Jakarta Expat 11 May–25 May 2011
| Indonesia’s Largest Expatriate Readership | 43rd Edition | 11 May–25 May 2011 |
Mysterious Seven Ghosts Wave Discovered in Indonesia by Angela Richardson
fter months of hunting, the Rip Curl Search team have discovered the longest wave of your life. Tucked away in the wilderness of Northern Sumatra, ‘Seven Ghosts’ is an incredible tidal bore that breaks for over 31 miles and is the first legitimate bore barrel ever discovered. “This has been the most amazing Search trip in 20 years,” says Tom Curren after his groundbreaking river tube, however getting there was no easy feat and the team managed to escaped death from crocodiles hungry for a juicy meal. Tidal surges occur semi-regularly on this river known to locals as ‘Seven Ghosts’, and a surge strong enough to create waves like the ones recently captured on camera by Tom Curren and his team are extremely rare. Frenchman Antony Colas, who first surfed and documented Seven Ghosts in September of 2010 guided the Search team to travels in the week of March 18–24 as it coincided with the Spring Equinox and tidal swings that occur only once every 19 years. Turns out Colas could not have been more on the mark. The footage captured of this endless wave appears almost supernatural and has to be seen to be believed. An incredible brown giant, continuously crashing, towers over and chases surfers Bruno Santos, Dean Brady, Oney Anwar, Tyler Larronde and Tom Curren, leaving them ecstatic. Santos beams, “I was dreaming about something I’d never seen before. It’s a perfect wave.” Photos courtesy of Rip Curl
11 May–25 May 2011 Jakarta Expat
Dear Readers, 43rd Edition | 11 May–25 May 2011
Editor Angela Richardson angela@jakartaexpat.biz Management Edo Frese edo@jakartaexpat.biz Sales Manager Dian Mardianingsih ads@jakartaexpat.biz Graphics Donny Rizky LM donny@jakartaexpat.biz Frederick Ng frederick@jakartaexpat.biz Finance Pertiwi Gianto Putri tiwi@jakartaexpat.biz Contributors Bruce Carpenter Mark Hanusz Martin Jenkins Melvin Madden Angela Richardson Eamonn Sadler Bartele Santema Antony Sutton Alia Soraya Wahid Jeremy Wagstaff Advertising Sales ads@jakartaexpat.biz Editorial Enquiries letters@jakartaexpat.biz Circulation Enquiries dian@jakartaexpat.biz
e had just arrived in Bali for a holiday, when our four year old daughter Nicole started to complain of having headaches. She developed a fever that got worse quickly and she ended up and in a Bali hospital with dengue fever (her second time!). After a few days her condition became even worse and with the doctor we discussed our options: move to another hospital (Sanglah in Denpasar) where they had the necessary equipment in case it really would become an emergency situation, let her recover in the hospital where she was, or evacuation to Jakarta or Singapore. At that point, Nicole had just shown some improvement and even the trombosit count was up a bit. The doctor said there was no place in the RS Sanglah yet, but a Medevac could also make her condition worse. So when we more or less decided to keep her where she was, Interglobal, our insurance company, called and instructed us to immediately get our passports ready, as a plane was on its way from Jakarta, to fly Nicole to Singapore! This was a shock, as we thought she was actually doing slightly better. I even tried to say that it was probably not necessary and that we would like her to stay where she was, but the operator was resolute. And luckily she was, as later turned out. Hours later that night, my wife Roos carried Nicole carefully into an ambulance. Seeing Nicole’s small face through the bright lights in the ambulance moving away from me was heartbreaking. I stood dazed in the dark, while
I heard the sirens moving away in the direction of the airport. I cannot remember the last time I cried, but that experience I do not hope to have a second time. Four hours later, around 4am, Roos sent me a sms: ‘Nicole will be OK’. After taking care of our other two kids, I went to Singapore the next day, and was shocked to see that Nicole was actually not OK. Nicole’s small body had swollen twice her normal size and her skin was dark-red all over her body. It looked as if a large part of her body had been burned by boiling water. She had 4 different liquids infused, and there was a serious risk that the build-up of fluid could cause organ failure and internal bleeding, the shock syndrome. The doctors did a marvelous job at stabilizing her condition. After a week of bad blood results and close monitoring in the intensive care, there was finally a first blood analysis that showed some improvement. It was the first positive news in a terrible week. However, she was still in critical condition. Then there was this moment when she pointed to some cookies I was eating. “Stop eating”, she whispered. “Why?” I asked in surprise. She waited a few seconds and replied, “I want to eat them when I am better…” Roos and I looked at each other for a second and then we both started laughing. We were now confident that she would make it, however the ordeal was still not over. She developed a nasty cough that caused her a lot of pain and she
still had an estimated 2 litres of excessive fluid around the lungs and stomach. She had been in the intensive care for 5 days now. Then she started slowly eating again, asking for spaghetti. Barely being able to move here hands, she wanted to play on the iPad. With one finger she killed roughly 1,000 angry birds and the first smile was back on her face! The doctors now confessed that they had actually been extremely worried when they saw Nicole coming in the hospital that first night. Then, the next morning when I entered the emergency room of the Raffles Hospital, where she had been for 6 days already, Nicole was sitting upright in the bed doing drawings with great concentration! Now it was Roos, who was lying stretched out in a deep sleep next to her. The roles had turned! Having had almost no sleep for the last week, Roos did an unbelievable job of staying by her side during the whole ordeal. What a great mother Roos is. I am a damn lucky bastard. And we were most lucky we had a good insurance policy with the company named Interglobal Insurance. They took care of everything. The doctors of Global Assistance made the right call at the right moment by flying her out to Singapore. Many, many thanks to the whole team of Global Assistance in Cilandak, the doctors in Bali, the Susi Air Medevac team and all the doctors of Raffles Hospital in Singapore. Nicole is perfectly fine again, back to school in Jakarta and eating more than spaghetti only.
Letters / Events news@jakartaexpat.biz
Bartele has a wide range of business, most notably a number of bars and restaurants under the wing of the Bugils Group. His best-seller ‘Bule Gila’ is a must-read for any expat in Indonesia.
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Cover Story (page 1) Mysterious Seven Ghosts Wave Discovered in Indonesia Featured Article (page 3) Religious Affairs
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In this Issue
021 576 4575
Deadline for Ads and Contributors
Fashion & Beauty (page 4) Organic and Gel Nail Polish: Paint Your Nails Healthy Art of the Indies (page 6) Presidential Art Food and Drink (page 7) Pastis Please Worthy Causes (page 8) Give Kids a Chance Personal Tech and Apps (page 10) Finding a Restaurant Near You Light Entertainment (page 12) Almost the Last Laugh... Travel in Indonesia (page 13) Pulau Tidung @ Pulau Seribu Moments of History (page 14) Batavia: A Chinese Town Under Dutch Rule
25 May 2011 17 May 2011 | 16.00 Hrs
Jakarta Expat 11 May–25 May 2011
Featured Article
Religious Affairs by Melvin Madden
Indonesia’s post-reformasi elections have been fair, but somewhat hollow in terms of reforming the country’s corruption riddled body politic. The familiar sense of disjunction that I usually feel between the 21st-century, suburban affability of a congregation, and the often unforgiving language of those time-honoured religious platitudes, was thrown into sharp relief in this Baptist context, however I managed to stay my sense of foreboding long enough to stick Rp.50,000 in the collection tray. Well, the service may have gone without a hitch, but in the larger scheme of things, the travails of the country’s faithful minorities continue unabated in Indonesia. The Ahmadiyah, an Islamic sect that has rubbed along peacefully with the majority in the country for many decades now (in fact, Indonesia’s national anthem was penned by an Ahmadi) have been persecuted to the brink of extinction and Christians here, as noted above, have been reduced to hiding in modern retail cathedrals next to fast food restaurants. The president has finally come out and addressed the radical threat that stalks the nation like a 200-foot-high, laser-beameyed animatronic model of
Moving forward…
aster recently came and went and so, with contrition on my mind, I took myself along to the Easter Sunday service of the Jakarta International Baptist Church. The service itself took place on the top floor of the Dharmawangsa City Walk shopping plaza. Now, I realise that Jesus himself had rather strong opinions about mixing commerce with religious faith, the money changers incident being rather indicative of his general stand point on laissezfaire capitalism. In Indonesia however, there are extenuating reasons why a church has to cower up on the top floor of a mall, and these reasons are perhaps most graphically embodied by the 150 kg bombs that were recently found under a West Java church. Indonesia’s Christians know which way the wind is blowing, that’s for sure. And so I strolled into the plaza and into the JIBC service and was immediately confronted by a big banner proclaiming, “He is
risen,” which seemed to be directly addressed to my own sense of incredulity at finding myself up at such an early hour on a Sunday morning. There was also a banner outside advertising wedding packages for Rp.63 million. By all means be joined together in holy matrimony in the sight of the Lord, but for a small fee obviously. Marx theorised that religion reinforces the social classes thrown up by capitalism, stupefying the poor and oppressed, and discouraging them from fighting for a better home in this world, what with them having heaven to look forward to. Down at the JIBC however, the ranks of the faithful seemed to be drawn mainly from society’s upper strata and the AA advertising demographic. There were plenty of American expatriates on hand, and a smattering of Indonesian Christians.
fundamentalist preacher, Abu Bakar Bashir, but is it all a case of too little too late? Indonesia’s post-reformasi elections have been fair, but somewhat hollow in terms of reforming the country’s corruption riddled body politic. If these elections have shown anything however, it is that the population roundly rejects the attack on secular society by those who seek to establish a more Islamic Sharia based social order, as Islamic parties have fared poorly in three elections now. Islamic politics may have failed at the ballot box however its supporters are now seeking to further their goals via more invidious practices. In West Java, to pick out one particularly striking example, cases of violence linked to radicalism increased by a whopping 30% last year, seemingly encouraged by the ambivalent attitude to radical fundamentalism shown by the government. Will the tide turn against fundamentalist fervour here in the wake of Osama’s death and the seemingly nonfundamentalist Arab uprisings? Or will things get worse before they can get better?
Indeed, the whole scene was somewhat redolent of one of the US mega-churches, only with a slightly more scaled-back ambience rather less reminiscent of a World Wrestling Federation bout than that of those noisy US prayer smackdowns. The service got underway and we were all encouraged to shake hands and introduce ourselves to our immediate neighbours. The worshippers closest to me all seemed to be eminently decent and friendly people, amiable to a tee and eager to chat. After this however, the pastor opened up familiar vistas onto lakes of fire, rains of hot coals, sulphur and eternal damnation. Well, this was a Baptist Church after all, although I thought that they might have toned down the brimstone side of things just a touch for Easter Sunday. Clearly though the war on sin can’t take even a momentary ceasefire, lest Satan himself rise up and claim the Earth for his own.
… or moving backwards?
An eye for an eye makes the whole world blind. - Mahatma Gandhi (1869-1948)
11 May–25 May 2011 Jakarta Expat
Fashion & Beauty
Organic and Gel Nail Polish: Paint Your Nails Healthy by Alia Soraya Wahid
as the regular ones. It has no harmful chemicals and lasts long on your nails. This natural nail polish goes on very smooth, dries quickly, and adds lots of shine, but it’s still important to choose a base coat with nail strengthening qualities if you have dry nails.
ail polish has been used to make a fashion statement since thousands of years ago by women. The women in Jakarta certainly enjoy this selfpampering activity where we beautify our nails, toes, manicure, pedicure, painting them, making them look clean, pretty and stylish. Even though it compliments your appearance, nail polish is known to be harmful due to the nasty fumes we inhale from the polish. It can even cause headaches, dizziness, fatigue, skin irritations, sore throat, and breathing problems. Now here’s a chance to do your nails and toes in a healthy way and partake in the eco-friendly movement by using natural and organic cosmetics. May seem like a small step, but if all these organic make-ups are worn in the morning and in the evening only by half of women in Jakarta, I say it is a big step. The natural healthy nail polish comes in two forms. Paint-free gel nail polish and organic nail polish have made their presence in Jakarta early this year. One of the first nail art salons to use these products is Blossom Nails located in Sudirman, South Jakarta. Organic nail polish is phthalatefree, no toluene and free of any harmful ingredients. They are safe, even for pregnant mothers and the colours are just as great
Like organic nail polish, gel nail polish is another breakthrough in the cosmetic industry. Just like how it is done in Blossom Nails, nail art using organic nail polish has attracted many customers. Applying gel nail artwork is more difficult than the regular polish, as you will need to heat it under a UV lamp after each coat which makes the colour last longer, shiny and survive the pressure of many different activities. The procedure of applying it can take up to 1 hour as it needs to be dried with the UV light several times.
The early steps of applying gel polish are the same as when applying regular polish, where you do buffing to clean the surface of the nails and get rid of cuticles. The next step is to apply dehydrator, which comes in a form of clear polish to dry the surface off your nails, remove dirt and shine. Then you put on Bonder, which is a clear base coat in the form of gel to strengthen the nail followed by the first “bake” (putting the nails under a UV light to make it last longer
and scratch-less). Each UV light session will take about 2 minutes. After the session, the coloured gel nail polish will be applied twice followed by another heating under the lamp. Then you can decorate it with different styles, ornaments from glitters to Swarovski crystals. More complicated and takes more time indeed, but healthier in the long run. Organic and gel nail polish
comes in a wide variety of colors. Choosing the right color for you can be a challenge. There are a few things which can be taken into consideration such as the event or occasions you’re going to, the colour of your lipstick, outfit, skin tone and more importantly, your own personality and style. It is time to experiment with different types of nail polish and see what type of finish you like best, in a healthy way.
ALIA SORAYA WAHID Alia Soraya Wahid is the Business Manager of Borderless Healthcare Group and FlyFreeForHealth, international companies which providemedical tourism and second opinion services. She loves writing, traveling and was also the founder and writer for community mini magazine, HotNews, which was distributed nationally. For comments and suggestions, contact her at alia.wahid@gmail.com.
Jakarta Expat 11 May–25 May 2011
Only in Jakarta Seen something that can only be possible in our beloved city? If so, take a photo and send it in to letters@jakartaexpat.biz We'll publish the funniest photos in our next edition.
"Pulang kampung"
Learn the art of patience
11 May–25 May 2011 Jakarta Expat
Art of the Indies
Presidential Art by Bruce W. Carpenter
In a deeply religious country with a strong sense of morality, Sukarno’s penchant for nude portraits and sculptures of voluptuous women was shocking to many.
Soekarnoputri when the first inventory and assessment of the collection was made in over 30 years. Perhaps the remarkable observation of one who had the pleasure of seeing it first hand was the number of great paintings not only by Indonesian but also foreign artists including Diego Riviera, Tamayo and Miguel Covarubbias of Mexico. There are also the five exquisite oils of Indonesian historical scenes by Walter Spies as well as the best
work from Willem Hofker, Rudolf Bonnet, Theo Meier and Antonio Blanco. While some of the naked women are dated, every collection in the world has problems and should not be judged by its mistakes, but rather its triumphs. Before falling into negative stereotypes, take a look at the art decorating your own apartments and consider why, in a nation filled with so many incredible collectables, you are still hanging junk on your walls. Learn to dare like Sukarno.
Dr. IR. Sukarno, Presiden Republik Indonesia by Bazuki Abdullah from the collection of President Sukarno
omplex, contradictory and politically brilliant, Engineer Sukarno, the first president of the Republic of Indonesia, was a renowned lover of the arts and women. For the most part his eclectic collection of paintings and sculptures now belong to the Indonesian State. Like the man who put the collection together, it has been a source of inspiration, controversy and intrigue. Sukarno’s attraction to art was multifaceted. Like most great collectors, the urge to possess beautiful art, like women, was innate. As an aspiring young intellectual and dedicated nationalist he grasped early on that art was one of the foundations of culture and society. He also understood that art was a powerful tool of communication and identity, not only for individuals but also societies and nations.
Art is a unifier. It destroys false boundaries and allows peoples of different backgrounds, social class and culture to come together. This quality fit his greatest dream—to wield the diverse ethnic groups speaking multiple languages and embracing different religions to unite under one flag against the colonial oppressor. Born revolutionaries who dared to dream, Sukarno gathered the greatest Indonesian artists of the era around him and urged them to support the struggle for independence by raising the consciousness of the Indonesian masses by creating a truly panIndonesian art. The list who answered his call—S. Sudjojono, Hendra Gunawan, Basoeki Abdullah and even the apolitical Affandi—are now the A-list of Indonesian art.
In a deeply religious country with a strong sense of morality, Sukarno’s penchant for nude portraits and sculptures of voluptuous women was shocking to many. The snootier denounced them as little more than big bosomed tawdry pin ups. Others spoke of immorality and sin. Europeans snickered that the man lacked taste. In the political chaos that surrounded his political demise and exile, there are many stories of malfeasance as many of the more valuable works in the collection disappeared into the hands of a new elite. The Suharto regime were not art lovers and except for some of the major works by Raden Saleh, the JavaneseArab who claimed he was a prince, most of the works were hidden away in storage rooms often under disastrous conditions. This would change with Megawati
Potret Seorang Gadis by Bazuki Abdullah from the collection of President Sukarno
Author and noted Indonesian art expert Bruce W. Carpenter has authored and co-authored more than 16 books and scores of articles on the art, culture and history of Indonesia. His most recent was Antique Javanese Furniture and Folk Art.
Jakarta Expat 11 May–25 May 2011
Food and Drink
The main restaurant area in Pastis
Pastis Please. by Angela Richardson
ave you tried Pastis? No, not the French liqueur, the Mediterranean-come-Italian Kitchen and Bar in Aston at the Kuningan Suites. Although this oasis is considered semi-fine dining, the service, cuisine and décor oozes fine dining. In Pastis, your derriere is spoilt for where to park. Choose to sit at the elegant bar where a 4.5 litre bottle of Chivas lives, (tempting, I know) in the nonchalant restaurant which accommodates one very long bench-table which encourages mingling, on smaller dining tables which peer out onto a striking tree-lined garden where you can also relax comfortably on lounge chairs under chic sunbrellas. The sight of the white walls, white colonialstyle windows and shutters, white kitchen cabinets filled with colourful fruit, the hanging French ceiling fans along with pots, pans and cooking utensils encased in vine leaves and the dark wooden ceiling beams above the restaurant hit you all at once. This place really is charming and you feel as though you are in someone’s kitchen/dining room (a very spacious one I might add) in the Mediterranean. There is also a self-contained lounge to the left of the restaurant where smoking is permitted, and on weekend evenings, a housemusic DJ spins his decks to a hip young crowd. During the day, this lounge feels very bright and cosy as natural light streams in through the large white-paned windows with romantic white colonial shutters. In addition to all this, Pastis has its own wine cellar where you can purchase very fairly priced Italian, Chilean, Argentinian and Australian wines.
So what did we eat at Pastis? I think the question is what didn’t we eat? The smiley Chef James tickled our palettes with a Brie and Apple Salad with Salmon Carpaccio and organic greens, then he indulged us with Homemade Gnocchi Gorgonzola, Spinach Ravioli al Pesto, USDA Beef Tenderloin which was cooked to perfection, Australian Lamb Chops with Mushroom and Thyme sauce, and upon instructions to, “Make room in your belly for dessert,” spoiled us with Vanilla Panna Cotta, Apple Strudel with Italian Vanilla Gelato and a Hot Chocolate Melt. This
feast was followed by a very strong blend of Italian and Vietnamese espresso, which left us buzzing for the rest of the afternoon. “We serve the best possible food at the best possible price,” says GM Raymond Marcel Zuest, and just from glancing at the menu you can see that this is true. A bottle of their house wine is priced at Rp.325,00++, their cheese platter Rp.140,000++ and during their new Acoustic Ladies Night on Wednesdays, a lavish barbeque buffet will only set you back Rp.138,000++ per head. That and free cocktails from 6-8pm
Relax in the garden
for the ladies accompanied by live acoustic music makes this an irresistible spot to relax in on a Wednesday night.
Australian Beef Sirloin
Delicious and unpretentious food, service with a smile, a comfy yet stylish white setting which feels like nowhere else in Jakarta, a place to have a romantic candlelit dinner in a private garden (any
offers, gents?), and Chef James’ smile are a few of the many reasons to make a trip to Pastis. I also mustn’t forget to mention their daily happy hour, which is a staggering four hours long (from 4pm–8pm) and tempts you with two draught beers for the price of one. Well, I definitely know where I’m going after a hard day at the office, don’t you?
Pastis Kitchen & Bar
Aston at Kuningan Suites, Jl. Setiabudi Utara, Kuningan, Jakarta 12910, Indonesia Phone : 021 526 0260 www.thekuningansuites.com
Pastis Kitchen & Bar Team
Angela is Anglo-Indonesian and has been in Jakarta for a year and a half after twelve in the UK. An active thespian, writer, arts, music and photography enthusiast, she has enough energy to power a small fleet of motor vehicles.
11 May–25 May 2011 Jakarta Expat
Worthy Causes
Give Kids a Chance
Some of the kids from Mama Sayang enjoying a night out at the opening of Bartele Gallery and Eastern Promise’s photography exhibition.
by Antony Sutton
ubber tapping is tedious, low paying work. The hours are long, the salaries low and the people who work the trees in West Kalimantan have a rough old existence by any standards. Children are seen as bread winners and if they can’t work then they serve no real purpose. School is seen as yet one more unnecessary expense, 10,000 rupiah a day could be better spent feeding the gaping mouths. Better the reality of rice today rather than the faint dream of fish tomorrow. Mike and Jeveline Hilliard first came across the heart wrenching stories of the unwanted rubber tapping children on their regular trips to the province preaching. They decided to do something about it one trip and came back with 10 children, determined to offer them a better future than the one they faced in their harsh rural homeland. That was 2003. Eight years later they boast a family of 105 children, 17 full time teachers, five security guards, a fully operational clinic plus a number of rabbits and dogs running round the place. They oversee nursery school, junior, junior high and high schools as well as separate his and her dorms for their brood. Oh, and eight kids at university in Jakarta and Manado, and yet another working for an Australian company in Jakarta. Life is certainly never dull in their little piece of West Java, a short drive from the Merkasari Fruit Park. The dorms and classrooms have also produced five marriages, three pastors and a leading light at the Australian Football team, the Jakarta Bintangs over the last eight years, a beaming Mike tells me. Who knows what the next eight years will bring?
How to help
‘Entertaining the audience at Eastern Promise with singing and dancing.
Mama Sayang Football Club The children from the Yayasan, like kids everywhere, love their sport. So much so that a football team was formed to play schools in local villages. A few haphazard friendlies soon became a fully functioning league and in the season just finishing, 3,000 kids in 200 teams competed for the silverware. The season reaches its climax on 14th May when the top four teams play off for the final at the Soemantri Brojonegoro Stadium in Kuningan, just next to Taman Rasuna. Mike Hilliard, working
Like any charitable organization, Talitha Cumi survives thanks to the good will of others. With 105 children under their direct care as well as a full time staff equal to that of any small business. Education is already proving the path to a better life for some of the Mama Sayang alumni and
closely with the British Chamber of Commerce, is currently trying to arrange for the 3,000 kids to be bussed into Jakarta for their big day to fill the stands and raise the roof. Former Liverpool and England full back Phil Neal will be present to host a coaching clinic and it is hoped that other big names will be present on what should be an exciting day out for all concerned. Why not keep that day free and get down to the stadium and enjoy the atmosphere. I’m sure the kids, as well as Mike, would appreciate your support.
helping a child to achieve their dreams has to be one of the best gifts anyone can offer. For those interested it costs about 200,000 Rupiah a month to keep one child in school. Alternatively 650,000 rupiah would cover school fees as well as basic food and clothing for a month.
Esther A couple of years ago an Australian couple came to the school to do some voluntary teaching. Esther was appointed their interpreter and they were so struck by her intelligence and vibrancy that on their return home they immediately set about arranging a scholarship for her.
So this July will see Esther head to Glen Innes on a 12 month scholarship where she will be exposed to a whole new culture and way of life that can only add to her own already rich life experience, as well as providing a role model for the other kids she has grown up with.
Antony is a freelance writer based in Jakarta. Please send comments and suggestions to antony@the-spiceislands.com.
Of course there is more to giving than cold, hard cash. Time is just as valuable commodity and Mike, along with Jeveline, would more than welcome any suggestions you may have, be it volunteering to organise a nature trek to a slapup meal at a local warung. The options are endless. If you would like more information about this
organization or would like to offer some help, please contact: Jeveline Lengkong Hilliard Citra Indah Bukit Menteng A8/30 Jl Raya Cileungsi Jonggol West Java Phone : 021 8993 1026 E-mail : waduh@centrin.net.id Website : www.talitha-cumi.org
Jakarta Expat 11 May–25 May 2011
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11 May–25 May 2011 Jakarta Expat
Personal Tech and Apps
Finding a Restaurant Near You
by Mark Hanusz
friend of mine once asked me, “What are the 5 largest cities in Indonesia?” Confidently I replied, “Jakarta, Surabaya, Bandung, Yogya and maybe Medan.” “Nope, you’re wrong,” he said. “It’s North Jakarta, South Jakarta, West Jakarta, East Jakarta and Central Jakarta.”
While I don’t think he was technically correct, his point was clear. This city is just too big and even if you (like me) tend to stay in one general area to avoid being stuck in traffic—there are still so many new places opening all the time that it can be difficult to find them all.
Recommended Websites
Fortunately, there are some very excellent mobile apps that will show you what’s around your immediate location. This week I’ll take a look at a few that make finding local restaurants super easy: buUuk, Google Places, Toresto and Tasterous.
buUuk for iPhone and Android, is the granddaddy of all restaurant apps. Developed in Singapore, buUuk launched its Jakarta content with the launch of the iPhone 3G way back in March 2009. It covers over 2000 locations in Jakarta and is by far the most accurate and detailed app around. You can do just about everything with this app—leave reviews, vote, share on Twitter and Facebook, save favourites, sort by rating and location and even add listings directly on your device. The downside with all these innovative features is that the app can get a bit confusing to use, but if you stick with just a few (“top rated” and “nearby”) you’ll be just fine. It’s free and no sign up is required.
Google Places
Bangersnmash.com We won’t give this website a prize for best design, however, bangersnmash.com wins the prize for creativity in the sausagemaking department as readers can find recipes for traditional English Bangers, Chipolatas, Breakfast as well as Hot-Sweet Italian Sausages here. This website is also probably the only one in Indonesia which gives you a pretty comprehensive overview of the sausage, from what is in one to the different kinds of casings used, should any of you feel the need to know what you’re putting in your mouths when scoffing down your Full English fry-up. My favourite section is the FAQ page with FAQ 4 winning the Most Hilarious FAQ Ever Prize with “Can bangers n’ mash improve sex?” If you could do with a laugh and have a spare moment, please go and check out the answer to this question. I promise it won’t disappoint!
The native iPhone and Android Google Places app (BlackBerry users can only access via the browser I’m afraid) was released in January this year and it’s awesome. It is super powerful and the ratings and comments that you leave in the app appear on Google’s search results for the world to see. It covers all sorts of locations—bars, ATMs, gas stations, hotels and of course restaurants. Owners of restaurants need to claim their venue (not many have so far) and it seems most hotels are added automatically. One standout feature is that the app uses your phone’s digital compass to show not just the proximity but the direction of the venue as well —something I’ve never seen before and has proved to be very useful. Like buUuk it’s free and you only need to login if you want to leave a review.
Toresto for iPhone and Android was just released a month ago and it’s great seeing a Bandung-based developer get in on the restaurant location space to compete with the big boys. At the moment the only content it has is the restaurant’s name, address and phone number (the “menu” and “promo” tabs are blank on every one I checked), and quite a few of the geotags are incorrect but these shortcomings will hopefully get corrected in due course. Free with no registration required.
I really struggled to find a good local BlackBerry restaurant locator app so I was quite excited when I heard about Tasterous for BlackBerry. It seems to be a very interesting way to discover new places by tagging and sharing photos of individual dishes and not just the venue. This makes a lot of sense as not all a restaurant’s dishes are created equal. Unfortunately I tried for about an hour to login (and I’m pretty good at this stuff), but kept getting an error message. Will keep trying though and hopefully I’ll be a bit more successful soon.
Expat.or.id Launched in 1997, expat.or.id has become known for its invaluable information to expats living in Indonesia and hosts the infamous Living in Indonesia Forum (livinginindonesiaforum.org) where you can post questions, find or list properties and jobs, browse through the personals and even find out about upcoming cultural events in the city. This website has had an incredible 2,013,779 visitors, averaging 210,000 page views to various articles on the site each month, with visitors from over 207 different nationalities navigating through for info and advice. This website provides a wealth of practical information for expatriates planning to move to, or are already living in Indonesia and is especially handy when trying to find work and obtain information about visas. It’s not all serious though—check out the Expat Chat section for amusing ramblings from local expats and partake in some witty banter if you dare.
Mark Hanusz is a long-time Jakarta resident and the founder of Equinox Publishing (www.EquinoxPublishing.com).
Jakarta Expat 11 May–25 May 2011
“There’s a difference between a philosophy and a bumper sticker.” -Charles M. Schulz (1922–2000)
Ondel-ondel Photographer : Juni Cater Resource : www.jakartadailyphoto.com
11 May–25 May 2011 Jakarta Expat
Light Entertainment
Almost the Last Laugh… I
n 2003 I was hosting shows in Kuala Lumpur for British comedians Mike Best and Steve Gunn. After the last show we fought the temptation to party and went to bed early because we had a very early flight to Jakarta the next morning. Just before dawn, we checked out of the hotel, climbed into a taxi and headed for the airport. I took the front seat and told the very large Indian man wedged into the driver’s seat to take the toll road, and he grunted at me in grim acknowledgement. He was obviously not a morning person. About half an hour into the journey I was gazing blankly out of the window, still half asleep, when I noticed the sound of
very heavy breathing in the car. I assumed that one of the guys in the back had nodded off so I didn’t take much notice, until the sound started to get louder and then turned into heavy nasal snoring. I looked round at Mike and Steve in the back seat to see who had dozed off, ready to make some smart “lazy b**tard” remark. However Mike was busy reading a newspaper and Steve was gazing absent mindedly out of the window. My eyes swung quickly back to the driver... There he was, arms straight out in front of him holding the steering wheel, head flopped forward with his chin resting on his fat chest, his eyes closed and the breath from his nostrils parting the hair on his chest as he exhaled. He was
Last Edition’s Winner…
fast asleep. My eyes jumped to the speedometer—we were doing 120 km per hour and it was climbing steadily as his foot relaxed onto the accelerator. I panicked for a second but fought the urge to shout at him (or punch him in the face, which is what I really wanted to do), knowing it would shock him into consciousness and cause him to jerk the wheel one way or the other and send us hurtling off the road into oblivion. I thought quickly what to do while silently “shushing” Mike and Steve as their eyes rapidly widened in realisation of what was happening. I steadied the steering wheel with my left hand and placed my right hand lightly on the driver’s voluminous shoulder, gently rocking him awake, and saying “Hello…
Caption Competition
Happy Easter Everyone!
by Eamonn Sadler
Hello...” very softly until his eyes slowly fluttered open. When his brain had processed what was happening, his eyes turned instantly into saucers and he blurted out a rapid succession of unintelligible Indian swear words as the car, despite my efforts to steady the wheel, swerved wildly across two very luckily empty lanes. He eventually regained his composure and repositioned the car on the straight and narrow in the slow lane, and I looked back to check on Mike and Steve. They were completely frozen in terror, their ashen white faces in mid scream, making them look like a candid snapshot taken on a rollercoaster ride. I opened my window all the way and asked Mike and Steve to do the same,
and I tuned the radio to an Indian station and turned it up full blast. By the time we reached the airport the driver was smiling, singing, and vigourously bobbing his head around to the sound of Bollywood. I imagined what the headlines in the next day’s newspapers might have been had we crashed and died that day... “Last laugh for British funny men.” Nearly!
To find out more about live stand-up comedy in Indonesia please email jakarta@ thecomedyclub.asia, text or call 0821 11943084 or register at www.thecomedyclub.asia
This Edition’s Competition…
Thanks to all who entered the caption competition in the last edition. There were so many excellent entries that it was very hard to choose. In the event we decided to go with the most unusual and least obvious entry which came from Dave R. from Kemang. Thanks Dave and well done! You will be attending the next Jakarta Comedy Club event with a friend free of charge! SEND YOUR ENTRY BY TEXT TO:
081 199 9603 The Worst Album Covers ever Made…
Tino Por Primera Vez (For the First Time) The first time for what Tino…?
Orleans Waking and Dreaming I think there’s a letter missing…
John Bult Julie’s Sixteenth Birthday Buy her a drink grandpa…
Geraldine and Ricky Trees Talk Too! Which one is the dummy…?
Wouldn’t you just LOVE to hear the songs…?
is made possible by
Jakarta Expat 11 May–25 May 2011
Travel in Indonesia
Pulau Tidung @ Pulau Seribu by Martin Jenkins
used to think the ultimate culture shock trip from Jakarta was the flight over to saccharine sweet Singapore but equally as eye opening—and for all the right reasons—is a trip to the Thousand Islands (Pulau Seribu), northwest of Jakarta. Boats leave Muara Angke at 7.00am, and unless you happen to live near this skuzzy and completely rundown area of North Jakarta, you have to get up at some ungodly hour, which, ironically for me, meant being jolted out of bed by the 4.30am prayers which came in loud and clear as I’d made sure to leave the bedroom window open the night before. Thanks God then for those distortion-ridden Chinese loudspeakers high up on the minaret (now that’s something I never thought I’d say!). It was only at Muara Angke that I found out that the boats going to the Thousand Islands could hardly be described as the last word in boat building technology. Ours was pretty much a typical Indonesian wooden vessel, with a roof so low that only midgets or
With no canopy of pollution overhanging, the Thousand Islands the sun is incredibly fierce. Definitely something I should have considered before being fried alive on a snorkeling trip later in the day during which my skin was turned a very painful shade of lobster red. All in all, there are 105 islands in the chain of islands which make up the Thousand Islands (don’t ask me what happened to the other 895—maybe they just sank). But as the area is also a marine national park, development has been restricted to just 37 of them.
Bridge connecting Pulau Tidung and Pulau Tidung Kecil
children under the age of 7 could actually get onboard without having to bend over Quasimodo style. Power was provided by a small Honda engine strapped on at the stern. And so, with the boat only about three times overcapacity (pray it don’t sink!) we were on our way. All was well for an hour or so, but midway between Jakarta and the island, the seas started to get a bit choppy and, in no time at all, there
were no more smiley faces, and pretty much everyone was puking their guts out as the Sunda Straits churned our stomachs over and over in a torturous ride of passage. Bleary-eyed we arrive one hour later, incongruously on land which technically falls under the Jakarta administration but is surrounded by wonderfully clear seas as opposed to the dreadful dark brown swill running through Jakarta’s canals.
Of these 37 islands, some are owned by Jakarta hotshots (mentioning no names) and others have very pricey resorts. Pulau Tidung, thankfully, has mostly very simple – but comfortable homestay type accommodations —many with aircon so you can sleep well if you have become used to sleeping with aircon back in madcap Jakarta. From the main Tidung island you can actually walk to another island called Pulau Tidung Kecil
(Small Tidung Island) as a lengthy wooden bridge has been built to connect the two islands. You can also rent bicycles to get around, although in true Jakarta rent-seeking fashion you are not allowed to take them over the bridge to the other island but instead have to park your bicycle on a plot of land not far from the bridge and pay a small parking ticket! Snorkeling trips from Tidung can be easily arranged to other nearby islands – especially on Saturday. At the dive site we went to I was amazed to see some pretty decent coral formations—including some really nice tabletop coral—and lots of colorful tropical reef fish. Obviously, it’s not comparable to the wondrous reefs at places like Amed in North Bali or at Bunaken off Manado, but when you consider that you are only 30km from Jakarta it’s a miracle there’s any coral at all. Getting back to Jakarta was an altogether more comfortable affair as we went by the fast speedboat which shaved a full one hour off the journey time in comparison to the slower wooden boats leaving Muara Angke. The other good thing is that these speedboats take you to the Ancol Marina harbor (rather than Muara Angke) which is within walking distance to one of Jakarta’s best seafood restaurants —Bandar Jakarta! This, unbelievably, is technically part of Jakarta!
Pulau Seribu Map
Pulau Tidung is easily the best island to visit if you are on a budget as the island is relatively large meaning there are locals living there who provide cheap homestay accommodations. Go as a group, and not only is it very cheap (as low as Rp300,000pp) but your meals and the snorkeling trip are included in the price. It makes for a great weekend trip and is far more enjoyable than battling the traffic to get to places like Bandung or Puncak. By comparison, the smaller islands are more difficult to get to and accommodations are more upmarket and pricey.
Pulau Tidung
Martin Jenkins comes from England but has spent most of his adult life abroad. Wary investor, keen traveler. Writer also.
11 May–25 May 2011 Jakarta Expat
Moments of History
A Chinese Town Under Dutch Rule by Antony Sutton
At the same time the Chinese settlement by the Ciliwung was a back water, selling arak to sailors who passed through. The area was once where the Pajajaran Empire communicated to the outside world, perhaps the Chinese had seen the river rise and fall in importance, selling intoxication to hardy men setting out on hazardous missions around the eastern waters.
o-one knows when the Chinese first hit what was to become Jakarta. Certainly, when the Dutch first arrived, in 1596, they found Chinese merchants manufacturing arak (rice wine) on the east bank of the river. The land had been granted by Pangeran Wijaya Krama, a local ruler subservient to Banten, the centre of power at the time. Going back further in time we find court records from the royal cities of Demak and Cirebon hinting that ancestors of the ruling classes had Chinese blood. There is also evidence of trade between the port cities of north Java, such as Surabaya, Gresik and Tuban, and China going back to the 9th Century. 700 years before the Dutch arrived, that’s an awful lot of history waiting to be told. Like throughout South East Asia, those far-off pioneers set off in search of riches and often never returned. Single men, hard working, they would settle down and marry locally. When they became wealthy they would send money home for their families and always, at the back of their minds, was the notion that one day they would return home. To be buried with their ancestors, their filial duty.
1 It didn’t always work out that way and by the time the Dutch and other Europeans started poking their prows round the eastern seas, the Chinese were at the heart of a vast maritime trading empire from the coastal cities of India, down the Straits of Malaka, along the north coast of Java, taking in the riches of Siam and along the pirate infested seas off the southern coast of China. The business was trade, the language in those early days Malay, Farsi, Portuguese but it was the Chinese who opened doors and who spotted markets.
By the 16th Century, Banten was at the centre of this emporium, fat and rich from the proceeds of pepper and spices and the Chinese held the purse strings. Today Banten Lama stands as a silent reminder to those heady, unhealthy days. A Chinese temple stands alongside a cumbersome Dutch fort that once overlooked the busiest port in the east. But now, like the traders and the vagabonds who filled those medieval bazaars, the seas have gone. The ruins of a Sultan’s palace opposite a mosque with its Chinese designed minaret remain a memory of an early Singapore.
Small it may have been, but the Chinese community was organized and had its own headman, a gent at the time named Watting. The idea of a headman for each community was common throughout the archipelago at that time. Despite what nationalists might try and tell people today, cities, and especially port cities, were as cosmopolitan then as they are now. In the markets of early Banten and Jakarta, Arabs, Gujerats and Europeans would trade while Bugis would ready their ships and Japanese mercenaries stood guard. Each community had its own head man who could settle cases with other groups and generally keep the atmosphere calm and amicable. As Jakarta grew under Dutch influence, so did the Chinese population, but even in the early 17th Century there was resentment at what was perceived to be
the Chinese special privileges. Europeans who arrived seeking their fortune found that the Dutch authorities protected the interests of the Dutch East India Company monopoly and they couldn’t get a foot in the mercantile door. The Chinese however, were free to do so and this upset the newcomers who sought their own piece of the pie. In those early years Jakarta, then of course known as Batavia, was considered a Chinese town under Dutch rule. Until 1740 the Chinese flourished as never before. Banten faded and died, trade and money headed east. Masts filled Jakarta bay as ships came to and fro and at the heart of the business were the Chinese. It was their golden era but times of bounty never last. The riots and pogrom of 1740 killed many thousands of Chinese and the rivers ran red. Indeed Angke means just that, Red River, and the name of the river recalls those grim days 267 years ago.
Tableau de la Partie de Batavia … Massacre des Chinois by Antoine F. Prevost circa 1738-75. Historic Chinese Klenteng, or temple, in Banten Lama.
Jakarta Expat 11 May–25 May 2011
Classifieds AUTOMOTIVES For Sale : 2 KTM “Enduro”. First: 400cc. Year 1998. Need some service. Second: 620 cc. Year 1998. STNK. Needs some service as well. Lots of good spare parts. Very good deal. 32,000,000 for all. Contact: 081 328 063 323 (Yogyakarta) Eazyrent Car Rental : Address : Pangeran Jayakarta 117 Blok B-44, Jakarta Pusat, Indonesia 10730. Phone : 021 624 6895 / 021 600 9080. Fax : 021 624 6901. Website : www. eazyrent.co.id For Sale: Toyota Innova. 14 months old. 20,000 km. Color: Stone Grey. New Condition. Price: 195 Million. Call: 085 587 001 00 For Sale : Automatic Scooter. 1st owner. Piaggio Fly 150cc. 1 Year old. Rp. 25,000,000 (fixed). 081 317 058 000
PROPERTY For Sale : Bellagio Residence Luxury 2BR Unit. 84 m2. 2 BR & 2 Bathrooms. 17th Floor. View Mega Kuningan. Rent Price : USD 1,350/ month (minimum 1 year). Negotiable. Sale Price : Rp. 1,350,000,000. Direct Owner : 021 3794 4484 House for Sale : Jl. Sawo, Cipete utara, South Jakarta. House 200+ sq meters. Off street parking. 4 bedrooms (one being master bedroom with walkin-wardrobe and private bathroom). 2 lounge rooms. 1 dining room. 3 bathrooms. 1 office. 1 roof garden. Laundry. Modern western style kitchen. 3 air conditioners. 3 water heaters. Great condition. Contact : Tony (081 731 3481 / English). Yuni (081 905 17842 / Indonesian). E-mail : tony881@gmail.com For Sale : Highway to Elle Bar/ Pub. Friendly atmosphere. Jln. Falatehan, Blok M. Negotiable. Asking Price : Rp. 500,000,000. Direct Owner: 0821 2271 3784 For Sale: 1 Park Residences. Apartment with Prime address at Kebayoran Baru. Strategic location to major shopping malls, schools, hospitals, and Jakarta central business district. Open air private lobby, and attractive return of investment. Feel the comfort and healthy livign in a harmonious living environment. Tower A & B 90% SOLD. Tower C available. For further information please contact ERA TOP: Tito (081 2811 7780). Rini (081 2811 7780). Anton (081 183 4088). Herman (081 868 6155). For Sale: Complete Chocolate Factory. Selmi temepring machine + cover belts (Rp 133 million), warmer 4 bowls (Rp 4 million), electric heater 2 plates (Rp 5.5 million), marble working table 4000x2000 (Rp 17.5 million), kitchen aid (Rp 3.5 million), complete utensils and many different shapes of moulds. Contact: 0819 3287 0786 (Ramesh). Denpasar Timur. Unique bed and breakfast in the green foothills of Mount Merapi. A beautiful 100-year old Javanese joglo, fully restored to a high standard with original antiques. 3 double bedrooms, big lounge and garden with barbeque. Within easy reach of Borobudur, Prambanan, Kaliurang and Jogja city. Clean air and natural well water. For further details please contact the owner, Mrs. Indah (081 126 8445).
5-star resort in Bali with 300+ rooms is looking for Chef de Cuisine (Expat). More info : jobs@ globalexpatrecruiting.com
Wanted: 2 crates for dogs. Size: Large. Suitable for transport in aircraft. In good condition. Contact: 081 574 698 363 (Kemang)
5-star resort in Bali isi looking for an Executive Chef (Expat). More info : jobs@globalexpatrecruiting.com
For Sale : Pool Table. 2 years old. Elegant design. Dimension = 158 x 286 x 84 cm. Price : 15,000,000. Including cue, balls, cue cases. Contact : 081 584 263 380. E-mail : olivia@phoenix.co.id
Eco-friendly Beach Resort is looking for a Development Manager / General Manager (Expat). More info : jobs@ globalexpatrecruiting.com 5-star hotel in Jakarta is looking for an Executive Chef (Expat/ Local). More info : jobs@ globalexpatrecruiting.com Fine dining restaurant in Jakarta is looking for an Executive Chef (Expat / Local). More info : jobs@ globalexpatrecruiting.com 5-star boutique hotel in Jakarta is looking for an Executive Chef (Expat / Local). More info : jobs@ globalexpatrecruiting.com Convention centre in Jakarta is looking for an Executive Chef (Expat / Local). More info : jobs@ globalexpatrecruiting.com Fine dining restaurant in Lombok is looking for an Executive Chef (Expat / Local). More info : jobs@ globalexpatrecruiting.com Resort group with sales office in Singapore is looking for Group Director of Sales & Marketing (Expat). More info : jobs@ globalexpatrecruiting.com 5-star resort in Bali is looking for a Japanese wedding coordinator (Expat). Female preferred. More info : jobs@globalexpatrecruiting.com
SERVICES GI Konsulting : Corporate & Foreign Investment Consultant Reg. of PMA, Rep. Off, Local PT, Visas, Work Permit, Tax, Notarial. We offer a very competitive package within your budget. Please call: 021 798 1868 / 021 798 1884. Fax : 021 798 1888. Direct Call : Suparnyo ( 081 619 40195). E-mail : gaharu_indonesia@indo. net.id Wanted : Professional photographer for company event, family photo, pre-wedding & wedding photo. Please contact : 0817 796 911 / 021 987 1009 NISCOMM Design Studio. Multidisciplinary graphic design boutique focused on delivering creative solutions in print and web design. Logo & identity, stationery design (letterhead, envelope, business card), restaurant menu, brochures/ posters, web design. Contact: ahramlee@gmail.com. Web: www. nissindosby.com The cheapest outlet furniture factory shop only at www.toko-murah.info. Cheap delivery every week to Jakata! MEDICAL EVACUATION HEALTH & LIFE INSURANCE. Let us diagnose your needs. Contact: Dr. Neil Weston (081 198 5496). Office (021 522 0990). E-mail: neilweston@gmsfinancial.com
For Sale : Advanced 3D real-time ProTee Golf Simulator. State of the Art Practice Facility for Beginner or Advanced Golfers. Swing, Posture. Address & Alignment : 081 317 058 000 For Sale : Bakery Equipment Sinmag Baguette Moulder (Rp 25 million), Sinmag Dough Sheeter (Rp 17 million), Loaf Bread Peeling machine (Rp 8.1million), Sinmag Final Proofer (Rp 13.5million) and many kind of moulds. Contact: 0819 3287 0786 (Ramesh). Denpasar Timur. For Sale: Bakery Equipment Gas Heated Baking Oven two deck with Steam Ching Hsing (Rp 30.5 million), Sinmag Final Proofer 2 Doors (Rp 23.5 million) and Gas Rotary Rack Oven Ching Hsing (Rp 89 million). Contact: 0819 3287 0786 (Ramesh). Denpasar Timur. For Sale : Pastry Equipment Planetary Mixer 40ltr 3 Speed (Rp 15 million), Planetary Mini Mixer 8ltr 3 Speed (Rp 4.6 million), Upright Chillers 670x810—3units (Rp 9.6 million/ unit), Upright Freezers 670x810 – 2units (Rp 11 million/unit), Undercounter Chillers 150cm—3units (Rp 5.6 million/unit), Marble Working Table 3000x2000 (Rp 12.8 million) and complete utensils. Contact: 0819 3287 0786 (Ramesh). Denpasar Timur. For Sale : Kitchen Equipment Oven with 4 gas burner Imperial 610x733x914 (Rp 9.8 million), Standing stove 4 burner 80x75x95 (Rp 6.7 million), Gas Stock Pot 60x65x40 (Rp 1.9 million), Upright Chiller 4 doors 130x200 (Rp 10.7 million), pots & pans and complete utensils. Contact : 0819 3287 0786 (Ramesh). Denpasar Timur.
For Sale : Horizontal Automatic Pillow Packaging Machine Brand: Soontrue, Model: ZW-300E, Size: (L 4000 x W 950 x H 1600mm), packing size scope: L 110–220mm x W 30– 140mm X H 5–55mm, speed: 35–180 bags/min and film width: 80-300mm at (Rp 77 million). Contact: 0819 3287 0786 (Ramesh). Denpasar Timur. For Sale : Panasonic Fridge 164 liters, Model NR-A191S. Bought for 1.6 million, selling for 1 million. The compressor is still under a 2 yr warranty. The fridge was purchased a year ago and is lightly used. Located in West Jakarta (Grogol) and you would need to pick it up. Contact: 0878 6019 4850 or e-mail: joelle222@gmail.com Wanted: pinball machine. Must be in a good condition. please contact: Faget (081 2108 0183). Conservation and art restoration Mondecor Art Gallery. JAD District Grand Indonesia East Mall LG#33, Jl MH Thamrin No 1, Jakarta 10310. Tel 021 6299661/ 021 99236537 Fax 021 6250900 email info@mondecor.com www.mondecor.com
Expats Leaving Indonesia. Everything must be sold. Crystal chandelier (Rp 4,000,000), Gas Tecnogas Stove with oven (4,000,000),Maytag Refrigerator (4,000,000), Scandinavian Tower unit, (1,000,000), Dresser with mirror 8 drawers (1,250,000), TV Cabinet/armoire(1,700,000), Iron coffee table with glass top (2,000,000), Iron sofa (console) table with glass top (1,500,000), Patio table set aluminum/tempered glass and four chairs (3,000,000), Rattan server (1,500,000), Dinette set 4 swivel chairs (2,000,000), King Koil Mattress 200 cm X 200 cm( 2,500,000), Three-seater couch (1,500,000), Square marble fountain with pedestal(1,000,000), Samsung Television 37” LCD (4,000,000), Samsung Television LCD TV 32” (2,000,000), Oil and mixed medium painting by Spanish painter Miguel Gayo (8,000,000), Oil painting in canvas-a view of Quito, Ecuador (3,000,000),Fitz and Floyd Elegant China (5,000,000). Contact: Rita (081 184 6398). View photos: http://www. flickr.com/photos/62266552@N07/ sets/72157626605939964/
Dutch squash team based in Singapore would like to play squash in Jakarta. At least 2 matches against preferably expat teams with an average age of 35 years. We would like to come over with a minimum of 5 players. For more info: fredsaarloos@yahoo.com
For Sale : Laundry Equipment Washing machine Electrolux 8kg— 2units (Rp 6.8 million/unit), Electric Dryer machine (Rp 3.5 million), Gas operated Steam Iron (Rp 3.7 million), Laundry Bag Hollow —2units (Rp 750,000/unit). Contact: 0819 3287 0786 (Ramesh). Denpasar Timur. For Sale : Artificial Flowers Cuckoo Plant (Rp 175,000), Azalea Pink Plant (Rp 220,000), Tulip Flower (Rp 265,000), Amaryllis in Pot (Rp 145,000) and Vienna Vase Silver (Rp 180,000). Contact 0819 3287 0786 (Ramesh). Denpasar Timur. For Sale : Auto Liquid Packaging Machine Brand Hualian. Model: DXDY-100BNII, Size: (L 1002 x W 860 x H 2000mm), packing cap: 20-100ml and product cap: 30–70 bags/min at (Rp 32 million). Contact: 0819 3287 0786 (Ramesh). Denpasar Timur.
Post your classified ads for free to:
ads@jakartaexpat.biz Next deadline : 17 May 2011
11 May–25 May 2011 Jakarta Expat