Jakarta Expat - issue 52 - Recycle

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Jakarta Expat 14-27 September 2011




Indonesia’s Largest Expatriate Readership | 52nd Edition | 14 Sep – 27 Sep 2011 |

Photo by ElArbolito taken in Makassar



14-27 September 2011 Jakarta Expat



52nd Edition | 14 Sep – 27 Sep 2011

Editor Angela Richardson angela@jakartaexpat.biz Management Edo Frese edo@jakartaexpat.biz Sales Dian Mardianingsih ads@jakartaexpat.biz Graphics Adietyo Rukmono adietyo@jakartaexpat.biz Finance Pertiwi Gianto Putri tiwi@jakartaexpat.biz Contributors Roderick des Tombe Juan Leysner Prof. Djajadiningrat Jina Muller Hush Petersen Angela Richardson Eamonn Sadler Emily Sparkel Dr. Vasandani Editorial Enquiries letters@jakartaexpat.biz Circulation Enquiries dian@jakartaexpat.biz Subscription info@jakartaexpat.biz Events news@jakartaexpat.biz Jakarta Expat is published biweekly by PT. Koleksi Klasik. Opinions expressed in this publication are those of the writers and the publisher does not accept any responsibility for any errors, ommisions, or complaints arising there from. No parts of this publication can be reproduced in whole or in part, in print or electronically without permission of the publisher. All trademarks, logos, brands and designs are copyright and fully reserved by PT. Koleksi Klasik Indonesia.

Dear Readers, Has the front cover photo caught your attention? A bit unorthodox maybe, but this image made me stop in my tracks and I was hoping it would have the same impact on you (the cows soften the blow I think). Hopefully it serves as a reminder for us to all be a little bit more conscious of what we throw away. Next time you’re driving or walking through town, see if you notice the silent recyclers of Jakarta. These extremely impoverished ‘scavengers’ (pemulung), as they are oftentimes referred to as, are our city’s heroes, silently collecting bottles, cardboard and paper to sell for recycling. These guys have been failed by society, yet they haven’t turned to begging. They make an honest, albeit extremely hard living for themselves and can generally collect enough to earn Rp.10,000 a day to feed themselves. If there’s one thing you do today, please make it that you acknowledge one of these guys as you pass them on the street. Maybe a smile if you can manage one. We need to break through the social classes and appreciate the work these recyclers do for the city. Without them I don’t think anything would get reused and the Ciliwung river would be that much more choked up.

You’ve probably guessed it by now, but this edition is themed ‘eco friendly’ which is becoming more and more important in today’s world. My good friend, Petersen, has our feature story about the state of one of this country’s most popular climbs – Mount Rinjani. Read it and weep, literally. Des Tombe, a well known ecowarrior, presents you with ideas on how to make your home more eco-friendly and we meet some Kamoro tribe members who still use extremely traditional methods to create wonderful pieces of art. If you fancy yourself a bit of a photographer, please join the Latitudes photo contest and you may win yourself a weekend stay at Alila Manggis Bali! Our Spotted Pic is slightly bizarre this fortnight... It was sent to us by Jasper Bouman and he snapped it outside of Automall in SCBD. I think we’ll keep it ‘untitled’... Our next issue will be themed ‘Jogja’ so get in touch if this theme excites you and you’d like to contribute. Also, I decided to join the Twitter phenomenon, so follow me if you dare @Angela_Jelita. Be green, people! Angela Richardson

*15,000 copies bi-weekly *30,000+ English-speaking readers *Our rates are cheaper than the others!

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In this Issue Feature Story 4

• The Rinjani [Rubbish] Trail

Eco Matters 5

PT. KOLEKSI KLASIK INDONESIA Jl. Kemang Raya No. 29A Kemang, Jakarta Tel: 021 7179 4450 Fax: 021 719 0087 Office hours : 9.00–17.00 Monday–Friday

Eco Your Home 11

• Living a Greener Life in the Big Durian

• Green Ethics as a Foundation of Green Business

Photo Contest 12

Getaways 6

Wellbeing 13

Worthy Causes 7

Light Entertainment & Health 14

• The Eco Island of the not-so Tigers

Published by

& advertise in Jakarta Expat

• Sticks and Stones Won’t Break My Bones and Artfully they Speak for Me

Meet the Expats 8 • Roberto Puccini • Kees Goosens

Personal Tech & Apps 10 • Apps that Can Help Smart Phone Users Go Green Sent to us by Jasper Bouman

Join us on www.facebook.com/pages/Jakarta-Expat

• Transport Transport! • Yoga in Nature, Nature in Yoga

• Lost in Translation • The Jakarta Belly Syndrome

For the Macet Mind 15 • Crossword

Events_16 Global Expatriate News _17 Classifieds_18 & 19

Jakarta Expat 14-27 September 2011


14-27 September 2011 Jakarta Expat


Feature Story Litter beside a ‘Keep it Clean’ sign at the Segara Anak Lake campsite.

By Hush Petersen


he naturalist John Muir is credited with a quote most mountain climbers have memorised and tend to recite after a few beers or moments of beauty and sheer awe. Climb to the top of Rinjani in Lombok and you might hear a few of the brave souls who left camp at 2am to make the sunrise summit mumble it to themselves during the euphoria that comes with the 3,726-metre accomplishment.

the Senaru gate on the east end of the park and another one from Sembalun gate on the west end), consisting of eleven porters and two rangers make an effort to collect all the rubbish and human waste along the pathways. This process costs an estimated Rp 5,500,000 each time the team goes out.

“Society speaks all If Rinjani herself could and speak, she wouldlisten, beg for help. men mountains and wiseofmen Ifspeak only the men in charge caring for her would listen. listen.”

It’s not Pak Pahe’s job to do the math. It’s not his job to pick up the trash. It’s his job to lead the expeditions. It’s not that he’s passing the buck. He just doesn’t have time to organise crews and kick things into gear. The 29-yearold has a family. They come first. He climbs Rinjani to put food on the table and clothes on his son’s back. He could care less about a picturesque sunrise or a breathtaking view of Gunung Baru, the fast-growing volcano situated in the middle of Danau Segar Anak.

With tens of thousands of locals and foreigners alike flocking to Lombok every year bent on conquering the brutal three-day trek up the 3,726-metre summit, officials, trek organisers and skeleton cleanup crews can’t seem to keep up with the purple packs of empty Kukubima forgotten along the trails and the streamers of used toilet paper strewn like tinsel through the high grass mere metres off the beaten path. One of Indonesia’s most popular tourist attractions is quickly becoming the country’s tallest cesspool. “Right now we have clean-up teams going out twice a month to take care of the rubbish, but with all the tourists and locals coming through there is no way to pick everything up,” says Pak Pahe, a stocky, soft-spoken guide who has been leading expeditions up and down Indonesia’s second-highest volcanic mountain for the last 15 years. “Sure, I get tired of all the tourists complaining about the trash and toilet paper, but what can I do?” According to Rinjani Trek Management Board officials, regular clean up patrols make the rounds once a month, ten times a year. And twice a month during July and August, the peak season, two teams (one entering from

So it all comes down to math. Can officials afford to send out more clean-up crews?

But what happens when the tourists stop coming? What happens when the trash becomes too much and people stop saying, “Oh, Mt. Rinjani is amazing, you have to see the sunrise from the summit,” and start saying things like, “Well, Rinjani was amazing, but there’s so much trash and toilet paper everywhere it’s just not worth it. Go see Kinabulu in Malaysia, there’s no trash and they have working toilets.” Tourism is a word-of-mouth business. It’s as simple as that. And when people stop talking about the views and start talking about the miasma that comes with dropping your pack at the Segara Anak camp sight, things for Pak Pahe and other guides begin to look grim. “It is very interesting to compare Indonesian mountain experiences with those had in nearby countries,” says Dan Quinn, the editor of Indonesia’s own Gunung Bagging. “Have you climbed Kinabalu, in Malaysia? At every post you can get drinking water and there are

toilets that are cleaned regularly and litter bins that are emptied several times a day. It’s strange that the relevant authorities in Indonesia seem unable to provide similar facilities and do something to clean up places like Rinjani. It wouldn’t require a lot of extra staff to keep the mountain clean. It’s not difficult, is it? The National Park fees aren’t insubstantial so you’d hope they would be spending some of that money to keep the place clean. If they are, they obviously aren’t spending anywhere near enough. It is interesting to note that most Western tourists are much more conscious of the harm that littering does, but ironically they are charged much higher entrance fees! This seems incredibly unfair.”

services, receives 13.3 percent of the Rinjani national park entrance fees, the local government (regency level/district) sees 20 percent, the RTC (village chiefs) and local government (village level) receive 10.7 percent and the rest of the money, 44 percent, goes to RTMB to finance conservation, tourism and community development programs, which maintain the trail facilities, repair or build some facilities like shelters and signage.

We all know people, not politicians are the agents of change. Individuals step up and implement change. They teach their children to throw trash where it belongs. They work hard to leave the park cleaner than they found it. They are the change.

“We had 1,900 visitors to Rinjani in August,” says John. “We’re going to Mataram, me, the guides, the porters. We’re going to the tourism board and the local government in Mataram. We’re going to protest.”

But that takes time. And time is simply something Rinjani doesn’t have. “The heads of the park hate me,” says John Maray, who employees some 15 guides and 200 porters and has owned and operated John’s Adventures since 1982. “At the last meeting with the Rinjani Trek Management Board I took all the complaint forms from the tourists and just threw them at the board members and walked out.” Bureaucrats in Mataram, Lombok, who have no problem collecting their chunk of the Rp.150,000 entrance fee charged to tourists and Rp 25,000 charged to locals, are doing little to ensure that porters and guides, who rely on the mountain to feed their families, will have jobs when the tourists stop coming. The breakdown, according to the RTMB, goes like this: the central government, through national park

Two bridges and one toilet have been built this year. It is trek organisers like John who have to endure the hours of fingerwagging and lectures from tourists on how to keep the park clean.

And they have every right to, after all 20 percent of the Rinjani National Park entrance fee goes straight to fat cats, most of whom have never even seen the mountain let alone climbed it. But then there are guys like Asmuni Irpan, who has been the Executive Director of the Rinjani Trek Management Board for the last five years. Asmuni has climbed the mountain—several times in fact. And he’s been to Kinabalu. He knows what it takes to keep Rinjani clean. He’s got a plan. He just needs to push. Because everybody knows, if you don’t push, you’ll never move. He wants to educate trekkers, require that those climbing the mountain rent toilet tents and fine those individuals who do not bring their rubbish down with them when they leave the mountain. “I’ve heard some crazy stories... about how people were encouraged by guides to leave their rubbish up on the mountain instead of bringing it back with them,” says Quinn. “It’s a

broader social problem in Indonesia - people clearly aren’t educated to see littering as being wrong. Maybe part of this is because if you do throw rubbish onto the streets in the cities, it doesn’t create a long-term problem because poverty-stricken people will come along and sort it out and sell what they can of it for tiny sums of money. Sadly, on the really popular mountain trails in Indonesia you actually start to worry if you don’t see any litter for a while because it might mean you’ve taken a wrong turn!” So what can individuals do to make sure that Rinjani doesn’t go the way of other popular volcanic peaks like East Java’s wildly popular Mt. Bromo and Gunung Gede? “I think it’s a lack of communication by the government and awareness by local people,” says Susan Tjaja, a Cirebon native and an avid climber who made it to the summit last September. “Most of the visitors are foreigners and they have porters carrying their bags and food and taking care of their trash. But locals that take to the mountain don’t have porters and they haven’t been well educated about the environment and keeping it clean so they just leave their trash there on the mountain.” Back to the math, education plus clean-up crews equal a beautiful mountain. But then again, why even do the math when you can simply sit back and collect the cash? If 1,900 tourists visited the park last month, and we estimate that half of them were tourists, that’s $14,250. If you figure that each time a cleanup crew goes up into the heart of Rinjani it costs $644 dollars, the park service could essentially clean up the mountain 22 times a month with some cash left to spare. It all comes down to math. •

Jakarta Expat 14-27 September 2011


Eco Matters

Green Ethics as a Foundation of Green Business institutions. Historically, humans are placed at the centre of this relationship (anthropocentrism). Humans separate themselves from nature and believe they are superior to it. In this view, nature exists for the sake of human welfare. Humans arrogate to themselves an unquestionable right to subdue, use and exploit nature without regard for any limits. With the arrival of industrial technologies humans have developed immense power and capacity to exploit nature and consume it. As a result, humans have consumed more natural resources in the last 200 years than in previous years. This rapid exploitation is altering the earth’s natural equilibrium.


he world is facing immense and daunting challenges. Since The Rio Earth Summit more than one decade age, the global environment has been in constant decline. Nature is mutilated and over exploited while humanity is suffering. The people on the planet are now faced with such major challenges as global warming, desertification, losses of biodiversity and poverty. Business corporations are the main engines of industrial growth and they face real pressures to respond to environmental concerns. Customers are demanding safer and cleaner production facilities and waste recycling programs. How can business leaders be more environmentally responsive to develop pro-environment attitude values, and postures within their business? Environmental ethics depend on how we understand the relationship of humans to nature and how we implement that understanding through our organisation and

Anthropocentrism is now being questioned and people are beginning to see the unfairness of arrogating all rights to humans and none to nature. Animal rights protection groups have lighted the plight to animals the old humancentered world views and acknowledging the rights and inevitability of nature to exist on its own. Questioning the old values leads us to new visions of ecojustice. Eco-justice is also concerned with social justice for “natural resource communities” - communities that derive their substance from the natural resources around them. Millions of people (indigenous peoples, tribal people, the rural poor, for example) depend on local natural resources for drinking water and crop irrigation. They get food, medicinal herbs, wood for fuel and shelter materials from local rivers, lakes, forests, and other common resources. Destroying nature destroys their sustenance. This destruction is done by industrial activities (mining, manufacturing, and mechanised farming) and development projects (dams, roads, and urbanisation). Similarly, imposing a market economy on natural resource communities limits their ability to sustain themselves. The translation of moral judgment to corporate

responsibilities for the preservation of nature is a complex issue. Corporations have other social responsibilities. Among other things, they are responsible for earning a reasonable return for investors, creating jobs, ensuring community stability, and providing safe products. The ethical question these conflicts raise is not whether corporations should choose between protecting human interests or ecological ones. Both interests are important and deserve consideration. The central issue here is for corporations to invent a broader social-ecological ethic. This broader ethic would apply to all decisions that involve techno-environmental hazards. Decisions would be made on the basis of ecological sustainability, long-term perspectives, social participation, transparency, and a longer time frame. Corporate decision processes involving techno-environmental risks should be made as transparent as possible without compromising competitive information. Transparency of decision processes helps in monitoring them and keeps all parties honest. Extending the time frame of a solution allocates the costs for ecological projects over longer time horizons. How well corporations fulfil their ecological responsibility will determine their legitimacy. Public support for business enterprise as a whole hinges on fulfilling this responsibility. By greening, corporations can meet their moral obligations, augment their legitimacy and burnish their public image. •

Prof. Surna Tjahja Djajadiningrat, MSc., PhD.

Professor Djajadiningrat is the Professor of Environmental Management at the School of Business and Management (Institut Teknologi Bandung), Jakarta Campus. Email him at naya@sbm-itb.ac.id.

14-27 September 2011 Jakarta Expat



By Angela Richardson


ost people don’t get over-excited when you mention the Thousand Islands (Pulau Seribu), myself included, however one of these one hundred or so islands (I know, the ‘thousand’ in the name is very misleading) has captured my hippie heart and soul and is now my favourite weekend break within two hours of the Big Durian. Pulau Macan aka Tiger Island (another misleading name as there are no tigers in sight, I assure you) is a tiny island paradise where not a care in the world exists. Our trip to the island of the tigers began with a speedboat ride, which left Marina Ancol at 8am on Saturday morning. As we pulled out of the harbour, we held our noses for the first five minutes as the boat waded through North Jakarta’s polluted murky waters. After that we were off, and the waters quickly turned sky blue as we marvelled at the many tiny islands we passed, some with small mansions on land, wondering how the other half lived. From afar, Pulau Macan looks like a small hedge in the middle of the ocean, and as we got closer,

it turns out it looks like a very big hedge in the middle of the ocean. The first thing you see as the speedboat pulls into the pier is the row of solar panels, and as a self-confessed eco-warrior, the moment we set foot ashore I was home. Guests were lounging in hammocks, books in hand, chilling out on the driftwood bar overlooking the clear baby-blue ocean, enveloped in giant sofas in the open-air living area with smooth grooves flowing (one positive criticism would be that the playlist needs to be longer and not on constant repeat - only so many times can I hear Eric Clapton’s ‘Cocaine’ over the space of a weekend). Myself and mystery date decided to go on a rekkie of the island, which lasted about five minutes as the island is only about a hectare in size, discovered a cockerel, some hens, two very happy lounging island cats, and our beautiful hut (I say hut because that’s what it is – not a wall in sight). You really feel at one with nature here. We spent the rest of the morning snorkelling around the islands, kung-fu fighting off some very aggressive little fish who just love to nip you behind your ankles, as

well as dodging some very prickly sea urchins! Besides these two ‘deadly predators’ (don’t forget the tigers), the snorkelling around Tiger Island is very pleasant – good visibility, various different corals and thousands of fish. That afternoon I met the island’s Swiss/Dutch/Indo GM, Marc Zwyer, at the island’s bar and he told me how Pulau Macan is very proud of its sustainability projects. Three years ago, under new management, the island was transformed into an eco-resort and the aim is for guests to be inspired. “The speed boat may not be ecofriendly, but the first thing you’ll notice on our island are the solar panels and the energy generated from these are stored in a big red box which provides electricity, albeit limited, for guests to be able to have a small lamp on in their huts, as well as a fan,” Mark tells me. To be honest the constant cooling breeze that blew through the island was fan enough, but apparently August, which is when we were there, is the best time to visit as the breeze never stops. “Water is imported to the island on boats and as we don’t get much rain here we use rainwater to

hydrate the organic garden which grows chillies, ginseng, cassava and aloe vera,” he continues. “This whole bar you’re sitting at is made of driftwood that our guys go hunting for in the ocean as are most of our huts. We teach local fishermen to make furniture out of driftwood to sell in the hope that this knowledge will be passed on to their children and hopefully end the fishing in these waters.” As it turns out, overfishing is a real problem here and fishermen still use cyanide spray to fish - over our stay I caught sight of at least three fishing boats hovering around the neighbouring islands. The island also has a coral nursery where guests can help with planting new coral. On the island, guests are encouraged to use water and electricity sparingly, which are lessons we should all use in our day-to-day lives back in ‘civilisation’. The island promotes healthy eating and wellbeing and meals are very healthy, served buffet-style according to the number of guests staying so as to avoid waste (they have a strict 40 guest max policy), and is predominately vegetarian with the additional meat dish to satisfy

the carnivores. Pulau Macan can be chartered along with its small neighbouring island for team building exercises like ‘survivor’ where teams have to construct, cook and survive with only natural resources, and the occasional hidden mie goreng packet. Geologically speaking there is no threat of tsunamis in these waters and Mark assured me there are no pirates, unless you wanted to throw a pirate themed party of course. We stayed an extra night because one night simply wasn’t enough, and our time was spent taking little traditional boat trips to the neighbouring islands to snorkel with the fish, practicing yoga to the sunrise, cozying up to beautiful sunsets, sleeping at 9pm, and just generally feeling like we were thousands of miles away from anywhere, so when the time came to leave the island, we felt more relaxed than we’d ever been. If you’re a hippie at heart, love to chill out in hammocks and walk around half naked, and can handle the sound of silence, this is the place for you. Book way in advance as the island is almost always fully booked on the weekends. •

Jakarta Expat 14-27 September 2011


Wothy Causes


1. Watai - the red hairy fruit for colouring. 2. One of the many high points in the celebration of the karapao when the biro has already been erected in front of the karapao house. 3. A yamate of a man wearing a spirit mask. Yamate means shield. 4. Mware biro: Application of a biro from another village. 5. Romanus smoking his homegrown tobacco rolled into young leaf plucked from anywahere. 6. Small wemawes or human figures. 3

by Jina Muller


ong and heavy it lies on the wet morning grass, the dew licking its undersides. Young sunlight grazes its skin. Carvings cover it end to end, its trunk hollowed out. You can see them, the two people, one on top of the other, looking out with their silent eyes. Above them rising like a defiant titan, is the head of a crocodile, teeth bared, frozen, as if Medusa had glanced its way. And like a half-crazed flag caught in an Arctic wind is the final mélange of symbols in Kamoro-speak. Around it are groups of men, young and old; silent on their haunches or whispering almost reverentially, as if afraid to awake the two still, white souls of the biro. They have been looking at it for a very long time now; its whiteness. It will shine for miles. It will make the colours stand out even more. Tomorrow everyone will be impressed when they erect the biro. Tomorrow the boys will have their karapao– their initiation ceremony. That whiteness was worth the day’s work. “Well more if you really think about it,” said Alo. “Yes, you’re right,” the others agreed. The whiteness came from the omapoko which Alo had to gather and work on. 1

which looked more like a sawn off ,midget banana tree, into the lime paint, and gave the biro a good splat followed by determined strokes. An old t-shirt, fingers or even one’s hands were also used to cup, spread, smooth over or dab. Today, the colours were being added. Herman started a fire and everybody gathered round. From plaited bags tumbled out galangal, watai, yellow flowers, black berries, a bluish tinged rock, and ABC batteries. “Wa, Joakim where did you get the blue rock from?” “Ah, I was in Poraraoka visiting my brother and he gave it to me. He knows we don’t have it here.” “Alright, you lot,” Romanus quickly interjected, picking up the rock. “And what’s with the ABC batteries, Beni?” “Well, just in case we run out of charcoal,” he replied, “I’m very willing to chop them into two and dig the carbon out. You never know how much black you need.” “Hrmph.” The painting began. The experienced knew that applying 5




different levels of pressure or mixing it with fresh lime paste got you different colours. Galangal on dried lime turns into a yellow or orange, red comes from watai, a juicy hairy fruit with seeds. Mixed with the lime water it turns pink.

“Probably a whole canoe-load?” mumbled Sabinus, “two, three days of back-breaking work?” “Hmm, more,” Alo nodded, and then chuckled, “but we had baked omapoka to eat. I bring some more.” A young man arrives with a beat up FMI hardhat and a cut-off Aqua bottle filled with white powder- lime. Frans couldn’t afford to spill any, unless he was willing to paddle all the way to the mangrove swamps, dig around for the mollusks, paddle back, clean them, gather firewood, burn them one lot at a time (how boring – about an hour or two for a batch until they turn white), and then pound them with a rock until they become fine powder (duh!) and repeating it until all the omapoko was burnt! No way. And yesterday was no picnic either painting the whole biro. Romanus had grabbed his hardhat off his head, dipped it into the ditch, filled it with water and given the hat back to Frans. “Hold that,” he said. “Binus, lime. Herman, get some leaves.” Like a cooking contest, they stood there pouring and stirring with a stick until they got the right consistency. Then with the bunch of young green leaves tied together with a long juicy stem, Romanus dipped the “brush”

“Make dots,” said Binus. “With what?” “Here,” Binus yanked out a stem of grass, dipped it into the pink and dotted the red patch. “I’m going to do green here,” grinned Primus, and with a damp bunch of tiny leafed grass started rubbing madly. Romanus appeared with a stick of charcoal and inked the square next to his red one. “Binus, crush up that blue rock, I know where it goes”. Viktor came with his drum. “New drum Viktor?” the men asked. “Yes, I have to thank you for the lime – Alo gave me some for sealing the drum skin.” “Our pleasure. Whose blood did you use?” “Agus’. His leg is still swollen from that pig fly bite. His blood was nicely thin. I could tell when I was scrapping it off him with the omapoko shell. It mixed well with the lime and didn’t dry up quickly either when we smeared it onto the lip of the drum, plenty of time to stretch the lizard skin tight too. Listen.” Thom, thom, thom , thom. “Excellent,” they said,” It’s so smooth. The handle is very nicely rounded inside.” “Martinus lent me some glass shards. The handle is from that stingray I caught - it had a good sized tail - just right for the job.” “Did you hear about Yan? He ripped off one of the panels from old Anton’s abandoned house for a yamate.” “He didn’t need to cut a tree down for anything else right??”

“Right. So take the plank. No sense in cutting down a tree for one plank of wood.” “I think the bules have a name for that, when you re-use something,” said Frans. “Yeah, eco, eco-living. Yup. Eco-living. Been there, done that. You think they’ll read my book if I wrote one about it?” said Primus. “Shut up, you’re such a dreamer.” “Sticks and stones won’t break my bones,” silently he reaches for the coconut shell with the crushed blue rock. • NB: Omapoko is a bivalve mollusk with thick hard shells. The flesh looks like fat oysters and when burnt the shells turn white.

Kamoro Art Exhibition & Sale Sat 22nd Oct and Sun 23rd Oct 10 am – 5pm The American Club Jakarta

Entrance by invitation only. Please register at kamoroculture. blogspot.com from 11th September 2011. There will be singing, drumming and dancing by the Kamoro, carving demonstrations and presentations on the Kamoro and Papua by Dr. Kal Muller.

Jina Muller

Jina is a Singaporean documentary film maker who travels with her husband Kal Muller to Kamoro villages to buy art under Freeport McMoran’s Social Local Development Program. She lives both Singapore and Timika, Papua.

14-27 September 2011 Jakarta Expat


Meet the Expats

Hallo Kees Goossens! The

horticulturalist who grows berry tasty berries in the hills of Bogor. How did you find yourself in Indonesia?

Ciao Roberto Puccini! The very passionate Italian kitchen designer who believes banks are thieves with licenses.

Roberto, that’s a very Italian name. Where in Italy are you from? I’m from Pisa, you know of it? I got tired of holding up the leaning tower so I moved to Asia! Impressive. When did you move to the better hemisphere? April 27th, 1994 I arrived in Changi Airport, Singapore. You remember the exact date. It must’ve been a life changing moment? For sure. I was only going to stay for 11 months, but was so impressed with Singapore and decided to change my life. The language barrier was an issue – Chinese and English are hard to learn, but I learned them in the shipyards. So now you design Italian-made kitchens. What makes your kitchens better than the rest? Our kitchens are 100% Italian, bespoke and made from recycled glass and aluminium. Our recycling motto is dematerialisation, recyclability, reduction of toxic emissions and long product life. We are the first in Asia with completely recycled top quality kitchens which are all made in Italy and sent here. Why did you feel the need to open a store here in Jakarta? When I was living in Singapore I had several rich customers from Indonesia who would always say, “Wow!” to everything

even though it was all artificial. I decided to come and see what Jakarta was like and bought myself a plane ticket. My friends all said, “It’s dangerous! Don’t go there!” but I didn’t listen. I visited competitors and as it turned out, there were no Italian kitchen products here so I decided to set up shop. Your showroom is amazing, but why did you choose Kemang? Thank you! We haven’t had an official opening yet, signs haven’t arrived and as you can see the floors aren’t finished. Hopefully we’ll officially open in October. Location is number one for us and we looked for over one year in Sudirman, Pacific Place, everywhere. I don’t like shopping centres as they’re too commercialised with too many restrictions. We will start to have cooking classes here soon which we wouldn’t be able to do when we wanted in a mall. These kitchens are super sleek – like something out of a Bond film. What’s the concept for your showroom? We try to create something exclusive that nobody has seen before and in order to attract people you have to display well. This showroom is double storey, with plenty of car parking space and upstairs we have 360 degree glass windows. We keep the place simple, with not much furniture and not messy. We want people who pass to feel attracted to come inside. What are one of the obstacles you face doing business in Indonesia? It’s very hard to find people who really want to invest and develop, not just in furniture, but in the staff also. For us, service is so important from the beginning to the end. Our staff have a minimum of ten years experience and even our fitting manager is Italian. But I guess this sets us apart from the rest which is a good thing!• Contact Roberto at VALCUCINE in Kemang at robertodesignsea@gmail.com and visit his showroom on Kemang Raya No. 17.

In ‘63 I was born and in ‘68 I came to Sumba. My father was a reverend and I lived there until ‘76. Then I went back to Holland for high school, college, then on to Africa. After that I went back to Holland and decided to move back to Indonesia where it all started! How did you end up in the business of berries? In 2005 I sold my shares for my flower farm and a friend of mine asked me to help him to expand his company Strawberindo Lestari. Of course I didn’t have any experience in berries, but I have experience in horticulture and ya, growing is growing, no matter what you grow! No intention of leaving? No, I like Indonesia. It’s a nice country to live, but of course every country has its positive and negatives sides. But to be honest, I’d prefer to stay. Can you compete with imported products? Yes, we can compete, the only problem is in Indonesia you’d like to grow the whole year, but during the rainy season there’s very low production. In general we have short days in Indonesia; in the morning too much light stresses the plants out and in the evening it rains so there’s too little light. For strawberries especially the sweetness is less due to less sunlight. If you buy strawberries now, they will taste sweeter than during the rainy season. We have a Global Gap certification which means our berries are checked for chemicals in Europe which means we can export. Normally when you take a sample from local farmers, they are filled with pesticides. Ours are safe for human consumption. For that reason a lot of Indonesians can’t export berries due to the pesticide content. Can you make alcohol out of strawberries? Everything that contains sugar, you can make alcohol out of! Have you tried making alcohol with strawberries?

No, because our strawberries aren’t so sweet! But you need really a higher content of sugar for this to work. What are the benefits of eating fresh berries? Fresh products are always more in demand than frozen fruits. People like fresh so they pay more for it. In other words when you want to make juice there’s no use to buy fresh ones, just buy frozen ones. People say that strawberry juice is very healthy. If that’s true, do you drink it a lot? I think raspberries are the most healthy fruit in the world because they have a lot of antioxidants and this means anti cancer. That’s what the science people say. But I don’t like my own products. When I grow lilies I don’t like lilies, when I grow strawberries I don’t like strawberries. You used to farm flowers before – was this a viable business? I came to Indonesia in 1991, I worked for another flower company and at that time I introduced lilies into the Indonesian market and in 1992 I started my own company Florindo, which went very well, but I was hit in 1998 by the crisis moniter. In 1999 I started to work for the Dutch company which exported flower cuttings to Europe and Canada. In 2002, I set up PT Planters which also exported cuttings to all of Europe and Canada. That is a very good business and I sold my shares in 2005, they are still successful until now. Do you think you will you retire here? And if so, where and what will you do to keep yourself busy? No idea. No plan yet. I like to play golf, so it’s an ideal surrounding for retiring in Bogor.

What’s the craziest thing that’s ever happened to you in Jakarta? No comment! There were a lot of crazy moments in my life. Partying until the morning – that’s a crazy one. There are so many things ya… Oh that’s it - I got married with a girl from Bandung! Is it possible for people to visit your farm in Bogor and pick their own strawberries? You can visit my farm on invitation, but you can’t pick your own berries. We don’t want people from other farms to come and spread diseases into our farms. If you’d like to visit other farms, you have to come to our farm first otherwise you may spread diseases and insects into our farm from other farms. • To contact Kees, email him at kees_goossens@telkom.net

Jakarta Expat 14-27 September 2011


14-27 September 2011 Jakarta Expat


Personal Tech & Apps

Apps that Can Help Smart Phone Users Go Green

+ Recommended Websites

by Juan G. Leysner


iving in a country that is not really ready to go green yet makes it a bit difficult to say or write something smart about IT and going green. Waiting at a traffic light I suddenly notice that the car in front of me has opened the back passenger door window and bang, two hand fulls of garbage end up on the street. I guess this is something we have all witnessed at least once.

Now let’s see what we have available to nail this guy (or girl). First I took a snap-shot of the license plate, than I took a picture of the garbage that had been dumped into the street using my camera on my hand phone. Then I used my GPS to pin-point my exact location, and last but not least, I sent an sms to Vehicle Registration Information 1717. Ok what next? I have all the information, but I cannot do anything so although the technology is there, it cannot be put to use in Indonesia to make Jakarta a bit cleaner, as there are no Eco and/ or Milieu Police. Sure smarts phones are taking over the cellular market very fast, and provide us with a lot of applications. Blackberries, Androids and iPhones are here to stay. Let’s see how these phones can contribute to make the world greener? Taking into account the story above, I also recognise that most of the applications that have a positive impact on the ecosystem will not work in Indonesia.

relevant information into my mobile to find my way back when parked in a shopping mall instead of using a pen and paper or even worse writing it on my hand. For sure this is a small contribution, but you have to start somewhere. Nowadays you have applications running on your smart hand phone which will do the same. For example the iPhone has an app called iPark. This iPark application will find your car using the iPhone’s GPS locator and Google maps to mark the location of your parked car and then plots a route back to the location to save you spending your energy figuring out where you parked. There are two options, the first of which is to remember the current Location, while the second will plan you a route to the previously saved location.

www.ecolodgesindonesia.com You will also find the 2D Barcode in news papers and magazines to add more information. Other programs are also possible like sweepstake, lucky draw, and many more. All with the main objectives are to reduce paper and this will work on any phone with camera, internet connection and that has a barcode scanner.

Eco-Apps for YourSmart Phone

As said this is just a small contribution as you only save a small piece of paper, but if we can save on gasoline that will be a huge contribution for reducing the greenhouse effect. Living in a city that has traffic jams almost around the clock we can save a lot of gasoline by knowing upfront where those hot spots are. Websites like lewatmana.com and macatlagi. com will give us information about the road condition so that we can alter our route and start saving on gasoline and reducing air pollution. These apps will work on any mobile device that has an internet connection. On top of that you can set out the fasted route by using your GPS route planner, or find your way from A to B without getting lost.

A much bigger project is green roofs. Although perhaps you do not see the relation with the smart phone, let me explain. A green roof is a roof of a building that is partially or completely covered with vegetation. This vegetation will keep the building cooler and therefore the electricity bill will be lower as we can set the AC lower. It will also collect rain water which could be used for flushing toilets.

I started to use my Phone to write down the parking level, and other

reduce paper consumption. If you want to go green 100%, you order your ticket for a concert or airplane ticket by using your smart phone, make the payment by using a mobile payment portal and receive your e–ticket on your phone(by incorporating a bar code stored on the user’s phone to secure entrance admission). At the gate you just present your barcode and you’re done. No paper involved whatsoever.

Companies that are interested in executing this idea can sell a piece of their green roof garden to individuals. Those who buy a piece of the garden can see the progress of the growth by using their smart phone and this will work on any phone that has a internet connection. Another very useful application is electronic ticketing that aims to

At last count, there were more than 100,000 applications for smart phones. The vast majority are useless time suckers, and as explained in the beginning most of them are not applicable in Indonesia, nevertheless here are ones that are worth checking out: (works only on Blackberries, iPhones and Androids except LinkedIn, Facebook and Twitter): • iRecycle • Ecorio • Green Drive • GoodGuide • SugerTrip • Carticipate • Seafood Watch • PedNav • Craigsphone • Label Lookup • BreadCrumbz • Green Explorer Widget • Walk Score • Teradesk • Green Phone • Pollution • EcoFinder • LinkedIn • What’s on My Food? • Find Green • Facebook • Green Gas Saver • Fuze Meeting • Twitter • Greenpeace Tissue Guide • Clear Standards Carbon Tracker

There are some that can be useful here in Indonesia like traffic jam information, route planning, finding street names and how to get there. Without a doubt, LinkedIn, Facebook & Twitter has become top online networking sites, so although these aren’t green apps per se, it is a great way to connect with other greenminded people and or companies. I would like to close with a final statement: It is not about what IT can do for the ecosystem, it is what you can do for the ecosystem by using IT as an instrument. •

A unique collection of 5 eco lodges in Indonesia.

Eco Lodges Indonesia are proud to present, for the eco traveler, five unique eco friendly hotels for accommodation in Bali, Borneo (Kalimantan), Flores (Komodo, and Kelimutu) and Sumatra. Experience the untouched magic of Indonesia. Walk with Komodo dragons, ride on Sumatran elephants, see endangered Sumatran rhinos and tigers, meet orangutans, gibbons, tarsiers and monkeys in the rainforest jungles of Borneo, see magnificent, rare butterflies and birds, dive on pristine coral reefs, see the Kelimutu Lakes, tropical rainforests, enjoy a game of cricket, a swim in the pool or just relax in eco friendly surroundings. They also manage a small lodge, Crawford Lodge, near Bogor Botanical Gardens (Java). Eco Lodges Indonesia is deeply committed to the conservation of this rich bio diverse area. A percentage of revenue goes to developing and supporting a range of conservation projects. Visit one or all of their Lodges for a truly memorable experience and in doing so you will help to conserve these diminishing, fragile eco systems.

www.solarpowerindonesia.com Power solutions for a small planet.

Solar Power Indonesia will help you with design, supply, installation and maintenance of your sustainable, renewable energy system in Asia. Their products range from solar panels and wind generators to tidal energy systems and services include consulting, energy audits, feasibility studies and MEP design and services. If you are in Bali you can visit their showroom in Nusa Dua where you can view renewable energy at work as their showroom is fully powered by solar and wind energy systems. Also inspect their working displays of solar hot water and a solar tracker. Discuss your project with their renewable energy engineers while inspecting the displays of their large range of renewable energy products and low energy lighting. Their showroom is open from 8 am to 5 pm, Monday to Friday.

Juan G. Leysner

Juan G. Leysner lives and works in Jakarta for over 10 years and founder of 2 db.mobi www.2dbarcodesolutions.com

Jakarta Expat 14-27 September 2011


Eco Living

Living a Greener Life in the Big Durian by Roderick des Tombe


magine if you could turn your home in Jakarta into a modern tropical paradise. Imagine it was like staying in a resort. Think lush greenery, natural materials, smart technologies, and cozy interiors. Think water features like ponds and intelligent rain water catchment systems, and productive gardens that are pleasing to the eye and to the soul. Think efficient energy and the blend of smart electronics with a rustic, natural interior set up that reflect friendly textures all around your home. Think intelligent lighting and imagine that your home and the way you live, super sweetly, could be a model for evolved living where you weren’t making sacrifices to ‘go green’– you were making home and life improvements that reflected your awareness and wisdom. If you’ve thought about things and the state of our planet a bit, you’ll realise that we need to evolve the way we live. As much as governments and big businesses are major players, the only real way to evolve things is through awareness in the way we live and how we spend our money, time, and energy. With a massive shift in consciousness, and innovation in the way we live, we will evolve the planet, but it takes a critical mass. And this is true in Jakarta, too. So if we can encourage all our Jakarta buddies and their buddies to begin living a little wiser, and better, we can achieve that critical mass. It starts with the self. It extends to our rooms, and our homes. It extends further to our spheres of influence within our livelihoods, and further still to our neighbourhoods. This article is about some practical ways

to evolve our homes. Test them and I guarantee you’ll nhance your quality of life. Take the upcoming weekend and dedicate some time to evolving your home and thus your life. Spend some time in the garden or bringing plants and trees into your home or apartment. Make it more welcoming and more intelligent. If you’re eco conscious, make that commitment to live as eco as is practical. As green as possible. And know that the results feel good. It’s not hard or confusing, or complex. It’s something you just do, and navigate along the way. It’s fun. It’s important. It’s the only way we can really call ourselves intelligent human beings. When our dwellings and our lifestyle reflects our philosophy – of living in harmony with our natural, human, and spiritual environments – we experience an amazing quality of life.

1. Become an Energy Jedi Until we get a clean and abundant source of energy (at which point we can use however much we want!), we would be wise to reduce our burning of fossil fuels and dirty coal. We can do this most easily by doing just a few things that have a high impact: • Use fans instead of AC’s as often as possible. A fan consumes about 50 watts whereas an AC consumes about 1,000. And fans feel good… If you need AC regularly, set your thermostat to highest comfortable setting (24 for me), and replace the freon with hydrocarbon from Green Star Artek (www. greenstar-artek.com). • Use Compact Fluorescent Light Bulbs or LED lights if possible. Old school incandescent light bulbs are incredibly inefficient and use a LOT of energy, especially if you have a lot of lights. Here are the

It’s an amazing food supplement with a long list of amazing health benefits. Juicing it with veggies or fruits works (try banana, honey, and peanut butter). It can also be used for relieving insect and mosquito bites, sunburn, skin irritations, is fantastic for your skin and hair, can be used as hair-gel, shaving lotion, soap, food preservative, and so many other things. If you begin gardening, you’ll feel a soothing connection to the Earth. Watching plants grow is very rewarding. And, if you plant trees, you’ll improve the quality of your home and surroundings significantly. Trees provide shade, build soil, prevent flooding, and act as carbon sinks.

facts: Incandescent: 75 watts, CFLBs: 11 watts, LED: 1 watt. Going from incandescent to LED: 75 times more efficient! •

Use a bicycle or motorbike vs a car for the times where you’re going on your own or with a friend. Seriously, you’ll get great exercise on the bike, not to mention having loads of fun. Or take an ojek (motorcyle taxi). You’ll save a lot of time, you’ll have an adventure, and you’ll be reducing your carbon footprint drastically. Check out www.go-jek.com for a professional motorcycle taxi service.

2. Befriend the Plant Kingdom We couldn’t live without trees, vegetation, and fruit. For those of us in the city, it’s easy to forget how important they are to us. There are some very simple, enjoyable and high return on investment (ROI) steps we can take here: • Eat a lot of local veggies and fruits. This will not only make you feel and look great, it will make a serious impact on environmental health. Beef accounts for 18% of global warming gasses, and each kilo of beef consumed requires as much 30,000 litres of water. Not to mention the suffering existence of most chicken and cattle farm animals. Eating fresh veggies and fruits will boost your health, and make the world much better. If you buy organic and local, you get an A+. In fact, if you can, grow your own… all the better. At supermarkets, look for organic products, and in some spots you can find Bali Asli products for delicious jams. •

Plant Trees / Grow Plants / Green your home. The simplest and most useful plant you can grow easily is Aloe Vera. It needs hardly any water, sun or maintenance.

peals, leftover food, and other organic waste. If you have a garden, simply construct a one square metre wooden box, and dump your organic wastes in there. Remember to layer the compost – wet organic, dry organic, soil, and then repeat the layers (wet organic, dry organic, soil). Within weeks you’ll be creating your own high quality fertilizer that you can use in your garden, reducing trash massively, having fun, and creating valuable soil!

3. Master your waste This is a massive global problem. Our garbage is destroying the quality of our water tables, poisoning our rivers and seas, killing coral reefs and animal life, and making a mess of our environment. The following are some simple, high ROI steps towards this endeavour: • Recycle: Simply buy three garbage cans and put them in your kitchen or garage. One bin for organic waste (food waste except meat and dairy), one for recyclables (cans, bottles, plastic, paper), and one for general trash. This simple step will reduce the amount of trash leaving your house by 70-80%. After a couple of months, you can even sell your recyclable trash! Register with www. freecycle.com to give away the stuff you no longer want in your home to someone who does want it. •

Compost: Around 70% of trash is organic material. That means leaves from the garden, cut grass, vegetable and fruit

Use Natural Soaps and Cleaning Products: There are a lot of chemicals that aren’t good for us or the environment in soaps and household cleaning products. The good news is there are plenty of manufacturers of ‘bio’ soaps and natural personal care products. Next time you go to Bali, check out Bali Buddha’s stores or visit them online at www.balibuddha.biz.

One of the best ways to check out what being green or ‘eco’ is all about is to go and stay at a place that lives in harmony with nature. So next time you need a break from the concrete jungle, visit an eco resort like Pulau Macan in the thousand islands, check out Lodges Ekologika on the foothills of Mt. Salak, or check out our ‘Evo Jakarta’ Facebook page for more links of awesome eco destinations and ways to enhance your life in the big durian! •

Roderick des Tombe

Roderick was born and raised in Jakarta and he came back from university in California to give back to the archipelago he loves and calls home. He is the founder of Pulau Macan and is working on what he calls an ‘evo’ cafe in South Jakarta and an ‘evo’ resort village in Ubud, Bali. To get in touch, email: rod@zevillages.com

14-27 September 2011 Jakarta Expat


Photo Contest

Latitudes.nu 2011 Photo Contest:

‘Transport transport’? This will sound familiar to anybody who has ever set foot on Bali. Drivers renting their minivans or jeeps to bring you wherever you want to go…Smiling from ear to ear, mimicking a steering wheel with both of their hands… ’Transport, transport Mister?’ Transportation is the theme of this photo contest. You can interpret it as widely or narrowly as you want to. It could be vehicles in various states of disrepair, people propped up in a van, animals used as means of transportation or being transported. Funny or sad..standing still in traffic or racing along…it’s up to you! The Latitudes.nu Photo Contest Low Down Some rules: Photos must be your own work and copyright free. Images need to have something to do with Southeast Asia. You can submit an unlimited amount of pictures. Latitudes.nu holds the right to use photos in future publications. The Prizes Aahhh the prizes…not only eternal fame is within reach, we have some fabulous prizes as well:

1. LATITUDES.NU CHOICE wins a weekend in the sumptuous Alila Manggis Bali for two! Expect nothing but luxury in this resort in east Bali. Set amidst a coconut grove, the resort is nestled between the sea and the majestic Mount Agung, Bali’s most sacred mountain. 2. The GOT ANY COMMENT AWARD goes to the pic with the most comments by other visitors and wins a super deluxe Latitudes Universal Camera Bag, with enough room for all your lenses, filters and cables! 3. The THEY LIKE ME MOST AWARD goes to the pic with the most likes by other visitors and wins a black cotton embroidered Latitudes polo shirt like the charming guy in the pictures below is wearing: Not bad eh? Now, what do you have to do? 1. Register at Latitudes.nu (no worries, this only takes a few seconds) and create your profile. Add a short bio and pic.

2. Upload the pics you want to enter in the contest and mention Entry Transport Transport in the Caption + a title and description (where was the pic taken, what is it). 3. Since Place 2 and 3 are based on Facebook comments and likes, like the Latitudes Media Facebook page: www.facebook.com/ pages/LatitudesMedia/109557735794056 4. Important: Let us know you enter a pic in the contest by pasting the url of the pic to our FB wall. You can also ask members to vote for your picture there (or anywhere else), but make sure they like or comment to your pic on the Latitudes site, not on our wall, because that doesn’t count (we can’t keep track of where you post links you see?) 5. Contest ends October 15 midnight, winners will be announced before 20th October. Only photos that follow the guidelines mentioned above are eligible! •

Jakarta Expat 14-27 September 2011



Yoga in Nature; Nature in Yoga Let nature calm your mind through yoga. by Emily Sprakel


any yoga asana (pose) names and characteristics are derived from nature like the mountain pose, the tree pose, the halfmoon pose, the sun salutation and many more. If you ever find yourself outdoors in nature and have at least fifteen minutes to spare, try to do several asanas that can help you connect even more with nature, benefit from it, and learn from the universe. Can my root be as strong as that of an old tree yet my body supple like the palm branch? Can I control the fluctuation of my mind and let it be as calm as the surface of a lake at dawn? Can I hold an asana as firm as a rock on the shore despite strong waves breaking in? For people who already have some experience with yoga, fusing your yoga practice with nature can be a gratifying experience. And for newcomers, outdoor practicing can be an enjoyable and a less strenuous exercise.

Standing Tadhasana


Start with standing tadhasana (or mountain pose) with feet rooted firmly to the ground and legs completely stretched up to the hips, and connect the pose with a mountain that stands tall and never sways. With one leg still completely stretched up take the other leg and bend it by the knee placing the bottom of the foot on the inner thigh of the standing leg and move into the vrikshasana (the tree pose) stretching both arms above your head with palms pressed against each other. Imagine how strongly your foot can root into the ground, your trunk standing firm like that of a tree, your arms stretched out and up like the branches of a tree as you inhale clean oxygen from the output of

the leaves from a tree. Do three to five rounds of the sun salutation poses, the standing poses, then stretch and release the muscles in the forward bends. End the session by taking a few minutes laying down or sitting simple cross legged with eyes closed, quieting the mind, releasing the stretches and relaxing the body. While performing the yoga asanas outdoors, put consciousness in your breath and the breath-taking generating prana, which means energy. “Prana and consciousness are in constant contact with each other. As long as the breath is still, prana is still, and hence the mind is still. All types of vibrations and fluctuations come to a standstill when prana and consciousness are quiet, steady and silentâ€?. The Tree of Yoga by B.K.S Iyengar. Let the breeze and sunshine and the sound of nature in your outdoor surroundings help you achieve an energised physique and a calm state of mind through the yoga poses and the breathing exercises. And perhaps you will find some enlightenment when you go back to your daily activities. •

Emily Sprakel

Emily is a certified Iyengar Yoga instructor who teaches at the Iyengar Yoga Centres in Kemang and Serpong. She can be reached at emilyxemily@gmail.com

14-27 September 2011 Jakarta Expat


Light Entertainment

Lost in Translation W by Eamonn Sadler

hen you think about it, whenever you speak, you are simply making grunting noises in your throat which are articulated through your toungue and lips into sounds that other people can understand. The most complicated of concepts can be conveyed through these articulated grunting noises, and there are almost 7,000 different collections of them, called “languages”, being used in the world today. Over the course of time, thinkers and scholars all over the world realised that languages needed to be written down in order to transmit and store information, so they invented collections of symbols to represent the grunting

tadpole” or “female horse stuffed with wax” depending on the dialect. And we have all received the email with funny signs and notices from around the world written in English by non-native speakers.

noises. These collections of symbols, known as “writing”, convey and store information over time rather than disappear instantly like the spoken word, and it is safe to say that the world would be a very different and less advanced place today if we did not have them.

Here in Indonesia, one of my favourite passtimes is reading the Indonesian subtitles that accompany English language movies and TV programmes. It makes me realise what a rich, complicated and ambiguous language English is, and makes me very grateful that it is my native tongue. My Indonesian is pretty good after 20 years here, so I often get a good laugh out of the translations. I was watching the movie Shakespeare in Love, and

Of course, in order to convey information across borders, translation from one language to another is necessary. This can often have hilarious consequences, and there are many examples of very large and expensive translation mistakes. For example, the first Chinese rendering of Coca Cola, which was presented in symbols as Ke-kou-ke-la, unfortunately means “Bite the wax

Last Edition’s Winner…

“No...I’m sorry. Definitely no ‘Elizabeths’ on the guest list...”

Caption Competition

when Romeo said, “I am fortune’s fool”, the Indonesian subtitle was Aku bodoh sekali (I am really stupid). I was watching a detective movie and the scene showed a computer which was in the process of searching its memory for some piece of information. When the computer finished the search, the words “No matches found” came up on its screen. The subtitle said Tidak ada korek api (there are no matches – the matches you might use to light a cigarette). Recently a friend told me she was watching an episode of a popular TV series in which a character, who was going on a short trip, said “I’ll pack light”. The subtitle read Aku akan membawa cahaya (I will bring some light – light as in “day light”).

And one final illustration of how ambiguous the English language can be, even in the hands of people who claim to speak it fluently. When I was editing Expat Newspaper in The Philippines in the mid 90s, local English language newspaper The Manila Times ran a headline on a story about the local police’s futile fight against illegal gambling that read, “Manila cops can’t stop gambling.” Wonderful. • To find out more about live stand-up comedy in Indonesia please e-mail jakarta@thecomedyclub.asia, text or call 0821 1194 3084 or register at www.thecomedyclub.asia

This Edition’s Competition…

Thanks again for all the entries for the caption competition! After an officewide vote the winner by a mile was this entry from John R. From Lebak Bulus. Thanks John, see you at the comedy club next month!



0811 999603


The Jakarta Belly Syndrome


few days ago, as I was in the clinic practicing like usual when a patient of mine – Priti – walked in and said, “I think I have Jakarta Belly Syndrome.” It took me a while before I broke into laughter realising what she meant. Jakarta Belly Syndrome is a syndrome where an expat “suddenly” develops a bout of vomiting or diarrhoea accompanied with excruciating cramps and abdominal pain, and not forgetting the occasional bouts of passing excessive gas. In other words it is an infection of the digestive system. Many expats just arriving find themselves in a state of shock. The horrendous traffic together with the problem of adjusting can lead to anxiety, depression or near insanity. Not forgetting the fact that their intestines are not adapted to the food in Jakarta. Although the culinary experience in Jakarta can be heavenly, its hygiene is not always guaranteed. The Jakarta Belly Syndrome can be caused by a number of organisms and its toxins. Most often it is due to a viral infection or a toxin induced infection. The next common cause is bacteria and the least most common cause is parasitelike amoeba or worms. Here are some tips to prevent yourselves from getting Jakarta Belly Syndrome:

by Dr Madan M Vasandani

1. Ensure that you wash your hands before a meal 

4. Say “No” to road-side food – Eating road side food is

Jakarta is a place where everybody is very courteous. Shaking of hands and hugging are common gestures of courtesy. Remember the most important route of transmission of organisms is the Feaco-Oral route. Ensure that you wash your hands with an antiseptic soap.

a common practice. Remember as expats your tummy is not accustomed to the bacteria that may be present in these foods. Always eat food that is steaming hot. Do not even think of putting anything in your mouth if it is at room temperature.

2. Say “No” if you are not sure – Everyone who complains of

5. Vegetables – Buy your vegetables from a reliable source and make sure you wash it properly before cooking it or putting it in your salad.

diarrhoea or vomiting can pinpoint the offending food and all of them knew they shouldn’t have eaten the food. If you are suspicious of a particular item, however delicious it is, it’s better that you put it aside and choose a more hygienic one.

3. Guard your house – A study in America has shown that the most common source of infection is within the house. The refrigerator in your house is the melting pot of the food that you eat. Ensure that your refrigerator is clean. Remove all expired products and meat. Ensure that no liquid from the top shelf is dripping to the shelves below.

Follow these few simple tips to decrease your chance of getting the Jakarta Belly. Jakarta is a difficult place as it is. It would be a more difficult place if you are stuck in traffic and you are struck by the Jakarta Belly Syndrome. If you have any health concerns please visit us at Global Assistance Medical Centre. For appointments call +62 21 29978988.

Jakarta Expat 14-27 September 2011





1. Repose - remainder (4) 3. Tranquil (8) 8. Geometrical figure (used on roads!) (4) 9. Spring flower (8) 11. Criminal who can climb (3,7) 14. Toy for baby or football fan (6) 15. Parish with TV vicar (6) 17. Disappointing end (10) 20. Eat a pill (anag) - make easier (8) 21. Remain - support (4) 22. In which the case is put concisely (8) 23. Accustomed (4)

1. Unscrupulous right-wing politicians may play it (4,4) 2. Holiness (8) 4. Infuriate (6) 5. Able to coexist happily (10) 6. Idiot (4) 7. Welsh vegetable? (4) 10. Exotic (10) 12. Old man’s beard (8) 13. Sharp-sighted (4-4) 16. Small gun (6) 18. Extent of bridge or life (4) 19. Fly away (by moonlight?) (4)










9 10



15 16 17

{ Answers in the next edition! }







*Answers from Edition 51 Across: 1. Pardon 4. Infirm 8. Excel 9. Pervade 10. Launder 11. Ideal 12. Tarnished 17. Class 19. Envelop 21. Cheroot 22. Rhyme 23. Attlee 24. Needed Down: 1. Paella 2. Recount 3. Oiled 5. Norwich 6. Image 7. Muesli 9. Pertinent 13. Restore 14. Delayed 15. Acacia 16. Spread 18. Avert 20. Verge

Popular Tweet @infojakarta

“ Hellloooo traffic jams! Welcome back Jakarta. ”

14-27 September 2011 Jakarta Expat


EVENTS Business & Networking

BritCham Special Alumni Business & Social Gathering

Sales Agent Tel: +62.21.2903.5245 Email: jeremy.dyer@opacbarata.co.id Location: Jakarta Convention Centre, Jakarta Indonesia Web Site: www.spe.org


• Thu, 22 Sep 2011

It has become a tradition to celebrate successes from among the Indonesian graduates from UK universities - we expect representatives from around 20 universities. As well as the usual camaraderie and networking benefit, Business and Social Gatherings have to offer, this will provide additional opportunities to meet some of the brightest younger Indonesian leaders from the Jakarta business community. And the venue - well, you now know our 'rule' full details upon personal reconfirmation. But, we promise a very 'special' venue and occasion. By reservation only - no walks-ins. Limited to the first 100. Members have priority to september 15th only. Entrance fee: Rp. 250.000 Book now! events@britcham.or.id Location: TBA on RSVP Web Site: www.britcham.or.id Email: events@britchams.or.id

Java Soulnation Festival Jakarta • Fri, 23 Sep 2011 - Sun, 25 Sep 2011

Ticket Price : http://www.javasoulnation. com/2009/ticketprice.php For more information call : +62 21 968100 22 | 23 Location: Istora Senayan Jakarta www.javasoulnation.com


VIN+ Kemang Wednesday Wine Buffet • Every Wednesday

Free flow 5 diffrent types of wine Free canape / mini sandwich Cost : Rp. 175.000++ / person

2011 Asia Pacific Oil & Gas Conference and Exhibition

For more information, please call: +6221 71792577 Location: Vin+ Kemang, Jl.Kemang Raya No.45 B Jakarta Selatan www.vinplus.biz Email: vinplus@vinplus.biz

• Tue, 20 Sep 2011 - Thu, 22 Sep 2011 APOGCE provides a platform for oil and gas professionals to share knowledge ranging from traditional applications to the use of cutting-edge technology, from general themes to specific technical topics, and from past results to present field experience. For further information, please contact: Belinda Sum SPE Event Manager Tel: +60.3.2288.1233 Email: bsum@spe.org Jeremy Dyer Exhibition and Sponsorship

Bazzar & Shopping

OneSunDay Flea Market

OneSunDay provides 30 booths and participants are offering a wide range of

products including Food, Fashion, Music and Movies [CD, Tape, Vinyl, DVD], Electronics, Musical Instruments, Toys, Art, Books, Stationery, and Second Hand Items [Personal Collections]. However, OneSunDay does not allow participants to sell copies or knock-off products. Each booth will be provided with one tent, 2 chairs, and 1 table. To take OneSunDay Flea Market to another level, they partner up with music promoter, GoodNws (www.thegoodnws.com) who provides a great music playlist of Boogie, Hip-Hop, Funk, Soul, Broken Beats, Latin and Bossa.

The next flea market will be held on October 2nd at Jln. Bangka Raya, no. 27. For the upcoming flea market, OneSunDay will have art activities open to anyone at the market athering young local artists to experiment in music, graffiti, drawing, and painting. The work produced will be sold for charity. For all inquiries, please contact us at onesundayinfo@gmail.com. For more information about OneSunDay, please visit www.facebook.com/OneSunDay or follow our twitter @onesunday_info

Jakarta Expat 14-27 September 2011


Global Expatriate News

Expat Snippets from Around the World However, higher imports, which exceeded exports, dragged the GDP number down by 0.5 percentage points. The nation’s central bank, which on Tuesday left interest rates at 4.75 per cent, has warned that uncertainty in Europe and the US risked damaging sentiment in Australia. “Australia’s economy faces a very unusual and powerful set of complex forces,” said Glenn Stevens, Reserve Bank of Australia governor. “Economic growth has been uneven and patchy, and financial concerns keep recurring with waves of positive and negative sentiment sweeping global markets”.

Australian economy bounces back Australia’s economy rebounded strongly in the second quarter with higher-than-expected growth of 1.2 per cent driven by business investment, household spending and a build-up in inventories.

He added that outlook for the non-resources parts of Australia’s economy was weaker than it looked earlier this year, while the recovery of flood-affected mining in Queensland had taken longer than expected. However, Wayne Swan, Australia’s treasurer, said the GDP figures provided “confidence in the underlying resilience of our economy” at a time when many advanced countries around the world were struggling.

The gross domestic product figures, which followed a revised 0.9 per cent contraction in the economy in the quarter that ended in March, signal a recovery in Australia, after floods and cyclones at the turn of the year damaged the nation’s mining and agricultural sectors.

“We have an economy with strong investment, rising incomes, sustainable consumption and low unemployment and these are the building blocks of a strong economy,” Mr Swan said.

Most economists had forecast between 0.9 and 1 per cent growth in the quarter, but the stronger outcome helped take the nation’s annual economic growth rate to 1.4 per cent.

The economic growth figures provided a welcome opportunity for Mr Swan to promote the ruling coalition’s stewardship of the economy after a string of policy setbacks triggered a sharp fall in the government’s popularity.

“We expect investment and exports to continue driving the economy to above-trend growth over the coming year,’ said Annette Beacher, head of Asia-Pacific research at TD Securities, adding she expected GDP to rise to 2 per cent in 2011 and 4.5 per cent the following year.

The Australian dollar rose after the GDP figures were released, rising from $1.0539 to $1.0568. • Source: The Financial Times

Dieters ‘have better lifestyles’ Expatriates could notice dramatic improvements to their wellbeing if they began slimming, an expert has said. Slimming World spokeswoman Dr Jacquie Lavin said dieters can be “happier, healthier and more confident” than they were before. Furthermore, health professionals believe life expectancies can increase by as much as nine years and workers in her organisation think “improving the quality of those years” can also be achieved through weight loss, she continued. Members of the public “make new friends [and] discover new hobbies” when they are no longer obese, which can change their overall outlook on life, the doctor asserted. A recent study in medical journal the Lancet found that every aspect of society - from industries to the individual - are responsible for reducing the problems caused by poor diets and a lack of exercise. However, the researchers claimed the government must also take a lead by coming up with policies to challenge this issue, such as by taxing junk food and banning or restricting certain advertisements. • Source: Expatriatehealthcare.com

14-27 September 2011 Jakarta Expat


Classifieds AUTOMOTIVES Looking for 2nd hand family car, preferable Toyota Avanza. Please e-mail info to: bohay_lia@yahoo.com Type : Camry – Toyota Cc : 2.4 V Year : 2008 Color : Black Km : 20,000 KM Price is Rp. 355,000,000. Serious buyer can negotiate the price. Prefer a USER. All still like brand new. Well Maintain. Ex Expat. V kool. Etc. For more information, please contact Herni 0813 987 113 70

sits on land area of 950 sqm,located in central of Sanur, 10 mins walk to the beach & a stroll away to restaurants, bars, shops, spa, hotels. For sale IDR : 7,7 000,000. Please email : prestigerealty_ international@yahoo.com For lease fully furnished 1 bedroom studio 60m2 Mansion at Kemang $1.500/mo level 28 south. Fatma Asyari 08164840937 or 087775161871


PROPERTY FOR SALE Jakarta Residences, Cosmo Mansion, Thamrin City, 100 M from Grand Indonesia. 3 BR, FF. For photos and details, please refer to: http://jakarta-residences-apartment. blogspot.com/ Sri Widayati widayati_sri@yahoo.com Property in bali: For sale land near monkey forest, ubud, 15 minutes by car, to lotunduh road. And another location(different area and type; home, land, lease, sale, etc). Contact: +62 81 797 55 729 Apartment For Sale: Beverly Tower @ Simatupang-Jakarta Selatan. 3+1 BR (1BR Very Spacious), 2+1 Bathroom. 293m2. 1st Floor. Balcony & Garden (spacious:approx 90m2). Electricity 10,600 watt, Phone 1 line, AC 6 unit, Water Heater, FULLY FURNISHED and NEWLY RENOVATED (Great Condition). Building Facility: Newly renovated Tennis court and Swimming pool, Function room, Lapangan Squash, Kids Playground, BBQ, Convenience Store, 24 hours Technician and Security guard, Unlimited Car space, Reliable Building Management. JIS (Jakarta International School) and Supermarket within walking distance, Only 5 mins (by car) to Pondok Indah Mall and 2 mins to Clandak Town Square, 15 mins to Kemang, less than 10 mins from HighScope. Also perfect for investment. For inquiries: 0815-1947-6709. Pelabuhan Ratu - West Java Spectacular beach front land sought after south west coast,10000 sqm for sale. Freehold.. location at Pelabuhan Ratu-west java,next to queen ocean beach hotel. Please e-mail : prestigerealty_international@ yahoo. com Ubud. Land sale by owner in Buahan village. Freehold. land size 23,465 sqm.. Stunning view, rice fields, trees ( greenbelt ) direct access to Ayung river... Please e-mail: prestigerealty_ international@yahoo.com Ungasan. Freehold 1000 sqm land in Ungasan, great views of southern ocean.. Please email: prestigerealty_ international@yahoo.com House for sale in Sanur. Renovated detached freehold home in Sanur, 2 storey 3 bedrooms en-suite and 2 bedrooms en-suite, swimming pool,

House for sublease at Jalan Galuh, Blok M, close to JIS Patimura. 5 bedrooms, nice pool and garden. For enquiries, please call 0811843050 or email ata.indrestriata@tetrapak.com Available soon. An absolute beach front apartment, Tanjung Benoa - Bali, 2 levels/2ensuite brooms, fully screened, non smoking, fully furnished, daily cleaning, pick up/ drop off airport. Min 3 nights, short/ long term. Serious only email to starbenoa@rocketmail.com looking for a house-mate (female) to share with. its in pondok indah sophisticated house, spacious space of living rooms, kitchen, its a 2 stories house. The rental price is IDR 3 mio per month, includes electricity, maids, cable TV, room rental, wifi. And room is open for viewing :) info please call: Eda: 087875001979 Email: edaclarissa@ hotmail.com

airport, this beautiful villa enjoys spectacular views across Benoa Harbour to Gunung Agu ng, Nusa Penida and beyond. Situated in a private development away from the tourist centres, it is just 10 minutes from the beach, sea food restaraunts and other amenities at Jimbaran Bay. It is also in easy reach of the golf courses at New Kuta and Nusa Dua and the many other attractions of the Bukit Penninsular. Recently rebuilt and able to sleep 4/5 guests, the villa facilities include two en suite double bedrooms, dining room, living/TV room, alfresco kitchen diner, swimming pool and bale. A separate third guest room is pending renovation. The buildings are set in a luxuriant landscaped garden, including a well stocked fish pond and fountains. Staff include maid and night security. A car and driver can be provided by arrangement. Rental rates are US$200 daily or US$1000 weekly. For more details contact 081316353222. Unique bed and breakfast in the green foothills of Mount Merapi. A beautiful 100-year old Javanese joglo, fully restored to a high standard with original antiques. 3 double bedrooms, big lounge and garden with barbeque. city. Clean air and natural well water. For further details please check out www. jogloago.com or 08123563626 Land lease offering / bar business for sale - Strategically located in Tuban Bali, right next to the airport extension project, opposite of Harris Hotel Tuban. A 16 years pre-paid lease of a 200m2 lot with a two story building offering a business area of 250m2. Suitable for any commercial purpose but available and equipped as a complete bar & resto business. For more info: edo@jakartaexpat.biz For rent: Kemang jaya apartment. 169M2, 3 bedrooms and 2 bathrooms, Semi or full furnished, swimming pool view, to contact : 0816 146 1144 For Rent, Sudirman Park Apartment Tower B; 11th Floor, Swimming Pool View, 1 Bed Room 52 sqm, fully furnished and ready to stay. Rental rate : Rp. 5.5 million per month (negotiable). Further information please contact +62 813 1015 8289.

Looking for a Villa in Bali? Book our newly built villa in Sanur (near Batu Jimbar Cafe). Price: 360 USD/day. A single bedroom only is 100 USD/day. For more info, email wybe. valkema@gmail.com Bali private luxury 2 bedroom apartment in exclusive Nusa Dua available for rental directly with owner. The luxury apartment is located within the grounds of the Novotel Hotel and Residences, next to and overlooking the exclusive Bali Golf and country club. The resort is family friendly, with its own white sand beach and club, private shuttle, Kids Club, Fitness, Spa and much more. Great value. E-mail : nusaduagolfview@gmail.com for details and pictures. We can direct you to the site. Rupiah payment accepted. Bali Villa for Rent. Located in Bukit Jimbaran, 20 minutes south of the

JOBS LOOKING FOR WORK Maid & Nanny available for a new job immediately. Eiling is a healthy young 30 year old who is in need of a full time job with live in accommodation. I would like to help Eiling find future employment as her current employer is moving. Eiling has worked for 2 years in Singapore plus a year in the Cipete area. Eiling has a very good handle on English, and cares for children well. She has a very pleasant personality and possess great patience in looking after a new born along with taking care of a 5 year old. She demonstrates a high level of integrity and a high level of competency is given. She is of great value and comes highly recommended. Please contact Eiling directly at HP: 0878816 72614 or her past employer: Ng Kim Leong +62 812 115 1088

Looking for a new position. Indonesian Nationalized Expat (Ex Brit). Last position G.M. Operations, Electronic Security Systems, for an Intl. security company. I’ve tried sitting by the pool watching time pass by, but retirement is not for me, not for the next few years. I am looking for challenging productive employment. Anything reasonable considered. For further info, CV, contact Ron: 081510330402 ronsjkt@yahoo.co.uk

vacancies We are looking for a driver as soon as possible. We are 2 adults living in Kuningan Area. His job will be to bring my husband to and from work, and in between bring me to different activities. He must be thrustworthy, reliable and ready to work overtime. Have a good knowledge of Jakarta city. Good references from working for expats expected. Some knowledge of English is preferred. Please contact us on email: mona173@hotmail.com We are new in Jakarta and recently move to Cilandak area. We are looking for : • a French teacher for our children 7 and 10 years old who can teach them the French national program (1 to 2 sessions per week) • a Mandarin teacher for the children (1 session per week) • a reliable domestic helper who can take care of our house + ironing + some cooking skills. For our house, if you have the following items that you would like to sell, please contact us at bonchoy@ hotmail.com • fridge • shelves • table for our staff • table for our garden + chair • BBQ bonchoy@hotmail.com I am a korean mother. Looking for English tutor for me. I’m going to British school Bintaro every morning and staying until 12pm. So I want to tuition place in BIS. If you want to teaching for me, contact to me. My level is wall street institute waystage 2. 0813-8234-6916 Yunju Lee. Looking for a tennis partner, for my 9 year old son to share tennis lesson on Tuesdays from 5.30 to 6PM in Dharmawangsa. Please call Violaine at 08 19 08 28 50 00 We thought we had this all figured out before Idul Fitri but our to-bemaid changed her mind--and so once again we are looking for a maid/ cook. We are looking for a live-in person maid/cook who is able to look after young children occasionally (though this will not be her primary responsibility). We have a labrador retriever who lives in the house so she must be comfortable around dogs. If you are leaving behind a maid/ cook, or know of someone, please contact Lisa at blancolab@gmail.com. We are looking for someone who can start ASAP.


Medical evacuation health & life insurance. Let us diagnose your needs. Contact paul beale, mobile: +62 816 137 0663, office: 021-5220990 Email: paulbeale@gms-financial.com When you need a rent car with driver for only rp 350/10 hours (Indonesian prices for Foreigners) weekdays,email to: irentcar@hotmail.co.id for reservation. Yoga in Pondok Indah Group and Private Classes by a Qualified Instructor For further info pls contact: 082110155561 Photography Class for beginners at Jakarta. If you are thinking of getting to know more about basic photography without having to have all sorts of expensive equipment, join our Photography Class for beginners. With one simple camera, it’s enough to have fun and make the most out of your pictures! However, this class is not meant to make you a serious professional photographer, rather it’s for those to take photography as a hobby. Schedule: Starting October 2011 You can choose the days. Location: Greg n Trees studio (see map). Time: 10.00 - 15.00 Cost (including snack & refreshment): Rp. 1.200.000,- per person Rp. 1.000.000,- per person minimum 2 - 3 persons Rp. 800.000,- per person - minimum 4 - 5 persons Rp. 600.000,- per person - minimum 6 - 8 persons (max) These are the things you will learn: - Introduction to and understanding of basic photography - Understanding your camera - Simple non-tedious tricks on taking better photos - Presentation of some great photo locations in Jakarta & the rest of Indonesia + tricks on how to take the pictures. What to bring: Your own camera any type of camera is welcomed, even digital pocket camera. For more information, email: gregntrees@mac.com A full time Bahasa Indonesia instructor has some openings for expats interested to have Bahasa Indonesia lessons. Please call 08121037466. Bali. Private Swimming Teacher. All Level & Age. Leo: 081338704319 Private Piano Lesson for Children Contact : 08561486750

I’m looking for somebody who can teach my daughter to play the gitar. We live in the Kemang area. Please contact me at karinzwan@gmail.com

For sale: few batak hand woven “ulos”, want to see picture, Contact: +62 81 797 55 729

Jakarta Expat 14-27 September 2011


Classifieds Need somewhere interesting to visit at weekends? Entertaining visitors from overseas? Come to Animal Sanctuary Trust Indonesia (ASTI) near Bogor to see rehabilitation of endangered animal species in action. Check www.animalsanctuarytrustindonesia.org for details, and contact Annette (annette.asti@hotmail.com ; 08161834057) to make your booking.

Who can teach me the computer program INDESIGN? I am a beginner. If you can, call me: Anky hp +62 8111 66 3535 ph. +62 21 71791861 Do you have too much stuff? Planning to go back home to your own country? We buy used goods like furniture, electronic, clothing, sport equipment, house hold, bag, shoes, etc. Contact : 08179960881 (Jacqueline)

Need a Costume? For Surprise Party, Farewell Party, Gathering, Compant Event, Birthday, Halloween, etc. Please visit : www.kostumku.com or come to our store : ITC Permata Hijau, 2 Floor, Blok B10 #6-7, South Jakarta. Rental - Sell - Customized for Kids and Adult. Available in Jakarta for private discourse on: Spirituality, philosophy, metaphysics. Clear out confusion in your life. Discover answers. Start living in truth, a wholesome life. email for appointment: etherealsciences@gmail.com

ABC Acai Berry Soft Gel (Double Effects) is a 100% natural product, which helps on fast fat reducing and also beautifying your skin. ABC Acai Berry Soft Gel with its Unique formula on Pure Acai Berry and many other carefully selected Chinese herbs will benefit you like never before. 1 bottle containing 30 capsules for Rp. 250.000 to be delivered for free in Jakarta. Info: 081317722271 My babies aren’t babies any more! All items are used but washed and clean. Here is a list of the items I have for sale: •Blue Bumbo Seat 200,000.00. • Baby Bjorn Kids Toilet/Potty

Need a professional photographer for your events: company event, prewedding photo, wedding day photo & Video, Family Photo, Birthday photo, please call: 08111881214 or e-mail: dian.corry@gmail.com Independent business consultant 081 88 555 88 / (021) 928 777 63 Seeking investor for any related coal/ copper/gold/manganese. For info, call agus 081 88 555 88, 0812 18 14 6511, 88healthylife@gmail.com

- shall I make the joke “Gently Used”? 120,000.00. • Baby Bjorn Bouncer Chair 400,000.00 ours is 4 years old • Kettler 6 sided Play Pen 750,000.00, Rarely Used - I don’t have the fitted sheets, but a regular double sheet worked for us Please feel free to call or SMS me. Pick up in Kemang. Thanks Pam 082111 090 828 Dog kennel for sale. European brand (ferplast, bought in italy, used only once), airplane approved. Measurements: length: 80 cm (31.5 In.); Width: 55 cm (21.6 In.); Height: 60 cm (23.6 In.). Rp.$ 900,000. If interested, pls call: 0816911230 For sale: LG front loading washing machine. capacity 7kg. good as new, only been owned for only one year. 4 million ono sms tessa at 081283979693

Piano for sale; Grotrian Steinwey (the original Steinwey from Germany). • approximately 25 years old. • mechanism thought to be made in China and the cabinet in Indonesia. Rp. 20.000.000,including delivery and tunning. Phone; 0813316353222 or call at Jl. Kemang V no. 14A, 7179 2606. Need Indonesia-English private teacher and translator. Please contact Devi on 085888743849. Available only on weekend and after office hours.

For Sale almost brand new Nikon Camera!!: Nikon CoolPix S4000 12.0 megapixel/3.0 inch LCD screen/ Touch screen/Dark Pink/hard case, 3 months old and still has warranty. Price: I bought it for 2.2M, Selling price is 1.8M ( i still have the receipt

and warranty) lots of cool features, but my favorite is that I can edit and crop on the spot!! Very user friendly! Reason for selling: I recently celebrated my birthday and got my dream camera as a birthday present! :) Contact info: Tina.grundke@gmail.com 0821 12078485 Furniture for sale. I have a selection of original, unusual and distinctive pieces of furniture for sale. For photos, full details and regular updates please go to: www.facebook.com/bethbonesdesign Currently listed: • Twin purple Balinese style chair RP 750.000 for the pair • White hanging bird cages From RP 250.000 • Red tin hanging wall lights RP 250.000 • Antique side table RP 2.000.000 Steel framed red chair RP 400.000. Lizzie: 0821 10 899 522 Samsung front loading washing machine model # wd8752cjf http://www.samsung.com/id/ consumer/home-appliances/washingmachine/front-load/WD8752CJF/ XSE/index.idx?pagetype=prd_ detail&tab=support. Rp 4,500,000 if interested please call or text Angela 087 888 717 061 For sale: DVD collection, over 2000 pieces, about 1000 alphabetically sorted in binders. Fixed price 5mio IDR. Contact: 0815 9187508 Rosetta Stone Indonesian Language Learning Software. Level 1. Complete package - application CD, CD ROM, headphones with mic and user’s guide. Rp. 1.000.000 Call Kathy 08119 102 103 Sweet rescue cats (rescued as kittens). Now all grown up and looking for good homes. All are loving, live indoor and have been sterilized. Contact Perry @ 0812-825-2225 or Lisa @ 0812-925-9966 for more information. Genuine Lladro antique pieces for sale . 10 pcs in total . expat moving so all must go . prices start from 150 USD including delivery charges. Negotiable. Kindly contact 0812.912.6983 or email aarti.memories@gmail.com for pictures.

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14-27 September 2011 Jakarta Expat

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