English grammar (1)

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ENGLISH GRAMMAR Adjectives and adverbs.

Adjectives attributed to express substantive properties:

the blue pen, the tall tree, a sunny day, an interesting exercise (A blue pen, the highest tree, a sunny day, an interesting exercise).

Demonstrative adjectives: this, that, these, those (This, that, these, those).

Possessive adjectives: my, your, his, her, its, our, Their (My, your, his, our, your, etc.).

Adverbs expressing properties attributed to the verbs or other adjectives:

I drove slowly, I am feeling well, a very small dog, quite nice (He drove slowly, I feel good, a very small dog, very nice).

Frequency adverbs: never, sometimes, always, etc. (Never, sometimes, always, etc.)

Also in this section: comparative and superlative adjectives and adverbs: big - bigger; slowly - more slowly. (Big - bigger, slowly - more slowly)

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Items are words like a and an (indefinite article) and the (definite article):

a book, an apple, (a book, an apple) the table (table).

Sometimes, some articles are considered and any preceding countable and uncountable nouns.

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Modal auxiliaries.

Modal auxiliary verbs are: can, could, may, might, will, would, Shall, Should, ought to, need, must.

(Power, should, need, must - approximate translation)

Going to, used to and Have to are also included in this section. (Go to, I used to have to)

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Conditional (if).

It refers to the conditional sentences that carry a sentence with if (if), eg:

If you heat ice, it melts. (If you heat the ice melts.)

If I go out tonight, I'll go to the cinema. (If I leave tonight, I'll go to the movies.)

If I won the lottery, I'd buy a boat. (If I won the lottery, I would buy a boat.)

Studied If I had more, I Would Have InglĂŠs passed my exam. (If I had studied more, I would have passed my exam in English.)

(For an explanation of the auxiliary verb (would) see Auxiliary Manners ...)

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Quantifiers are words that express an indefinite amount: some, any, no, much, many, little, few (fewer and less), all, none, enough, etc. (Some, many, little, little (less), all, none)

Also in this section are related pronouns: something, anything, nothing, etc. (Something, anything)

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The indirect style is the grammatical structure we use when we where someone stated above (direct speech):

Mary: "Are you going shopping, John?" (Direct speech). (Mary: Are you going shopping, John?)

She Asked John if I was going shopping (indirect style).

(He asked John if he went shopping.)

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Infinitives are the basic forms of the verb: run, to run, running (running) the latter sometimes called the gerund.

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Questions and answers.

Questions using the auxiliary verbs: do, does, did; investment subject, verb (auxiliary): to be, to have (be, have) and the interrogative modal auxiliary verbs.

The "question tags"

You speak good InglĂŠs, do not you? (Do you speak English well, right?)

The short answer:

"Yes, I have" / "No, I have not". (Yes / No)

Indirect questions:

Can you tell me what the time is, please? (Can you say what time is it?)

I wonder if you Could tell me how to get to the station. (I wonder if you can tell me how to get to the station.)

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Prepositions and conjunctions.

Prepositions are words whose function is to denote the relationship between two words (precede nouns or pronouns: to, at, in, out, of, for, from, On Behalf Of, etc. (A, in, for, from, in, to, part of, etc.)

Conjunctions are words that serve as union between words, phrases or sentences: and, but, or, etc. (And, but, or)

Various prepositions. Compared several English prepositions.

Table of the most common prepositions with examples of its use.

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Pronouns supplement or determine the name, noun or phrase.

You have to study the personal pronouns: I, you, he, she, etc. (I, you, he, she, etc.)

and possessive pronouns: mine, yours, his, hers, etc. (Mine, yours, his, etc.)

There are also relative pronouns: which, WHO, that, where, when, why, what.

For pronouns: something, anything, nothing, etc. see some and any. (Something, anything)

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Nouns refer to the people: John, teacher (John, professor); places: Madrid, city (Madrid, city); or things: book, pen (book, pen); qualities: happiness, bravery (happiness, courage) or activities: football, hiking (soccer, hiking).

They are divided into two main groups: common nouns and proper nouns. Common names are written in English with tiny: book, pen, city happiness. The names represent the names of the people, places, institutions, etc. They are capitalized: John, Madrid, etc ...

This section also provides guidance on how to form the plural of nouns.

See glossary for vocabulary of nouns by category and meaning ...

Link to substantive ... separator Tenses.

The structure and use of tenses and aspects:

present simple, continuous; present perfect simple, continuous; past simple, continuous; past simple, continuous perfect; going to; imperative. Also see this section for and since.

Link to tenses ... separator English verb. A study of how the English verb works: Contractions, syntax, questions and negations. Conjugations of regular and irregular verbs. The "phrasal verbs". The English subjunctive. The imperative. Comparing to be with being and living. For studies of different verbs in particular see different grammar topics ...

link to the English verb ... separator Passive voice.

The passive voice is used when the complement of an active sentence is placed in front of it. The original subject is placed in the final part of the sentence or deleted:

The thieves stole the valuable painting (active). (The thieves stole the valuable painting.)

The valuable painting was stolen [by the thieves] (passive). (The valuable painting was stolen [from thieves].) Link to passive ... separator

Various topics of grammar. There is, and there are other variations. (No, will, would, were, etc) Saxon genitive (Mary's new car). (Mary's New Car.)The numbers from 0 to trillion. The English alphabet. Make and do (differences and comparison) Used to + infinitive to talk about the past (We used to live by the sea). link to various topics of grammar ... separator English vocabulary. English vocabulary essential categories. How to tell the time, date, day of the week, months. A study of the numbers from 1 to a trillion. Posts and phrases for correspondence by email or letter. Basic English vocabulary categories. Business English vocabulary. Link to English vocabulary ... separator Style Guide. Themes correct punctuation to draft texts in English:

The capital; point; coma; the decimal point; the semicolon; colon; dialogue and quotes; the signs? and! ; the apostrophe. Latin expressions. Special treatments. Letter format. The record of the written text (formal, neutral, informal)


Indefinite article (a / an) Definite article (the) Exercises Articles


Class names (paper, a piece of paper) Gender (he, she, it) Plural formation (car, cars) Compound nouns (Racing-car, Classroom) Nouns derived from verbs (To paint, painter) The Possession. (Pepe's Bar)


Adjectives classes (what ?, short, this, any, his, each ...) Gender and number (He is good, She is good, We are good ...) Position (A beautiful house, the house is beautiful) Substantivized and compound adjectives (Dark Blue) The comparative and superlative (Tall, workshop, the tallest) Demonstrative adjectives (this, that, these, those) Distributive adjectives (Each, every, Either ...) Adjectives of quantity (some, any, much, many ...) Interrogative adjectives (Which ?, What ?, Whose? ...) Possessive adjectives (My, your, his, her ...) Gentilicios adjectives (America, American, the Americans ...) Adjectives Numerals (One, two, three ...)


Classes of pronouns (I, this, who, which, mine ...) Personal pronouns (I, you, he, me, him, her ...) Demonstrative pronouns (this, that, such, none ...) Relative pronouns (Who, Whom, whose, which ...) Interrogative pronouns (Who ?, Whom ?, Whose? ...) Reflexive pronouns (Myself, yourself, himself ....) Reciprocal pronouns (Each other, one another) Possessive pronouns (My, yours, his ...)


Adverbs classes (Easily, Often, certainly ...) The comparison of adverbs (Hard, harder, hardest) The position of the adverb (She Suddenly ... / Suddenly She ...) Particular use of some adverbs (Helen is fairly clever ...) Adverbial expressions (As soon as, in the log run ...)

Prepositions and conjunctions

Prepositions (To look, to look after) English prepositions AB (About, above, at ...) English prepositions C-O (During, for, on ...) English prepositions P-Z (Past, to, with ...) Conjunctions (As, but, for ...)


Overview (I play, you play ...) Regular verbs list (Act, believe, earn ...) List of irregular verbs (Begin, hide, see ...) List of Verbs (Come to, hurry up ...) The verb To Be (I am a teacher, you are a student) The verb to have (I have a new car) Present (I live in London) The Past (I have lived in London for five years) The Future (They will be leaving tomorrow) Conditional (Would) (Would you like a drink?)

The subjunctive (May I not come) The infinitive (We Began to run) The gerund (No smoking) Gerund / infinitive (Smoking / To smoke) Applications Imperative (Do not stop!) Passive voice (This car was made in 1963) Verb forms in active and passive (It is made ...) Mixed Verb Tenses (Were traveling, Had Been walking ...) Modal verbs - Introduction (Can, may, will, Shall ...) Can and Could (I can swim, I Could play the piano) Modal Verbs (can, could, to be reliable, Should, must) May / might - Must (May I borrow your car?)

OTHER grammatical forms

Time (What time is it?) The date (July, 20th 2001) Determiners (the, a, my, Either, some ...)

Examples of comparative adjectives Mejor respuesta: Comparativos: 1.-Jorge is taller than his brother. (Jorge es mas alto que su hermano) 2.-A car is faster than a bicycle.(Un carro es mas rapido que una bicicleta) 3.-This elephant is bigger than a cow.(Este elefante is mas grande que una vaca) 4.-My cousin Joey is older than me. (Mi primo Joey is mas grande -de edad- que yo) 5.-Julia is shorter than marie.(Julia is mas bajita que marie)

6.-I am fatter than my dad.(Yo estoy mas gordo que mi papá) 7.-Ride a bycicle is esier than drive a car.(Montar una bibibleta es mas facil que conducir un auto) 8.-This couch is more confortable than a chair.(Este sofá es mas confortable que una silla) 9.-Las vegas is more expensive than Phoenix. (Las vegas es mas caro que Phoenix) 10.-Mario is better than Marco in soccer. (Mario es mejor que Marco en el futbol) 11.-Spain is farther from Mexico than Cuba (España está más lejos de México que Cuba) 12.-The puppy is more beautiful than the old dog.(el cachorro es mas hermoso que el perro viejo) 13.-A laptop is more helpful than a desktop.(Una portatil es mas util que una computadora de escritorio ) 14.-This book is cheaper than that magazine. (este libro es mas barato que una revista) 15.-Bill Gates life is more interesting than George Bush life.(La vida de BG is mas interesante que la vida de GB) 16.-Canada is colder than Brasil.(C es mas fria que B) 17.- A dog is nicer than a cat.(Un perro es mas agradable que un gato) 18.- USA is richer than Germany. (USA es mas rico que Alemania) 19.- Carlos is thinner than Luis.(Carlos es más delgado que Luis) 20.- Rock is noisier than pop.(Rock es mas ruidoso que el pop) 21) Mary is YOUNGER than her sister, isn´t she?. (young) 22) Is te United States COLDER than Mexico?. (cold) 23) The first book is not EASIER than the second one. (easy) 24) Does a cat run FASTER than a dog?. (fast) 25) This exam is HARDER than the last one!. (hard) 26) My car is MORE EXPENSIVE than yours. (expensive) 27) Soft drinks are good but strong drinks are BEST (mejores). 28) You are my BEST friend. (mejor) 29) I am good at karate but chuck norris is BEST (mejor) 30) You sing very badly buy i have a relative who is BADLY(peor)

31) They always arrive EARLIER than you, don´t they?. (early) 32) Women are MORE intelligent and nice than men think. (mas) 33) Is your mother OLDER than your father?. (old) 34)my car is more expensive than yours. 35)He is less intelligent than your other friend(el es menos inteligente que tu otro amigo) 36)I am good at football (ai am gud at fútbol) (yo soy bueno en fútbol) 37)He is good playing piano (ji is gud pleing piano) (el es bueno tocando piano) 38)I am bad doing that (ai am bad duing dat) (yo soy malo haciendo eso) He is bad learning english (ji is bad le...rning inglish) (él es malo aprendiendo inglés) 39)We are bad at tennis (ui ar bad at tenis) (nosotros somos malos en el tenis) 40. megacable is as good as prodigy. 41. hotmail is better than yahoo. 42. rabit is faster than tourtle. 43. lluvia is as tall as tanya 44. canada is colder than mexico 45. an elephant is bigger than a spider 46. rosa is as smart as karely 47. my house is dirtier as my neighbor`s house 48. grand canyon is depper than maderas canyion 49. my hair is longer than mi cousin hair 50. tom cruise is famous than jaime camil

EXAMPLES OF SUPERLATIVE ADJECTIVES Superlativos: 1.-Asia is the biggest continent.(A. es el continente mas grande

2.-Lorena Ochoa is the best golf player.(LO es la mejor golfista) 3.-The Burj Dubai tower is the tallest tower in the world (La torre BD es la torre mas alta del mundo 4.Mario Battali is the strongest man. (MB is el hombre mas fuerte) 5.-Mexico is "the fattest country".(M es el pais mas gordo) 6.-Bill Gates is the richest man.(BG es el hombre mas rico) 7.-Tlaxcala is the smallest state in Mexico.(T es el estado mas pequeño de M) 8.-USA is the most powerful country in the world.(USA es el pais mas poderoso del mundo) 9.-Mexico is the greatest place of the universe.(México es el mejor lugar del universo) 10.- Italian food is the best.(La comida italiana es la mejor) 11.-Mandarin language is the hardest language to learn.(El lenguaje mandarin es el lenguaje mas dificil de aprender) 12.-Hittler was the most irritating person in the history.(H fue el hombre mas irritante en la historia) 13.-Avatar is the most expensive movie.(A es la pelicula mas cara) 14.-Usain Bolt is the fastest man in the world.(UB es el hombre mas rapido del mundo) 15.- John is the smartest boy in the class.(J es el chico mas inteligente de la clase) 16.-Mary is the thinnest girl in the class.(M es la chica mas delgada en la clase) 17.-London is the most expensive city in England.(Londres es la ciudad mas cara de inglaterra) 18.-This book is the cheapest I can find.(este libro es el mas barato que pude encontrar) 19.-Today is the hottest day of the summer.(hoy es el dia mas caluroso del verano) 20.-She is the most important person I know.(ella es la persona mas importante que conozco) Ejemplos de superlativos con adjetivos cortos usando nombres de montañas

Examples of superlatives with adjectives short using names of mountains Una oración con un superlativo en inglés: Mkinley is the highest mountain in North America. 21-The highest mountain in Europe is Elbrus 22-The highest mountain in North America is Mkinley 23-The highest mountain in South America is Aconcagua 24-The highest mountain in Asia is Everest

25- highest mountain in Antarctica is Visson Massif 26-The highest mountain in Australasia is Mount Cook 27-The highest mountain in Africa is Kilimanjaro Ejemplos de superlativos con adjetivos cortos usando nombres de rios 28-The longest river in Europe is the Volga 29-The longest river in North America is the Missisippi-Misouri 30-The longest river in South America is the Amazon 31-The longest river in Asia is the Yellow River or Yangtse 32-The longest river in Antarctica is Onyx 33-The longest river in Australasia is Murray Darling 34-The longest river in Africa is Murray Darling

Examples of superlatives with adjectives short using names of Lakes 35-The largest lake in Europe is the Ladoga 36-The largest lake in North America is Superior 37-The largest lake in South America is Titicaca 38-The largest lake in Asia is the Caspian Sea 39-The largest lake in Antarctica is Vostok 40-The largest lake in Australasia is Murray Darling 41-The largest lake in Africa is Victoria

Examples of superlatives with adjectives more long 42-Lynch is the most dangerous man in Castelldefels 43-Lynch is the most skilful footballer in Spain. 44-Lynch is the most successful English teacher in his street. Ejemplos de superlativos irregulares en ingles 45-Lynch is the worst husband in the world. 46-Lynch is the best teacher in Castelldefels.

47-Lynch lives further away from his mum than his sisters. 48-This tree is bigger than that. (This tree is larger than one) 49-My car is faster than yours (My car is faster than yours) 50-My sister is more beautiful than Robert's (My sister is prettier than Rober

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