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Sommaire MAG AJL - Mai 2018

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A ce jour - 37.900 lecteurs et 391.000 vues

Rédacteur en Chef - Capitaine Jacques Levinet

Photographe du magazine - Édith Levinet

Comité de rédaction - Instructeurs AJL

Page 4 - En el Wolf Extreme Defense se busca la sencillez y la eficacia

Page 10 - Training Camp Self Pro Krav en Croatie avec le Team du Capitaine Levinet

Page 18 - Manga et traditions, l'inimitable Japon

Page 22 - Martial Arts overview - Chinese Styles

Page 26 - Cane Defense (CDJL) United States

Page 30 - Violence is decreasing - Are Martial Arts obsolete ?

Page 34 - Organigramme World Organization Self Defense - WOSD AJL MONDE

Page 36 - Le Kajukenbo - Art martial Hawaïen

Page 42 - Organigramme World Organization Self Defense - WOSD AJL FRANCE

Page 44 - First black belt Self Pro Krav in Germany

Page 48 - Fiches techniques Self Pro Krav - Défenses sur menace pistolet

Page 50 - Formation France et Monde International Police Confederation (IPC)

Numéros précédents

“En el Wolf Extreme Defense se busca la sencillez y

la eficacia”

(Zaragoza, 1969) lleva 30 años transmitiendo sus conocimientos sobre artes marciales. Su dilatada experiencia docente y las influencias de diversas disciplinas que ha practicado le han llevado a instaurar el sistema Wolf Extreme Defense: un método de defensa personal sencillo y eficaz que se adapta a cada persona.

MAG AJL: ¿Cómo surgió la idea de instaurar el Wolf Extreme Defense?

Como artista marcial desde hace muchos años llegó un momento en el que había alumnos a los que les gustaba el arte marcial y otros, por circunstancias que le han ocurrido en la vida, se plantearon la práctica de defensa personal. Debido a mi bagaje y a diferentes sistemas de artes marciales y deportes de lucha que he trabajado empecé a desarrollar el sistema Wolf Extreme Defense.

MAG AJL: ¿Por qué se llama Wolf Extreme este sistema?

Mis apellidos son ‘Buisán’ y ‘Llop’. En el escudo heráldico, ‘Buisán’ es una montaña y ‘Llop’ es un lobo. Quise plasmar mis raíces: de dónde vengo y adónde voy. Llevo el lobo siempre conmigo, como parte de mi familia materna. Mi padre siempre está presente también, pero, como suele ocurrir, el primer apellido es el que se conoce y el segundo ni se pronuncia. Además, el lobo siempre me ha gustado. Es una forma de tener siempre presente mi segundo apellido.

Por David Buisán Llop, creador del método

“Diseñé una defensa personal sencilla, eficaz y fácil de aprender : el "Wolf Extreme Defense”

MAG AJL: ¿Cómo influyó la defensa personal femenina en este sistema?

En el año 2002 fuimos pioneros en España impar tiendo talleres de autoprotección a mujeres que habían sido maltratadas. Una vez que los profe sionales decidían que el apoyo psicológico empe zaba a ser efectivo y que las mujeres ya podían reforzar sus elementos personales, tanto psicológicos como físicos, entraba a dar talleres de autoprotección.

Aprendí muchísimo en estas clases. Acudes como profesor a exponer tus conocimientos sobre artes marciales y defensa personal, pero, realmente, es en estas situaciones docentes donde se te abren los ojos. Así que diseñé una de fensa personal sencilla, eficaz y fácil de aprender: el Wolf Extreme Defense.

“En el Wolf encontramos técnicas con las que ganar autocontrol y seguridad en nosotros mismos”

“En el Wolf Extreme Defense se busca la sencillez y

la eficacia”

MAG AJL: ¿Qué artistas marciales han influido en el Wolf ?

Mis pilares marciales, en defensa personal, son Santiago Velilla y Raúl Gutiérrez. Ambos me han enseñado mucho. En 2003 tuve la suerte de conocer al Capitán Jacques Levinet en una exhibición en Vistalegre (Madrid).

Me gustó mucho el enfoque de su de fensa personal. En 2005 me desplacé a Valencia para trabajar con él y volvimos a retomar contacto en el año 2011. Actualmente soy representante nacional para la Academia Jacques Levinet en España.

MAG AJL: ¿Qué diferencias hay entre el arte marcial y el Wolf?

“el arte marcial es el arte marcial y la defensa personal es diferente”. En defensa personal tenemos que tener posiciones cómodas, no posiciones bajas: el grande se hace pequeño y el pequeño más pequeño. Son cosas que tenemos que tener en cuenta y aprovechar todos los fallos que pueda tener la otra persona. Hay que tener en cuenta que la defensa personal no es lo mismo que un combate en un ring. Entrenamos pensando en una situación en la calle donde el factor sorpresa va a ser fundamental. Es una línea distinta al arte marcial: hay agilidad, sencillez y efectividad, además de rapidez en el aprendizaje. Son técnicas con las que ganar autocontrol y seguridad en nosotros mismos.

MAG AJL: ¿Qué parte encontramos de las artes marciales que has practicado en el Wolf ?

El Karate y el Kenpo – como artes marciales madre–me han dado mucha versatilidad a la hora de enfocar el Wolf Extreme Defense. Un arte marcial con mucha influencia ha sido el Aikido. Concretamente la forma de esquivar y los giros redondos, que definen este arte marcial, están muy presentes en mi sistema. Las redondeces son importantes tanto para defenderse como en la técnica de golpeo desde el ataque.

Por David Buisán Llop, creador del método

MAG AJL: ¿Qué elementos conforman el Wolf Extreme Defense ?

El programa se desarrolla desde diferentes formas de trabajo, tanto de golpeo como de evasión. Las esquivas también son muy relevantes. En el Wolf, al contra rio de las artes marciales, no es necesario poseer otras habilidades para realizar técnicas más plásticas y dinámicas. La técnica en el Wolf se puede depurar total mente: se busca la sencillez y la eficacia. El sistema, además de tener estas bases tan sencillas y básicas, busca trabajar desde las distancias cortas y en los espa cios reducidos.

Tengo la referencia de actuar en un ascensor. Es muy relevante pensar en la distancia que tendríamos en un ascensor para poder aprovechar al máximo la acción de la cadera. Hay muchas posiciones en el Wolf en las que la cadera es fun damental, ya que permite que nuestros movimientos tengan la mayor movilidad posible. Debemos hacernos pequeños, pero nunca tenemos que inclinar el tronco. Hay que trabajar siempre, aunque estemos de rodillas, con nuestro eje central totalmente recto.

MAG AJL: ¿Qué tipos de movimientos aparecen en el programa de Wolf ?

Podemos encontrar movimien

contra varios puños (rectos, circulares, ganchos), técnicas de pierna, trabajo de suelo, técnicas de cuchillo… Me gusta trabajar la defensa personal sin fin.

Considero importante que una técnica se enlace con otra para que, en caso de una situación de riesgo, ante una acción haya una reacción.

“El Wolf se busca sorprender a nuestro agresor, en vez de ser sorprendidos por nuestro atacante”

“En el Wolf Extreme Defense se busca la sencillez y la eficacia”

MAG AJL: ¿Cómo se puede actuar desde el Wolf ante una situación de violencia callejera?

La primera impresión de las técnicas de defensa personal de Wolf no es la belleza, porque en este sistema prima la efectividad. Así, se puede actuar desde distintos ángulos y desde todas las posiciones. Hay otros sistemas que trabajan solo el ‘cara a cara’ y considero que es importante actuar desde todos los puntos cardinales. Dominar esos puntos cardinales, defenderte, contratacar si es necesario. Y desde todas las posiciones: bajas, medias y altas. La reacción de cero a mil en cuestión de microsegundos debe ser muy rápida y eficaz. En el Wolf se busca sorprender a nuestro agresor, en vez de ser sorprendidos por nuestro atacante.

MAG AJL: ¿Por qué deberíamos aprender este tipo de sistemas en la actualidad?

Hoy en día es muy importante saber repeler una situación de riesgo, pero sin ensañarnos con el agresor. No podemos esperar a que nos sucedan las cosas que vemos en las noticias para proponernos aprender. Desde la prevención, creo que todos deberíamos aprender un arte marcial o defensa personal.

MAG AJL: ¿Cómo ha ido evolucionando el Wolf?

En 2002, tras el curso de defensa personal que impartí para mujeres maltratadas, se empezó a gestar Wolf. En 2012 salió a la luz el primer vídeo del sistema.

Desde entonces hasta ahora ha habido mucha evolución. He ido formando instructores para transmitir también el sistema.

En Zaragoza y en otras partes de Aragón ya se está practicando Wolf Extreme Defense.

Por David Buisán Llop, creador del método

MAG AJL: ¿Qué otros proyectos estás realizando ?

En mi camino marcial no solo he trabajado talleres de autoprotección y defensa personal femenina. Pertenezco a varias asociaciones profesionales de seguridad pública y priva da. También tengo en algunas asociaciones reconocimientos como socio honorario y me siento muy halagado. Trabajo en instituciones y en hospitales psiquiátricos, ayu dando desde la prevención.

“Cada día es un círculo: yo enseño, pero tam bién aprendo”


¿Cómo te ves en un futuro ?

Estoy formando a personas en diferentes lugares y enfoco la defensa personal según sus necesidades. Cada día también aprendo. A veces algunas técnicas de defensa personal no sirven y las tienes que desechar, cambiar y seguir evolucionando. Trabajar y enfocar. También el Wolf Ex treme Defense está en continua evolución. Sé que no es un sistema como el Krav Magá por ejemplo, que ya tiene una base importante; defensa personal. Soy fundador del sistema Wolf Extreme Defense, pero voy a seguir trabajando día a día. Siempre con mis inquietudes y con el objetivo de evolucionar.


L’ Académie Jacques Levinet vient d’organiser un training camp Self Pro Krav (SPK) spécial Croatie.

En partenariat avec l’organisateur de séjours sportifs dans le monde entier, Roll Life, le fondateur de la méthode du SPK, le Capitaine Jacques Levinet, a organisé des séances sportives tout en profitant d’excursions et de visites culturelles in clus dans le séjour.

Ainsi donc, famille et participants du stage ont pu découvrir ce pays et sa côte merveilleuse, tournée vers le soleil couchant et constellée de 1 185 îles et îlots sur 1 750 km.

Au programme : techniques martiales et self défense le matin, et repos sur les nombreuses plages et criques l’après-midi, excursions sur plusieurs points notoirement connus sur le plan touristique.


Un dojo avait été mis en place chaque matin de 9H à 13H pour permettre aux stagiaires, venus de plusieurs pays d’Europe, de s’entraîner avec le Maître fondateur de la discipline.

Etaient entre autres représentés, le Luxembourg, l’Allemagne, la Suisse et bien évidemment la France, pays d’origine du Capitaine.

L’emplacement de l’hôtel était idéal dans la ville de Split, tout près de la plage, avec des installations au top pour se remettre des entraînements intensifs du matin (sauna, jacuzzi, piscine, hammam et salle de fitness.




uste en face de la mer en provenance d'Italie, au milieu de la côte croate se trouve Split. Construit par les Romains, utilisés par les Vénitiens, décorés et urbanisés par les généraux de Napoléon, c'est une ville magnifique, où la tradition dalmatienne et la vie urbaine sont assises à la même table. Le choix de l’hôtel, au cœur de Split, était un choix stratégique fait en fonction de son emplacement idéal.

En dehors des entraînements denses de Self Pro Krav le matin, un programme non moins complet d’excursions est venu agrémenter ce training camp SPK.

Tout d’abord la visite guidée de Split qui est la deuxième ville du pays après Zagreb, la capitale. Le cœur de la ville était un passage obligatoire du séjour. Magnifique !!

Deuxième journée à Trogir, une ville située sur la côte de la baie de Kastela. C'est une ville riche en monuments.

Grâce à son architecture originale et ses magnifiques ruelles, elle est aussi appelée la "Petite Venise" et elle se trouve sur la liste du patrimoine mondial de l’UNESCO. La vieille ville est située sur une petite île entre de Ciovo et le continent: elle est reliée au continent par un pont fait de pierres, et à Ciovo par un pont-levis.


Troisième journée dans le parc national croate pour profiter des Chutes de la rivière Krka. Cette excursion restera pour les stagiaires l’une des fameuses perles de la nature et du tourisme croate.

Pour satisfaire les appétits culinaires du groupe, une série de restaurants typiques de la cuisine croate était programmé. Un séjour fini au champagne dont les stagiaires ont gardé un souvenir mémorable. Ils se promettent de renouveler ce type de training camp dans un prochain pays.

Notons enfin que ce séminaire a été l’occasion pour le directeur technique AJL (Académie Jacques Levinet) Allemagne,

qui, bien que blessé, a réussi sa ceinture noire 1er dan de Self Pro Krav. Nul doute que ce genre d’expériences étrangères développe une convivialité au sein des membres de tous les pays de la Fédération internationale de Self Défense ou World Organzation Self Defense (WOSD).

Frank Félix

La Maison des Jeunes et de la Culture de Castelnau-le-lez, dans le sude de la France, en tant qu’association porte à cœur sa mission de rassembler et de créer du lien, de renforcer le tissu associatif de cette ville du sud-ouest de la France.

Par le biais de sa programmation culturelle, la MJC a voulu rendre la culture accessible à tous et rassembla du jeudi 5 avril au vendredi 13 avril 2018, plusieurs associations et partenariats autour du thème :

" Manga et traditions, l'inimitable Japon ".

Par Maguelone HEBLES

1 - Seiko ISHIGURO de l'association culturelle Japonaise Rikyu créée en 2016 à Montpellier, est professeur particulier de japonais.

Elle propose aussi des cours de Kimono, d'origami ainsi que des démonstrations de cérémonie du thé.

2 - Didier ORTHLIEB historien de l'art et passionné du Japon depuis 40ans, nous présentâmes l'artiste Hokusaï dans sa conférence où il expose plusieurs de ces estampes montrant un panorama extraordinaire du pays et de ses habitants à une période charnière de son Histoire.

Il est aussi un élève de Mayumi OTSUKA depuis 10ans.

" Manga et traditions, l' inimitable Japon "

3 - Mayumi OTSUKA professeur de japonais de la MJC propose en partenariat avec l'association Rikyu des ateliers d'origami et de calligraphie.

4 - Noriko TAMURA est une artiste plasticienne Japonaise originaire de Tokyo présentant sa première exposition solo sur le thème du Hanafuda (tarot japonais) à base de tableaux brodés à la main.

5 - Reno LEMAIRE est un mangaka Montpelliérain auteur de Dreamland paru en 2005 par Pika Edition (format franco-belge).

C'est lors d'un temps d'échange avec le public qu'il nous explique la technique et l'exigence que demande l'art du manga.

6 - Alain SCHERER, photographe professionnel a exposé sa série de photos mêlant modernité et traditions sous le thème " Japon, terre de contrastes" entre architectures et photos de rue.

Par Maguelone HEBLES

7 - Luc VERDIER, disciple de Maître SENDO du groupe SEN performa avec l’association Lyu Taïko, groupe de tambours traditionnels Japonais pour une présentation de cet instrument ancestral: le Taïko.

8 - L'École de musique de la MJC a également participé à cette thématique.

9 - Youcef TARZOUT de l'association d'art appliqué EÏKI présente l'atelier manga dessin et bande dessinée avec Marc-Henry DEBIDOUR et ces 8 panneaux présentant la chronologie de l'histoire du manga.

10 - Avec la participation du musée Harageï Ryu présentant ces armures de Samouraï et objets traditionnels.


China has one of the longest histories of continuously recorded martial arts tradi tion of any society in the world, with hundreds of varied styles. Each of these distinctive styles has its own set of techniques and ideas.

According to legend, the reign of the Yellow Emperor, Huangdi, introduced the earliest forms of martial arts to China. The Yellow Emperor is described as a famous general who, before becoming China’s leader around 2698 B.C., wrote lengthy treatises on medicine, astrology and the martial arts.

The missive “The Art of War,” written during the 6th century B.C. by Sun Tzu, deals directly with military warfare but contains ideas that pertain to the Chinese martial arts. Those examples show that over time, the ideas evolved and took on a philosophical tone.


Taoist practitioners have been practicing Tao Yin, physical exercises simi lar to early forms of Tai Chi Chuan, at least as early as the 500 B.C. era. The Taoist symbol of yin/yang shows how strength should be balanced with compassion and gentleness, a tenet of many forms of martial arts.

With regards to the Shaolin style of martial arts, the oldest evidence of Shaolin participation in combat are records from 728 A.D. that attests to two occasions: a defense of the Shaolin Monastery from bandits around 610 A.D. and their subsequent role in the defeat of Wang Shichong at the Battle of Hulao in 621 A.D. By the mid-16th century, military experts from all over China were traveling to Shaolin to study its fighting techniques.

The 1,600-year-old Shaolin Temple is the most famous landmark in the martial arts world.

Chinese martial arts started to spread internationally with the end of the Chinese Civil War and the founding of the People’s Republic of China on October 1, 1949. Many well-known mar tial art practitioners chose to escape from the PRC’s rule and migrate to Taiwan, Hong Kong and other parts of the world.

Those masters started to teach within the overseas Chinese commu nities, but eventually they expanded their teachings to include people from other cultures.

Some famous practitioners of Chinese martial arts include Jackie Chan, Jet Li and the late Bruce Lee.

The term kung fu does not refer to a particular style of martial arts; it commonly refers to Chinese martial arts in general. The term became popular in the late 1960s, because of the Kung Fu TV series and Hong Kong films with Bruce Lee in particular.

The main Chinese martial arts are karate and tai chi.


* Karate

Karate, an amalgam of Chinese and Japanese martial arts, is known primarily as a striking art (it is translated from Japanese as “empty hand.”

It originated in the southernmost islands of Japan, the Ryukyu Islands that were originally allied with China; Japan later took control of these islands. The largest of these islands is Okinawa. This martial art developed, therefore, with these distinct influences.

The sport features punching, kicking, knee/elbow strikes and open handed techniques. However, grappling, joint manipulations, locks, restraints/traps, throws and vital point striking also appear in karate.

It has many similarities to the Korean sport of tae kwon do. One note of distinction, however, is that tae kwon do uses more kicks, while karate has a greater emphasis on punches and strikes.

There are many components to modern karate training, including forms and sparring. It is an art, sport and self-defense training. Weapons comprise another important training area, as well as the psychological elements incorporated into a proper attitude such as perseverance, fearlessness, virtue and leadership skills.

Karate may be practiced for many reasons, but was originally developed for self-defense. The forms, or kata, contain a variety of techniques intended for this purpose:

hand strikes, kicks, locking and grappling. However, proper training is re quired to make these techniques usable against a determined aggressor.

Most styles include some form of two-person prearranged self-defense exercises as well as sparring or semi-sparring (structured sparring with limited options allowed for either partner).

This allows for the development of a sense of range and timing. A number of styles practice hard-contact sparring.

Some schools are criticized for claiming to teach practical martial arts despite a lack of two-person training to develop needed attributes.

An instructor may believe that practicing kata suffices to develop the necessary skills.

Other schools may intentionally place emphasis on tournament preparation, physical conditioning, or aesthetics (developing form for form’s sake), rather than self-defense.

These schools will typically still teach self-defense techniques as well.


* Tai Chi

Sometimes called “moving meditation,” tai chi has been regarded as a martial art and its traditional practitioners still teach it as one. It has developed a worldwide following among many thousands of people for purposes of health and longevity. Tai chi theory and practice is centered on the principles of traditional Chinese medicine. Its benefits in clude health maintenance and stress management.

Originally developed in China as a form of self-defense, this graceful form of exercise has existed for about 2,000 years. Tai chi training first and foremost involves learning solo routines, known as forms.

And while the image of tai chi in popular culture is typified by exceedingly slow movement, many styles (including the three most popular, yang, wu and chen) have secondary forms of a faster pace.

The other half of traditional tai chi training (though many modern schools disregard it entirely) are partner exercises known as pushing hands, as well as martial applications of the postures of the form.

It’s becoming increasingly popular around the world, both as a basic exercise program and as a complement to other health care methods. According to the Mayo Clinic, health benefits include stress reduction, greater balance and increased flexibility — especially for older adults.


No need to introduce French Grand Master Jacques Levinet, who teaches worldwide his various methods of Self Pro Krav (for civilians) and Real Operational System (for police).

The ingenuity demonstrated by this international expert has helped develop the methodology and the material of which is made the CDJL defense stick, now registered and certified. Playful and at once adapted to defense against an aggression in the street, the CDJL defense stick is available to a wide public, whether they play sports or not, re gardless of age and physical condition.

Thus, the trivial walking stick is transformed into CDJL, an awesome means to defend oneself against any type of physical aggression, thanks to its particular configuration and a methodology which stems from the operational tonfa techniques developed by the captain in strict compliance with the law.

MAG AJL : What are the origins of the CDJL defense stick method?

Master Jacques Levinet: Learning self defense today is one of the main concerns of many citizens around the world. In an attempt to achieve valid formulas, self defense experts have tried, with varying de grees of success, a lot of methods, often similar, while Martial Arts experts suggest, with more or less realism, the jutsu derived from their respective practices. Without going into details, we must admit that the two pillars of personal defense, knowledge and transmission, are not precisely the most striking feature of some, but there must be something for every taste, so that we can get a real idea of what we need.

The well intended mental attitude of conciliation and dialogue in front of conflicts has its limits in some attacks that unfortunately today affect all people, young and old, women and children, athletes or not, regardless of the size of the victim and the aggressor. Thus a vital need was born for the 21st century man: that of defending himself.

From these elements of reflection along with my triple experience as a former police captain, martial arts expert and trainer of the police, came up to me the idea of developing an impressive self defense system that could serve everyone, respecting at the same time our democratic laws, and that’s the CDJL defense stick method.

This discipline emerged successfully from the start. To identify this method, the CDJL trade mark was registered in the National Institute of Industrial Property in order to protect both the methodology and the training materials.

I decided to use the abbreviation CDJL for my creations, less as pretension than as a way to defend myself against copiers that use and abuse rather than inspire. Thus the expert will know how to distinguish the original from the copies.


MAG AJL : What is the CDJL method ?

It articulates, from a specific program, on 5 key points namely: survival instinct, conditioned reflex, operative technique, self-defense and questioning. Security has been privileged with suitable protections, mobile shields, American gloves specially designed to prevent overheating of the hands during handling.

A few guards and equipment were studied to provide maximum protection in the defenses, while multiplying the answering power. CDJL training suits with its logo were created, to ensure the cohesion of the group.

Examinations were established to obtain the black belt and upper grades or CDJL Dan as well as the titles of instructor, chief instructor and expert on Jacques Levinet Academy.

It was perfected with an adapted pedagogy and a precise code of ethics to make CDJL a 21st century revolutionary anti-aggression method.


MAG AJL: You've also developed the defense baton for therapeutic purposes?

Accessible to the public, regardless of age, sex or physical condition, the therapeutic CDJL is a method of great interest to both the elderly and the sick. Regardless of its effectiveness against aggression, it acts positively on the following eight points:

Balance work. Fight against hardening of the joints.

Fight against tremors. Fight against brain aging. Memory improvement. Socialization improvement. Sports for all. Motivation and fun. A stick therapeutic defense animator training program has been developed to meet the needs of the elderly and sick people.


MAG AJL: What is the future of the CDJL?

JL: Taught now in many clubs in France and abroad, practitioners progress by grade validation (up to black belt and upper grades) and by teaching diploma through the registration number of the Jacques Levinet Academy as an organization of vocational training in the Ministry of Labor in France.

Regarding the therapeutic defense baton, I teach now in France in a pilot clinic in the treatment of Alzheimer's disease, an initiative that has been pretty welcomed by the Ministry of Health. I travel everywhere in France and abroad to provide defense baton seminars and train instructors for the professional qualification recognized by our federation AJL.

In conclusion, the defense baton method (CDJL) will delight anyone who wishes to defend himself or herself in an effective way without suffering the aggressor's contact.

A new street self defense with no need of a prior physical development or any knowledge of martial arts or fighting sports, under the authority and the guide of a leading expert in the world of personal defense.


have expressed several times the fact that I believe that Budo have less to do with warmongering and personal defense than with physical and mental education, and that those who mainly seek martial efficacy in training are in my eyes wasting their time developing useless kills, and probably living in irrational fear.

Today I would like to substantiate these claims with hard facts and ask the question: "What is the point of training to achieve martial efficacy in a peaceful world ? ».

Violence in human societies is on decline and it has been so for hundreds of years. As a consequence, we are currently living in the most peaceful and harmonious time that our specie has ever known.

This phenomenon has been put forward in its most elegant and persuasive form by Harvard Professor Steven Pinker in his book "The Better Angels of our Nature".

Ipropose to share some of his ideas and evidence, and to discuss how this affects martial arts practice. In a nutshell, I could sum it up as :

"No, the world is not becoming a dangerous place, so chill out and enjoy martial art training for what it is: a healthy habit, albeit a mostly obsolete one".

Before starting, let me first state that I have no illusions regarding the fact that some horrendous acts of violence take place every day and I sincerely empathize with the victims.

What I want to discuss today is the fact that violence is substantially declining nonetheless, and that within this context, we can probably shift our focus in Aikido training towards something that is more useful and fulfilling than mere concern on whether or not we would be able to kick someone else's butt if need be.


"One should know how to take care of oneself". It is people sharing this view that I want to address today.

Instead or restating my own ideas (please see previous articles), I would like to develop a bit about the fact that as far as I can see, those people seeking only martial efficacy in Aikido training must be motivated by either or both of these intentions :

1. the desire to attack someone

2. the fear of being attacked

As Aikido practitioners we have to be better than that, we have to consider our discipline in a wider framework than mere self-defense. I have developed these views in length in an interview I gave a few years ago and in this article dealing with the definition and purpose of Budo.

While, judging by the statistics offered by Google Analytics, a good few people seem happy to read my prose, I am sad to report that that I did receive however a good few emails that all tend to say the same thing:


Ipropose to share some of his ideas and evidence, and to discuss how affects martial arts practice. In a nutshell, I could sum it up as :

"No, the world is not becoming a dangerous place, so chill out and enjoy martial art training for what it is: a healthy habit, albeit a mostly obsolete one".

Before starting, let me first state that I have no illusions regarding the fact that some horrendous acts of violence take place every day and I sincerely empathize with the victims.

Guillaume Erard is a resident of Japan for nearly a decade and he trains at the Aikikai Hombu Dojo and he received the 5th Dan from Doshu Moriteru Ueshiba. He is also 3rd Dan in Daito-ryu Aiki-jujutsu, the secretive art that Morihei Ueshiba learned from Sokaku Takeda. Erard is the Information Director of the International Aikido Federation and the Deputy Secretary of International Affairs of the Daito-ryu Aiki-jujutsu Shikoku Headquarters. He is also passionate about science and education and holds a PhD in Molecular Biology.

What I want to discuss today is the fact that violence is substantially declining nonetheless, and that within this context, we can probably shift our focus in Aikido training towards something that is more useful and fulfilling than mere concern on whether or not we would be able to kick someone else's butt if need be.

Les Iles Hawaii ont leur histoire martiale et leurs propres styles de combat.

Le KAJUKENBO est un des styles contemporains des plus récents, crée à Hawaii. Il est considéré comme un des premiers MMA.

Le KAJUKENBO est nè à Honolulu entre 1947 et 1950, sur l’ini tiative de Maître ADRIANO EMPERADO du Kenpo Hawaiien, Boxeur et Escrimador.

Il s’associa à des spécialistes d’autres disciplines : Peter.CHOO du Tang-so-do Coréen et Boxeur amateur, Joseph.HOLK du Judo Kodokan, Franck.ORDONEZ du Ju-Jutsu Sekeino et Boxeur amateur, Clarence.CHANG du Kung Fu Sil Lum Pai Gung Fu, Sijo Emperado

Les cinq créateurs travaillèrent très durement et en privé tous les jours.

L’idée était de créer un style réellement original, en s’appuyant sur les carences de leurs arts respectifs, en sélectionnant les techniques les plus fiables, en employant le principe d’antisystème et de MMA.

De cette idée est née le KAJUKENBO.

Le système principal du Kajukenbo autour duquel s’articule le système est le Kenpo Hawaiien de MaitreEmperado

C’est le tronc originel et le lien entre les autres systèmes qui composent le Kajukenbo.

Le Kajukenbo est resté par sa composition mème un style ouvert en évolution.

De nombreuses influences sont venues se greffer aux styles de base.

Il n’ a pas échappé aux influences du Lua art martial antique des guerriers Hawaiiens.

Le Kajukenbo est un style de self-défense dur, c’est sa vocation originelle. Les techniques se veulent réalistes et efficaces.


Ohana ! Famille en hawaiien, c’est l’état d’esprit du Kajuken bo. Le Kajukenbo est resté » familial » à l’ancienne, basé sur les rapports humains et sur une transmission juste.

L ’état d’esprit Hawaiien ou Polynésien est fondamen talement différent des autres cultures. A Hawaii le style est souvent pratiqué par les surfeurs locaux qui s’identifient parfaitement dans un état d’esprit qui leur est proche.


Le Kajukenbo est considéré comme le premier style de MMA. Son axe de développement s’est essentiellement exprimé dans le domaine de la self défense, gardes du corps police, corps spéciaux de l’armée. Très proche du combat de rue il est plutôt considéré comme un « street fighting » que comme un style de sel défense ordinaire.

Le Kajukenbo est un style efficace et dur, avec du contact. Il a été élaboré pour permettre de se défendre dans toutes sortes de situations réalistes. Le pratiquant est formé pour devenir lucide, rapide, créatif et spontané et doit toujours améliorer ses qualités naturelles perception, fluidité, vitesse, puissance.

Certaines écoles ont axé leur travail sur le combat sportif et participé à de nombreux championnats MMA mais la vocation principale de l’art est : la self défense.

Eventail technique du Kajukenbo :

Travail self défense travail mains nues, percussions, pieds poings, projections, luxations, dislocations, immobilisations, frappes aux zones vitales. Défense contre bâton et couteau. Pour les armes, travail du Kali Escrima. Travail combat: Pieds poings et combat freefight.

Origines multiculturelles :

Les fondateurs du Kajukenbo ayant des origines distinctes, ont inclus leurs différentes sensibilités dans l’esprit même des techniques.

C’est ainsi que l’on peut percevoir la fluidité du Kali, le kime du Karaté Coréen, la rapidité du Kenpo, la circularité du Kug-fu et la science des points vitaux, l’application des Boxes pieds poings ou les techniques de dislocations empruntées au Lua l’art martial ancien Polynésien élaboré par les guerriers Hawaiiens.

Si on voulait définir la Kajukenbo en une seule phrase, il faudrait simplement citer Maître Emperado ; « J’ai voulu créer un art martial où chacun pourrait construire sa propre maison selon son évolution personnelle ou celle de sa famille, mais avec de solides fondations ».

Par cette phrase Maître Emperado voulait souligner l’état d’esprit d’ouverture et l’idée de perpétuelle évolution.

Adriano Emperado est né le 16 juin 1926 à Honolulu et décède le 4 avril 2009 à l'âge de 82 ans, il est le principal fondateur du kajukenbo.

Par le Maître Francis de Hebles


It is done.... The way described.

ven though he himself shrank from several years of martial arts and earned his blackbelt in Karate, Aikido and Judo, 'Frank Weber' has taken up another challenge.

The Self-Pro-Krav (SPK) of Master Jacques Levinet (France). Also belt back and forth on top.

How do you come up with an idea where to cheat your own dojo with intensity and dedication?

Good question - simple answer.

The interest in the ´NEW ' has never left sight, breastfeeding is not an option. It is one of my virtues to open up to the spectrum of martial arts. Iaido, Kendo, Jujutsu ...... has and has already tried the sympathetic Westphalian.

These experiences say that you can really describe yourself, you just have to experience it.

A personal drive to discover 'new'.

So is the self-defense system of Jacques Levinet, who counts as an expert in this area, and also subordinated to police and security forces as civilians.

Frank WEBER - National Director AJL GERMANY

This system has broadened and enriched my horizons. It's an ingenious addition to my traditional martial arts training.

Start at zero.........See perspectives!

Unfortunately, the war was not over. A corresponding training center did not exist here.

Also on to Montpellier to stage one, in 2015. More followed in Luxembourg, France ......... soar in Germany was able to organize some events for us.

And again as a beginner to stand in line, where already master degrees are already available!

No problem.

It fascinated me, so I wanted to experience it too.

With what sympathy one was received there. The openness. Class and admirable.


W hat inspires is the naturalness with which everyone pulls together. Whether beginner or master level.

Here we work together.

Every now and then I have already caught myself that I have searched in my pool of techniques to get to the destination. However I was and still strive to develop further in the SPK.

The achieved Dan degree proves me right. It is not self-evident, but not impossible to achieve this goal. Of course it makes me (proud) to have received this rank.

mmediately approach the 'thing'. With perseverance, everyone here is taught the system. Previous knowledge not required - yes sometimes more of a hindrance, because one quickly draws parallels and looks in his style for techniques.

The SPK is plausible and learnable. Based on effective techniques, transparent and traceable. A challenge on the one hand, but immense fun and a chance of success on the other.

This proves that, when approached openly to the exercises, a constant development takes place.

The concerns of self-defense are constantly analyzed and optimized to show solutions.


Frank WEBER - National Director AJL GERMANY

The saying 'Exercise makes the master' fits very well!

It can be done - for sure..... And you get the support for it from all sides in the Spk of Jacques Levinet.

Just a real martial arts family.

(Not the fact of learning a new martial art was the challengeNO - to break away from the techniques of his style to be open.)

In this way, a thank you for those who have enabled me to get to this point.

Thanks Jacques for the hours of attention in training, The tireless patience and motivation.

Thank you Gery Jacoby for the intensive practice and help with the applications. Always a demand and pleasure.

Thank you Pascal Tabaglio for your support and good advice, as well as the indestructible humor that has joined us in addition to the training from the beginning.

All who have taken me in their circle to have part in this grandiose system.

From my side, I can only welcome the step of getting involved in the SPK. Start here too.

SV, uncompromising and effective experience.


Frank Weber

NTD-AJL Germany - 1 Dan SPK, instructor !!!!!!!!

Pascal Tabaglio - Capitaine Jacques Levinet - Fabrice Broux

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