Jakarta Expat - issue 86 - Astrology

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Jakarta Expat­­­­ · ­26 September - 9 October 2012

Indonesia's Largest Expatriate Readership | 86th Edition | 30th January - 12th February 2013

Romantic Getaway by Leonardo Mercurio

Jakarta Expat­­­­ · ­30 January - 12 February 2013



Jakarta Expat­­ · ­26 September - 9 October 2012

Dear Readers,

86th Edition | 30 Jan - 12 Feb 2013

Editor in Chief Angela Richardson angela@jakartaexpat.biz Assistant Editor Cecilia Forsman cecilia@jakartaexpat.biz Management Edo Frese edo@jakartaexpat.biz Sales Dian Mardianingsih ads@jakartaexpat.biz Marketing & Public Relations Silvia Forsman silvia@jakartaexpat.biz Distribution Dian Mardianingsih dian@jakartaexpat.biz Graphics Adietyo Randualas didiet@jakartaexpat.biz Finance & Admin Pertiwi Gianto Putri tiwi@jakartaexpat.biz Lini Verawaty lini@jakartaexpat.biz Contributors Lily Akpuaka Jason Hue Juan Leysner David Metcalf David E. Parry Eamonn Sadler Antony Sutton Kenneth Yeung Editorial Enquiries letters@jakartaexpat.biz Circulation Enquiries info@jakartaexpat.biz Subscription info@jakartaexpat.biz Events events@jakartaexpat.biz

It’s often said that Jakarta will experience its major flood every five years. I think most of us would agree that if this were true, this would be that fifth year. On the fateful day, Thursday January 19th, we all experienced mother nature’s wrath, propelled by mankind in some way or another. I spent four hours on one road, only to turn around and head back home as the roads were completely flooded and lodged with an influx of thousands of cars diverted from the Sudirman area. For the first time in a while, I felt admiration for the Jakarta traffic police as they stood, feet submerged in murky water in the pouring rain, frantically trying to ease the traffic by diverting motorbikes and cars onto the busway lane and even into the toll roads. To be honest motorbikes had already taken this initiative on their own, as how can we abide by road laws when it’s man against nature? Photoshopped images of TransJakarta boats were going viral as we inched our way through the chaos, thousands stranded on the side of the road because there were no busses available to passengers. Offices were closed and many areas of the city, including the

Presidential Palace, were flooded kneedeep and the waters did not fully recede for five days. As this was a novelty, it was easy to sit back and think it was exciting, but thousands lost their homes and livelihoods due to the floods and at least 14 people lost their lives, some of whom were children. What caused this flooding was a combination of factors. Jakarta received a downpour of 238mm in 24 hours, in addition to the heavy rainfall experienced in the Bogor area over three days, and with deforestation and building on the catchment around Bogor having increased at an astounding rate, the runoff was amplified as was the flow of the rivers running towards Jakarta. There were also additional factors such as the rivers in our capital being choked with rubbish and the collapsing of a canal dike which made the situation more severe. This has basically been a wake up call, or at least we hope, to the city of Jakarta, its residents and its government. Please treat our home with respect before it’s too late.  Angela Richardson

in this 86 th issue: feature tintin in Indonesia chinese new year What's in store for you? motivational coaching cause-ology: predicting the future through action meet the expat Melissa calmes faces of jakarta pak aseni the ojek driver observations the un-laws food & drink litte spain in jakarta mapping jakarta owning your own personalized 19th/21st century map of jakarta personal tech & apps Predict Your Future jakarta expat properties light entertainment Laugh and death events classifieds

4 6 8 10 11 12 14 15 16 17 18 20 21

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Jakarta Expat is published bi-weekly by PT. Koleksi Klasik. Opinions expressed in this publication are those of the writers and the publisher does not accept any responsibility for any errors, ommisions, or complaints arising there from. No parts of this publication can be reproduced in whole or in part, in print or electronically without permission of the publisher. All trademarks, logos, brands and designs are copyright and fully reserved by PT. Koleksi Klasik Indonesia. Published by PT. KOLEKSI KLASIK INDONESIA Jl. Kemang Raya No. 29A Kemang, Jakarta - Indonesia Tel: 021 7179 4550 / Fax: 021 7179 4546 Office hours: 09.00 - 17.00 Monday - Friday


Spotted by George in Gatot Subroto

Jakarta Expat­­ · 30 January - 12 February 2013

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Jakarta Expat­­­­ · ­26 September - 9 October 2012


Jakarta Expat­­­­ · ­30 January - 12 February 2013



Jakarta Expat­­ · ­26 September - 9 October 2012



Jakarta Expat­­ · 30 January - 12 February 2013


Jakarta Expat­­­­ · ­26 September - 9 October 2012


intin first appeared in 1929, the creation of cartoonist George Remi, who used the pen-name Hergé (a reversal of his initials G.R.). He completed 23 Tintin books before his death in 1983. Adherents of political correctness condemn Tintin’s earliest adventures; the first, set in the Soviet Union, for its amusing anti-Communist propaganda and a couple of Chinese stereotypes, and the second, in the Congo, for its racism and big-game hunting. Both books were merely the work of a naive youth following the imperialist line of the Belgian Catholic church. In subsequent adventures, as Hergé matured, Tintin became respectful of other cultures and wildlife, notwithstanding the odd Jewish stereotype (rooted more in humour than anti-Semitism) and a scathingly accurate portrayal of the Japanese invaders of China. Hergé never visited Indonesia but his meticulous research ensured his depictions of the country were fairly accurate when Flight 714 was published in 1968. The title refers to a Qantas flight from London to Sydney with a stopover in Jakarta. There, Tintin and his companions board a millionaire’s private jet, which is hijacked and lands on the

after they have done his dirty work. Much like how real separatists have been manipulated in Indonesia. Some commentators claim the rebels were based on East Timor’s pro-independence fighters. That’s impossible, given the Sondonesians speak Malay (not Tetum) and in 1968 it would be another seven years before Indonesia annexed East Timor. More likely the Sondonesians were modelled on Maluku separatists, whose independence struggle was not quashed until the 1960s.

Tintin’s whisky-loving dog Milou (named after Hergé’s first girlfriend) was Snowy, while Professor Tryphon Tournesol was Cuthbert Calculus. In 1970s Indonesia, all comic albums had to be vetted by the police to ensure they did not promote communism or other ‘subversive’ values. Old editions of Tintin thus have a signed police stamp on the final page, declaring the book authorised for circulation. Notable censorship was inflicted on Tintin’s fifth adventure, The Blue Lotus, which takes place mostly in China. Because of the Suharto regime’s ban on Chinese characters, the book’s calligraphy, which included several jokes, was entirely excised. Scenes of opium smoking were untouched. When publishing giant Gramedia in 2008 acquired the rights to Tintin, it made fresh translations from the original French editions, resulting in changes to the names of some

There’s a fascinating level of detail in Flight 714’s illustrations, right down to wrecked planes and ships from World War II on the island. The main complaint about the book is that its ending is a literal deus ex machina – a pretentious way of saying an unlikely new plot device is suddenly introduced to resolve a problem. The only other Tintin book set in Southeast Asia is Tintin in Thailand, an inevitably vulgar parody published in 1999. The Hergé Foundation sought to have it banned, not least because of the profanity and sex. Tintin’s actual values of selfless egalitarianism and humanism are shared by the Tintin Indonesia Community, which moved quickly in response to this month’s Jakarta floods to provide assistance to victims. Hergé’s last completed book, Tintin and the Picaros, could serve as a good analogy for the Indonesian political scene. Rival generals fight for power and a palace coup is staged but the masses remain poor no matter who is in power. 

Hergé never visited Indonesia but his meticulous research ensured his depictions of the country were fairly accurate when Flight 714 was published in 1968. The title refers to a Qantas flight from London to Sydney with a stopover in Jakarta. There, Tintin and his companions board a millionaire’s private jet, which is hijacked and lands on the fictitious island of Bompa in the Celebes Sea. fictitious island of Bompa in the Celebes Sea. The island has an unlikely mix of fauna, notably a komodo dragon and a proboscis monkey. The former is found only on six islands in East Nusa Tenggara and the latter is indigenous to Kalimantan. Fans obsessed with finding realism in fiction explain that sailors must have picked up the monkey and dragon separately and let them escape on Bompa. More realistic are the illustrations of Kemayoran Airport, which was Indonesia’s first international airport and operated from 1940 to 1984. The old air traffic control tower still stands in the northern part of Central Jakarta, along with some of the terminal and tarmac, while the rest has disappeared to make way for development. The tower is a protected heritage building but has fallen into neglect. The Tintin Indonesia Community is campaigning to have the tower renovated and preserved as an aviation museum. Precisely when Tintin was first published in Indonesia is a mystery. A low quality, black and white edition of one adventure was reputedly printed in the 1960s but no one has been able to produce a copy. In 1975, now-defunct publishing firm Indira began publishing Tintin and won legions of Indonesian fans. Indira’s text was translated from the English-language versions of the books, so readers grew up knowing the characters by their Anglicised names.

Jakarta Expat­­­­ · ­30 January - 12 February 2013

books and characters. Snowy became Milo, while Calculus was renamed Lionel Lakmus after ‘litmus paper’. The moustachioed detectives Thomson and Thompson (who don’t appear in Flight 714) reverted to Dupont and Dupond. Some of the catchphrase curses of Tintin’s alcoholic friend, Captain Haddock, were changed. The Gramedia editions are smaller but sturdier than the Indira albums. Some older fans feel the new translations are weaker and have lost part of the humour. Another change is the text, which used to be hand-lettered but is now a uniformly lifeless digital font, as is the case in all modern editions worldwide. The Indira editions have become collectibles, especially those in hardcover. Gramedia’s edition of Flight 174 contains a careless error in the lead-up to the book’s funniest scene. The chief villain is trying to get the kidnapped millionaire to reveal the number of his Swiss bank account containing “more than 10,000 dollars”. The correct figure should be “more than 10 million dollars”. Most of the Indonesians in Flight 714 are ‘Sondonesian’ separatist rebels, hired as mercenaries. The chief villain promised to support their fight for independence, but considers them “poor deluded fools” and plans to kill them

Kenneth Yeung Kenneth Yeung is a lifelong Tintinophile.

Anyone wishing to contribute to flood relief can contact Tintin Indonesia Community's preferred Charity, Yayasan Daarul Qur'an Nusantara on +62 21 7345 3000. The charity's bank accounts for flood donations are BCA 6030308059 and CIMB Syariah 5200100384006. www.pppa.or.id You can also donate to the Red Cross' Donasi Peduli Korban Banjir di Indonesia by donating funds to: Bank Mandiri 070-00-00116017 (Palang Merah branch) BCA 206-300688-8 (Kantor Pusat PMI branch) BRI 0390-01-000030-30-3 (Palang Merah branch)



Jakarta Expat­­ · ­26 September - 9 October 2012

Chinese New Year Chinese New Year

2013: What's in Store for You? By Jason Hue

While Western Astrology is based on the months of the year, Chinese Astrology is based on a twelve year lunar cycle. Each sign is represented by an animal and your sign is determined by the year in which you were born. The twelve animals selected to represent the Chinese Zodiac are the Rat, Ox, Tiger, Rabbit, Dragon, Snake, Horse, Goat, Monkey, Rooster, Dog and Pig.


month has passed since the beginning of the new calendar year and the Indonesian capital has been hit by non-stop rain and deadly metre-high floods. While it has been a wet start to the year, astrologers, both Chinese and Western, believe that this year will be a good year for many of us.

Come 10th February 2013, the Chinese community will be celebrating Chinese New Year by welcoming the arrival of the Water Snake. The Water Snake of 2013 paves the path for re-birth, new beginnings and transformation as she sheds her skin.



(1948, 1960, 1972, 1984, 1996, 2008)

(1949, 1961, 1973, 1985, 1997, 2009)

For those born in the year of the rat, this is a year of achievement. But first you will have to remove all negative thoughts and concentrate on one single area.

The patience of people born in the year of the Ox will be tested. You will have favourable events but you need to be careful in handling them.

Lend a helping hand to those in need and they would do the same in return and help you achieve success.

You are known to hold secrets, but too much hiding can tamper relationships. Overall, predictions for the Ox say that there are few obstacles and it will be a good year.

Below are some 2013 predictions I obtained from Chinese Astrologers and not from fortune cookies:

If you are unfamiliar with Chinese Astrology and would prefer to refer to Western horoscopes, below are some predictions compiled from Western Astrologers for the year 2013.




(20th January–18th February)

(19th February–20th March)

(21st March–19th April)

Overall, Aquarians can expect a good year in 2013. This year brings in rich possibilities and more opportunity to both your personal and professional life. Your love life will flourish and if you are already married, you can expect the relationship between you and your partner to mature. Health will remain good as you will learn to let go of your worries and embrace life.

This year’s predictions show slow progress for those under this star. You will come out of your impulsive mood and implement new things so as to bring in a considerable change in your lifestyle. Slowly you will be able to gain control over your emotions.

Aries The feeling of failure will be nowhere near you. It is true that you may come to terms with occasional phases of loneliness, but then the year also offers you the needed spirit and power to fight back. This year shall see your business agreements and negotiations getting finalized.

Gemini (21st May–20th June)

Taurus (20th April –20th May)

Your professional life is expected to change for the better although unanticipated social developments and confusions may hinder your routine. The first half of the year will provide the chance for you to build on your resources and increase your income. Sudden gains are possible or a small windfall could come your way.


During the start of the year you are likely to make impulsive decisions. If you are currently dealing with legal issues, important sales and official signatures, then you can expect some good results in the month of March, June and October. You will come up with new choices that will further help you come close to your objectives. However, an intense feeling of agitation may create a negative impulse on your personal life. This year will see you experimenting with new ideas and by mid-year, a profitable personal project is expected to come your way.

Cancer 21st June–22nd July)

According to 2013 Cancer horoscope predictions, all the efforts that you had put in the past two years will show results this year. Should you run into several problems, focus on one at a time. Do keep calm at all times and try not to let the little things irritate you. After you’ve learned this, you would be able to execute your work with added effectiveness. 2013 will help you with all the needed opportunities that will help you change your life for the better.

Jakarta Expat­­ · 30 January - 12 February 2013


Jakarta Expat­­­­ · ­26 September - 9 October 2012



(1950, 1962, 1974, 1986, 1998, 2010)

(1941, 1953, 1965, 1977,

People born in the year of the Tiger always concentrate on the task at hand, but this year you will learn to multi-task. You will see some satisfactory growth and can predict future events. You will build good contacts and good financial solutions.

1989, 2001, 2013)

This is your year and you might come to fame. Your full potential will be shown to the world and you will get your 15 minutes of recognition. Even though there might be adverse situations, your luck will help you see it through.


(1951, 1963, 1975, 1987, 1999, 2011)

(1942, 1954,1966, 1978, 1990, 2002)

People born in the year of the Horse should take immense care at the work place; things may not tend to go your way. In order to achieve success this year, remain smart and ignore the negative vibes.

Goat Dragon

23rd July–22nd August)

A series of well-connected events are likely to come your way this year. All you need to do is follow your inspirations and things will automatically fall into place. This year you should devote some time exclusively to yourself, you will love the idea of enjoying movies, exploring your neighbourhood and taking up a hiking tour.

Virgo 23rd August–22nd September)


This 2013 year will bring some struggle to the people born in the year of the Rabbit. You should avoid being overconfident and use patience to handle the challenging scenarios you might face this year. Do stay alert and expect some hostile conditions from your enemies.


(1943, 1955, 1967, 1979, 1991, 2003)

(1940, 1952, 1964,

Many will gain applause and recognition for their talents and hard working endeavours this year. Achievements will be significant and you will have every reason to feel proud of your success. New ideas, places, and things play on your cards in 2013. Boredom with day to day activities may also develop but can be adjusted by introducing some unusual and stimulating transformations in life.

Libra 23rd September–22nd October)

This is a good year for Librans. The power of connection will be on high this year and you will be able to connect to your inner thoughts with ease. You are likely to come by new contacts and intellectual personalities who will further turn out to be a true inspiration in your life. Time management skills are what you will focus on this year. With the spirit of compassion blossoming this year, you will reach out to the less privileged and help them in every possible way. Any form of sports, hobbies or entertainment will yield to happiness in your life.

1976, 1988, 2000, 2012)

The Year of the Water Snake may bring many disappointments to people born under the Dragon sign. You should maintain peace while facing hard situations instead of complaining about it. You are advised to reduce harshness and give a polite response to lower your struggles this year. Help might come from a long lost friend.

Even though the year 2013 predicts minor threats for the Goat, your overall position will be good and your desires will be fulfilled. Don’t worry too much as all your problems will straighten out on their own.


People born in the year of the Monkey should be careful this year, as you might face hostilities. You should avoid gossip or negative thoughts and work hard to achieve success.

23rd October–21st November)

The transition to 2013 is going to be an exciting one for scorpions. Heightened social life is going to keep you on your toes. But your moody nature will also provoke you to retreat into seclusion. Hence, life can become a rollercoaster ride of emotions this year. On the work front, do expect to work extremely hard to be rewarded at the end of the day.

(1946, 1958, 1970, 1982, 1994, 2006)

Monkey (1944, 1956, 1968, 1980, 1992, 2004)


Sagittarius Though disappointments might be around this year for people born in the year of the Dog, you should strive and keep up your pace in putting in effort to achieve success.

22nd November–21st December)

You'll make progress in life at a never-before pace. Because of the growing influence of Jupiter and receding influence of Pluto, you will see your troubles disappear. However, one also needs to be careful before taking important decisions to avoid getting carried away by changes. Your family life will be blissful and you will enjoy a harmonious existence with your relatives.

Capricorn 22nd December–19th January)

Pig Rooster (1945, 1957, 1969, 1981, 1993, 2005)

By keeping your mind sharp, you will be able to achieve a lot in 2013. Both your family and friends will play an integral part and provide you with lots of support.

(1947, 1959, 1971, 1983, 1995, 2007)

The losses are compensated by exciting opportunities which present themselves in unexpected situations. Trust your instincts and involve your loved ones in deciding on the best way to grasp these opportunities.

I wish everyone a great year ahead and may you be blessed with happiness, good health and wealth. Gong Xi Fa Cai! ■

Jakarta Expat­­­­ · ­30 January - 12 February 2013

It’s time to make some drastic changes in your life. Though your proceedings at a personal and professional level will be slow, they are sure to leave a mark forever. It is your reserved nature, audacity and sentimental disposition that will come into focus this year. For the most part of the year, you are likely to enjoy an improved social life, and in particular, communications with someone important to you.

JAson Hue A milk bottle in one hand and a Blackberry in the other hand, Jason hails from neighboring Malaysia and currently resides in Jakarta with his better-half and chatty little princess. To get in touch email Jason.Hue@bda.co.id



Jakarta Expat­­ · ­26 September - 9 October 2012

Motivational Coaching

Cause-ology: Predicting the Future Through Action By Lily Akpuaka

I believe in Cause-ology. Causeology dictates that the easiest way of predicting the future is to get out of bed in the morning and create it.


oaches call this living at ‘Cause’. Living at ‘Cause’ means holding true to the belief that behaviour, actions and responses influence your outcomes/results, these outcomes create your reality and shape your destiny. Living at ‘cause’ encourages you to take control of your life, shaping it to suit your vision. The opposite of living at ‘Cause’ is to live at ‘Effect’, individuals at ‘effect’ believe their behaviours, actions and responses have little or no impact on their outcomes/results, they believe life is shaped by factors beyond their control such as destiny, luck and circumstance. So what difference does being at ‘Cause’ make? Individuals who live at ’Cause’ feel empowered and in control of life. This leads them to act on getting what they want, they are

more dynamic, and they produce more results, making more of a difference. Also, simply believing they are in control, allows these people to be less worried and more relaxed and happy with life. Let’s use losing weight as an example, I wake up one morning, look in the mirror and wonder who chubby staring back at me is, then I decide to lose weight. We’ve all been there. I enrol at the gym, buy the sports gear and even a fancy water bottle – I am at cause, taking action to achieve my goal. I go to the gym three times a week and eat healthy – I am at cause, still taking action to achieve my goal. Then I spend three other evenings a week on the sofa with my girlfriends trying to save the world by going on a wine and chocolate diet only to say I have a slow metabolism - I am at effect.

Consider the below statements and rate yourself on how likely you are to say them on a scale of 1-5. Note down your score for each statement and sum up your scores at the end of the exercise. 1 = I never or hardly say that 2 = I rarely say that 3 = I sometimes say that 4 = I often say that 5 = I use statements like that all the time/frequently

• • • • • • • • • • • •

The way he/she looks at me makes me feel loved / good / angry I am late because of traffic You are so lucky Your comment last night made me happy / upset Tom makes me happy I just don’t have that type of talent Poor John, with the economy these days, there are no jobs on the market It is not what Ali said, it’s how he said it that made me feel motivated I am forced to make this decision Taniam made me take the decision to invest and its working out wonderfully John loses weight so fast, he inherited that from his dad, I wish I was the same Maria has great genes; she looks half her age each time we meet

Lily Akpuaka Lily provides Life and Behaviour Coaching Services to individuals in Jakarta. Her experienced approach to coaching facilitates lasting behaviour changes to enable you to attain your personal or career goals. Contact: admin@akpuaka.com 0818 888 091 www.akpuaka.com

So does your behaviour lean more towards making you a ‘Cause’ or more an ‘Effect’ person? First, there is no clear cut separation between Cause and Effect. The two are not mutually exclusive, instead they are as opposite ends of a sliding ruler; a person’s behaviour might either lean towards ‘cause’ or towards ‘effect’. One way of figuring which end you lean to is through the language you use. Beliefs influence whether you are at cause or effect and beliefs guide thoughts; language is used to express thought/what you think. In a way, words are the clothes your thoughts wear to appear decent in public, so choose them wisely (lest you make the wrong kind of fashion statement). Let’s check where you stand with regards to cause and effect with this little exercise I created (remember to take this as a fun, non-scientific indicator):

Higher scores; 40-60 indicate a person leaning towards ‘Effect’ Typically: • They might be less empowered, independent and enabled • They might view situations/events as something out of their control • They might experience the consequences of situations without attempting to influence the situation to their advantage

Lower scores; 12 -36 indicate a person leaning towards ‘Cause’. Typically: • They tend to be more empowered, independent and enabled • They tend to view’s situations/events as something they influence • They are likely to experience more success as they actively interact and influence situations to bear results that are more beneficial for them • They tend to be more dynamic and optimistic, always ‘finding a way’ yet might run a risk of not knowing when to move on and invest efforts elsewhere


hen people allocate responsibil ity for behaviour and results out side themselves, when people are pas sive, they are more on the ‘Eff side of things. Alternatively taki ect’ ng responsibility for behaviour and results places you more at ‘Cause’. You can move to ‘Cause’ by workin g with a coach to change your beliefs yet this requires support, practice and time. Perhaps you want to be unpred ictable this year and use Cause-o logy to predict your future, how do you do it? Ask yourself what you wan t achieve this year in each aspect of you r life? Keep things real; aiming to buy a Bentley on a 9 to 5 salary might be diff icult unless you run the World Bank from 9 to 5. Define what you want clea rly so that it is specific, measura ble with a deadline attached. Get a clear sense of what it would look and feel like to achieve these things. Now, what 5 steps could you take starting today to begin achievi ng your goal? Note them down, then go out and get them done, when com pleted, come back and think about 5 more steps that get you closer to you r goal – keep repeating this, until you get wha t you want. You reap what you sow - even the laws of Karma say so.  Happy Causing!


Jakarta Expat­­ · 30 January - 12 February 2013

Jakarta Expat­­­­ · ­26 September - 9 October 2012


Jakarta Expat­­­­ · ­30 January - 12 February 2013



Jakarta Expat­­ · ­26 September - 9 October 2012

Meet the Expat

Meet Melissa Calmes. Passionate Belly Dancer, Musician and one third of the Calmes Triplets!

By Cecilia Forsman

So Melissa, where were you born and raised? I was born in Morgantown, West Virginia, raised in Lexington, Kentucky and lived most of my professional life in Washington, DC. You and your sisters form the dance trio “The Calmes Triplets”! What was it like growing up as a triplet, are you and your sisters close? Are we close is an understatement. The three of us have an odd gravitational force that keeps us together not only geographically but creatively as well. This is the first time we have been this far apart. Laura resides in Lexington and Beth is still in Washington, DC. Growing up was a fun time. Our relationship together always provided the most wonderful support network, we are the best of friends. Of course we have always attracted attention in the mere fact that we are triplets but I think we have a beautiful and dynamic energy together that people notice and feel. I love them dearly.

Do you have a favourite or most memorable moment in your dance career? Honestly there are many memorable moments. The most beautiful part is when the three of us go into our creative place and unearth the piece we are working on from the music selection to the choreography to the costuming and to the feeling we want to project--and the moment we present this to our audience and dance colleagues is always most memorable. So what brought you to Jakarta, had you visited before moving here? I visited Jakarta with my husband Abi in 2003 and 2008. With Abi being Javanese and raised in Jakarta we always played with the idea of moving here. In December 2011 we took the plunge, arriving on New Year’s eve, in time to celebrate a new year in a new world. What was your childhood ambition, and how did you first become interested in belly dancing? To be an artist! I wanted to play music, act, dance – Fame, the movie, was so inspirational to me. I wanted to live that dream. I played my cello, I joined the speech team at school – the only thing missing was dance. I could feel it in my soul every time I would watch a movie or see a performance. I needed to move with the music like that! And it didn’t matter what type of dance either. Not until 2000 did dancing become a reality. The three of us found Middle Eastern dance, took one class and the rest is history. We threw so many hours into rehearsing, studying and performing that no one could doubt our love for what we do. Oftentimes studying and performing in California, New York and Washington DC. We still continue to pursue this passion promoting the classical beauty of this art form to the highest level. 10

And how are you enjoying the city so far? Love it. It’s so dynamic, vibrant and constantly surprising. It is a city of extremes, being quite cosmopolitan and culturally rich. I love the dichotomy of it all. There are so many options for entertainment, dining, shopping and the warm, friendly and hospitable nature of Indonesians make the overall experience quite enjoyable. I've been told you will be teaching belly dance classes at the Kemang Dance Center this year. Could you tell us a little about your classes and what we can expect? I am looking forward to sharing my love for bellydance to enthusiasts living here in Jakarta. The focus will be Egyptian Raks Sharki, or cabaret style with folkloric themes at times. Often a dancer performs with props such as zills or finger cymbals, assaya or cane as well as veils and fan veils.

All are beautiful accents to the dance and as a dancer it is important to know how to use these to help better express the choreography.

and performing, hoping to share our joy with all. 

What is the most difficult aspect of belly dancing and is it difficult to learn? Belly dancing is like a beautiful flower with many petals. There are many pieces that all fit together to create the whole, from the history, to the technique, music, choreography, costuming, and emotions. Probably the most challenging part is learning how to find the right muscles to use and learning to isolate them so you can contract/release, undulate or shimmy. It is difficult in the beginning to learn how to execute the moves properly but the most important part is having someone that knows how to teach well. Communication and method are key. Will you be teaching any other classes? Yes, Pilates. It is a nice accompaniment to dance classes and provides an effective and efficient way for dancers and non-dancers alike to condition their bodies. Thanks Melissa! Apart from dance, is there anything else you are passionate about? I love doing all things creative including clothing and jewellery design. However, playing music with my sisters from the age of nine, is probably at the top of my list. Classically trained, we play violin, viola and cello and have played in orchestras as well as focusing on ensemble work. In our recent years we worked in Washington, DC performing for many private functions and corporate events around town.

For more information please contact The Kemang Dance Center: Tel: 021 71794726 BB Pin: 21E1D9C1 Email: enquiry@kemangdancecenter.com Address: Jl. Bangka Raya No. 5C, Jakarta Selatan, 12730

Looking forward into the future, my vision is to continue sharing our unique creative process with the world through teaching Jakarta Expat­­ · 30 January - 12 February 2013

Jakarta Expat­­­­ · ­26 September - 9 October 2012


Faces of Jakarta

Pak Aseni the Ojek Driver Words and photos by David Metcalf


seni was a Metro Mini driver for twelve years before deciding to become a motorbike taxi (ojek) driver. Ten years later he is quite content to battle the Jakarta macet to get his passengers to their various destinations on time and in one piece, which is not easy in the Big Durian. Aseni seemed very relaxed when I spoke to him outside Hero in Kemang and did not seem too concerned that there was no one in need of his services whilst I spoke to him. He is literally one of the thousands of ojek drivers in Jakarta in what is clearly a competitive business. You don’t need a license to be an ojek driver, so it appeals to those who want to freelance and work for themselves, which was the best thing about the job for Aseni. His days are long though, starting most mornings at 6.30 am and not finishing until around 5 or 6 pm before making the twenty kilometre journey home. He does this six days a week and earns around Rp.60,000 a day on average. Aseni was born in Jakarta and supports two daughters, one in high school and one that has recently graduated. I think one of the most amazing things about Aseni is that after 10 years of zipping around the streets of Jakarta he has never had an accident. He very rarely picks up foreigners but has some loyal clients that use him regularly. As is often the case in Jakarta, Aseni makes the most out of the situation and is very happy the more cars and traffic jams there are, as it means more demand for his service as people crawl along in the traffic taking 10 times longer than Aseni to get to their destination. Ojek riders are part of the lifeblood of Jakarta and play their part in helping the city function in its very own way, unlike anywhere else in the world. 

David metcalf David Metcalf (Dayak Dave) is a professional photographer who specialises in photography workshop tours and cultural, adventure tours throughout Indonesia. Please visit his website www.davidmetcalfphotography.com and www.facebook.com/indodave

Jakarta Expat­­­­ · ­30 January - 12 February 2013



Jakarta Expat­­ · ­26 September - 9 October 2012


Every so often the local English language media throws out a story so lacking in credibility no one could ever believe it. But believe it people do and many inches of cyber space soon fill up with people venting their spleen at the latest piece of nonsense.


t doesn’t matter that the story lacks credible sources or any element of investigative journalism. The story, and the whole shock nature, combined with that old standby ‘This is Indonesia’ is enough in some peoples’ eyes to attach some morsel of truth. A few years ago someone floated the idea of introducing a law that required foreigners to pay Rp.500,000,000 to the Indonesian government if they wanted to marry a local Muslim lady. That’s about $50,000! The reasoning behind this was never adequately explained because nobody really looked into the story. It was a great headline and that was enough for a jittery expat populace. One reason given was to protect the poor Indonesian lady should the vicious, conniving foreigner do a moonlight flit. Apparently the money would be put into some kind of trust, don’t laugh, and should the lady be left all alone she would be able to access that cash which of course made Indonesian women doubt the story even more than the foreigners, given their own experiences of dealing with their government. Reading between the lines it seems the law was aimed more at those gentlemen who flocked to Indonesia to have a short term marriage before returning to their own country and often their own marriage. Many countries call this a form of prostitution but one leading politician actually saw tourist potential and no doubt envisioned crowds of horny men pumped with testosterone rushing to Puncak to find a temporary wife to sate their lusts on. Another story that has yet to come to pass was an idea floated by the Ministry of Education that all expats living and working in Indonesia should be able to speak Bahasa Indonesia and that their proficiency would be tested by a local form of IELTS or TOEFL which countries like the UK, USA and Australia use to assess potential foreign students. 12

As ever, any quotes cited tend to be vague. One of the proposed law’s backers says that there could be exceptions for certain ethnic groups; perhaps that means tourists? It is around about this time any writer inserts the quote about Indonesia boasting the world’s largest Muslim population, the inference being the vast majority would welcome such a bill. The party were hoping to introduce the bill this year but given that 2014 sees a general election with all the jockeying for position that this entails, it remains unclear when it could be passed into law.

There is a myth that the Indonesian language is one of the easiest to learn but all those prefixes and suffixes can get confusing to the uninitiated, while others make such a mess of the pronunciation it leaves the listener in confusion mouthing, “Apa ya?” A worthy notion indeed. There is a myth that the Indonesian language is one of the easiest to learn but all those prefixes and suffixes can get confusing to the uninitiated, while others make such a mess of the pronunciation it leaves the listener in confusion mouthing, “Apa ya?” Of course there are many expats who manage to get by very well thank you in the local language. There will be a few out there who struggle to get beyond ordering another beer and navigating for their taxi driver, but large numbers do make the effort. How serious were these proposals? Apparently the good folks at the ministry

had got as far as opening a dedicated bank account so the diligent expats, with pencil and eraser in hand, could pay their exam fee, but as ever many people think, if these laws are introduced they will just provide another opportunity for graft.

There is also a comic side to this kind of law. Many expats flit from job to job in different countries; should other nations decide to follow suit then busy executives could be faced with hours of cramming for examinations in their Swahili, Mandarin or Urdu skills rather than actually do what they are paid to do. Alternatively they may just stay home. More recently, one of the smaller parties in the ruling coalition announced they were looking to introduce a bill outlawing the sale of alcoholic drinks. Before I continue I should point out that just because a bill is suggested it doesn’t mean anything will get done with it. The current parliament is proving to be positively sloth-like in its approach to considering, debating and passing laws.

Of course just because a law does get passed does not mean anything changes. There is an Anti Pornography law after all, which I guess means that there is no longer any pornography in the country. And I am sure there must be something out there which says corruption is illegal. But imagine a future in Indonesia where the marriage, language testing and alcohol banning laws were introduced and passed. They would cut straight to the heart of the expat existence here. For those of us who like a beer, are happily married to a local and struggle with the language from time to time there is an almost Orwellian sinister overtone to the proposed legislation. This is still Indonesia as they say, and if a weary populace manages to get by with their illicit stills and rough and ready back street porn, I am sure the rest of us will cope. 

Antony Sutton Antony is a freelance writer based in Jakarta. Please send comments and suggestions to antony@the-spiceislands.com

Jakarta Expat­­ · 30 January - 12 February 2013

Jakarta Expat­­­­ · ­26 September - 9 October 2012


Jakarta Expat­­­­ · ­30 January - 12 February 2013



Jakarta Expat­­ · ­26 September - 9 October 2012

Food & Drink

Little Spain in Jakarta By Silvia Forsman

Tapas are appetisers or snacks that make up a wonderful part of Spanish culture and cuisine. The smaller portions enable you to taste a variety of dishes without over ordering or over eating; I like to think of it as a conveniently located miniature buffet.

well rested and lightly seasoned which enabled the other flavours, blue cheese, green olive and caramelised onions, to complete the open sandwich’s flavour. The Gambas ajillo came with fresh crunchy baguette. The sauce was lovely. Real butter was used with garlic, parsley and sliced red chillies. Depth of flavour was gained by either the use of white wine or sherry. The shrimp was cooked well and remained firm. The Pollo a la Vasca had superb chicken. The flavourful chicken was so tender it literally fell off the bone. The acidity from the tomato based sauce went perfectly with the rich potato gratin. Sliced green peppers in the sauce offered freshness.

apas are designed to encourage conversation by allowing diners to focus less on the process of eating and more on the company around you. Although it is placed under the starters section, this does not mean you can’t fill your belly’s worth - just order more! Tapas Movida is a Spanish restaurant in Cipete that “aims to be Little Spain in Jakarta”. Tapas Movida is not boisterous or flashy. It offers traditional Spanish cuisine, Mediterranean and Atlantic, in a modest set up. The walls are refined concrete or exposed red brick. Paintings of traditional Spanish dance, lipstick red napkins and candles melted atop wine bottles on tabletops bring pops of vibrant colours without screaming too loud. A masculine touch displays support to football in the form of jerseys and paraphernalia at the end of the bar. Outside has banquets that are multifunctional serving as art and seating; mosaic inspired by Gaudi. Karina Harton, Marketing, helped explain the menu and quantity we should order. We picked the must haves to our taste, Ensalada Tomato and Pollo a la Vasca, whilst the rest was chosen for us. I think tomato salads are a good way to judge a restaurant. Tomato salads are simple- few ingredients but need attention to detail for the wow factor. Fresh ingredients are a must; ripe tomatoes are the heart of the dish, seasoned well with high quality olive oil and fresh herbs. The Ensalada Tomato was delicious and ticked all the boxes for a good tomato salad. The tomatoes were soft but firm and seasoned well with rock salt, freshly cracked black pepper, extra virgin olive oil, finely chopped herbs and onion. The Brocheta de guacamole y gambas ajillo was tasty with well matched ingredients. The guacamole with sweet corn spread across a lightly toasted slice of baguette tempered the fresh sliced red chilli sprinkled on top of plump shrimp. Montadito de solomillo had a medium rare tenderloin


After our meal we had Sangria which was yummy and a must have if you come here! It tasted similar to mulled wine. Erna, our waitress was friendly and knew what she was talking about when I asked her about information regarding the dishes and recommendations; her personal favourite is the Championes al ajillo. Although the Paella is recommended and synonymous with Spanish cuisine, it was too large of a portion for us to order. Other recommended dishes include Jammon iberico and Pancetta asad. If you get confused as to what to order you can also find some recommendations from the previous patron’s comments that are written on the wall in front of the restrooms. Tapas Movida is on the pricier end but makes sense as the ingredients used, such as cheese and cold cuts, are rather expensive ingredients to source in Indonesia. Tapas Movida is doing a Valentine’s Day Special Set Menu, bookings are essential. You can choose one option for each course. Starters: Chicken liver parfait, red onion marmalade and toasted sour dough or seared scallops with mango and melon salsa or three freshly shucked oysters with ginger and chilli (Rp.50,000 supplement). Soup: Celeriac and apple with toasted walnuts or white onion and garlic with parmesan croutons. Mains: Chicken roulade with mushroom, chilli and ginger with steamed rice or roast salmon with red pepper and black olive tortellini with tomato coulis. Desserts: Banana and chocolate cheesecake with nut brittle or sticky toffee pudding with toasted pecans. This is priced at Rp.250,000++ per person and includes a glass of house wine or a mocktail. Happy hour is available on weekdays, 3pm6pm: Buy one, get one for beer and sangria. On Sundays, every purchase of a jug of sangria entitles you to free Paella. Vegetarian and gluten free dishes are available on request.  Tapas Movida Jl. Cipete Raya 66 Reservations: +62 21 7510851 Opening times: 9am-6pm Weekdays and 9-am-12am Weekends. http://www.tapasmovida.co.id

Jakarta Expat­­ · 30 January - 12 February 2013


Jakarta Expat­­­­ · ­26 September - 9 October 2012

Mapping Jakarta

Owning Your Own Personalized 19th/21st Century Map of Jakarta By Dr. David E. Parry


he recent flooding followed by the inevitable Jakarta traffic gridlock must make us look back wistfully to a time when Jakarta really was a big village and the commute to the office was not something to be dreaded. We need to go back to the 1970s for such luxury, but even then urban Jakarta had spread to Cilandak. We need to go back another century and a half to 1800 to see a more rural Jakarta. At the end of the 18th century, the southern boundary of the old city of Batavia was located around present-day Glodok with residential areas spreading south to Ryswick (present-day) Monas and three kilometres west. What constituted modern-day Jakarta consisted of rice fields, plantations, forests, shrub land and villages, set in a landscape of rolling plains and small hills. This was the scene that the soldiers of the British army encountered in 1811 when the British Expeditionary force invaded Java as part of a plan to eliminate French influence from the Eastern Seas. The army was ferried ashore at Cillincing by the British navy and the route taken to engage the Dutch defenders was included in a map of the area stretching from Cillincing in the east to Tangerang in the West and Tanjung Barat in the South. This map, engraved by Edward Gullan from sketches and survey data provided by Major William Thorn, one of the senior British commanders, was published in Thorn’s ‘Memoir of the Conquest of Java’ in 1815. The map shows the roads, tracks, rivers and village layout at the time of the invasion in addition to the location of rice fields, grasslands, hills and the built-up areas of the capital city, Batavia. Looking at the road layout, in particular, prompted Hans Rooseboom, a longterm resident of Jakarta and antique Jakarta Expat­­­­ · ­30 January - 12 February 2013

map collector, to speculate whether it would be possible to superimpose the modern road network of Jakarta on this early 19th century map, and thereby see where the modern centres of commerce like the SCBD and residential areas such as Kemang and Pondok Indah are in relation to an 1811 base map. Using modern digital mapping techniques, the 1811 map was first scanned then stretched and adjusted digitally to fit a modern map of Jakarta. Some of the major roads, such as Jalan Sudirman, JORR and the Jakarta Inner City Ring Road were superimposed on the old map together with modern landmarks such as Blok M, Monas and Pondok Indah Mall creating a unique 19th and 21st century map of Jakarta. By providing the geographical coordinates of your office, home, favourite pub or restaurant, it is now possible to have your own 19/21 century map of Jakarta with these specified locations shown on the printed map in the form of your choice. The example shown illustrates the position of the Rare Maps and Antiques Gallery with the gallery’s logo. The high resolution scanning technology used means that the maps can be printed at a number of sizes of paper and scales from A3 to poster size (A0). Prices are given with and without a referenced location.  Please contact Bartele Gallery on 021 719 0087 for order requests.

Dr. David E. Parry David Parry is a Soil Scientist and Land-use Planner who has been living and working in Indonesia for over 30 years. He lives in Cinere with his wife Sonja, their six dogs and numerous cats. Please email him at deparry777@gmail.com



Jakarta Expat­­ · ­26 September - 9 October 2012

Personal Tech & Apps

Predict Your Future By Juan G. Leysner

Astrology, fortune tellers and horoscopes are part of our daily lives. Computers and mobile phones opened new doors for the so-called mediums, fortune tellers, psychics and others. But at the end of the day it is all about whether or not you believe in it.


he introduction of the computer has helped astrology as well. Most people will relate to one type of astrology, let’s say Western, but they also would like to know what their Chinese zodiac predictions are. It is very complicated to figure that out without the help from some guru or the computer. Now you can just go to a website and type in your day, month and year of birth and there you have it.

Chinese astrology Chinese astrology is said to be the oldest horoscope system in the world. The foundation of Chinese astrology is Yin and Yang, the 12 animals and the five elements. The consideration of Yin and Yang is a very great influence upon this subject, Yin being passive, female and receptive while Yang is aggressive, male and exploratory. Chinese Astrology is concerned with nature and its traits, the signs progress year by year whereas Western Astrology cycles monthly. Chinese astrology and the order of the 12 animals that define it is said to have been derived from a legend about the Buddha. According to ancient scripts, Buddha realized that the Chinese nation needed reorganization. So on the occasion of the Chinese New Year, Buddha called upon the entire animal kingdom for a meeting. But only 12 animals (the rat, buffalo, tiger, rabbit, dragon, snake, horse, goat, monkey, rooster, dog and boar) showed up for this meeting. Buddha then honoured them in the order of their arrival by endowing upon them each with a year of their own.

Astrology on your phone FriendScopes Astrology.com, the makers of iScopes, iTarot and iChing bring you FriendScopes - an exciting and unique way to “gear into” you and your friends’ astrological compatibility! FriendScopes is a daily astrological forecast for two people, featuring a beautiful brass chronometer interface. It combines your birth information with the current


location of the Moon to rate your “elemental harmony” and offers insights on how to make the best of the day with (or without) each other. Simply dial up your birth dates using the innovative twoway steampunk-inspired clock face, or select from a list of your address book contacts or Facebook friends; then tap the “Centre Eye” to unlock and reveal your reading!

Susan Miller is the astrologer behind Astologyzone.com, one of the most popular websites of its kind, with over 6 million visitors every month. Known for her accurate and in-depth monthly horoscopes, she is also a best selling author and writes horoscopes for various magazines and publications including Elle and Vogue Japan. Get your in-depth monthly horoscope or enter the reading room and find suggestions from Susan about astrology books that provide helpful advice. The Life and Love section offers Matchmaker by Sign where you will receive a detailed analysis of how all the elements of your horoscope interact and influence your pairing.

Download at iTunesStore Available for iPhone Price: Rp.19,000

My Horoscope Available on the Google play store, My Horoscope is free and is a fun and convenient way of being able to check your daily horoscope on the go. Voted by users as being “surprisingly accurate”, this app breaks down each sign into their three decanates and users are able to share to various social networking sites like Facebook and Twitter. My Horoscope is also available in different languages. Download at https://play.google.com Available for Android Price: Free

Time Passages TimePassages is a very easy to use astrology application that allows you to quickly create accurate birth charts by using intuitive tools. To get started, simply specify the date, time and location of birth. TimePassages will automatically generate the chart, with in-depth interpretations for each element. Download at the iTunes Store or http://mac.softpedia.com Available for iPhone Price: Rp.289,000 or a Lite version is available for free

Star Walk Star Walk is an award-winning Education app that allows users to easily locate and identify over 20,000 objects in the night sky. The 360-degree, touch control star map displays constellations, stars, planets, satellites, and galaxies currently overhead from anywhere on Earth. Highly praised and the winner of a 2010 Apple Design Award, the latest update allows users to enjoy unprecedented eye candy and interactivity of the star map, achieved with the new camera and high resolution of the new device. Just launch the app and point your iPhone at the sky and you’ll see the stars, planets and constellations in their proper place from your location. As you move your device, the star map updates in real time. Download at iTunes Store Available for iPhone Price: Rp.29,000 

Juan G. Leysner Juan G. Leysner has lived and worked in Jakarta for over 10 years and is the founder of 2 db.mobi, www.2dbarcodesolutions.com

Space.com SPACE.com, launched in 1999, is the world’s number one source for news of astronomy, skywatching, space exploration, commercial spaceflight and related technologies. SPACE.com articles are regularly featured on the web sites of their media partners: MSNBC.com, Yahoo!, the Christian Science Monitor and others. Their team of experienced reporters, editors and video producers explore the latest discoveries, missions, trends and futuristic ideas, interviewing expert sources and offering up deep and broad analysis of the findings and issues that are fundamental to or understanding of the universe and our place in it. 16

Jakarta Expat­­ · 30 January - 12 February 2013


Jakarta Expat­­­­ · ­26 September - 9 October 2012

Exotic Balinese-style house at Kemang, South Jakarta Land size 1000m2, strategically located at Jl Bangka XI, South Jakarta. Spacious and open interiors. 4 bedrooms. 3 bathrooms. A swimming pool. A gazebo overlooking pond. A patio. Outdoor shower & bath. Dedicated parking space.

• For sale at IDR 18 billion • For rent at USD 4,800/month (min. 1 year)

Stunning Cliffside Villa in Bali for Sale Located on a quiet country hillside cliff overlooking Benoa Bay and Nusa Penida, 15km from Bali International Airport, this villa is an excellent holiday hideaway to spend with your family, friends or loved ones. The 800sqm villa has three bedrooms, sits on 1,500sqm land among exclusive villas with a breathtaking view over the cliff in Jimbaran Hill, Bali. Fully equipped with gym, pool and children's playground.

• Asking price AUD.1.100.000.-

Exclusive beach front land for sale. Size: 950 m2 = 9.5 are

• Prime building block with 70m walk to the Indian ocean with views.

• Building permission • private beach at doorstep • famous surfing spot

A must see for serious investors. Photos and building plans available.

• Price: IDR 2.660.000.000,- (IDR 280.000.000.-/are)

Studio Apartment For Sale Location : Berawa - Canggu

The property is built for ultimate convenience, comfort and style, offers sophisticated apartments designed affordable alternative to hotel in Bali. Located in charming Berawa village, a thriving coastal neighborhood north of Canggu in Bali's popular South-west coast. This property offers a unique residential ambience and tranquility near Berawa Beach, yet is just minutes away from Greater Seminyak with its numerous trendy bars, hip boutiques and gourmet restaurants. The property consists of : * Studio Pool Access The cozy yet stylish Studio Pool Access units offer direct access to the communal pool and residential facilities. * Two Bedroom Town House The grand, Two-Bedroom Apartment, or 'town house,' is fully airconditioned throughout, featuring an expansive, upper-level master bedroom with en-suite bathroom and ground-floor guestroom with single bed, living room and fully-equipped kitchen. A plasma TV is provided in master bedroom and living room, as well as a DVD player and other amenities. * Deluxe Studio Apartment. Deluxe Studio Units are ideal for professionals or short or long- term vacationers, fully-furnished with state-of-the-art appliances including plasma TV and DVD player, plus kitchenette and appliances. * Premier 1 Bedroom Apartment. Four Premier 1 Bedroom units which suite both professionals, family or short/long term holiday goers. The units are all fully furnished with state of the art furniture and technology. The facilities are inclusive of a communal gym, lounge, pool and ample parking space, WiFi Internet, reception and 24-hour security. Features : Land size : 1,200 m2 (12 ARE) freehold certificated Building size : 1000 m2 No. of keys : 12 room keys, No. of beds : - 8 single bed - 4 double beds - Total 16 beds Pool : Communal pool, Communal gym Built on 2009, finished construction & fully operated on 2011 Occupancy rate : 70% Asking price : US $2,400,000.

Are you a Property owner? are you looking for property?

Let us help you! Contact us at:

property@jakartaexpat.biz // 08131 772 2271 Jakarta Expat­­­­ · ­30 January - 12 February 2013



Jakarta Expat­­ · ­26 September - 9 October 2012

Light Entertainment

Laugh and Death in the Slow Lane By Eamonn Sadler


ome friends and I in the fire service used to work part-time as coffin bearers. I guess it was because we already had dark uniforms, we had been trained to march in step and we were not freaked out by corpses. Most of the time we carried the coffins of retired local council officials or other local dignitaries. We always tried to have fun with it like we did with everything else. Inevitably when we were doing this job the ongoing challenge was to make each other laugh at some point during the funeral. On one occasion we had removed the coffin of a former councilman from the back of the hearse and we were carrying it into a small country church when one of my colleagues tested the rest of us to the limit. Tony “Shooter” Gunn was opposite me at the front end of the coffin and he thought it would be funny to give the coffin a shove in my direction as our heads were directly between the coffin and the narrow stone archway of the church door.

His timing was perfect and my head impacted the stone with some severity and left my head ringing and my vision blurred as we made our way down the aisle. In fact I am sure if I had let go of the coffin I would have staggered off into the pews like a drunk. Luckily, because we were walking so slowly, my head cleared considerably before we had to put the coffin down on the trestle in front of the altar, but I still stumbled slightly as we all took three paces back from the coffin in a well-rehearsed and choreographed motion. I glanced up to see Tony and the other two guys opposite, faces bright red and biting their bottom lips trying not to laugh as they stood with heads bowed and hands clasped in front of them. I could see out of the corner of my eye that the two guys to my right were doing the same thing. I cursed Tony under my breath. During the first hymn I noticed the vicar walking slowly towards me as he sang. He leaned towards me slightly when he got near and asked in a hoarse whisper behind his hymn book, “Are you aware that you are bleeding my son?” I touched my face where it hurt and inspected my fingers. I was. I heard snorts from my friends as they fought to contain their laughter but luckily the mourners, singing forlornly, heard nothing above the sound of the church organ. With a slight nod and a thumbs up I assured the vicar I was okay and he surreptitiously slipped me a tissue to clean up the blood. When the service finished we picked up the coffin and took it out to the graveyard for the burial. Luckily the damaged side of my face was against the coffin on the way out so the mourners still couldn’t see it. We left

the graveside as soon as the coffin was in the ground and made good our escape to the nearest pub where we were able to laugh without restraint before anybody saw us. Nobody except the vicar ever noticed anything. On another occasion we were carrying a deceased former local mayor down the aisle of a church for his funeral service when one of our crew became quite the ventriloquist and started knocking softly but rapidly on the side of the coffin and saying in a frantic but muffled sounding voice as if from within the coffin, “Help! Help! Let me out!” All six of us arrived at the altar with tears streaming down our faces as we fought to contain our laughter. As we wiped our tears away a flash went off and I looked round to see a local press photographer lower his camera and start scribbling furiously in his notepad. I imagined the headlines the next day: “Firemen Mock Mayor’s Funeral” or “Firemen Find Mayor’s Funeral Funny” or similar. We were sure we would lose our jobs. First thing the next day I bought a copy of the newspaper and thumbed frantically through it looking for the damning article. Then I found it. “Firemen Weep for Deceased Ex-Mayor”. Phew. 

To read more by Eamonn Sadler, go to www.eamonnsadler.com To find out more about live stand-up comedy in Indonesia please e-mail jakarta@thecomedyclub.asia text or call 0821 1194 3084 or register at www.thecomedyclub.asia

The Winner of last edition's Name the Celebrity is John F. from Kemang. See you and a friend at our next Comedy Club! SEND YOUR ENTRY BY TEXT TO:

Last Edition's answer: Che Guevara and Fidel Castro.

0811 999603



5 Mischievous spirit (11) 7 Fringe - report (4) 8 Extraordinary - conspicuous - sole (8) 9 Congenial (7) 11 Near - conclusion (5) 13 Sales campaign - energy - push (5) 14 Imitator - imitative (7) 16 Round - letter (8) 17 Killed - swing (4) 18 Excessive - spendthrift (11)

1 Footwear - hamper (4) 2 Brutal - foul (7) 3 Representative - means (5) 4 Perceptibly (8) 5 Delay action (11) 6 Lucid - evident - clear (11) 10 Recommend - lawyer (8) 12 Newspaper - diary (7) 15 Fair - innocent (5) 17 Click! - a photograph! (4)

Can you name these two famous people?

{ Answers in the next edition! }

*Answers for Edition 85 Across 1. Boisterous 7. Prolific 8. Turn 9. Tuck 10. Avarice 12. Interpreter 14. Actress 16. Club 19. Eton 20. Eternity 21. Beatitudes Down 1. Beret 2. Illicit 3. Tiff 4. Recovery 5. Utter 6. Grocer 11. Prospect 12. Incite 13. Taloned 15. Rinse 17. Butts 18. Pest

This Edition’s Quiz: the java jazz festival quiz Scan the barcode and answer the 10 questions correctly for a chance to win one of two prizes: • Two daily passes to Java Jazz Festival 2013, on Friday 1st March. • Two daily passes to Java Jazz Festival 2013, on Saturday 2nd March. Congratulations to Diah Iswari for winning a Rp.300,000 voucher for Face Jakarta! Enjoy! 18

Jakarta Expat­­ · 30 January - 12 February 2013

Jakarta Expat­­­­ · ­26 September - 9 October 2012


Jakarta Expat­­­­ · ­30 January - 12 February 2013



business & NETworking

BritCham January’s Business & Social Gathering. Thu, 31 Jan 2013. Location: TBA on RSVP Located at the heart of a vibrant city-centre hub, voted our most popular business networking platform, this is an excellent opportunity to exchange views, solicit information, and seek out business opportunities. Light snacks will be served throughout the evening together with a 2.5 hour free flow of wine, beer, soft drinks, and juices. We encourage all BritCham Members to bring along their colleagues, guests, and friends to take full advantage of this month’s Members’ Business & Social Gathering. Entrance Fee: * Member (with booking): Rp. 220,000 * Member (walk-in): Rp. 250,000 * Non Member (with booking): Rp. 350,000 * Non-member (walk-in): Rp. 380,000. How to register? Email events@britcham.or.id www.britcham.or.id

Jakarta Expat­­ · ­26 September - 9 October 2012

F3 @FX LIFESTYLE X’NTER 021 25554036 | 0816770126 www.jakartabroadwayteam.com

Costs : This event is FREE for Members who have paid their 2013 membership fee * Spouse/partner : Rp. 400.000,-/person * Non-Members : Rp. 600.000,-/person Email: functions@iabc.or.id www.iabc.or.id


music & festivals Bloc Party live in Jakarta Wed, 20 Mar 2013 Location: Tennis Indoor, Senayan Jakarta Ticket Box Jakarta: Pizza E Birba, Plaza Indonesia, Gandaria City, sentral Park. Ticket Price: * Festival : IDR 490.000 * Tribune : IDR 390.000 Hotline : 0811 460 467 www.rajakarcis.com Love Garage 2013 Yeah Yeah Yeahs. Fri, 01 Feb 2013 Location: EX Park, ex Plaza Jl. MH. Thamrin Kav.28-30, Jakarta Pusat Ticket Price: Festival: Rp. 450.000 Web Site: www.rajakarcis.com

Adam Lambert Live in Concert Sun, 10 Mar 2013. Seknoo Exhibition Hall, Gandaria City Ticket Price: Festival A: Rp. 595.000 Festival B: Rp. 395.000 www.bigdaddy.co.id

theatre IABC New Year Party Thu, 31 Jan 2013 Location: TBA on RSVP Join us to welcome 2013 with great cuisine, Australian wine and a band of entertainment. A night full of fun, dancing, networking and door prizes awaits. RSVP is compulsory by 12:00 noon Tuesday, 29 January 2013 Dress Code: Masquerade & Big hats with a touch of blue RSVP : IABC Secretariat * Tel: +6221 5211540 * E-mail: functions@iabc.or.id

THE STONE ROSES Live in Jakarta. Sat, 23 Feb 2013 Lapangan D Senayan Jakarta Normal Price Ticket: Rp. 715.000 The Stone Roses Members: - Ian Brown / vocal - Mani (Gary Mounfield) / bass guitar - Reni (Alan Wren) / drum & backing vocal - John Squire / guitar www.bandistro.com

The Jakarta Players Club Presents Godspell Fri, 15 Feb – Sun, 17 Feb 2013. Location: Music Republican Theatre - Jl. Fatmawati No. 8 The Jakarta Players Club is kick starting 2013 with Godspell directed by Keith Allerton! Show times: Fri, 15 Feb at 8pm (1 showing) Sat, 16 Feb at 4pm and 8pm (2 showings) Sun, 17 Feb at 2pm and 6pm (2 showings). Tickets: Adults: Rp. 150.000 Students & Children: Rp. 100.000 Limited seats! Book your tickets now at jak.tickets@yahoo.com

Jakarta Broadway Team presents HEART RECORDS, A Theatrical Concert”. Wed, 13 Feb 2013 - Thu, 14 Feb 2013 Gedung Kesenian Jakarta Ticket price: Platinum Rp 500,000, Gold Rp 350,000, Silver Rp 250,000, Bronze Rp 150,000 Ticket box: LE MA RI 20

available. For more information please contact: Mr. Ari Darmawan Project Manager - ITHF Mobile: +62 8569 559 3070 Email: ari@rajamice.com www.indonesiatravelfair.com

Gala Charity Dinner Care and Share with Love. Sat, 02 Feb 2013.: Puri Agung Hall, Grand Sahid Jaya Jakarta, Jl. Jend Sudirman. Kav 86 An Evening with Miss Universe 2012 Miss Olivia Culpo. In Support of Jakarta Breast Cancer Foundation. Enjoy a fabulous 4 course dinner and wine. Featuring: * Rio Febrian * Shandy Sandoro Tickets: Rp. 700.000 ++/person Tables from Rp. 5.000.000++/8 persons. For more information & bookings please contact: Budi: 081219316662 | Marsha: 081390402121 Or Public relations: +6221 570 4444 (Mrs. Ummu)

Bazaar & Shopping

Branded Sale. Wed, 30. Jan 2013 - Fri, 01 Feb 2013. Prefunction Thamrin Nine Ballroom UOB Plaza | ANZ Square, Jl. MH Thamrin No. 10 Jakarta The Exclusive Branded Sale @ UOB Plaza 30 Jan - 1 Feb’13. For more information please call: +62 812 1922 7597

Arts & Exhibitions

The 11th Indonesia Travel and Holiday Fair. Fri, 15 Feb 2013 - Sun, 17 Feb 2013. Hall A, Jakarta International Convention Center (JCC) 11th ITHF 2013 are pleased to have top brands such Panorama Tours, Smailing Tour & Travel, Dwidaya Travel, TX-Travel, ATS Vacation, Garuda Indonesia Holidays, Ayo Wisata, Surprise, Semesta Wisata, Happy Tour Rajakamar.com, Garuda Indonesia Singapore Airlines, Citilink, Best Western, Villa Ombak, Bali Marine Walk, Tiket.com, Tune Hotel, Bags City and many more on board with us. With more than IDR 1 Billion for advertising and promotion spending, ITHF 2013 aims to attract 60.000 consumer visitors and targets transactions of over IDR 40 Billion. Limited space is still

Ambiance Wedding Exhibition @ Pullman Jakarta Central Park. Fri, 01 Mar 2013 - Sun, 03 Mar 2013. Location: Podomoro City Jl. Let. Jend. S. Parman Kav. 28, Jakarta, Indonesia 11470 Pullman Jakarta Central Park – Pullman Grand Ballroom The soon to be brides and grooms, you are cordially invited to “Ambiance Wedding Exhibition”, the most spectacular wedding fair in 2013. A unique event to find sources for your special day where you can meet with many wedding professionals all in one location.. Save the dates!! www. pullmanjakartacentralpark.com

One Fine Day - One Stop Wedding Exhibition @ Hotel Indonesia Kempinski. Fri, 22 Feb 2013 - Sun, 24 Feb 2013. Location: Jl. MH Thamrin No. 1, Jakarta 10310, Indonesia Hotel Indonesia Kempinski Jakarta together with the best leading wedding magazine, MAXX - Brides, presents you a one-stop-weddingexhibition with a theme “One Fine Day”, starting on 22 - 24 February 2013 at Kempinski Grand Ballroom, we are delighted to bring you a high calibre of wedding vendors from wedding planner, professional photographers, decorators, designers, and much more. Run by professional wedding vendors, we package the exhibition as a luxurious and exclusive event. Every wedding couple soon-to-be can set a perfect wedding for their unforgettable day and get a lot of inspiration for their special day. For more information, please call: * Phone: +62 21 2358 3800 or * Email: catering.jakarta@ kempinski.com www.kempinski.com/jakarta

Five nights/six-day excursion - Photo Tour By David Metcalf Photography. Sat, 25 May 2013 - Thu, 30 May 2013 Location: East Kalimantan Derawan Island, East Kalimantan Turtles and Manta Rays Mark and I are offering an extra excursion after the Orangutan expedition to Derawan Island, a tropical paradise just a short flight from Balikpapan, the largest city in Kalimantan. This is an opportunity to visit a true paradise before it is really discovered. It won’t stay like this forever, as the Indonesian Government have ear marked the nearby Sangalaki area, for future development and when that happens, Derawan and Kakaban will most certainly change. For more Information E-mail Dave at: davidmetcalf3@mac.com www.davidmetcalfphotography.com

Borneo Photography Expedition - Dayaks and Orangutans by Dave Photo Tours Eight Nights - Nine days. Fri, 17 May 2013 - Sat, 25 May 2013. Location: Kalimantan Come and join professional photographers Mark Rayner and David Metcalf on the trip of a lifetime to exotic Borneo (Indonesian Kalimantan) to experience something simply unforgettable - an opportunity to photograph and learn about the fascinating endangered Orangutans in their natural environment. This is a unique opportunity to go back in time as we drift down the ancient waterways of the Rungan River in Central Kalimantan, surrounded by pristine jungles famous for its rare birdlife, monkeys and of course the fascinating Orangutans. The tour includes one night in Bali, as this is where the group meets. For more information please contact Dayak Dave at davidmetcalf3@mac.com www.davidmetcalfphotography.com


photography Watch Live Super Bowl XLVII @ Amigos. Mon, 04 Feb 2013. Location: Amigos Kemang, Jl. Kemang Selatan I, Jakarta Selatan 12730 Start Monday Madness Early with 50% Off All Drinks! Reserve Your Table Now!!! +6221 7192584 / 7179 1665. Email: marketing@amigos-resto.com www.amigos-resto.com Jakarta Expat­­ · 30 January - 12 February 2013


Jakarta Expat­­­­ · ­26 September - 9 October 2012

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from four season hotel; Contact (081586238622); Monthly rate net usd 400 up; Daily or weekly available; Facilities; a/c, wifi, swimming pool, fridge, hot shower; fully furnished, roof garden, lift. Facebook : Sun Rise House

Classifieds are still FREE! Send in your classifieds to ads@jakartaexpat.biz Next issue deadline: 5 February 2013 Have something to sell? Looking for something to buy? Looking for staff? Selling property? Or need a place to live? Why not place your classified ad with Jakarta Expat! Your classified will be placed once for 2 weeks online and once in our printed version which has a circulation of 15.000 copies bi weekly. Conditions: Personal classifieds : Free of Charge / 50 words max Commercial classifieds : Rp. 100,000 / 0 - 50 words : Rp. 200,000 / 50 - 100 words - Property listings are considered as Commercial. - For adding an image / company logo in our printed issue another Rp. 150,000 needs to be charged.

FOR RENT. It’s one house you’ll want to call home. 5 bedrooms, nice garden & pool at Cipete.Close to International School. Contact: 08111892881

jobs Looking for Work Nanny Available during the day only for South of Jakarta and Depok area, Please Call 087781885511

Hi My name Usman, I can speak english well and know Jakarta at present I still work but will end soon. My boss move to vietnam I would like to apply for job as driver I have recommendation letter from my previous boss please call me at 085283607744 or 085319143586.

Native persian speaker lady is looking for home-based job. Have Bs degree in industrial engineeringsystem analysis with good english and Ms office skills. Please contact minhagh@yahoo.com

Send in your classifieds to ads@jakartaexpat.biz


Expat sadly sells his 1965 fully restored original Vespa 150cc. New painting, new tires, last service 15th Dec. Very economic and good to drive in Jkt. All papers are legal. Asking price 17.5jt. Can be seen any day. 082260360408

Information: MICON Fax. +62 21 7819561 Mobile +62 813 15725315 e-mail micon.international@gmail.com

CINERE Jl. Ismaya: lt. 980sqm. 10mt from Cinere Mall. Price: rp.1,2M (under NJOP). 2 access road, front & back. Flood free. Good for investment. Email: threes@baliexpat.biz

Hyundai H1, reg. November 2008, 42K km, black, all leather, DVD/MP3, dash + 2 x headrest screens, expat owned, regular Hyundai service, excellent condition, Rp.220jt., call 0811826934

SUZUKI ESCUDO XL-7, A/T, 2005 is for sale- AVAILABLE MARCH 1!! 82,000KM - Great condition and well maintained. $12,000. Contact Steve at: +62 858 1482 8919 for Information/details.

House in Bogor for Sale. 3 bedroom plus studio, European Style, in Villa Duta, BOGOR. Land 591 sqm,Living 360 sqm. (includes Servant Quarter); Land title : Sertifikat Hak Milik. Price : Rp.3,000,000,000.- (three billion Rp.). The house is available from March 2013. Klaus Nienhaus <success.bali@gmail.com>

Yogyakarta: Villa Bougenville with 3 bedrooms, swimming pool, private house for butler and spacious garden 7 are. for sale. Can be used private or holliday rental. Contact Dewi 0274 7474 168 / 0274 3015 961 e-mail: detto8382@yahoo.com

JOB IN JAKARTA. As my girlfriend lives in Jakarta, I would like to find a job there. I am 36, have 3 degrees and specialised in marketing and export/sales. please contact fabrizio_lai@yahoo.it

My name is Efendi 35 y.o i'm looking for a job as a driver in south jakarta. i drive all kinds of cars. Please contact me on: 08888300010 or 085775271357

Discover Villa Gamrang. Experience our hospitality and the complete privacy of your own beach house. Villa Gamrang (Cisolok beach, 4 hours’ drive from Jakarta) is designed to offer guests a wonderful and luxurious holiday with beautiful and natural surroundings. Stylish interior, several outdoor terrace’s, sea view, spacious garden, swimming pool, 4 bedrooms and 3 bathrooms, complete kitchen, cable television, internet. Idyllic place for couples or one or two families. Staff and in house catering available. Attractive prices starting from IDR 1,150,000 per night. Most of our guests visit us again. Reservations. www.villa-gamrang.nl or just mail us villagamrang@gmail.com

vacancies Looking for an Operational Manager. Opportunity for a passionate career driven individual to join our team on managing a resort in the thousand islands. Preferred female caucasian with a hospitality degree. adinegoro. ismail@gmail.com

Singapore-based SAT preparation company with existing contracts with many Jakarta international schools looking for instructors/ business managers to run business. Perfect for existing part-time English teachers, trailing spouses, or budding entrepreneurs looking to enter the fast-growing education market. Teaching experience would be useful,

but not necessary. Knowledge of the American university education system: vital. Full training will be provided. Remuneration and profit sharing open to negotiation. Interested parties please email CV and cover letter to: info@testtakers-sg.com.

Looking for maid. My maid of 8 years is leaving. I am looking for a replacement. If anyone knows someone who is leaving town and would like to offer their maid a possible position please ask them to contact me. carldtaylor@gmail.com


INTERNATIONAL, DOMESTIC, LOCAL, OFFICE MOVING, STORAGE ... Call Francois 085 8838 98678, email: francois@safeway.co.id, or Lanny 081 3166 61874, email: lanny@safewayrelo.com www.safewayrelo.com “RELOCATION MADE EASY”

property Houses for rent at Kemang, Cipete, Cilandak, Pejaten Barat, Pondok Indah. Big garden, S’pool, Complex, 4-5 bedrooms, U$ 2000 - U$ 7000. Phone: 0816859551 081287488717 e-mail: nantha_realtor@yahoo.com

FOR SALE BIG HOUSE: in Pamulang, Puspitek Babakan. Lt/lb. 2200/400. SHM, 4br, 4,400 watts, Sw pool 11 x 5m. Big Garden, suitable for big family. Price rp3,6M. Email : threes@baliexpat.biz

Bangka Island, Pangkal Pinang ·For sale workshop 290 m2 + ·internal office 40 m2, ·1,000 m2 walled yard, ·house 70 m2 + fish pond + generator house, · 4 anchor winches for barge positioning:

Sentul Mediterania 1, within a golf course, 3 story house 360 m2, 7 rooms, 3 bathrooms, western style kitchen, 10 x 5 m swimmingpool, double garage & carport, USD 1200:- / month. Call 0816 909 354

Sunrise House (homestay with hotel style design); New build and locates at sudirman cbd, few minutes

Jakarta Expat­­­­ · ­30 January - 12 February 2013

Scan your books to read them on the go!!! PT. MegaEnviron is specialized in scanning books even without removing the book bindings (non-destructive scan). Other services include scanning documents, photographs, films, and slides, data entry, managing documents and database. Contact: Charoen Sanpawa, Mobile: 0811930-3744, Office: 021-632-6667. E-mail:charoen@megaenviron.com www.MegaEnviron.com

Service ac kemang, fatmawati, kebayoran. Phone: 021 92681667 ; 021 95768795 ; 083893418405.

Service ac jakarta selatan, perbaikan ac jakarta selatan, tukar tambah ac jakarta selatan. Untuk informasi hubungi kami.

STEPHANUS JONATHAN ADVOCATES. We handle both litigation and nonlitigation inter alia establishment of company/representative office/ foreign investment company, debt recovery, corporate and commercial, land & property, bankruptcy, labor, international trade, civil, criminal, finance and banking, capital market, food and drugs, telecommunication, intellectual property rights, shipping, aviation, transportation, health, family, oil and gas, forestry, plantation, mining, contract, entertainment and insurance. Address: Jl. Petojo Sabangan I No. 54, Kel. Petojo Selatan, Kec. Gambir, Kotif Jakarta Pusat. Phone: +6221 91675094 Fax: +6221 38909109 Mobile: +62 8195027952 Website: www. lunaskaya-advocates.com E-mail: info@lunaskaya-advocates.com

Traveling? Let us help you! As your partner in business, we aspire to provide service standards that are faster, more accurate and more reliable. Contact us now to assist you for all your travel needs. PT. Amazing World Explorer T&T. Kemang Square, 3rd floor unit III-12. Jl. Kemang Raya no. 5. Phone: 7179 4722 - awe. tours@gmail.com

Professional Bahasa Indonesia tutor one on one or in group. Price Rp. 250.000/session. Ready to come to residences or offices around Jakarta. For more info contact 085775341946/ kampoongbahasa@gmail.com

Teaching bahasa indonesia for jakarta expat. You can contact me on 085697692508

Need flexible courses? Want to study privately at home, office or in a 21


Jakarta Expat­­ · ­26 September - 9 October 2012

Place a Classified Ad and get results!

Send in your classifieds to ads@jakartaexpat.biz


related exam. For inquiries sms me. Phone: +6281806460476

Scan the barcode to receive your free bi-weekly newsletter. Classifieds are still FREE! Send in your classifieds to ads@jakartaexpat.biz Next issue deadline: 5 February 2013 Have something to sell? Looking for something to buy? Looking for staff? Selling property? Or need a place to live? Why not place your classified ad with Jakarta Expat! Your classified will be placed once for 2 weeks online and once in our printed version which has a circulation of 15.000 copies bi weekly. Conditions: Personal classifieds : Free of Charge / 50 words max Commercial classifieds : Rp. 100,000 / 0 - 50 words : Rp. 200,000 / 50 - 100 words - Property listings are considered as Commercial. - For adding an image / company logo in our printed issue another Rp. 150,000 needs to be charged. Send in your classifieds to ads@jakartaexpat.biz

Medical evacuation health & life insurance. Let us diagnose your needs. Contact Paul Beale, mobile: +62 816 137 0663, office: 021-5220990 E: paulbeale@gms-financial.com


class? Bahasa Indonesia class starts in Jan & Feb 2013 at the American Club. Private classes also available for Bahasa / English/ Mandarin. Qualified teachers & excellent materials. 021-68888246/081385590009 sibchool@sibschool. com, www.sibschool.com

Traditional Massage. Hotel/ Apartment 8am - 6pm. SMS: 0812.80.929359

Have the Coolest Party With BINTANG PARTY EXPRESS. We deliver and serve Bintang & Heineken Draught beer to your door, just email to: party_ express@yahoo.com or dial 759 24611 or +6285715587548

Welcome to Jakarta! If you haven’t already discovered the expat website, come visit. You’ll find a wealth of practical information for newly arrived expatriates in our extensive data Welcome to Jakarta! If you haven’t already discovered the expat website, come visit. You’ll find a wealth of practical information 22

for newly arrived expatriates in our extensive database of articles. Medical, housing, schooling, social life and more are covered in great depth. Living in Indonesia, A Site for Expatriates www.expat.or.id

ARE YOU IN PAIN? WANT TO FEEL BETTER? At our wellness center, Lifestyle Chiropractic, our American trained professionals have helped 1000s of practice members: improve sleep, decrease back/neck pain, eliminate headaches, when all else failed. even avoid getting sick/flu with better immunity, more energy, improved breathing, less brain fog, decrease stress! Just to name a few. Call now and mention the Jakarta Expat to receive 50% off initial consult and first treatment. www.lifestylechiropracticjakarta. com 08111041881 / 021 7203769

XO Bali Events is your reliable long – distant Event / Wedding Planner and Organizer in Bali, for any private occasions you may have in mind. We are here to extend our extensive assistance, for any occasions that you are thinking to commemorate and celebrate with family and friends, in the beautiful island of Bali. Website: http://www.xobalievents.com

Business English/English for Academic Purposes/ Conversational English/ IELTS/TOEFL Prep (Indonesia) Offers conversational English, English for Academic Purposes, IELTS/ TOEFL Prep, BULATS/ TKT or any Cambridge-

• Commercial Deep fryer (Like they have in KFC or similar) gas fired. Free standing. Best offer accepted. Pondok Indah. Call Stewart. 081219551142 for photos n details.

• Commercial under counter fridge. 2 door about 1.8m long. Both stainless steel in perfect working condition. Best offer accepted. Pondok Indah. Call Stewart. 081219551142 for photos n details.

• 2 x professional speakers. About 150 cm x 150 cm. Best offer accepted. Pondok Indah. Call Stewart. 081219551142 for photos n details.

• 1 x professional sound mixer. Includes cabling etc. Best offer

accepted. Pondok Indah. Call Stewart. 081219551142 for photos n details.

Their greatest needs now are related to the provision of nonfood items such as hygiene kits, blankets and rubber boats ( * cost and composition details below) and PMI needs support for mobilization for its multiple field kitchens, evacuation centers and medical services, which they have set up and operating. PMI prefers receiving cash donation i.e. to replace their stocks and operational cost (mobilization). Contact: Tia Kurniawan - DM Division. PMI National Headquarter. Jl. Jenderal Gatot Soebroto Kav. 96 Jakarta 12790. Telp +62 21 7992325 ext 302 - 302. Fax +62 21 7995188. Mobile +62(0)85624398474

Kampung Melayu Kecil is one of the worst flood affected areas in Jakarta. We are asking for donations of clothes, food, sanitary and hygiene articles as well as any cash you can spare. Please contact Elena, elenajfd@gmail.com or Mega, whiteasacloud@gmail.com for further information on helping to rebuild the future of Kampung Melayu Kecil’s flood victims

A Foreigner or Expat (with strong financial background, good experience) looking to develop or start a business in indonesia & looking for local reliable indonesian partner are welcome to contact us. coal786@gmail.com

3000 Indonesian Antiques, Antiquities and Tribal Art Objects are looking for a “home” where they can properly be displayed and sold. 1000+ Textiles, 350 Stone Sculptures, 300 Wooden Artefacts, Weapons, Bronzes, Paintings and other Works of Art and much more from the Bronze Age to the early 20th century, collected over 40 years, now need an Established Gallery, 5 Star Hotel, Restaurant (or other) where “5 Star Guests” are looking for “5 star Objects”. We’re not looking for big/fast money; we are looking for a reliable partner (with reliable accounting). Large or small, in Jakarta and/or Bali. Let’s make money together! Contact us: dmulia98@yahoo.com

Serious investor sought. Indonesian Gemstones-Opals, Pearls, Amethyst, Coral, Chrysocolla, Fossilized Coral, Amber (including rare blue), Agate, Jasper and much more. Largest overall collection in the world and multi-award-winning jewelry. Seeking $850,000 investment to “go international”. Foreign owned, we are well-connected to Indonesian Government ministries (future plans include a national gemstone museum). You should have some interest in gems and jewelry and great business acumen and experience (what we lack). You can meet with us in Jakarta or Bali. Contact us: dmulia98@yahoo. com. P.S. The deal could include an opal mine in Banten.

I am looking for a qualified experienced prenatal yoga instructor for private classes in Kemang. Please e-mail me asap leonira@ yahoo.com

This car DVD player and GPS system is a good match for Toyota Camry 2011. Specially designed, user friendly, solid quality. BASIC FUNCTION 1. builtin GPS navigation, Win CE 6.0 support kinds of maps 2. DVD player, support kinds of disk: DVD, VCD, CD, MP3 and other A/V multimedia formats 3. built-in AM/ FM tuner, support RDS 4. headrest entertainment 5. full iPod control integration 6. bluetooth 2.0+EDR connectivity, streaming bluetooth music(A2DP) 7. SD&USB 2.0 reader OPTIONAL FUNCTION 1. rear view camera 2. TV 3. TPMS. Contact: claireho@flyaudio.net phone: +8602066677998. From China

Chinchilla Golden Teacup Persian Kitten For Sale. Chantilly Lace showcases the gorgeous Precious Moments/teardrop shaped eyes! She is a sweet and elegant little girl! Hurry, she will not last long! All shots are up to date. She has been fully vaccinated and comes with 4 weeks free insurance.She is registered and goes along with other pets at home. She is 9 weeks old and weighs 1.4 ibs and will weigh 4-5 ibs adult weight when full grown. She is ready for her forever home now. jackbun725@yahoo.com

Java Sea Charters. Explore West Java and the Sunda Straits aboard Jakarta’s favorite livaboard the “Cecelia Ann”. Activities include diving, surfing, fishing, and trekking around Krakatau, Ujung Kulon and Panaithan Island. Trips depart from Anyer, maximum 10+PAX for overnight trips and 20 PAX for day cruises. Mid week specials available! Contact Kyle for more information phone: 082111616 030 Email: info@javaseacharters.com. www.javaseacharters.com

Museum of Indonesian Gemstones (the first and only), now open— complete collection including rare Blue Amber; rare Blue Coral; and Fossilized Coral, Red Drusy Jasper, Rose Agate and Pancawarna Agate that only exist in Indonesia. Black/ White Opal, South Sea Pearls, Amethyst, Sulfur Jasper, Golden Soapstone, Moss Agate, Billitonite, Chrysocolla, Chrysophrase, Picture Agate etc. Many gems you’ve never seen before. Rough, 100’s of slabs, 1000+ unset stones, and an extensive jewelry collection. Also antique Indonesian jewelry.7 days, 9am-5pm. Foreign curator. (now looking for investing partner). Jl. Ir H. Juanda (Ciputat Raya) 50 Ciputat, South Jakarta. Email: jewelsbyirwan@gmail.com. For further information 0811824302.

Miniature Schnauzer puppies, born 21 Nov. 2012 looking for their new loving home. Colour :

Jakarta Expat­­ · 30 January - 12 February 2013


Jakarta Expat­­­­ · ­26 September - 9 October 2012

Place a Classified Ad and get results!

Send in your classifieds to ads@jakartaexpat.biz all black, salt & pepper and black & silver. Puppies come vet checked, vaccinated, regularly wormed and microchipped/ tattooed. Both parents are imported from Australia with American champion bloodlines, Am.Ch. Repitition’s Standout ( one of the USA's top producing males). This is the first & only litter for these parents and they are raised in a loving home environment. The price is 15 Mil IDR, location Bandung, West Java. For further information and photos, please call/ SMS :Asty 0813-13572133 or email : benstella02@gmail.com

For sale S4. The Traktor Kontrol S4 from Native Instruments is the ultimate fullsized digital DJ controller and provides everything you need to start DJ-ing right away plus a whole lot more. DJ TechTools' founder and controller expert Ean Golden designed the S4 from the ground up with a focus on ergonomics, work flow and professional feeling controls. This attention to quality, detail, and functionality make the S4 the number one Traktor Pro DJ controller (a highly competitive title!), and has proved a favorite among discerning professional DJs, serious home DJs, working mobile DJs and innovative controllerists around the world. Barely used, bought at 9.5mil Rups. Selling this b’cause want to buy an s2 instead. All equipment still inside original s4 box. +62811826748 or email djmikey81@gmail.com. Selling for 8.5jt nego.

Sea Ray SB, 1999, 15,50 x 4,65 mtr, 2 x 660 Hp CAT engines 1100Hrs, hydraulic submersible bath platform, genset 10 Kw, 220 / 110 Volt, 3 cabins + salon sleeps 8, washing machine & dryer, central vacuum cleaning system, fridge & freezer, super BOSE audio, Only 1 year in Indonesia, expatriate owner. Mint condition. Ok for foreign ownership without any fees. Call 0816909354

Yoga Holiday in Bali with Devi Asmarani and Sandra Bicker March 9-17 at Seraya Shores, a boutique beachside resort, and Nirarta Center, a retreat site on a river valley at the foot of Mt. Agung. Deepen your yoga practice, and explore nature in unspoiled East Bali. Special rates for Indonesians and Expats. Contact dasmaran@indo.net. id for further information.

Kindermusik classes for babies (newborn) till 4 years old in Kemang and Menteng. Meet friends, bond with your child and enjoy musical activities together. :-) Enquire at elainewawo@ gmail.com / 0811-882331

For sale Fisher Price swinger Second Rp.500,000 contact 08111881214

personals Senior Malaysian expat of indian origin seeking ladies for discreet companionship with interest in music, weekend clubbings and movies. Ideal for mature students,ladies and single mothers. Financial reward is assured. Reply to rasaputin7@gmail.com

Have you ever wondered what it would like to meet the girl of your dreams? Me –Indonesian, beautiful, young, healthy, funny, affinity for shiny things and an intense desire for excitement with all the luxuries in life at my fingertips. You will be an old daddy type with a luscious head of hair who can show off their darling princess and wants to paint the town pink with a sprinkle of glitter with yours truly. The best things in life aren’t free. Contact me via email xlittleflowerx@hotmail.co.uk

Older male, long term Jakarta resident, seeks occasional discreet Indonesian girlfriend, will assist with monthly living allowance. Ideal for student, single mother. Reply philanders69@yahoo. com

: 085 290 879 973 (bahasa indonesia) 081 325 679 666 (english) www.toko-murah.info Acting fast is the key to the best deals! WEEKLY DELIVERY : JAKARTA - BALI - SEMARANG - BANDUNG - YOGYAKARTA - MEDAN - SURABAYA - MALANG

New COACH shoulder bag 2way [F19761] vermillion Ashley leather convertible. From the USA -- price 3,5 million rupiah -- contact 081317722271

Fossil Authentic Womens Leather Hand Bag Vintage Re-Issue NEW Floral Weekender. Price 3 million rupiah --- 081317722271 Jakarta Expat­­­­ · ­30 January - 12 February 2013



Jakarta Expat­­ · ­26 September - 9 October 2012


Jakarta Expat­­ · 30 January - 12 February 2013

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