools of architecture, during my studies I was granted the opportunities to participate in the Venice Biennial, and to design a Pavilion for fuori di salone Milano an international design exhibition, the pavilion was later reassembled and used as part of the Milan Architecture Week, a festival which celebrates international architecture, which attracts prestigious architects from all around the world. 2014-2015 - ERASMUS exchange year- Politecnico di Milano I was selected from among my fellow peers on my Undergraduate degree to undertake an academic exchange year at The Politecnico di Milano this was a year which inspire myself to return back to Milan to complete my Post Graduate studies. 2012-2016 - Ba(hons) Architecture & Planning - University of the West of England I studied a four year dual credited degree programme, which provided me a unique education in the macro and micro scales of the built environment, I learnt how to develop a masterplan, a working knowledge of planning policy and implementation, technical and theoretical principles to architectural design. The degree is accredited by the RTPI, the RIBA & ARB as a part 1 qualification. 2010-2012 - BTEC Extended Diploma Architecture, Surveying & the Built Environment- Petroc College I completed a two year level 3 course, that specialised in the subjects and skills related to a career within sectors of the built environment, this was a course which I excelled in and set be in good place to start my academic and professional careers in the architecture. I was fortunate enough to receive an award upon completing my studies in recognition of my work effort and ambition.

Volunteering 2010-2017 - Assistant Beaver & Cub Scout Leader - Barnstaple Throughout my early years I had been a keen member of the scouting movement, this led me to staying in contact with many friends who are scout leaders and led me to becoming a leader in the Beaver (ages 6 – 8) and Cub (ages 8 -10) sections, in this role I learnt how to, organise an active programme of activities, how to mediate in disagreements of the children, how to ensure that all felt included, how to keep the children entertained when there is a delay. Some of the responsibilities that I had as a Scout leader, included; organising and running a camp, counselling children when they are feeling homesick, supervising activities, teaching orienteering skills, and running games. 2015 - Design & Build - Rimondato I spent the summer working on the restoration of a 16th century central Italian farmhouse, during this experience I got to design and build a wood store, and develop a greater awareness of the processes of the level of labour required in the construction of buildings.

Italian Language

Honours & Exhibitions

Speaking My Italian conversational skills are at an intermediate level of proficiency, with some minor grammatical pronunciation errors.

Listening My Italian listening and comprehension level is at an intermediate level, and somewhat better than my spoken ability. Reading My reading capabilities are at an intermediate level, with some minor errors in comprehension Writing My written capabilities are at an upper basic or lower intermediate level, with frequent grammatical and spelling errors.

2019 - Milano ArchWeek Participant & Pavilion 2019 - Fuori di Salone Milano - Pavilion 2018 - Venice Biennale Exhibition 2014 - ERASMUS Exchange Programme 2014 - The Architecture Centre, Bristol - Exhibition 2013 - CentreSpace Art Exhibit 2012 - Petroc ACBE Architecture Full Time Student Award 2010 - Duke of Edinburgh - Bronze Award

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