JADE Excellence Awards 2014

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119, Rue Potagère 1210 Brussels, Belgium www.jadenet.org mail@jadenet.org

International Congres on Entrepreneurial Skills for Youth 1

JADE Excellence Awards 2014 Contents: I. Guidelines for applications...........................................................................3 Idea...................................................................................................3 Most International Junior Enterprise...…........................................4 Most Innovative and Creative Project..............................................6 Most Entrepreneurial Junior Enterprise……...................................8 Most Socially Responsible Junior Enterprise.................................10 II. General Conditions.....................................................................................11 III. Contact details……………………………………………………………………………...12


119, Rue Potagère 1210 Brussels, Belgium www.jadenet.org mail@jadenet.org

I. Guidelines for applications Idea Facing up to challenges becomes a part of everyday life, when working in a Junior Enterprise. Dealing with them requires the implementation of new ideas, as well as putting old ones to the test. The Junior Enterprise Movement is filled with great practices and success stories, and the JADE Excellence Awards 2014 aims at honoring the most outstanding achievements within the diverse and dynamic world of JADE over the past year. The registration for applications for the Excellence Awards 2014 is now open. Admissions will be accepted until Friday 7th of February 2014 5pm. The JADE Excellence Awards Ceremony 2014 will take place at the European Parliament during the JADE Spring Meeting 2014, where applicants will gain the opportunity to communicate their success both to their peers and to JADE Partners. This year, the JADE Excellence Awards 2014 categories are:    

Most International Junior Enterprise Most Innovative and Creative Project Most Entrepreneurial Junior Enterprise Most Socially Responsible Junior Enterprise


119, Rue Potagère 1210 Brussels, Belgium www.jadenet.org mail@jadenet.org

Most International Junior Enterprise: Description: Nowadays, every business understands the benefits of globalization. Getting connected at international level and getting international experience are good practices for Junior Enterprises and Junior Entrepreneurs to be prepared to face the reality of the business world. In this category JADE aims at acknowledging the Junior Enterprise that behaved and developed the best international orientation during the last year. Criteria: Whether your Junior Enterprise managed to  Attract international projects,  Develop fruitful international partnerships,  Organize relevant international events,  Help to create another Junior Enterprise abroad,  Successfully work together with other international JEs on a project ...then this award is for you! Focus your application on:  The cooperation with Junior Enterprises from other countries,  The quantity and quality of international projects (benchmarking, knowledge sharing, Subcontracting etc.),  Your attendance at JADE international events,  Partnerships with JADE European partners. Junior Enterprises can apply for this award with as many projects as they see fit in the application. This award depends on how you present the international activities and outcomes of your Junior Enterprise during the past year. Please note that the focus here lies on internationalization, not on your Junior Enterprise in general. The application for this category must contain the following elements: 1. A cover letter stating why the applicant believes that deserves to be awarded (one page). 2. The full presentation (max 5 pages/10 slides of content). This presentation should include:  The mission and vision of the Junior Enterprise,  The year in which it was created and the country of origin,  A brief description of the role that internationalization plays in the overall strategy of the Junior Enterprise,


119, Rue Potagère 1210 Brussels, Belgium www.jadenet.org mail@jadenet.org

     

A list of the Junior Enterprises with which the applicant has cooperated and their country of origin, A list of the international projects in which the applicant has been involved and a brief description of its role in each one of them, The results achieved by those projects, The number of staff working on international projects, The list of JADE international events that members of the Junior Enterprise attended, The list of JADE European partners with whom the applicant has a partnership.

Supporting material to the application (optional): Supporting material should be carefully selected to illustrate the main points and essence of your project, in order to enable the judges to make an informed and fair decision. There is a limit of up to 3 documents (one document equals one digital file or one hard copy). The material accepted as supporting material includes, for example, planning documents, references from clients/professors and personal, press releases, pictures, brochures, movies of no more than 3 minutes and any online material or other unique media, etc.


119, Rue Potagère 1210 Brussels, Belgium www.jadenet.org mail@jadenet.org

Most Innovative and Creative Project Description: Creativity and Innovation is one of the most recognizable topics promoted by European Union and who better than motivated and dynamic Junior Entrepreneurs can share their great practices and give faith in European youth and future? This category aims at acknowledging the project team which conducted the most creative and innovative project. This can be achieved in several fields, for instance for technological (product) or non-technological innovation (in the field of marketing or business administration), if suitable applications are handed in. Criteria: If your JE successfully:  Developed a new service or product that has sensibly helped your client,  Build a new procedure that revolutionized your work and the work of others in the industry,  Developed an innovative marketing strategy  Take the chance and apply for this award! Focus your application on:  Presenting the creative elements of the project,  How was the new approach different compared to the processes and methods used by the Junior Enterprise before,  Showing us concrete results and the reasons you provide to prove how innovative your project really is and how it enriched your service portfolio,  Presenting if the project was a result of an active or reactive business,  The perspective of its impact, idea and quality of execution without forgetting to be very creative with your application. The success of applications mostly depends on how you present your project, its concrete results and the reasons you provide to prove how innovative your project really is. The application for this category must contain the following elements: 1. A cover letter stating why the applicant believes that deserves to be awarded (one page). 2. The full presentation (max 5 pages/10 slides of content). This presentation should include:  The situation which led to the creation of the project,  The objective of the project,  The strategy involved,


119, Rue Potagère 1210 Brussels, Belgium www.jadenet.org mail@jadenet.org

     

How the project was implemented, The results achieved (e.g. coverage, sales and user numbers, evaluation and survey results, etc.), The time frame of the project (start, peak, end) The budget in Euros (this information will not be distributed and plays a major role in helping the jury to assess your project) The number of staff working on the project The web link (if applicable)

Supporting material to the application (optional): Supporting material should be carefully selected to illustrate the main points and essence of your project, in order to enable the judges to make an informed and fair decision. There is a limit of up to 3 documents (one document equals one digital file or one hard copy). The material accepted as supporting material includes, for example, planning documents, references from clients/professors and personal, press releases, pictures, brochures, movies of no more than 3 minutes and any online material or other unique media, etc.


119, Rue Potagère 1210 Brussels, Belgium www.jadenet.org mail@jadenet.org

Most Entrepreneurial Junior Enterprise: Description: The main aim of JADE is to foster entrepreneurship among students. Many fast growing Junior Enterprises are perfect examples of this rule showing an outstanding achieved success. In this category JADE aims at acknowledging the Junior Enterprise that behaved or developed in the most impressing way in many fields during the last year. This category is specifically focused on measurable evolutions. Criteria: If your Junior Enterprise managed to:  Create exceptional growth by utilizing very limited resources,  Attract many clients in a short period of time,  Achieved a very exceptional revenue,  Show the creativity and pro-activeness of the team,  Spread entrepreneurial spirit,  Helped on the development of your Confederation and JADE,  Setting up new projects and Junior Enterprises ...then this award is the right for you!! Focus your application on:  The presentation of your Junior Enterprise and its activities during one year period,  Showing the success of your JE, keeping in mind measurable evolutions in terms of service providing (whether based on turnover or number of projects),  Linking the success to the activities you have put in place to achieve it. This category is therefore open to well established Junior Enterprises as well as newly created ones. The application for this category must contain the following elements: 1. A cover letter stating why the applicant believes that deserves to be awarded (one page). 2. The full presentation (max 5 pages/10 slides of content). This presentation should include:  The mission and vision of the Junior Enterprise,  The year in which it was created and the country of origin,  The strategy of the Junior Enterprise,


119, Rue Potagère 1210 Brussels, Belgium www.jadenet.org mail@jadenet.org

   

The evolution in one year period in the number of members, The evolution in one year period in the number of projects run by the Junior Enterprise, The evolution in one year period in the revenues of the Junior Enterprise, Any other remarkable success achieved by the Junior Enterprise during the past year

Supporting material to the application (optional): Supporting material should be carefully selected to illustrate the main points and essence of your project, in order to enable the judges to make an informed and fair decision. There is a limit of up to 3 documents (one document equals one digital file or one hard copy). The material accepted as supporting material includes, for example, planning documents, references from clients/professors and personal, press releases, pictures, brochures, movies of no more than 3 minutes and any online material or other unique media, etc.


119, Rue Potagère 1210 Brussels, Belgium www.jadenet.org mail@jadenet.org

Most Socially Responsible Junior Enterprise: Description: Fostering youth entrepreneurship is the main idea behind JEs, but it is of great importance to develop value driven entrepreneurship and develop positive effects on one’s environment. Because CSR practices become day after day more and more important for the business world, JADE aims to acknowledge the Junior Enterprise that was most engaged in assuring that its development provides benefits to its environment, whether in social or environmental terms. Criteria: Junior Enterprises can apply for this award with as many projects as they see fit in the application. This award depends on how you present the positive impact you had on your environment and concrete outcomes of your Junior Enterprise in this matter. The application for this category must contain the following elements: 1. A cover letter stating why the applicant believes that deserves to be awarded (one page). 2. The full presentation (max 5 pages/10 slides of content). This presentation should include:  The mission and vision of the Junior Enterprise,  The year in which it was created and the country of origin,  A brief description of the role that CSR plays in the overall strategy of the Junior Enterprise,  A description of the CSR practices followed by the Junior Enterprise. Supporting material to the application (optional): Supporting material should be carefully selected to illustrate the main points and essence of your project, in order to enable the judges to make an informed and fair decision. There is a limit of up to 3 documents (one document equals one digital file or one hard copy). The material accepted as supporting material includes, for example, planning documents, references from clients/professors and personal, press releases, pictures, brochures, movies of no more than 3 minutes and any online material or other unique media, etc.


119, Rue Potagère 1210 Brussels, Belgium www.jadenet.org mail@jadenet.org

II. General Conditions Deadlines: Regarding the procedure, the JEs have to send their application to excellence.awards@jadenet.org before 7th of February 5pm. JADE will check that all the applications fulfill the requirements mentioned before and we will send the applications to the Confederations before 12th of February 11.59pm. The Confederations will have to evaluate the projects (based on the evaluation grid that JADE will send them) and send it to excellence.awards@jadenet.org before the 23rd of February 11.59pm. After receiving the votes, JADE will count them and notify who are the finalists before 26th of February 11.59pm. In case less than 35% of JADE Members answer by Sunday 23st February at 11.59pm, the selection of the finalists will be done by JADE. Those 8 finalists, 2 per category, will be evaluated during JADE Spring Meeting by an external Jury. Each of them will have 5 minutes to present (the applicant will be interrupted after this) their project at the European Parliament. The final presentation has to be send to excellence.awards@jadenet.org before 4th of March 2014 11.59pm. Eligibility: All submissions must be completed in English. Entered projects must have taken place after 1st of January 2013 (i.e. an integral part of the project must have taken place after this date to be considered). All four categories are open to all Junior Enterprises that are members of JADE (Junior Enterprises from National Confederations or Junior Enterprises that are themselves Consultative Members). Exception: in the specific case of CNJE, « Pépinière » Junior Enterprises are allowed to apply. The JADE Executive Board and the representatives of National Confederations (Board members) are not eligible to participate. The home Junior Enterprises of the JADE Executive Board members as well as National Confederations are eligible to participate. The above mentioned eligibility criteria will be strictly enforced and no exceptions will be taken into consideration. In a situation where no clear decision can be taken, further documentation may have to be provided by the nominees.


119, Rue Potagère 1210 Brussels, Belgium www.jadenet.org mail@jadenet.org

Contact details: Paula Garcia Diez Project Manager of JADE Spring Meeting 2014

+32 485 958 442 Excellence.awards@jadenet.org


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