Jakarta Expat - issue 54 - Health

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Jakarta Expat 12-25 October 2011

Indonesia’s Largest Expatriate Readership | 54th Edition | 12 Oct – 25 Oct 2011 |



Health Remedies By Graham Strauss


s the dry season turns wet and the rains come knocking on our doors (and, in my case at least, dripping through our ceilings and onto our computers) it’s time for me to enjoy a bout of flu and to create a mini-Mount Merapi of used tissues next to my sickbed. Eventually, it came time for me to head off to the chemists for a big bag of pharmaceutical sweeties. I then headed back home clutching around five different remedies in my hand and found myself reflecting on how much I had gone local, vis-à-vis my propensity for chomping on pills as I would on a bag of M&Ms. Most Indonesians seem to need little encouragement to neck pills and potions by the bucketful, and not only chemists, but also supermarkets, convenience stores and even a roadside warungs are packed with tablets which are all guaranteed to cure you of common ailments such as flu, muscle pain, headaches, Batavia belly, cancer, spina bifida and the like.

Photo by mie cornoedus

There are also plenty of remedies out there to ease the symptoms of those Indonesian sicknesses that don’t precisely match up with strict biological and physiological categories. I’m referring here to those two stalking horses of the Apocalypse, masuk angin (enter wind) and panas dalam (hot inside). What these two ailments actually match up with in precise medical terms has always eluded me, however these two conditions between seem to cover pretty much all bases, from mild indigestion to haemorrhagic Ebola fever. Moreover, I’ve learnt through bitter experience that wind is far more likely to exit my body than it is to enter it.

Photo by Hanneke Mennens.

Continued on page 4


12-25 October 2011 Jakarta Expat


54th Edition | 28 Oct – 11 Oct 2011 Editor Angela Richardson angela@jakartaexpat.biz Management Edo Frese edo@jakartaexpat.biz Sales Dian Mardianingsih ads@jakartaexpat.biz Graphics Adietyo Rukmono didiet@jakartaexpat.biz Finance Pertiwi Gianto Putri tiwi@jakartaexpat.biz Contributors Emma Kwee Sebastien Laurent Dr. David E. Parry Eamonn Sadler Billy Simmonds Emily Sparkel Graham Strauss John Toomey Dr. Vasandani Matt Wiggers Deddy Wigraha Editorial Enquiries letters@jakartaexpat.biz Circulation Enquiries dian@jakartaexpat.biz Subscription info@jakartaexpat.biz Events news@jakartaexpat.biz

Jakarta Expat is published biweekly by PT. Koleksi Klasik. Opinions expressed in this publication are those of the writers and the publisher does not accept any responsibility for any errors, ommisions, or complaints arising there from.

Dear Readers,


ow do you answer the question: What is the most important thing to have in life? A lot of us might be quick to jump to ‘Fortune’ or ‘Fame’, or possibly even ‘Happiness’, but surely ‘Good Health’ should be somewhere at the top of that list? For what are we without our health? When we’re sick, every effort is put into feeling better at no matter what cost. Indonesia has an astounding population of 237 million, the world’s fourth most populous nation, spanning a distance equal to the width of the United States. As if managing public health wasn’t challenging enough, this wonderful country is perched above the Ring of Fire – one of the world’s most active earthquake and volcano zones - and we live amidst 130 active volcanoes. There is also the issue of trying to institute standards across a decentralised health system in a nation made up of 33 provinces and over 500 districts, each with their own health budgets and facilities. Certainly the job of Ministry of Health in Indonesia is not an easy one at all. What do we have for you in this fortnight’s edition? Strauss is back with our cover story on traditional remedies, Dr. Parry returns with an interestingly uplifting read about how Jakarta’s pollution levels aren’t as bad as some of us feared – a tad controversial maybe, but if you think so – email him your thoughts! If you feel like going for a run, but don’t want to run amidst exhaust fumes, read Toomey’s article about Hashing in and around Jakarta and get your trainers on ( just make sure not to borrow your friend’s old dirty trainers on your first run as you may end up ‘downing’ a pint from them!). Former Mr. Natural Universe, Billy Simmonds, contributes about how things add up in nutrition and believe it or not, this muscleman is a vegetarian! In this issue we have more yoga about keeping your feet healthy, the part of our bodies we tend to neglect the most, and we also furnish you with an assortment of free apps to keep you on the road to having the body you always dreamed of. This and plenty more! This fortnight’s Spotted Pic was sent to us by Puthut Gambul and just highlights one of the reasons of why I love living in Indonesia so much. What can I say? It’s the simple things in life... Be healthy, all! Angela Richardson

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Published by PT. KOLEKSI KLASIK INDONESIA Jl. Kemang Raya No. 29A Kemang, Jakarta - Indonesia Tel: 021 7179 4550 Fax: 021 719 0087 Office hours: 9.00–17.00 Monday–Friday

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in this issue Cover Story | 1 & 4 Health Remedies

Martial Arts | 11 Alliance Jiu-Jitsu

The Air We Breathe | 5 Jakarta Air Pollution: Not All Doom, Gloom & Catastrophe

Personal Tech & Apps | 12 Most Useful Free Health Apps

Hash House Harriers | 6 Hashing in Jakarta Eating Right | 7 In Nutrition, the Little Things Add Up Meet the Expats | 8 Gordon Boyd Mario Babin Smoking | 9 Indonesia Lights Another Cigarette Sent to us by Puthut Gambul

Running in Jakarta | 10 Running Free

Grumpy Old Men | 13 I Love Indonesia Light Entertainment | 14 Are you Mr. Magoo, too? For the Macet Mind | 14 Crossword Wellbeing | 15 Fitter Feet Events | 16 Global Expatriate News | 17 Expat News Snippets Classifieds | 18-19

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Jakarta Expat 12-25 October 2011



12-25 October 2011 Jakarta Expat

Cover Story

Health Remedies Continued from page 1

And it’s not only humans that are stricken down by these local pandemics. I was once on an InterCity bus travelling through Sumatra. The bus broke down and word soon spread among the stranded passengers that the engine had suffered a fatal attack of masuk angin. Indonesian television is full of advertisements for pills of course, my favourite of which would have to be a product called Pil Kita (Our Pills). What these little babies do is a mystery but apparently the things are a panacea for the whole family. “Dad why are you making me take these pills? What are they for exactly?” “They are for us my boy! They’re ours. And let’s have a little less backchat shall we?” Traditional Indonesian remedies are, of course, dominated by jamu, which are those not very pleasant blends of herbs that are sold in roadside stalls or by those ladies who pound the streets with baskets of bottles on their backs. Jamu is a multi-million dollar industry and there are different potions available to tackle everything from menstruation pain and acne to kidney stones and impotence. The reason that these potions remain popular however, may have as much to do with poverty and desperation as it does with credulity. I’m sure that most Indonesians are aware that glasses of foul-tasting blended plant roots and eggs don’t stack up particularly well against heart defibrillators, keyhole surgery, dialysis machines and modern drugs, however access to the expensive machines that go, “Ping” is so often beyond people’s financial means here. Moreover, Indonesian doctors will often prescribe expensive, imported medicines when locally-made generic drugs are available. Doctors will also engage in what is known as polypharmacy, i.e. prescribing a list of four or five drugs, many of which are

non-essential but expensive (if you’re poor) items such as vitamins pills. Thus ailing Indonesians with barely a few rupiah to rub together are forced to take up with illusory quick fixes and the placebo effects of quack cures. Other medicines here are designed for, shall we say, a more recreational use. Those little blue pills that can make a man’s purple battering ram as hard as a diamond in an ice storm can be found on sale all over town and after dark, a kilometres-long line of stalls stretches up through the Kota area offering everything from Viagra to condoms. Alas however, up to 40 percent of the blue, big-making trapezoids on sale in Jakarta are apparently fake. Never mind though, you can always avail yourself of the services offered by the various clinics bearing the infamous name of Mak Erot, which are guaranteed to set Indonesian schoolchildren giggling. Mak Erot “clinics” deal in penis enlargements and cures for sexual maladies and employ the power of Muslim prayer as well as a cocktail of 141 different herbs. As the original Mak Erot’s reputation grew, so did the virility business, and practitioners of the noble art of tummy-banana expansion now abound in Jakarta. A typical session will have you choosing the shape and size of your weapon of choice from a selection of wooden phalluses on display. You will then have your old chap liberally slathered in a herbal gunk. Rather you than me. 

Indonesia Health Stats Annual number of births (thousands), 2009


Life expectancy at birth (years), 2009


Approximate average number of cigarettes smoked


per adult per year Total expenditure on health as % of GDP


Access to sanitation (%)


Total adult literacy rate (%), 2005-2008


GNI per capita (US$), 2009


% of population using improved drinking-water sources, 2008


% of population using improved sanitation facilities, 2008


Under-5 mortality rate, 1990


Under 5 mortality rate (under 1), 2009


Infant mortality rate (under 1), 1990


Infant mortality rate (under 1), 2009


Jakarta Expat 12-25 October 2011


The Air We Breathe

By Dr. David E. Parry

Air pollution in Ahvaz compared to air pollution in Jakarta.


n 1994 there were an estimated 1.38 million vehicles (cars, motorcycles, lorries and buses) in Jakarta; 27 years later in 2011 the total number of vehicles is estimated to have risen eight-fold to 11.3 million and yet, believe it or not, air pollution measured by any internationally recognised index (TSP – total suspended particulates, PM10 - particulate matter below 10 microns, sulphur dioxide –SO2, nitrogen dioxide – NO2, carbon monoxide – CO) is generally less than it was in 1994. Given that some 70 percent of urban air pollution is due to the emission of noxious gases and minute particulates of toxic substances such as soot and lead through the combustion of gasoline and other hydrocarbon fuels in vehicles, how is this possible when there are eight times the number of vehicles on the streets of the capital? What sleight of hand or outright fraud is being perpetrated here by a government that is regarded by the international community as well as its own citizens as being somewhat economical with the truth? Actually none since, a few lone voices apart, Indonesia’s press has generally latched onto the international fixation with Jakarta being one of the world’s most polluted cities in terms of air quality and in some indices ranks in the top three, and this perception is rarely if ever challenged by the government. Air pollution in Jakarta is bad and causes untold suffering through respiratory disease to millions of residents with

an estimated US$ 3.8 million per year increase in health care costs. In 2003 on average residents had only 18 ‘good air’ days where air pollution parameters met national and international standards. By 2010 this had increased to 27 ‘good’ or ‘clean’ air days despite the addition of a further 5 million vehicles to the city’s streets. The levels of PM10, which averaged 68.6μg/m3 in 2008 and were reputed by the Jakarta Environmental Management Agency (BPLHD) to be down to 48.5 μg/m3 in 2010, are way above the upper limit of 20μg/m3 recommended by the World Health Organization (WHO). The city has a long way to go in cleaning up its air before it can compete with Washington, Tokyo or Paris where PM10 levels are 18, 23 and 38 μg/m3 respectively, but its air is far cleaner than most industrial cities in China, India, Iran, Pakistan, Mongolia and Mexico where PM10 levels generally exceed 250 μg/m3 with the Iranian city of Ahvaz having an annual average PM10 of 372 μg/m3 and to suggest that Jakarta is one of the most polluted cities on the planet is both wrong and disingenuous when there are probably over 150 cities with worse air than Jakarta. The reason that Jakarta is managing to cope reasonably well with reducing air pollution, unlike its seemingly futile efforts to address road congestion, is because the government has implemented a number of significant reforms over the past 20 years that have had the effect of curbing open burning of rubbish (a major contributor to air pollution in 1994), taken old smoky vehicles off the streets,

started the process of de-leading petrol, implemented, albeit half-heartedly, vehicle emission control and enforced stricter industrial emission control laws. But these measures could not, on their own have accounted for the somewhat paradoxical improvement in air quality. By far the greatest contribution has come from the vehicle manufacturers themselves particularly the Japanese car and motorcycle firms like Honda, Toyota, Suzuki and Yamaha whose fuel-efficient engines , many with catalytic converters, must meet strict national and international emissions standards. Although diesel buses and trucks belching black smoke can still be seen on the roads of Jakarta they are a relatively rare sight compared with 10 or 15 years ago. The maintenance of the diesel engines of the commercial lorry and bus fleets has improved dramatically over the past decade. All these factors have helped Jakarta improve its air quality but the city still has a mountain to climb before its citizens can experience 365 clean air days a year. 

Dr. David E. Parry

David is a Soil Scientist and Environmental Specialist who has been living and working in Indonesia for 30 years. He is the author of 'The Cartography of the East Indian Islands' and curator of Bartele Gallery. He lives in Cinere with his wife Sonja and their many cats and dogs. deparry777@gmail.com

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12-25 October 2011 Jakarta Expat

Hash House Harriers

There are several flavours of Hash House Harriers in Jakarta. Jakarta Hash House Harriers (JHHH) were founded in 1971 and run every Monday at 5.00 pm. JHHH were formerly a predominantly male Hash but female participation has been encouraged in recent years. JHHH was the very first Hash to be established in Indonesia and has a strong tradition of joke telling and some signing in the post run circle. Contact: rpate.becak@gmail.com

Hashing in Jakarta By John Toomey


ash House Harriers also known as “The Hash” can be found in many countries throughout the world and especially in South East Asia from where it first originated in Kuala Lumpur, way back in 1938. The Hash is a social gathering of people known as “hashers” who meet regularly (usually weekly) for cross-country running followed by a gathering or “circle” where some beer flows, “charges” are exchanged and there is even some singing. Hashers have sometimes been described as a bunch of drinkers with a running problem. In truth, you need be neither a drinker nor a runner to have fun with the Hash. But if you are not a keen runner or don’t run at all, don’t worry, the Hash has a choice of runs to suit everyone, as quite a few people just enjoy a gentle jog or a stroll. Indeed the Hash discourages people from taking the running too seriously although there are a few hashers, known as FRBs (Front Running Bastards), who are slightly inclined to put an unhealthy emphasis on the running aspect. The important thing is that you have the opportunity to get out of the city, indulge in

some exercise, meet a whole bunch of expats of various nationalities as well as locals and see places many expats didn’t know existed. You join the Hash by just turning up at a run. Details of how to contact the various hash groups in Jakarta are given below. The run is set by “Hares” who mark the running trail with shredded or cut paper, including short stretches of false trails which are intended to keep both the faster and slower runners together for the duration of the run. Sites for the Hash runs are chosen in various localities, but typically runs in the Jakarta area are set in the countryside just off the Jagorawi toll road where there are still plenty of rice paddies, tree covered areas, stream crossings and small local kampongs providing a good variety of running terrain. Weekday runs start at 5.00 pm and last for about an hour. There is a post run social gathering, known as “the circle” after which some hashers repair for makan at the “On On”, either at a local warung near the run site or a bar or restaurant on the way back to or in the city. Weekend runs usually start at 3.00 pm or 4.00 pm.

Jakarta Hash House Harriettes or the Pussy Hash was

founded in 1977 and run every second Wednesday at 5.00 pm. It is a predominantly female Hash which means it is run by ladies, but men are welcome, as long as they are into female domination. Contact: rosita.verdooren@multisarana-bm.com

Batavia Hash House Harrier Hoons (BH4) were founded in

1986 and run every Thursday at 5.00 pm. This a strictly male preserve, except on the last Thursday of every month when there is a mixed run. The BH4 circle is characterised by interactive repartee between participants resulting in reward or punishment. These are identical - a mug of beer! Contact: seabrook@jiibfinancial.com

TGIS HHH (formerly TGIF HHH) is a mixed hash founded in 1989 that originally ran on Fridays but now runs every 2nd & 4th Saturday at 4.00 pm. This is a very popular group with a strong emphasis on post run circle participation especially by those who are new to hashing. Contact: tgis@yahoo.com or go to: http://sites.google.com/site/tgish3

Krakatau HHH is a family hash founded in 1992 that meets every third Saturday of the month. Krakatau HHH provides a wide variety of running terrain, including mountains, beaches, waterfalls, and beautiful rice paddies in Bantan province of West Java (within 2 hours drive from Jakarta). Runs begin promptly at 3:00 pm. Go to: www.khhh.org

Betawi HHH, Jakarta’s youngest Hash chapter founded in 2000, is a mixed Hash that runs every Saturday at 4.00 pm. They draw on a large group of locals and generally have a picnic like format with a shorter post run circle than the other Hash groups. Contact: betawihash@yahoo.com

Java Hash House Horrors run on the last Sunday of every

month at 10:00 am. This is a kids (all ages) hash, run by kids with just a bit of help from the ‘dolts.

For further information on the various Jakarta Hash groups listed above, visit the website: www.indohash.com/jakarta or check them out on Facebook.

John Toomey John Toomey is a consulting engineer who first arrived in Indonesia in 1987. He was immediately introduced to the Hash in Medan, North Sumatra and soon caught the hashing bug. He has lived in Jakarta since 1989 where he has been a regular runner (or walker) with the various hash groups and in particular a stalwart of the Batavia Hash.

Jakarta Expat 12-25 October 2011


Eating Right

In Nutrition, the Little Things Add Up By Billy Simmonds Did you ever look at a recent photo of yourself and think ‘is this what I really look like?’ We all do. If you’re a Mother or a Mr. Universe, sometimes the image that we think we see in the mirror is vastly different from the one we’re faced with in the picture. Recently, I had a client show me a picture that was snapped of herself enjoying a drink down in Kemang. She said that either there was something wrong with the Smartphone, or she needed to take her nutrition a little more seriously. Since it was a brand new iPhone, she opted for a consultation with me. Her situation wasn’t any different from a lot of people’s. She works hard, goes to the gym 3 -4 times per week, eats out often and enjoys a drink or two on the weekend. In one year, her weight had gone up enough to notice, and she described her body as now ‘skinny fat’. “What is it I am doing wrong?” she asked. “How do I get the body I want without giving up my social life and being at the gym every day? Is it what I’m eating? Am I eating too much, or am I eating the wrong things?!” I told that in order for me to provide the answers, I would need her help to get to the solution. A task was set, and within 10 minutes, our initial meeting was over. Over the course of the following week, everything she ate was written down in a food diary. The rules were for her to live out her week normally, be completely honest about what had eaten and drank and record it all. Any ‘diet’, I told her, we’ll start her on next week. In our following consultation, I could sense some discontentment. She had followed through the task I had set, but yet again, felt as if her body was moving in the wrong direction - quickly. We had to get started straight away. Every day that I analysed her eating I couldn’t see any major poor choices for meals; most were fairly healthy: plenty of salads and vegetables, not too much rice at every

meal. But I could see some distinct patterns; most mornings – breakfast was almost non-existent. Then, every time there was coffee, there was some cake. And with every restaurant dinner out, there was a dessert. Lastly, every time there was a glass of wine, there were two or three more. As I read through the week’s eating with a trained eye, I likened the scenario to that of a credit card. Have you ever noticed how you can spend just small amounts of money here and there, then at the end of the month look at the statement and realise how much you have actually spent? That is exactly what was happening here. It’s those smaller choices: pressing snooze two or three times and missing breakfast - the most important meal of the day, those little snacks at the office, treats after dinner, that one more drink before you head home. Together, after we identified the culprit of her waistline’s woes, we had a back to basics conversation. Her eating and training overall were good, but the changes she was looking for were going to come from focusing on making the right choices even when they seem insignificant at the time. Two week later, I received a phone call from my now very excited client. Not only was she losing weight – her energy levels had improved and she had also saved some money! Without making any dramatic changes she had successfully dropped 5 pounds and noticed her jeans fitting much better. Feeling pleased, I reflected at just how easy the answer was to find. I didn’t have to deliver her a ‘Rapid Detox Diet’ or some kind of extreme programme to get her eating in the right direction. All I had to do was show her how, in nutrition, the little things add up. 

Billy Simmonds

Billy Simmonds is a Professional Natural Bodybuilder from Australia and winner of the prestigious International Mr. Universe Bodybuilding competition. He has appeared as a special guest on various Indonesian Television programs such as Bukan Empat Mata, Hitam Putih and World Record. Billy offers unique, custom Nutrition and Training Plans to help people achieve a better quality of health and life. For more details please email billy@billysimmonds.com


12-25 October 2011 Jakarta Expat

Meet the Expats

Hello Gordon Boyd! The Scotsman

with an American accent who plays football and surfs religiously. That’s a very Scottish name you have? Yup, I’m originally from Scotland. Both my parents are Scottish, but I was born in South Africa and I grew up in Australia, Singapore, Thailand and Indonesia. A well travelled man. So what brought you back to Jakarta? I moved to Jakarta with my family and went to Jakarta International School. I graduated in 1999, moved to Sydney in Australia for university and moved back to Jakarta after that. I came back because I wanted to come back - I love Indonesia! Out of all the places I’ve lived I’ve spent the majority of time in Indonesia so I kind of consider it home. What do you do for work? I work for Tide Water Operators Indonesia as their Marketing Director. It’s just a fancy name for a guy who goes to gets contracts with oil and gas drilling managers. I’ve been here for four years now, originally starting with the company as just a marketer. I spend most of my time meeting with oil companies like Chevron and meeting the drilling managers or logistics guys because they’re the ones that do all the contracts. Do you feel you can be as active in Jakarta as you used to be in Australia? If you can deal with getting to places where you can exercise then it’s not an issue. There’s a sports club in Ciputat called ISCI and you can do everything there. I used to play football up there on Thursdays and Sundays but traffic is bad so I play Futsal in Kemang or at JIS on a Wednesday night.

contract with the premier league team, but then I graduated and had to leave because they only gave out visas for the league above that. There was an issue about me graduating because of credits and after discussions, it turns out the university had miscalculated my credits so I had to graduate in December that year and couldn’t stay on another year! Bummer. Do you still play football in Jakarta? Yes, in the Expat League. It’s called the JIFL (Jakarta International Football League) and consists of 12 teams. Once a week there’s a game and each team plays. Do the guys take it seriously? Yeah they do actually. If you ever go to one of these games you’d be surprised at the language used and even the arguments between team members. Sometimes players storm off! They get pretty roudy. It’s pretty competitive. There are a lot of good players and some are even ex-professionals who have played in the world cup. They all take it seriously. My team are mainly teachers so they’re not too bad. And your team are...? The Jakarta International School team which was formed by a couple of teachers, so a majority work for JIS or are ex JIS kids, like me. But you can still join even if you have no link to JIS. If someone wanted to join the league, what do they need to do? Just go to www.jifl.org where you can find bios of each team and contact details of the managers. There’s a league committee that has meetings every month so if you want to choose a team, you can check out the other teams. I’d advise joining the team because it’s a great way to meet people if you’re new to Jakarta.

What is this obsession with Futsal? Futsal started to become an obsession in Jakarta two or three years ago and got popular really quick. It’s an easy outlet and fun to do. You just need ten guys or less and an hour of free time, so guys with families get home by 7.30 or 8pm. It’s a good workout because it’s non-stop for an hour.

Beside football, what other sport do you love? Surfing! I started when I was 12 years old here in Indonesia. The best surf spot so far in Indonesia I can’t tell you that but Mentawai is the best in the world, not only in Indonesia. I used to go surfing every second weekend, but now probably once a month. Usually to Bali or Pelabuhan Ratu. There’s great surf down there at a spot called Cimaja which has a nice wave that breaks well and a long right hander.

How seriously do you take football? I used to play for the Sydney University Football Club and Karawana which is like the New South Wales Super League or Premier League, so I was semi-pro so I guess I take it quite seriously!

So do your future plans involve sticking around? I plan on sticking around for life. I can’t see myself anywhere else. Maybe Bali in five years time when I’m a little bit older and more mature!

So why did you stop? It’s a funny story actually. I signed a

To get in touch with Gordon, email him at gdboyd@tdw.com. 

Bonjour Mario Babin! CEO of

Global Assistance and part time bar investor from Canada.

You sound French, but not. Where are you from? I’m originally from Montreal, Canada. I’m not French, but I can speak French. Actually my French is much better than my English! What is it you do in Jakarta? I look after two companies; Global Assistance and Healthcare and Global Assistance Medical Centre. I am the CEO of the group so my job is just to try and steer the ship, but we have about 300 employees so the ship is more steered by the staff than by me now. What is Global Assistance? We’re trying to be the same whole good family practice clinic that you get back in Europe or America or Canada on your street corner. We cover Indonesia for evacuation services and customers can call 247 for medical advice and evacuation, and we even do passport recovery. The centre is open 24 hours with in-house practitioners and specialists on appointment – it’s basically a family practice. PT Global assistance and healthcare also provides clinics for mining and petroleum in remote sites. It’s very essential for companies to send healthy employees to these offshore sites. The only way to prevent illness is to make sure they are healthy when you hire them and give them annual medical checkups. How did you start Global Assistance? The company was incorporated in 1993 and I took over ownership in 1998 and never looked back. The medical centre came at a later stage. In 2005 we set up our own medical centre and we relocated to Cilandak commercial estate two years ago. Now we have our own laboratories, drug testing and hi-tech equipment. We also have dental services and observation rooms. Are you guys only based in Indonesia? We started in Indonesia and now we are also in Singapore. We have a network of correspondents around the world for

emergency assistance in 78 countries. If you get sick and need medical evacuation in one of these countries, we will call our correspondents to get you emergency evacuation. So what else do you have to offer? We have certification for first aid training so we provide first aid training with/ without certification for basic to more advanced first aid, at home or at the office. We give occupational health advice to our clients and staff should be trained in case of emergency. We come to you with a mannequin and we train and provide a refreshment course also. Every company should have this training because it’s vital that staff members know what to do in an emergency situation. How long have you been in Indonesia? I came here in 1995 for a year, and a year became a second year, and a second year became a third year and my company basically was sold and that’s when we acquired and set up our own assistance company. From day one I like to say I had it easy because a lot of our previous clients decided to follow us and from day one we became a profitable company. Indonesia is an attractive country and it’s hard to believe in no time I’ve been here for 16 years already! Where did you live before Indonesia? Before Indonesia I was in Vietnam, Korea, Australia, China and Switzerland. How do you find life here? Indonesia comes with the good and bad like every country. Everybody stresses about traffic, but overall we have our ups and downs and if you look at where you are, it’s a fantastic place to live. Life can be very good here if you learn to manage the stress. Once you manage the stress it’s a beautiful place to be. Maybe travel between Bali and Jakarta more often. What advice would you give to manage the stresses in Jakarta? Move as close as you can to your office and learn to manage your time better. Learn jalan tikus (the small back roads) and don’t buy too big a car so you can go through more jalan tikus. You can save half an hour or one hour a day using these roads. I would also advise to put a TV in your car and watch some comedy. My secret is I download stand-up comedy and I put it on my iPad so I watch it through traffic and it helps to relieve stress. 

Jakarta Expat 12-25 October 2011



By: Emma Kwee


econd hand smoking comes second nature in Indonesia. Where in most other countries people at the bus stop will start frowning and coughing when you light a cigarette too close to them, in Indonesia new born babies are cheerfully greeted in a cloud of crackling kreteks.

that smoking is addictive. They probably had a hard time saying it, because the government tax choked them up: Since 2005 the government has steadily raised the tax on tobacco, in 2009 reaching a neat 56.7 trillion Indonesian Rupiah (6.2937 billion U.S. dollars).

cigarette addiction on YouTube. His dad gave him his first cigarette when he was 18 months old, to calm him down when he was crying. The now 4 year old Ardi is addicted as can be and will throw tantrums and cry if he doesn’t reach his 40 cigarette benchmark.

The kretek or clove cigarette is still immensely popular, in part because a stubborn conviction in its health benefits continues to exist up until this day. They are regarded infinitely healthier than rokok putih (white cigarettes, such as Marlboro).

Of course the main goal of these tax rises was diminishing the number of smokers, and not to reap the benefits of the nation’s most popular addiction. The huge profit that was made was just a side issue. Unfortunately this noble policy as of yet has not reduced the number of smokers, so the government feels urged to increase the tax on tobacco with another 5%.

His dad’s reaction? “I’m not worried about his health. He looks healthy to me.” After the (inter)national outcry, Ardi was eventually sent to rehab.

A Javanese by the name of Haji Jamahri created the kretek cigarette in 1880, wanting to alleviate asthma and chest pains. Apparently he succeeded. The tar levels, exceeding 30 milligrams (regular cigarettes around 1 milligram) and nicotine levels, often double those of regular cigarettes (1 mg), do point in a certain direction. Current estimates place 63% of Indonesian men and 5% of Indonesian women in the smoking category. This makes Indonesia third on the list of worldwide tobacco consumption. While the rest of the world seems to unite in an internationally orchestrated anti-smoking campaign, they calmly light up another one in Indonesia. Smoking inside public buildings and even cafes, which in Western Europe lead to an indoor smoking shed building competition, seems to be a common and an accepted thing in Indonesia. The power of the tobacco industry is in large part responsible for the thick layer of tar that coats the so called green lungs of the earth.

The relatively young population of the country makes up the working population, but also the largest consumer market. Tobacco companies are very much aware of this and try to get a foot in the door during every little step of the way. Their banners adorn pop concerts, football matches, festivals, and television programmes. The blatant product placement tactics serve but one goal: To get as many people as possible to smoke. Instead of a decent education in school about the dangers of smoking, there’s a bigger chance that students will receive their diploma in front of a life-size banner of a cigarette brand. Besides the traditionl kretek (clove), there are now cappuccino, chocolate, black tea, mango, herbal and countless other new tastes. The old powerhouses Dji Sam Soe, Gudang Garam and Djarum are tied in a vehement competition with tens of other brands that by way of brand image and taste will mostly focus on young people. How young? If you remember, earlier this year there was a national outcry when four year old Ardi Rizal showed the nation his

The anti-smoking movement had a small window of opportunity and launched several campaigns to raise awareness about the health risks of smoking. Every anti-smoking initiative is met with heaps of rustling Rupiahs, making it an uphill struggle for the low-budget anti-smokers.

The only smoke-free zone? Sampoerna Rescue Camp, Merapi. The last point worth raising is that smoking, much like other issues such as animal rights and environmental preservation, aren’t top priority in Indonesia, because there’s always something far worse going on. Smoking simply is not that much of an issue if we compare it to the natural disasters, poverty and economical challenges that the nation faces. To illustrate the power of the Tobacco industry, the ‘smoke free refugee camp’ at the foothill of the Merapi volcano, that erupted several times in 2010, was sponsored by the cigarette brand Sampoerna. This effectively made the Sampoerna Rescue Camp, located next to a smoking and smouldering volcano, one of the few smoke free zones in Indonesia. Don’t the do-good people of Sampoerna deserve a wreath of fresh tobacco? •

Education, Economic Interest & Far worse things As always, the trident education, economic interests and far worse things, has firmly rooted itself in this issue. Only in 2009 the government sort of admitted


Emma is a Dutch born and bred Indonesia lover who lost her heart to the same country her father was born in. After studying Anthropology, she is now over-enthusiastically involved in Latitudes.nu as editor and writer and is based in Groningen, the Netherlands.


12-25 October 2011 Jakarta Expat

Running in Jakarta

By Matthijs Wiggers


eeting new people in Jakarta is always fun and after being here for a few years, you get the hand of summarising your history and goals into little sound bites enabling a fast introduction. Besides the usual stuff about family, jobs and the home country performance in the latest sports events, having running as a hobby will inevitably bring the question, “So, what’s the deal with all that running stuff in Jakarta? It’s polluted, dirty and hot! Why do you do it?”

With that, I give you: It’s the only way to get to know the real city. Every kampung, every alley is connected through roads, paths, alleys, bridges and open fields which you will never see from your car. There are not enough roads in Jakarta as we witness daily in the traffic jam, that also means there is a lot more Jakarta to be seen if you get out of that car. Running through this amazing urban maze brings you to spots where you never would have reached, through small alleys, underpasses, markets and crossing handmade bridges. The mix of smells like durian, fried food and open sewers tickles the nose while pounding over the patches of pavements. And everywhere are people, friendly people with big smiles. People who always will direct you to the nearest big road, since that’s the only direction they know. I arrived in Jakarta at the end of 1997 and there was a small group of expats who ran on Saturday morning in the Zoo: “Lari Lestari” (Forever running). In the following crisis years the group vanished.

Years later a new group emerged and when I joined my first run at the Jakarta Free Spirit Club it was in the Zoo and there were about a hundred people, most of them expatriates. Now the running fever finally reached Indonesia, at the last Race in Ancol (Adidas King Of The Road), where more than 5,000 people participated. Lots of people are running, during weekdays mostly in the gyms, but also outdoors. Running outdoors is so much better compared to a treadmill, which always gives me the feeling of being a caged animal. Every morning and evening there is a crowd running around Stadium Gelora Bung Karno, one round around the stadium is exactly 1 km. Saturday morning in Ragunan Zoo in South Jakarta is always busy with runners. It’s a large park where the standard round is about 5 km, but I have never managed to run 15km in the Zoo without choosing the same path again. On Sunday morning the place to be is, of course, Sudirman. Take revenge against the traffic jams of the weekdays by jogging the same asphalt strip amid thousands of people walking, biking and even skating. With the Jakarta Race Series it’s easy to choose your goal, 4 runs of 5 km from November until May. You can see your progress from race to race, make lots of new friends and celebrate your addiction to endorphins. For the latest news check out: www.jakartafreespirit.org or look at the Facebook Pages of Indorunners or Jakarta Free Spirit. 

Matt Wiggers

Matt Wiggers, running Dutchman in Jakarta. Can be joined for the long city run (18km+) on Sunday morning from McDonalds Kemang at 6.00am.

Jakarta Expat 12-25 October 2011


Martial Arts

Alliance Jiu-Jitsu: Now available in Indonesia By Deddy Wigraha


lliance Jiu-jitsu is one of the most prominent Brazilian Jiu-jitsu associations, and the current, defending Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu World team champions, having won the team title at the World Championships in 2008, 2009, 2010 and 2011. Alliance Jiu-jitsu was founded by Romero “Jacare” Cavalcanti and his students Fabio Gurgel, Alexandre Paiva and Fernando Gurgel. Alliance Jiu-jitsu won all major competitions in 2010, winning the European Championship, Pan American Championship, and the World Jiu-Jitsu Championship in the same year, an accomplishment which has never been achieved by any other team in history. Alliance Jiu-jitsu Indonesia is located at mybodygym Plaza Senayan Arcadia, every Tuesday and Thursday at 8pm. This class is open to anyone, including absolute beginners who are interested in getting started with this exciting sport. Training will include stretching along with demonstrations and a lot of practice of new

techniques, gradually building through repetition the ability to quickly decide upon and execute effective self techniques in any situations. Benefits of Brazilian Jiu-jitsu Brazilian Jiu-jitsu teaches the most effective self defense techniques in real life threatening situations and enables you to learn techniques specifically designed to beat bigger, stronger and more powerful aggressors. In additions to its practical self defense benefits, learning Brazilian Jiujitsu is great for relieving stress, developing self confidence and achieving a complete body workout. It is also great for increasing strength, power and speed, strengthening abdominal core, improving breathing control and developing lung stamina and muscle endurance. For more info check our website at: www.alliancebjj.com or Facebook fan page: Alliance Jiu-jitsu Indonesia. Or please contact Deddy at 0816-1813334. 

Deddy Wigraha Brazilian Jiu-jitsu was brought to Indonesia in 1998 after Deddy Wigraha came back from his studies in the United States. Deddy is Grappling Coach and Mixed Martial Arts Instructor for Indonesia Mixed Martial Art Organization (OMI).


12-25 October 2011 Jakarta Expat

Personal Tech & Apps

Most Useful Free Health Apps


veryone knows that staying in shape and maintaining good healthy habits are very important. In today's world, that's easier said than done. Enter Health apps. Now these 10 free apps aren't going to do the tough work for you, but they can help in a number of ways. The main purpose of many of these apps is simply to motivate you. Some will provide motivation to keep you running or working out, others to stop you from eating bad food and some to give you that extra motivation needed to lose those last few pounds. If any of these free health apps can help you get healthier or stay healthy, they're worth downloading and giving them a try. 

JogTracker Available for Android.

This useful free Android health app has a very simple function- it can measure your running distance and time. It can be linked to Google Maps so you can track your route, allowing you to explore new areas without losing your way.


Available for Android, BlackBerry, iPhone, Java, Symbian and Windows Mobile.

This is probably the most popular app on this list if you take all the online ratings and reviews seriously. SportyPal is mostly used by runners and cyclists, as it provides distance travelled, time data and various analyses on your performance. If you get into your aerobic exercise and want more info than calories burned and distance travelled, this is the app for you.

CardioTrainer Available for Android.

WeightPad Available for Android.

Another simple free Android health app, WeightPad is exactly what the name implies. You can record your weight and track your progress when you’re trying to shed off a few pounds.

This training tool for runners is not just a running tool. It’s also a general weight loss training app! This is really a useful free Android health app for everyone who’s after losing a pound or two.

www.who.int The World Health Organization (WHO) is a specialised agency of the United Nations (UN) that acts as a coordinating authority on international public health. Established on 7 April 1948, with headquarters in Geneva, Switzerland, the agency inherited the mandate and resources of its predecessor, the Health Organization, which was an agency of the League of Nations. It is a member of the United Nations Development Group. The website features Health Topics presented alphabetically, Data and Statistics, Fact Sheets, along with information on WHO projects around the world. •

Buddy Runner Available for Android.

This is easily one of the most powerful free Android health apps for runners. It records running distance and time, keeps track of running routes, workout pace and more. You can save the data and use it as a reference for future workouts. If you’re into sharing on social networks, it has the capability to let you post records and results on Twitter and Facebook automatically.


Calorie Counter by FatSecret Available for Android, Blackberry & iPhone.

This is among the apps that I would classify as “simple yet powerful” as it’s really just a calorie counter. In addition to that, it allows you to find certain foods’ nutritional facts so you can keep extremely accurate accounting of your daily food intake.

Available for iPhone, Blackberry, iPhone, Palm Medical & Windows Mobile.

This is an app that lists pretty much every single prescription and over-the-counter medicine. If you need to identify a pill you found or mixed up your bottles, this app can help you. Or, if you’re caring for someone who takes a lot of medication and you want to know more about the meds, this app can do that for you as well. Dosing information is also provided. Just about anything you’d ever want to know about any drug on the market is listed.

Lightning Bug Sleep Clock Available for Android.

This isn’t like the previous fitness apps; it will help you relax and get to sleep easier by playing soothing sounds. It can put you to sleep with relaxing sounds and also has the functionality to wake you up with whatever you choose. If you want a nudge towards the direction of getting the most out of your relaxation time, naps and even your night’s sleep, this app is worth a shot.

www.webmd.com WebMD is an American corporation which provides health information services. Its website has information regarding health and health care, including a symptom checklist, pharmacy information, "drugs information", blogs of physicians with specific topics and a place to store personal medical information. As of February 2011, WebMD's network of sites reaches an average of 86.4 million visitors per month and is the leading health portal in the United States. WebMD maintains a dedicated staff of professional journalists and board certified physicians who produce the site's content, and this content undergoes a rigorous medical review process to ensure it is credible and accurate. •

Jakarta Expat 12-25 October 2011


Grumpy Old Men

I Love Indonesia

Nama saya Pak Budi (meaning, my name is Budi…but Budi is like Martin in France, Muller in Germany or John in England. Sebastien with Pak Budi.

By Sebastien Laurent


was on my way to Jepara (the biggest jungle furniture centre in the world, around 2,500 different small, medium and big companies are based there) to visit a few factories. The landscape was beautiful but after a while I realised that I was lost in the middle of nowhere. I know quite well this area but as you know, road signs don’t seem to be a priority for Indonesian governors. As I don’t have a driver, I have to find the way by myself. After a while, I was even more lost, so I decided to call the factory of Pak Budi. Here we are, typically Javanese directions: Me : “Hallo, ini Pak Sebastien. I cannot find your gudang (warehouse). I am lost. I am at the front of Pak Oto’s gudang (everybody knows him in the furniture industry, his factory is more famous than the Empire State building in Jepara). Pak Budi: Oh ya Pak! So you go straight, straight, straight (already, if I followed his indication I would have finished on the beach). Then you will see a mosque, a green-blue one (all fancy mosques there have green-blue trendy swimming pool tiles applied on the wall). Then you turn to the left, you go straight straight, straight until you see a minimarket (name of a mini mini supermarket, Indonesia has more minimarkets than America has diners). Then you go straight straight, straight, straight until the Pertamina Pompa Benzin (petrol station, Indonesia has more Pertamina Pompa Benzins than Italy has pizza places). Then you will

see THE mosque (certainly the one with pink-purple tiles in a shape of a giant cheese cake). In the meantime, I had already passed over 25 mosques that could have fit the colour and the shape with the sleeping beauty castle at Disneyland. Pak Budi: Then you turn to the left where you will see a warung pecel lele (small resto selling cat fish…there are more people selling cat fish in Indonesia than people selling marijuana in Amsterdam). Then straight, straight, straight until you see a mosque (not a joke ya). This mosque is the BIG one ya (meaning the three others ones were small). Then, then, then, then...

woke me up from my thoughts with a genius idea. Pak Budi: THEN YOU ASK WHERE MY GUDANG IS! Nama saya Pak Budi (meaning, my name is Budi…but Budi is like Martin in France, Muller in Germany or John in England. A few million of them are alive in this country and a few hundred of them have furniture factories in Jepara!). I was at a point that I expected another brilliant indication like a physical description of himself like, “I am wearing a batik shirt, brown pants and I always wear a black kopiah.” You know what? Believe it or not, I found it. Pak Budi was waiting for me at the front with a big smile and said, “Easy to find ya?”

Pak Budi himself seemed confused. I still love Indonesia.  Pak Budi: Sebentar, sebentar (a moment please). I could hear him asking around how he could explain the directions to me in a better way, but the people around him certainly thought that his explanations were very clear and precise, so they kept quiet. After a few seconds and some strange words and sounds he returned with, “Ooohhhh”, “Susssaaa”, “Gituuuu”, “Gak tauuu”, and a BIG, “Ohh YA PAK tau!” During the time Pak Budi was talking to himself, I had time to look around at all the nice small hills and imagining the life in this area 80 years ago... beautiful. Pak Budi suddenly

Sebastien laurent Sebastien is an antiques dealer. To rant and rave at him email: sebastienlaurent@hotmail.com


12-25 October 2011 Jakarta Expat

Light Entertainment

Are you Mr. Magoo, too? A by Eamonn Sadler

s I slide at break-neck speed down the slippery slope of life towards the age of 50, I can’t help but notice that things are starting to change. For instance there are pills and creams in my bathroom cabinet now. Vitamins, skin creams, herbs. Even emergency gout medicine. All undeniable signs of my increasing seniority, along with the grunting noise I have started to make every time I get into or out of a comfy chair. The most inconvenient of all the ageing signs so far though is that my once perfect eyesight now requires correction by a pair of minus 0.75 glasses. I didn’t realise I needed glasses at all until

someone remarked that it was amazing that at my age I didn’t yet wear them. In response I jokingly threw on a pair belonging to a friend and was amazed when I saw that the whole world is not actually slightly blurred after arm’s length at all. Of course I actually knew that, but I guess my eyes had been getting worse so slowly that I got used to the slight blurriness and accepted it as normal.

move around the house at will and pop up in places I don’t remember going , and when I finally find them they always need cleaning. People say I should get “bi-focals” so I don’t need to take them off all the time, but I will resist doing so until my dying breath because they sound like something a senior citizen would have worn in 17th century England along with a codpiece and a ruff.

I have been wearing my “spectacles” for about three weeks now and I just can’t get used to it. I need to take them off to read and put them on again to see anything further away, and I manage to lose them at some point in the process almost every time. They seem to

Having now experienced driving with my glasses, I can’t believe that I am still alive after so many years of driving without them and, perhaps more importantly, that I haven’t killed anyone else either (not that I saw anyway). There should definitely be mandatory

Last Edition’s Winner…

annual eye tests for every person over 40 who wants to drive. How many people are driving around just like I was, unaware of what they can’t see? There are definitely millions of unsuspecting invisible pedestrians all over the world in great peril from an omnipresent Mr. Magoo, especially at night. But the most annoying part comes when I ride my motorbike. I have lost count of how many times I have walked up to the bike, taken off my glasses and placed them on the seat, put on my helmet, and then forgetten all about the glasses before swinging my leg over the bike and crashing down on them ass first with my full body weight. So far my original pair has been

Caption Competition It seems that not everybody recognised that it was Warren Buffet with US President Obama! The winner of the caption competition is Danny P. from Tebet. Thanks Danny, call the caption competition number to claim your prize!

“So as you can see Mr. President, the government actually owes me four billion dollars...”


0811 999603



1. Wind-blown seeds and fluff (11) 9. Deal finally with (3,4,2) 10. Not strict (3) 11. Healed - smoked (5) 13. Pastoral poem (7) 14. Very well behaved (2,4,2,4) 15. See 15 (6) 18. Oil race (anag) (7) 20. Prevent from happening (5) 21. Take a pew (3) 22. Expression of support for what you are doing (4,5,2,4,5) 24. See 22 (11)

2. Headgear (3) 3. Person unspecified or abjured (2-3-2) 4. Paying guest (6) 5. Amusing (5) 6. Object of fruitless chase (4,5) 7. Exception to general rule (7,4) 8. Outlay (11) 12. Opera by Verdi (9) 16. Surgical implement (7) 17. Extreme fear (6) 19. Senseless violent person (5) 23. Pay court to (3)

flexible enough to survive, but I think I wil be spending a lot more money on glasses before I lay eyes on the great optometrist in the sky. 

To find out more about live stand-up comedy in Indonesia please e-mail jakarta@thecomedyclub.asia text or call 0821 1194 3084 or register at www.thecomedyclub.asia

This Edition’s Competition…


PopularTweet @tempodulu:

“At a cheap u.s restaurant and the waitress asked “paha” or “dada”. I said “pantant” and she went to get the manager.”

*Answers for Edition 53 Across: 1. Rest 3. Peaceful 8. Cone 9. Primrose 11. Cat burglar 14. Rattle 15. Dibley 17. Anticlimax 20.Palliate 21. Stay 22. Nutshell 23. Used

Down: 1. Race card 2. Sanctity 4. Enrage 5. Compatible 6. Fool 7. Leek 10. Outlandish 12. Clematis 13. Lynx-eyed 16. Pistol 18. Span 19. Flit

Jakarta Expat 12-25 October 2011



Fitter Feet By Emily Sparkel


f you grew up in a western country you probably had to keep your shoes on all day and you learned to walk, play, and jump with your feet wrapped (trapped) in them. Now that you are adults, next to treating them with weekly pedicure treatments and foot reflexology, you probably pay little attention to your feetor how their muscles are used. Why the foot muscles? Because our feet are our body’s foundation, just as a foundation of a building must be level and stable to support the structure above, the feet must be balanced and sturdy to support the legs, spine, arms and head. If your base is tilted or collapsed, it will effect through the body as misalignments. Adding to the complexity, our feet have to be mobile and at the same time flexible and strong as they bear the body weight in standing, walking or running.

Balanced vs. unbalanced feet. This is the print of a balanced, neutral foot:

This is the anatomy of a hyperpronated foot (left picture) and oversupinated foot (right picture):

By practicing yoga poses that strengthen and stretch the muscles, joints and connective tissue of the foot and ankle, your foot health, posture and overall health will improve. Your body reflects the health of your feet; therefore healthy feet result in a healthy body. Treat your feet well and your body will appreciate you. 

Hyperpronation and Poor Posture

Excessive pronation within the foot causes excessive internal rotation of the lower limbs which force the muscles in the legs to work in a different way. This repeated motion with every single step eventually leads to the development of muscle imbalances. Because movement, or patterns of movement in one part of the body will affect all other parts, the problems continue up through the body, affecting the back, shoulders and neck.

Oversupination and Poor Posture Neutral Foot

Check if you have unbalanced feet, which is either overpronated (hyperpronated) or over-supinated, by taking a print of your foot. Hyperpronated footprint:


If you put more body weight on the inside of the foot, in particular the heel and arch, which occurs naturally when you stand, walk or run, it means you have hyperpronated feet. This is also known as fallen arch, or flat feet. When standing, pronation occurs as the foot rolls inwards and the arch of the foot flattens. The foot rolls in, which causes the lower leg to turn inwards putting the knee and hip out of alignment and can cause the back to be rotated. If you put more body weight on the outside of the foot when you stand, walk or run, it means you have oversupinated feet. When standing, supination occurs as the foot rolls outwards, placing most of the weight onto the outside of the foot and raising the arch.

Oversupinated footprint:


strength you may need to undo years of poor foot posture. Any pose that strengthens the lower leg and foot muscles will help improve foot problems as well as increase circulation, reduce leg cramping, help reduce swollen ankles, and create stability in the body.

Pronation allows the foot to absorb shock and mould to the surface of the ground. Therefore in oversupinated feet, shock absorption is reduced. The weight burden normally absorbed by the foot is then passed up the lower limb. Oversupination is far more rare than overpronation and causes problems for runners and other athletes. Oversupination also causes an increased external (lateral) rotation force to be placed on the shin, knee and thigh which places additional strain on the muscles, tendons and ligaments of the lower limb.

How Yoga Helps in Feet-balancing

Yoga may be the only exercise that pays great attention to the bottom of the feet therefore it is always done barefooted. Yoga poses increase muscle tone and stretch the foot muscles and connective tissues. Bringing flexibility and strength to the feet, toes and ankles can lead to overall better alignment for the body. By creating proper foot alignment, the rest of the body will come to a better alignment.

Yoga Stretches for the Feet

Proper alignment of the feet in all yoga poses is an important component in maintaining good foot health as well as energetically grounding to the earth. Proper alignment of the feet includes grounding though the four corners of the feet (the big toe mound, the baby toe mound, the inner heel and the outer heel), lifting the arches, and equally distributing weight between each foot. Lifting the toes towards the sky while standing helps to activate the foot muscles. Lift the arches up by engaging the muscles of the bottom of the feet. Ground the feet through the four corners of the feet. Don’t be surprised if lifting the arches doesn’t come easily. It takes time to retrain the body, and along with building new

Emily Sprakel Emily is a certified Iyengar Yoga instructor who teaches at the Iyengar Yoga Centres in Kemang and Serpong. She can be reached at emilyxemily@gmail.com


Business & Networking

Internations Expat Gathering October 2011, Tue, 25 Oct 2011

12-25 October 2011 Jakarta Expat

Saturday, 15 October 2011 Paul Ogata & Rob Brown Comedy starts 8PM Sharp For further information and reservations: * Phone: +6282111943084 * Email : jakarta@thecomedyclub.asia * SMS : +6282111943084 Location: TBA on RSVP www.thecomedyclubindo.com

Kemang Sunday Market Sun, 23 Oct 2011 - Sun, 06 Nov 2011

The InterNations team in Jakarta is delighted to announce our next exciting social event.

KEMANG SUNDAY MARKET will be held the Sunday October, 23 & November, 6 from 7 am to 3

Friends and family are welcome to join the event - we want as many people to participate as possible. However do encourage them to join InterNations and RSVP to the event, as it makes it easier to plan the food and drinks and they get to pay less at the door. RSVP through the InterNations website: www.internations.org Location: TBA on RSVP


Jakarta Comedy Club Presents Paul Ogata & Rob Brown Thu, 13 Oct 2011 - Sat, 15 Oct 2011 Paul Ogata . Headlining this October, we are truly excited to welcome back Paul Ogata with his all new show. Comedy does not get much bigger and better than this so book early ! Not only a master of stand-up, Paul has performed in big screen movies, numerous TV appearances including CBS’ “The Late Show” and won the prestigious San Francisco International Comedy Competition. WITH Rob Brown. Rob Brown has become one of Australia’s leading stand-up comedians and with performances in Singapore, Malaysia, New Zealand, UK and the US, Rob can truly be called an international act. His route to the upper echelons of stand-up comedy has been somewhat unconventional and extraordinary, as you will find out during his show and afterwards in the bar! Thursday, 13 October 2011 Paul Ogata & Rob Brown Comedy starts 8PM Sharp

Bazaar & Shopping

Announcements Wild Alaskan White & Red King Salmon have Arrived in Riva! In October RIVA is proud to feature Wild White Salmon & Red King Salmon on the menu. The Red Salmon (Sockeye) weigh up to 7 pounds and are valuable due to their high oil content and ability to hold their bright red flesh color. King, Sockeye (Red) and Coho (Silver) salmon are the most sought after, being bright, firm and rich in flavor. Chef de Cuisine Renaud Le Rasle will prepare them pan seared or grilled medium, served with vegetable casserole and lemongrass ginger sauce. For more information & reservations please contact RIVA at 8282000 ext. 2067 or email to riva@wwwparklanejakarta.com.

pm. The project is to bring an exciting and quality Sunday with family by visiting out Sunday market. Which there will be plenty of food & drink product, organic vegetables, books, handmade product, fashion, and of course plenty of games. (Putt-putt, laser games, bocce, board games, etc.) It will be also a green zone Sunday market. (NO PLASTIC BAG). There will be only 20 tents for participation, so please join us ASAP if you are interested. For more info: www.facebook.com/pages/ KEMANG-SUNDAY-MARKET/2746264 79233916?sk=wall Location: Jalan Kemang Raya 16A, Jakarta, Indonesia 12160 Email: kemangsm@gmail.com

Jakarta Expat 12-25 October 2011


Global Expatriate News

Expat Snippets from Around the World Australians quietly suffer health, obesity crisis Australia has long been known as a healthy nation thanks to its citizens’ passion for sports and active, outdoor lifestyles. Unfortunately, a recent survey by international health insurer Bupa is likely to shake this perception. The survey, which covered 13,000 people from 12 countries, found 60% of Australians are overweight according to their body mass index measurements (an indicator of body fat calculated in proportion to a person’s height and weight). Only the US and Saudi Arabia showed higher obesity rates. Australia ranked third alongside Britain. What’s more, Australians themselves don’t seem to see the problem. Only a third of the 1,200 Australians surveyed said they felt they were overweight. Based on this, as many as a half of all overweight Australians may not realize they are overweight. The findings went beyond weight, however, to include information regarding alcohol abuse and mental health. Bupa’s survey found three quarters of Australians consume alcohol regularly and one fifth had suffered from depression. Australia came in second to Britain in terms of alcohol abuse and had the highest rates of depression. China, New Zealand and Saudi Arabia had the next highest level of depression–Thailand reported the lowest rate at just 7%. Dr. Umberto Boffa, Head of Bupa Medical Services in Australia, attributed the lack of health awareness to the fact that life expectancy is increasing in Australia. This has led to a false sense of security even as the incidence rates for chronic diseases, such as diabetes, are on the rise. ”The rate of heart attack is going down, the rate of stroke is going down, yet we’ve never been fatter,” he said. Boffa added that the main culprit for Australia’s health crisis was “the tyranny of normality.” People assume being overweight is normal, which in turn leads to complacency about their diet. Source: Expat Health

Hong Kong has highest number of chronic illnesses abroad Nearly half of Hong Kong residents say they suffer from a chronic illness such as obesity, depression, heart disease, asthma, diabetes or cancer, according to Bupa’s 2011 Health Pulse Survey. 49% of Hong Kong respondents said they suffered from a chronic condition, compared to an average 38% across 11 countries (the UK, Spain, Australia, Mexico, India, US, Brazil. China, New Zealand, Saudi Arabia and Thailand). Over 13,000 people of different demographics participated in the survey. The Health Pulse Survey concluded this to be primarily the result of poor exercise habits–3 of the top 10 causes of death in Hong Kong could be prevented through better exercise habits. 70% of people in Hong Kong admitted to doing less than 2 hours of physical activity each week, 21% of whom said they did not exercise at all. International averages for the survey were 55% and 18%, respectively. Still, over half of respondents said they would like to exercise more. 49% indicated work commitments were preventing them from exercising as much as they would like. More than two thirds added that they would be more motivated to exercise if they did so as part of a group. The World Health Organization (WHO) recommends adults age 18-64 should do at least 150 minutes of “moderate-intensity aerobic physical activity” each week, in addition to two hours of muscle strengthening activity. Source: Expat Health


12-25 October 2011 Jakarta Expat

Classifieds automotives Looking for 2nd hand family car, preferable Toyota Avanza. Please e-mail info to: bohay_lia@yahoo.com

For sale Porsche 997 Turbo 2007, yellow color, KM 8,000. Form B. call 08111881214

BMW 320i 2008 ultimate with Solid Black color. a sport sedan vehicle with auto-tiptronik transmission, low mileage, custom red interior, mint condition both interior & exterior, registration due August 2012, all risk insured. Satisfaction guarantee!! for price info n picture request please dont hesitate to text or reach me at 08159264433 or email at jessy. rumamby@gmail.com

Mercy Tiger 1981, 280 karbulator, Matic original, Silver metallic, four headrest, one armrest, Black interior, velg racing Ring 16 eight hole, Cold AC, power window, central lock, Audio single disc alpine, Power 4 channel Skeleton 1 pc, Subwoofer 12 inch 1 pc, Speaker split machroom, 100 mill call 08111 88 1214.

Property For Sale Apartment For Sale: Beverly Tower @ Simatupang-Jakarta Selatan. 3+1 BR (1BR Very Spacious), 2+1 Bathroom. 293m2. 1st Floor. Balcony & Garden (spacious:approx 90m2). Electricity 10,600 watt, Phone 1 line, AC 6 unit, Water Heater, Fully Furnished. Building Facility: Newly renovated Tennis court and Swimming pool, Function room, Squash court, Kids Playground, BBQ, Convenience Store, 24 hours Technician and Security guard, Unlimited Car space, Reliable Building Management. JIS (Jakarta International School) and Supermarket within walking distance, Only 5 mins (by car) to Pondok Indah Mall and 2 mins to Clandak Town Square, 15 mins to Kemang, less than 10 mins from HighScope. Also perfect for investment. For inquiries: 0815-1947-6709. For Sale Office spaces in a building at Thamrin, start from 66 m2. price Rp. 16 mill/m2, free overtime, Parking space in front of the unit. Musa 021-98386777 Jakarta Residences, Cosmo Mansion, Thamrin City, 100 M from Grand Indonesia. 3 BR, FF. For photos and details, please refer to: http://jakarta-residences-apartment. blogspot.com/ Sri Widayati widayati_sri@yahoo.com

For rent Lovely furnished, renovated 2 BR apartment for lease at The Essence Dharmawangsa, South Jakarta. One full bathroom, separate living room, a closet and a kitchen. Free access to swimming pool, gym, tennis court, children’s playroom and dedicated garage parking space. 24-hour doorman available in the lobby. Also on the complex: café, convenience store and laundry. USD 1,400/mo, 1 yr min. Apartment service fees covered. Contact 0811-85-2620 or sgsirait@ gmail.com. Fully furnished Studio Room for single in a tranquil and green Senayan area, carpark available. The rental rate is IDR. 5 million per month. Electricity, TV cable, cleaning service and laundry included. For further information : 0815 871 6707

FOR RENT!! Jl. Puri Mutiara VI no. 18 D, Jakarta Selatan. Land Area 1900 sqm, Building Area 600sqm, 100m to Kemang, 1 km to Fatmawati Hospital, 1 km to Cilandak Town Square. Beautiful house with 4 bedrooms ( 2 master bedroom at first floor and the second floor / 2 medium bedrooms at 2nd floor), 3 bathrooms, nice living room, a maid’s quarters (consist of 2 bedroom for maid, 1 kitchen, beautiful in front and backyard garden with swimming pool, and huge garage up to 6 cars. Located in a safe neighborhood area, quite area. For more info please contact : 0813-88265440 (Mr Toddy Tjokro/ toddy.tjokro@gmail.com) or 0812-8950101(Mrs tasha Tjokro/ tashanderella@gmail.com) Apartment for lease: Elegant, newly semi-furnished 4-bedroom, 3-bathroom unit on 3rd floor, in Essence Complex, Darmawangsa area. Marble & Parquet floors, new and high-quality cabinetry, curtains and appliances. New building with all amenities: gym, pool, tennis, convenience store. Expat-managed. $2200/mo. 1 year min. 08128762042, or 0811170546 Apartment for rent. Walking distance from Plaza Indonesia, and Grand Indonesia, about 150 meters. There’s water heater. A one (1) bed room apartment. Big swimming pool. Rp.5,500,000 per month. Water and electricity are excluded. My cellphone no. 08129054627 Looking for a Villa in Bali? Book our newly built villa in Sanur (near Batu Jimbar Cafe). Price: 360 USD/day. A single bedroom only is 100 USD/day. For more info, email wybe. valkema@gmail.com

House for sublease at Jalan Galuh, Blok M, close to JIS Patimura. 5

bedrooms, nice pool and garden. For enquiries, please call 0811843050 or email ata.indrestriata@tetrapak.com Available soon. An absolute beach front apartment, Tanjung Benoa - Bali, 2 levels/2ensuite brooms, fully screened, non smoking, fully furnished, daily cleaning, pick up/drop off airport. Min 3 nights, short/long term. Serious only email to starbenoa@rocketmail.com Brand new private villas complex for holiday rental in Bali. Book our 2 en suite bedrooms private pool villa in Canggu Berawa (400meters away from Berawa beach). Villa facility: Free entrance and usage the facilities in Canggu Club, daily villa shuttle, free WI-FI, etc. Price starting from USD 250/Night include breakfast for 4 pax Further info, booking and reservation - Email: info@buddhagardenvilla.com Phone: 0361.8445130

Unique villa in the green foothills of Mount Merapi. A beautiful 100-year old Javanese joglo, fully restored to a high standard with original antiques. 3 double bedrooms, big lounge and garden with barbeque. Clean air and natural well water. For further details please check out: www.jogloago.com or 08123563626 Land lease offering / bar business for sale - Strategically located in Tuban Bali, right next to the airport extension project, opposite of Harris Hotel Tuban. A 16 years pre-paid lease of a 200m2 lot with a two story building offering a business area of 250m2. Suitable for any commercial purpose but available and equipped as a complete bar & resto business. For more info: edo_frese@yahoo.com

jobs looking for work Gardner/Pool Man/Dog’s Best Friend Tino is invaluable! Tino has been our gardener for 3 years. His responsibilities have been to care for and cut the grass, maintain the plants and flowers and keep the patio area clean. Due to his great gardening skills we have a beautiful garden. Tino also maintains the pool and keeps it in immaculate condition. Tino has taken wonderful care of our 80 pound Black Lab for 3 years. He works overtime during our summer leave and during other vacation times. He walks “Max” twice a day, grooms him and gives him weekly baths. He is an excellent caregiver! As we are leaving Jakarta, Tino will be greatly missed. Tino is honest and hardworking and is always on time. His English is limited but this has never to be an issue. Tino will be available for new employment on October 10. Please call Glenda 0812 1092 4347 I hold a Bachelor Degree in English Language Education, and Magister Degree in Financial Management. I provide tutorial MATHS for primary students of grade 4 up to grade 6 and Other Subjects, ENGLISH for lower and upper secondary students, TOEFL Prep, BAHASA INDONESIA

for Expatriates at your place in South Jakarta area, Bintaro and Alam Sutera. Please contact Ms. Tika: 0811836501 or e-mail: kartikaika_2000@yahoo.com Looking for a new position. Indonesian Nationalized Expat (Ex Brit). Last position G.M. Operations, Electronic Security Systems, for an Intl. security company. I’ve tried sitting by the pool watching time pass by, but retirement is not for me, not for the next few years. I am looking for challenging productive employment. Anything reasonable considered. For further info, CV, contact Ron: 081510330402. ronsjkt@yahoo.co.uk

vacancies Looking for a job as a Marketing? Interest? Send CV to online@ptmaximillian.com Christina Siregar. PT Maximillian, Jl. Batu Jajar No. 35a Jakarta Pusat 10120 Publishing House is looking for a graphic designer. Must have at least 2 years experience with another publication and fluent with Adobe Indesign & Photoshop. Able to work under pressure to meet deadlines. Please send your resume to: info@jakartaexpat.biz I’m looking for a good teacher who can teach my son (14 years old) to play the guitar (in English language, both classical & musical) once a week in the evening. We live in Taman Kemayoran Condominium (near PRJ). Please contact me at ashok. saboo@adityabirla.com, mobile # 081546508050. We are looking for a maid/cook for a family of three. Live in or out is okay and we live in ponkok indah. We are looking for someone who can read and speak good english and has worked with expats before. Will need to be able to cook a variety of western dishes and be able to cook from receipes in english, needs to have a good understanding of clean practices and come with good references. Please reply at ianjennyhome@gmail.com My wife and I are looking for a live in maid that wouldn’t mind cooking a few times a week and helping with our 10 month old periodically. We live in pondok indah. You can email at palexevans@gmail.com or SMS at 081286020735, Alex Evans We are looking for a sales person/ (possible future manager) for a gallery of Indonesian antiques, gem-stones and jewelry. You must speak good Indonesian and English, have an interest in and some knowledge of Indonesian antiques, gemstones and jewelry. Small basic salary to start, but for the right person potential commissions could be large. Send informal letter andresume to: dmulia98@yahoo.com. If you have good contacts in Jakarta society all the better. I am a korean mother. Looking for English tutor for me. I’m going to British school Bintaro every morning and staying until 12pm. So I want to tuition place in BIS. If you want to teaching for me, contact to me. My level is wall street institute waystage 2. 0813-8234-6916 Yunju Lee. Looking for a tennis partner, for my 9 year old son to share tennis lesson on Tuesdays from 5.30 to 6PM in Dharmawangsa. Please call Violaine at

08 19 08 28 50 00 I’m looking for somebody who can teach my daughter to play the gitar. We live in the Kemang area. Please contact me at karinzwan@gmail.com


Medical evacuation health & life insurance. Let us diagnose your needs. Contact paul beale, mobile: +62 816 137 0663, office: 021-5220990 Email: paulbeale@gms-financial.com “If you need some one to take care of or build IT infrastructure for your office or residence just call us at +628129253766 or email fajar@munificent-indonesia. com. We specialize on Data Center, Microsoft Product (database, email, etc), networking infrastructure, Web based application, GPS Tracking system for your cars, room automation” Looking to be fluent in Indonesian? Look no further. US graduate passionate about languages is keen to teach and tutor all levels, all ages. Knows Norwegian, Italian and basic knowledge in many others. Available on weekends, and weekday after work or by appointment. 0812. 9442.5912/ 2778C14C/ fthomas@uw.edu When you need a rent car with driver for only rp 350/10 hours (Indonesian prices for Foreigners) weekdays,email to: irentcar@hotmail.co.id for reservation. Private Piano Lesson for Children Contact : 08561486750 Airport transfer, car hire & rental services in Jakarta & Java. Quote ‘Jakarta Expat’ to receive 50,000Rp voucher when making a booking, valid till 31st October 2011. Jl Jembatan Tiga Raya 5AH, Jakarta Utara, Indonesia 14450. 24 Hrs Hotline: 08788 6585 966. BBM: 2314C613. Visit www.jakartaairporttransfer.com Bali Private swimming teacher All level & age. Leo: 081338704319 Yoga in Pondok Indah. Group and Private Classes by a Qualified Instructor. For further info pls contact: 082110155561 My name is Ingrid, and I am running an orphanage for abandoned babies and toddlers in Cipete, Yayasan Lestari Sayang Anak. Website: www.lestarisayanganak.org Our wishlist consists of the following items: - monthly stock of cleaning- and baby supplies e.g. Rinso, SOSsuperpel, and baby soap, shampoo, minyak telon, powder, wet tissues ... - a baby stroller for babies from newborn and up. - a scale to weigh the babies. - monetairy support Thanks very much, your donations will be used well. Ingrid (hp. 08179189727) Silver has been used as a healing agent and “antibiotic” since the time of the ancient Greeks. After the creation of modern antibiotics in the early 20th century, it has been largely forgotten. However as it becomes clearer that modern antibiotics (although wonderful in life-threatening situations) have serious long-lasting

Jakarta Expat 12-25 October 2011


Classifieds side effects, colloidal silver is now starting to be marketed all over the world—but at very high prices. This IONIC SILVER WATER is equally (in some cases more) effective; it is made in Java by a European and is 1/6- 1/10 the price of the imported colloidal silver. The cost is only Rp.50,000 (about $6) for a bottle that will last for 10-15 days (depending on dosage). It seems to be effective for 650 kinds of ailments including Malaria. For further information and free samples (for those who are ill or wish to market this product) email dmulia98@yahoo.com or call/sms to 0811824302. Learn Mandarin. With Native Chinese Teacher . Please Call : 0897-8143-855 Need Indonesia-English private teacher and translator. Please contact Devi on 085888743849. Available only on weekend and after office hours.

For sale, ¼ violin outfit , including shoulder rest pad and rosin, Rp 550,000. Bluesky Wine cooler BWM 106, Rp 350,000. Carpets, Rp 450,000 and 300,000. Varies Paintings, Rp 100,000-200,000. Please SMS 081399906271 for detail info. Thanks. Independent business consultant 081 88 555 88 / (021) 928 777 63

We are new online store for Original Sanca Snake Skin Clutch Best quality from Jambi-Made in Jakarta, Indonesia Made by order take 3-5 days work depend on the availability of the material. You can choose your own colour too – please check the colour … special design by WONGSTER. So what are you waiting for - come check out our product here a www.duniashopping.com!

COLOURFULARTpainting classes in Kemang. • Easy, fun, creative, mixed media. Fully equipped studio. No materials needed. Mondays, 9am 1pm easy oils. Thursdays, 9am - 1pm creative mixed mediums. Kemang barat. Beginners welcome, meet new friends. For more info contact madeleine eve. colourfulart@mac.com. ph 08121135008. follow colourfulART studio on facebook Eve Art.

Need somewhere interesting to visit at weekends? Entertaining visitors from overseas? Come to Animal Sanctuary Trust Indonesia (ASTI) near Bogor to see rehabilitation of endangered animal species in action. Check www.animalsanctuarytrustindonesia.org for details, and contact Annette (annette.asti@hotmail.com ; 08161834057) to make your booking.

Need a Costume? For Surprize Party, Farewell Party, Gathering, Compant Event, Birthday, Halloween, etc. Please visit: www.kostumku.com or come to our store : ITC Permata Hijau, 2 Floor, Blok B10 #6-7, South Jakarta. Rental Sell - Customized for Kids and Adult. Available in Jakarta for private discourse on: Spirituality, philosophy, metaphysics. Clear out confusion in your life. Discover answers. Start living in truth, a wholesome life. email for appointment: etherealsciences@gmail.com

1. For sale souvenir gift salt & pepper 350 pcs. 5,mill. phone 08111 88 1214 2. Babylist pro Titanium roller hair set Rp. 700,000,-, New Wigo hair dryer 1000 watt Rp. 600,000. Phone 08111 88 1214 Hand-made Batik bed spreads with matching pillow cases. King 450,000. Queen 350,000.Single 250.000 idr. Why nor renew your cushions and sofa covers with bright and beautiful batik. We can make to order. Please SMS Desi: 08128295914

Jakarta Memory Game by Werkgroep ‘72. Charity Organization.Price IDR 100.000. 40 colorful pictures of Jakarta For sale: JICC or contact www.werkgroep72.org Antiques and jewelry—an important source in Jakarta and Bali is looking for new potential upmarket outlets in the Kemang or Menteng area (or in Bali)--“kerja sama” or commission basis. Must have good traffic and/or contacts. We are the best. Please contact: 0811824302.

“Selling Original Tag Heuer, Salvatore Ferragamo and Aigner watches for Gents. Brand New and 100% Authentic. Serious Only. Ready for meet-up Ph. 08989555000 request pic possible” I have an Arbor and Troy gift voucher valued at 12,000.000 (twelve million). At this point I do not need any furniture and would be willing to sell the voucher for 8,500.000. The voucher is valid up until December 31st 2011. If interested please call 08119442681 Do you have too much stuff? Planning to go back home to your own country? We buy used goods like furniture, electronic, clothing, sport equipment, house hold, bag, shoes, etc. Contact : 08179960881 (Jacqueline)

For sale: few batak hand woven “ulos”, want to see picture, Contact: +62 81 797 55 729

Need a professional photographer for your events: company event, prewedding photo, wedding day photo & Video, Family Photo, Birthday photo, please call: 08111881214 or e-mail: dian.corry@gmail.com

Does anyone have an adult bicycle that they would like to sell? please contact me at: Linda 08111 66 2853


Buitenzorg Rent Car. English speaking driver, reliable secure driving service. Hasan email: mahdi.franzkafka_1977@yahoo.co.uk A full time Bahasa Indonesia instructor has some openings for expats interested to have Bahasa Indonesia lessons. Please call 08121037466.

European family is searching for a house with garden and swimming pool in Kemang, Kuningan, Menteng or Cipete. Price around 2.300,= USD. Please sent your info via: simpelheid@hotmail.com

ABC Acai Berry Soft Gel (Double Effects) is a 100% natural product, which helps on fast fat reducing and also beautifying your skin. ABC Acai Berry Soft Gel with its Unique formula on Pure Acai Berry and many other carefully selected Chinese herbs will benefit you like never before. 1 bottle containing 30 capsules for Rp. 250.000 to be delivered for free in Jakarta. Info: 081317722271 Hi. My name is Stevanus. I am the owner of Wild Wild West Cafe n Resto which is located in Citraland Surabaya. My cafe used to be named Black Canyon Coffee, which is franchised from Thailand. We decided to end the franchise as our customers are mainly western which prefer western food than Thai food. We are looking for partners who know what the expertise in what western expatriates looking for in a resto/cafe, ambience, food, wine etc. Our customers include expatriates teachers from Surabaya International school, Sekolah Ciputra, Singapore National Academy, US Consulate, Surabaya Taiwan School etc. Every friday evening, teachers from these schools gather for drinks at our place, on saturday evening we have expatriates who love cycling come to our place for drinks after their cycling. My vision is to make my resto the meeting and hangout place for the expatriates, able to provide the ambience and food and drinks that cater to their taste, hopefully can become their 2nd home. If anyone is interested in becoming our partner can contact me @ 0858 5021 5000

1. For Sale : SONGKET, around 200 years old originating from court of Sultan of Goa, Makassar, said to have gold thread in it. Used for ceremonial occasions. Length 126 cm, width 60 cm, weight 770 grams. Further info phone Ms. Dessy Hp. 021.95798972. 2. For Sale : Stamp collection for sale in 16 albums. Some rather old stamps included. Information as to countries involved available. Further info Ms. Dessy Hp 021.95798972 3. For Sale : You want to fill up your Library? For sale many hard cover and soft cover books Re history, religion, Art, Travelling. Further info Ms. Dessy Hp. 021.95798972

PopularTweet @Angela_Jelita:

“I paid 2 million in doctors fees and testing and all i got from the doctor was: drink yakult!”

Furniture for sale. I have a selection of original, unusual and distinctive pieces of furniture for sale. For photos, full details and regular updates please go to: www.facebook.com/bethbonesdesign Currently listed: • Twin purple Balinese style chair RP 750.000 for the pair • White hanging bird cages. From RP 250.000 • Red tin hanging wall lights RP 250.000 • Antique side table RP 2.000.000 Steel framed red chair RP 400.000. Lizzie: 0821 10 899 522 Sweet rescue cats (rescued as kittens). Now all grown up and looking for good homes. All are loving, live indoor and have been sterilized. Contact Perry @ 0812-825-2225 or Lisa @ 0812-9259966 for more information. The cheapest outlet furniture factory shop only at www.toko-murah.info Cheap delivery every week to Jakarta.

Post your classified ads for free to:

ads@jakartaexpat.biz Next deadline: 19th Oktober 2011


12-25 October 2011 Jakarta Expat

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