Jakarta Expat - issue 60 - Resolution 2012

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Jakarta Expat 4 January - 17 January 2012

Indonesia’s Largest Expatriate Readership | 60th Edition | 4 Jan – 17 Jan 2012 |

Photo by Hanneke Mennens




4 January - 17 January 2012 Jakarta Expat


60th Edition | 4 Jan – 17 Jan 2012 Editor in Chief Angela Richardson angela@jakartaexpat.biz Assistant Editor Cecilia Forsman cecilia@jakartaexpat.biz Management Edo Frese edo@jakartaexpat.biz Sales Dian Mardianingsih ads@jakartaexpat.biz Distribution Efa Theodora efa@jakartaexpat.biz Graphics Adietyo Rukmono didiet@jakartaexpat.biz Finance Pertiwi Gianto Putri tiwi@jakartaexpat.biz Lini Verawaty lini@jakartaexpat.biz Contributors Clayton Bond Terry Collins Jason Hue Juan Leysner Hanneke Mennens Hush Petersen Angela Richardson Dan Quinn

Dear Readers, “New Year’s Day… now is the accepted time to make your regular annual good resolutions. Next week you can begin paving hell with them as usual.” - Mark Twain This year I’ve been doing a bit of Christmas travelling in the land ‘down under’ and so far I’ve encountered a dozen wild kangaroos, the Sydney Harbour Bridge, the Opera House, the Botanical Gardens, a Picasso exhibition, Bondi Beach, the infamous Kings Cross, and as I write this, I’m overlooking Manly Beach, just a half hour ferry ride away from Sydney Harbour, where people of all ages are jogging along the stretch of white sand beach, surfing, swimming and loving the sunshine. One of my own resolutions for 2012 is to learn to dive. Something I’ve been talking about for years, but mark my words, this year it’s going to happen! It seems no matter where you live, New Year’s resolutions tend to be roughly the same and geared around self fulfilment and the happiness of others. Some local

Australians I’ve spoken to have told me that their resolutions include living a healthier lifestyle, having more patience and my favourite so far, “Being nicer to my wife” (courtesy of Andrew Moss in Manly). Whether your own personal resolution is to quit smoking, give more to the poor, or to never make another resolution again, I wish you the best of luck keeping to these promises and I encourage you to remember them when February comes along. If you’re not a fan of the old resolution, enjoy Hush’s story on page 5, which is sure to make you think twice about what you decide when someone asks you the how you plan to be a better person this year. See what a long time expat, Collins, has to say for the New Year on page 10 and Bond reminds us how we should be grateful for the expat life in Indonesia on page 4. If you’re a lover of mountain climbing, please try and help Quinn fill in the missing gaps on Indonesia’s unknown ‘ribus’ on page 11. Happy New Year and all the best for 2012! 

Angela Richardson

Spotted Pic

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Jakarta Expat is published biweekly by PT. Koleksi Klasik. Opinions expressed in this publication are those of the writers and the publisher does not accept any responsibility for any errors, ommisions, or complaints arising there from. No parts of this publication can be reproduced in whole or in part, in print or electronically without permission of the publisher. All trademarks, logos, brands and designs are copyright and fully reserved by PT. Koleksi Klasik Indonesia.

Published by PT. KOLEKSI KLASIK INDONESIA Jl. Kemang Raya No. 29A Kemang, Jakarta - Indonesia Tel: 021 7179 4550 Fax: 021 719 0087 Office hours: 9.00–17.00 Monday–Friday

Spotted by Christian in Sepa Island

*15,000 copies bi-weekly *30,000+ English-speaking readers *Our rates are cheaper than the others!

 in this issue

 4 Resolve to be Grateful - An Expat New Years Resolution  5 Resolve to Make a Change - Resolutions - At Least Make it Interesting  6 Meet the Expats ´ Chris Cromarty & Robert McKinnon  7 Feature Story - Run Scott, Run!  8 Personal Tech & Apps ´ Technology Resolutions  9 Letters ´ Your Opinions  10 Light Entertainment ´ A New Year and a New Lifestyle?  11 Aint No Mountain High Enough - Belum Bagged, Not Yet Bagged  11 Events  13 Bahasa - (Mis)Understanding Indonesian Lingo  14-15 Classifieds

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Jakarta Expat 4 January - 17 January 2012



4 January - 17 January 2012 Jakarta Expat

Resolve to be Grateful

I told my Facebook friends that I was writing an article about New Year’s resolutions, and asked them for inspiration. (I don’t normally make resolutions; I tend to leave those to my ethnically German spouse who, true to type, likes setting goals.) I asked my friends what they thought about New Year’s resolutions and whether they planned to make any for 2012. By Claton Bond


ne helpfully gave me a great opening for an article: “At least once a year family, friends, and strangers converse about their journey, admit shortcomings, and look for ways to improve over the next 365 days. In grocery lines, restaurants, International Terminals, even hospitals, once a year NYR is an ‘ice breaker’ we want to know if others like ourselves plan on being better. Why?” It is a good conversation opener. I think sometimes the interrogator is genuinely interested, and that it’s also probably good in general to give voice to your goals – a sort of Coelho-like action, to allow the universe to conspire to help you find success. Some people had the usual resolutions: losing weight or reducing debt, while others had more esoteric objectives: self-mastery, and being more grateful and mindful. Some had prescriptions for resolutionsetting, which included setting “broad goals that can be achieved in a number of different ways.” That’s definitely my style. Another preferred was “resolutions that involve doing something as opposed to not doing something. Good resolution: travel more. Bad resolution: eat less carbs.” Sounds good. One friend usually doesn’t make resolutions, but said she might this year; that it could be fun to make resolutions with family and friends. But, she advised, “If major changes are needed, I don’t think people should put them off until January 1st.” True dat. One friend sent me a photo of a sign in an elevator that advises passengers that the electricity supply is unreliable, and not to panic should they get unexpectedly stuck. The sign attempts to assure travellers that the “oxsygen” will still flow though (whether?) the “elevator stop or running.” Not to panic when things go wrong, as they inevitably do in life from time to time and, more frequently, in a country with limited infrastructure, is a very worthy resolution. I do rather like that iconic sign from wartime England, which advises to “Keep Calm and Carry On,” and the more modern variations, such as “Keep Calm and Eat a Cupcake.” For an expat, the advice is apt. Living overseas presents many opportunities

for personal growth, the essence of New Year’s resolutions. It is sometimes easy to forget what a privilege it is to live in another country, especially on a comfortable expat package, when confronted from time to time with the annoyances of living in a place where things are sometimes done differently. So, in addition to setting some professional goals for myself for 2012, I’ll continue to

“when I get irritated about something, I’ll try and keep calm and be grateful” work on a personal goal that I set when I moved to Jakarta just over one year ago: when I get irritated about something, I’ll try and keep calm and be grateful. When my cook says there’s no more canned pumpkin in the store, when fresh, real pumpkins abound locally, I’ll calmly remind him that we actually prefer to use fresh ingredients, and I’ll be grateful that we have someone to prepare food for us. When the restaurant server announces the arrival of my beverage or wants to remove an empty plate from the table and thinks it’s better to interrupt my conversation than to do his job quietly, I’ll calmly acknowledge his presence and be grateful that I can go out to eat. When the airline inexplicably keeps us waiting on the tarmac in a hot plane for over an hour, only to bring us back to the gate to wait longer before cancelling our flight, I’ll be grateful for an unplanned additional evening in Bali, and for the opportunity to travel anywhere. The fact is fortune has favoured us expats. The stakes aren’t nearly as high for us as they are for nearly half of Indonesia’s population, who survives on less than Rp. 20,000 (roughly the equivalent to $2.20) per day. Yes, life is pretty good as an expat. I’ll continue to try to keep that in mind when things go wrong. 

Clayton Bond A native of Detroit, Michigan, Clayton Bond is a writer in Jakarta. Connect with him on Facebook at facebook.com/clayton.bond2 or via his blogs at www.djakartadjournal.blogspot.com and www.diploconcierge.blogspot.com.


Jakarta Expat 4 January - 17 January 2012

Celebrate Resolve toLife Make a Change


- At Least Make it Interesting By Hush Peterson


hen it comes to New Year’s Eve parties, there are only two corners of the room: The corner where some eyebrow-raiser is busy trapping girls and trying to impress by asking if they have any idea what “Auld Lang Syne” means and the one on the other side of the room, chock-full of people plugging New Year’s Resolutions. Making a resolution makes you a tool. But knowing that Robert Burns’ poem has a few meanings—go with “times gone by” or “days go by”— doesn’t bode well either. Resolutions, Oscar Wilde said, are simply checks men draw on a bank where they have no account. That’s why the best thing about New Year’s Eve parties is laughing at the people with resolutions. After all, they’re not going to hold themselves accountable. So why should we? There’s nothing sadder than bumping into a half-lit stranger in a crowded living room and having to watch as they sway slightly and spill gin over the lip of their plastic cup before they tell you they are going to “quit drinking” or see someone else get all wideeyed as they scream over the stereo about how they are going to “make more time for themselves.” What does that even mean? Plus, a resolution is a pretty good indicator of character. If you’re standing with someone at a party and they tell you they’re going to start volunteering or giving to charity then call them on it the next time you see them. Some people’s egos write checks they can’t cash. Call them on it. If you’re going to have a New Year’s Resolution at least let it mean something. I would pay a million bucks to hear someone say, “I’m going to listen to less Coldplay.”

Now that’s a conversation I want to be part of. Not because I hate Coldplay, but because I actually want to know what would compel anyone to want to listen to less Coldplay. How much Chris Martin is too much Chris Martin? A person who makes a resolution like that has seriously taken stock of their life. They have something to say. At the same time, if someone said, “I’m going to stop stalking my ex-girlfriend on Facebook.” I’d clear my dance card and hang out with that guy the rest of the night. Full stop. Because even if he’s creepy, you know he’s going to end up doing something memorable. If everything goes right you might get to help him pick out a new tattoo, watch him fall over a railing or, if you’re really lucky, grab a cop’s gun. Once, at a New Year’s Eve party years back I heard a guy say, “My New Year’s resolution is to stay out of jail.” That guy became my best friend. He’s also made partner at his law firm at 32. But the girl in the gladiator sandals who says she wants to “travel more,” or the guy who spends the night checking out girls but inevitably wants to “ remember to tell his girlfriend she is beautiful more often” are just plain sad. I would go to more New Year’s Eve parties if I could wear a Halloween mask. That way you wouldn’t see me wince or roll my eyes. Instead of making resolutions we should just change. There’s no reason we can’t get off our asses today and do the right thing. If you want to lose weight, put down the fork. If you want to start volunteering there are a million places out there. But to stand around with a bunch of other people and just throw meaningless resolutions in the air is laughable. Don’t be that guy. So when it comes down to it, make the right call. And if you can’t think of something original or appealing just lie— lie your face off. 

Hush Petersen Hush Petersen is currently on sabbatical from the hero's journey. He loves sipping Budweisers, doing the crossword and judging people outside Ranch Market in Mega Kuningan. You should join him some time.


4 January - 17 January 2012 Jakarta Expat

Meet the Expats

Hi Chris Cromarty. The

Canadian Aerial Surveyor whose release is getting mean on the ice rink. Chris from Canada, I had no idea people were playing ice hockey in Jakarta! Where do you play? We gather on Tuesdays and Sundays at Taman Anggrek ice rink. We encourage newcomers or those who aren’t such strong skaters to join on Sundays as Tuesday nights are a bit rough. We’ll be back on it after the Christmas holidays in the second week of January. How many of you play and what system have you got going on? We’re at the most we’ve ever had with around 18 of us on Tuesdays. We have three teams of six and play round robin for an hour and a half. The guys are a mix of Canadians, Swedish, Americans, Indonesians who grew up in the States and the Finnish Ambassador! Do you compete at competitions? Yes, there are several tournaments in South East Asia, not in Indonesia however, and the next one will be in Bangkok for an over 35s tournament in March. What do you call yourselves? The ‘Jakarta Dragons.’ We used to be called ‘Jakarta Corruption’, but changed it to be more P.C. How rough does ice hockey actually get? It’s a pretty rough sport. You can use your body to knock and hit opponents, but no punching. Basically you use your body to punch.

Do you guys get quite into it? I’m generally quite a calm person and I find this is my outlet. We can get quite into it and oftentimes there are grudges in competitive leagues. I’d say on the whole though, our Tuesday night games are pretty tame and only sometimes are the guys ‘rough in the boards’. Has anyone had any injuries? A couple of weeks ago one of the goalies shattered his pinky finger, but we haven’t sustained any serious injuries yet. So, how is the ice rink in Jakarta? It’s in a mall, which isn’t great as the mall hasn’t really jumped on board with us playing there. Once a puck flew out of the rink and hit a girl, not hard and she was fine, but they shut us down for a while. The rink is in bad condition and probably a third of the size of a real rink, but we mustn’t grumble. At least there is one and we have fun! Any after games rituals? Yes, we bring a cooler full of beer and hang out after the game. That’s really what ice hockey is; having a drink and socialising afterwards. Sounds good. Have you made any New Year’s Resolutions? I resolved to cut back on partying, but I’ve done that already. Basically I want to live a healthier lifestyle.

Hello Robert McKinnon.

The Scotsman who accidentally found himself a home in Indonesia.

So, Robert McKinnon, how did you end up living in Indonesia? This is a funny question that I have been asked many times. It was that I had to leave Australia because of visa problems, honestly, and the cheapest ticket out was to Jakarta. I had no idea about the country. I have now been here 22 years. That’s a great story! Any plans to move on from Indonesia in the future? No, I have made my home here. What are you currently doing here, and what else have you done in the past 22 years?

If any of our readers are keen to join, what do you suggest they do? Just email me or drop by on Tuesday nights between 8.30 and 9.45pm to see what we get up to. If you’re interested, just have a chat with us after the game and we look forward to having you!

I am a Teacher at Sekolah Bogor Raya. In the past I had a Billiard hall, and was part owner of an ESL school. I have also helped with the Indonesian Rugby with various events ranging from the A5N to School Rugby. I was previously assistant manager of the national team. With the rugby 7’s we won the bowl at the Singapore 7’s back in 2008. In 2009 I also helped organise the Bali 10’s rugby competition and this year I helped organise the Indonesian school rugby tournament.

If you want to know more about playing ice hockey in Jakarta, email Chris at ccromarty@gmail.com 

Wow, you’ve dabbled in quite a variety of ventures...Any interesting stories to share from your experiences here in

Indonesia? I have never had any problems in all my travels throughout Indonesia. I hear bad stories about people losing hand phones and the likes, but when I do they get returned to me. I even had my car stolen and I was looking forward to the insurance money but lo and behold, the police brought it back with no charge. Funny! How would you say Indonesia has changed over your 22 years here? All countries change. Indonesia has grown stronger since 1998 and is now a very nice place to live and work. It is also safer place to live. So how do you usually spend your free time? I spend my free playing tennis with my friends and enjoy eating good food and drinking! What would you say is your favourite thing about life in Indonesia? Apart from the people, I’d say the diversity of the food. Semua enak bangat! So, what are your plans for New Years Eve and have you made any resolutions? I am still thinking about what to do for the New Year but most likely will end spending it with friends at Eastern Promise in Kemang. New Year’s resolution? Tough one... to enjoy life even more! 


Jakarta Expat 4 January - 17 January 2012

Feature Story

Run, Scott, Run! By Angela Richardson


kilometres in 25 days, from Bali to Jakarta, running through the sweltering 32 degree Equatorial heat and 75% humidity, dodging trans-Java buses, trucks and breathing in masses of carbon monoxide – does this sound like your worst nightmare? Just in case it didn’t compute the first time, that’s an average of 50 km a day, every day for 25 days, which is the equivalent of 30 back-to-back marathons. Are your legs starting to feel like jelly yet? Surely only a super human could accomplish such a feat. Enter Scott Thompson. A blue-eyed Scotsman with a huge mission to accomplish this New Year. “I was looking for something extreme, larger than anything I’d ever done before,” Scott tells me. “I did the Sahara Ultra Marathon which was 250 km through the Sahara desert and thought about maybe trying the Yukon Arctic Ultra Marathon. I called several hotels in Jakarta to ask if they have freezers with available space to put a treadmill inside, but the response wasn’t so great...” Then the hundred dollar bet for a Bali to Jakarta run was presented to Scott in the office and from there his mind has been set. Some may call him fool-hearted, but I say courageous. This run hasn’t been done before and when Scott crosses the finish line, he will be in the Guinness Book of World Records with the fastest run time between Bali and Jakarta. This mammoth run will start at Denpasar’s Ngurah Rai airport on March 8th, 2012 and take him north for three days to catch the Bali Straits ferry at Gilimanuk for the crossing to Banyuwangi-Ketapang. On the ferry, he won’t be enjoying he sights and sounds like the other passengers. He’ll be running, either on the spot or around the ferry deck, ultimately taking the attention away from the sights and sounds for the passengers on the ferry! From Banyuwangi he will follow the road north and turn west across four Javanese Provinces; East Java, Central Java, West Java and Jakarta. The motive for this race will make you weak at the knees. Raising funds for underprivileged children in Indonesia is Scott’s driving force and all funds raised

will go to Mary’s Cancer Kiddies and Yayasan Cinta Anak Bangsa. “I’m trying to raise awareness for these great charities which, although small, do incredible work for children who need help the most.” This is a physically challenging and dangerous mission, but Scott will have only the best support team behind him for the entirety of this journey. Medic One have sponsored a medic with supplies, G4S are providing the escort car, Adidas are on board for the running shoes, Aqua and Mizone for the hydration and more sponsors are set to join in. So far, a running total of Rp.351,000,000 has already been raised for the charities and as this is a huge run, let’s make the donation huge, too. Scott and his supporters will ask that you join in supporting this fantastic cause and pledge as little or as much as you can to help the children. As a Brit, Scott admits he doesn’t want to blow his own trumpet and come across as cocky or over confident. “I don’t mean this in a nasty way, but that’s the kind of thing North Americans are good at doing.” A fair bit of self-belief has to be involved to accomplish this journey. Is it even physically possible? Dangers include heat exhaustion, dehydration, severe blistering of the feet, chafing, pulling or straining of muscles as he’ll be running on uneven terrain, avoiding potholes and automobiles. When Scott ran the Sahara Ultra Marathon, he lost 5 kg and this was over 4 days only. It’s hard to imagine how much he will lose over 25 days in the tropics! “I know there will be a point where I ask myself ‘Why am I doing this?’ But once it’s done, I’ll relax, have a burger and a beer, and remember only the good things about the experience.” For more info on the run and how to donate, please visit: www.runningbalitojakarta.com 


4 January - 17 January 2012 Jakarta Expat

Personal Tech & Apps

Technology Resolutions:

A quick look at the past and a sneak peak of the future By Juan G. Leysner

Sad News

Resolution is a firm decision to do something, and every New Year we make such resolutions. But before I do, I would like to have a look at the news that has dominated the year 2011, and what a year it has been. 2011 has been an eventful year for the mobile industry. Here's some Good, Bad, Sad, and Finance news I think made you sit up and take heed.

The enterprise base will only erode more as Android security matures through companies like 3LM and BoxTone.

On October the 5th Steve Jobs, the visionary in the black turtleneck who co-founded Apple in a Silicon Valley garage, built it into the world’s leading tech company and led a mobile-computing revolution with wildly popular devices such as the iPhone, died Wednesday. He was 56.

Good News

Google just announced that it is acquiring Motorola Mobility. The search and online advertising company is buying the company for approximately $12.5 billion (or $40 per share), in cash. The price represents a premium of 63 percent to the closing price of Motorola Mobility shares last Friday. Google had about $39 billion in cash at last count.

The hard-driving executive pioneered the concept of the personal computer and of navigating them by clicking onscreen images with a mouse. In more recent years, he introduced the iPod portable music player, the iPhone and the iPad tablet -- all of which changed how we consume content in the digital age

Bad News

On October the 10th (5 days later) the BlackBerry services went down in Europe, the Middle East, Africa and elsewhere with no indication as to when it would be restored. This was the second day in a row that BlackBerry services were unavailable.

Juan G. Leysner

Juan G. Leysner lives and works in Jakarta for over 10 years and founder of 2 db.mobi www.2dbarcodesolutions.com

There was more bad news for RIM and millions of its BlackBerry users in Europe, the Middle East, Africa, and beyond. It seems that whatever solution Blackberry found for the problem was only short lived, and email as well as BBM services are out of commission for millions of BlackBerry owners. RIM made an official statement to the blog Pocket-Lint which explained what exactly happened, and promised to keep everyone better informed going forward.

“The messaging and browsing delays being experienced by BlackBerry users in Europe, the Middle East, Africa, India, Brazil, Chile and Argentina were caused by a core switch failure within RIM’s infrastructure. Although the system is designed to failover to a back-up switch, the failover did not function as previously tested. As a result, a large backlog of data was generated

Finance News

The latest U.S Mobile market share numbers from ComScore came out on October the 5th and Android is still rolling. On the flip side, the decline of Research in Motion’s BlackBerry platform is starting to accelerate. Apple held steady and made a slight gain through the summer even though the only tangible evidence of a new iPhone was speculation emanating from the technosphere. Canada-based RIM has a giant problem. It is called Android. It also faces another giant obstacle to retaining market share itself. The BlackBerry OS is outdated and unglamorous. BlackBerry is hemorrhaging in the consumer market and its enterprise base is starting to get whittled away by the iPhone and more sophisticated mobile device management programs in IT departments.

Here’s the other important part of the PR (the why, and what happens to Android now): The acquisition of Motorola Mobility, a dedicated Android partner, will enable Google to supercharge the Android ecosystem and will enhance competition in mobile computing. Motorola Mobility will remain a licensee of Android and Android will remain open. Google will run Motorola Mobility as a separate business. So we will still have three operating systems available for our Hand phone to make the competition harder and interesting for the consumer. Last but not least, my personal resolution for 2012 is that I will keep you updated the best I can on what’s going on in the wonderfull, hightech world of the mobile Industry and related applications. Wishing you a Happy Mobile New Year! 



Looking to live healthier this year? Javara treasures the rich heritage of Indonesia’s food biodiversity, gastronomic-culture and craftsmanship and the collaboration of the three allows them to create artisanal, natural and organic food that they proudly present to the market. Their products use only natural ingredients, with no chemical additives such as colouring, preservatives, bleaching and flavoring being added. In respect to sustainability and health, Javara also delivers organically grown produces. They currently have over 200 products ranging from tea and coffee to organic rice, flour, herbs and spices, cooking oil and even sugar and honey. Visit their website to view their products and shop online or over the phone! 

Whether you’re a “newbie” to yoga or a seasoned yogi, there is a warm place for you at Bikram Yoga Jakarta. Bikram yoga is a system of yoga, created by Bikram Choudhury, consisting of a series of 26 yoga poses, performed in a heated room. The intent of the high temperature is to warm up your muscles and help with deeper stretching and injury prevention, while reducing stress and tension. The heat also encourages your body to sweat out toxins, increase endurance and burn more calories. Bikram Yoga (also known as Yoga @ 42°), currently have two locations in Jakarta and one in Bali. One of the bikram yoga”hot” studios is located on Jl. Kemang Raya Selatan No.2 - Two Kemang Place (2nd Floor), Jakarta Selatan. They have a full-service yoga studio with many amenities and towels or mats free of charge. They also have showers and locker rooms as well as a retail shop on the premises. So if you’re looking to get healthy and fit in both mind and body, Bikram yoga may be the right choice for you! 

Authentic Indonesia – Artisanal, Natural & Organic

Bikram yoga – The hottest spot in town


Jakarta Expat 4 January - 17 January 2012

Opinion Page

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Last week’s Opinion: In response to last issue’s Opinion Column: Should Nunun Nurbaeti be given preferential treatment due to her alleged health issues? Or does this just highlight a fundamental flaw in the Indonesian judiciary system?

North Korean leader Kim Jong-il has died at the age of 68, leaving behind his Swiss educated son Kim Jong-un as the “Great Successor”. Kim Jong-un, who is in his late twenties, will mark the third generation of Kim leadership over a nation of 24 million. Some say the death of Kim Jong-il may mirror the death of Mao Zedong, with the possibility that North Korea may follow in the footsteps of China and gradually open up its economy to the outside world. Isolated and struggling to feed its population, North Korea has inched towards reforms in recent years. The future of North Korea is unknown, and only time will tell whether North Korea, under the leadership of Kim Jong-un will accelerate or delay reforms started by the late Kim Jong-il. What is the future for North Korea after the loss of their “Dear Leader”?

Will Kim Jong-un follow in his father’s footsteps of isolation and oppression or make drastic changes to North Korea’s domestic and international policies and finally put an end to the Kim legacy of tyranny? Send us your opinions at letters@jakartaexpat.biz and we’ll publish the best of the bunch right here!

“It’s simply ridiculous. Nunun is doing what every captured corruptor has done: Feigning illness and amnesia. The only illness she’s suffering from is greed and fear of consequence. I say lock her up, and throw her husband in too! There is no way he that he had no inkling of his wife’s illegal activities.” • George “I’m so sick of seeing Nunun Nurbaeti, portrayed as innocent and harmless when the reality is quite the opposite. Sick or not, she has to face the consequences of her actions. Amnesia? Please. She knew what she was doing was illegal and did it anyway. It’s time for her to pay for her mistakes, and it’s time for us to stop letting these criminals use amnesia as an excuse to impede investigations and dodge the law.” • Anonymous in Bali

Letters to the Editor letters@jakar taexpat.biz

“I always look forward to the next issue of Jakarta Expat. It’s informative, fun and always entertaining. Happy New Year, and keep up the good work!” Jeff Collins “I really enjoyed the ‘Jakarta War Cemetery’ article. I had no idea that it even existed! I plan to make a visit next chance I get...Thanks for bringing this hidden gem of a place to my attention.” Sarah Moore “I just wanted to wish everyone on the Jakarta Expat team a very Happy New Year! May 2012 bring you luck and inspiration, and us readers more issues to look forward to!” Andrea Send your opinions to


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4 January - 17 January 2012 Jakarta Expat

Light Entertainment

I no longer, or only rarely: 1. Fax things. Emails are so much more convenient, although some areas of Indonesia have poorer internet connections that we do, so we have to find a warnet.

2. Pay by cheque. Nearly all my household bills are paid via ATMs

3. Make mix tapes. You can get a lot more MP3s on a recordable CD or DVD.

4. Send post cards. 5. Write letters by hand.

A New Year and a New Lifestyle? By Terry Collins


t the dawn of a new year. it’s usual to consider how we ought to improve ourselves. Going on a diet, giving up smoking, changing jobs, etc. are typical thoughts, yet these resolutions are merely ritualistic, often soon abandoned in favour of what seems more opportune and beneficial. Most media offer reviews of the past year or decade which focus on news stories, be they of major international importance, such as

1 Freakish (8) 5 King of Mercia, 757-796 (4) 9 Damp and stifling (5) 10 Adjustable couch - loose leisure garment (7) 11 Concrete slabs for walking on (6,6) 13 Blue dye (6) 14 Decadent - worn out (6) 17 Domestic lavatory (8,4) 20 Circular building (7) 21 Compound of oxygen and an element (5) 22 Fortified wine (4) 23 Film giving reports (8)

7. Remember phone numbers. 8. Ring the cinema to find out times. Like many,

the Arab Spring, or trivia, such as ‘the Irish whistling donkey story’ (Google that last one.) Having now reached that phase of life when folk feel entitled to call me ‘an old fogey’, my thoughts have turned to things I used to do before I had a computer and access to the internet. Based on my 24 years in Jakarta, this is an incomplete list of activities which have largely been confined to the dustbin of my history. 



6. Own an encyclopaedia. Thank you Wikipedia et al.


rather than braving the traffic chaos, I prefer to watch HBO and pirated DVDs.

9. Carry small change to use a public telephone. I still always carry some for bus and taxi fares (the “Tidak ada uang kecil, mister” moments).

10. Go into a travel agent to research

airline schedules.

Do you still do any of these ‘outdated’ practices? Can you add any to the list?





1 Host (4) 2 Stingy person (7) 3 Eg: “apples and pears” (7,5) 4 State without proof (6) 6 Character in Oliver Twist (5) 7 Detained by legal authority (8) 8 Of various kinds (12) 12 Small landing area (8) 15 Vulcanite (7) 16 Avoid - flight (6) 18 Change (5) 19 Make waterproof - stamp (4)




8 9




12 13


{ Answers in the next edition! }


16 17

18 19



PopularTweet @DalaiLama:

“Appreciate how rare and full of potential your situation is in this world, then take joy in it, and use it to your best advantage”



*Answers for Edition 59 Across:

1. Questionable 9. Renew 10. Duchess 11. Norm 12. Repeater 14. Dreary 15. Muesli 18. Implored 20. Once 22. Initial 23. Abele 24. Goes to pieces


1. Unnerve 3. Sown 4. Indeed 5. Nacreous 6. Bleat 7. Ex-servicemen 8. Drink-driving 13. Arsonist 16. Sincere 17. Dewlap 19. Price 21. Face


Jakarta Expat 4 January - 17 January 2012

Aint No Mountain High Enough

Belum Bagged - “Not yet bagged”


ince 2009, Gunung Bagging has been on a mission to get as much information as possible on all of Indonesia’s 226 Ribus (mountain or volcano peaks in Indonesia with a minimum of 1,000 metres topographic prominence). We aren’t doing too badly but there’s a long way still to go – especially considering that some of Indonesia’s more remote mountains do not even have official names, let alone hiking trails! That is why we need your help! We have compiled a list of 50 peaks for which we have very little information. Of all the obscure mountains remaining in Indonesia, they are – in our opinion – the 50 that will most likely be ‘uncovered’ next! We are not suggesting the mountains on this list have never been climbed – but we are sure that some of them certainly have not! Please note that we have not included peaks where we already have lots of information, but have not quite reached the true highest point for whatever reason. This is an information gathering mission, the fruits of which will hopefully be of great use for decades to come for those who love exploring this magnificent archipelago. 


How many of the peaks below will still be ‘Belum Bagged’ by the end of 2012? JAVA

Baluran – This small peak gives its name to the Baluran National Park on the eastern tip of Java. It’s a popular area to spot rare wildlife but, despite its proximity to Bali, very little is known about trekking up the mountain itself.

SUMATRA Tebak – Also known as ‘Tangkit Tebak’, this Lampung mountain looks like it is densely forested on the grainy Google Earth images. It’s the closest ‘Belum Bagged’ peak to Jakarta but we can find very little information on it. Pesagi – This is Lampung’s highest peak and is close to the delightful Danau Ranau. Local students definitely do climb this one so it could be described as one of the easiest on the ‘Belum Bagged’ list.

Pantaicermin – This mountain is pretty close to the city of Padang but you’ll definitely have to ask for help from local farmers as hiking here is unheard of! Talakmau – A giant peak in West Sumatra, this is apparently one of the finest in Indonesia. It is not often climbed, and requires a 10 to 12 hour hike to the summit, but offers a truly amazing panorama. Sorikmarapi – This volcano has a large crater but is not particularly active. It can be climbed in one long day but it’s a considerable distance from any major city. Bandahara – One of Aceh’s giants. We have heard of a Leuser National Park tour guide offering trips up this peak but we don’t know how many days it requires.

Beratus – This peak is pretty close to Balikpapan but nobody seems to know much about it. Lumut – Another peak within striking distance of Balikpapan. Unfortunately this area is a known Malaria zone and one researcher we know came back out with the nasty disease recently! Bukit Raya – The tallest peak in Kalimantan. People speak very highly of the weeklong trek required to bag this mountain so if you have time and don’t mind leeches this could be the one for you! National Park staff are available to help you. Cabang – This lovely island peak lies to the southwest of mainland Kalimantan. Does anyone have a boat?

Tonggongkarambu – What a name! Just Google it to see how popular this one is! It’s very close to Makassar – but has anyone ever climbed to the top?

Daik – This island peak in Kepulauan Riau province is crowned with a huge vertical rock pinnacle and has never been climbed. One for expert rock climbers!

Sambapolulu – the highest peak of Kabaena island off the coast of Southeast Sulawesi. It’s probably a short hike – if you happen to be in this beautiful but very remote area.

Gumai – Also near Pagarlam. It is anticipated that finding local people who have heard of this one, let alone those who have set foot on it, will be very difficult.

Gandangdewata – This mountain has many different spellings so let’s just say it is the highest in West Sulawesi. It’s a big mountain and supposedly requires a weeklong expedition.

Daun – This remote Bengkulu peak features a 600-metre wide crater lake at the summit. Go in a large group because this is tiger country.

Sidole – This mountain is very close to Palu and on a particularly narrow part of Sulawesi so it probably offers amazing views of both coastlines. Best ask for help from one of the Pecinta Alam student groups in Palu.

Gedang – Very little is known about this remote peak which lies on the border of Bengkulu and Jambi provinces. Can you help? Sumbing – Not to be confused with the peak of the same name in Central Java, this Jambi mountain has several craters at the top and hot springs lower down. Masurai – At 2933 metres above sea level, this is Jambi’s highest peak. It can be climbed in one long day but it’s quite a journey from the closest airport! Raya – Another of Jambi’s remote mountains! Gunung Raya towers above the beautiful Lake Kerinci. Tujuh – Famous for the large Gunung Tujuh Lake, the highest peak of this mountain is very steep (perhaps even technical) and has apparently only been climbed a handful of times.

BORNEO Bawang – ‘Onion Mountain’ is about a 5 hour drive from Pontianak. One of the easier ones on this list.

NUSA TENGGARA Olet Sangenges – We can find very little information on this West Sumbawa peak, which is also known as Puncak Ngenges. Lewotolo – Also know as Ile Api, this volcano on Lembata island is climbed a handful of times a year – mainly by Western tourists. Definitely a worthwhile outing but do take care as there could be a lot of gas around the summit itself.

Mekongga – South-east Sulawesi’s peak is sometimes climbed by keen student hikers but it requires 5 days. The closest airport is Kolaka so this one could be done in a week in total. Ambang – Perhaps the least famous of North Sulawesi’s many volcanic peaks.

Sangeang – A very active island volcano off the coast of Sumbawa. You can definitely climb it with the help of locals – it’s just getting there in the first place that may take some time. Doro Maria and Doro Oromboha – two remote peaks in eastern Sumbawa that there is no information on whatsoever. Curunumbeng – One of the highest mountains in West Flores this is probably a fairly straightforward dayhike through forest. You’ll need to enlist the services of some local farmers to guide you. Ili Wukoh – One of the least-known peaks in Flores. Good luck finding anyone who has even heard of it! Lewotobi – A fabulous volcano in East Flores with ‘laki laki’ and ‘perempuan’ summit vents. This is perhaps the most popular peak on this list but do take care and heed local advice about whether or not it is safe to climb.

Niut – This mountain in West Kalimantan gives its name to the remote Gunung Niut Wildlife Reserve.

Ili Mandiri – This beautiful pyramid mountain rises above the town of Larantuka. You would expect there to be a trail to the top but when we were there we couldn’t find anyone who had heard of one.

Berumput – Also known simply as ‘Gunung Rumput’ (Grassy Mountain), this long ridge is on the IndonesiaMalaysia border.

Ili Ujolewung – Perhaps Lembata’s most remote peak. It may be faster to take a boat round the island rather than use the shockingly poor roads!

Kahung – This South Kalimantan peak may be only 1246 metres high but it took one group 12 days to make it to the peak and back!

Soputan – This volcano is very active at present so safety may be more of a concern than actually getting within striking distance as it is pretty close to Manado. We have a willing guide and

Dola Koyakoya – The highest point of Alor island. Despite this area becoming more popular with surfers there is basically no information available on climbing to the remote highest point of the island. Wanggameti – The highest peak of Sumba. This is bound to be a hot and sweaty one and there may not be much of a few from the top.

MALUKU Kie Besi – This volcano is on Makian island which is close to Ternate the provincial capital of North Maluku. It is, however, very active indeed. Binaiya – At 3027 metres high this giant is the highest peak for many hundreds of kilometres. National Park staff are willing to guide you to the top and the views are wonderful. Only thing is it takes about 10 days to complete!


Seulawah Agam – This little peak is not far from Banda Aceh. It can be climbed in one long day or a weekend. One of the easiest on this list!

Patah – A trail to the summit of Patah was recently created by Maman, a local guide from Pagaralam. It takes 3 or 4 days and there are supposed to be some excellent views of the coastline near Bengkulu.

know it’s a great volcano – but who will get there first to report back on it?

Sirung – A fabulous volcano on Pantar island. Locals know the way to the impressive crater but nobody has been to the true highest point yet.



Cyclops – Gunung Bagging founder Dan Quinn flew all the way to Jayapura to try to climb this mountain in January 2011. Lying just a few miles from Sentani airport it must be Papua’s easiest. Unfortunately the guide never showed up and Quinn never even set foot on the mountain! Logistics can be difficult here. Bonsupiori – This is the highest point of Supiori island near Biak which has an airport. A short – and therefore excruciatingly hot – little mountain for which you would need a vast amount of water! Arfak – The highest peak of this mountain range is apparently called Umsini. It’s pretty close to Manokwari airport but last we heard there was a dispute between two local tribes living near the mountain. Are you brave enough? NOTE: This list is also available at www.gunungbagging.com/resources/ belum-bagged If you have information on any of these Ribus, please visit our website www.gunungbagging.com


Business & Networking

4 January - 17 January 2012 Jakarta Expat

special event

Stars of the month; Phil Nichols EUROPEAN BUSINESS PARTNERS Wednesday, 18 January 2012, 18.30 – 21.00 hrs Venue available upon confirmation Entrance Fee: IDR 300.000 (members), IDR 400.000 (non-members) “Enjoy the combination of excellent food, free flow of beer, wine, soft drink and juices.“ To confirm your attendance (or cancel a previous booking) Please contact one of these Chambers: BRITCHAM - Ms. Dhini P: 522 9453, F: 527 9135, e: events@britcham.or.id EKONID - Ms. Audy P: 315 4685, F: 315 5276, e: info@AHK / EKONID EUROCHAM - Ms. Rizka P: 5722056, F: 5722057, e: registration@eurocham.or.id IFCCI - Ms. Debora P: 739 7161, F: 739 7168, e: publicrelation@ifcci.com INA - Ms. Shinta P: 5290 2177 F: 5290 2178, e: marketing@ina.or.id

Saturday, January 21st, 08 pm sharp. American Club Jakarta, Jl. Brawijaya IV No 20, Kebayoran Baru, Jakarta Selatan Phil Nichol is a truly unique performer. An acclaimed actor, award winning comedian, producer, presenter, writer and musician there is no end to his talent.

arts & exhibitions

Reservation no Later than midday on Tuesday, January 17th 2012. Reservation is made on first come first served basis Cancelation less than 24 hours prior to the event and no show will have to be charged full amount.

Music & festival

KEN PATTERN EXHIBITION “BALI AND BEYOND” Until Sat, 07 Jan 2012 Open daily 10:00 – 6:00, Sundays 11:00 – 4:00 Galeri Hadiprana, Jl Kemang Raya 30. Info: 7194715 (Johan) Hand drawn Lithographs, drawings and paintings.

Parties & Clubbing

Rod Stewart: The Hits Tue, 31 Jan 2012 Buy Ticket at: http://myticket.co.id/events/rodstewart Location: Mata Elang International Stadium (MEIS Ancol) www.bigdaddy.co.id With his distinctive raspy singing voice, Rod Stewart came to prominence in the late 1960s and early 1970s with The Jeff Beck Group and then Faces. He launched his solo career in 1969 with his debut album An Old Raincoat Won’t Ever Let You Down (US: The Rod Stewart Album). His work with The Jeff Beck Group and Faces proved to be influential on the formation of the punk rock and heavy metal genres.

Sport events Elbow Room Gastropub Ladies Night Featuring: DJ Elvin San Juan For Info please call : +6221 719 4274 Location: ELBOW ROOM, Jl. Kemang Raya #24A Jakarta 12730 Email: elbowroomjkt@gmail.com www.elbowroomjakarta.com Join us for the famous Wednesday Martini The Secret is Out...! It is Wednesday Ladies Night Show me your sexiest shorts on the dance floor and I’ll show you a FREE DRINK.

10 Week Coaching Clinics by Sinarmas World Academy Every Sunday starting 15 January 2012 Sun, 15 Jan 2012

FEES Age Group : U4 - U12 Joining Fee: Rp. 400,000 Training Fee : Rp. 500,000 per student per 10 weeks * Session : 8.00 - 9.30am (1.5 hours) Age Group : U13 - U18 Joining Fee : Rp. 500,000 Training Fee : Rp. 750,000 per student per 10 weeks Session : 9.45 - 11.45am (2 hours) One of joining fee includes the liverpool International Football Academy kit: * Shirt * Shorts * Shin - guards * Shock Call Adinda for information and payment details : Phone: +622157907121, E : lionidya@ifcindonesia.com Jl. TM Pahlawan Seribu CBD Lot XV, BSD City, Tangerang. www.swa-jkt.com


Jakarta Expat 4 January - 17 January 2012


(Mis)Understanding Indonesian Lingo By Jason Hue


he Indonesian language teaches its speakers to be respectful, hence people are often addressed with the salutation of Pak (men) or Ibu (women), usually if they’re notably more senior (in age or company seniority).

From a business perspective, this is really helpful especially for a person like me who is always very forgetful with names. Imagine meeting a roomful of people and immediately forgetting the person’s name right after shaking his hand. By using these salutations, it saves me from embarrassment of forgetting their names. Mari is a word often heard in day to day conversations. When looked it up in the dictionary, it is explained as ‘’come on/ lets go’’. However, in Indonesian context, the word Mari is also used to excuse one’s self. I remember during my first month in Indonesia, my colleagues were heading out for lunch and out of courtesy they just told me, “Jason, we are going for lunch, Mari”. Thinking they were inviting me to join them for lunch, I jumped up my seat to join them, only to realise from their body

language that they were just excusing themselves. There is always a need to abbreviate five letter words to three letters, four-letters to three-letters and so on. I once received a copy of an email addressed to my assistant with the following greeting, ‘Dear MBA Lina...’ I was surprised as to when my assistant had obtained an MBA qualification; then only to realise that it was a common abbreviation for Mbak, which is a term used to address a lady who is around the same age or younger than us. A few months back, I had set a meeting with a prospective client who was the Marketing Director of his company. He invited his assistant to join the meeting; when we exchanged business cards, I had to hold in my laughter as his title read ‘Ass. Head of Marketing’! Don’t be surprised when we come across certain words that cannot be found in our trusty Indonesian Kamus (dictionary). New words are churned out every day and immediately gain acceptance as part of the unofficial Indonesian language. The rule of thumb is to combine the first

few alphabets of the first word with the first few alphabets of the second word (usually three letters + three letters), hence giving rise to portmanteaus such as PresDir (President Director), NasGor (Fried Rice), DepKes (Ministry of Health). I once sent a follow up email to my client to enquire on the status of an earlier proposal. Anxious minutes passed and I received a reply, “I will F-U later.” Wow, that’s a shocker as I stared at my computer monitor in disbelief. What have I done to receive such an angry response? I started to recall all our past conversations and meetings but could not pinpoint what I had done wrong. I mustered up the courage to call the client, only to find out that he meant to say, “I will FOLLOW-UP later”. What a relief. Thank God, his initial message wasn’t, “I will FU with my boss later”. That would have been funny... My words of wisdom for the New Year? Whenever we receive a weird sounding text message or email, always take a step back and analyse first (or analyse over and over if we have to) before we jump to any conclusions. 

Jason Hue

A milk bottle in one hand and a Blackberry in the other hand, Jason hails from neighboring Malaysia and currently resides in Jakarta with his better-half and chatty little princess. To get in touch email Jason.Hue@bda.co.id

PopularTweet @TequillaTears

“I put a brown paper bag around my bottle of chocolate syrup. So people don’t judge me while I’m drinking it marathon style on a treadmill”

Classifieds 14

Classifieds Have something to sell? Looking for something to buy? Looking for staff? Selling property? Or need a place to live? Why not place your classified ad with Jakarta Expat ! Your classified will be placed once for 2 weeks online and once in our printed version which has a circulation of 15.000 copies bi weekly. Conditions: Personal classifieds are: free of charge | 50 words max. Commercial classifieds : RP. 100,000 | 0 - 50 words : RP. 200,000 | 50 - 100 words For adding an image / company logo in our printed issue another RP. 150,000 needs to be charged.

For rent. A 175 sqm 2 level penthouse at Pondok Klub Vila Apartment, at Jl. TB Simatupang. Fully furnished, 3+1 bed room, quiet environment only 124 units totally. Unit facilities: Free Indovision Cable TV subscription, two TV sets, hot water, washing machine, water purifier. Common facilities: sauna, fitness room, swimming pool, squash, tennis court, table tennis, pool table, kiddies room, karaoke room, play ground. Location: close to Carrefour, Pondok Indah Mal, Cilandak Town Square. Rate USD 2,200 per month. Please contact Ms Yenni 021.750.9731 or 021.9255.8810 from 09.00 to 17.00 hours.

Send in your classifieds to ads@jakartaexpat.biz


For rent For Rent: Senayan Residence, 3 bedrooms + 1 maid’s room. Contact 0813 1101 4567

1997/8 BMW 318i, 5 speed manual, Midnight Blue, in excellent condition, 130k. This car will pass any test, 85 juta nego. 081328274115, Brian.

Property For Sale For Immediate Sale. 2 Bedroom Apartment in Kuningan City/ Denpasar Residence. Size 81.13 sqm. 2 toilet, 1 kitchen, 1 living room. View to Sudirman. Fully Furnished. Payment Structure, pay the Down Payment to the direct owner and the remaining 34 installment @ 30 million idr/month to the Developer, Agung Podomoro. Strategic Location near many embassy and Big Mall, Ready to deliver Early 2012. The similar units are all sold out from the developer. Great Piece of Investment. Direct Owner, Contact: Ivonne at +6287 8848 999 08. For more info, http://www.kuningancity.com/ Apartment for sale: Essence Apartment at Dharmawangsa. Eminence Tower, 2BR, 2 bathroom, 100m2. Unit is FULLY RENOVATED with modern kitchen, parquette and marble flooring with 4 AC units. Facilities include gym, swimming pool, and a tennis court. For enquiries: 08118408835 For Sale: Bali, Kerobokan: 3 bedroom Villa, pool, semifurnished, minimalistic style, in safe and quiet area on 250sqm free hold land, building size 300sqm over 2 floors. Location very strategic between Seminyak and Denpasar. 210.000,- Eur only. If you want to rent it out, you can get 1000,- Eur/ month. Call owner directly: Sabrina 081237011701 after office hours. mansion for sale, kemang selatan mcd and kemang village just next door, L566/B830sqm, real hi quality building, see it and you will fall in love, asking for only US$999.000. DC Kemang 0838 1177 9000

A four star apartment in strategic location at Kuningan Aston Rasuna Residence, 91sqm, 3+1 bedrooms, 2+1 bathrooms, almost new, with wooden antique furniture, at lower level. Strategically located in a safe neighborhood on the main Kuningan road, the complex is in close proximity to the MMC International Hospital, Rasuna Epicentrum eMall, Pasar Festival Food Court and Club Rasuna sports center. Residence at Aston Rasuna Residence puts you right in the heart of Jakarta ‘s Golden Triangle, just minutes away from most office buildings on Jalan Rasuna Said, Jalan Thamrin or Jalan Sudirman. Facilities : 24 Hour Front Desk, Lounge, Dining & Entertainment, Restaurant 24 hours, Sports & Leisure, Outdoor Swimming Pool, Health Club, Jogging Track, Tennis, Fitness Center, Concierge Desk, Babysitting/Child Services, International Hospital / Doctor on Call, Laundry Service, Phone Service, Security, Private Parking. Rental price $1500/mo, call owner 0896 9020 2895.

Unique bed and breakfast in the green foothills of Mount Merapi. A beautiful 100-year old Javanese joglo, fully restored to a high standard with original antiques. 3 double bedrooms, big lounge and garden with barbeque. Clean air and natural well water. For further details please go to www.jogloago.com or call 08123563626. For rent Apartment Marbella residence - 2 bed/2 bath., fully furnished. Rp. 95million/year call/ sms 0815 11102574 House for rent, Kemang Selatan 1 near Mc Donalds, brand new house with pool, stop more searching! Save your time because you will love this house, asking price US$3.999/monthly for 2 years contract, DC Kemang 0838 1177 9000. Mega Kuningan Bellagio Apartment For Rent, with Jakarta Sky Line View, 200sqm 3 HUGE BR Wonderful - furniture and equipment with reasonable price for only US$ 2.700/monthly for min 12months rent. DC Bellagio Master 0838 1177 9000.

APT KUNINGAN PLACE, For Rent/ Sale, New, 60m2 (2BR-2Toilet1FR), Mid-up Facility, Strategic, Furnish, HP/SMS 0816 786811 – Small Convenient Healthy Environtment For rent: gading pelangi indah a1 no. 42 , kelapa gading near al azhar school ,land area 134 sqm, building area 94 sqm, unfurnished, 2 floor, 3 bedroom, 2 bathroom. Located in a safe neighbourhooda area, quite area, free from flood. contact: (nova /lowprofil3.girl@yahoo.com.sg) 0818830381 or 08999908691 or maria, 0817120168, 08998109451, price 40 million/month House for rent: JATIPADANG BARU KOMPLEKS Land: 300 m2 | Building: 250 m2 3 Bedrooms | 1 study room | 2 bathrooms 1 Maid on 2nd floor | Car park (2 cars). Fully Furnished Condition. Location: situated at South Jakarta with quiet environment & convenient. Near to Pejaten Village, Kemang area, Cilandak, Blok M & Pasar Minggu Rent Price: IDR 63 Mio /Year (nego) CALL : 021 9799 3373

Apartment for SALE or RENT 2/3 Bedroom, corner position with city and garden view, full renovation with modern kitchen, built in surround sound, 170 sqm Kemang Jaya Apartment, Tower Alpinia. Strategic location within walking distance to Kemang restaurants and shops, extensive gardens, tennis courts, large pool, futsal, gym, sauna, mini supermarket, function room, 24 hour technicians, security and reception, plenty of parking. Must see to appreciate this unique residence in the heart of Kemang. Interested? For Enquiries Mobile 0815 3516650 or 0812 98399920 Looking for a Villa in Bali? Book our newly built villa in Sanur (near Batu Jimbar Cafe). Price: 360 USD/ day. A single bedroom only is 100 USD/day. For more info, email wybe. valkema@gmail.com

4 January - 17 January 2012 Jakarta Expat

maid, it’s guaranteed for 3 months and I will get her replaced if she doesnt fit in. We will send her/ him to your place by appointment. SMS Mieke at 0811843541

Looking for a truly luxurious villa in Bali? • This magnificent 4 bedroom villa is located in the heart of Seminyak and encapsulates all the inherent beauty and tranquillity of Bali with its modern design and technology blended with traditional materials. • All 4 bedrooms have their own individual style, are eqiipped with flat screen TVs/sound systems and have unique en-suite bathrooms. • A team of full-time staff will be on hand to pamper your every whim. • It has a large swimming pool in a tropical garden, a fully equipped TV/home theatre room, open air living room with sunken sofa, a bar, a floating garden designed as a beautiful sunbathing area, a Balinese ‘bale’, a jacuzzi, and a modern state-of-the-art kitchen. Price: USD900/day. Please call 08129080114 or email balivillasmike@gmail.com For rent: Apt Kemang Mansion, 1 bed, 2 bed. Fully furnished. Minimum 1 year lease. Call 0813 1101 4567

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others Being a Flight Volunteer and Jakarta Animal Aid Network (JAAN) News. JAAN have rescued 2 Goldens who are being adopted by a family in Germany. They need to go to Holland in December via KLM. Please read below and

Classifieds 15

Jakarta Expat 4 January - 17 January 2012

Classifieds are still FREE! Send in your classifieds to ads@jakartaexpat.biz Next issue deadline 11 January, 2012 in background give us a strong sense of unity. For the coming season 2011/12 we have a team for 11 a-side playing in jakarta international football league (jifl). The club´s home pitch is in south jakarta (cibutat area). We will practice there every saturday at 15:00 hours unless we play matches in jakarta area. For more information, please contact our head coach jan gramm; grammjv@yahoo.dk or peter teglbjerg; pett@flsmidth.com See you at the pitch

contact Karin at astana@cbn.net. id if you can help. Being a Flight Volunteer for Mount Merapi: How any traveler can easily escort rescued animals to new families around the world. Any traveler can easily escort rescued animals to new families around the world This is a great opportunity to make a real difference in a rescued animal’s life. And, all you have to do is: almost NOTHING, but enjoy your flight! Flight Volunteers escort rescued animals to their new families in other places. Becoming a Flight Volunteer is easy. You simply inform “Jakarta Animal Aid Network” of your flight schedule. They will do all the paperwork and coordination. Flight Volunteers: - Are NOT asked to pay/donate to volunteer - Are NOT asked to get health permits or arrange logistics - Do NOT need to drive animals around on either end of the journey. Please consider donating to JAAN for this effort. www.jakartaanimalaid.com Contact: Femke: 0813 1496 2608

PENFOLD’S GRANGE FOR SALE 33 vintages of Australia’s finest red wine from 1969-2005 for sale at very competitive prices. In excellent condition having been stored in a wine cave. Interested parties. contact: deparry777@gmail.com Second hand sonny tv 32 inch , in good condition price rp.500.000 , phone 0818830381,08999908691 WANTED. 1 double bed (with good and clean mattress) - king or queen size, 2 single bed and/ or mattress. 1 electric treadmill (for me and the dogs), 4-6 nice table lamps, 1-2 freestanding floor lamps, 23 inch or larger LCD for a PC (eg Samsung, LG), 42” - 46” plasma TV ((eg Samsung, LG), E: chaspoll@gmail.com Looking for a set of left handed gold clubs (second hand) please contact: lia_frese@yahoo.com Baby toys and accessories for sale. Some hardly used. Fisher price toys, playpen, high chair, play mats and lots more. email jason.hue@gmail.com for details For Sale: 2 fast boat return tickets Bali - Gili Island by Blue Water Express. Normal price 1,3 million

Originally 1M IDR- sale 400,000. Rosetta Stone - Bahasa- Originally 2 M IDR- sale 500,000, King size bed set with headboard and frame - Originally 10M IDR- sale 3 M. Suggested prices - will consider all reasonable offers E: movnwest@aol.com for photos.

per ticket. Selling now for 700,000 per ticket. Info: 08111490400 FOR SALE 5-month male maltese puppy “Jacko”. US-bred, vaccinated, potty trained, cute & adorable. Price Rp7mio. Contact 0815 8426 3380.

ABC Acai Berry Soft Gel (Double Effects) is a 100% natural product, which helps on fast fat reducing and also beautifying your skin. ABC Acai Berry Soft Gel with its Unique formula on Pure Acai Berry and many other carefully selected Chinese herbs will benefit you like never before. 1 bottle containing 30 capsules for Rp. 250.000 to be delivered for free in Jakarta. Info: 081317722271 Moving Sale – household items: · Refrigerator /freezer combination with automatic ice cube maker. Hitachi RM80-GGD8. Content 584 liters. Color silver. Price in 2009, 22.000.000 rupiah. Now 13.000.000 ·Bed, massive teak with boxspring mattress, 160 X 200cm, as new. 4.500.000 rupiah ·US Divers regulator with octopus, compass, depth gauge and pressure gauge, and BCD. Both items have been checked recently by Kristal Clear Dive Shop and were used after the check. Selling because diving is generally too cold in Europe. 1.500.000 rupiah. For Information please contact: Ivo Claassen at ivoclaassen@gmail.com or 0815-10295098, Cilandak Timur. For Sale: beautiful and original batik bedspreads with matching pillow cases. K-size set: 400,000.Q-size set: 300,000. S-size set: 200,000. We also make to order. phone: Desi HP: 08128295914

Jakarta Memory Game by Werkgroep ‘72. Charity Organization.Price IDR 100.000. 40 colorful pictures of Jakarta. For sale: JICC or contact www.werkgroep72.org Jakarta viking welcomes players from all over the globe. As well being a football clup, we offer a social base for our player, most of who come from outside indonesia and we find that our differences

emasLM is your investment solution. Doorstep delivery, reliable & secure. pt aneka tambang is the biggest Fine Gold manufacturer in Indonesia and we are one of the retailer. For more information please contact us: matmadji@gmail.com http://indonetwork.co.id/emaslm Jl. Pengasinan Raya No 31. Rawa Lumbu, Bekasi. Ph. 021-36645291. Sms/ph. 088210591840. BB PIN. 30E30F78. Price per Thursday, 29 December, 2011, Dinar: Rp 2.120.000 Gold Bar Gram

Price per Bar

5 gr

Rp 2.588.000

10 gr

Rp 5.135.000

25 gr

Rp 12.762.000

50 gr

Rp 25.196.000

100 gr

Rp 50.300.000

Daily price update at 10 am. Certificate of assay by PT Antam Tbk UBPP Logam Mulia included. For Sale: Brand New SONY e-Reader, T1, silver, touch screen, with option borrowing Free public library eBooks over Wi-Fi. Price Rp 2 M, also HTC TyTN II, used, but in excellent condition, in original box and all equipment, Skype is installed and its working properly. for Rp 1,8 M. Contact 085780001265. Receiving orders for homemade layer cake, yummy... Full Wysjman Butter. Size 20x20 5cm thick. Lapis Legit Polos - 300rb Lapis Legit Prunes - 320rb Lapis Legit Cheese - 320rb Lapis Legit Brown - 320rb Legit Lapis Surabaya, 22x22 »325rb SPECIAL OFFER Lapis Surabaya Jumbo Size 30x30 = 300rb. (minimum of 3 trays) Can be packaged securely and neatly packaged. Orders 2 days in advance, All fresh from the oven. Order sms 08128070 8828 Tel. 02182482587 Flexy. 0213678 4334 Bbm pin: 26A33E54 FOR SALE: Tempered glass shopfront, 12 mm thick, 420 cm wide, 280 cm high incl 2 door panels. Rp. 10,000,000,Call 081317058000 We are moving and need to sell the following: Appropriately 5 month Couples Golf Membership at Emeralda - Value 21M IDR sale for 10M IDR. Various Potted Plants with beautiful pots worth a fortune - from 100,000 to 500,000. Phillips Cordless Phone set of 2 -

Behringer HA4700 Powerplay XL Headphone Amplifier - Mint Condition. Rp700,000 or best offer. hanusz@gmail.com

SUBSCRIBE! Nikon Super CoolScan 8000 ED Film Scanner Near Mint Condition. In box with all original accessories and software. Rp12 million or best offer. hanusz@gmail.com

iPhone 3G 16GB for sale. Jailbroken and unlocked to work with any carrier. Small cosmetic wear and tear - complete in box with headphones and charge cable. Rp2.5 million or best offer. hanusz@gmail.com.

Love Jakarta Expat? Guarantee a copy every fortnight and become a subscriber! 6 months only Rp. 260.000 1 year only Rp. 500.000 Includes delivery to your door!

CALL US NOW! t: (021) 7179 4550 e: ads@jakartaexpat.biz www.jakartaexpat.biz Puppies up for adoption! We have 5 beautiful puppies that need loving homes. They are mixed breed small/medium sized dogs. 7 weeks old, ready to be taken home next week. South Jakarta. Call (021) 7502235. The cheapest outlet furniture factory shop only at www.toko-murah.info. Cheap delivery every week to Jakarta. TRX Suspension Training Kits for Sale - Rp1Mil each (Brand New)The TRX® Suspension Training® is the best-in-

class, lightweight, total body training system trusted by top trainers, pro athletes and physical therapists all across the world. Boost your fitness with up to 300+ exercises you can do anywhere. (See www.trxtraining. com for more information) TRX Pro Pack + Door Anchor – Rp1Mil (Retail US$200). Kit Contains TRX Suspension Trainer + Door Anchor + Training DVD + Workout Guide + Exercise dvd + Mesh Carry bag TRX Force Kit + Door Anchor – Rp1Mil (Retail US$220) Kit Contains TRX Suspension Trainer + Door Anchor + Training DVD + Military Fitness Guide + Exercise dvd + Mesh Carry bag. SMS 0816 139 6000 or

email TRXIndonesia@live.com for more information

For sale infra red camera EOS 1000D, good condition. Call 08111 88 1214

I would like to work for a worthwhile, honest and trustworthy foundation in Indonesia which is addressing prostitution, child molestation, domestic violence, slavery/ trafficking. If you need a seriously enthusiastic and still idealistic woman to help you out, email me: sabrina.hypnotiques@gmail.com


4 January - 17 January 2012 Jakarta Expat

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