Jakarta Expat - issue 79 - Entertainment

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Jakarta Expat 路 26 September - 9 October 2012

Indonesia's Largest Expatriate Readership


79th Edition | 10th October - 23rd October 2012

Photo by John Bergman of the Bali Party. www.jberg.com | www.facebook.com/TheBaliParty

Jakarta Expat 路 10 October - 23 October 2012



Jakarta Expat · 26 September - 9 October 2012

Dear Readers, 79th Edition | 10 Oct - 23 Oct 2012

Editor in Chief Angela Richardson angela@jakartaexpat.biz Assistant Editor Cecilia Forsman cecilia@jakartaexpat.biz Management Edo Frese edo@jakartaexpat.biz Sales Dian Mardianingsih ads@jakartaexpat.biz Silvia Forsman silvia@jakartaexpat.biz Distribution Dian Mardianingsih dian@jakartaexpat.biz Graphics Adietyo Randualas didiet@jakartaexpat.biz Finance & Admin Pertiwi Gianto Putri tiwi@jakartaexpat.biz Lini Verawaty lini@jakartaexpat.biz Contributors Dachlan Cartwright Guan J. Leysner David Metcalf Peter Milne Hush Petersen Ken Runyon Eamonn Sadler Antony Sutton Kenneth Yeung Editorial Enquiries letters@jakartaexpat.biz Circulation Enquiries info@jakartaexpat.biz Subscription info@jakartaexpat.biz Events events@jakartaexpat.biz Jakarta Expat is published bi-weekly by PT. Koleksi Klasik. Opinions expressed in this publication are those of the writers and the publisher does not accept any responsibility for any errors, ommisions, or complaints arising there from. No parts of this publication can be reproduced in whole or in part, in print or electronically without permission of the publisher. All trademarks, logos, brands and designs are copyright and fully reserved by PT. Koleksi Klasik Indonesia.

Published by PT. KOLEKSI KLASIK INDONESIA Jl. Kemang Raya No. 29A Kemang, Jakarta - Indonesia Tel: 021 7179 4550 Fax: 021 719 0087 Office hours: 09.00 - 17.00 Monday - Friday


During preparations for this issue, I was talking to one of our esteemed writers, Kenneth Yeung, about entertainment, asking if he enjoyed going out clubbing in north Jakarta. This brought forth this response: The term ‘entertainment’ (amusing or pleasant diversion from the daily routine) can cover: shopping, reading, walking in a park, sport (spectating or playing), dining out, fun parks, going to museums, the cinema, watching DVDs, watching a puppet show, listening to live music, spending money in a hair/beauty salon, etc. Yet the Indonesian term ‘tempat hiburan’ is synonymous with nightclubs, brothels, massage parlors and karaoke places. This got me to thinking why I had asked him about nightclubs in the first place – had I become so smallsighted from life in this city that I carelessly referred to entertainment as nightclubs? What had I become? For entertainment in London I used to frequent Ronnie Scotts in Soho to get my fix of live jazz music, Barfly in Camden Town for up and coming indie bands, art galleries in Hoxton when I needed to satisfy my artistic side, West End for live theatre shows and so much more! I don’t often go ‘clubbing’ in Jakarta and wasn’t even sure why I asked Kenneth about this. If you’re reading Ken, I apologize and thank you for your contribution to this issue about real ‘entertainment’ in Kota. If, like me,

you have become somewhat narrowminded, read his article and enjoy what the old town has to offer. There are also some very unique ways of getting your entertainment fix and Hush Petersen gets his from jumping in a cage and being lowered into a giant aquarium at Seaworld Ancol filled with sharks at feeding time. Crazy or just taking it to a whole new level? I’ll let you make that call. For those other adrenaline junkies who’d rather not get wet, we have a new contributor, Peter Milne, with his experiences dirt biking in Sukabumi. Beginners welcome! I’m also excited to introduce Ken Runyon to you as our new golf writer with his fortnightly column covering everything golf in Indonesia. We hope this issue satisfies the thirst for entertainment in each of you…

Angela Richardson 

in this 79 th issue: feature Sex, drugS & other diverSionS food & drink Let'S commune at commune the expat golfer the expat goLfer history an oLd Suburb and an invaSion things to do adrenaLine packed Shark encounter sports & hobbies traiL biking in the foothiLLS of weSt java Meet the expat meet tim Scott faces of Jakarta abduL the guitar man traVel So Sabah literature greetingS from jakarta personal tech & apps it entertainment eQuaLS gaming light entertainMent grandma StrikeS back properties eVents classifieds

4 6 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 14 16 18 19 20 21

Spotted Pic

• Fool. Spotted by Troy K

Jakarta Expat · 10 October - 23 October 2012

Jakarta Expat 路 26 September - 9 October 2012


Jakarta Expat 路 10 October - 23 October 2012



Jakarta Expat · 26 September - 9 October 2012


SEX, DRUGS AND OTHER DIVERSIONS If jakarta Is the cIty that neVer sleeps, not least because of the rousIng pre-dawn call to prayer blarIng from thousands of loudspeakers, then some of Its InsomnIa stems from the area broadly known as kota, where there’s a dIZZyIng array of dIVersIons at all hours.


Jakarta Expat · 10 October - 23 October 2012


Jakarta Expat · 26 September - 9 October 2012


he brief for this article was “entertainment in Kota”, including a look at the Stadium and Illigals nightclubs, which are actually in the administrative unit of Maphar in Taman Sari subdistrict, West Jakarta. Geographical quibbles aside, nothing could be further from my idea of entertainment than spending time inside Stadium and Illigals, which are located nearly side by side in alleys running off Jalan Hayam Wuruk. Stadium is the veteran, having just celebrated its 15th anniversary, while the provocatively named Illigals opened in late 2010. It replaced the 1001 (Seribu Satu) nightclub, which was infamous for its drugs and casino, as well as its gimmick of having nude women acting as tables from which diners could feast on sashimi. Entertainment means different things to different people. Options in Kota include immersion in art and culture, from museums to puppet shows, music, heritage sites, ports, temples and traditional markets. Other diversions include shopping, dining out, cycling, billiards, football, photography and learning martial arts. Sadly, the Indonesian term tempat hiburan (entertainment place) tends to be synonymous with massage parlours, nightclubs and karaoke venues – the sort of places that are supposed to shut down over the Islamic fasting month of Ramadhan. That said, not all karaoke halls and spas are brothels. If your If your notion of a good time is taking ecstasy (for which you can be sentenced to four years in jail), gradually going deaf to loud noise and perhaps finding a likeminded sexual partner, then Stadium is the place for you. The second floor has 24-hour karaoke rooms of various sizes, costing from Rp.242,000 to Rp.726,000 ($25$76) for two hours, while female singing companions can be hired for Rp.500,000 each and imported spirits start at about Rp.1 million per bottle. On the third floor is a brothel with a live music bar, open from 1pm to 3am, but few people go to rat-infested Stadium for the karaoke or the brothel.

Stadium and Illigals are just two of the many places offering illegal action in the nightlife area that covers Pasar Baru, Mangga Besar, Lokasari, Glodok and Ancol. The king of the decadent brothels is Alexis in Ancol. When an official of the Islamic Defenders Front (FPI) was asked why FPI has never protested against Alexis, he replied that it’s a normal family hotel. FPI was created by the security forces in 1998 and doesn’t dare go near their well protected, big establishments. The only Islamic incursion I witnessed during my research into Kota brothel bars was a small boy clad in white robes and carrying a donation box for an Islamic charity, which he proffered among the bored women before receiving some money from the mamasan. Obviously Kota’s sex industry caters for more than just men seeking women. Down the road from Stadium is an old firetrap called Moonlight, which on weekend nights is a major venue for gay men. Illigals occasionally hosts gay-themed events and Stadium generally has a mixed notIon crowd. And then there are dozens of young, tall imported Chinese men based in a good Glodok, working as gigolos.

of tIme Is takIng ecstasy (for whIch you can be sentenced to four years In jaIl), gradually goIng deaf to loud noIse and perhaps fIndIng a lIke-mInded sexual partner, then stadIum Is the place for you.

The main attraction is that it’s a relatively safe place to buy ecstasy (sold on the premises for Rp.350,000 a pill) and dance to music variously classified as progressive, hardcore, house, hip-hop, trance, etc. The thronging disco on the fourth floor is open from 9pm to 11am, so errant high school kids can go there early in the morning without arousing their parents’ suspicion. Police raids involving ID checks and urine tests are rare but not unknown, as is gang violence. Readers are strongly advised not to purchase narcotics just because some places seem above the law.

While Stadium has aged beyond its 15 years, Illigals – located behind a facade of fast-food places – is much classier in terms of decor, cleanliness and prices. The dress code is “no cameras, no weapons”. Downstairs is a nightclub which charges an entry fee of Rp.200,000 or more when supposedly big-name DJs are performing. On the second and third floors are karaoke rooms ranging in cost from Rp.1 million to Rp.15 million, while a so-called “lady companion” costs from Rp.500,000 for a local to Rp.800,000 for a mainland Chinese. Anyone intending to use a credit card at these places need not worry about embarrassing items appearing on subsequent statements, although some customers prefer paying in cash due to fears of card scams or paper trails. A word of warning to anyone who sits down in venues where strippers mingle among patrons and offer hands-on lap dances in exchange for

Jakarta Expat · 10 October - 23 October 2012

the punter buying them shots of red water. These shots cost about Rp.50,000 each and if you’re not aware of what’s going on, a pair of girls can quickly down 20 more of these little glasses, creating a nice addition to your bill.

For movie buffs, entertainment in Glodok used to involve perusing the extensive pirate DVD markets, which a few years ago offered a wide range of foreign films and TV series. But with people turning increasingly to torrents to download their favourite shows and films, Glodok’s sprawling DVD market is finally starting to decline. Many vendors now offer only new releases, especially rubbish genres such as horror, supernatural, killer animals and cartoons.

For people averse to illegal activities, Kota’s Wayang Museum stages a different type of puppet show each Sunday, from 10am to 2pm for only Rp.2,000 a ticket. Each year the museum holds a week-long puppet festival in Fatahillah Square, with nightly shows running until 4am and attended by hundreds of people keenly cheering the heroes and hissing the villains. On weekend nights, the square has performances by local bands, ranging in style from traditional to reggae to rock to rap and hip-hop. Even the usually staid Bank Mandiri Museum on October 7 hosted a marathon metal rock concert featuring bands such as Asphyxiate, Tikus Tanah and Umbra Mortis. People looking for something different can have their portrait painted streetside on Jalan Pintu Besar Selatan for about Rp.400,000 to Rp.500,000 on a canvas measuring 40 by 50 centimetres, or larger if you want to pay more. If you don’t fancy sitting through the noise and pollution, you can just leave a photo with the artist, spend the day in Mangga Dua, browsing the latest electronics goods at the lowest prices in town and then collect your painting. As for unwinding in pleasant surroundings in Kota, it’s hard to beat VOC Galangan – a nearly 400 year old Dutch shipyard and warehouse, which has been restored and offers food and drink. Its huge grassy courtyard is an oasis of serenity, where you can sit for hours chatting with friends or just reading in solitude. Much more entertaining than going deaf, getting exposed to venereal disease and breaking the law. 

Kenneth Yeung kenneth yeung lives over the road from stadium and illigals.




Jakarta Expat · 26 September - 9 October 2012


BY silVia ForsMan

THE eXPat golFer C

ommune first opened its doors in Singapore before making its way down to Jakarta. Commune started as a furniture business before expanding into the culinary world. Chris Zikif and Julian Koh personally design all furniture and accessories sold in the Commune showroom here on Jalan Suryo. They seized the opportunity to fulfil one of their dreams when trying to fill the second floor and thus, Commune Bistro was born. Commune Bistro has parents from different backgrounds which explains the detail orientated nature of Commune. With the wealth of places to eat in Jakarta, what makes you want to come to Commune? Simply put, Commune is where street meets style, made by foodies for foodies. Chris’s background in architecture and design has created a comfortable, simple yet dressed, funky yet classy and generally inviting eatery. I can best describe Commune as a laid back Melbourne hipster venue with Jakartan sophisticated funk serving a fine dining bistro menu. Somewhat of a contradiction but that is what makes you feel at home here. There is a pocket of space in Commune that is sure to cater to your personality. The main area is the place to be seen and enjoy the lively atmosphere smack bang in the centre of all the hustle and bustle as you are enveloped by the open kitchen, open bar and private dining rooms; simple and clean with wooden floors, tables and chairs. Those looking for a more private and intimate experience, do ask to be seated in one of the private dining rooms, one benefiting from natural light and a ceiling mural of a black naked tree and draped black cord intertwined with hanging orb like lights, the other with a painting by AdrienJean Le Mayeur, a famous Belgian painter from Brussels who lived the last years of his life in Bali. For dirty smokers such as myself, we are free to puff away in a section offering ionized conditioners. The floors are black and white tiled and the naked tree mural makes another appearance here. And last but not least, my favourite little nook in the corner with comfy neutral coloured couches, good for a coffee break or cocktails and gossip with the girls when evening comes. Joseph Abud, Executive Chef, and his team


BY ken rUnYon have created a menu of their favourite European dishes alongside Asian classics. Joseph encourages their guests to ask for any tweaks that they desire to perfect the food to the individual palate. We started off with the Caesar salad and Commune Vegetable Soup. The Caesar salad had crisp romaine lettuce and all the trimmings but an unfamiliar bite. Puzzled I asked Joseph what this spice was, that clearly was not from chillies, pepper nor mustard. Joseph revealed his secret; an extra helping of Worcestershire sauce. A fine option for us spice addicts. The Commune Vegetable soup came with egg which seemed a bit odd to me but agreed with my taste buds, akin to vegetarian chili con carne. I must rave about the Algreco Pasta. The pasta gains inspiration from a Greek salad; spaghetti tossed in olive oil, feta cheese, olives and red onion with a wonderful fried fillet of dory. Dian, my partner in crime for this review turned to me, smiled and simply chirped “Tasty!” after she took her first bite of the dory fillet. The Anza pizza is available in pork or beef sausage and had a sour-doughesque base which as a part Finn, I appreciated. The Meatball sub had tangy spicy meatballs mellowed and mingling well with the sweeter tomato sauce. The Buttered Salmon had a coral sauce coloured by roasted red peppers. By now, dessert was not a stretch my stomach could handle but recommended deserts include the ever popular Red Velvet and rainbow coloured Hummingbird. Commune aims to be a place where friends can meet and enjoy good quality food that is good for you at a good price. Their smaller menu of both food and drink is a testament to their belief in providing quality over quantity. If a quick lunch is on your agenda, take advantage of their lunch deal which includes Commune Nasi Goreng with Satay Lilit and an Iced Tea for Rp 65,000. Or maybe you fancy a dinner and beer with the boys as you wait out traffic; have a pizza and two Hoegaardens for Rp. 210,000. To see if you can find a pocket of space for your personality, mosey on over to Jalan Suryo No. 25, Sunday to Thursday 10am-10pm and Friday to Saturday 10am – 1am. If you feel the need to announce your arrival, call 72789913 for reservations. 

Welcome to the first instalment of “The Expat Golfer”. Each month we will explore the wonderful golf scene here in Jakarta and throughout Indonesia. This series will include: Golf Lessons & Tips, History of the Game, Rules and Etiquette, Player Profiles, and much more.


ogether we will explore the Indonesian Golf Scene, on the lookout for golf deals, bargains and values. Whether playing a local course on Sunday or off to Bali for a weekend golf get-a-way, the Expat Golfer series is sure to enhance your golfing experience! Let’s kick things off with a golf tip, shall we?

Chili DiP? GET oN ThE STiCk! “Drive for show, putt for dough’. Most golfers are all too familiar with this axiom and yet very few golfers spend enough time practicing the short game. Let’s put the driver back in the bag for a moment and spend some time around the green. It is truly time well spent. In fact, I recommend a 50/50 approach to your practice sessions. Half of your time working on the full swing and the other half chipping and putting. Let’s talk about chipping for a moment. In golf, the hands are the enemy. This is especially true when it comes to the short game and chipping. In pressure situations, adrenaline, stress and tension often work their way down into the arms and hands, rendering them completely unreliable. Furthermore, these pernicious elements combine to activate the hands; resulting in a flipping or helping motion of the hands and wrists and ultimately spell disaster. In a proper chip shot, the hands and wrists maintain their angle and are not flipped. The hands should be soft or even dead, as Dave Pelzs describes in his book, “Short Game Bible”. So, how do we get the hands out of the short game? How can we get away from the flipping motion of the wrists and more of raking motion with the forearms and shoulders? Answer: get on the stick! Simply find a three foot long stick and tape it to the handle of your club (see photo). Now, for right-handed players, position the club and stick combination to the left side of your body whereby the stick extends under your left arm and left side of your body. As you proceed to practice your chip shots, the stick should not touch your left side. If you are in fact flipping your wrists, the stick will bang against your left side, which is wrong. The chipping motion is similar to that of raking leaves. As we rock our shoulders, arms and hands, the handle is pulled through not flipped. Just as in raking leaves, the handle goes first, then the end of the rake. To summarize, here are the checkpoints: 1) Tape stick to handle of golf club 2) Dead Hands 3) Stick should not hit your body as you chip Good Luck! 

Ken runYon

ken is a former caddy now living a cinderella story in Jakarta. you can find him on facebook at accel Junior golf academy or email at kenrunyon01@gmail.com

Jakarta Expat · 10 October - 23 October 2012


Jakarta Expat · 26 September - 9 October 2012


The British landing at Chillinching.

Tugu Prasasti

AN old sUbUrb AND AN inVasion BY antonY sUtton

Tugu means memorial and memorial is an apt name for this old suburb up in North East Jakarta by the port for this may well be the longest inhabited community in Jakarta. Shards of pots and pans, the sort of thing that gets archaeologists all excited while boring the pants off many museum visitors, have been found in this area dating back several hundred years.


ugu Prastasi dates back to the 5th century and at that time would have been located much closer to the shoreline. It is a boulder with an inscription carved on it using a Sanskrit type language called Wenggi and has since been relocated to the National Museum while its original location is now better known as Jalan Pengangaan Dua in modern day Kelapa Gading and is indistinguishable from the other concrete dross that makes up Jakarta today. It talks about the digging of an 11 kilometre long canal in three weeks during the Kingship of Purnawarman by priestly Brahmans, payment being in the form of 1,000 cows. Not quite Shaz loves Gez or Arsenal rules in the graffiti stakes but I’m sure at the time receiving all that beef must have meant something. Things happened here for another 1,100 years but no one saw the need to keep any notes so while we know that nearby Sunda Kelapa became an important trading entrepot for the spice islands, no one saw fit to mention this particular area. But in 1661 there were all sorts milling round the eastern oceans, changing the landscape, killing people, getting arrested and generally being a nuisance. One such group were slaves. Often the offspring of intermarriage between Portuguese colonials and local people (when I say local we’re covering a region from Goa eastward here) who were frequently frowned down upon by everyone really. The Dutch didn’t like them, arrested them after taking Melaka and used them as slaves. Some found their way down to Java and a group of 21 families who had originally hailed from Bengal and the Coromandel Coast in India were given their freedom upon converting to Calvinism. Oh, and they were given some land as well, said land being Tugu. To the north east of Jakarta’s main sprawl out past Tanjung Priok, but within rock throwing distance of Tugu lies what was once the scene of the largest naval action in the east until the second world war. A British armada of some 100 ships carrying 12,000 men laid anchor at the mouth of the Cilincing at 2 pm on Sunday August 4th 1811, their mission to invade and conquer the island of Java, being ruled by the Dutch with some French input.

Java was and of course still is the pivotal point of a large sea trading nation and you would imagine 100 foreign ships turning up in your front garden might have excited some comment or reaction. Instead the invading armies, divided roughly between European and Indian forces, landed under the bemused eyes of local fishermen who probably decided that Sunday may be a good day to rest. Battling contrary tides the worst the forces suffered were some pre invasion meals being regurgitated into the bay. A map showing the positions after landing makes interesting viewing. A frigate, named Leda, blocked the river mouth while small rafts ferried the troops ashore. Once on land they would have waded through morasses to build defences which were set on the roads in the area; one heading to Batavia, the other to Cornelis. Yes, just two roads! Cilincing itself appears as a couple of islands between a river and a canal. The Dutch had thoughtfully left the bridge over the canal standing thereby doing their best not to impede the invasion too much. Head quarters was set up just to the south of the rivers in a house built in the 1700s by a prominent Dutch landowner named Julius Vinck who also made his mark in neighbouring Tugu. It would have been here the force commander Auchtemy and possibly Raffles, the man chosen to lead a new Java spent their first night in Java. Around them were rice fields and tree clumps with isolated kampungs by the sides of the innumerable streams while being so far from Batavia strong walls provided defence against any locals who weren’t overjoyed by their landlord. After roughing it under the stars the next day was wagons roll. Tugu was reached, the church there is marked on contemporary maps as Suyrannah, while along the north coast they passed Tanjung Priok and by the Tuesday they had reached Ancol. If they had waited 180 years they could have got the toll road, got stuck in the traffic and never made it into Jakarta! Some of the invading forces, well at least a few European officers who died are buried or remembered in the grounds of All Saints Church which is near Gambir Station. 

AntonY sutton

antony is a freelance writer based in Jakarta. please send comments and suggestions to antony@the-spiceislands.com

Jakarta Expat · 10 October - 23 October 2012




Jakarta Expat · 26 September - 9 October 2012

adrenaline PaCked ShArk ENCouNTEr ThAT WoNT CoST you AN ArM AND A lEG By huSh PETErSEN



he fact that you can rock up to Sea World Ancol any day of the week, suit up, leap in a cage and be lowered into a shark tank for Rp. 200,000, makes this the cheapest adrenaline fix out there. The whole feeding itself lasts less than 10 minutes. But the best parts, climbing in the cage, the sound old metal latches make when they clamp down on your fate, the cage swaying slowly back and forth over the huge tank as the sharks start to circle and the Han-Solo-being-frozen-incarbonite moment that comes over you as you’re lowered in the water, are things you can brag to friends about over beers for years. The same up-close-and-personal encounter in Sea World Gold Coast would set you back $90 and up to $144 in Sea World Orlando. Meanwhile, there’s that special lax and liberal feel to the whole process at Ancol. Other places around the world would force you to sit for 45 minutes to talk about “safety and precautions”, whereas at Ancol the dive guide explains things simply: don’t be an idiot, keep your hands inside the cage. “I was excited, my heart was beating super fast,” says Arief Aziz, the communications director for Change.org Indonesia. “I know sharks aren’t dangerous, but the feeling of being lowered in a tank, inside a cage filled with hungry sharks, and feeding them is just something else. It was a surreal experience.” Call Sea World on a Thursday and schedule your shark encounter for the following Monday. Calling ahead is key. If you’re looking to jump in the tank on a Saturday it’s good to call a few weeks ahead. But if you can work it into your schedule on a weekday you’re golden. The weekends at Ancol and Sea World are insane. The place is crowded and people are stuffed in their like sardines. Mondays at Sea World are dead—you can yell and get your friend’s attention from across the auditorium— so show up just before noon and take a walk around the place before it’s time to suit up. There’s plenty to see—a touch pool with baby black-tip reef sharks, a tank full of piranhas, some


rare dugongs, and of course the floor-to-ceiling tank full of grey-tips, black-tips, leopard and nurse sharks you’ll be swimming with come 2 pm. Once you arrive at Sea World swing by the information desk in the lobby, inform them you have a reservation to feed the sharks and show them your open-water diving license. The whole process takes about five minutes. Then it’s upstairs to dive shop. Throw on your suit. Check your BCD, slip on your chainmail shark feeding gloves and grab your chum bucket. There’s a little bit of a common sense tutorial—”Don’t stick your hands outside the cage. If a shark latches on to one of the fish let it go. Don’t fight the shark. And finally be safe.” “Sometimes people are a little scared, but because you have to have your Open Water Dive Certification to go in the shark tank most of the divers have already been around sharks,” says Joseph, who has been a diver with Sea World for 12 years. “The main thing is to try to be peaceful and not panic so the sharks don’t get stressed out. If the sharks don’t feel threatened they won’t get angry.” Once you’re in the water all you can think about is not getting your hand bitten off. Most of us have watched way too much Nat Geo Wild. Our eyes get wide, our heart races and as the 5-metre long sharks bump and bang the swaying cage all you can think about is how an hour ago you were stuck in traffic and now here you are hand-feeding sharks as four-year old kids press their greasy faces up against the glass secretly wishing one of the sharks would take a chunk out of your arm. Before you know it the adrenaline is drained from your veins and the cage is being pulled up from the water. Then with the adrenaline drained from your body you only have to fight one other feeling, a slight tinge of regret. “Afterwards, you can’t help but feel some guilt,” says Arief. “There were about 15-20 sharks in a big container but compared to the ocean, it’s nothing. I knew that it was I that was in a cage, but they were in a smaller one.” 

hush Petersen Hush Petersen is currently on sabbatical from the hero's journey. He loves sipping Budweisers, doing the crossword and judging people outside Ranch Market in Mega Kuningan. You should join him some time.

Jakarta Expat · 10 October - 23 October 2012


Jakarta Expat · 26 September - 9 October 2012



After passing through the edge of Ubrug, with Sundanese villagers going about their daily chores of preparing food, hanging out washing, and caring for small children, we headed into the sawah (rice-fields) down a rocky track. Having never done this kind of biking before, we focused on getting used to the bikes. But that didn’t prevent us from appreciating the stunning scenery and the terraces, dotted with small desa. We had a short break after half an hour, at which point Joko informed us that we had just finished the “warm-up”. He was right: we then proceeded to attack a steep hill, called Bukit Cilutung, passing through small Sundanese desa, and rubber and minyak sawit (palm oil) plantations higher up. It was exhilarating stuff; the rocky track was so steep that I doubted the ability of the bike to pull me up the incline, but what was lacking was only my faith in the power in the bike. Remarkably forgiving but potent, the trail bike managed to deal with every challenge and rock in my way, right up to the top of the hill. But it’s physically tiring stuff, so another rest was in order once we’d made it. We then headed on, passing through a development area, complete with newly finished golf course, half-finished hotel, and still largely empty housing plots — a sign of things to come. These Sundanese hills will probably be one big luxury housing estate for the Jabotabeka elite a decade from now.


Traditional Sundanese dinner, served on a banana leaf.

The joglo of Totally Wild Tours, not such a bad place to hang out.

Jakarta Expat · 10 October - 23 October 2012


ow it’s possible. Not only that but, as I discovered when I took a friend who was a complete biking novice with me on my second visit, even total beginners to bikeriding can become proficient in a weekend. A little operation, called Totally Wild Tours, offers trail-biking weekends in the foothills of Gunung Gede, not far from Sukabumi. One of the great things about the weekend is that you are picked up from your home in Jakarta on Friday. You don’t have to worry about driving through rush-hour traffic; instead you just sit back and enjoy the ride. In a few hours you’re up in the fresh hill air of Ubrug, the village that is the base for the weekend, which is a few kilometres off the road down to Pelabuhan Ratu on the south coast. TWT is run by a youthful and energetic Indonesian called Joko. Occupying a small area of land, his centre of operations has the most amazing views across a lush-green terraced valley looking towards the dark volcanic outline of Gunung Gede on the horizon. There are four small but tastefully styled bungalows (maximum capacity of 8 people) overlooking the valley, a small swimming pool, and a comfortable joglo, for relaxing and enjoying the view.

After passing along a track overlooking the small town of Cibadak, we made our way back to Ubrug in the early afternoon, triumphant in having overcome the challenges of the 40 km route, but also happy to be able to profit from a mandi and a bit of relaxation back in the joglo. In the evening, we were treated to a traditional Sundanese dinner served on a large banana-leaf ‘table-cloth’ prepared by Joko’s wife. On the second day’s ride, we descended further into the valley instead of scrambling up into the hills. Surprisingly, this made for quite challenging riding, as the tracks were very muddy, and it was hard to stay on the bike at times. We suffered a couple of undignified spills, but no major harm was done. And the verdant rice terraces, tiny hamlets and friendly locals made up for the mishaps. As Joko explained, these rice-fields are not on the tourist track, and most of the locals have never laid eyes on a westerner. So, dressed in our rather outlandish Robocop

The view looking across the valley from the joglo.

protectors and riding our growling bikes we got a lot of thumbs-up as we passed. Apart from biking weekends, Joko also organizes three-day trips down to Ujung Genteng on the south coast of West Java. The only caveat is that you need a group of at least three riders to make it viable, so I’m on the look-out for another couple of adventurous souls to join the next trip. But it’s not just about trail biking. If you’re not into the biking thing, then Joko can also take you on mountain-bike trips. Or, if you prefer walking, then just day trekking through the hills is also an option. The Ubrug base is also a great place just to hang out for a weekend away from the stress of Jakarta, reading, writing, or just taking things easy. The pick-up from, and drop-off back to, Jakarta costs Rp 300,000 per person, while the trail-bike riding costs Rp 250,000 for the first hour of the day, and Rp 150,000 for each subsequent hour, all gear, fuel, and instruction inclvuded. Not bad for a totally wild break from the city. 

ToTAlly WilD TourS Contact: Joko Sutiyono 0817 847 039 jlandungsutiyono@yahoo.com

Peter Milne peter Milne is a long-time resident of Jakarta who works in development. he likes to make the most of his free time by exploring indonesia and the rest of the world, and occasionally writing about his experiences.

The beautiful scenery of the surroundings of Ubrug.

After a wonderfully peaceful night’s sleep lulled by the sound of cicadas, we were up and ready for the first ride the following morning. All the protective gear is provided, including knee- and elbow-protectors, and boots too, so you need only bring suitable clothing for yourself. After getting fitted in the gear, we were introduced to our trail bikes, in my case a customized Kawasaki KLX 150. And then, with Joko leading the way, we were off!



Jakarta Expat · 26 September - 9 October 2012



tiM scott. THE CREATIVE ADVISOR AT FREMANTLE MEDIA WITH AN IMPRESSIVE 28 YEARS OF ExPERIENCE uNDER HIS BELT AND A WEALTH OF FuNNY STORIES TO TELL. BY CeCilia ForsMan So Tim, how long have you been working in the television industry? I’ve been at it for almost 28 years now. I started when I was 19 as a cameraman shooting bands and sports and then climbed up through the ranks as Technical Director, Audio Engineer, Director, Producer, Executive Producer and finally my current position as Creative Advisor. It’s been a wild ride!

Be a doctor or lawyer or any other profession that will get you at the dinner taBle each night with your wife and kids and allow you to talk aBout how their day was. if you want to Be creative, learn to paint

What was your first working experience on a film/television set like? It was on an American 10 pin bowling show called Bowlerama and on my first day I had to audition against two other guys for the position as the show’s single intern. It was the dead of winter then in Minnesota and the call time was 4AM, completely brutal. Carrying the gear into the bowling alley was deadly and of course I had been out all night. The producer at the end of the miserable day showered me with compliments through his stale booze breath and said that I really anticipated what needed to be done next and I was a good kid and congrats I got the job. Job? It was an unpaid internship; I still can’t believe I had to actually audition to be an unpaid intern. But it was my start in the industry and what I learned there I’ve kept with me until this day, which is…“Don’t let yourself end up a 59 year old, lonely, divorced TV Producer with a bad drinking and cocaine problem and producing some small market bowling show in the dead of winter.” So, how did you end up moving to Indonesia? I got divorced after 16 years of marriage, realized I could do anything I wanted without asking anyone’s permission, downsized my life, bought a one way ticket and took one year off. A Google search for “The cheapest countries to holiday in for one year” directed

me to Asia, so I travelled through the Philippines, Thailand, Cambodia, Singapore and Indonesia. While visiting my good friend James Speck in Singapore he turned me on to his friend across the street and she said she was going to have a position open at the TV production company she works for in Jakarta. I sent a few emails, got an interview and three months later I’m living in Kemang and overseeing the production Indonesian Idol Season 6! What were the main difficulties in moving from American and Canadian television to the Indonesian television industry? When I first arrived I was very surprised how well I could produce TV here without knowing the language. But understanding the culture is another thing! Since then I have learned that TV is the same all around the world and I need to trust my gut and experience for it’s almost always right. The biggest difficulty is the speed in which people work here and the level of quality they will accept. You could say that the TV industry here is about 20 years behind the west, so pushing for the ultimate best quality is very difficult and not something that the market is used to. I think I say, “This is good but it’s not good enough, it must be great!” five times a day. My Bahasa is good enough to track the conversation and make everyone understand that you can’t talk about how fat I am freely. So how are you enjoying life here in the big durian, how do you de-stress after a long day or week of work? Life in Jakarta is never dull. I really enjoy the people, the malls and the nightlife but I need some blue sky and fresh air quite often. I try to sneak away to Bali or Bandung a couple times a month. If it’s an unusually bad day at work you’ll find me at Eastern Promise in Kemang venting to the smirking, chuckling expats that have been here much longer than me. You oversee the production of shows like Master Chef and Indonesian Idol. What’s it like working behind the scenes on reality TV shows? Well, on Master Chef it’s very interesting but it can also be very slow. What you see in 15 minutes on TV, we shot for 14 hours and then just edited all the good stuff together. The days can be very stressful and very fun all at the same time, we call it, “Hurry up and wait.” When we are producing the Idol live “Spectacular” shows it’s fun because it’s live and anything can happen. The lead up to airtime is filled with tension and when we finally go live… there is no turning back! I used to direct live television for years so I really love producing live TV!


Of all the shows you’ve worked on, which has been your favourite? My favourite all time show was a show that I created called “Let’s Bowl!” It was a comedy bowling competition where two people with a dispute would come to the bowling alley to solve their grievances by competing in a bowling match. The commentators were both insane and went off topic constantly, revealing deeply shameful and personal facts of their lives. It was massively silly and I LOVE silly!

Sounds like a lot of fun! Do you have any funny behind-the-scenes stories to share? I was Executive producing and Directing a show for Comedy Central Network in the US called “New York Goes to Work”. The star of the show Tiffany a.k.a. “New York” is a very charismatic black woman who is incredibly funny and very crazy. The premise was that she was searching to find the perfect job and each episode she works a different job. That day, her job was to be a clown for children but what no one knew was that she hates kids. So NY gets all upset, and in a violent, foul screaming fit she knocks over the set and storms off in her big clown shoes, locks herself in her SUV and starts drinking a lot of red wine. I coaxed my way into the van, drank a bunch of wine with her and talked her into coming back to the set by promising I would take her out on a date. The date was complete failure but the episode was really funny. Do you have any advice for those who might be interested in pursuing a career in the film or television industry? Do not. It can be a gypsy life and it’s hard on relationships. Be a doctor or lawyer or any other profession that will get you at the dinner table each night with your wife and kids and allow you to talk about how their day was. If you want to be creative, learn to paint. Last question! What is your all time favourite television show and why? Saturday Night Live is my all time favorite TV show. It’s the show that launched many of my comedy heroes and inspired me to follow my love for comedy!  Jakarta Expat · 10 October - 23 October 2012


Jakarta Expat · 26 September - 9 October 2012


Abdul The Guitar Man Words and photos by DaviD MeTcalF


met Abdul on a street near Block M, while he was taking a break from singing.

The self taught guitar player performs to commuters on the buses during the day and on the streets at night, generally working from early morning until late, depending on how many tips he receives. His home is in Tangerang, which is a long way from Block M. Abdul does not always make it home and sometimes sleeps on the streets. His main motivation for doing what he does is to earn enough money to pay for his 14-year-old sister’s school uniforms and books, so she can complete high school. He is very concerned that she may go down the same path as their brother, who contracted H.I.V from sharing needles and passed away in jail. Abdul himself became addicted to drugs but luckily he got help. In 2007 he had the assistance of an NGO that provided free access to a rehabilitation program and he was able to break the habit. Playing guitar on the streets can be a challenge as he has been caught by security guards on three occasions and

sent to a Social Centre, which he does not see as a bad thing, as he gets a roof over his head and food provided. His parents also struggle economically, as his dad is a construction worker and his mother is a maid earning less than Rp.400,000 a month. They could not afford to pay for Abdul or his brother’s education, so they both dropped out of school after Junior High at the age of 13. Abdul loves to sing and it’s his dream to be a musician in a band. He likes to play Bob Marley and Kurt Cobain songs and his favourite Indonesian musicians are Slank and Ari Lasso. I was quite saddened by this interview in many ways, but greatly respectful of this 26-year-old who is dedicated to helping his sister stay on the rails and out of harm’s way. He had a gentle sadness about him and a deep compassion and love for his sister that was very inspiring. Next time you see a guitar player at the traffic lights or a bus-commuter musician, spare a thought for Abdul and others like him for they all have their own stories. 

DaviD metcalf David Metcalf (Dayak Dave) is a professional photographer who specialises in photography workshop tours and cultural, adventure tours throughout Indonesia. He is a regular contributor to Jakarta expat with his column "Faces of Jakarta: The stories behind the Photographs". www.davidmetcalfphotography.com and www.facebook.com/indodave

Jakarta Expat · 10 October - 23 October 2012



Jakarta Expat · 26 September - 9 October 2012


so sabah

WORDS AND PHOTOS BY angela riChardson


several miniature waterfalls during the way, and enjoying rest stations equipped with toilet and treated spring water. The trail to Labuan Rata, the lodge where hikers rest overnight before ascending to the peak, is six kilometres up and we were four clicks in before the inevitable happened to slow us down the tropical heavens opened and what a downpour it was. One thing every tour operator and website will tell you is to make sure to bring waterproofs and how right they all were. Waterproof trousers is the one thing you need most after a waterproof poncho.


y answer to you is Sabah, Malaysian Borneo. Direct flights from Jakarta to Kota Kinabalu (also known as K.K.) are available and are cheaper than flights to Bali. In two and a half hours you’re in another country and another world and you can enjoy a pedestrianized city with light traffic and fresh air. The attractions in K.K itself are limited to shopping, walking and eating, however it’s what’s just outside of the city that makes the journey to this side of Borneo all the worthwhile. Our trip was somewhat adventurous, starting with a twoday hike up and down Mount Kinabalu, located in Kinabalu National Park, a two hour drive from K.K. Peaking at 4090.2 metres this is one of the easier mountains of this stature to conquer and a lot of effort has been put into this trail. Starting the ascent at 9am, we hiked through lush rainforest, admiring

Spotting Labuan Rata was a glorious moment, which meant shelter and rest. This lodge is made up of several unheated dorm-style rooms of various sizes, equipped with bunk beds and showers. Downstairs a large canteen area serves decent buffet meals for the famished trekker. After cleansing, adorning our thermals and eating as much as we could, our weary bodies tried to catch a few hours sleep before waking again at 1.30am for the final push to Low’s Peak to watch the sunrise. Now this is where the hike gets hard. Leaving at 2.30 am after a light breakfast, head lamps light the way up

steep rock-face and there are actually three segments where you have to pull yourself up rope – gloves with a grip come in very handy. It’s a three-hour climb to the bitter-cold finish where the waking sun welcomes you with open arms and the incredible view opens up to you (if it weren’t below freezing I would have stayed for much longer admiring it). Two hours later and back at the lodge, a big breakfast was thoroughly enjoyed, followed by a short hour’s rest before a four-hour hike down the mountain the same way from which we came. In true rainforest fashion, the heavens opened up again halfway down, but we smiled and enjoyed it knowing that we were on our way back to a warm shower in a warm hotel room and that our feet could soon get some much-deserved rest. The next day we organized a day trip to visit a small orangutan sanctuary where young rescued orphans were being rehabilitated. At 130 Ringgit each this was a lovely morning out and meant we were free to walk, yes again, around the city in the afternoon. There are many day trips available, which you can book via a tour operator or through your hotel. Orangutan sanctuary trips book up fast so make sure to reserve in advance during high seasons. Next on our itinerary was diving at the renowned Sipadan Island, one of the word’s top ten dive destinations. Sipadan, in the Celebes Sea, is only half a km in length and 200 metres in width, and was once at the centre of a territorial dispute


between Indonesia and Malaysia, with Malaysia being awarded the island by the International Court of Justice on the basis of “effective occupation” in 2002. Jacques Cousteau said, in his film Borneo: The Ghost of the Sea Turtle, “I have seen other places like Sipadan, 45 years ago, but now no more. Now we have found an untouched piece of art.” Untouched it may have been, but nowadays many boats from neighbouring islands take you to Sipadan and120 divers daily are permitted to dive in its surrounding waters, with a permit fee of 40 Ringgit per person per day. We enjoyed three dives a day and were lucky to gain access to Sipadan for two whole days, enjoying an abundance of sharks – black tip and white tip – Hawkbill turtles, schools of barracuda, schools of jack fish, schools of bumphead parrotfish and an array of other species of fish and macro sea life, including a rare spotting of a Dragon Seamoth which was one of the sweetest creatures I’ve ever seen! With such a profusion of divers, it is so important to dive responsibly in these waters to lessen the degrading effect dive tourism has had on its once pristine reefs. We witnessed a diver carelessly diving along the bottom of the ocean, dragging his second regulator across the reef, breaking off bits of coral on his way. As much as we all tried to pull him up and tell him off in sign language, he carried on, which brings me to an important point; learn to dive properly before you attempt underwater photography.  Jakarta Expat · 10 October - 23 October 2012

Jakarta Expat 路 26 September - 9 October 2012


Jakarta Expat 路 10 October - 23 October 2012



Jakarta Expat · 26 September - 9 October 2012


greeting FroM Jakarta:


Jokowi – what better buzzword these days to begin any piece of writing about Jakarta. Let us hope that Scott Merrillees will present a copy of his recently published visual record of Jakarta’s history, (together with its predecessor Batavia in Nineteenth Century Photographs (2000)), to our new Governor, on whose baju kotak-kotak so many hopes are pinned. “Problem-Resolution-Problem-Resolution…” is how primary schoolteachers introduce their students to the linear analysis of fairytales. Then, sooner rather than later, we educators introduce, or should introduce creative, holistic and lateral thinking, for problem solving, with the underlying and inspiring assumption that for every problem there is a solution. What has this got to do with a review of a book which is basically a collection of old postcards? Come on, what is the hugest problem Pak Jokowi has to face? Yes, Jakarta’s urban transportation. And what do we see on the cover of Scott’s book? Not an old building, not an exotically posed group of natives or colonials, but the equally exotic and ingenious “steam tram”, circa 1925. “The …trams were propelled by compressed steam that was fed into the large metal cylindrical chamber located at the front of each tram. This was preferable to burning coal on the tram itself because of the heat this would create in Jakarta’s already tropical climate…” (p168). So here on the cover we have this direct descendant of Stephenson’s Rocket heading along what is now Jl. Gajah Mada, past dokkars and pedestrians in tropical whites, with the driver proudly poised over a placard promoting BOLS. The nature of the problem was different then, but they solved it with science and ingenuity. Now it seems apparent that our new governor has the vision and cojones to research and implement similarly bold but contemporary solutions to our viral traffic problems. From Bruce Emond’s interview with Scott for Jakarta Post Weekend, we learn that Scott is a survivor of the 2009 Marriott bombing. Wounded in body but not in spirit, his love of Indonesia transcends the “idealism” of the bombers, (whose flawed psychology was already laid bare as early as in 1907 by Joseph Conrad in The Secret Agent.) Kendisan Kusumaatmadja’s piece for Tempo is a haunting and personalized reaction to the book from the perspective of a young inhabitant of the city, demonstrating that nostalgia is still what it used to be. So let’s get bibliographical. Greetings from Jakarta presents a collection of 460 postcards, all numbered, depicting aspects of Batavia/Jakarta in the first half of the last century. Each card has a caption which gives the title/subject/location, the publisher, and the (approximate) date. The main section is divided into three “chapters”: 1900 – 1920 – The Old Jakarta in the North; 1900 – 1920 – The New Jakarta in the South; 1920 – 1950 – The End of the Colonial Era. Here each postcard has an accompanying paragraph which provides thoroughly researched and often fascinating background information. Each chapter begins with some pages of relevant history, and original maps.

ThE loCATioN oF NEArly EvEry PoSTCArD iS MArkED oN ThE MAPS! For a map lover like myself, the inclusion of 14

ing hobby (after stamps and coins).

these thoroughly detailed classic old street maps is alone worth purchasing the book for. Google Earth, spit your chips out! There are three appendices: “People, Work and Entertainment” with 66 postcards focusing more on people than places; “The Earliest Picture Postcards of Jakarta”, comprising 32 examples of “Groet uit Batavia” from the 1890s; and a guide to colonial street names and their post-colonial equivalents. Researchers and librarians will appreciate the 62 books listed in the Select Bibliography, which is as good a starting point as any for investigating the history of Jakarta and beyond in the relevant era. Kendisan Kusumaatmadja in her Tempo piece has the inspired device of selecting one of the 460 postcards (no. 295) and subjecting it to some atmospheric analysis. I will attempt to do the same with one of my favourites (no 112) which shows “seven well-dressed gentlemen enjoying the hotel’s popular reading room”. This is obviously a posed publicity postcard, from circa 1910, for the old Grand Hotel Java. Five of the “gentlemen”, immaculate in tropical whites, are catching up with the newspapers, which would take weeks to arrive from Europe. Note the solar topee, panama hat and boots. Another is reading what could be the latest novel by Louis Couperus, but is probably a bound copy of the equivalent of Readers Digest. One man, a naval or merchant marine officer by his epaulette, sits apart. Checking on the progress of the Panama Canal, or doing the crossword? On the walls are a poster, pictures of a steamship and a train, what

could be a Rubens reproduction (it’s not clear) and what could be a mounted display of postcards, which would probably cause sleepless nights to more obsessive deltiologists* than Scott. You will have your own favourites, when you buy this book, as I urge you to do. It’s a lovingly compiled tribute to a fascinating and often misunderstood city, by a man who has spent countless hours in the heat and pollution so that he could actually occupy the same topographical space as the postcards. Jakarta-based corporations, here is a prime showpiece for your guest reception area, here is the gift for your worldwide clients. We began with a buzzword, so let’s end with another one. Much of the credit for the outstanding quality of the book’s layout and appearance goes to the pioneering publisher, Mark Hanusz, and his company, (synchronistically, as I started writing this review on September 22) – Equinox. *deltiologist – you will have sussed out that this has nothing to do with Mississippi Blues or wetland ecology, but refers to a practitioner of the world’s third most popular collect-

Greetings From Jakarta: Postcards of a Capital 1900 – 1950, by Scott Merrillees, published by Equinox (2012) is available from Bartele Gallery at Rp.550,000. Call +62 21 719 0087 for your copy delivered free to you! Scott welcomes relevant comments and other information as well as news of any other postcards of Jakarta not appearing in his book. Contact him at scott@greetingsfromjakarta.com.

DAchlAn cArtWright dachlan is a retired teacher and librarian who first visited indonesia for the subud World congress in 1971. he then worked as a Vso at the bandung institute of technology, where he met his wife srie. they have two children, Munadi and rianti.

Jakarta Expat · 10 October - 23 October 2012

Jakarta Expat 路 26 September - 9 October 2012


Jakarta Expat 路 10 October - 23 October 2012



Jakarta Expat · 26 September - 9 October 2012





t home in the old days we had a lot of board games to entertain ourselves during the evening, but with the introduction of the PC and later the smart phones and tablets you don’t see many people playing those old-fashion board games any more. All the board games that I played with my brothers are now available for PC and tablets and many more games have been introduced since.

Then came Pacman, Space Invaders and suddenly everybody was playing King Kong or Mario on small terminals that would allow you only to play one game.

SokoBAN My first real experience with “computer mind games” was playing the game Sokoban, although I have seen and played other games but I got easily bored and never tried to pass any level until I played Sokoban which was, and perhaps still is, one of the most popular logic games ever. Sokoban was introduced for the first time in 1982. Sokoban in Japanese terms means a “warehouse man”. Because of the simplicity and sophisticated elegance of the rules and the challenging complexity of the “original” problems, Sokoban quickly became an all-time classic. The rules of Sokoban are very simple:

When the first PC games were introduced the graphics were very simple and so were the games. Who does not remember the first tennis game (marketed as PONG) for the PC? Two bars and a white dot moving from left to right and the other way around. This game was a big hit in the good old days. Pong was one of the first video games to reach mainstream popularity. The aim is to defeat the opponent in a simulated table tennis game by earning a higher score. Pong quickly became a success and is the first commercially successful video game, which led to the start of the video game industry.

- Push one stone at a time to goal squares - Push and Move actions should be minimized. Many official versions (Boxxle, Sokoban Perfect, Sokoban Revenge) and unofficial remakes of the game appeared over the years for different computers and platforms, among which are C64, Amiga, Spectrum, PC, Macintosh, CE and Palm versions. Now you can easily find a lot of clones that are using levels and ideas of the original Sokoban game. Unfortunately only a few versions offer new ideas and unique levels. Google’s search request for “Sokoban” shows more than 60,000 web page matches. What’s Next?

ThE loGo Quiz The first one is the Logos quiz game. This is quiz game full of fun that consists of guessing the names of hundreds of logos from different companies. To achieve this you have a lot of clues which you can use to help you complete the game. You can also ask your friends if you don’t know the answer! Challenge them to see who know more logos.

Mylifejakarta.blogspot.coM Welcome to Luke Regler’s blog about expat life in Jakarta. Luke made the move from England to Jakarta five years ago to experience and explore a new and different world. Blogging since 2009, he chronicles his life, experiences and observations as an expat living in the big durian. Among his most popular posts is a list of things to do in Jakarta. Luke has compiled an extensive list of activities ranging from the usual and obvious tourist attractions to the lesser known and rather unusual ways to enjoy the massive, sprawling metropolis of Jakarta.


Jakarta100bars.com began as a translation of a French blog called Crazy Nights in Jakarta, written by Frenchman Thibaud and his friends. The initial idea was to review Jakarta’s nightlife in its entirety, from the upper-class clubs in Senayan to the trashy bars in Glodok. Since then, the website has gained a following and has expanded to include reviews of restaurants and various articles pertaining to expat life in Jakarta from the practical and informative to the seedier sides of the city. Articles range from various topics such as cost of living for expats, how to get around the city and even includes relationship and dating advice.

The game looks simple enough: you’re placed in what looks like a lobby, looking at an elevator door. The point of the game is to figure out how to get the doors to open so that you can move on to the next level. What I really like about this game is how creative it gets by using the device that you’re playing on. We played on the Android Cyrus Tab, and the game does a really fun and creative job of using the Tab’s accelerometer (the part inside the Tab that can sense which way you’re holding it). Without giving too much away, the ability to turn the Tab from side-to-side, lay it flat or shake it plays a big part in solving a lot of the levels of this game. Similar to this game is 100 doors.

MovE ThE BoX A logic puzzle about moving boxes around. Clean the dock, do it fast! You can move, drop and swap the boxes. Three or more boxes of the same kind in a line disappear. Watch out for turns, you only have a limited number! 144 exciting levels of different difficulty. Exchange adjacent boxes and eliminate them when three or more identical boxes are in a line. To pass a level, you need to eliminate all boxes. And on That Note I would say keep on playing and keep having fun.

100 FloorS Imagine someone hands you a puzzle, but they don’t give you any instructions on how to solve it. Sounds a little frustrating, right? Well, that’s exactly what the game 100 Floors asks you to do.

Juan G. leysner Juan G. Leysner has lived and worked in Jakarta for over 10 years and is the founder of 2 db.mobi, www.2dbarcodesolutions.com

Jakarta Expat · 10 October - 23 October 2012

Jakarta Expat 路 26 September - 9 October 2012


Jakarta Expat 路 10 October - 23 October 2012



Jakarta Expat · 26 September - 9 October 2012


grandMa strikes baCk BY eaMonn sadler


hen I was about eight years old and my brother was about ten, my father told us that we needed to go over to our Grandmother’s flat one Saturday night and sleep there because she had told him that one of her male neighbours was bothering her every day by ringing her doorbell continuously, banging on the door and shouting obscenities. My father obviously didn’t believe her because a) as she got older she had developed a penchant for telling tall tales and b) he was sending two small boys to protect his own mother from what was supposedly a fully grown lunatic. At least I hope he didn’t believe her. My brother and I walked over to Nanny Cuckoo’s place (we called her “Nanny Cuckoo” because she had a cuckoo clock) and climbed the stairs up to her third floor flat. On the way up we kept our eyes open for signs of the deranged neighbour and I must admit we were far more concerned about our safety than our father appeared to be, even though we knew for sure that there

was no way he would have sent us there if he had thought for a second there was any truth to his mother’s claims. The area where we lived was far from salubrious, so as we climbed the stairs we saw quite a few faces that would have fitted the bill as the local loony, but for the most part each face ignored us and went about its business so as we reached her front door we had begun to relax a little. My brother, being the oldest, took the lead and rang the doorbell. There was no answer. He held the button down and rang the bell for a bit longer. Still no answer. He quickly ran out of patience and began ringing the doorbell in long and short bursts, while shouting loudly and banging on the door to get her attention. It was at this point that I began to wonder if my wiser, older brother might be making a terrible mistake. I remembered that Nanny Cuckoo was more than a little deaf and I wondered if she might have been telling the truth about the errant neighbour. On top of that, I wasn’t

sure if my father had even told her that we were coming.

profanities followed by, “Now b****r off before I call the police!”

My exasperated brother was by this time leaning on the doorbell continuously with one hand and banging hard on the door with the other. He was shouting at the top of his voice, “Nan! Open the door! Open the door! Nan...!” and just as I was about to suggest to my brother that given the circumstances he might not be using the wisest of methods to get her attention, the business end of Nanny Cuckoo’s umbrella shot out through her letterbox at high speed and connected squarely with my brother’s groin. He froze in the immediate silence, mouth wide open, with a combined look of shock, horror, realisation and extreme pain on his face. He dropped to his knees in slow motion and fell neatly onto his right side curled up in the foetal position. After a second or two he started sobbing gently and I began laughing hysterically. Then the lower half of Nanny Cuckoo’s face appeared at the letterbox and delivered a string of old fashioned

Apparently she had been telling the truth and my father had indeed forgotten to tell her we were coming. I guess the real loony doorbell-ringer and obscenity-shouter must have been watching nearby because Nanny Cuckoo said the trouble stopped after that. In the years that followed she would often tell the story of how she poked him with the umbrella and scared him away all on her own. Only in her story he was a six foot tall thug, not a skinny ten year old boy. We never told her the truth and my brother has two kids now so no harm done.


To find out more about live stand-up comedy in Indonesia please e-mail jakarta@thecomedyclub.asia text or call 0821 1194 3084 or register at www.thecomedyclub.asia


That will be one with extra mushrooms, one with extra olives, one with everything and some more ammunition please...

This issue’s prize goes to Mark M. from Jakarta. See you and a friend at the comedy club next month!


0811 999603



1 Spite - desire to hurt (6) 4 Disastrous (5) 7 Person in charge of paper (6) 8 Fight (against) (6) 9 Mark of wound (4) 10 Retaliation (8) 12 Curse (11) 17 Reverie (8) 19 Three-dimensional figure (4) 20 Push and shove (6) 21 Beneficent - please (6) 22 Rough - turbulent (5) 23 Wind (6)

1 Small quantity (7) 2 Word for word (7) 3 Case for shot, ink, tape, etc (9) 4 Base of room - storey (5) 5 Hot sauce (7) 6 Not long ago (6) 11 (Device to act as) control of heart rhythm (9) 13 Rock garden plant (7) 14 Holy smoke! (7) 15 Cloud-like patches in space (7) 16 Piece of casual work (3,3) 18 Assemble - recover (5)

{ Answers in the next edition! }

*answers for edition 78 Across 1. Sportswoman 9. Retaliate 10. Via 11. Stage 13. Learner 14. Clever 15. Iguana 20. Liege 21. Lot 22. Orchestra 24. Play it by ear Down 1. Pit 3. Relieve 4. Stalls 5. Opera 6. Advantage 7. Dress circles 8. Carriageway 12. Anecdotal 16. Gallery 17. Elicit 19. Crony 23. Tea

This Edition’s Quiz: the enVironMent QuiZ scan the barcode and answer the 10 questions correctly for a chance to win a voucher worth rp.300,000 from double doors! closing date october 31st. congratulations to irawati ariadi for winning a rp.300,000 voucher from lio collection bistro! 18

Jakarta Expat · 10 October - 23 October 2012


Jakarta Expat · 26 September - 9 October 2012

2 BRand nEw 1BR coRnERcosmo tERRacE apaRtmEnts Description: Suitable for expat couple with no kid, who loves cooking. location: Thamrin, Central Jakarta. Price:

• Rp. 102 Mil / year (54m2 Corner) • Rp. 84 Mil / year (40m2)

Both units available for a minimum of one year. For more information, please email: property@jakartaexpat.biz or call 081317722271

Residence 8 @ senopati

livE in stylE

description: - 1 Bedroom, 76sqm - Walking distance to SCBD & Sudirman - Nice View & fully furnished - Elevator with access card and 24 hours security - Spacious lobby - Very close to Pacific Place Mall

size: 48sqm Description: Kota Kasablanka comprises of residences, shopping mall and office tower. The shopping mall is now open and has direct connection to and from the apartment. The unit is in Mirage Tower, facing Jalan Rasuna Said and to the pool (2 views). It is 1BR, semi-furnished.

Rental price: RP. 16 million /month, minimum 1 year

Price: asking price is IDR 1.5 Bio.

For more information, please email: property@jakartaexpat.biz or call 081317722271

For more information, please email: property@jakartaexpat.biz or call 081317722271

3 BEdRoom apaRtmEnt at sommERsEt gRand citRa, south JakaRta. Description: Fully furnished and prime location. The unit has 3 Bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, living room, kithchen, including service area for Maidroom and Maid Bathroom. facilities : Swimming Pool, Gym, Tennis court, childrens playroom, dedicated parking space, 24-hours security, convenience store, cafe. Price : US$ 1800/month min 1 year For more information, please email: property@jakartaexpat.biz or call 081317722271

BEautiFul, BRand nEw condo suitE FoR REnt at thE hampton's paRk. land size: 96.9 sqm Description: Strategically located in South Jakarta, near toll road, a stone's throw to Pondok Indah Mall, Radio Dalam, Kemang and very close to Jakarta International School. All you need are your bags to move in. facilities: - 2 bedrooms + study (can be converted to a spare room) + maid/storage room - 20th floor with a pleasant street - Hotel Krystal and poolside view. - This unit is brand new, never used and fully designer furnished. - Parking Included

payangan - uBud, Bali land size: 2000m2 Description: This property is located close to the main road - and is also close to several five star resorts in the area - The Hanging Garden Resort, The Alila Ubud Resort, Four Seasons Resort Ubud and the local traditional market. Price: 1.70 Milliard Rupiah. For more information, please email: property@jakartaexpat.biz or call 081317722271

Price: 1800 USD per month, min. 1 year. or more information, please email: property@jakartaexpat.biz or call 081317722271

aRE you a pRopERty ownER? lEt us hElp you REnt/sEll youR pRopERty. Jakarta Expat · 10 October - 23 October 2012 contact us at property@jakartaexpat.biz // p. 08131 7722271



Business & netWOrKinG

hallowEEn social nEtwoRking paRty sat, 3 nov 2012, FRom 5:30-8:30 pm location: potato hEad, paciFic placE, JakaRta Meet. Mingle. Mixologize. We supply the people. You supply the conversation. Spice up your weekend by joining other great people in town! Costumes are encouraged. Win the Best Dressed Award! HTM IDR 250,000 Includes a welcome drink, snacks, and a catchy goodie bag. RSVP: 021 7008 5073 or 0812 8323 8702 Transfer via BCA 218-0088809 (a/n Mitra Indo Visi Group) Email: info@icupids.com

Jakarta Expat · 26 September - 9 October 2012

2. Joe Cochrane, The Economist and Strategic Review 3. Ben Bland, The Financial Times Moderator: Karishma Vaswani, BBC Correspondent (tbc) Entrance fee: to be confirmed How to register? Email at events@britcham.or.id www.britcham.or.id

iFcci monthly gathERing tuE, 16 oct 2012. location: tBa on Rsvp Taste our Buffet Menu and Authentic French Wine and Cheese, in additional to the networking experience with our VIP and All members. Price: * Rp. 300.000 (Members) * Rp. 375.000 (Non Members) Reservation is made on first come first served basis RSVP: * Debora at publicrelation@ifcci.com www.ifcci.com

music & festivals

intERnations JakaRta sEptEmBER 2012 wEEkday EvEnt. sat, 20 oct 2012 location: tBa on Rsvp The InterNations team is delighted to announce our next exciting social event with a special InterNations drink package: Rp 200,000 for Albatross Members. Rp. 300,000 for Basic Members. For non InterNations Members or those who have not RSVP’ed and whose names are not on the list, you will need to pay Rp 350,000. Please don’t forget to sign up for the event by clicking the Attend Event button! Friends and family are welcome to join the event – we want as many people to participate as possible. RSVP through the InterNations website: www.internations.org/jakarta-expats

BRitcham BREakFast BRiEFing ‘’thE JouRnalists’ pERspEctivE oF indonEsia’’ wEd, 17 oct 2012. location: tBa on Rsvp Panelists: 1. Peter Alford, The Australian


david guEtta with spEcial guEst alEsso. sat, 13 oct 2012. Eco paRk, ancol JakaRta David Guetta with International Supporting Act Alesso. Ticket Info: - Presale: Rp. 375.000. - Festival: Rp. 500.000. - Special Package (Guetta + DWP12): Rp. 825.000. (Watch David Guetta & Djakarta Warehouse Project 2012) Ticket Box: Jakarta: - PIZZA E BIRRA Plaza Indonesia, Gandaria City, Central Park - SUSHIGROOVE Pondok Indah Mall 2 - BLOWFISH - DRAGONFLY Bandung: - PIZZA E BIRRA Paris Van Java Bali: - KITCHENETTE Beachwalk Bali Web Site: www.ismayagroup.com

chicago livE in concERt 2012 sat, 27 oct 2012. JakaRta convEntion cEntER Ticket Price: Platinum : Rp. 4.500.000 Gold : Rp. 3.500.000 Silver : Rp. 1.500.000 Tribune C : Rp. 1.000.000 Tribune B : Rp. 750.000 Tribune E : Rp. 750.000 Tribune A : Rp. 350.000 Tribune F ; Rp. 350.000

Tickets are also available via: - Duta Suara outlets - Ibu Dibjo Cikini - Mall of Indonesia Redemption Counter 2nd Floor Kelapa Gading - Panorama Tours Outlets - Daily Concert DIAMOND tickets are available via RajaKarcis SCBD outlet only. www.rajakarcis.com


Bali RugBy FEst. sat, 13 oct 2012 sun, 14 oct 2012. canggu cluB, Bali, indonEsia Over a hundred games showing off the best talent in Indonesian Rugby will be on show at the 2012 Bali Rugby Fest. Now in its 18th year, the Bali 10’s continues to be the oldest continuous sports tournament in Bali. Bali Rugby Club now organizes the annual event with Open 10’s & National Men’s 7’s and Women’s rugby 7’s with finals under the lights on Sunday. Friday morning will see a Memorial gathering held in Sanur at the original home of the tournament. Featuring: Open Men’s 10’s Open Women’s 7’s www.balirugbyclub.com

Jakarta Expat · 10 October - 23 October 2012


Jakarta Expat · 26 September - 9 October 2012

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For sale: BMW X5 2001 expat owned,3.0 silver met., 100.000 km 225 juta 081872910, please call to 081872910

pRopERty for rent Houses for rent at Kemang, Cipete, Cilandak, Pejaten Barat, Pondok Indah. Big garden, S’pool, Complex, 4-5 bedrooms, U$ 2000 - U$ 7000. Phone: 0816859551 - 081287488717 e-mail: nantha_realtor@yahoo.com

For Rent.Exclusive Villa with sea view. Beautiful private beach house for rent nearby Cisolok, 15 minutes from beach resort Ocean Queen. Expatriate family, temporary leaving Indonesia. Rental period min 1 year, max 4 years. Security, daily cleaning, pool cleaning, maintenance all included. Just 900 USD per month to cover monthly costs. Only serious candidates with references. 460m2, private garden 8,000 m2, 3 bedrooms and 2 bathrooms, swimming pool, fully furnished, stylish European & Javanese design. Albertus1957@gmail.com

Absolute Beach / Cliff front land in Bali for sale. 40 Are Located on Balian Beach in Tabanan. Relax in your own private cove on the beach. Ideal piece of land to build your dream villa, from where you can watch amazing sunsets. Contact: 0811833810

Lombok luxury beachfront villa. For holiday rental. 3 Suites each with k.S bed, spa bath, tropical shower. Wi fi, cable television. English speaking staff. Promo rates available. Ph: +6281246400246. www. vervevillaslombok.com

For Sale, House in menteng area (centre of Jakarta) 2 storey ready to stay. 3 building (Main Building, Pavilion & Garage + rooms. Pavilion (1st floor) : 1 Main Bed room, 1 Bath room, 1 Working room, 1 Warehouse, 2 car port. Main Building (1st floor): 1 main bed room, 1 Bathroom. Main Building (2nd floor): 3 bed rooms,

1 bath room. Garage (1st floor): 2 cars garage, 2 cars carport, 4 maid bed room, 1 cleaning room. Garage (2nd floor): 3 bed rooms, bath room, kitchen. Private swimming pool. Rp. 30 billion. Strategic location only 10 minutes to kuningan/sudirman/ thamrin. Land 650ms, Building 400ms, semi furnish, 11.000 watt electricity, 1 PAM water, 1 Jet pump, 2 solar cells for hot water. Contact: 021- 3176 3785 / email: ap.athaya@yahoo.com

For yearly rent at Raffles Hills, Cibubur, Land 98sqm, building 125sqm, 5Airconditioner, 3 bedrooms + 1 maid's room. Fully furnished, Fully Wallpapered, water heater, washer, nice view,secured, 900m from exit toll Cibubur.for rent Rp80 million/ year (nego)Andri 08982048499. Email: earsangel_wing@hotmail.com

Sunrise house (homestay with hotel style design); New build and locates at sudirman cbd, few minutes from four season hotel; Contact (081510799688); Monthly rate net usd 400 up; Daily or weekly available; Facilities ; a/c, wifi, swimming pool, fridge, hot shower; fully furnished, roof garden, lift, breakfast, and 24 hours security.

“Bali – Homestay Villa in the Clouds” – soft opening begin September 2012. Very quiet country estate of 850 m above sea level, between the village Jatiluwih with its famous rice terrasses, and the mountain BATUKARU, 2200 m. We guarantee cool climate, no pollution, exquisite for relaxation. Go on hiking tours into protected forest, or just sit in fresh air outside and enjoy the overwhelming panorama, unmatched anywhere else in Bali. Your hosts will be Thomas, Hedy, and three golden retrievers. Please contact us on our email for more information : villa. intheclouds@yahoo.com

school (International) teacher. I have experienced of teaching IGCSE and IB Diploma classes for over 20 years. Interested parents/students please contact me by mail: himsnow11@ gmail.com

Indonesian female, have experience as PA and Business and Development manager for expats companies in Bali is seeking a new challenge. Lived in some countries, speak excellent English and little bit French. For further details pls email : inz_1999@ yahoo.com

Experienced ESL teacher at international schools abroad is looking for a new position. For further details pls email bijoux91@ymail.com

Experienced French teacher, all levels included IB IGCSE available via skype/ live Kemayoran. Individual/groups. SMS : 081999353573

Female, Indonesian, Bachelor Degree in Economics has 13 years working experiences in Finance/Accounting/ Administration in international organization / foreign representative office (non-profit sector) is seeking a new employment immediately. Currently is still working in international organization in Jakarta. Email : rapril114@gmail.com

Australian Based. Like to work/live in Indonesia. Over 35 years at Diploma level as a Technician and Senior service department manager with top Euro marques such as Aston Martin, Jaguar, etc, seeks similar position based in Jakarta. Factory trained. Resume and references available.Contact dbhogal@bigpond.com


HSE Officer required You will be a consultant overseeing the contractor, and your responsibilities will be as follows: Daily site inspection

Preparing daily HSE NCR reports Update weekly HSE reports Host weekly HSE meetings Prepare HSE MoM Host weekly HSE joint patrols Update monthly HSE reports Update monthly HSE NCR reports Report to Construction Manager and Safety Engineer. Interested? Please contact - Ryan Cragg - r.cragg@ tebodin.co.id

5-star hotel is seeking a talent to be transformed to Santa claus throughout Dec’12. requirements: Male age 35-60 y.o (preferably caucasian), outgoing, love children, good sense of humor, able to imitate father christmas. interested candidates, please call (62 21) 2939 9558 or contact the editor for email contact details.

Looking for local administrative staff. Female, single, little office experience preferred. For our kebayoran baru offc. Email CV tognn@cbn.net.id

Teachers needed for Primary & Secondary English, Mathematics and Science tutoring in Pantai Indah Kapuk. Must be native/fluent English speaker. Send CV tobrainyilc@yahoo. com, or call Nathalie at 0818899800.

part time nanny required to work flexible hours. can be live-in or not. good daily salary paid (RP.100k) on daily basis. call 085256588458

We need female models for our fitting session that is done once-two times in a week. Payment will be done twice per month. The product includes Underwear, Swimwear & Outerwear. The face will not be captured in the fitting session. Requirement : - Size 75D/80C. - Minimum height 160 cm. - Body weight is normal and proportional. Send your data and body pictures to recruitment_puls@ yahoo.com.

JoBs Looking for Work Mathematics Teacher/tutor. Looking for guidance in: · IGCSE/ O level Mathematics · Additional Mathematics · IB Diploma Mathematics ( HL/SL and Studies SL). I am an experienced secondary

Jakarta Expat · 10 October - 23 October 2012



Jakarta Expat · 26 September - 9 October 2012

Place a Classified Ad and get results! Classifieds are still FREE! Send in your classifieds to ads@jakartaexpat.biz Next issue deadline: 16 October 2012 Have something to sell? Looking for something to buy? Looking for staff? Selling property? Or need a place to live? Why not place your classified ad with Jakarta Expat! Your classified will be placed once for 2 weeks online and once in our printed version which has a circulation of 15.000 copies bi weekly. Conditions: Personal classifieds Commercial classifieds

: free of charge | 50 words max : Rp. 100,000 | 0 - 50 words : Rp. 200,000 | 50 - 100 words - Property listings are considered as Commercial. - For adding an image / company logo in our printed issue another Rp. 150,000 needs to be charged. Send in your classifieds to ads@jakartaexpat.biz

sERvicEs Bahasa Indonesia lessons for expats. Given by experienced instructor at your house or office. Please call Chairuman 0812 1037 466.

INTERNATIONAL, DOMESTIC, LOCAL, OFFICE MOVING, STORAGE … Call Francois 085 8838 98678, email: francois@safeway.co.id, or Lanny 081 3166 61874, email: lanny@safewayrelo.com www.safewayrelo.com “RELOCATION MADE EASY”

French and Bahasa private tuition at your place with experienced teacher for foreigners. Call : Novi 087887092038.

NO MORE BORING PRESENTATIONS !!! increase sales and skyrocket your career now with help from Jakarta's public speaking and presentation skills coach Peter Miller. Make your way now to SpeakersCoach.com for your first point of Contact + a free offer to receive the SECRETS OF THE GREAT COMMUNICATORS eBook (worth $47). Pete Miller: Pete@ petemiller.com 08121873 9888


Bahasa Indonesia lessons for expats. Given by experienced instructor at your house or office, letter of recommendation available. Please call Chairuman 0812 1037 466

CAR FOR RENT For rent monthly including driver, insurance, maintenance: Toyota new Avanza 2012 = Rp.5.500.000,/month.Toyota Innova 2012 = Rp.5.500.000,-.Toyota Avanza 2010= Rp.4.500.000,-. Also available daily (12hr incl. Driver&Fuel in town) = Rp.400.000,-. Please call 0816865653

Explore Indonesia. Touring for company incentive tour or any group. Belitung Island, Medan, Manado, Java, Bali, Lombok, Kalimantan, Raja Ampat etc. For further information please call Anne 08176393628, add BB Pin 29960D0F or email stpieter_tour@ yahoo.com.

Bahasa Indonesia class starts on 8 October at the American Club. Private also available for Bahasa/English/ Mandarin. Qualified teacher & excellent material 021-68888246/081385590009 www.sibschool.com

Math Tutor is available to help your children after school. I am a Teacher Assistant in one of International School. I would come to your place around Kuningan and Pondok Indah. Contact me: Bobby Saputra 085220073629

Private Yoga Classes. Do you want to feel healthier, slimmer, calmer and more flexible? If the answer is yes then you need to have YOGA in your life. I am a certified Yoga instructor 200 RYT and registered with Yoga Alliance. I teach private and group classes for all levels and specialise in Hatha, Vinyasa and Yin Yoga. Namaste. Please contact: omshannah@ gmail.com

10.00AM (weekend). You can reach me via my mobile: 0812.82.080081

Have the Coolest Party With BINTANG PARTY EXPRESSWe deliver and serve Bintang & Heineken Draught beer to your door, just email to : party_ express@yahoo.com or dial 0818 948 627 and 759 4611

I can help you and your children to learn how to read Al Quran, be more fluently, Basic and Intermediate class. For the time being I only can serve you on South Jakarta especially on Bangka and Kemang, after 6.00PM (weekdays), after

I have specialty in Math teaching of elementary school students. I can show your children how Math is cool subject in school. I can help them to do Math homework easily. For the time being I only can serve you on South Jakarta especially on Bangka and Kemang, after 6.00PM (weekdays), after 10.00AM (weekend). You can reach me via my mobile: 0812.82.080081

Learn traditional Javanese dance directly from professional performers of 'wayang orang'. Only Rp.200,000/ month for 4 sessions. Classes will be conducted in Jalan Kalilio, Senen area. For more info, please SMS 085692082789 or 085718353314

Need flexible courses? Want to study privately at home, office or in a class? We open Bahasa Indonesia class at the American Club. Private classes also available for Bahasa

/ English/ Mandarin. Qualified teachers & excellent materials 02168888246/0813-85590009 sibchool@ sibschool.com, www.sibschool.com

World Explorer T&T. Kemang Square, 3rd floor unit III-12. Jl. Kemang Raya no. 5. Phone: 7179 4722 - awe. tours@gmail.com

The best tantric massage in town for relaxing, come to your place, hotel, and apartment. Please call: 085850343351

faMiLY cHiroPractic. Professional health-care with experienced practitioners. careful assessment and individually designed treatment plans. excellent results with low back and neck pain, shoulder problems, sciatica, disk herniations, headaches and migraine and other musculoskeletal disorders and wellness care. Don’t suffer another day call us today. HoteL kriStaL (021) 7507090

Medical evacuation health & life insurance. Let us diagnose your needs. Contact Paul Beale, mobile: +62 816 137 0663, office: 021-5220990 E: paulbeale@gms-financial.com Traveling? Let us help you! As your partner in business, we aspire to provide service standards that are faster, more accurate and more reliable. Contact us now to assist you for all your travel needs. PT. Amazing

For over 14 years, Living in Indonesia, A Site for Expatriates has provided expats with “Practical Information” to help smooth the transition to their

Eco Tour - Photography Safari in Yogyakarta - 082324295266

Jakarta Expat · 10 October - 23 October 2012


Jakarta Expat · 26 September - 9 October 2012

Place a Classified Ad and get results! new life in Indonesia. Choose from 1,200+ articles – all written by expats to address the specific concerns of expats. Living in Indonesia, A Site for Expatriates www.expat.or.id

othERs A beautiful and new CD Rack with Abbot and Castello Character. Price: Rp.650.000,Interested? Please Call: 021-40454585 Or further information please visited my blog jennecrafts.blogspot.com.

Unique Faces Exhibition painting collection by Inge Gijzen now exhibited in Koi Kemang from 24 September till 14 October. . For viewing of Portfolio of work view www.ingeearts.com (website still under construction). For art sale and info please contact email iegijzen@ hotmail.com

Dining table set for sale. For sale: Beautiful Calligaris dining table set, consists of table, 6 small chairs and 2 large chairs.

children age 6-12. Subscribe now for min 10 trainings per season @100.000 Rps/child per training. Wanna join or more information? Please send email to jakartahockey4kids@gmail.com

Table in knocked down condition. Good as new. Contact Abby for price and picture avigayil.dagea@gmail.com

I am looking for candle making equipment to set up a small project in a kampung. Please email Bart at bartele@me.com

For Sales - Jukebox , needs to be repaired. Call Edo - 08111490400

Silver Jewelry for sale - bracelets, rings, pendants, earrings all hand manufactured out of 925 Sterling silver. There is a wide variety of pieces available with semi precious gemstones. For appointment, call us at: phone: 021 7694471 / Hp: 08179194953

Looking for daily catering for family in Kemayoran area. Healthy food and reasonable price. Pls email : inz_1999@ yahoo.com

Puppies up for adoption! We have 4 beautiful puppies that need loving homes. They are mixed breed small/ medium sized dogs. South Jakarta. Please contact 081905523458

Does Your Child Play Soccer? Give your child the chance to become the best soccer player on the team!Try the SuperSkills guaranteed way of creating skillful soccer players. We teach the secrets to expert dribbling & complete mastery of the ball. All of our coaches are former professional players and certified in the SuperSkills methodology. Currently SuperSkills is available 5 days per week after school on Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Thursdays & Fridays at 9 various locations in Jakarta – South, North, & Central Jakarta all have centers including Pondok Indah, CiToS, ISCI, Kelapa Gading, and Ancol. We're somewhere near you! Contact us now and set up a Free Trial for your child & guaranteed to improve every player during every session (even at the Free Trial). There is no risk, we love what we do & it’s fun and healthy. Contact us now & Try for Free! SMS or Phone: Contact us today at +62 - 815 1160 7218. SuperSkills@SuperSkillsSoccer.com www.SuperSkillsSoccer.com

Now available at wholesale prices! From wine and spirit glasses to decanters and vases, KROSNO offers hundreds of imported fine glassware products at competitive prices. Visit www. limabintang.com to view our entire catalog with offers up to 50% off. Home delivery available on some orders. Jakarta HOCKEY for KIDS!! We are starting again with; Junior field hockey training at Senayan Sports Complex Jakarta (water-based synthetic pitch) First Training starts on Sunday September 2nd 2012 @ 9 am. For

Jakarta Expat · 10 October - 23 October 2012

Sea Ray SB, 1999, 15,50 x 4,65 mtr, 2 x 660 Hp CAT engines 1100Hrs, hydraulic submersible bath platform, genset 10 Kw, 220 / 110 Volt, 3 cabins + salon sleeps 8, washing machine & dryer, central vacuum cleaning system, fridge & freezer, super BOSE audio, Only 1 year in Indonesia, expatriate owner. Mint condition. Ok for foreign ownership without any fees. Call 0816909354

ABC Acai Berry Soft Gel (Double Effects) is a 100% natural product, which helps on fast fat reducing and also beautifying your skin. ABC Acai Berry Soft Gel with its Unique formula on Pure Acai Berry and many other carefully selected Chinese herbs will benefit you like never before. 1 bottle containing 30 capsules for Rp. 250.000 to be delivered for free in Jakarta. Info: 081317722271

Antique Java Bed for sale, exquisitely carved, fine condition, ideal for sleeping, decoration or entertaining. Comes complete with hangings, mattress and cushions as new. Estimated dimensions 2.2 m long, 1.6 m wide, 2.2 m high overall. Contact person : Neti 08111040805.

maximum 8 persons. Price starting at $ 160 person/day. Departure every Wednesday. For more information contact: info@divingcruisesambasi.com www.divingcruisesambasi.com

Baby's cot etc required! Just arrived! We are looking for cot/cotbed, high chair, childrens storage etc basically everything we just got rid of at home. Please state price on your reply. Thank you very much. e-mail: lisaybuchanan@hotmail.com

Do you have too much unused stuff? Do you want to go back to your own country and want somebody to buy your goods? We buy used goods like furni ture,electronic,clothing,sport equipment, household, bag, shoes,etc. Contact : 082123232589 (Christi)

pERsonals Special offer! Private Diving Cruises (6days/5nights) on a traditional buginese schooner in Komodo. Minimum 3 persons,

Single Indonesian lady, born in 1966, never been married, 5,6 feet tall,very slim, painting artist and violinist searching for

a single Christian friend/soul mate older than 46 years, (vina_witarka@yahoo.co.id)

Expatriate, frequently outside Jakarta and therefore looking for a friendly male or female person to share my nice house in Kemang nearby Dutch School. Can offer you separate space. Min Period 12 months, 6 million IDR per month. Albertus1957@gmail.com

I would like to find soul mate with good foreigner man. I am a man, Bachelor degree, sincere, good looking, exotic. I am interest to learn about other country cultures and languages. Let's open communication and discover what will happen next. Just email me at: darkbrown1975@yahoo.com

English guy, 46, goodlooking, easygoing, curious to explore life, seeking likeminded cpls for friendship and nocturnal activities in Jakarta. Email me on petelad@hotmail. com to know more



Jakarta Expat 路 26 September - 9 October 2012


Jakarta Expat 路 10 October - 23 October 2012

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