6.1 Performance-oriented architecture 6.1.1 Introduction Experiments in chapters three and four only demonstrated weaving in a small scale. This chapter will further pursue the exploration of weaving using a bigger architectural scale. The concept of scale inspired the translation of these small hand scale experiments into a big architectural scale. The big scale suggested involving participants/labourers, construction materials, and the construction site. This idea gave birth to an avant-garde approach of weaving on a large scale, where weaving is done as a performance/event in space. Participants move in sequences ordered by rhythm or song to create a harmonious event of weaving. 6.1.2 The process of making This section will focus on the exploration of making architecture through architectural sequences in space/event/movement (SEM). Movement will be explored as an active agent in the making and learning of architecture. Architectural sequences are not only the reality of actual building or symbolic reality of their fiction, but there is always an implied narrative whether of method, use or form (Tschumi, 1996). Games are a good example of how a narrative can be translated from one medium to another in space and the sequences in the narrative become a language. The narrative can be demonstrated through play songs. Play song games are a combination of rhythm and words. Usually, the words of the song instruct the sequential movement of bodies participating in the game. For example, the song might have words like “jump”, “hop”, “clap” and the participants would do exactly as the song suggests, parallel to the rhythm. Below are some of the games from Nts’ihlele (2003) dissertation, portraying how sequences can be a language. 6.1.3 Definitions Words such as construction, performance, event and choreography will be used interchangeably in this chapter. They define the act of making architecture. The dictionary definitions may be limited, therefore some words will be elaborated on later in the text. Choreography According to definitions.net choreography is the art of designing sequences of movement in which motion, form or both are specified. Lexico.com describes choreography as sequence of steps and movement in dance or figure skating especially in a ballet or other staged dances. Performance Merriam-webster.com defines performance as an activity (such as singing a song or acting in a play) that a person or a group does to entertain an audience. According to Dictionary Cambridge performance is an act of doing something, such as your job. Construction Dictionary Cambridge explains construction as the work of building or making something, especially building and bridges while Merriam-webster.com defines construction as a pro39