Back Pain Treatment | Jagannathan Neurosurgery

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Back Pain

Better Care, Healthier Society Treatment

About Us

Lookingforareliablesolutionforyourback pain?LooknofurtherthanJagannathan Neurosurgery.Ourteamofexperienced neurosurgeonsspecializesinbackpain treatment,usingstate-of-the-arttechniques andequipmenttohelpalleviateyourpain andimproveyouroverallqualityoflife.

Benefits of physical therapy for back pain treatment


Reduced pain

During physical therapy sessions, your walking gait as well as your standing and sitting-up actions will be evaluated.

2. Improve Mobility

Physical therapists are the specialists who will identify the underlying cause of the discomfort in addition to treating the pain.

3. Preventing you from the surgery

As you are aware, physical therapy is one of the most proactive ways to manage back pain, and surgery is only used as a last option for treating severe cases of back pain.

Our Team

Jay Jagannathan Neurosurgeon John santa Ana Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Adam kremer Neurosurgeon
Richard Burke Anesthesiology
Contact Us : 248-792-6527 3290 West Big Beaver Rd., Suite 150, Troy, MI 48084

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