VOL. 5
Love me, or Love me not T-O Key Club D5 Division 5 Lt. Governor Jada Hudgins
Table of Contents
Lt. Governor Message pg.1
Monthly Reminders and Club Officer Elections pg. 2-3 The Conversation on Conservation pg.4 Service Partners pg. 5-8 Â District and Division Contact pg.12-13
Greetings Division 5! I can’t believe my term is almost over, but I am excited to see the great things you will do in the future as a club and as successful individuals. As we approach near the end of the Key Club year, please do not forget to report every month and elect in your new officers this month! Then after that, dive me the new contact information so that we can maintain a stream of communication in years to come. Also remember to register early to go to DCON before prices go up. If you need any help in registering, don’t hesitate to contact me. I absolutely cannot wait to see you guys at DCON! Thank you to all who worked hard to turn in dues! Yours in service
Jada Hudgins 2016-2017 Lt. Governor Division
Monthly Checklist Monthly reports are due to the District Secretary and Newsletters/Articles are due to District Editor even if you don’t postmark by the 5th! Register for convention on the tokeyclub.com website (If you need help, call me) Hold Officer elections this month and invite me please! Give me the new contact information for your incoming officers Plan a fundraiser for DCON Participate in the Governors and Divisional Projects! Attend a Kiwanis meetings
Hold Club Officer Electons Your club elections NEED to take place this month unless you have special circumstances that you have spoken to me about. Key Club has elections early in order to offer a training period for incoming officers so it is crucial they are held early. Advice on how to run your elections: - Make sure candidates turn in a candidacy form with a parent signature page that lets them know about their future responsibilities. - Let me know when you are holding elections so that I can potentially attend and meet your new officers! - On Election Day, allow a 2 min max speech and a 3 min questioning period for each candidate. - If there are vacancies in office, you can fill them through a nomination process - After new officers are elected send in the new contact information to me by the following day! Also, submit this information on COCI on the tokeyclub.com website as well.
The Conversation on Conservation 2016-2017 Divisional Project Our Divisional project will be focused around the maintaining, protecting and improving of our communities in a project called " The Conversation on Conservation". We plan to focus on three main branches of the environment throughout the year..
The Three Branches 1. Water 2. Deforestation 3. Pollution
Service Partners
The Children's Miracle Network Hospitals is a non-profit organization that raises awareness and money to benefit the children and all money raised goes towards hospital equipment, research, train staff, and provide healthcare to children whose parents cannot afford to pay
UNICEF is the only organization of the United Nations solely dedicated to helping children. All donations are used to provide healthcare, water, sanitation and other necessities in more than 150 developing countries
March of Dime focuses on bringing awareness to preventing birth defects, premature birth and infant mortality. March of Dime brings attention to the health of babies and helps people understand the effects of unhealthy babies
Division 5 Board Abril Mejia Director of Communication mejiaa1334@yahoo.com
Lyda Bowen Director of Activities & Events lydabowen879@gmail.com
Vivian Hernandez Head Spirit Coordinator vivianjhernandez98@gmail.com
Andrew Lockwood Assitant Lt.Governor asstltgd5@gmail.com
10 Dianna Cardenas District Governor governor@tokeyclub.com
Kennie Merbach District Secretary kenniem10@gmail.com Leia George District Treasurer treasurer@tokeyclub.com
Chris Do Convention dochrisn@gmail.com
District ContactÂ
Sophia Tran District Editor SophiaTran.KC@gmail.com Stephanie Tran Tech Producer stephanietran.kc@gmail.com
See you next time!