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JACQUES LEVINET DEFENSE STICK Master Jacques Levinet's latest innovation CDJL DEFENSE STICK No need to introduce French Grand Master Jacques Levinet, who teaches worldwide his various methods of Self Pro Krav (for civilians) and Real Operational System (for police). The ingenuity demonstrated by this international expert has helped develop the methodology and the material of which is made the CDJL defense stick, now registered and certified. Playful and at once adapted to defense against an aggression in the street, the CDJL defense stick is available to a wide public, whether they play sports or not, regardless of age and physical condition. Thus, the trivial walking stick is transformed into CDJL, an awesome means to defend oneself against any type of physical aggression, thanks to its particular configuration and a methodology which stems from the operational tonfa techniques developed by the captain in strict compliance with the law. Budo International: What are the origins of the CDJL defense stick method? Master Jacques Levinet: Learning self defense today is one of the main concerns of many citizens around the world. In an attempt to achieve valid formulas, self defense experts have tried, with varying degrees of success, a lot of methods, often similar, while Martial Arts experts suggest, with more or less realism, the jutsu derived from their respective practices. Without going into details, we must admit that the two pillars of personal defense, knowledge and transmission, are not precisely the most striking feature of some, but there must be something for every taste, so that we can get a real idea of what we need. The well intended mental attitude of conciliation and dialogue in front of conflicts has its limits in some attacks that unfortunately today affect all people, young and old, women and children, athletes or not, regardless of the size of the victim and the aggressor. Thus a vital need was born for the 21st century man: that of defending himself. From these elements of reflection along with my triple experience as a former police captain, martial arts expert and trainer of the police,

Self Defense

came up to me the idea of ??developing an impressive self defense system that could serve everyone, respecting at the same time our democratic laws, and that’s the CDJL defense stick method. This discipline emerged successfully from the start. To identify this method, the CDJL trade mark was registered in the National Institute of Industrial Property in order to protect both the methodology and the training materials. I decided to use the abbreviation CDJL for my creations, less as pretension than as a way to defend myself against copiers that use and abuse rather than inspire. Thus the expert will know how to distinguish the original from the copies. Whether in the directions for use, the purpose of the techniques or the training material configuration, this method has nothing to do with the combat sports methods (for example the combat cane in the French Boxing), or those of the Martial Arts (Hapkido, Kali, etc.). BI: What is the originality of the CDJL defense baton? JL: It mainly consists of the configuration of the materials and their use in a method of realistic self-defense. The CDJL is tested in the field and it focuses in the reality of attacks, leaving aside the superfluous in favor of the essential without any frills. The CDJL is accessible to everyone, regardless of age and physical condition, as required in Martial Arts or combat sports. For the practice with the CDJL, I had to rethink the regular walking stick, particularly due to its fragility and configuration. Thus the classical stick became a CDJL defense baton, without becoming a weapon, with a wider handle for limb gripping, a sharp peak at the end of the handle for the "Kyusho" pressure points, a length that facilitates both walking as defense, a resistant body to absorb any attack with heavy weapons (like a base ball bat) and flexible enough to multiply the strength of the response. Finally, a rubber tip cap to ensure responses and avoid slipping on the street. But drafting the CDJL defense stick was not enough to transform a walking stick into a device of outstanding defense. It was necessary to find a practical, simple and effective method. BI: What is the CDJL defense baton method?

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JL: It articulates, from a specific program, on 5 key points namely: survival instinct, conditioned reflex, operative technique, self-defense and questioning. Security has been privileged with suitable protections, mobile shields, American gloves specially designed to prevent overheating of the hands during handling. A few guards and equipment were studied to provide maximum protection in the defenses, while multiplying the answering power. CDJL training suits with its logo were created, to ensure the cohesion of the group. Examinations were established to obtain the black belt and upper grades or CDJL Dan as well as the titles of instructor, chief instructor and

expert on Jacques Levinet Academy. It was perfected with an adapted pedagogy and a precise code of ethics to make CDJL a 21st century revolutionary anti-aggression method. BI: You've also developed the defense baton for therapeutic purposes? JL: Accessible to the public, regardless of age, sex or physical condition, the therapeutic CDJL is a method of great interest to both the elderly and the sick. Regardless of its effectiveness against aggression, it acts positively on the following eight points: Balance work. Fight against hardening of the joints. Fight against tremors. Fight against brain aging. Memory improvement. Socialization improvement. Sports for all. Motivation and fun. A stick therapeutic defense animator

Self Defense

training program has been developed to meet the needs of the elderly and sick people. BI: What is the future of the CDJL defense baton? JL: Taught now in many clubs in France and abroad, practitioners progress by grade validation (up to black belt and upper grades) and by teaching diploma through the registration number of the Jacques Levinet Academy as an organization of vocational training in the Ministry of Labor in France. Regarding the therapeutic defense baton, I teach now in France in a pilot clinic in the treatment of Alzheimer's disease, an initiative that has been pretty welcomed by the Ministry of Health. I travel everywhere in France and abroad to provide defense baton seminars and train instructors for the professional qualification recognized by our federation AJL. In conclusion, the defense baton method (CDJL) will delight anyone who wishes to defend himself or herself in an effective way without suffering the aggressor's contact. A new street self defense with no need of a prior physical development or any knowledge of martial arts or fighting sports, under the authority and the guide of a leading expert in the world of personal defense. Fédération Canne Défense (AJL) Tel.: +33 (0) 467 075 044 E-mail: Sitio Web:

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