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The origins of the tonfa called also " tongwa, tuifa, tunkua, tuiha " are known to rise in the old Chinese islands of Okinawa where it was used, at first time, in an agrarian way as crank to turn grinders the grain, then secondly, of a way warrior to allow the farmers, deprived of weapons by the Japanese occupant, to fight against the samurais of this period. Even if it continues nowadays in the martial arts, with two wooden tonfas, in the practice of Kobudo, it was only adopted, in the 1970s, with a metal then composite material, in the USA and since then, by numerous law enforcement all over the world. OPERATIONAL POLICE TONFA Its professional use was identified by multiple naming going of the tonfa police to the tonfa security including the professional tonfa and the other similar names. There are so many different names as forms of tonfa. From 2000s, hardly of his triple experience of Captain of Police, Grand Master of martial arts and inter national expert of law enforcement, the specialist of self-defense and tactics of police Jacques Levinet, having led his own reflection on the subject, developed a revolutionary method of the 21th century to pull all the true substance of this not lethal weapon. So thus was born Operational Tonfa Police or OTP which is, not a new name, but an unpublished and successful process for an intermediate and complementary use with the handgun and the handcuffs. The OTP arouses from now on an interest growing up all over the world.

ORIGINS They base on the other inventions whose Captain Levinet is the founder: • SELF PRO KRAV or SPK – This self-defense, which enjoys a success ringing in numerous countries, gave at the top its originality by its concrete applications of g ro u n d . T h e d e f e n s e s o f t h e S P K a re s o m a n y

Jacques Levinet supports which allowed OTP to assert its success. The absence of flourishes and the pedagogy became the keys of the success of these two methods which give, both to the c i v i l i a n s a n d t o t h e p ro f e s s i o n a l s , t h e ways(means) to face(to deal with) in the attacks of the street • Real Operational System or Police ROS – There is an interactive link of existence between the Real Operational System, method completes for law enforcement, and OTP which is one of the module in the same way as the BOP (Operational Stick Police), the GTPI (Gestures and Techniques Police of Intervention). The ROS evolves according to its applications of ground and the "feedback" realized regularly by the staff AJL (Academy Jacques Levinet). As it is the difficulties of the street that dominate in the OTP, the technique passes in the background and the narcissistic demonstration is not current. The reality is imperative to the detriment of the whim to give way to the operational.

influence of the GTPI was an importing factor because law enforcement is, in most of the time, supposed to intervene team there.

• MALADJUSTMENT OF THE TRAININGS · The trainings in the tonfa are often unsuitable, either due to the lack of time, or due to the lack of skill, or by absence of training plan without forgetting also the political lack of will to give itself the ways to make a success. The subsidy of a tonfa is not enough to return the operational policeman, still needs it the aftersales service. In other words an initial training upstream and continuous downstream with recycling’s and "feedback" regular. Reason why captain Levinet wanted everything reexamines. · The OTP trainings are longer than in the majority of the cases with drastic cuts on the techniques which do not work in the reality. A training plan was both structured on the plan technical and legal. Absence of stereotypical attacks, predefined attacks and defenses secured with the tonfa foams, of unfeasible armed seizures of hand on the ground. No passivity neither any playful training but nor place in the hard law of the street. The results came very quickly, the modification and the evolution of techniques have proved vital and the tonfa became really operational in the full sense of the word

hands free to use, if necessary, handcuffs or firegun.

SPECIFICITIES The OTP enjoys a frame of use so that every professional understands his utility, about is its department of use and its material subsidy. The

• The complementarity –The work of the OTP is never considered remotely but takes into account all of the material of pressure given to his users. An intervention can begin with bare hands, require the use of the tonfa, the handcuffs and, in certain cases, the firearm with dissuasion or with retort. The policeman has to adapt himself because he never knows when and how ends a danger. With the OTP the key, the way to put handcuffs and the putting in yoke can be concomitant in a random order according to the risk. Certain parameters are inescapable as to unsheathe the tonfa before the handgun and conversely to sheathe the weapon) fire before the tonfa except case of immediate shooting of retort. From this perspective, the change of user hand of the tonfa is essential to get the

• The key points – In the form of concrete answers, for the only agents or in team, and not of a purely theoretical teaching.

“The training plan of the OTP requires that the certified instructor AJL dispenses the official pedagogy with the ethical and legislative references inherent to each of the countries concerned by the training.�

• The distance – It is dependent on the reaction in front of danger. Both we see it coming, and in this case, the defense will be remote and anticipated. We favor the indirect blockings to the direct parades, with the length of the tonfa, thanks to dresses in wrist point, sword clocks and tomahawk points. Let be our vigilance did not allow us to see coming the attack and the defense will be unexpected and very close. In this hypothesis we favor the conditioned reflex and the indirect blockings with the body of the tonfa, thanks to dresses handle heel, sword heel and mini tomahawk. The distance thus conditions the natural, innate and reflexive technique. • The handles – The OTP does not limit itself to the commonplace said dresses small and big side ". It adapts them with regard to the missions what opens a radius of action mattering in the interventions in reduced or closed environment. The holding idol of the OTP is the mini tomahawk which offers the opportunity to change strong hand easily, to hang on and to push away but also to lock a key with a putting in yoke of protection. The little and the big fork of the OTP in holding sword points and sword heel protects against any fortifying or downward attack. Forks facilitate the disarmament by lock-picking. The handle of the OTP does not only serve to hold him but to respond, to pick, to lock and to exercise points of pressure. • Hands free –The techniques of the OTP authorize the changes of hand for putting handcuffs or a use of fire gun. It is necessary to possess a time beforehand on the evolution of the situation. Either the retort is enough, or it is necessary to neutralize, to lead up, and to bring to the ground, to use jointly handcuffs, a palpation, a lifting, and a use of fire gun or a lock with the use of tonfa. In brief the OTP never releases from the beginning to the end of the intervention. The keys of twist and israeli are a remarkable help on the subject because they free both hands.

PROFESSIONAL PEDAGOGY The training plan of the OTP requires that the certified instructor AJL dispenses the official pedagogy with the ethical and legislative references inherent to each of the countries concerned by the training.

“The trainings in the tonfa are often unsuitable, either due to the lack of time, or due to the lack of skill, or by absence of training plan without forgetting also the political lack of will to give itself the ways to make a success.”

Jacques Levinet

• Law explanations – With the OTP, not useful to know articles of law on the self-defense. The policeman or the soldier explains the technique used in the action so that it is in accordance with the law of its country. Not a simple reasoning but a demonstration way judicial reconstruction. The technic used must assure, with a judge or with an immediate superior, the legitimacy of the intervention. The pedagogy of the OTP gives all the legal assets to reach following the example of the retorts there pricked in the body in holding wrist clocks, bends upward, to avoid any inconvenient percussion with the face. In the same way the use of the gun is not synonymic of shooting of retort but also release of a hostile environment or a protection for the agent and the individual.

• Specific terminology – With the OTP, the words are a way to limit the responsibility. We never use the term of "strikes", synonym for aggression, but that of "retorts", equivalent to a defense. We speak to high and understandable voice in a professional frame. The co nt ro l o f th e media and t he cu rio s ity of th e spectators, provided with their mobile phones photos and videos, oblige us a minimum of caution. The intervention allies safety, protection and intervention in the strictest respect for the law of the concerned country.

• Adaptation for the trainings -The legal criteria of the excellent intervention are fitted to the country applicant. For example in the USA, the use of the firearm is less binding than in the European countries, where from less technicality of OTP. On the other hand a capital gain for the keys of pressure with putting in yoke of release and protection. • Real situations –The OTP favors the teamwork by exercises of Police (Protection, Connection and Intervention) with the tonfa of intervention in hard material. Not of tonfa foam which do not sanction the

Jacques Levinet

bad positions or the lack of control. What's the use this secure training which will not be current in the street.

LABEL POLICE OTP The OTP enjoys a significant aura thanks to the following points. 路 Multilingual Programs - The TOP trainers of the AJL are multilingual, for the greater part, (English, German, Italian, Spanish and Portuguese) to dispense a training direct and understandable for all. 路 Label ROS - OTP - The program, the training plan, the recycling, the feedback, the renewable certificate

every year, make of the label instructor ROS -OTP a much appreciated quality criterion. 路 International Gratitude - The demonstrations and the OTP seminaries of the founder, in every corner of the world, aroused the enthusiasm by the biggest international experts of law enforcement. The Operational Tonfa Police is not an accessory of demonstration, such as nunchaku for example, but the best not lethal weapon, of which Captain Jacques Levinet knew how to pull all the up to now unequalled professional efficiency.

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