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Investigating the macro context, observe the increase in density and population that Atteridgeville has experienced over the last two decades. Atteridgeville is experiencing a growth of 210% instead of the 19% of the greater Pretoria metropolitan area. (Census2011, 2011)
Mapping indicates the visual growth of these suburban areas over the past two decades, with Atteridgeville experiencing the most growth due to its proximity to main transportation hubs and distance to the CBD of Pretoria. These suburban areas tend to see the most growth as residents seek financial opportunities and a place of refuge; thus, more rural and distanced housing does not fill these requirements.
According to GeoTerra imaging can conclude that 30% of the population will live in Atteridgeville in the coming years from 2017 onwards. This is due to Atteridgeville being in close proximity to Pretoria, where the largest portion of the population lives due to the economic activities and opportunities available in close proximity.
Figure 18 (left): Site analysis of the population growth within the greater metropolitan area of Pretoria and its relation to smaller suburbs in the area over time [GoogleEarth, 2021, image enhanced by author, 2021]
Figure 19 (bottom right): The greater metropolitan area of Pretoria and how their sizes in population compare to one another [author, 2021]

Looking at the meso context of Atteridgeville, a close relationship beten the growth of an area and its opportunities available re taken into special consideration. The image (right middle) indicates that the North-Eastern portion of Atteridgeville has experienced the most growth concerning the opportunities available in the area, as the project aims to provide financial opportunities near the site. Thus these areas are more suited to fulfil the brief requirements.
The figures (top and bottom left) indicate the financial spread of income across the various household and income types in Atteridgeville. The graph shows farming households tend to spend less of their monthly income on food expenses than non-farming households.
The pie chart (bottom left) shows the spread of household expenses in Atteridgeville. From this, can see that most expendable income is spent on supplying food to the respective households. The project then aims to alleviate these costs and, in turn, free these funds up towards better education, exploring employment opportunities, etc.
Figure 20: Meso scale of Atteridgeville indicating opportunities and growth of different suburban areas [GoogleEarth, 2021, image enhanced by author, 2021] 51

Figure 21: Relationship of adult income per month and the proportion of total income spent on food amongst households in Atteridgeville [author, 2021]

The micro context site analysis studies highlight the position of the site as ll as amenities and notable locations near the site.
The site is situated on the corner of Nyusela and Seholo street in the 26th extension of Atteridgeville. The site is located across from a suburban park area.
From the images (middle), can see the urban sprawl of Atteridgeville up close as the erfs have become more densely populated over the decades. From 2005 (early post-apartheid), can see the residual NE51 housing scheme applied still. Whereas in 2021, can see the more densely populated suburbs. This is due to an increase in the demand for affordable housing that was in turn supplied by the current residents of Atteridgeville resorting to subletting their homes or constructing what is called “backroom housing” in the back yards of homes. It alleviated the housing problem but violated various parts of the South African building codes and standards as set out by the local municipality.
The only part of the suburban block that has not seen many changes during the years is located on the Southern tip of the highlighted block. It is due to the portion of land being government owned and operated.
The site is located near various educational facilities, homes and activities for the elderly, major transportation hubs, religious spaces and buildings, and various healthcare facilities. The site thus fulfils the operational requirements for the project and will rely on the architecture to supply the financial opportunities to unlock these areas and their amenities.
Figure 23: Aerial view of Atteridgeville showing population and urban growth throughout a 15-year period [GoogleEarth, 2021, image enhanced by author, 2021]

Figure 24: Satellite imaging of Atteridgeville showing local opportunities and services in approximate distances to the site [GoogleEarth, 2021, image enhanced by author, 2021]

The micro context site analysis studies highlight the position of the site as ll as amenities and notable locations near the site.
The site is situated on the corner of Nyusela and Seholo street in the 26th extension of Atteridgeville. The site is located across from a suburban park area.
Figure 25 (right): CAD Model perspective of the site in its current condition in February [author, 2021]