Jakarta Expat - issue 74 - Traps & Opportunities

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Jakarta Expat­­ · ­­18 July - 31 July 2012

Indonesia's Largest Expatriate Readership


74th Edition


18th July - 31st July 2012

• Cruising in Jogjakarta by Slawek Kozdras


Jakarta Expat­­ · ­18 July - 31 July 2012

Dear Readers, 74th Edition | 18 July - 31 July 2012

Editor in Chief Angela Richardson angela@jakartaexpat.biz Assistant Editor Cecilia Forsman cecilia@jakartaexpat.biz Management Edo Frese edo@jakartaexpat.biz Sales Dian Mardianingsih ads@jakartaexpat.biz Silvia Forsman silvia@jakartaexpat.biz Distribution Dian Mardianingsih dian@jakartaexpat.biz Graphics Adietyo Randualas didiet@jakartaexpat.biz Finance & Admin Pertiwi Gianto Putri tiwi@jakartaexpat.biz Lini Verawaty lini@jakartaexpat.biz Contributors Dachlan Cartwright Juan G. Leysner Jason Hue Melanie Manuel David Metcalf Daniel Newcomer Tegar Putuhena Antony Sutton Julia Tchezganova Editorial Enquiries letters@jakartaexpat.biz Circulation Enquiries info@jakartaexpat.biz Subscription info@jakartaexpat.biz Events events@jakartaexpat.biz Jakarta Expat is published bi-weekly by PT. Koleksi Klasik. Opinions expressed in this publication are those of the writers and the publisher does not accept any responsibility for any errors, ommisions, or complaints arising there from.

“A man who misses his opportunity, and monkey who misses his branch, cannot be saved.” - Hindu Proverb This issue is themed ‘Traps and Opportunities’, antonyms that make Indonesia what it is. What one might see as a pile of rubbish, a hungry opportunist will see as a way to score his next meal by collecting what he can to sell for recycling. We see traps being turned into opportunities everywhere in Jakarta, from blind corners being manned to aid vehicles through in return for coins, jockeys who use the three-in-one rule in their favour, and even youngsters using the rain as a way of earning money by ushering people to and from their cars with the protection of an umbrella. On a different scale of entrapment, Jason Hue investigates human labour in Indonesia, a country which surprisingly is one of the highest exporters of human labour in the world. Julia Tchezganova is a new contributor who has the ins and outs about owning land in Indonesia, a trap many expats fall into without knowing the full details. Julia will be writing about all kinds of laws and legalities that apply to our readers so look out for more from her soon. On the history side, we have a very moving article about a Dutch comfort woman trapped in a horrific situation in the Second World War in Indonesia. This is a must read by Antony Sutton. What was once a trap of hot ash and

lava is now an opportunity for many hikers seeking a thrill and Daniel Newcomer experiences climbing Merapi volcano for himself, making it back alive thankfully! If you want to escape the trap of the city, Tegar Putuhena takes you to the Moluccas in our travel section, islands in eastern Indonesia once home to priceless spices sought after by the Portuguese, Dutch and English to show you the true beauty of these islands where he’s from. If you are of Muslim faith, you will be at the beginning of the holy month of Ramadhan and we wish you the best during this month of fasting. Selamat berpuasa and thanks for reading! 

in this 74th issue: featured Climbing Mount Merapi: No Jumping Pictures Please observations East is East and West is, Well... Laws & Legalities Legal Realities for Indonesian Expatriates: Land Ownership History The Comfort Woman Meet the expats David Metcalf Faces of Jakarta Salyem the Jamu Lady labour Migrant Worker Quandary: To be Overworked or Have No Work at All? Travel Introduction to the Moluccas Making a Difference Challenging Young People Everywhere Personal Tech & Apps Is Your Business Mobile? Light Enterteinment Fame and Fortune (Almost) Properties Events Classifieds

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Jakarta Expat­­ · ­­18 July - 31 July 2012

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Jakarta Expat­­ · ­18 July - 31 July 2012


Climbing Mt. Merapi:

No Jumping Pictures, Please

By Daniel Newcomer

What makes a great Monday morning? Sleeping in? Not wearing any clothes until lunch? How about summiting one of the world’s most active volcanoes via a treacherous three-hour trek through dense jungle at night with only a torch as your eyes, followed by a onekilometre climb at a 70-degree angle atop loose rocks? If you fancy the last option you are either blissfully insane or fully prepared to climb Mt. Merapi in Central Java, which also requires the aforementioned insanity.


t. Merapi, literally known as the mountain of fire, towers over the Jogjakarta region at about 2,930m, and although it is not one of the highest mountains in the area (that being Mt. Slamet at 3,428m or Mt. Semeru in Eastern Java at 3,676m), Mt. Merapi masterfully remains the most active volcano, especially in relation to the dense populations surrounding it. As one of the 16 Decade Volcanoes, Mt. Merapi holds eruption parties every three to five years, the last major eruption occurring in 2010, which tragically resulted in 353 deaths. However, Mt. Merapi is certainly not such a brooding terror when it comes to a pleasant hike, as people with literally no climbing experience, much less mountaineering experience, are able to take the three hour trek up adequate dirt paths through picturesque jungle foliage, ending their journey at a plateau named pasar bubrah, just short of the menacing climb to the summit. This final leg of the journey up Merapi is reserved only for the brave who do have prior climbing experience, adequate muscular performance, and the artful ability to not panic insufferably. Reaching the summit is one of those rare achievements where you are able to peek inside the smoking crater of an active volcano on one side, while in the other direction there is a lovely hypnotic view that overlooks central Java as far as the horizon holds, with the lower clouds softly rolling over the lesser peaks below. Strong winds may be blowing along the summit, and the ground is certainly unstable and is always shifting, but what matters most atop Mt. Merapi is the entirety of the Jogjakarta regional landscape that just seems to go on forever in an endless dream.

Whatever climbing skill and experience one may have, it is always highly recommended to hire an experienced guide, someone who can not only show the way but also alert hikers to any present dangers and hazards. This is especially important for those willing to fully summit the mountain, as Merapi has claimed several lives in the past, including naïve photographers who lost their footing on the loose rock and seasonal climbers who unfortunately were destined to rolling boulders screaming down the mountainside. So remember, although jump pictures are fairly cool, it’s just important to keep them on stable ground and not at the top of a volcano. The intense view from the summit of Merapi is not for everyone, but sometimes the most phenomenal things in life require a little danger, and climbing Mt. Merapi certainly is one of them. Making a Merapi expedition extraordinary can also be budget-friendly as well. In Jogjakarta there are numerous little travel shacks that offer hiking packages to Merapi. On Jl. Prawirotaman, across from the popular Ministry of Coffee, an incredibly friendly travel business will offer everything a group of friends would need to begin a Merapi adventure, costing a mere 600,000 IDR for three people. Different agents can be found on Jalan Sosrowidjian in Jogjakarta as well, all for a very reasonable price. Without venturing into Jogjakarta, the easiest place for a base camp at Mt. Merapi can be found at New Selo, where guides can also be hired at friendly prices. There is one catch/advantage to starting a Merapi adventure with the travel agents, as most of their Mt.


Jakarta Expat­­ · ­­18 July - 31 July 2012

"There are stories of climbers making it halfway up the climb and panicking after looking down, freezing and clutching the nearest rock for dear life, unable to move. „

Merapi packages offer a climb that starts around 1am, where hikers arrive at the plateau of pasar bubrah or the mountain summit just as the eye of the day (the poetic translation of ‘sun’ in bahasa) is beginning to peak over the horizon, encapsulating the entire landscape in a surreal morning beauty that will be engraved in one’s mind forever to come. However, climbing at night does require a torch and, more importantly, warm clothes; it will get very, very cold. Also, as the day progresses Mt. Merapi is known to secrete certain gases, making the morning climb much safer in terms of not inhaling hot and toxic volcanic gasses like sulphur dioxide. Going through an agent has a lot of advantages as well. A private car will pick hikers up from their hotel, take them to the village of New Selo at the base of the mountain, where a friendly (and quite skilled in English) guide will escort the hikers as far as they want to go, even to the summit if they wish and the guide agrees, which is based upon strength and stamina. The guide will be as courteous as possible to the hikers speed and stamina, willing to take a break whenever one would need it. From the large New Selo sign at the base of the mountain, it takes hikers around three to four hours to reach the plateau of pasar bubrah. The plateau is certainly enough in terms of catching that ethereal sunrise. The final summit of Merapi will loom in the near distance, tormenting and tempting climbers, but those with famished legs will be fully surprised and fulfilled by the plateau’s exquisite demeanour during the sunrise. For some, pasar bubrah will not be enough to call it a day’s work, especially with the peak of Mt. Merapi hysterically

laughing in their stern and determined faces. The climb from pasar bubrah to the summit takes between an hour and an hour and a half, depending on skill and speed. However, despite the skill, a slow and comfortable speed is highly recommended, as the entire climb is based on balancing across loose volcanic sand, climbing loose rock, and never looking down the steep slope. There are stories of climbers making it halfway up the climb and panicking after looking down, freezing and clutching the nearest rock for dear life, unable to move. A wrong step can turn into a deadly disaster, so climbers must be wary of their footing and hand placements: check the rocks before using them. Making it to the summit is something that the writer of this article refuses to detail, as what a terrible injustice that would be to the feelings of standing on top of one of the worlds most active volcanoes. Descending the summit is also another task that must be handled with extreme care, as gravity is now working with the climbers. Nonetheless, at the section of heavy volcanic sand that was so frightening on the way up (right after the pasar bubrah plateau), I personally was given the treat of running, yes, literally running, down the steep slope of the mountain as fast as I could with the guide. Sand flew in every direction, and as we ran both our backs were arched as far back as possible to avoid falling. It was one of those short experiences that will throw endorphin shrapnel through one’s entire body. Every aspect about summiting Mt. Merapi is nothing short of incredibly astounding. After the climb down in the early morning, passing

farmers hard at work and the warungs opening at the New Solo base camp, the hikers are treated to breakfast and a sleepy ride back to wherever it was they came from. By utilizing one of the many travel companies in Jogjakarta, the entire climb will be organized and tailored to the hikers ability and wishes, making the entire journey a fantastic experience. Additionally, since Mt. Merapi is only about 28 km from Jogjakarta, a Mt. Merapi expedition can be perfectly supplemented by a trip to the famous Borobudur temple, where hikers can then learn about how they had already reached nirvana that cold and unforgettable morning; the one where the entire region was under a silhouette of the golden morning sun and the clouds rolled lazily over the lesser peaks below, where they were standing above the origins of fire. 

Daniel Newcomer Daniel Newcomer is a hapless journalist wanderer who claims he is a Kerouac reincarnate. Rumour has it that he got lost one day and has been trying to find his way since. Daniel is currently located in Kediri, Eastern Java, but nobody knows that for certain.


Jakarta Expat­­ · ­18 July - 31 July 2012



By Dachlan Cartwright


nthony Burgess begins his marvellous series of novels, The Long Day Wanes, (aka The Malay Trilogy), with Flaherty, a British police lieutenant, pointing his colleague Nabby Adams (and Nabby’s dog, Cough, so-called because he keeps getting under people’s feet) in the right direction.

However, the Japanese, with their technical innovativeness, never conformed to that stereotype, with the founder of cyberpunk literature, William Gibson, for example, seeing Japan as the perfect simulacrum for our future wired techno-culture. And if you want to see some “inscrutable” Chinese, just YouTube the cult videos of the Taiwan Parliament. The confusion between “east” and “west” also happens on a more mundane level – writers just get them mixed up, which they never do

Europe”. Now you don’t need to chew cloves to know that the Asian Wall Street Journal must have been referring to the “East Indies”.

great Judgment Seat;

And talking millennium, here is a true story. At New Year in 2000, a group of Bandung International School students, holidaying in Bali, rose early and jogged to Kuta Beach to watch the sun rise on the new millennium. Yes, Kuta Beach… After a while, and no sun, one of these expensively educated geniuses realized that Kuta faces west.

When two strong men stand face to face, tho’ they come from the ends of the earth!”

“ ‘East? They wouldn’t know the East if they saw it…That’s where the East is, there,’ he waved his hand wildly into the black night. ‘Out there, west. You wasn’t there, so you wouldn’t know. Now I was. Palestine Police from the end of the war until we packed up. That was the East. You was in India, and that’s not the East any more than this is…’ ”

The book’s title refers to the British Empire, on which the sun supposedly never set. When it did, it can be said to have set in the East, if the handing over of Hong Kong was its last flicker. Traditionally, the “West” was seen as thrusting, rationalist, materialistic and technically superior, whereas the “East” was timeless, spiritual, exotically mystical, and technically backward. To quote Kipling, “Here lies a fool who tried to hurry the East.” The Chinese, for example, were seen as patient, cunning, and “inscrutable”, adept at concealing their emotions.

So let’s not take the first line out of context, and surely our mission, including the “strong men and women” who read Jakarta Expat, is to take and blend the best of “East” and “West” into a tolerant, respectful and flavoursome global culture. Unless the whole thing gets reversed. Over the previous millennium, a host of seekers and pilgrims, including figures like Paracelsus, Blavatsky, Gurdjieff, Ouspensky and Husein Rofe, made the “Journey to the East”, seeking in Asia sages who could enlighten them on the meaning of life.

(Remember, the story is set in Malaysia.)

This illustrates the contradiction between cultural perception and geography, which places Australia and New Zealand, far to the “East of Suez”, in the “West”, and southwest Asian countries, and, until recently, even North African countries as far west as Morocco, in the “Near” or “Middle” “East.”

But there is neither East nor West, Border, nor Breed, nor Birth,

Imagine, now, our seekers, abandoning the soulless materialism of Asia-Pacific, crossing the Bosphorus and, fortified with talismanic garlic, wending their westward ways through Transylvania and the Carpathians. Some will take the northern route, revelling in the esoteric ceremonies of Walpurgisnacht on the Brocken in Germany; others will take the southern route through France and Rennes-le-Chateau, mingling in its reputed Magdalenian mysteries. Mappe Monde by Guillaume Delisle, circa 1730. Courtesy of Bartele Gallery.

with “north and “south”. For example, one thriller writer, Eric Ambler, criticized another, Ian Fleming, for confusing the Golden Horn and the Bosphorus in Istanbul, but Ambler himself, in his classic The Mask Of Dimitrios/A Coffin for Dimitrios, has the Turkish army in 1922 advancing on Izmir/ Smyrna from 200 miles west, which would have put them just outside Athens, the last place on earth they would have wanted to be. Another example was in the Millennium supplement to the Asian Wall Street Journal, which gave the following impressive statistic: “1621: Spices bought for equivalent of $227 in West Indies sell for $2 million in

To be fair, they could have been making an intercultural statement. They could have been saying that, in our school, the difference between “east” and “west” has little significance. Or they could have been even more millennially apocalyptical. In Islamic eschatology, one of the signs of the end of the world in that the sun will rise in the west... Back to Kipling, and here is the full text of his introduction to The Ballad of East and West. “Oh, East is East, and West is West, and never the twain shall meet, Till Earth and Sky stand presently at God’s

Then our pilgrims will cross over to Britain, full of western promise, and absorb the holy vibrations of such sacred sites as Glastonbury, Bardsey and Rosslyn. Finally, they will merge into the Celtic dreamtime, and, in some Hebridean cave or Atlantic island, encounter a sage like the ageing Bono, Shakin Stevens or Billy Connolly, who will fulfil their Quest by providing them with their own true customized point of the compass.  DACHLAN CARTWRIGHT

Dachlan is a retired teacher and librarian who first visited Indonesia for the Subud World Congress in 1971. He then worked as a VSO at the Bandung Institute of Technology, where he met his wife Srie. They have two children, Munadi and Rianti.


Jakarta Expat­­ · ­­4 18July July- -1731July July2012 2012

Laws & Legalities

By: Julia Tchezganova


hen individuals move to Indonesia for the purpose of expatriation, the process usually involves a large number of personal and legal considerations. While it is vital to explore notions of belonging, finding proper communication outlets, and understanding how local culture works, it is nonetheless important to note topics of legal nature. The purpose of this editorial is to provide a general framework for you to think about if you arrive at the idea of land ownership in Indonesia. It should be noted that regardless of where in Indonesia you reside – Bali, Jakarta, or elsewhere – unless the regulation states otherwise, the laws apply generally. In terms of land ownership for foreigners, the Basic Agrarian Law (Law No. 5 of 1960) limits foreigners from owning lands in Indonesia. Individuals are only permitted to acquire land under the “Right to Use” (Hak Pakai) land title. Hak Pakai is similar to a long term lease, it is granted for 20 years, and may be extended for another 20 years. Foreign corporations have more options when obtaining land. Once a foreign investment is acknowledged as a legal person under Indonesian law, the investors may acquire two types of land titles, the Right to Build (Hak Guna Bangunan) Land Title, which is valid for 30 years and can be extended for another 20 years, and the Right to Utilize (Hak Guna Usaha) land title, which is valid for 35 years and can be extended for 20 years.

Hak Pakai and Hak Guna Bangunan are commonly granted for residential and business buildings, while Hak Guna Usaha is granted to businesses that require wide land for agricultural, industrial, or mining activities. If you are interested in owning an apartment in Indonesia as a foreigner, you must know that you are able to purchase apartments in Indonesia if the building has a strata title status. But you will not hold the strata title of ownership; you can only hold the right of use. The two common ways to have property in Indonesia is purchasing property via a Convertible Lease Agreement or a Nominee Arrangement. Convertible Lease Agreement allows foreigners to sign an agreement with the developer company. With this agreement, the foreigner is able to purchase property (an apartment, for example), but the title is held in the name of the developer. The lessee will obtain the right of ownership automatically if the law regarding ownership changes and allows for foreign ownership. You should know that there is no freedom of contract, and that the contract is generally drafted by the developer. As a result, whenever you contemplate signing a unilateral contract, you absolutely should consult a lawyer before handing over your purchasing rights or your funds. For a Nominee Arrangement, foreigners give the trust to an Indonesian person, who purchases the property under the Indonesian name.

If you are a part of an Expat/Indonesian couple, the vital preparation for purchasing property is whether or not the Indonesian spouse and the Expat spouse have a prenuptial agreement for separation of property. If there is such an agreement, you can legally purchase the property, but it must be signed before marriage takes place. Overall, land and property purchase for foreigners is a rather complex activity. Please refer to such websites such as http://www.expat.or.id/info/buyingproperty.html in order to research for more information. Do not hesitate to consult a lawyer, especially when it comes to signing anything. Be careful in trusting when it comes to the purchase of property. It is highly recommended that if you are interested in land development or purchase of property that you seek representation from a law firm with real estate expertise. 

Julia Tchezganova

Julia acquired two degrees, B.A. and J.D., from universities in British Columbia, Canada. She is currently employed as a legal consultant at Hukumonline. Established in 2000, Hukumonline is the country’s leading provider of legal news and analysis, serving top law firms, both in Indonesia and abroad. It provides comprehensive and authoritative legal information services to the clients in an affordable and an easy-to-use manner. For more information on Hukumonline and to read up-to-date legal news in English, please refer to en.hukumonline.com.


Jakarta JakartaExpat­­ Expat­­· ·­18 ­4 July - 31 17 July 2012


Java was invaded on 1st March, 1942 and fell on 8th. The idyllic days were over; gone forever as the Japanese army destroyed the myth of white man’s invincibility in just three months. The British and Dutch Empire sounded their last post in the face of the enemy’s onslaught and despite the stretched lines of communication paid the price for lack of forward planning and confusion among the ranks of decision makers who refused to believe any threat from Japan was real.

The Comfort Woman

By Antony Sutton

Who paid for that indecision soon became clear. The first enemy troops Jeanne and her family saw were the ones who came to register them. Soon after they returned with trucks and took them away to a new life at Camp 6 in nearby Ambarawa, they experienced a new life without maids, cooks or staff to clean up after them. Amid the squalor and disease they settled into their routine thinking this was as bad as things would get.

For three months Jeanne and her friends stayed there. Her only respite came when, through the help of one of the sympathetic Indonesian staff, she was able to get a letter out to her sister, Aline, who had remained at large thanks to her job with the railway.

she told him what had been done to her in Semarang, he cried and they got married.

Aline arranged for a Japanese friend of hers to ‘book’ Jeanne all night, every night. For two weeks she was able to escape the mauling, sweaty bodies of a conquering army but of course it ended. It had to. The man concerned was being teased by his colleagues over the amount of time, and money, he was spending on a ‘prostitute’.

In 1992 she had emigrated to Australia. At that time Korean comfort women were pressing the Japanese government to admit, in the face of massive nationalist denial, that Japanese troops had forced women to work as sex slaves during the war. For Jeanne, watching it on TV, all the memories came flooding back. She hadn’t told her children what had happened yet but now, seeing others relive the horror she felt it was time she faced her own demons down. She wanted to reach through the TV screen and hug those brave women.

As per the terms of the license, regular medical check-ups were provided. But in Jeanne’s case it meant one more rape; the doctor just one of many.

She was invited to an International Public Hearing in Tokyo in December of that year, discussing war crimes and compensation. She felt this was her moment.

Towards the end of April a colonel from Tokyo was visiting Java. He was responsible for the conditions in prisoner of war camps. At Ambarawa 9 a camp leader was able to

Before flying to Japan there was the small matter of confiding in her family. How to do that? How to tell your children and grandchildren that the 69 year old woman


s job titles go it is difficult to think of any more crass, more cynical than ‘comfort woman’. To the uninitiated it conjures up images of fair maidens, perhaps with a flower in their hair, permanent white smile, pandering to the needs of a weary traveller perhaps in an airport lounge or at an upmarket club or hotel. The reality is much different of course and it is a reality that a Dutch expat carried with her, buried deep within her soul for nearly 50 years before she could finally tell the world what being a ‘comfort woman’ meant to her. Jeanne O’Herne was born in 1923 and grew up on a sugar plantation near Semarang. In her book, 50 Years Of Silence – Comfort Woman Of Indonesia, she describes her childhood as ‘the most wonderful anyone could imagine.’ It was the life of privilege that a colonial master might expect. She recalled the smell of coils to keep mosquitoes away, the sounds of geckos and the affection shown to her by the local staff that did the chores for the family. Weekends and holidays were spent in the cooler climes of Bangunan where her grandfather owned a resort and the family used to enjoy climbing the slopes, looking over the Gedung Songo, ancient Hindu temples that dotted the countryside. There was a farm nearby as well, called Ampel Gading which they liked to visit. The Japanese farmer and his wife would always greet them warmly and treat the tired hikers to fresh milk from their cows. Little did Jeanne and her family know at the time but the farmer was a spy. A sleeper sent in to blend into the area and provide crucial information to military planners back in Japan hard at work developing their conquest of Southeast Asia. The Second World War kicked off in far away Europe but despite the Japanese sabre rattling and actions in China, many believed that they were far from harm’s reach. December 8th put paid to that careless attitude. While the Japanese had attacked Pearl Harbour in Hawaii, troops had also piled ashore along the Thai and Malaysian coast. By the 15th February Singapore, the impregnable fortress, had fallen. Indonesia, then known as the Dutch East Indies was pivotal to Japanese plans for that was where the natural resources were she desired for self sufficiency.

Two years later things were to get much worse for Jeanne. She was emptying the sewage pits with buckets, throwing the overflowing human waste into a nearby stream when some trucks pulled up and a roll call was announced. But this was unlike any other roll call they had experienced previously. Young girls aged 17 and over were the only ones called. Little did Jeanne know but a well connected Japanese major had decided to open a military brothel in Semarang. A license had been applied for and approved in Batavia dictating that the girls who worked in the brothel were volunteers who had signed a statement to the effect that they were indeed volunteering. According to the terms of the license the girls were also entitled to regular medical check-ups and payment.

" Those three months were to scar Jeanne for the next 48 years „ tell this colonel about her daughter who had been taken away to a camp and of her suspicions. The officer from Tokyo made enquiries and soon after the Semarang brothels were closed and European women could no longer be used. At the end of the month the girls were taken from the brothel, no explanation was given, and put on a train. When they get off they were moved to Camp Paris near Bogor where the camp officials told them under no circumstances could they talk about their experiences in the Semarang brothel. There was no chance of that, the humiliation was too great.

The camp leaders protested. Some girls ran away, desperately trying to elude their fate. In front of grinning, salivating soldiers the girls were subjected to humiliating checks. Some were returned to their friends and family. Ten were not. Jeanne was one of the ten.

They were kept in a sectioned off area of the camp along with other girls who had been similarly mal treated though at least Jeanne was able to be reunited with her mother. The inmates in the rest of the camp guessed at where the mysterious new girls had come from and jumped to the conclusion they had voluntarily offered their services adding more pain to the victims.

They drove into Semarang and Jeanne, along with half a dozen other girls, were made to get off at a colonial house now named The House of Seven Seas. In no uncertain terms the girls were told they had to provide sexual services for Japanese officers. “We are your captors, we can do with you what we like,” they guffawed, excited at the thought of what was to come.

Those three months were to scar Jeanne for the next 48 years. After nearly 18 months in the camp in Bogor the war ended but life didn’t return to normal as Indonesian freedom fighters were less than impressed by the Dutch desire to keep their colony. But when it was finally all over she moved to England and married an English soldier who had guarded the camp in Bogor. They had fallen in love,

they had known all their lives had spent three months being used as a sexual plaything by men in uniform? She knew she couldn’t do it. Not face to face. So she wrote it all down in a notebook and gave one copy to her daughter just as she was boarding a flight to Alice Springs. The daughter read the book and cried the whole journey. In December she made that flight to Japan with a daughter. The sound of the announcements on the Japanese airline shocked her, taking her momentarily back in time. Japan was finally the release she had been seeking so long. She met up with other comfort women from Korea, China, Philippines, she was interviewed on both Japanese and Australian TV. When she got up to speak at the Hearing she told the audience that she had forgiven the Japanese for what had been done to her. Forgiven but she would never forget. She returned to Australia with a bit of apprehension but she needn’t have worried. As she says at the end of her book, “I had arrived home to peace, love and acceptance.” 

Antony Sutton Antony is a freelance writer based in Jakarta. Please send comments and suggestions to antony@the-spiceislands.com

Jakarta Expat­­ · ­­18 July - 31 July 2012



Jakarta Expat­­ · ­18 July - 31 July 2012

Meet the Expat

Dave, can you tell us a little about yourself and your background? I am originally from New Zealand although I have spent a number of years in Australia and lived in a few different countries. Thirtythree years ago I took my first overseas trip and I have never stopped traveling ever since. The wanderlust has taken me to over 28 Countries and I have had some incredible experiences. When did you first move to Indonesia, and what brought you here? I first came to Indonesia in 2000 and moved here with my family in 2001. At that time I was the Country Manager for United Parcel Service (UPS). I came up on an expat assignment.

or special events) and in particular, places where tourists don’t generally venture, as this is where the real magic is found. I have traveled extensively all over Indonesia and I know the places to take people. Also, the best time of the year weather wise is vital. As well as photography tours, I also run cultural adventure tours with a particular emphasis on Kalimantan and the Dayak people. When you visit the more remote villages, do you find that the locals are quite happy to have their picture taken? Wherever I have traveled in Indonesia I have experienced the most wonderful hospitality and respect, and yes, people generally speaking love to have their photo taken, although the older folk can sometimes be a bit shy. I emphasize to my tour participants to try and connect with their subject as much


Dave Metcalf The adventurous Kiwi who left behind the corporate world to pursue his passion for photography and travel.

What made you decide to leave the corporate world and start a photography tour service? I became fed up with the corporate world some time ago and had a plan to return to Indonesia one day and take up photography full time. My travel experiences while I lived here gave me an appreciation for Indonesia and its people, and a belief that this is one of the most photogenic countries on the planet. It has so much diversity from people, cultures, architecture, unusual landscapes, and people, who love having their photos taken. Are you self-taught, or did you study photography? I am mostly self-taught however, I have had some formal training in Australia and gained a lot of value from participating in overseas and local photo workshops. Are the tours open to all, or are there minimum requirements in terms of level of photographic knowledge? The tours are open to anyone from beginner to expert. We cover a tremendous variety of photographic situations, so it’s a great opportunity for people to learn, the groups are small and the training and content is very personalized. Where do your customers mainly come from? Do you get a mix of expats and locals? Presently most of the customers come from Australia and New Zealand and I am getting quite a few enquiries from the U.S. However, I expect that in the future a lot of the participants will come from Jakarta and be a mix of expats and locals.

as possible before raising the camera, as a mark of respect and this creates a better, less obtrusive situation. Do you offer tours outside of Indonesia? Not at the moment but next year I plan to take tours to New Zealand and the United States. As more people become aware of my tours, I expect this will be somewhat dictated by the places they want to go. However, the main focus will be Indonesia as there are so many fascinating places to visit here. I encourage people who are Interested to sign up to my e newsletter on my website as this is the best way to be informed of upcoming tours. Of all the places you’ve visited, where is your favourite place to shoot? In terms of Indonesia, Kalimantan is probably my favourite because of its vast natural beauty and feeling that it is mostly undiscovered and untouched, and of course the Dayak people, who are very special. Bali never ceases to surprise me and because I know it so well, this is a place close to my heart. Toraja is very beautiful and like a paradise of sorts, and many places in Sulawesi, which I have traveled to extensively, from Manado to Selayar. Offshore, New Zealand is a favourite, for its pristine beauty and landscapes. America and Canada for the same reasons and shooting in these places has one bonus - it’s very easy to get around. Australia has very special light and India and Sri Lanka offer just about everything in terms of colour and variety. China is very interesting also.

What areas of Indonesia do you offer tours of, and how do you go about selecting the areas?

But for me, nothing rivals Indonesia. It is a photographers paradise waiting to be discovered, so please come join! 

I have four tours planned this year all to Bali and one to Kalimantan. However, next year I am planning Flores, Central Java, Kalimantan, Sulawesi and probably one or two more in Bali. Areas are selected based on the varied landscapes, cultural interest and activities (I try and plan around festivals

If you want to get in touch with Dave email him at davidmetcalf3@mac.com or visit www.davidmetcalfphotography.com for more information on upcoming tours.

Jakarta Expat­­ · ­­18 July - 31 July 2012

Faces of Jakarta

Words and photos by David Metcalf


alyem is 39 yrs old and has been selling her herbal-based medicines for eight years. Her Aunty educated her in the world of Jamu and would take Salyem with her, through the back streets of Kebayoran Lama. Her well respected and knowledgeable Aunty seemed to play a critical role in keeping the street sellers of this area healthy providing her concoctions of medicines to help with all sorts of ailments from stomach problems to liver cleansing. So, what is in these colourful bottles you see slung across the back of a Jamu peddler? Sambonoto is the name of the mixture in the black bottle, which is used to treat allergies. In the orange bottle the mixture is called Kunir Asam, which keeps the body from smelling, a very useful aid in the hot, humid climate of Jakarta. There is even a red bull equivalent. This one is called Sirih, a medicine to help with tiredness, which also acts to stimulate fertility in woman. Salyem’s day typically starts at 7 am. She walks the streets selling her products until 12 noon and then returns home to mix up more medicines for the afternoon sales. She sells the equivalent of one bottle of medicine per day and earns around Rp.100,000, which represents a profit of Rp.50,000. Salyem was married at 16

years and has been married for twentythree years. Her husband is a balloon salesman and between them they manage to survive, although their rent is Rp.300,000 a month and they have concerns about the rising cost of living. They have two children, the 11 year old lives in Semarang and is cared for by Salyem’s grandmother and her other son is 19 years old and has applied for a job with Astra. Salyem and her husband are trying to save enough money to buy their 11 year old a laptop, but feel that this is a dream that may not become a reality. I tried a few of Salyem’s medicines and the energy drink definitely worked! She would not accept any money from me for the herbal drinks as she considered me a guest in her country, testimony to the character of these warm, genuine people of the streets. 

David metcalf David Metcalf (Dayak Dave) is a professional photographer who specialises in photography workshop tours and cultural, adventure tours throughout Indonesia. He is a regular contributor to Jakarta expat with his column "Faces of Jakarta: The stories behind the Photographs". www.davidmetcalfphotography.com and www.facebook.com/indodave



Jakarta Expat­­ · ­18 July - 31 July 2012


Migrant Worker Quandary: To be Overworked? Or Have No Work at All?

Surprisingly, there are no regulatory bodies that set and monitor the agency fees. Some employers pay the agency fees upfront and have it deducted from the TKI’s pay-check over the first six to twelve months of work, some with an arbitrary interest rate applied (ranging from 7 percent to as high as 50 percent). On the other hand, some TKIs pay the fees from their own pockets and have to go to the extent of selling the family’s cow or borrowing from friends to pay the agents.

By Jason Hue

The Ugly


t a run-down bus terminal in a small village, Yanti couldn’t hold back her tears as she hugs her three year old son while waiting to board a bus to the airport. She is to leave her family behind in search of better job opportunities overseas. Yanti is not alone; she is joined by thousands of other migrant workers who are eager to fill the vacancies of domestic helpers, construction workers and other low level openings overseas; jobs often shunned by the locals. With an estimated 6.5 million Indonesians currently working overseas, Indonesia is one of the world’s top exporters of (mostly unskilled) human labour (TKIs – Tenaja Kerja Indonesia).

The Bad The escalating wage gap between Indonesia and its neighbouring countries has prompted many Indonesians to seek jobs beyond its borders. For many, the promise of potentially earning five times more income outweighs the numerous horror stories they often hear of unpaid salaries and sexual abuse.

It’s not just the unscrupulous agents that are out to overcharge them. From the immigration officers who stamp their passports to the marked-up plane and bus fares, to the unfavourable exchange rates offered by money changers, the TKIs are fleeced for everything in their pockets. Furthermore, most contracts are signed between the TKIs with a recruitment agency and not directly with their employers. This often leads to limited transparency around contract terms and clauses, causing contract substitution, pay discrepancies, and even fraud at the expense of the TKI.

According to the National Board for the Placement and Protection of Indonesian Overseas Workers, thousands of Indonesians are cheated, beaten, raped, and tortured by their employers abroad each year. Another NGO, Migrant Care, reported that 1,075 Indonesian workers died in Saudi Arabia and Malaysia in 2011, 80 percent from abuse or execution for committing major crimes. It also reported that 471 Indonesian migrants returned from the Middle East pregnant as the result of rape, and an additional 161 returned with children who had been born in the Middle East. The Indonesian government has been justly criticized in the past for failing to actively protect its TKIs.

know that this is making headway as some countries had already agreed to some of Indonesia’s terms. Indonesian nurses are in high demand overseas and are often placed in the USA, Europe, Japan and the Middle East. Indonesian nurses who work abroad receive a much higher salary compared to their counterparts back home. In Kuwait the salary is around USD 2,200 while in the Netherlands, Indonesian nurses could earn up to USD 3,000 per month. A government survey showed that factory labourers or maids who earned about USD50 a month in Indonesia can earn USD250 a month or more overseas. Despite the unfortunate events suffered by some, many do experience a change of fortune once they work overseas. With their improved income, they could now afford the little luxuries they’ve always wanted and still manage to set aside a sum to be sent home. Last year, TKIs collectively remitted a staggering USD 6.5 billion back home, up from USD 3 billion in 2005. For their families, the money surely was a welcome boon, which has contributed to the increased domestic consumption that has helped power Indonesia’s economic growth over the past few years. Success stories of TKIs returning to start their own business or renovating their village homes into becoming the ‘skyscraper’ of their village have encouraged and appealed to those contemplating to work abroad.

Conclusion In today’s globalized world, people will go to where the opportunities are. Therefore, better-paying jobs need to be created locally to show the TKIs that the best opportunities are at home. This would be in line with the government’s aim to stop sending any more domestic workers abroad by 2017. 

The Good In response to the headlines of ill-treatment and harsh working conditions, President SBY’s office has been pressuring its foreign counterparts for assurances on labour protection and improved benefits: minimum wages, fixed working hours, holidays and health insurance. It’s good to

JAson Hue

A milk bottle in one hand and a Blackberry in the other hand, Jason hails from neighboring Malaysia and currently resides in Jakarta with his better-half and chatty little princess. To get in touch email Jason.Hue@bda.co.id


Jakarta Expat­­ · ­­18 July - 31 July 2012

Paying too much for your health insurance?

then you need




• Cover for full health screening including vaccinations,optical care, oral care, physiotherapy and alternative medicines. • Cover for inpatient treatment including hospital cash, maternity, daycare and outpatient, dental and home nursing costs. • Cover for doctor visits, specialist consultations, tests, diagnostics, X-rays, high tech scans, pathology, oncology, radiotherapy, chemotherapy and all prescribed drugs and dressings. • Cover for chronic medical conditions, HIV/ AIDS, terminal illness and psychiatric treatment. • Cover for assistance services, emergency medical evacuation, accompanying family members travel and accommodation expenses. • Cover for elective treatment outside of Indonesia. • Cover starts at child birth or any age up to age 74.

Living in Indonesia is a wonderful experience whilst you are fit and well, but suffer an unforeseen accident or illness then the cost of treatment can become a financial burden especially if you need to travel overseas for your medical treatment. The best solution is to insure against an unforeseen accident or illness with international private medical insurance that can be purchased at an affordable price. Employees of large companies generally enjoy lower medical insurance premiums because an insurance company will provide a group discount as well as a claims experience discount.

• Emergency evacuation services provided by Intl. SOS on 24 hour basis. • Hospitalization payment guarantees issued by Intl. SOS. • Cashless out-patient services at Intl. SOS clinics and other advised clinics in Indonesia and Singapore. • Reimbursement out-patient claims do not require a doctor’s report. • Reimbursement out-patient claims can be submitted by email with invoices and receipts attached as PDF files. Originals may be required. • Reimbursement claims settled within ten working days of receipt of claim. • All claim assessments, approvals and payments administered in Jakarta. • Policy and policy renewals issued in Jakarta. • Easy switching and transferability

However, an individual buying medical insurance will need to pay an age banded premium that tends to rise each year based on medical inflation or because an individual moves into a higher age band. One solution to provide more affordable premiums for individuals is to aggregate individuals under an affinity group scheme that after a period of time commands its own claims experience. In the interim, individuals will be given a group discount similar to a large company group scheme. The WorldCare dMAC Affinity Group offers this solution and is now available to everyone living in Indonesia.

The WorldCare dMAC Affinity Group is underwritten by PT. Asuransi Rama Satria Wibawa with technical and claims support provided by the Global Benefits Group. Intl. SOS provides the 24-hour medical emergency assistance centre as well as payment guarantees for hospitalization admissions and specialist outpatient treatments, worldwide. The WorldCare product has been approved for market distribution by the Ministry of Finance - Department of Insurance in Indonesia under Product License Number S-3096/BL/2010. dMAC acts as marketing and servicing agent for PT. Asuransi Rama Satria Wibawa.

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Jakarta Expat­­ · ­18 July - 31 July 2012


Ambon, By Achmad Rabin Tain

Introduction to the Moluccas By: Tegar Putuhena

Ternate, By Doni Ismanto

History of the Moluccas


any people believe that the name of the Moluccas actually comes from Arabic. According to local folklore, when Ibn Battuta, a Moroccan explorer (1304 – 1369 CE), arrived in the Moluccas he was amazed that so many different culturally distinct kingdoms existed side by side in the Moluccas. That’s why he called this land the Jazirah Al Mulk (the Land of Kings). The name then transformed from Al Jazirah Al Mulk to Mulk, Molokou, Maluku, Moluken, and finally Moluccas. Cloves, the ancient spice that has been known and used for thousands of years in the Moluccas, has figuratively put the islands on the world map. The tree itself is native to the Moluccas (growing in Ternate and Tidore, formerly known by the explorers as the Spice Islands). In a native tradition, the Moluccans plant a clove tree when a child is born as they believe that there is a link between the growth of the clove tree and the child’s growth, making the clove tree guarded and dearly cared for by the people of the Moluccas. In the Middle Ages (about 1600 AD), cloves and spices were very popular and expensive in Europe, exceeding the price of gold. This inspired the Europeans to trace the source of these spices that were so valued in the European market. The Portuguese were the first to find their way to the Moluccas, followed by the Dutch. Various western powers rivaled each other to get their hands on the spice trade. The arrival of the Europeans in the Moluccas was initially welcomed by local residents. This friendly attitude changed to resistance when the colonials started applying rules that oppressed the locals in a system of forced cultivation, and many similar unjust policies. Resistance introduced a number of

The Moluccan Islands (or Maluku in Indonesian) -one of the oldest provinces in Indonesia-, formed a single unified province. However, in 1999 it was split into two provinces: North Maluku and Maluku. North Maluku is predominantly Muslim and its capital is Ternate while Maluku has a larger Christian population and its capital is Ambon.

names currently known as national heroes, such as Pattimura, Sultan Nuku, Martha Christina Tiahahu and so on. For many years, the Moluccas were reigned by the Dutch as their personal spice rack. Later on August 17, 1945, when Sukarno and Hatta read the proclamation of independence, Maluku was declared as part of the Republic of Indonesia. Most people think about the bloody conflict in 1999 upon mentioning the Moluccas. Between 1999 and 2002 conflicts between Muslims and Christians left thousands killed and displaced half a million people. Religious conflict erupted across the islands in January 1999. The subsequent 18 months were characterized by fighting between largely local groups of Muslims and Christians, the destruction of thousands of houses, the displacement of approximately 500,000 people, the loss of thousands of lives, and the segregation of Muslims and Christians. This resulted in the split of the province into the Muslim North Maluku and the Christian Maluku.

Culture:One Blood, Many Influences The people of the Moluccas believe that they originated from the same blood. This culture of pela-gandong teaches everyone to respect each other no matter what kind of religion they adhere to. Ceram Island is believed to be the homeland of the Moluccas, where the Alifuru tribe lives. It is for this reason that Ceram Island is also called ‘The Mother Island’ (Nusa Ina).

Beach Fun at Mollucas By Tegar Putuhena

In the Moluccan culture, there are also traces of Hawaiian influences, for example the Ukulele and other Hawaiian instruments. A famous musical instrument of the Moluccas is the tifa (a type of drum) and the totobuang. Each instrument of Tifa Totobuang has different functions and supports each other to make harmonic sounds. Another genre of music is Sawat, a blend of Middle Eastern music and the culture of the Moluccas. When the Arabs came to spread Islam in the Moluccas, their culture left its mark on the local culture. This is still evident in some Sawat instruments, such as tambourines and flutes. Beside the variety of musical instruments, the Moluccans are gifted singers. Legendary artists such as Broery Pesoelima and Harvey Malaihollo are known all over Indonesia. Not to mention world-class singers such as Daniel Sahuleka, Maya, Monica Akihary, Eric Papilaya, Danjil Tuhumena, Romagna Sasabone, Harvey Malaihollo and talented young singers like Glen Fredly and Ello Tahitu. In addition to the cultural richness, the Moluccas features stunning natural beauty. The archipelago consists of hundreds of islands, each with their own distinct

Dive in By Tegar Putuhena

character. In addition to natural attractions, some well-preserved relics of the colonial past also form a special attraction. So, what are you waiting for? Visit the Moluccas now!  Tegar Yusuf Putuhena

Tegar comes from the Moluccas, a beautiful and exotic place in eastern Indonesia. He is currently doing his masters in Law at the University of Indonesia. Besides that he loves photography and also loves traveling, hiking and writing about it for Latitudes.nu


Jakarta Expat­­ · ­­18 July - 31 July 2012

Making a Difference

By Melanie Manuel


am an Australian volunteer who has committed 10 months to living and working in Jakarta for a not for profit organisation. The International Award for Young People (IAYP) Indonesia, also known as The Duke of Edinburgh’s Award, is a self achievement Award available to all young people aged 14-25, equipping them with life skills to make a difference to themselves and their communities. The Award operates in over 132 countries and runs in 26 schools in Indonesia, with more than 2,000 participants.

School in Surabaya. Six students received their Silver Award and 23 their Bronze.

I recently completed a degree in Communications and International Studies in Sydney and had been working closely with not-for-profit organisations for several years. I had been struggling to get my foot in the door of the international development sector and the opportunity arose for me to represent Australia as a young volunteer in Indonesia. I was accepted by IAYP Indonesia to work as their Communications Development Officer and further promote the Award program. Having completed my Bronze level of the Award ten years ago I was able to bring to IAYP Indonesia an experience and understanding of the Award from the perspective of a student.

The benefit of participating in the Award is that students are able to build their character and increase their involvement in the community. As the Award is internationally recognised, students also gain greater career prospects having completed the Award.

So far my work has taken me to Jogjakarta and Lombok where I took part in Award Leader Training for mentors of students doing the Award. At Pondok Pesantren Pabelan School in Jogjakarta, IAYP met with Gold Award Holders who currently assist teachers at the school with the Award. The students shared their skills and experiences in undertaking their Residential Project and the benefits of the Award. IAYP also attended an Award Ceremony at Muhammadiyah 2 Senior High

PopularTweet @Tempodulu

“20 years for killing

200+ people; 20 years for smuggling a harmless drug. are these two people really on a par?”

I have also conducted school visits to encourage more schools to join our program. During these visits I met with a number of NGO’s to discuss the possibility of Award participants undertaking community service with their organisations. These visits were an amazing experience. It opened my eyes to the Indonesian culture and the way some communities live.

So far my journey in Indonesia has been an amazing one and this has only been within my first two months of being here. I hope to continue my work promoting the program and assist overall in making a difference in the lives of youth in Indonesia. For more information on IAYP Indonesia visit www. iaypindonesia.org 

melanie manuel

Melanie Manuel is a young Australian volunteering in Jakarta for 10 months. She completed a Bachelor of Arts in Communications and International studies at the University of Technology Sydney and now hopes to use her skills to provide greater opportunities for youth in Indonesia.


Jakarta Expat­­ · ­18 July - 31 July 2012

Personal Tech & Apps

Is Your Business Mobile?

By Juan G. Leysner

Growing your business There is still a long way to go before every company learns the benefits of having a mobile application, but it won’t be long until it becomes a standard business practice. If you think about it, you will notice that apps are very personal, it’s always online and always in your pocket. Mobile devices offer perfect proximity. Mobile phones and smart phones are a daily engagement. It wouldn’t been too far off to assume most people keep their cell phone within arm’s reach at all times, including while sleeping. Having a mobile app provides continual opportunity for companies and their brand to be at the consumer’s fingertips at a moment’s notice. Being so close to consumers is certainly the type of advantage a mobile app presents. The user experience of a mobile app is reason alone for companies to consider developing their own application. Because people automatically consider their mobile phone to be a key personal possession, apps become part of that personal element. Therefore, apps tend to offer more of a personal experience that engages a consumer more than a simple website. I think the shift is coming into the business that more businesses use it as a corporate way into integrating with their customers and actually providing better service to them than they’ve ever been able to do.

Have you taken the necessary steps to start the conversation around mobile technology and marketing? The majority of the consuming world is shifting to a medium that is real-time and competitive. Having an app presence in an app store or marketplace is a big deal as well. Unlike the Internet, an app store is used for one specific purpose—to sell. Mobile devices are pervasive. Keeping in mind the ubiquity of smart phones, eventually most everyone will have access to mobile apps. In fact, over 300,000 mobile apps have been developed in the past three years and the forecast for app development is only expected to increase. In turn, businesses will need to make their presence in the mobile market place known. In fact, in coming years it will be of no surprise that it is crucial for a company to have a mobile application because of the prevalence of smart phones.

Best Blackberry Business Apps • BlackBerry® Messenger BlackBerry® Messenger is an instant messaging app just for BlackBerry Smartphone owners. With an active user base of 50+ million, BBM™ has become one of the largest mobile-centric communities in the industry.

Mobile apps and your business It is about time to jump into the world of mobile, if you haven’t already. We are talking about a world of radical transparency from pricing models to public feedback.


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Over 2 million new users join the BBM community each month.

This brand new service is a marriage of e-commerce and social networks, where you can wish it, share it and then finally (or hopefully) get it. After registering at wishkoo, users can add items to their ‘wish list’ and their friends can then either grant their wishes or pitch in using the donation system. Wishkoo.com aims to ease the process of buying gifts for friends or family as now people can pitch in online to buy gifts, and also create their own wish lists in the hopes that other people might make their wishes come true!

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The BBM community is very active, with over 70% of users using it daily and over 100 billion BBM messages sent every month. Build your network, Scan barcodes, swap PINs or use BlackBerry Tag1 to add BBM™ friends. Then create BBM™ Groups to message multiple contacts at once.

• Instapaper If you are like me, then there are tens of articles that catch your eye every day, but most of the time, you just don’t have time to read them, there and then. With Instapaper you can make a note of the article and then read it at your leisure in your own personalized Instapaper newspaper.

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What’s even better is Instapaper doesn’t need a connection to the web for you to read the articles - all the articles are stored offline, so even when you’re 30,000 feet up you can still read them.

Gangs-of-indonesia.blogspot.com The title of Melanie Wood’s blog, “Gangs of Indonesia” may be misleading for those who are unfamiliar with the Indonesian language. Gang in Indonesian means “narrow street’ and Melanie’s blog is about discovering what lies behind the main roads and in the many gangs of Jakarta. Most of the stories found on Melanie’s blog are of the strangers she meets on her travels through the streets as she stops for a chat. Her stories give readers the opportunity to take a glimpse into the everyday lives of Indonesians, as well as some ideas for interesting places to visit and delicious food to eat!

• LogMeIn Ignition Access your computer from your Android, and never leave anything behind. If it’s on your computer, it’s in the palm of your hand. Directly control your Mac or PC, all your programs and all your files – like that important presentation for your boss or that application that only exists on your work computer – with a simple click. LogMeIn Ignition for Android lets you remotely access one or more computers anywhere, anytime. So you never have to worry about leaving anything behind. (Not Free +/- $ 29.00 us)

Instapaper is very simple to use, just click on the “Read Later” button at the top of your browser’s navigation bar, and then open up the app. If you want reading suggestions, Instapaper also has a list of the community’s most-read stories.  (Not Free +/- $ 9.00 us)

Juan G. Leysner Juan G. Leysner has lived and worked in Jakarta for over 10 years and is the founder of 2 db.mobi, www.2dbarcodesolutions.com

Jakarta Expat­­ · ­­18 July - 31 July 2012



Jakarta Expat­­ · ­18 July - 31 July 2012

LIght Entertainment

To find out more about live stand-up comedy in Indonesia please e-mail jakarta@thecomedyclub.asia text or call 0821 1194 3084 or register at www.thecomedyclub.asia

Fame and Fortune (Almost) by Eamonn Sadler


ne night in 1998 after a gig in Manila, a woman approached me and my band and asked if we would like to be in a movie. Scenes of fame and fortune flashed before our collective eyes and we immediately began discussing how we were going to spend our millions. “Wine, women and song and waste the rest”, was the consensus as we clinked our glasses together vigorously and slapped each other on the back. The day had finally arrived! Then a sober moment. “Wait!” our keyboard player guy suddenly shouted over our excited chatter, “It’s not a porno is it..?” We froze in silence for an instant and all eyes fell upon the woman. An uneasy moment passed as she swallowed a mouthful of beer. Then she said, “No, no, nothing like that... I want you as foreign extras for a girly bar scene we’re shooting near here next week.” Ah. So we had been type-cast as sleeze bags rather than rock stars and the film was not about us at all. We looked at each other.

“Girly bar scene?” our lead guitarist Jack repeated incredulously. Then his face lit up. “Yeah baby!” and the celebrations started again. We were easy to please. The movie was Brokedown Palace, starring Claire Danes, Kate Beckinsale and Bill Pullman and directed by Jonathan Kaplan (who currently directs Law and Order: Special Victims Unit for TV), and we were indeed cast as foreign sleeze bags frequenting a girly bar called Lollipop which was supposed to be in Bangkok, but was actually The Cotton Club in Pasay City Manila. They couldn’t shoot in Bangkok because the movie is a true story and it is critical of the Thai legal system and the way it treated the two girls played by Danes and Beckinsale during their drug smuggling trial. Blah blah blah, who cares, back to the girly bar scene. We showed up early in the morning at The Cotton Club as directed and we were immediately sent inside to take up positions

around the bar for the filming. An American woman was in charge of extras casting and everyone had to file past her for selection as if she were a modern-day Mengele. She glanced at us and then pointed towards the area of the bar where she thought we would best fit. For some reason I got sent to sit at the bar right next to where Claire and Kate would be doing some dialogue, and I was given the role of “Tall sleeze bag” who, on a certain lighting cue, would walk up to the stage where the girls were dancing and ask one of them to join him for a drink at the bar. My resentment at this type casting was cancelled out by my eagerness to see the stars close up. Suddenly a door opened and about 30 young Filipinas walked in wearing nothing but bikinis. Every one of them was very pretty, and every one of them was very well cast, if you know what I mean. They slowly took their positions on the stage, then lights started flashing and on cue they began to dance in time with imaginary

Last Edition's Winner

music. Claire and Kate arrived and took their positions, and when Kaplan shouted, “Action!” they began their dialogue in the strange flashing silence (the background music is added later, otherwise they wouldn’t be able to record the dialogue). I saw my lighting cue, climbed off my stool as I had been instructed, walked up to the stage and silently asked the girl to join me at the bar. As I walked back to the bar with her, I heard “Cut!” and the scene was finished. Well at least, that version was finished. Then a magical voice said, “Right, let’s get these girls’ tops off...” Yep. There was to be an 18-rated version for certain markets and we had to do it all again surrounded by topless girls. I missed my cue the first time during the second version. I snapped back to reality when Kaplan shouted, “Cut!!! Where is Tall sleeze bag?” I had to apologise. It was hard to concentrate. I hear the film was a horrible flop but it’s one of my all-time favourites even though I’ve never seen it. 

This Edition's Competition…

Oh say! can you see, by the dawn's early light...! Last issue’s winning caption came from

Mary S. from Cipete. Thanks Mary, very oblique! SEND YOUR ENTRY BY TEXT TO:

0811 999603


1 Tall, slender tree (6) 4 See 10 and 19 7 Shopkeeper selling food (6) 8 Confer (6) 9 Dog-like animal - womaniser (4) 10 1961 film based on Romeo and Juliet, set in a New York slum (4,4,5) 12 Devices for amplifying the voice (11) 17 Calamity (8) 19 1970 film, starring Ali MacGraw and Ryan O'Neal (4,5) 20 Two dots placed over a vowel (6) 21 Indian flea which buries itself under toenails (6) 22 Flashlight (5) 23 Team member (6)


1 Act in play or film (7) 2 See 18 3 Nutritious starch from a West Indian plant (9) 4 Exhausted (5) 5 Trace - form (7) 6 Gaped (6) 11 Globe-shaped (9) 13 Narrow-minded (7) 14 Bring to naught (7) 15 Redeemer (7) 16 Regulate (6) 18 1949 musical by Rodgers and Hammerstein, made into a film in 1958 (5,7)

{ Answers in the next edition! }

*Answers for Edition 73 Across: 1. Homo sapiens 9. Acrobatic 10. Tun 11. Draft 13. Varnish 14. Allude 15. Access 18. Neglect 20. Rated 21. Apt 22. Identical 24. Greenkeeper Down: 2. Our 3. Orbited 4. Active 5. Incur 6. Nutriment 7. Hardy annual 8. In the saddle 12. Alligator 16. Curette 17. Streak 19. Exile 23. Cue

This edition's quiz: golden indonesia

Scan the barcode on your smartphone and answer the questions for a chance to win a Klik-Eat voucher worth Rp.300,000!

Closing date July 24th. Congratulations to Michael Wassmann for winning the Nightlife Quiz and the prize of a Rp.300,000 voucher from RoomService.

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Jakarta Expat­­ · ­­18 July - 31 July 2012

Family house for rent!

4 bedroom fully furnished house in a tranquil and safe housing complex in Bintaro Sector 8 is now available for rent. This is a two-storey house with a fishpond terrace and outside entertaining area and is perfect for a family. Description: - Fully Furnished with furniture and electronics - 4 Bedroom - AC, Beds + mattress, Wardrobes, Dresser - Family Area - AC, Show cupboard, leather sofas, ceiling fan - Pantry - Fridge, microwave, dining table, chairs, fitted cabinet - Kitchen - Fridge (2 doors), 6 burners stove, fitted cabinets, sink - Store room - Fridge (small), storage racks - 2 Servant Rooms - Beds, cupboard - Solar water heater (Handal) - Study/Library - Books shelves, Writing Desk and chair - Living Area - Sofas, coffee tables, ceiling fan - Fishpond terrace and front Veranda - table and chairs Price: Rent rate USD 1,250/month or Rp.135,000,000/year and available for 2 years. For more information, please email: property@jakartaexpat.biz or call 081317722271

A peaceful Balinese style house for rent at Cipete

Hampton Park Apartment Description: - 53 sq-meter - 2 bed-rooms - brand new - fully furnished with air-conditions - swimming pool view - elevators with access card and 24 hours security - parking space for 2 cars - strategic location across Hero Super market and Kristal Hotel.

Description: - Land/building : 600/350 sqm - Bedroom with built-in closet : 4 - Bathroom : 4,5 - Full A/C - 2 phone lines - Unfurnished - Swimming pool : Yes Price: US$ 3,300/month + 10% VAT, min 2 years

Price: Rental fee USD 1,300/month. min. 1 year

For more information, please email: property@jakartaexpat.biz or call 081317722271

For more information, please email: property@jakartaexpat.biz or call 081317722271

MOVE RIGHT IN! For rent, two-bedroom apartment at The Essence Darmawangsa. Fully furnished, modern, and prime location at the heart of South Jakarta. The unit has two bedrooms, a full bathroom, a separate living room, a closet and a kitchen. Description: In-room facilities: intercom, cable TV, Internet, phone line Other facilities: swimming pool, gym, tennis court, children’s playroom and dedicated garage parking space. 24-hour doorman available in the lobby. Also on the complex: café, convenience store and laundry. Rental price: USD 1,500 per month, min. 1 year. (maintenance fees included) For more information, please email: property@jakartaexpat.biz or call 081317722271

Townhouse at Cipete

Residence 8 @ Senopati

Description: - Land/Building : 352 / 182 Sqm - Bedroom : 3 - Bathroom : 2 - Swimming Pool : Yes Private & Compound Sharing Pool

Description: - 1 Bedroom, 76sqm - Walking distance to SCBD & Sudirman - Nice View & fully furnished - Elevator with access card and 24 hours security - Spacious lobby - Very close to Pacific Place Mall

Price: USD 2500 + Include Vat (Service Charge of IDR 1.500.000 not included), min. 1 year If you have any further questions or interest please contact: property@jakartaexpat.biz or call 081317722271

Rental Price: RP. 16 million /month, minimum 1 year For more information, please email: property@jakartaexpat.biz or call 081317722271

Are you a Property owner? Let us help you rent/sell your property. Contact us at property@jakartaexpat.biz // p. 08131 7722271


Jakarta Expat­­ · ­18 July - 31 July 2012

business & networking

The Cardigans Live In Jakarta Tue, 14 Aug 2012 Location: Tennis Indoor Senayan, Jakarta Ticket Price: * Festival : Rp. 750.000 * Tribun I ( Center) : Rp. 550.000 * Tribun II (Side) : Rp. 450.000 Tickets available at www.rajakarcis.com

ICCC BIZTRO Networking Cocktail Thu, 19 Jul 2012 Location: TBA on RSVP


Join us for a night of networking and fun. Catch up with friends and business acquaintances over food and drinks Everyone is welcome Please pass on this message to friends Contribution: * ICCC, Calindo & CWA Members : Rp 150,000/person * Non-Member: Rp 250,000/person Membership forms available at the door Membership Period February April 1st 2012 to March 31st 2013. * Individual Membership (Rp 500.000,-/year) * Corporate Membership (Rp 5.000.000,-/year) Email: iccc.secretariat@gmail.com Web Site: www.iccc.or.id


012 Indonesian Rugby Charity Lunch Sat, 08 Sep 2012 Location: TBA on RSVP Indonesian Rugby’s biggest promotional and fund raising event of the year is coming up on Saturday September 8 featuring Justin ‘Sambo’ Sampson as emcee, former Test players, live Rugby action on big screens, a lunch buffet, ice cold beverages and lots of ways for you to have Rugby fun with your clients, staff and friends in the comfort and security of a major Jakarta Hotel. Emcee - Justin Sampson Former Test Rugby Guest(s) Table of 10 Raflles Prizes Charity Auction Fund Raising Games Live Rugby All Blacks v Pumas Wallabies v Springboks

Gym Class Heroes Live in Jakarta Sat, 11 Aug 2012 Location: Kartika Expo, Jakarta Ticket: FESTIVAL A : Rp. 600.000 FESTIVAL B : Rp. 500.000 Ticket available at www.rajakarcis.com For more info call :62 21 7208 642

Ticket on sale from July 9 Rp. 1,000,000* each *10% discount for PRUI Members Info : Akmal Nasser : * Phone: +62813 1481 7999 * Email : akmalrugby@gmail.com

PRUI Office: * Phone: +6221 789 2033 * Fax: +6221 789 2034 Web Site: www.indonesiarugbyunion.pitchero.com

Bazaar & Exhibition

ICRA 2012 ''Interior & craft'' Wed, 18 Jul 2012 - Sun, 22 Jul 2012 Location: Hall A & B, Jakarta Convention Center Craft Jewelry fashion Batik Gifts For more information please call: Agus Ariyanto Phone: 08159929416 www.icra-kerajinan.com


Jakarta Expat­­ · ­­18 July - 31 July 2012

SUBSCRIBE TO JAKARTA EXPAT'S E-NEWSLETTER Scan the barcode to receive your free bi-weekly newsletter.

NISSAN X-Trail Xt 2.5 Automatic. Year 2008, Colour; Fire Engine Red. Black trim, Dual airbags, Leather seats, Full tinted windows. Full service log book. One lady owner driver, City use only. 66,000km New price Rp.329 million. Bargain price Rp.265 million. Please contact Devina on 08161870919

Street, Central Jakarta. Quiet and good for residential area. Close to Jakarta's Central Business District, Government Ministerial offices and Embassies. Freehold, Land 642 sqm & Building 799. Adjacent vacant lot is also for sale. M: +62.816.192.3040 - E: mv_so@ yahoo.com Apartment Wanted. Cash Buyer for immediate purchase Must be good price. Prefer 100 m2 Up. Close to Cilandak / Simatupang area. Contact Person : 0812 9405 3015 (Eka)

For sale Nissan Terrano 2001, good condition, well maintained, front grill, back mounted spare tire, side boards, new interior, 3 back seat seatbelts, Jakarta licence plate expat owned leaving Indonesia, RP 125 million nego. Call Tary on 0813 8830 0339 FOR SALE DIPLOMATIC SUZUKI SX4 X-OVER, Only Km 23 000 – 9 000 EUR (appr. 11 300 USD). Suzuki SX4 X-Over 2009 Model – Silver Grey Metallic – almost as new, 1.500cc, DOHC, VVT, 100 PS - Manual transmission - 2 Front Airbags - Air condition – ABS/ EBD/BA – 2 Din Audio System with CD/MP3 Player– Power Windows & Power Door Lock –– Electric Mirror - Alloy Wheels– Multi Function Display – Armrest on 2nd Row Seat -Available 1st of October - Price : 9000 Euro - Contact: Embassy of Hungary, Tel: 0816 79 0046 - Email: ajuhasz@mfa.gov.hu For sale Audi A4-4S Setronic 2004, Black, 80.000 km, 1st owner, 150 million, Leather seat, Velc Special Mischelin tyre. Contact 087881761369

For Sale, a two storey house at Menteng,HOS Cokroaminoto

A 210m2 land in perumahan Sari Jimbaran for sale. Serious buyer only call 081237162697.

House at JL. Slamet 12, Semarang. 4 Bedroom + 2 Bathroom + Storage + Double Garage + Huge Garden. Contact: Jimmy 0817246060 orjw8011@gmail.com.

For Sale : Beachfront /Mountain view land for sale in Pelabuhan Ratu/West Java : 6,5 ha , good for investment/private use. Contact : 62 811140510.

House for Rent at Kemang, Cipete, Cilandak, Pejaten Barat, Pondok Indah.Big garden, S’pool, Complex with 4/5 Bdr. Ph 0816859551 081287488717. Email: nantha_realtor@yahoo.com

For rent in the heart of Kemang, 5 bedroom house (2 floors) with nice garden surrounding the house, swimming pool and ample space for parking, bungalow style within compound, close to shops, schools, restaurants, quiet area, with green views and safe for children to play around the house. Land 670sqm/ building 500sqm. Price USD 2950/ month nego (ex tax if applicable) Call Tary 0813 8830 0339

“Bali – Homestay Villa in the Clouds” – soft opening begin September 2012. Very quiet country estate of 850 m above sea level, between the village Jatiluwih with its famous rice terrasses, and the mountain BATUKARU, 2200 m. We guarantee cool climate, no pollution, exquisite for relaxation. Go on hiking tours into protected forest, or just sit in fresh air outside and enjoy the overwhelming panorama, unmatched anywhere else in Bali. Your hosts will be Thomas, Hedy, and three golden retrievers. Please contact us on our email for more information : villa. intheclouds@yahoo.com

Pondok Indah Cipete $1450/mo 600m, 4Rent USD1450/mo, 2yrs old,

400sqm bldg, 600sqm land, 4BR, 3 BathRm, 2 MaidsRm, 2 Kitchen, 2 garden, outside and in center house, Aircond, solar cell heater, 6600 watt electricity, 1km to Pondok Indah / 500m Fatmawati, Direct Owner Mona 082123078186, PIN2815C670 "American graduate student doing a six month internship in Kemang would like to share a house with other expatriates and/ or Indonesians. Please respond to: marissarose3@gmail.com.

Expat is looking for business opportunities in Indonesia. I have a wide network in the retail industry and media tools to promote the business. Interested? e-mail me: jakartalinks@gmail.com Looking For Job. Having experience for 18 years as a Secretary, Logistic, Exportimport, Administrative Assistant, Purchasing, Public Relations, and marketing of export and domestic. Fluent English, fast typing and accurate, good communication both Indonesian and English. Ready to work, call: 062 21 98644428, 062 85287552732, or 062 21 97473500. Looking for Full Time work for my maid "Ibu Susi" (as we are leaving the country), Ibu Susi has been working


Jakarta Expat­­ · ­18 July - 31 July 2012

Place a Classified Ad and get results! Classifieds are still FREE! Send in your classifieds to ads@jakartaexpat.biz Next issue deadline: 27 June 2012 Have something to sell? Looking for something to buy? Looking for staff? Selling property? Or need a place to live? Why not place your classified ad with Jakarta Expat! Your classified will be placed once for 2 weeks online and once in our printed version which has a circulation of 15.000 copies bi weekly. Conditions: Personal classifieds : free of charge | 50 words max Commercial classifieds : Rp. 100,000 | 0 - 50 words : Rp. 200,000 | 50 - 100 words - Property listings are considered as Commercial. - For adding an image / company logo in our printed issue another Rp. 150,000 needs to be charged. Send in your classifieds to ads@jakartaexpat.biz

for us (French family) since 2004. She is a great french (basic) & western cook, keeps our house & clothes spickand-span, doesn't mind overtime if needed (stay on weekend), she is absolutely trustworthy. Contact her directly (in "Bahasa Indonesia") +6285311804318 I am looking for a job as a maid monday to friday, Live out. I can cook Indonesian & European food, speak english and I have reference letters, I am 32 years old. 0877 809 55594

WE WANT YOU! For an up-market Latin inspired restaurant & bar OPENING: OCTOBER 2012 /Location: JAKARTA SCBD. OPERATIONS MANAGER (OM) FLOOR MANAGER (FM) SUPERVISOR (SPV) BAR MANAGER (BMR) BARTENDER (BTR) FOOD ATTENDANTS (FA) RESTAURANT HOST/HOSTESS (HST) SOUS CHEF / CDP (CDP) Qualifications: Attractive Male/Female (age 21+) High School/College degree/Certificate in F&B Service. Minimum 2 years work experience in a related field. Computer literate (MS Office/Windows). Basic English communication (verbal & written). Team player + positive attitude. Email application letter (with position code) + CV with latest photo (3x4 cm) and reference to: entrada5. HR@gmail.com Deadline: Monday, July 30, 2012.

4. Willing to be placed at school in Jakarta ( or JABODETABEK) Notes: 1. All the Native English Teachers will be placed at school (Junior & High School) 2. Working hour is from 6.30 am - 11.30 am. Please E-mail your letter & CV to : stamford.axel@gmail.com We are looking for a maid/nanny. Main responsibilities will be laundry, cooking (once in a day) and help with one years old baby. No need to clean as we already have a cleaner. If you can recommend someone, please SMS me on 082 152 393659

Looking for foreign investor (owner, decision maker) willing to join with a local Indonesian company who are expanding in mining & property business in Indonesia. Pls email us your company profile and we will arrange for a meeting thereafter. dscoal@gmail.com.

RENTING AN UNFURNISHED HOUSE? Let us help you move in quicker with our premium furniture rental programs. 3-36 month rentals. Find out why we’re Jakarta’s #1 furniture rental provider. Website: www.the-mahogany. com Email: cs@the-mahogany. com or call 021-7223449/7394843. Radio Dalam Raya no.40, Jakarta Selatan. The best tantric massage in town for relaxing, come to your place, hotel, and apartment. Please call: 085850343351 TRADITIONAL MASSAGE. Come your place 7 am - 8 pm. sms: 0812 80 929359 Portuguese Showjumping professional rider / trainer with many Internacional experience available in Jkt for classes or clinics. Vascocm@gmail.com We assist clients in starting up their books of accounts, maintaining their accounting books and compiling financial statements on a monthly basis. Call: 085710790511 or email tointegra.osx@gmail.com

Have the Coolest Party With BINTANG PARTY EXPRESSWe deliver and serve Bintang & Heineken Draught beer to your door, just email to : party_ express@yahoo.com or dial 0818 948 627 and 759 4611 Want to study Indonesian Language (children and adults) or English (children) privately at home or office? Contact: Fauzi 081315363812. E-mail :privatebhs@yahoo.co.id

Central Jakarta based corporate training provider is looking for experienced, enthusiastic English teachers to work on a full time or freelance basis. Available immediately, these roles involve teaching adults in a corporate environment as part of their inhouse training. CVs to recruitment@ kpiconsultancy.com

Spanish native looking for english native to change english conversation for spanish. Telp. 081310329310 Want to study Indonesian Language (children and adults) or English (children) privately at home or office? Contact: Fauzi 081315363812. E-mail :privatebhs@yahoo.co.id

Looking for a full time experienced maid, Live in, for Bintaro area, Sector 9. Call Ibu Susi : Hp: 0815 9987951 or Mr. Betz 0815 84924590 A British national living in Jakarta with KITAS is searching employment in Indonesia. For more details please contact me at going4good@live. co.uk Anything is considered. A Vacancy for English Native Teacher Requirements: 1. Experienced in teaching English min. 2 years 2. Have a diploma 3. KITAS

Arts Prima International Music School (ABRSM) at Bona Indah opens new classes in vocal (with karaoke facilities), piano, guitar, violin, and ballet courses. Call 021 2923 7119 for more information.

Want to study saxophone (children 11 years above) privately at home? contact: (send message) 02183456999 or 0816872729 e-mail: rw1302@ gmail.com

Relax we carry the load. Your peace of mind is our highest priority. One company Allied to Allied, over 800 locations worldwide. Your specialist in household goods moving services. Jakarta (021) 780 7851, Surabaya (031) 749 8377, Email: info@alliedpickfords.co.id Website: www.alliedpickfords.com

For Expat Superiors, do you work with staff that need to improve English? A trustworthy female who grew up in the U.S. and has taught English in companies for years can provide excellent programs including Business and Conversation Classes with reasonable prices. Is currently teaching in prominent companies. Call 0815 84109845.

Medical evacuation health & life insurance. Let us diagnose your needs. Contact Paul Beale, mobile: +62 816 137 0663, office: 021-5220990 E: paulbeale@gms-financial.com Traveling? Let us help you! As your partner in business, we aspire to provide service standards that are faster, more accurate and more reliable. Contact us now to assist you for all your travel needs. PT. Amazing World Explorer T&T. Kemang Square, 3rd floor unit III-12. Jl. Kemang Raya no. 5. Phone: 7179 4722 - awe. tours@gmail.com We assist clients in starting up their books of accounts, maintaining their accounting books and compiling financial statements on a monthly basis. Call: 085710790511 or email to integra.osx@gmail.com

For over 14 years, Living in Indonesia, A Site for Expatriates has provided expats with “Practical Information” to help smooth the transition to their new life in Indonesia. Choose from 1,200+ articles – all written by expats to address the specific concerns of expats. Living in Indonesia, A Site for Expatriates www.expat.or.id I'm providing facial treatments in the comfort of your home for women ONLY using exclusively NuSkin USA products. 200 USD per treatment. Scrub - facial galvanic - facelift masker - ageLOC skin care - bonus products. Call / text me 0812 8778 1788

suffer another day call us today. HOTEL KRISTAL (021) 7507090

NEW MATTRESS FOR SALE Spring Air, Euphoria, King size (2.0 x 2.0). Contact Monica Vidal at 0812 11 22 194 or send e-mail to monica_ vidals@hotmail.com Garage sale quality expat furniture, teak dining, tables chairs, carved teak chaise lounge, fold up beds, cross trainer (New), large fish tank approx 6' x 4' x 3' as new, filter, gravel complete, pioneer home theatre music system, etc. Jl.H.Namin No. 40 Cipete Jakarta Selatan, call Peter : 081286130223 or Stary : 085697281028

Now available at wholesale prices! From wine and spirit glasses to decanters and vases, KROSNO offers hundreds of imported fine glassware products at competitive prices. Visit www.limabintang. com to view our entire catalog with offers up to 50% off. Home delivery available on some orders.

JAKARTA’S FINEST MAHOGANY FURNITURE MAKER SINCE 1975. We handcraft 100% custom, solid mahogany furniture. Bring your own design or visit our showroom for inspirations. ANEKA MEUBEL. Jl. Radio Dalam Raya no. 40, Jakarta Selatan. T 021-7223449. Web: www.aneka-meubel.com Wanted to rent 100-300sq/m for med use hve pts share with other med clinic hosp etc. Pref sth jkt p Dennis 081286130223 Garage sale: expat teak furn beds tble chairs dsg tble pro x trainer new cpts lge 6' fsh tnk new etc. P. Dennis 081286130223. Jl.H.Namin 40 Cipete WANTED: Apple Cinema Display 24", in good condition. For offers

Bahasa Indonesia class starts on 24 July at the American Club. Private also available for Bahasa/ English/ Mandarin. Qualified teacher & excellent material 02168888246/0813-85590009 www. sibschool.com URGENT: Female native English speaker, based in Jakarta, assigned in Kalimantan. 25-35 y/o, Conversational English, 2 Yrs Exp, Excellent salary & benefits. Send CV: hrd@sibschool.com FAMILY CHIROPRACTIC. Professional health-care with experienced practitioners. Careful assessment and individually designed treatment plans. Excellent results with low back and neck pain, shoulder problems, sciatica, disk herniations, headaches and migraine and other musculoskeletal disorders and wellness care. Don’t

email to: it@ralum.Biz

Tired of trying many slimming products with no result? Wondering why exercise still don't shed your body fat? Try our Bios Life Slim. The only Clinically Proven, Patented, Natural and FatLoss Product on the market today. Contact 0818635888 and we'll show you how this product will not only help you lose your fat, but also improve your Cholesterol, your blood pressure and stabilize glucose level. Bios Life Slim is the Difference. www.bioslifeslim.com Hand made original and beautiful batik bedspreads with matching pillow cases. King size 500,000. Q size 400,000. Single 300,000 Tel or sms Desi 08128295914. Investment Opportunity! Gemstones of Indonesia—the largest and most complete collection of Indonesian gems in the country and Jewels by Irwan,cutting-edge oneof-kind jewelry creations using only Indonesian gemstones and jewelry materials: opals, pearls, amber, fossilized coral, chrysocolla, agate & jasper, rare woods and other extraordinary materials is planning to “Go International” and is looking for an investing partner. A great opportunity for someone who loves gems and jewelry and wants to make money. Email: jewelsbyirwan@gmail.com. Further info: 0811824302 CULTURAL CONNECTIONS (A Plethora of Fabulosity!). Batik Fractal (unique modern batik), Caterina Hapsari (batik fashion), Dharma Mulia Galleries (antiques, antiquities, tribal art), Gemstones of Indonesia (world’s largest collection), Ghea Studio (fabulous fashions), H. Ross Weber (contemporary paintings), Jewels by lrwan, (extraordinary jewels for extraordinary people), Al Malik Carpets (oriental rugs), Piment Rouge (superb interiors), TonyRaka Gallery (cutting-edge paintings, Balinese antiques). There is nothing remotely like CULTURAL


Jakarta Expat­­ · ­­18 July - 31 July 2012

Place a Classified Ad and get results! CONNECTIONS in Bali. Beachwalk (the “Gucci unit”- main floor), Kuta Beach, Bali. Through Dec. 18, 2012. 7 days a week, 10 am-10 pm.

black leather headboard. Asking price is 6.5 million rupiahs. Free delivery on July 14 to South Jakarta. Astrid 081321963960

Garage sale quality expat furniture, teak dining, tables chairs, carved teak chaise lounge, fold up beds, 3 chiro/massage tables, cross trainer (New), large fish tank approx 6' x 4' x 3' as new, filter, gravel, etc. Jl.H.Namin No.40 Cipete Jakarta Selatan, call Peter : 081286130223 or Stary : 085697281028

A woman's touch can make all the difference in the world. But sometimes her touch alone isn't enough. Any woman can touch you and all you'll feel is her hand on your skin. When the RIGHT woman touches you, she doesn’t just touch your skin. She touches, tickles everything about you, every aspect of your being, inside and out. There's an awakening! Every part she touches tingles with life, energy, anticipation and, ultimately, satisfaction. Please come…take the journey with me. Contact point ~ email: tantrictherapeutic@gmail.com (Private Session by appointment only)

Experience staying at a beautiful original antique Javanese Joglo house in the foothills of Mount Merapi. Joglo Ago is a three double bedroom villa with gardens perfect for a weekend retreat from the hustle and bustle of city life. In close proximity to Mount Merapi and Borobudur Temple. Visit www. jogloago.com for more information, or call Indah 08123563626 (owner). Friday Night: Traffic for 2 hours. 2 hours trip to Bali/Jogya/ Singapore,etc. If you choose the second answer. Call Us @(+62)21 2899 6633, For Air Tickets & Accommodation

For Sale AQUARIUM 3 years old Good Condition, Recently serviced. Dimensions W:200 cm x D:55 cm. Comes with Filter, CO2 Tank and Accessories. Price: 6,000,000 IDR (nego) Good condition kingsize SERTA spring bed with extras, bought in 2010, rarely slept on. Model is Pedic Elegance Supreme Comfort, with

For sale beautiful yacht, type SCHPOUNTZ, length 17m, beam 4,5m, draft 2m, engine Mitsubishi 130 HPFuel,capacity 800 ltr, top speed 10 knots, top sailing 8 knots.Facilities: flatscreen TV, DVD player, Bose soundsystem, WC, shower cold/hot water,snorkeling equipment. For info; email van. balder@gmail.com

Large (2.00 m x 2.00 m) double bed for sale. Comes with decorative teak construction, bed frames and complete with mattrasses, has only been used in guest room, asking 4 mln. Please contact marnix@ sam-media.com Bridge Players Wanted to play Duplicate on Tuesdays and Friday mornings starting at 0900 hours at the

‘Die Stube’ German Resto & Bar, Plaza Bisnis Kemang I, Ground Floor, Jl. Kemang Raya No. 2, Jakarta. Contact Mrs Erna Loosli at +62818686999.

Does Your Child Play Soccer? Give your child the chance to become the best soccer player on the team!Try the SuperSkills guaranteed way of creating skillful soccer players. We teach the secrets to expert dribbling & complete mastery of the ball. All of our coaches are former professional players and certified in the SuperSkills methodology. Currently SuperSkills is available 5 days per week after school on Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Thursdays & Fridays at 9 various locations in Jakarta – South, North, & Central Jakarta all have centers including Pondok Indah, CiToS, ISCI, Kelapa Gading, and Ancol. We're somewhere near you! Contact us now and set up a Free Trial for your child & guaranteed to improve every player during every session (even at the Free Trial). There is no risk, we love what we do & it’s fun and healthy. Contact us now & Try for Free! SMS or Phone: Contact us today at +62 - 815 1160 7218.

SuperSkills@SuperSkillsSoccer.com www.SuperSkillsSoccer.com

Special offer! Private Diving Cruises (6days/5nights) on a traditional buginese schooner in Komodo. Minimum 3 persons, maximum 8 persons. Price starting at $ 160 person/ day. Departure every Wednesday. For more information contact: info@divingcruisesambasi.com www.divingcruisesambasi.com

will benefit you like never before. 1 bottle containing 30 capsules for Rp. 250.000 to be delivered for free in Jakarta. Info: 081317722271

I want to have a coffee and chat. Only for Foreigner ladies. Please contact me at: 0813 1741 5748 - Felipe

ABC Acai Berry Soft Gel (Double Effects) is a 100% natural product, which helps on fast fat reducing and also beautifying your skin. ABC Acai Berry Soft Gel with its Unique formula on Pure Acai Berry and many other carefully selected Chinese herbs

I want to trade my laughter for your fun times. I am new to Jakarta and would like to find genuine friendships with kind hearted people to discover what Jakarta has to offer. Requirements: 24+ age, English speaker and good glasshalf-full attitude. Please contact me for friendship, fun and laughter by

emailing me at xhappyemily88x@ hotmail.com. Have a happy day! Speaking Partner! Hit two birds with one stone! Bring me to coffee shops, grocery shopping, city sight seeing, etc. I’ll teach you Bahasa on the spot. Fun, practical & easy. Bachelor in education, had lived in the US, laid back, humorist, and relatively good looking. Call 081286668413 My name is Matta, am searching for a soul mate; don't you think we could have something in common? Let’s open communication and see what transpires, here's my email address { mattarichard@ live.com} Just go ahead and email me, i promise to get back to yo. Matta.

PROPERTY LEASE OFFERING NEAR BALI AIRPORT The property is strategically located about 50 meters from the entrance of Ngurah Rai International Airport, right opposite the 4-star international Harris Hotel, and at the outskirts of one of the fastest-growing areas in Bali, Ngurah Rai. The building of 250 M2 was professionally fitted out as a European-style bar and restaurant, although its façade and layout are versatile and accommodating of other types of businesses and purposes. Lease period ends at 2027. Price per year: 300 juta.

For more data, email: info@jakartaexpat.biz


Jakarta Expat足足 揃 足18 July - 31 July 2012

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