My DIY: Marketing Materials Mini Flipbook For this tutorial, I’m showing you how to make a mini flipbook for marketing use. These little flipbooks can have as many, or as few, pages as you want.
They can be used at market stalls or expos to give to potential clients, or you could use them when networking with other businesses to show them your work without the need for a display book or matted prints.
Of course, there are plenty of ways to get these little babies done in bulk, much faster, by paying someone else.
But, if you just need a couple of them – or you have the time to make up a pile of them and have them on hand for when you need them – this DIY can save you a few dollars!
Just remember, that anything we do for our business takes an investment of some kind. If it’s not a financial investment, it will usually take another type of investment – your TIME! So be prepared to invest some time into your DIY marketing if you’re currently on a shoestring budget (like me.)
What you will need:
2 rulers (I like using metal ones, but plastic or timber will work, too) 1 hole punch String or ribbon Guillotine Scissors A printer that can print on thick card and 1 A4 sheet of white glossy card. or a print shop to do the printing for you – it will only be a couple of dollars per sheet.
Step 1: Design your flipbook pages to the approximate size of a business card. Make sure your last page at least has your contact details as well. e.g. 60mm x 120mm allowing a 30mm margin on the left hand side.
This should fit six pages on one A4 sheet. Make sure they are aligned neatly, as this will help when scoring your card and when cutting them down to size. Print your card paper, or get your local print shop to print one for you.
Step 2:
Score the cards. Scoring means to mark the card paper where you want to bend it, shown here:
I hope you can see the line that looks like a margin space on the above image. For accuracy, I suggest scoring your card BEFORE cutting anything!
How to ‘score’ your cardpaper: First – Measure a 20mm margin on your flipbook pages. This will be where you make a ‘scoring line’ to be able to bend the pages. Second - With two rulers, use one like a normal ruler and hold it against the page, running vertically down the pages. Use the other ruler and, very firmly, press down and ‘draw a line’ down the page to create a dent in the card paper, like so:
(Here’s my first go at scoring, however, I did it after cutting each page out, which made things a teensy bit wonky – nothing overly bad about my job, but it could be better! Please take heed of this tip!)
Step 3: Using your guillotine, cut out each page of your mini flipbook. Be careful – beware your fingertips!
Step 4: Making sure you stack your flipbook pages really neatly, punch two holes in the margin of the pages, like so:
Step 5: Take your string or ribbon, thread it through the holes and tie it off with a knot or bow. In this case, I have used a very wide ribbon. Not the easiest to work with, but it’s what I had available! With wide ribbon, cut the ends on a diagonal, roll it up as best you can and thread through the holes.
Step 6: Bend the flipbook pages where you made the ‘scoring’ line, just slightly, so the pages open easily.
Step 7: Tidy up any messy fraying edges on the ribbon, if necessary.
And you’re done! A beautiful and professional presentation of your work at a very minimal cost.
I’d love to hear your feedback and thoughts in this tutorial – if you like it, or do you think it’s too much effort?
Please send me any ideas or improvements you could make to this idea!
I hope this is a helpful marketing DIY idea for you. Please remember that I’m here to help in any way I can, so you are welcome to contact me any time with questions or suggestions! Your feedback is appreciated and very welcome!
Warmly, Jade Read