knitting cardigan sweater 11

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Cardigan Sweater XI

These directions are for Size 12. Changes for Sizes 14, 16 and 18 are in parentheses. MATERIALS REQUIRED: Columbia-Minerva Skylark Sports Yarn (2 oz skein) - 7(8-8-9) skeins Knitting Needles: 1 pair each "Boye" Sizes 4 and 9 - 14 inch Gauge: 5 sts to 1 inch; 6 rows to 1 inch (pat st - Size 9 needles) PATTERN STITCH: (Multiple of 7 sts plus 1) Row 1: (Right side of work) K 2 tog, K 2, *yo, K 2, sl 1, K 2 tog, psso, K 2, repeat from * across row, ending yo, K 2, K 2 tog. Row 2: P 3, *yo, P 6, repeat from * across row, ending yo, P 4. Repeat these 2 rows for pat. BACK: With Size 4 needles cast on 84(92-92-96) sts. Work in ribbing of K 2, P 2, for 2 inches, inc'ing 1(0-0-3) sts on last row of ribbing. Change to Size 9 needles and work even in pat st until work measures 15”(15 ½”-15 ½”-15 ½”), or desired length from start. To Shape Armholes:Bind off as follows: On next Row 1 of pat, bind off 7 sts, then sl the last st (st remaining on right-hand needle) back onto left-hand needle and work pat across row as usual. On Row 2 of pat bind off 6 sts, (to take off 7 sts), sl the last st (st remaining on right-hand needle) back onto left-hand needle and work pat as usual across row. On Sizes 14 and 18 only: Bind off 2 sts at beg of next Row 1 of pat, sl last st onto left-hand needle and K 2 tog, repeat from * of pat st across row. Next row bind off 2 sts, sl last st onto left-hand needle, P 1, then repeat from * of pat st across row, ending yo, P 2. Continue pat on these 2 Sizes as follows: Row 1: K 2 tog, *yo, K 2, sl 1, K 2 tog, psso, K 2, repeat from * across, ending yo, K 2 tog. Row 2: P 1, *yo, P 6, repeat from * across row, ending yo, P 2. On all Sizes: When armholes measure 7 ½”(7 ½”-8”-8 ½”), measured straight from bound-off sts at underarm, To Shape Shoulders: Bind off 7 sts at beg of each of the next 6(6-4-4) rows, then 0(0-9-9) sts at beg of next 0(0-2-2) rows. Bind off rem sts for back of neck. LEFT FRONT: With Size 4 needles cast on 63(63-71-71) sts. Work ribbing, front border and facing as follows: Row 1: P 2, *K 2, P 2, repeat from * 9(9-11-11) times more, K 10, sl 1, K 10. Row 2: P 21, K 2, *P 2, K 2, repeat from * to end of row. Repeat these 2 rows for 2 inches, ending with Row 2 and inc'ing 1 st at end of last row on Sizes 12 and 14 only. Change to Size 9 needles. Work in pat st across 43(43-50-50) sts, sl remaining 21 sts onto st holder to be worked later. Continue in pat st, working even until work measures same as Back to underarm, ending with Row 2 of pat. To Shape Armhole: Bind off 7 sts at

beg of next row as on Back, work to end of row. On Sizes 12 and 16 only: Bind off 2 sts at beg of next Row 1 of pat, sl last st onto left-hand needle and K 2 tog, repeat from * of pat st across row. Work across next row in pat, ending P 2. On all Sizes:When armhole measures 5 ½”(5 ½”-6”-6 ½”), measured straight, To Shape Neck: Bind off 7 sts at front edge every other row 1(2-2-2) times, then dec 1 st at same edge every other row until 21(21-23-23) sts rem. When armhole measures same as at Back, To Shape Shoulder: Bind off 7 sts at armhole edge every other row 3(3-2-2) times, then 0(0-9-9) sts every other row 0(01-1) time. LEFT FRONT BORDER AND FACING: Sl the 21 sts at front edge onto Size 4 needle and continue in border and facing pat (K 10, sl 1, K 10) until border measures 4 ½ inches longer then start of neck shaping. Next row work double buttonhole as follows: Work 3 sts, bind off 4 sts, work 7 sts, bind off 4 sts, work to end of row. On next row cast on 4 sts over each set of bound-off sts. Work 1 inch more, bind off. Place markers for 6 buttons on left front border, having first marker 1 inch from start and 6th marker 1 inch below bound-off sts of neck. POCKET FACING: With Size 4 needles cast on 25 sts. Work in St St for 4 inches, sl sts onto st holder. RIGHT FRONT: Work to correspond with Left Front, reversing shaping and working double buttonholes as before to correspond with markers on Left Front, AT THE SAME TIME when work measures 5 inches from start, ending with Row 2 of pat, work across 34 sts, then sl last 25 of these sts onto st holder for pocket, work to end of row. Next row work to pocket opening, P across sts of pocket facing, work to end of row. SLEEVES: With Size 4 needles cast on 48(48-52-52) sts. Work in ribbing of K 2, P 2, for 3 inches, inc'ing 16(16-19-19) sts across last row as follows: On Sizes 12 and 14 inc 1 st in every 3rd st across row. On Sizes 16 and 18 inc 1 st in first st, then every 3rd st across row, inc'ing 1 st in each of last 2 sts. On all Sizes work in pat st - 64(64-71-71) sts on needle, until sleeve measures 17”(17”-17 ½”-17 ½”), or desired length. from start to underarm. To Shape Cap of Sleeve: Bind off 7 sts at beg of Row 1 and 6 sts at beg of Row 2 of pat as on Back, then dec 1 st each side every other row 7 times. Work even until cap of sleeve measures 4 inches, measured straight from bound-off sts. Bind off 2 sts at beg of next 8(8-10-10) rows, bind off rem sts. COLLAR: With Size 4 needles cast on 118(118-122-122) sts, Work in ribbing as follows: Row 1: K 2, *P 2, K 2, repeat from * across row. Row 2: P 2, *K 2, P 2, repeat from * across row. Repeat these 2 rows until work measures 5 ½ inches, bind off in ribbing.

Sew shoulder seams. Sew Sleeves in place. Sew underarm and sleeve seams. Sew Collar to neck edge within borders. Sew borders to Fronts and side edges of Collar. Turn under front facings and sew in place. Sew around buttonholes. With right side facing, sl the pocket sts from st holder onto Size 4 needle. Inc 1 st, then work in ribbing of K 2, P 2, for 1 inch. Bind off loosely in ribbing. Sew sides of ribbing to Front. Sew pocket facing in place.

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