Self Pro Krav CHILDREN Urban crime and free violence, to which children are exposed from an early age, are getting more and more radicalized every day in every corner of the world, implying an adaptation and an almost permanent evolution for any legitimate system of civil or professional defense, on penalty of becoming obsolete and therefore unworkable. It is clear that, because of the multifaceted nature of physical assaults in our days, insecurity has spawned numerous self-defense systems with varying degrees of success in terms of realism. The problem in this regard is the fact that Martial Arts in their application of selfdefense, are not adjusted to the reality of the street, where there are no rules or limits. Recognizing this, learning to defend ourselves has become a necessity, an instinct of conservation inherent to each of us who love life and our dear ones. If the source of such sudden craze seems obvious, what can we do to adjust to the harsh law of the reality, of which the news brings us daily its share of horrors? The problem is that we want all and we want it now, so
Photos: Edith Levinet
Self Defense we seek a system that, as under the impulse of a magic wand, allows us to be able to get out of all dangerous situations. Apart from trying to flee whenever possible, the salvation of our children can only occur through a survival reflex that must be developed through a r egular training on the basis of a r ealistic approach, accessible to everyone, regardless of size and force, with simple and efficient gestures. Captain Jacques Levinet, with his professional and martial experience, has created a method adapted to children so they can get out of such situations, a discipline adaptable to the school as well as to the street, in other words, for both the aggression of another child and that of a grown up. This is an innovative initiative in the subject, whose pedagogy and results have been welcomed by numerous media and several psychologists and children specialists. We wanted to know more about this new fighting discipline against aggression for children.
and founder of the SPK by the greatest masters and experts worldwide.
Budo International: What does the acronym SPKE mean? Jacques Levinet: S (stands for Self Defense) P (Pro, for Professional), K (Krav, for Fighting Spirit in Hebrew), and E (for Children, "Enfants" in French). This is not Kravmaga (whose purpose is essentially military and doesn't correspond to our self-defense). Confusion arises from the term Krav that for SPKE means "Fighting Spirit" because without a fighting spirit, it's difficult for a child to get ahead. Besides, SPKE respects the French Criminal Law and it doesn't develop any aggressiveness, but self-confidence. The SPKE method comes from SELF PRO KRAV or SPK, a system with a proven efficiency to defend oneself in the street in a realistic way. The SPK was developed by the international expert Jacques Levinet, who was recognized Soke 10th Dan
B. I.: What is the SPKE method? J. L.: The SPKE is suitable for young people to fight against aggression and gain self-confidence. They are taught how to escape thanks to techniques at their level, based on the survival instinct and the conditioned reflex, in addition to the management of speech and the right actions in case of aggression, not forgetting the legal aspect (what we can do and what we shouldn't do). Mimicry and repetition facilitate lear ning SPKE, thanks to the professional experience of Police Captain Jacques Levinet, who provides an optimum credibility to the method according to the law. The SPKE has been internationally recognized by the highest ranks of martial arts and police experts. Its pedagogy is specific to awaken alertness in children, as well as trust in the respect to a code of ethics. A fun-filled program of technical progress evaluates the students' work throughout the year, as it is also a new sport. Joint locks are excluded from the method because children are taught to defend themselves within the
limits of their physical capabilities and not the way of "Karate Kid". Similarly, priority is given to defense against attacks on empty hands, secondary with stick and knife, but never against firearms, to stay in the reality of the defense possibilities of a child. The SPKE is effective and realistic thanks to some key points: consideration of the instinct of survival, development of the conditioned reflex of defense, the simplicity of lear ning so as not having to think at the time of applying, and an operational pedagogy thanks to the mimicry in apprenticeship. And we don't forget to teach children how to explain their defensive gesture to justify their obligation to defend themselves against an unjust aggression. B. I.: What are the fundamental principles of SPKE? J. L.: The words "hit" or "blow" have been removed from SPKE in favor of the word "response", to justify what is forbidden to do. For example, facing a strangulation (attack on life), the g e n i t a l response is tolerated, but in front of a collar grip (clothing) or
Self Defense
wrist grab, response to the tibia is enough. This is to make children understand the criteria of the law, including in self-defense. The SPKE is a game-oriented activity - The SPK has recently opened up to children for the first time in France by creating the
method SPKE (Self Pro Krav children), endowed with a specific learning pedagogy, for women with the use of scenarios considering their peculiarities, and for elderly people, who are taught about the basic gestures to their reach in case of aggression. To meet these objectives of fun, a playful and multifaceted program has been developed, according to the personality of its practitioners with an educational schedule of technical evaluations. This knowledge will level the work and progress of the students throughout their practice to strengthen their motivation and interest. Thus, the character of welfare has been developed for all segments of the population, who find in the practice of SPK a factor of physical fullness and indisputable moral, while family bonding strengthens for some, since this discipline
is often practiced in family. The SPKE is sociological - Sport for all and the utility of a regulated, codified and recognized personal defense, the SPK is therefore open to everybody. It's a method that is part of a social phenomenon whose watchwords are efficiency, flexibility, specificity of the methodology, the interactivity of the civil and professional method of SPK, respect for the life values and good citizenship, respect for the law, and social integration through the practice of a sports in relation to the problems of the city. For young people in difficulty or suffering cyclical problems of confidence and affirmation of the personality, the SPK, through its code of ethics and respect for the values, and adjusting to the reality of the aggression, offers a solution to the current problems of our century. Without exception, regardless of
Self Defense race, religion, age, sex or physical disability, the SPKE allows everyone to find the sports way in the fullest and most honorable sense of the term. B. I.: What is the ethics of SPKE to teach children to defend themselves? J. L.: Like the Bushido moral code that ruled the conduct of the Samurai warriors, the SPKE doctrine is concerned with the preservation of life and human dignity against unfair and unjustified aggression. This statement is the true basic premise of SPKE transmitted through our teachings in France and abroad. A theory, according to which, the survival instinct of the man of the XXI century must be supply the means of his defense. The rule in this subject is not retaliation, but a legitimate defense, adapted and realistic to face aggression, within the limits of law and respect of others. The SPKE solves the violent deviations of human nature in its aggressive excesses with some shock treatments in which the rights and duties of all are respected.
Therefore, thanks to its technical evolution, in constant communion with the situations of the actions of modern man, thanks to its ethical and respectable references, the SPKE has become an innovative method of self-confidence and thus of life fullness for youth of all ages. B. I.: What is the priority in the SPKE method? J. L.: Beyond the effectiveness and realism of this formidable method of self-defense, what counts is deontology and respect. They are key elements that should be implemented in every defensive move so as not exceeding the limits of the law, including in self-defense. A practical example of SPKE in this area is to never use the term "hitting the attacker," but "responding to an attack." The hypothesis is always to report a posteriori about our actions to the authorities or justice, hence the importance of having the maximum of arguments in our favor. Speaking of "responses" in an aggression is a presumption of self-defense, which is not the case when you speak of "blows". Instilling this phraseology difference in our courses and our SPKE training, from an early age, leads to an ethical discipline. B. I.: How do you become an SPKE instructor? J. L.: Firstly, following a SELF PRO KRAV instructor course, and then a specific course of SPKE, the methodology of aggression for children is not the same as for adults. SPKE pedagogy is a strong point that must be well learned because the instructor, beyond his or her impeccable morality, has an undeniable educational function. Children are not taught in the same way as adults. Learning to be a citizen at a young age is a constant goal in the SPKE method. This is the declared philosophy of this 21st century discipline, symbolized by the search for truth, morality and respect. A method exists only through the path that it paves, in the philosophical sense of the term.
Self Defense In conclusion, although the SPKE method is effective in case of aggression, we don't tur n our children into a sort of "Rambo" or "Kamikaze". We teach them that fear is natural and that escaping is often the best form of defense. The truth of the spoken word is important, but when reasoning fails and the escape become impossible, then we must
rely on our skills to defend ourselves. We also emphasize and war n children against any act of sexual aggression, giving them radical means to to emerge unscathed without suffering lifelong traumas. At this particular point, we are helped by some psychologists to ensure a constant "feedback" after the trauma of the assault against children.
The SPKE is represented in several regions of France and abroad with certified instructors of the Jacques Levinet Academy. Jacques Levinet Founder of SPKE Tel. +33467075044