How to come out of your confused mind?

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Are you in confused state? Confused about life and career, which one to opt. Are you suffering from sleepless nights, troubled with the direction in which your life is heading? Does your confusion cause you to feel anxious, helpless and desperate? It is important to understand the reasons for this confusion.

Why does confusion Arise? Before trying to solve the problem, let us understand why it arises in the first place. Confusion arises when your mind tries to get the perfect solution for a specific problem and is either unable to solve or it consistently displays a negative outcome. The mind gets overwhelmed with all these, „What if‟ questions. For instance, What if I get rejected? What if everyone laughs on me? What if I am not able live up to everyone‟s expectations? What if I fail in my life? And so on… Eventually you feel weak, depressed and anxious and in the process lose your health. Only a very small percentage of evolved humans live with a free mind in this state of confusion. These humans have a deep understanding of the mind and body and come from a deeper place of wisdom and intelligence. We call it as “silent present” or “stillness”. Different types confusion mind state… 1. Feeling confused about relationship. 2. Feeling Confused About Life. 3. Feeling Confused About Career.

Some times the reason may be same for all these type of confused mind set, some times it may differ.

Why is your mind always in Confused State? The main reason for your mind to be in confused state is nothing but “an ego” which put in another way is a conditioned mind. The conditioned mind consists of stored data from the past experiences. Obviously, the understanding is very individualistic depending on your conditions, so the truth that comes out as a result is always subjective.

From on overall perspective towards the end is just one of the many possible perceived outcomes for a given condition, not definitely the correct or truthful one. You can find below some inputs on why your mind is always in confused state: 1. When you live in your conscious mind, you live in the world of perceptions but never close to the truth. 2. From past basis, the future can never be known to you, it can be predicted but no prediction is ever going to define the reality. 3. Life is eventually in-determinant, the mind always pursues the inevitable and therefore encounters confusion. 4. There is no such thing as a right decision, it‟s just one direction that your life goes in. All directions finally combine into a path of learning. The mind in its gullibility believes in the concept of “right” decision.

So, you can see that if you live by the mind then be sure your confusion state will remain forever. It doesn‟t matter how many seminars you attended or how many books you read. So far you gone through reasons and causes for confusion, here are some simple and powerful points that will guide you to be free from confused state of your mind:

8 tips to come out of confused and feeling depressed mindset… 1. Stay in “Not Knowing” Don‟t be afraid to „Not Know‟. Get secure with “Not Knowing”. The cleverest person on earth eventually understood that all knowing is still useless compared to “not knowing”. Live with ambiguity. Life will always be in a mystery, just clasp it. Personal transformation plays major role in keep updating yourself.

2. Stop thinking and Get into Stillness: This might sound complete counter intuitive but it is still the best thing you can do in this situation. Here are the Reasons: #1 Ideas flow when your mind is still. #2 When your mind is jumbled with thoughts, it‟s really challenging task for getting good ideas to make their way through. The mind keeps old reprocessing thoughts without giving room for new fresh ones. #3 The best way to get rid of current thoughts is to stop thinking and getting to attract the “Stillness Mode”. #4 Just for a few seconds, stop thinking and focus on your breath. You feel breathing in and breathing out. If you feel good in that, continue to focus as long as you want. As you distract your attention from the thoughts to your breath and begin to slow down, the mind settles down and you get into stillness. It‟s simple but only with lot of practice.This is done best during the night hours or early morning when there are relatively less distractions. #5 Practice stillness and know that life will guide you towards making the right decision. #6 Motivate yourself listen and read motivational quotes which will bring back you to normal condition.

3. Ground Yourself in the present Moment: The mind always keeps making future plans but in future remains events which cannot be predicted. Alternatively, bring your attention to present mode. There is a great power and wisdom in the present moment that you miss out when it is focused in future. The best way to get into the present moment as described above is to use the stillness exercise. There is an ease in just acknowledging the present moment and staying in it instead of wanting to get all time to the future.

4. Feel the bear behind your confusion: Whenever there is confusion there is an essential element of fear and insecurity. The first and most important thing is to acknowledge this. Let it rise, don‟t run away from it. Is it wrong to fear? Is it a fear of losing freedom? Is it a fear of being teased? Is it a fear of failure? As the fear arises, deliberately feel the energy which fear is being generated in your body. When you feel your emotions knowingly they will start losing their grip on us and you start to open up more. In this manner the more fear you feel, the more it loses its grip on you. You will be able to think from a neutral place quiet far from fear. Learn to deal with your fears not to run from fears.

5. Don’t be Afraid of Making Mistakes: The main reason why you feel confused and stuck is that you are afraid of making a mistake. You are afraid of failing. But the thing in real life is that there is no such word called “failure”. Everything is just getting a pure experience. Only the conditioned mind labels as an experience as failure or success. Actually, there is a growth of seed and learning in every experience that you encounter that helps you to grow and become better.

6. Develop a Deep Trust in Life: The logical thinking mind will tell that you can figure life out of 100%. But you know this is not true.

It‟s true that no one understands life. How and why some things happen is out of your control and reasoning. So why worry? Relax and go with the flow. Have trust what you see throughout in life. To know the importance of life meet a life coach or motivational Speaker in Bangalore who will guide you to know life better. Know that life has equipped you with all the resources to live the life that you are meant to live.

7. Realize, No Decision is a Bad Decision: When life pushes you to make a decision, it‟s pushing towards the valuable life lesson in you. Every experience in your decision that adds to the experience. No decision is bad if you took one decision means its your responsibility to make it happen in a right way. For the success of your decision first and most important thing you need to stop telling excuses.

8. Stay free of the mind: If not always, try to stay free at least for a few hours some time in every day. All time, don‟t give into its demand and “horror” stories. You will be surprised to find easily be independent in your mind. You are the awareness in which mind operates, not around the other way. Always live like a being free instead of being disorder by the mind full of activities you want to “decide” and “predict”. All your confusion will amount to nothing because finally, life will end by its course. Following some activities like yoga, meditation, exercise on the daily basis also help to come out of your confusion state of mind and help yourself to take better decision. Focus on your current work stop thinking about what is going to happen in the future. Balance both ambition and happiness by taking the best decision in your life. TAGS: Confusion to Clarity How To Deal With Confusion And Find Success In Life How to Face Confusing Thoughts How to Find Clarity When You're Confused Life coach in Bangalore life coaching in Bangalore motivational speaker in Bangalore Ways To Find Direction When You Are Feeling Confused

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