Jakarta Expat - issue 72 - Why we love Jakarta

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Jakarta Expat­­ · ­­20 June - 3 July 2012

Indonesia's Largest Expatriate Readership

We Love Jakarta - Rommy Pujianto


72nd Edition


20th June - 3th July 2012


Jakarta Expat­­ · ­20 June - 3 July 2012


72nd Edition | 20 June - 3 July 2012

Editor in Chief Angela Richardson angela@jakartaexpat.biz Assistant Editor Cecilia Forsman cecilia@jakartaexpat.biz Management Edo Frese edo@jakartaexpat.biz Sales Dian Mardianingsih ads@jakartaexpat.biz Silvia Forsman silvia@jakartaexpat.biz Distribution Dian Mardianingsih dian@jakartaexpat.biz Graphics Rukmono Randualas didiet@jakartaexpat.biz Frederick Ng fred@jakartaexpat.biz Finance & Admin Pertiwi Gianto Putri tiwi@jakartaexpat.biz Lini Verawaty lini@jakartaexpat.biz Contributors Ed Caffin Terry Collins Taufik Darusman Jason Hue Sebastien Laurent Juan G. Leysner Neil Little David Metcalfe Eamonn Sadler Antony Sutton Kate Willsky Editorial Enquiries letters@jakartaexpat.biz Circulation Enquiries info@jakartaexpat.biz Subscription info@jakartaexpat.biz Events events@jakartaexpat.biz Jakarta Expat is published bi-weekly by PT. Koleksi Klasik. Opinions expressed in this publication are those of the writers and the publisher does not accept any responsibility for any errors, ommisions, or complaints arising there from.

Dear Readers, It may sound strange, but I have friends who love coming to Jakarta for the weekend. One friend in particular travels from Bali with a carry-on suitcase filled with high-heels and stylish dresses, to soak up as much of the city life she can in the space of two days. She comes here to enjoy the countless choices of trendy hangout spots, the abundance of movie theatres and last but not least, the shopping malls. She loves being able to wear her best heels and head out to the malls and getting dolled up for drinks with her city friends. As the saying goes, you can take the girl out of the city, but you can’t take the city out of the girl. I have to agree with her, we are pretty spoiled in Jakarta. If you want to eat dim sum or even pasta at 4.30 am you can – just head on over to one of Kemang’s 24 hour eateries. If you want to watch a movie on the big screen whilst laying in a bed, you can – the premiere level cinemas have anything from leather lazy boys to beds for Rp.100,000 (around $10) a ticket. If you don’t have a car to get around, no problem – taxis are cheap and ojeks are a speedy solution to navigating your

way through the city’s mayhemic roads as long as you have courage and a good grip, not forgetting to wear a helmet of course. Obviously there are many other reasons for loving life in this city and in this issue we have a humbling one by Neil Little and a chirpy one by returning contributor, Kate Willsky who’s still new in town. We’re also joined by Taufik Darusman, a journalist from Jakarta with a political piece about the upcoming governor elections in Jakarta packed with interesting facts and statistics. The grumpy French man is back with a tickler about his view on expat life in Yogyakarta, central Java and our travel piece takes you to Komodo Island with Ed Caffin. As the official tourism slogan for this city goes, enjoy Jakarta! 

in this 72nd issue: welcome Selamat Datang di Indonesia featured In Jakarta’s Gubernatorial Race, history Bandung's Colonial Legacy travel Living Dragons of Komodo

Money is not Everything

new in town How to Appreciate Jakarta Observations A Little Perspective Please grumpy old men Bule Yogya starlight Let there be Dark meet the expats Kristan Julius faces of jakarta Akasayapudin: The Shoe Repair Man Dodgy Matters Dodgy Matters Light entertainment Motorbikes, Mates and Memorable jakarta expat properties events classifieds


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Jakarta Expat­­ · ­­20 June - 3 July 2012


by Jason Hue


Soekarno- Hatta Airport (Jakarta) you may have had an unpleasant experience to share. By the end of this article, I hope that you are able to pick up some pointers, hence, travel with a thicker wallet.

OJEKS The next time you are stuck in traffic on the way to the airport, try looking out of the window just as you are approaching Terminal 1. Several ojek drivers ply their trade underneath the shady trees- offering a valuable service to those in desperation. For those running late for their flight, these ojek drivers can be a life saver. As the old cliché goes ‘Beggars can’t be choosers’ and if there’s a plane to catch, one is left with little choice.

Porters can be extremely useful if you have a bad back or travelling with lots of bags. They will do all the heavy lifting. Hiring a porter also minimizes queuing time while clearing customs as they will skilfully lead you to the front of the queue. If someone swears at you, give them a confused look and point to the porter, gesturing ‘’ I’m with him’’.

Engaging their services may cost you, despite the distance being a mere 1km away- they may demand as high as Rp.80,000 for a ride on their Suzuki. Mind you, Rp.80,000 is almost equivalent as my taxi fare from West Jakarta). The bright side - at least you arrive on time and it’s still way cheaper than buying a new ticket (at last minute prices).

CUSTOMS In my opinion, the Customs department should be controlling what items come into the country, and not vice versa. However, even when leaving the country, the officers screening your bags may try to make a quick buck by claiming that those key-chains or handicrafts in your luggage require special permits to be taken out of Indonesia. Do not fret, as they are quick to offer a solution that by making a small ‘donation’, an intangible permit can be obtained instantly. The officers then offer assurance that you would not be stopped by their colleagues for further questioning. Insistence of an official receipt may get you an airport sticker.

IMMIGRATION At the immigration counters, be mindful to have your travel documents in place. Whether upon arrival or departure, the officer may randomly ask to view them. Failure to do so may result in them giving you a hard time. Some officers may either invite you for a chat in their holding room, while the bolder ones may directly pose the question, ‘‘Is there something for me?’’

TAXIS It is useful to note that some taxi/limousine companies operate two counters (one inside the airport terminal and another one outside). Purchasing from the (inside) counters may give you assurance of transportation but be prepared to pay a handsome fee. However, if you were to ignore them and walk outside, you can still get a taxi (from the same company) at half the price.

PORTERS After getting a stamp on your passport, you will quite likely be greeted by Porters. They are easily identifiable by their warm smile and uniforms. While they may be official employees of the airport, the fees for their services varydepending on how gullible (or generous) you look.

On the way out, you will also be hounded by countless touts claiming to represent reputable taxi companies. Once they have targeted you, they would cling on like a leech and offer you their services at slightly above market prices. Don’t take this the wrong way, as once you get past the airport-related negativities, Indonesia has many, many positive experiences to offer. ■

JASON HUE A milk bottle in one hand and a Blackberry in the other hand, Jason hails from neighboring Malaysia and currently resides in Jakarta with his better-half and chatty little princess. To get in touch email Jason.Hue@bda.co.id


Jakarta Expat足足 揃 足20 June - 3 July 2012


Jakarta Expat­­ · ­­20 June - 3 July 2012


In Jakarta’s Gubernatorial Race, Money is Not Everything By Taufik Darusman

By late afternoon on July 11, the day Jakartans will be casting their votes, most of them will already have an idea who their next governor will be for the next five years.


n the arena are incumbent Governor Fauzi Bowo, who is paired with Nachrowi Ramli, the chairman of the Jakarta branch of the ruling Democratic Party; Alex Noerdin, the governor of South Sumatra, with Nono Sampurno, a former Marine general, as his running mate; and Joko Widodo, popularly known as Jokowi, the mayor of Solo, who is in the race with Basuki “Ahok” Tjahja Purnama, the former head of Belitung district in Bangka-Belitung province. The other three tickets are former Speaker of the People’s Consultative Assembly (MPR) Hidayat Nur Wahid and economist Didik J. Rachbini, both of whom are backed by the Prosperous Justice Party (PKS) and the National Mandate Party (PAN), and two independent candidates, namely economist Faisal Basri and retired Army general Hendardji Soepandji. Faisal and Hendardji have prominent Jakarta community figures as their running mates, a wise but apparently ineffective choice as surveys show so far. According to the election commission, the net worth of the six tickets are some Rp.180 billion or an average of about Rp.30 billion each ticket. Fauzi, a career Jakarta municipality employee, personally leads the pack at about Rp.50 billion. For the past three months, the six candidates have been busy jockeying for the Jakarta governor’s seat, pressing flesh with the city’s populace. During campaign rallies, election staff members dole out cash money, distribute free T-shirts and lunch boxes as candidates make their sales pitch. The latest surveys show Fauzi leading with Joko and Hidayat, respectively, trailing behind. By law, a candidate wins if he receives more than 50% of the votes. However, most analysts agree that the race will be so tight that a second round seems inevitable, which would be held on September 20. But in the end, it seems to matter little to Jakartans as to who will oversee their lives until 2017. As they see it, Jakarta’s problems are so overwhelming and insurmountable, any ticket will do. Said one long-time Jakarta resident: “The problems are perennial, while the funds needed to address them will never be available. So it doesn’t really matter who the next governor will be. The difference will be a matter of style and emphasis only.” Most believe in the conventional wisdom that only someone with a military background would be able to get the chaotic city in order. As they see it, “Jakarta is run by thugs and the mafia”. But in the grand scheme of things, that seems a minor issue. For Jakarta the 2012 total budget of Rp.36 trillion (about $4 billion) focuses on education, transport,

flood control measures, environment and housing, and makes no mention of rooting out crime. From legislators’ perspectives, who approve the budget, that is strictly a Jakarta Police matter. While Fauzi’s leadership can hardly be described as aweinspiring or imaginative, he has actually earned several feathers on his cap. Official figures show that the number of poor dropped from 4.48% in 2007 to 3.64% in 2011. In the economic front, it grew from 6.44% in 2007 to an albeit modest 6.70% in 2011. Meanwhile, the East Flood Canal (BKT) in eastern Jakarta was completed in 2011 in ways that enabled it to protect 2.7 million inhabitants in East Jakarta from floods. It must be said, however, that the project is planned and funded by the central government. By the same token, Jakartans’ level of welfare rose on the back of the construction boom of the private sector, and not by any means due to any municipality initiative. In other words, Jakartans would still get the BKT and new malls anyway, no matter who the governor is. High on Jakartans’ minds, of course, is the horrible traffic with little signs of improvement. According to Jakarta Police, about 7 million motor vehicles comprising 4,800,000 motorcycles and 2, 500,000 four-wheel cars were on Jakarta’s streets in 2011 on a daily basis. On average, about 1,100 new motorcycles and 216 new cars hit the city’s streets every day. While the total number grows by 9% per year, the same period sees new roads being built at the pathetic rate of 0.01%. Sure, you can build a couple of overpasses and underpasses here and there, but only so much. Again, no matter who wins the gubernatorial race, he will not be able to solve the problem anytime soon. As campaign managers mull which streets in Jakarta need to be canvassed with banners or posters of their deep-pocket candidates, or which districts call for them to make their personal appearances in, they will find out money is there for the asking. They will also find out that money is not everything; what matters most is the voter’s perception over who can deliver the promise for a better Jakarta. It would be interesting if Jakartans decide to vote for ‘outsiders’ such as Noerdin or Joko. Now, that is a fresh approach to an issue money cannot buy. 

Taufik Darusman Taufik Darusman is a Jakarta-based journalist who has written several books. His latest work is Periphery: Notes from the Sidelines on Post-reform Indonesia, available at quality bookstores. Contact him at tdarusman@hotmail.com


Jakarta Jakarta Expat­­ Expat­­ ·· ­­20 9 May June- 22 - 3 May July 2012


• Hotel Preanger

By Antony Sutton

Bandung, with its factory outlets and bakeries selling the ubiquitous brownie, this city has long been a favourite destination for Jakarta folk looking for a cooler shopping experience.


ow, of course, with the advent of budget airlines it’s not only Indonesians flocking to splash the cash. People from Malaysia and Singapore are discovering it makes for a refreshing weekend break. There has been a Bandung going back many centuries. But the Bandung that hosted the Asia Africa Conference, the city that attracts visitors and locals alike, is to all intents and purposes a Dutch creation. It was the Dutch who insisted the original village be moved a few miles, it was the Dutch who brought the railway and it was the Dutch who made Bandung a must see on the nascent round the world tour with their gardens and Art Deco architecture in the early 20th Century. It was therefore a bit of a surprise that the Indonesians, in their infancy as a sovereign state, should select the city to showcase the rise of the new breed of country carved out of the empire. The 1955 Asia Africa Conference, hosted in this West Javan city, was supposed to point the way forward for the new nation states that had just rid themselves of their unwanted overlords and their paternalism. The final communiqué mapped the way forward and offered a brighter future from lessons learned the hard way.

If Bandung can be said to have a centre then it is probably where the Grand Preanger Hotel now stands on Jl. Asia Afrika. This is the original Groote Post Weg. Just a few steps from the Preanger is a KM 0 marker which marks the start of the road that was to reach the length of Java. Cross the road and enter the Art Deco Savoy Homann Hotel. Back in the 1920’s Bandung was known as the Paris of the East for its leafy boulevards and fashionable cafés that lined Jalan Braga. When the beautiful people came to stay they stayed in the Savoy Homann, among them Charlie Chaplin. The smooth rounded edges of the hotel’s exterior lead some to call this the ‘Ocean liner’ style of Amsterdam Art Deco. Today crossing the road after about 9 am isn’t for the feint hearted but back in Bandung’s heyday the guests of the Savoy Homann would cross it to socialize in the Concordia Society. The planters and civil servants who called Bandung home would chat at the bar while the ladies and their beau would flirt in the large ballroom making the Concordia THE place to be. A generation, a war and an independence later it was the likes of Sukarno, Jawarhal Neru, Nassar and Zhou En-Lai who came together for the 1955 Conference that gave this road its name. One wonders what the leaders of the new and ostensibly unaligned nations thought of the ostentatious surroundings where they drew up their final communiqué. Today this proud building stands in silent homage to a different era. Its curved walls have seen much change down the years but for now, named Gedung Merdeka, it is a humble museum detailing the events and the characters of that 1955 conference when, momentarily, the eyes of the world were on Bandung.

• Hotel Homann

Just a short walk west is the alun alun (public square found in traditional Javanese cities like Cirebon, Solo and Yogyakarta). After the colonial styles earlier we now fall headlong into something truly indigenous yet vital. For it was here that the Bandung chief at the time, R.A.Wiranatakusumah, relocated his seat of government under the ‘guidance’ of the Governor General of the early 19th Century, Herman Daendals.

On the north side is the Great Post Office, a throwback to the early days of the Groote Postweg while a road heading north, Jl. Banceuy also hints at a historical postal connection. Banceuy is a Sundanese word meaning post horses and they were probably stabled in the vicinity though as you stand gazing at the traffic you wonder how any four legged animal would last five minutes, let alone a horse. Take the next turning right along Jl. Otto Iskander and you enter Pasar Baru. A panther made the mistake of coming here back in 1920 only to be gunned down for its troubles. This road and the side streets leading off it has some interesting old buildings that survive into the modern age. Before the Dutch started coming here in numbers there was little in the way of a Chinese population but that changed during the 19th century as large profits were made in the nearby hills and the railway which arrived in 1884 promised to deliver products to Jakarta in about three hours. Even back in those far off days, railway tracks divided towns. South of the tracks was where people played; the cafes and bakeries on Jl. Braga, the Concordia, the Savoy. North, as the road gently rose, was where people lived, defended and ran the growing town and its environs. Just by the Hyatt Hotel today stand some impressive white washed buildings. After the chaos of Jl. Asia Afrika it is refreshing to walk along the wide, quiet roads that surround the military cantonments today used by the Indonesian forces. Today’s visitor comes not for the old buildings or the history that stirs in Bandung’s streets but rather its factory outlets. Every weekend the new toll road from Jakarta is clogged as families fill the car and head south to the cooler climes and the cheaper prices. Jl. Martadinata, popularly known as Jl. Riau is a Mecca for these shoppers eyeing a bargain. On the corner of Jl. Riau, you may notice in this area the streets are named after far flung islands in the archipelago, and Jl. Banda stands a factory outlet. No surprise there. But this particular shop is housed in a grand old house dating back some 100 years. In another time it was home to a planter, a pioneer who made his mint in the lush Parahyangan Mountains that surround this cool city. Perhaps, after a busy day checking the accounts, he would mount his horse and head

back the way we have just come, through the cantonments, across the railway line, down Jl. Braga to the Concordia for some cold refreshments. This single story house with its columns surrounding the front door seems ill at ease with its current incarnation. The cars that fill its car park seem almost to insult this grand old dame but the empire is gone. It is not for visitors to decide what should happen to a town’s heritage. Bandung’s icon is the Gedung Sate but it was Dutch built and with this building the Dutch were making a statement. They wanted to move their capital from Jakarta, then known as Batavia, to Bandung and they wanted to rule their far flung empire from this Gerber designed building. With a nod to local influences the central tower was topped off with a traditional three tiered roof and atop that was a single stick of sate; small chunks of meat skewered and ready to eat. Time dictated the Dutch weren’t to rule from Bandung. 25 years after Gedung Sate was built the Indonesians were proclaiming independence. A planned avenue leading to the mystical Tangkuban Perahu was finally built by people who perhaps understood the sacred link between the rulers and the spirit of the mountain that dominates the skyline to the north. Our journey through Bandung has taken us back through time and right up to the modern day. Daendals forced relocation of the original village, we’ve seen where the elite played and stayed but we end up gazing at a mountain that has inspired generations of young Indonesians. That perhaps is the abiding memory of colonialism. It is ephemeral, it can never last because while a people’s body maybe subjugated, their soul can never be if they don’t allow it. 

Antony Sutton Antony is a freelance writer based in Jakarta. Please send comments and suggestions to antony@the-spiceislands.com


Jakarta Expat­­ · ­­9 20May June- 22 - 3May July 2012 2012


Living Dragons of Komodo By Ed Caffin

The marvellous Komodo National Park is arguably one of the most interesting places to visit in Indonesia. Located on the edge of the Lesser Sunda Islands, it consists of a number of phenomenal islands, surrounded by clear blue coral seas, abundant with marine life.


ut above all, the park is home to a truly remarkable creature, the Komodo dragon, the world’s largest lizard. Spending a few days in the heart of dragon territory will prove to be unforgettable. Komodo National Park comprises more than 1,700 square kilometres and was established in 1980 in order to conserve the Komodo dragon. Currently there are still around 5,000 of them, divided into smaller populations on Komodo, Rinca and two other islands in the park, and a small coastal strip on Flores. The national park was declared a World Heritage Site by UNESCO in 1986 and over the years it has been dedicated to protect the habitat of other land and marine species too.

Although meeting the Komodo dragon might be your main reason to go all the way here, the park boasts a few other spectacular attractions. The formidable seas around the volcanic islands are widely regarded as one of the top diving sites in the world. Expect to see amazing coral, thousands of fish species, various types of sharks, turtles, dolphins and manta rays. During the right season, whales can also be spotted in the waters. The park is easily accessible and can best be visited from Labuan bajo, a pleasant port-town in Western Flores. There is a small airport with flights connecting to Bali four times a week, and a harbour which has daily

ferries to and from Sumbawa. On the snugly tourist strip of Luabanbajo, just behind the harbour, around a dozen tour operators offer trips into the park. There are mostly two or three day trips, including snorkelling and a guided tour over the two main islands of the park, Komodo and Rinca, to spot the dragons. Prices vary widely - the more people go on a trip, the cheaper it gets - but also seem to depend on who you know (some hotels seem to have the best contacts) and how hard you can bargain. Diving trips can be booked separately at a few diving schools in Labuan bajo. Almost all have decent equipment and are reasonably priced. For many however, seeing a Komodo dragon up close is the highlight of a trip to the park. And rightly so: an encounter with the dragon, known as ora to the Komodo islanders, is quite something. For one, it is an intimidating animal. An adult version can grow up to 2.5 metres, usually weighing around 70 kilograms. Its mouth is full of bacteria and accompanied by 60 serrated teeth.

difficult) can be booked at the park offices. All tours offer sublime views over the island and seeing a dragon is guaranteed – although some guides want to make you believe it is your lucky day if you spot one. If not in the wild, you’ll at least see a few dragons scavenging or lying around the park’s office kitchen. Although they seem half asleep most of the time, they can attack suddenly and run really fast. So avoid being a hero, and don’t draw to close. Remember you are in its territory. If you are truly lucky and one starts chasing you, climb a tree to save yourself. Choose a comfortable one though. Ora might hang around for a while… 

ED Caffin

Studied psychology and specialized in professional communication, education and training. He traveled throughout Asia and worked at projects in Indonesia. Currently, he teaches psychology at the Hogeschool van Amsterdam. For latitudes he writes about Indonesia, politics, culture and travel. edcaffin@yahoo.com

Although it seems to be lounging lazily for most of the day, it is a truly ferocious predator. It will wait for a weak or for injured prey to come near, its mouth dripping with infectious saliva. When it has the chance it bites its victim, usually only once, infecting it with bacteria. Then it patiently stalks its victim up to several days until it finally dies and will slowly devour its carcass. If you are still up for it, it is quite easy to spot dragons on Komodo or Rinca, even in the wild. Every day, various types of guided tours (short, long, easy or

References MUYS, Piet, 1999, The Story of Indo-Rock, http://indorock.pmouse.nl/story.htm, accessed May 17, 2012. NORMAN, Philip 1981, Shout: the True Story of the Beatles, Hamish Hamilton, London


Dachlan is a retired teacher and librarian who first visited Indonesia for the Subud World Congress in 1971. He then worked as a VSO at the Bandung Institute of Technology, where he met his wife Srie. They have two children, Munadi and Rianti.


Jakarta Expat­­ · ­20 June - 3 July 2012

New in Town

How to Appreciate

Jakarta By Kate Willsky

• I can haz kitty?

We went to Singapore last week. Singapore welcomed us with cleanliness, efficiency, impeccably functioning infrastructure, competent service, and an attention to aesthetic minutiae (see: beautiful climbing ivy planted on temporary metal fencing around a construction zone) that makes the unpleasant or mundane enriching and joyful.


ut, you know, I don’t live in Singapore. Both a wide sea and several income brackets separate me from doing so, and so pining for its pleasantness is a purely masochistic exercise. Thus, I now bend to the task of appreciating—which is different than tolerating—Jakarta. So, what has Jakarta done for me lately? What, in this city, brings my life joy or laughter or insight or education? Well, for one thing, there are kittens everywhere. I’m allergic to cats and fully understand the health and animal control repercussions of stray kittens on every street corner, but, come on, how can seeing this when you leave the house in the morning not get your day off to a good start? Arguably even better, there are lizards everywhere. And these lizards are damn cute. The smallest are about the size of a piece of Orbitz gum, and the biggest iPhone-length. They’re all over our porch and our floors, and sometimes at dinner we’ll look up and see one clinging to the dining room ceiling, and, my personal favourite, there’s a big guy who seems to live in our silverware drawer, with whom I have a panicked, almost-daily communion when I go to get a spoon for my yogurt. I doubt lizards are even allowed in Singapore. The people here are so happy. I know, that’s a generalization and comes from the perspective of an outsider who’s only lived here for a bit over a month, but it’s been corroborated both by other foreigners who have been here some time, and by my daily wanderings down the noisy streets. Bajaj drivers, 7-11 clerks, sweat-glistening stick-thin men hauling enormous wooden carts of trash up traffic-crammed hills during a 90°F noon—if you catch their eyes, chances are they’ll wave back happily and beam at you, as if to say, “Isn’t this all just grand?!”

• Cheap and delicious Nasi Uduk

I’m never cold here. Not that I was cold in Singapore, but this doesn’t need to be a strictly comparative list. All that matters is that where I currently live, I never have to be cold for longer than it takes me to roll down the window of an overly air-conditioned taxi. For anyone who knows me (and for those of you who don’t, let me just fill you in: I’m always cold), this is a big deal.

There are no tourists here. Singapore, a rich, bustling, and Westerner-friendly hub, teems with tourists. With fannypacks and Tevas, with picture-snapping tour groups, with map-wielding dads who walk into people just trying to make it down the street and mind their own business, thank you very much. This is not a pleasant cohort with which to coexist. On the other hand, nobody really “tours” Jakarta, per se. I may be foreign and out of my element, but I don’t gawk and point and pose with the wandering chickens and overflowing durian stands and rancid open sewers, and, because nobody else really wants to do that either, I don’t have to tolerate the gawking and pointing and posing of others. But above all, trumping all of the above and constituting the one area in which Jakarta really gives Singapore or San Francisco or Paris a run for their money, awesomenesswise, is the cost of street food. Nasi goreng, nasi uduk, mie goreng, bubur ayam, sate, siomay—endless joys await you in these little streetside stands. Full dinners—made on the spot with local ingredients and by natives who probably learned these dishes in their family kitchens, served with prawn chips and maybe an avocado or dragonfruit or sirsak smoothie, on a warm night at a cool table—these meals will set you back, depending on what you order, about $1 USD, maybe 2, possibly 3 if you get crazy and add a drink. Seriously. Seriously. Cup o’ Noodles seems like a yuppie splurge by comparison. Last night, for instance, I got two orders of nasi goreng especial (spicy seasoned fried rice with vegetables, a hot fried egg, and crispy prawn crackers), enough to fill both me and M, for Rp.22,000. For those of you not fluent in rupiah-dollar conversions, that’s about $2.34. Dinner for two for under $3. And believe me, I appreciated the hell out of that meal. 

Kate Willsky Kate is a freelance writer who can eat a medium-to-large muffin in one bite and do a split with a beer can balanced on her head. She loves bad music and good books, and writes about various things at http://journalsandjackfruit. wordpress.com


Jakarta Expat­­ · ­­20 June - 3 July 2012


A Little Perspective Please… By Neil Little

Sitting in the Bali domestic airport it can be easy to forget the reasons why I call Indonesia home, no doubt it’s needless to remind you of the challenges to make your way from North Bali, battling sand trucks, to Denpasar Domestic Terminal, not to mention the next round of beep, honk and screech to make it home to bustling Mega Kuningan. I’m not here to bore you with another round of traffic talk, however.


y move to Indonesia was one full of ignorance. I wasn’t the typical Aussie making my way to Bali for an annual beach and night club pilgrimage. Frankly speaking, my Indonesian experience was based on six months of Bahasa Indonesia in first semester high school - forgotten by second semester, the Schapelle Corby drug scandal and of course the tragic Bali bombings. Sad I know. It was actually a well timed Indonesian tourism advertisement that swayed my list of pros and cons and converted me to make the move. Sometimes you have to follow the signs. After only two years in the Big Durian I’m proud to call Indonesia home. By now I hope my colleagues and friends wouldn’t pass me off as a typical Aussie tourist, sporting my best Bintang t-shirt, or expat for that matter. The reality of, what I like to call, sustainable life in Jakarta has to kick in at some point, well at least for most of us. If you’re still reading then possibly you have experienced a similar passage to expat enlightenment. Laughing are we? Well I probably wouldn’t go as far as to call myself enlightened, perhaps aware is better placed. After all, if it was easy everybody would be doing it, right? In any case, today I see this country and my new home from a very different perspective. I’ll sight a recent trip to Brisbane (my home town) to prompt my discussion for why it is I love this place. Before

even setting foot in the country I was reminded of how much a nanny state Australia has become. For example, how to engage the exit 101. After three warnings over the loud speaker and two additional warnings from the nameless airline hosts I was sure we would be faced with a death defying “Indiana Jones” departure. I was certainly disappointed to find a mere step, not even a gap, for which the most incapable of all human beings could navigate. So the question beckoned me, at what point was it declared that we are all simpletons incapable of navigating a step or walkway? And the list went on and on: stand here, walk there, behind the line Sir, plastic cups, light beer and I’m sure you can think of more from your own home Singapore please stand up. So what’s the point I hear you asking? Well consider the freedom to consider yourself personally accountable for almost every action and moral decision you make. When was the last time you were pulled over for drink driving or J-walking? Walking home only last week I was distracted by the unnecessarily enormous Mega Kuningan video screens and collected my leg on what seemed to be a perfectly inconvenient light post. Who else did I have to blame, now really... Of course I wouldn’t be so ignorant to consider our home “free”. We are every day confronted with moral dilemmas, social, political and personal. When did it become the norm, for example, to not recognize the mother and baby begging for their next meal outside the local warung makan? It was my wise mother who repeatedly said, “Every cloud has a silver lining son”, and has there ever been a truer word spoken when we take the time to acknowledge life’s everyday hardships in contrast to our day to day travesties - like not being able to afford the high priced designer watch and settling with something less. I would hope this would become less of an issue when you are faced with that mother and child every day. All I ask is

for a little perspective, people. Perspective I hear your grunting… Come on I say, when was it you last took the time to acknowledge the feeling of gratitude when observing the recycling man collecting your rubbish via man-drawn cart in Jakarta’s heat, traffic and pollution, all for a mere Rp.50,000 a day? If he doesn’t help you to free yourself of the everyday stresses of buying your next designer watch or investment property, I don’t know what will. When first considering “the things I love about Indonesia” it was easy to pick the low hanging fruit - house help, drivers, sapphire cards, weekend trips to tropical islands, an insatiable night life and how can I forget my favorite, sambal. Only after scrapping the first few attempts did I realize it’s not the low hanging fruit that helps brew my love for this place. It’s the love of accountability, the million and one reasons outside my door that humbles my very existence and gives me perspective for what is really good fortune. As I look back at my run in with the perfectly placed light post I really only have myself to blame and I’m more than confident that the same principle can be applied to all aspects to our life in Indonesia. As an expat we are by definition here to help pass on knowledge and teach those around us the lessons we have been fortunate to already learn. At times though I do wonder who the real teacher is, thank you Indonesia. 

neil little Neil is a 2 year resident of Jakarta and earns a crust with PT Adaro Indonesia. He wishes life could sometimes be just a little less serious.


Grumpy Old Men

Jakarta Expat­­ · ­20 June - 3 July 2012

Bule Yogya By Sebastien Laurent

8 months ago, after my controversial column about Bali, I received some very nice emails from you guys. Thanks a lot. Some others were pleasant too, like, “Sebastien Laurent, you are a f***ing French bastard!” or, “Sebastien Laurent, don’t even try to land in Bali if you want to stay alive!” One email was a bit harsh but logical: “Please, apparently you share your time between Jakarta and Yogya… Then tell us about the amazing expats in Yogya.”


will tell you about my “bule” (expat) friends in Yogya… I should start by saying that the expat community in Yogya is so small that you will barely cross them in the city. Only in a few places like Via Via café, Hani’s Bakery, Gadjah Wong resto, Zango resto, Monico café, Asmara café or in those nice and trendy malls where you will be finger pointed by the locals. It’s only funny during the first week of living here… After that… Hum.. Not really, but at least it makes us understand what it feels like to be a monkey in the zoo all day long. So we have basically four categories of expats here.

The first category I will mention as “the business people “who basically hate each other which makes it difficult or dangerous to organize a dinner with more than five guests. We mostly think that without us Yogya will be missing knowledgeable things like design, art, technology and food (but this is basically an international and not nice expat feeling right?). We also try to convince ourselves and our visitors that this city is as trendy as Paris or London, but we still like to escape from here as often as we can. The best place we have found for a drink is an ugly and noisy boulevard where they propose a mono product concept, the Bintang concept (local beer)! We all pretend to be happy with these four nightclubs including one that recently closed. Most of the business people are married with some nice and strong local ladies who try their best to support their husbands (the other way around is also true). We try to meet as often as we can to share about culture and art by playing footsal, paintball, off-road motocross, cycle, and clubbing! If you want to meet them all at once then you go to the Hyatt Hotel pool on a Sunday. This is the “South African white/Chinese camp” in Yogya - the familial camp. This is the only meeting I skip, the other ones, I am one of the guys and I’ve got the opportunity to meet people that I would never have met in Europe and that’s extremely positive. The second group could be named “the hippies/ intellectuals/artist people”. They have decided to live a very long and interesting life experience. A priest promises to not have sex, and this group decides to not have money! Kind of a big group, a big mix, they like yoga, vegetarian stuff, alternative energy and green fair trade stories. I recognize that they are nice and very well integrated with the locals as they HAVE to share their lifestyle by eating in the street and living in some very nice 50sqm wooden house. They mostly are involved in real cultural events (which is good) and they are in total panic if you mention the words: immigration, Singapore or business.

The third group are “the NGO people” who are less and less (thank God). They were supposed to stay for six months after the bad earthquake in 2006 but kind of enjoyed the “business group comfort lifestyle” with a nice feeling to save the world by enjoying the pool in the Hyatt Hotel. Non-governmental organizations apparently doesn’t mean non profitable organizations ya? They are well integrated in the “business group” and they even have a better lifestyle sometimes. I crossed one of them in the Garuda lounge last week, he is a good friend of mine and he was looking like a perfect businessman - trendy and over equipped (iPad, BB, laptop, fantastic rolling suitcase, Ray Bans). I looked like a gypsy next to him (I also look like a gypsy next to gypsies my mother would say).

And finally the forth group: “the pensioned group”, mostly Dutch, and apparently happy to have left their homeland, soon underwater, to get some cheap beers here (by the thousands). Honestly we barely meet them as they’re kind of secretive people - certainly plenty of “sleeping agents” from the CIA who spy on us from time to time. I sometimes cross them in the street and they always look at me with suspicious eyes. Then they immediately write a small note in their black carnet. That’s a bit scary ya, but I believe they need to entertain themselves by believing that the Dutch government still needs them here. I have to say that I strangely fit with most of the different groups despite the fact that I am a part of the devil “business group”. But I will tell you now why it is a bit unique... An unfortunate and sad event has opened my eyes to the positive aspects of these four mixed groups. About two years ago, we lost one of the nicest old figures of the expat community in Yogya; a 65-year old Canadian friend, ex journalist, ex university professor, a writer, a poet, an intelligent and open-minded gentleman. It was very sudden and a group of friends decided to make a simple ceremony. I arrived in the furniture factory of one of his best friends, a European businessman. The ceremony was held in a large and simple courtyard, a table console was displayed in the middle with some flowers, candles and a few pictures of our friend. I saw people arriving by the dozens and I suddenly understood why Yogya was a bit unique. The four categories mentioned above were well represented and everybody was chatting. It was kind of unreal: locals, business people, intellectuals, NGOs, pensioners. It wasn’t only due to the personality of our friend; it was also because Yogya has this magical way of mixing people. We listened to some very beautiful texts translated in French and English by his close friends then we all stood up in a big circle - a very emotional moment. I normally hate those kind of things as I am certainly too sarcastic and always find a way to misbehave even when it’s not proper at all (my mother will also confirm). And suddenly another unpredictable moment. One of his best and very old friends, a native American Indian, a very tall and skinny guy with long hair, wanted to sing an American Indian song. I know it can seem a bit cliché or funny but it was not. So he started to sing those strange words and sounds that you can hear in some old Cowboys versus Indians movies. Those strange words climbed to the sky. First I think that it was not an easy performance at all, and suddenly I must say that I had been submerged by a big emotion to see all my friends and all these messy groups. Together, standing up and listening to those ancestral words

from the other side of the world with candles moving in the air, I thought, “How come some Dutch, French, German, British, American businessmen, hippies, writers, pensioners, local workers, volunteers, artists, IT programmers, chocolate makers could stand up together in the middle of a warehouse in Yogyakarta listening an American Indian song?!” Our friend always thought that Yogya was a bit special and that night I am sure that he was also very proud to have been a part of this messy mix of strange people. And myself, that night I felt lots of energy from all those different people. While those words were climbing high into the sky, I was also happy to be a part of this big mess. 

The name of our friend was “Georges Khal” (1945 Palestine - 2010 Yogyakarta). He was a great man.

Sebastien laurent Sebastien is an antiques dealer. To rant and rave at him email: sebastienlaurent@hotmail.com

Jakarta Expat­­ · ­­20 June - 3 July 2012



Jakarta Expat­­ · ­20 June - 3 July 2012


By Terry Collins

“... the sight of stars always sets me dreaming…” - Vincent Van Gogh


he front terrace of Jakartass Towers faces east and that is where we sit on the cloudless nights of a full moon. On May 6th and 7th, it appeared to be exceptionally large. Of course, it hadn’t actually grown in bulk, but was both full and at its perigree, its closest point to Earth, at 27,000 kilometres less than its average distance of 384403 kms.

light reflected from the cloud covered night sky.

On the 7th, I called to Our Kid and ‘Er Indoors to come and witness this rare event. He came out, but she said that she’d already seen it on television!

According to a 2008 report from the Alliance for Rural Electrification, some 80 million Indonesians lacked any access to electricity, yet urban areas cast their beams to where they are not needed. What a waste of fuel and human potential!

And therein lies the root of most of our urban problems: we’ve lost touch with the reality of the cosmos, of which Planet Earth is but an infinitesimal speck. We may grumble, but do little, about the pollution brought about by the rapid urbanisation of Jakarta’s floodplain. Anyone flying in during daylight hours can see the overlaying film of smog over the city caused by too much traffic. Returnees from the countryside can smell the city, a pungent mix of unfiltered exhaust fumes, clogged up rivers and drains, street food stalls, kretek cigarettes and the many and varied meals cooked at roadside warungs. Apart from those of us with hearing problems, we all suffer the stress of noise, ranging from the neighbour’s incessant dangdut played at level 11, to Hell’s Cherubs who’ve removed the mufflers from their motorbike exhaust systems, and to the distorted amplification from the myriad mosques dotted throughout our communities, a pet peeve of Vice President Boediono. But, as my opening suggests, there’s another kind of pollution which affects us all yet is rarely recognised. Jakartans, ask yourselves when you last spotted a star twinkling in the night sky. Wherever you were, it wasn’t here. Frequent localised power cuts are a valid excuse to leave the confines of one’s home and to sit outside. Alternative light sources such as candles, oil lamps and switched on ‘smart’ phones aren’t necessary because it is possible to make out conversational companions. They are visible thanks to the

Isn’t it sad that that in our towns and cities, the light from deep outer space, which has travelled for many millions of years from the distant stars and galaxies above us, ends its journey blocked high above the ground as a result of the light from humans?

Of course, it’s not just Jakarta which has this problem. The one observatory in the country, the Bosscha Observatory founded in 1928, which comes under the umbrella of the Bandung Institute of Technology (I.T.B.), is unable to operate effectively because of nightblight, the interference from the bright lights of the city below and encroaching housing and tourist developments. Earth Hour, the global movement to encourage folk to switch off their lights for one hour a year, is but a start. A lot more can and should be done. The only lights which need to point skywards at night are those delineating airport runways. The rest of us need light where we are, on the ground. There are easy solutions to this problem: adjust energy-saving street lamps, security lights and spotlights so that they point downwards. Similarly obtrusive illuminated advertising hoardings could feasibly be switched off at night, vehicle inspections should regularly check that headlamps do not beam upwards, and curtains could be mandatory.

Astronomy, the study-science of the universe, is necessary knowledge for navigators in the event of GPS apps going offline. It is also needed to determine, through the sighting of the thin crescent of the new moon, the start of the Muslim fasting month, while the timing of the five daily prayers is set by the position of the sun. Space fans have the option of visiting one of the three

planetariums in Indonesia: the Jakarta Planetarium, in Taman Ismail Mazurki (TIM), built in 1964, the Indonesian Navy Academy Planetarium in Surabaya, and the Planetarium Jagad Raya in Tenggarong, East Kalimantan founded in 2002. Offering access to both the public and school groups, they all have an educational value. However, sitting in an enclosed darkened room with ceilings dotted with lights is but a vicarious experience compared to the intensity of emotion which envelops you when you gaze into the immensity of the cosmos.

Astrology. My Websters dictionary defines astrology as a “pseudoscience based on the notion that the position of the moon, sun and stars affect human affairs and that by studying them one can foretell the future.” Astrology determines the Javanese calendar and which Star Sign we’re born under. As a typical Aquarian, I never read mine but do I accept that the Moon, which governs the ocean’s tides, can have an affect on humans. After all, depending on one’s age and intake of liquids, we are over 55% water and generally go mad once a month. 

Night sky photos acknowledgements Earth from the sky: http://growglobally.org/wp-content/uploads/2010/11/night-sky.jpg The sky from Earth: http://blog.askyfullofstars.com Night sky in Bintan: http://photos.derickrethans.nl/asia05-bintan/aai Websites Earth Hour http://www.earthhour.org Southern Sky: http://langitselatan.com/ - an astronomy site in bhs. Indonesia Planetariums: http://www.aprsaf.org/data/w_sea_data/March3%20Presentations/3_12Hidayat.pdf Indonesia’s astrology chart: http://www.celestialinsight.com.au/articles/57.html History of Indonesian astronomy: http://dhani.singcat.com/files/under_a_tropical_sky.pdf

Terry Collins Terry Collins is the co-author of Culture Shock! Jakarta and writes the Jakartass blog.


Jakarta Expat­­ · ­­20 June - 3 July 2012

Paying too much for your health insurance?

then you need




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Living in Indonesia is a wonderful experience whilst you are fit and well, but suffer an unforeseen accident or illness then the cost of treatment can become a financial burden especially if you need to travel overseas for your medical treatment. The best solution is to insure against an unforeseen accident or illness with international private medical insurance that can be purchased at an affordable price. Employees of large companies generally enjoy lower medical insurance premiums because an insurance company will provide a group discount as well as a claims experience discount.

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Jakarta Expat­­ · ­20 June - 3 July 2012

Meet the Expats

best young people imaginable. They give me great hope for the future. Why did you decide to become a teacher, was it something you’ve always wanted to pursue? When I was 11 and 12, I ran a “summer camp” for neighbourhood kids and my parents were convinced I would become a teacher. I come from a long line of educators my grandfather was the head of the secondary education department at Teacher’s College, Columbia University, my father a renowned head of school in numerous districts in southern Connecticut and New York, while currently my brother is the Head of the Friends School of Atlanta, Georgia, and both my sister and my brother-in-law have taught at the University of Virginia. However, I decided to pursue Literature in university. Only after a few years of relatively uninspiring jobs did I return to school to get certified to teach.

Bon voyage

Kristan Julius! The elementary school teacher from America with a passion for education and 24 years worth of fond memories in Jakarta Let’s start with the basics, where are you from? I’m originally from the United States, but I have been living and teaching internationally in former Yugoslavia, Israel, England and Indonesia for most of my adult life. How long have you been a resident of Jakarta? 24 wonderful years!

Kristan and her family enjoying a ride in a Jakarta bajaj.

Kristan at ISAS Rugby.

In your opinion, how has Indonesia changed since you first arrived? Would you say the changes have been more on the positive, or negative side? I have witnessed a lot of Indonesia’s recent history firsthand - the 90s in particular were a time of significant transitions here politically, and of course the rise of the super malls has continued. When I first arrived, there weren’t so many motorcycles, but becaks, bajajs and kaki limas filled those spaces between cars to also create macet. The availability of imported goods has increased, and so have prices. The continued loss of Indonesia’s most valuable resources, her rainforests and coral reefs, saddens me greatly. But overall, I think the quality of life is improving for more and more Indonesians, and I am hopeful that better teacher training and more opportunities for higher education will be a primary goal for this home of my heart. If you could choose three things that you love most about Jakarta, what would it be? First would be the people - there are no more generoushearted people in the world. I have learned so much about how to live a full life from you all. Second, Jakarta’s lively chaotic lifestyle - it’s a night city and a party town. Both the expatriate community and our gracious hosts know how to have fun! And last but not least, Jakarta International School- and particularly Pattimura…it has been the most wonderful place to work with talented colleagues and the

And what grade do you teach? I have taught first, second, third, fourth, and fifth grades, as well as writing and history courses for Middle School and High School students. Fourth grade has been my most recent level and my favourite. Fourth graders have such integrity and they are enthusiastic about everything! What’s the most important quality to have in a teacher? I think really SEEING your students as special individuals, and getting to know them well is essential in order to be their best teacher. You can have advanced training in your field and well-prepared lessons, but without a personal connection, a passionate interest in each child and a focus on making learning meaningful and fun every day, students won’t achieve to their highest potential. You need patience and a sense of humour, and to be open to change. A good teacher encourages his or her students to follow their own passions, and offers them many opportunities to learn from both successes and failures in a safe environment. So tell us, what’s the best thing about teaching? Apart from the holidays, of course! The holidays are definitely needed to recharge during and after an energetic school year, but the best part about teaching for me has always been being a part of the lives and learning experiences of our amazing children. It is FUN to go to school each day and spend time with inquiring young people. I learn something every day, too. And I love it that so many of my former students stay in touch with me; it’s so much easier now with Facebook. I love learning about their adult lives, their chosen fields of study and professions and seeing photos of their own children. Just today, a former 4J Pattimura student who is now 26 is stopping by! You recently had a farewell party at Eastern Promise and judging from the turnout, you’re very well liked! How long have you been teaching at JIS, and why did you decide to leave? I had my own “Graduation” party at EP with around 200 members of my Jakarta community last month. It was wonderful to see so many friends together in one place! After 24 years at JIS, my husband, Uwe, and I will be living in Duesseldorf, Germany, where he has accepted a consultancy. I plan to write full-time and hope to develop an educational consultancy of my own that will bring us back to this part the world often, if not to stay. It must be quite difficult leaving after 24 years, what will you miss most about teaching at JIS? Everything- the students, my amazing colleagues, the IASAS soccer and rugby, the beloved Pattimura tree - I will miss it all! 

Jakarta Expat­­ · ­­20 June - 3 July 2012

Faces of Jakarta

Words and photos by David Metcalf

If you happen to be at home in Kemang and you hear the gentle, lyrical call of “Solbatu” there is a reasonably good chance it belongs to Akasayapudin, the shoe repair man, who specializes in repairing sandals, bags, shoes and whatever else his customers bring to him. His nimble hands eager to solve a problem.


as he is known to his friends, hails from Garut, which is a five-hour drive from Jakarta. He is married with two children aged 12 and 4 years old. He works long hours and from the money he earns he has a savings goal of Rp.20,000 a day. Like many others, Aka comes to Jakarta for work. He returns to his wife and children every six to eight weeks with his savings. With his savings he can support them, put food on the table and buy schoolbooks and uniforms for his children. On a good day, Aka will repair five pairs of shoes and earns on average around Rp.50,000 per day. “Last week was very good”, Aka said beaming, “I had a very good day and made Rp.100, 000. That was very good.” Whatever extra money he earns goes to support his family, however, some days are not so good. He has had days where he does not earn any money. The tough part of his job is not being able to repair certain items. “Some customers get very angry”, he says. “I always try very hard to please my customers.” Overall, Aka loves his job and he particularly likes the freedom of working for himself. He loves to chat to people as he goes on his rounds and always seems to have a smile on his face. He has been doing this job for five years and likes it a lot, more than his previous job, working in a factory. So, next time you hear the call “Solbatu”, it will give you a greater understanding of these shoe repair men and the challenges they go through everyday. 

David metcalf David Metcalf (Dayak Dave) is a professional photographer who specialises in photography workshop tours and cultural, adventure tours throughout Indonesia. He is a regular contributor to Jakarta expat with his column "Faces of Jakarta: The stories behind the Photographs". www.davidmetcalfphotography.com and www.facebook.com/indodave



Jakarta Expat­­ · ­20 June - 3 July 2012

Personal Tech & Apps

Dodgy Matters?

by Juan G. Leysner

Bribes I do not think that dodgy matters much in Indonesia, as people here are not dishonest and/or immoral. We visit on a regular basis the church, mosque, or temple; we don’t drink too much, we do not cheat on our spouses, and we never bribe government officials and/or any other officials to secure a project.

the Web –some free and for others you will have to pay for. They even have professional software that comes at a high price. One example of such software is Spy Bubble, and it will cost you US $84.90. I mention this one as it is available for iPhone, BB and Androids phones. A cheater will most definitely own and use a cell phone. You can be sure that he or she will be exchanging text messages with their secret partner. They will delete the text messages to prevent you from reading and catching them.

In fact I can prove that we do not have a bribe problem in Indonesia. Just visit bribespot.com or download it on your Android phone (http://www.bribespot.com). How does this work? Well it’s a reporting tool, but on top of that it also visualizes bribes requested/paid around you. Moreover you will get detailed information like the average size of the bribes paid, areas of government implicated, and much more.

Fortunately, there is this powerful Smartphone application that will do a few

Now, have a close look at the map below. What do you see? No reports in Indonesia! I rest my case. things for you:

Unfaithfulness and / or cheating A totally different chapter is the topic of unfaithfulness or cheating on your spouse. Perhaps I am going to make a lot of enemies today, but I can tell you that there is software out there for your mobile to catch the alleged perpetrator.

Record every text message (sent and received). Keep track of every phone number that is dialed and received on the phone. Track your cheater’s location in real-time from any Internet connected computer or from your Smartphone’s mobile browser (GPS). Copy the address book and pictures stored. After installation (which takes a few minutes) it is completely undetectable. Conclusion: If you want to catch the cheater, install spyware software on her/his phone and the software will show you all conversations of who they called and it will track their real location. If you want to do more then you can also expose the cheater on this website http://www.liarscheatsandbastards.com

There are tons of “catch the cheater” software available on You can post your story here with a picture of the cheater/ liar, and if you are lucky your cheater will make it to the hall of fame: the LCB of the month.

damniloveindonesia.multiply.com The official damniloveindonesia online store! Daniel Mananta (Indonesian TV host, VJ and actor) created damniloveindonesia as a means for people to express their pride and love for Indonesia through clothing and accessories. All the products available on the website and store are Indonesian made and include items such as hoodies, t-shirts, hats, belts and others. If you can’t find what you’re looking for online, visit one of their store locations in Grand Indonesia or FX mall.

people do not know you or your credit situation, yet they are willing to offer massive credit limits. The list of internet scams is growing and growing and according to the experts Internet ID theft is the fastest growing id crime. To give you an example how big this is: approximately 15 million United States residents have their identities used fraudulently each year with financial losses totaling over US $50 billion. Internet scams are here and therefore, besides a virus scanner, you will also need protection against ID theft. One of those programs you can find at: http://www.lifelock.com/

Dishonesty / Web scams On a much more serious note probably most of you have received an email from a member of a Nigerian family. It is a desperate cry for help from a woman in Nigeria –or anywhere else in Africa– who claims that her husband had died leaving a very large sum of money which she would like to transfer out of the country with your help. I hope that none of you have ever paid one cent to these guys, as these are ordinary web scams.

And on that note, I would like to end by saying, “Web scams are generating billions of dollars each year, and you as an Internet user are their target. Software for your PC and/or mobile phone can help you track down cheats and/or other mischief.

welovejakarta.com Welovejakarta.com is a blog created by sisters Tasha and Treen May as a way to share anything and everything they love about the city they now call home. The May sisters, originally from Melbourne, Australia, came to Jakarta on a whim to escape the desert of Australia and soon became enchanted by “this city full of contradictions; where your feeling can go from utter joy to despair, there is never a dull moment”. Their blog is a collection of posts and photos ranging from food, fashion and music to daily life. If you’re looking for some great pictures and stories or reasons to celebrate life in Jakarta, visit welovejakarta.com!

This program uses a 5-step protection: Monitoring Your Identity Scanning for Identity Threats Responding to Identity Theft Trust Our Service Guarantee Tracking Your Credit Score

Another classic case: Advanced fees paid for a guaranteed loan or credit card. Remember: reputable credit card companies do charge an annual fee but it is applied to the balance of the card, never at the sign-up. Furthermore, if you legitimately clear your credit balance each month, a legitimate bank will often waive the annual fee. As for these incredible pre-approved loans for half-amillion dollar homes: use your common sense. These

...But if you are careful enough you do not need these programs. Just use your common sense”. 

Juan G. Leysner Juan G. Leysner has lived and worked in Jakarta for over 10 years and is the founder of 2 db.mobi, www.2dbarcodesolutions.com

Jakarta Expat­­ · ­­20 June - 3 July 2012



Jakarta Expat­­ · ­20 June - 3 July 2012

Light Entertainment

To find out more about live stand-up comedy in Indonesia please e-mail jakarta@thecomedyclub.asia text or call 0821 1194 3084 or register at www.thecomedyclub.asia

Motorbikes, Mates and Memorable Moments by Eamonn Sadler


ne warm Friday evening in the summer of 1986, my friend Geoff and I crossed the border into Belgium on our motorbikes and found a campsite just outside the city of Ghent. We put up our small two-man tent and after a simple but hearty meal we prepared to head for the city to sample the world-famous Belgian beer. We planned to teach the locals how to drink it, so we left the bikes behind and walked out to the road hoping to find a bus or some other form of transport that would take us to where the action was. We found a bus stop about half a mile away and were trying to decipher the timetable when a Saab convertible pulled up in front of us. The smiling driver shouted in Belgian, “You guys need a lift?” At least that’s what I assume he said, because when we replied

in unison, “Yes!” then opened the door and started to climb in, he didn’t hit the gas and leave us sprawled on the road. The driver, who turned out to be a very friendly Belgian with almost perfect English, asked if we were looking for a good bar, which of course we were. Twenty minutes later, after a hairraising and bumpy ride over the cobbled backstreets of Ghent, we were in a packed bar, apparently our driver’s regular hangout, and he was introducing us to his mates as his new friends from England. One of them asked us if we had ever tried Belgian beer and, when we said no but we were keen to try, bought us the first of the very, very many we were to drink that night. What innocents we were. The rest of the night is something of a blur. My memory of it is like a series of out-of-

Last Edition's Winner

Jeez... Cameron smells like an ogre..

focus video clips with muffled sound. In one clip we are playing liars’ dice at a high table, and for some reason a very large Belgian man has got Geoff by the throat and is swearing at him in Flemish complete with copious amounts of phlegm. In another clip I am at the bar trying to chat up a very confused looking local girl in fake Flemish, when I look down and see Geoff shirtless on the floor on his hands and knees, looking up at me desperately and mouthing the word “Help”. In another scene it is very late, the bar is closed and totally quiet except for the sound of Geoff throwing up in the toilet. I ask the guy next to me, “Will the police arrest us if they find we are still drinking after the bar is closed?” He answers, “I don’t think so – I am the Chief of police!” laughs heartily and slaps me really hard on the back, knocking me to the floor.

Caption Competition

Then we are on the street with no clue how to get back to our campsite. Our driver (if he told us his name I don’t remember it) has disappeared and the sun is coming up, there is no transport of any kind anywhere and the streets are totally deserted. In the last clip we are walking. Next morning I woke up in our tiny tent, gasping for air in the claustrophobic stench of flatulence, cheesy feet and dried urine. The gaseous cocktail was unbreathable so I was forced to scramble from the tent into the mid day sun. I don’t know how we got back to the campsite, but we were in pretty much the same condition as we were before we left except for hangovers and empty wallets. Belgian beer. The best in the world, but not for the faint of heart. Certainly not for the average naive English beer drinker. 

This Edition's Competition…

A lot of comments about Mike Myers’ height and Cameron Diaz’ cleavage last issue but the prize goes to Henry S. from Kemang for this creative entry. Well done Henry, see you and a friend at comedy next month as our guests. SEND YOUR ENTRY BY TEXT TO:

0811 999603



1 Periodic sporting contests (7,5) 9 Blacksmith's block (5) 10 Stammer (7) 11 Askew (4) 12 Australian capital - ship (8) 14 Released - shot - treated leniently (3,3) 15 Comment (6) 18 Sweetmeat (8) 20 Autumn - trip (4) 22 Straddling (7) 23 Fat (5) 24 Metropolitan Police HQ (8,4)

2 Young hare (7) 3 Spot - traitor (4) 4 Place equipment in position (6) 5 Complained (8) 6 Measuring device (5) 7 One carrying out a run of murders (6,6) 8 Gymnastic event and apparatus (8,4) 13 It's no rumour - he's in charge (8) 16 Non-professional (7) 17 Fashionable (like the new Tate gallery?) (6) 19 Discuss no further - dismiss - release (3,2) 21 Small horse - £25 (4)

{ Answers in the next edition! }

*Answers for Edition 71 Across: 1. Copper 4. Tepid 7. Swerve 8. Turban 9. Plan 10. Gunsmith 12. Papier-mache 17. Beginner 19. Vote 20. Exeunt 21. Comply 22. Title 23. Glinka Down: 1. Cowslip 2. Parsnip 3. Evergreen 4. Truss 5. Publish 6. Dinghy 11. Numerical 13. Augment 14. Caveman 15. Estella 16. Absent 18. Nonce Jakarta Expat would like to apologise for the mistakes in our previous edition's crossword. We continue to improve and thank you for your feedback and comments.

This edition's quiz: nightlife! Scan the barcode on your smartphone and answer the questions for a chance to win a Room Service voucher worth Rp.300,000!

Closing date June 26th.

courtesy of


Jakarta Expat­­ · ­­20 June - 3 July 2012

House at Pondok Indah Description: - Land/Building : 500 / 400 Sqm - Bedroom : 4 - Bathroom : 3 - Swimming Pool : NO Price: USD 2,222 (Inclusive 10% Wht), min. 1 year. For more information, please email: property@jakartaexpat.biz or call 081317722271

House at Cilandak

Hampton Park Apartment Description: - 53 sq-meter - 2 bed-rooms - brand new - fully furnished with air-conditions - swimming pool view - elevators with access card and 24 hours security - parking space for 2 cars - strategic location across Hero Super market and Kristal Hotel.

Description: - Land/Building: 900 / 600 Sqm - Bedroom: 4 - Bathroom: 4 - Swimming pool: yes Price: USD 2500 + 10% WHT, min. 1 year. For more information, please email: property@jakartaexpat.biz or call 081317722271

Price: Rental fee USD 1,300/month. min. 1 year For more information, please email: property@jakartaexpat.biz or call 081317722271

MOVE RIGHT IN! For rent, two-bedroom apartment at The Essence Darmawangsa. Fully furnished, modern, and prime location at the heart of South Jakarta. The unit has two bedrooms, a full bathroom, a separate living room, a closet and a kitchen. Description: In-room facilities: intercom, cable TV, Internet, phone line Other facilities: swimming pool, gym, tennis court, children’s playroom and dedicated garage parking space. 24-hour doorman available in the lobby. Also on the complex: café, convenience store and laundry. Rental price: USD 1,500 per month, min. 1 year. (maintenance fees included) For more information, please email: property@jakartaexpat.biz or call 081317722271

Townhouse at Cipete

Residence 8 @ Senopati

Description: - Land/Building : 352 / 182 Sqm - Bedroom : 3 - Bathroom : 2 - Swimming Pool : Yes Private & Compound Sharing Pool

Description: - 1BR - very close to Sudirman and walking distance to SCBD. - 76sqm - spacious lobby - fully furnished (cozy & minimalist) @ 59th floor, so has a very nice view facing Jalan Sudirman.

Price: USD 2500 + Include Vat (Belum Termasuk Service Charger IDR 1,500.000), min. 1 year If you have any further questions or interest please contact: property@jakartaexpat.biz or call 081317722271

Rental Price: RP. 16 million /month, minimum 1 year For more information, please email: property@jakartaexpat.biz or call 081317722271

Are you a Property owner? Let us help you rent/sell your property. Contact us at property@jakartaexpat.biz // p. 08131 7722271


Jakarta Expat­­ · ­20 June - 3 July 2012

Ticket Price: Daily pass * Normal Price: Rp. 400.000 * Pre-sale Price: Rp. 200.000 (Limited Ticket)

business & networking

3-Day Pass * Normal Price: Rp. 1.000.000 * Pre-sale Price: Rp. 450.000 (Limited Ticket) * Ticket price DOES NOT include tax and administration charge

InterNations Jakarta June 2012 Gathering Sat, 23rd June 2012 5:00 pm to 8:00 pm Location: BLUE ELEPHANT Royal Thai Cuisine

Ticket Info: 0812 8718 0000 | 021 9681 0022 Web Site: www.javarockingland.com/2012

Rp 200,000 for Albatross Members Rp. 300,000 for Basic Members. Rp 350,000 for non InterNations Members This price is all-in for white/red wine, beer, vodka, gin, soft drinks & aqua from 5:00 pm to 8:00 pm. BLUE ELEPHANT will also be providing a dinner buffet during the event! Web Site: www.internations.org/jakarta-expats

A NIGHT OF COLORFUL SYMPHONIES BritCham Business & Social Gathering Thu, 28th June 2012 Location: TBA on RSVP Cost: * Members: Rp. 200.000 * Non Members: Rp. 320.000 Light snacks will be served throughout the evening together with a 2.5 hour free flow of wine, beer, soft drink, juice and free flow Gilbey’s Gin & Tonic! BOOK NOW! events@britcham.or.id Web Site: www.britcham.or.id Email: events@britchams.or.id

music & festival

Sat, 07 Jul 2012 Location: Aula Simfonia Jakarta, Jl. Industry Blok B 14 Kav 1, Kemayoran, Jakarta Pusat Price in IDR: 50.00 (student 8 to 15 years old) 100.000 (student 16 to 21 years old) 200.000 300.000 500.000 700.000 1.000.000 Get your tickets now at our Box Office: +6221 6586 7808 / +628777 100 2009 Web Site: www.aulasimfoniajakarta.com Email: boxoffice@aulasimfoniajakarta.com


Java Rockin’Land 2012

Jakarta Comedy Club June Event

Fri, 06 Jul 2012 - Sun, 08 Jul 2012 Location: Carnaval Beach Ancol, Jakarta

Sat, 23 Jun 2012 - Sun, 24 Jun 2012 Location: Fez Kemang and MO Bar

SATURDAY 23rd JUNE, location TBA, starts 7:30pm * Prepaid Price Rp300K, or pay on the door Rp350K including first drink * This event will take place in South Jakarta (TBA) and you must bring ID for entry * Membership cards on sale at FEZ Kemang from June 6th SATURDAY 23rd JUNE, Fez Kemang, starts 9.30pm * Prepaid Price Rp300K, or pay on the day Rp350K including first drink * Membership cards on sale at FEZ Kemang June 6th * Happy Hour all night for Comedy Club Members Friday 15th June at FEZ Kemang PLUS 20% off at Kinara Restaurant SUNDAY 24th JUNE, MO Bar, starts 7.30pm - BUSINESS CLASS COMEDY! * Prepaid Rp350k or pay on the day Rp395k including first drink and canapes * Prepaid or on the day, collect from The Business Centre (6th Floor, 7am - 11pm daily)

* Membership cards WILL NOT be for sale at Mo Bar, at The Business Centre ONLY Reservations essential through: * jakarta@thecomedyclub.asia * SMS 082111943084


Jakarta Expat­­ · ­­20 June - 3 July 2012

SUBSCRIBE TO JAKARTA EXPAT'S E-NEWSLETTER Scan the barcode to receive your free bi-weekly newsletter.

For sale a land 560m with ruko 150m, in front of main road, lebak bulus Jakarta Selatan 5mill/m. 08111881214

DAIHATSU XENIA 1.0 Li VVT-i DELUXE 2009, Silver Metalic, 20000 km, excellent conditions, regular checkups at official workshop. Price Rp 115 million. Model: Toyota – Kijang Innova. Year: 2008. 2.7 V Bensin. Automatic. KM: 86820. Color: Metallic Silver. *Well maintained and in great condition. *Regular scheduled tune ups/oil changes with Authorized Toyota service center. *Automatic Transmission. *Leather seats. *Captain seats in the middle row. *Front digital and Rear A/C. *AM/FM CD and cassettePlayer. *Power Locks and Windows. *Tinted Glass. Bonus: 5 TV Screens with 6 options DVD Changer – Great to have in Jakarta traffic, especially with kids! New Reduced Price: RP. 179.000.000 Or Best Offer… Please contact Sasha Wallace: sashabunga@windowslive.com 2007 Black Metallic Toyota Kijang Innova 2.0 V luxury. *Well maintained and in great condition. *Regular scheduled tune ups/oil changes with Authorized Toyota service center. *Automatic Transmission. *Leather seats. *Captain seats in the middle row. *Front digital and Rear A/C. *AM/FM CD and cassettePlayer. *Power Locks and Windows. *Tinted Glass. *85,000 kms. *Rp. 199,000,000 or best offer (the new car price is Rp. 299,800,000) *Available end of June Contact 087888866644

Houses for rent at Kemang, Cipete, Cilandak, Pejaten Barat, Pondok Indah. Big garden, S'pool, Complex, with 4/5 Bar. Ph. 0816859551 - 081287488717. email: nantha_ realtor@yahoo.com. Sunday open

For rent : House at Jl. Denpasar III / no 69, Mega Kuningan, 4 B.R , 3 bathrooms, double garage. Contact : Novie 08159988778 or email : novielie0412@yahoo.com . For Rent, Senayan Residence, 3 bed + 1 maid's room. Fully renovated and furnished. Please contact 0813 1101 4567 American graduate student doing a six month internship in Kemang would like to share a house with other expatriates and/or Indonesians. Please respond to: marissarose3@gmail.com. My house with two (2) A.C. bedrooms, open living, garden and swimming pool in Kerobokan - Bali is for rent from 1 June till 1 January 2013. Large LCD TV and IndoVision installed. Only 10 minutes from the beach. Security at night. Low rent. Call me @ Hp: 0817119265 Fully furnished Studio Room for single in a tranquil and green Senayan area, carpark available. The rental rate is IDR 5 million per month. Electricity, TV cable, cleaning service and laundry

included. For further information : 0815 871 6707.

I would like to help my former staff, Sugiyanto to get a job. He has been terminated from the company by end of May 2012 with short notice as the company is short of cash and doing downsizing. He’s 44 years old from Solo, Central Java, understands passive English, he’s a good and realiable admin staff, hard working and trustworthy person, able to work under minimal supervision. He works well with MS Words, Excel and also Corel Draw. Minimal salary requested is Rp. 3,750,000 / month, and meal allowance will be appreciated.You can email me at mieke.juwono@resources8. com for further reference and details, or contact him directly at : giant.yanto35@gmail.com, mobile : 0818 04513996 - 0813 291 93990 Female,29, graduated in major international relation, politic and social science faculty, is seeking for a job opportunity as Secretary or Personal Assistant.

Currently is working as Secretary to attache' in Embassy of Italy in Jakarta. CV required? Send email to patriyanurrahma@hotmail.com I am looking for a job as a maid monday to friday, Live out. I can cook Indonesian & European food, speak english and I have reference letters, I am 32 years old. 0877 809 55594 Looking for Work for my driver Bapak Apriyadin, as we are leaving the country soon. He has been working for us (French Family) since 2010, he used to work for Expats. He is honest, reliable, discrete, always keep the car in impeccable condition, knows Jakarta very well even many shortcut roads to avoid traffic, always ready to help, always put safety of driving on top, and doesn't mind overtime (work on weekend or holiday) if needed. For details contact me +6281905026052 (Veronica) GREAT STAFF AVAILABLE mid JULY. As we are moving second week of July, our wonderful staff will be available soon. We employ a driver, jaga/gardener/cleaner, nanny, cook and a nanny/


Jakarta Expat­­ · ­20 June - 3 July 2012

Place a Classified Ad and get results! Classifieds are still FREE! Send in your classifieds to ads@jakartaexpat.biz Next issue deadline: 27 June 2012 Have something to sell? Looking for something to buy? Looking for staff? Selling property? Or need a place to live? Why not place your classified ad with Jakarta Expat!

Notes: 1. All the Native English Teachers will be placed at school (Junior & High School) 2. Working hour is from 6.30 am 11.30 am Please E-mail your letter & CV to : stamford.axel@gmail.com

Your classified will be placed once for 2 weeks online and once in our printed version which has a circulation of 15.000 copies bi weekly. Conditions: Personal classifieds : free of charge | 50 words max Commercial classifieds : Rp. 100,000 | 0 - 50 words : Rp. 200,000 | 50 - 100 words - Property listings are considered as Commercial. - For adding an image / company logo in our printed issue another Rp. 150,000 needs to be charged. Send in your classifieds to ads@jakartaexpat.biz

pembantu (live in). As a team they work very good, but you can also hire them separately. Interested? Please contact: 08-1586101222, email ewessels@gmail.com Our pembantu, Itka, will be available beginning June 17th. She has worked for our family, of four, for three years. She is professional with all aspects of her work. Itka has excellent organizational and multi-tasking skills; cleaning, cooking, washing/ironing and food shopping with minimal supervision/oversight. We give Itka our highest recommendation, without hesitation. Please contact Itka directly in Bahasa. Her hand phone is 81286397973 .

16 year old son wants to pursue his A-Levels (Sixth Form) study in the UK this September. I need a tutor to assist him in improving his English (speaking & writing) as well as to familiarize him to terminologies in Math, Bio & Chem. If you think you are the right person pls call me : Rita 0811 168737.

I am a Private Teacher for Indonesian Language, having taught many group of expats, teachers at JIS,BIS,SWA and some Embassies. if you would like to learn Bahasa Indonesia, or get info about classes,contack me on 081 860 9853, email: mybahasa@hotmail.com 1 to 1 is ok,but prefer group. Studi Bahasa School well experienced and professional Bahasa tutor. come to your residence or office for study. call 08561133675

A Vacancy for English Native Teacher Requirements: 1. Experienced in teaching English min. 2 years 2. Have a diploma 3. KITAS 4. Willing to be placed at school in Jakarta ( or JABODETABEK)

Have the Coolest Party With BINTANG PARTY EXPRESSWe deliver and serve Bintang & Heineken Draught beer to your door, just email to : party_ express@yahoo.com or dial 0818 948 627 and 759 4611 Traveling? Let us help you! As your partner in business, we aspire to provide service standards that are faster, more accurate and more reliable. Contact us now to assist you for all your travel needs. PT. Amazing World Explorer T&T. Kemang Square, 3rd floor unit III-12. Jl. Kemang Raya no. 5. Phone: 7179 4722 - awe. tours@gmail.com

Jazz/ Popular/ Classic Piano/ Keyboard Course with modern method, a study can be at your home,interested? Please call : Iwan SM, (021) 96198431, 081298634475.

AKG Bearings is seeking a Sales Manager for South East Asia based in Jakarta: Minimum 4 years experiences in direct sales and distributor management | Willingness to travel in the region | Existing customer base preferred | Knowledge of bearings will be an added advantage | Expatriate only | Send your complete resume in English to: hrd.id@akgbearings. com. www.akgbearings.com


Give me your budget, apartment/ house requirement, and desired location, and I will find you your new home! Pakubuwono Residence, View, Kemang Village, SCBD area, Menteng area, Senayan Area, Thamrin area, Four Seasons, Kempinski, etc. Email me at michelle@abieproperty.com

Professional Bridal Make Up Want to Look Fabulous on Your Wedding / Photo Shoot / party? Ask Me on How to Do It. www.RaniMakeup.com Make-up & Hair Specialist Lancome Expert, doing make up for TATLER, PRESTIGE Malaysia, Kover Magazine, NEW TIDE. Contact: 0812 6050 228 (Rani Makeup) Email: makeup@rani-wi.com

Expat is looking for business opportunities in Indonesia. I have a wide network in the retail industry and media tools to promote the business. Interested? e-mail me: jakartalinks@gmail.com

For Expat Superiors, do you work with staff that need to improve English? A trustworthy female who grew up in the U.S. and has taught English in companies for years can provide excellent programs including Business and Conversation Classes with reasonable prices. Is currently teaching in prominent companies. Call 0815 84109845.

Want to study Indonesian Language (children and adults) or English (children) privately at home or office? Contact: Fauzi 081315363812. E-mail :privatebhs@ yahoo.co.id

Looking for chinese and english tutor for a 3 year old with teaching background as a preschool teacher. please contact me at 081932206649.

IT engineer with 3 years of experience in development with the international company Amadeus IT Group, I am looking for new opportunities in Indonesia. +6281298845632

Kanaan Global School, an International Curriculum School in West Jakarta, is looking for English Primary teachers ; Science, Business/Economics Studies for IGCSE & ‘A’ Level. Minimum of Bachelor degree in related field & having min. 5 years teachingexperience is prioritized. Send CV + photograph to recruitment@kanaanglobal. sch.id (for more info, see www. kanaanglobal.net)

Portuguese Showjumping professional rider / trainer with much International experience available in Jkt for classes or clinics. Vascocm@gmail.com

HAPPY MASSAGE. Traditional Massage. Come your place 7am8pm. sms : 0812.80.929359

We supply ex TKI ( maids ex Arab, Spore, Msia, Taiwan), and provide a min 1 year contract for them. They have higher salary comparing to locals, but more experience in working with expats. Maid profiles & TC will be emailed to clients. Contact : mieke.juwono@ resources8.com. HP: 0811843541. Thx. Mieke

Relax we carry the load. Your peace of mind is our highest priority. One company Allied to Allied, over 800 locations worldwide. Your specialist in household goods moving services. Jakarta (021) 780 7851, Surabaya (031) 749 8377, Email: info@alliedpickfords.co.id Website: www.alliedpickfords.com

women ONLY using exclusively NuSkin USA products. 200 USD per treatment. Scrub - facial galvanic facelift - masker - ageLOC skin care - bonus products. Call / text me 0812 8778 1788

musculoskeletal disorders and wellness care. Don’t suffer another day call us today. HOTEL KRISTAL (021) 7507090

GENSET 55 kVA wanted. Second or new. Email: lensterwee@gmail. com Bahasa Indonesia class starts on 23 July at the American Club. Private also available for Bahasa/English/ Mandarin. Qualified teacher & excellent material 021-68888246 / 813 - 85590009 www.sibschool.com

FAMILY CHIROPRACTIC. Professional health-care with experienced practitioners. Careful assessment and individually designed treatment plans. Excellent results with low back and neck pain, shoulder problems, sciatica, disk herniations, headaches and migraine and other

Now available at wholesale prices! From wine and spirit glasses to decanters and vases, KROSNO offers hundreds of imported fine glassware products at competitive prices. Visit www. limabintang.com to view our entire catalog with offers up to 50% off. Home delivery available on some orders.

We assist clients in starting up their books of accounts, maintaining their accounting books and compiling financial statements on a monthly basis. Call: 085710790511 or email to integra.osx@gmail.com

Medical evacuation health & life insurance. Let us diagnose your needs. Contact Paul Beale, mobile: +62 816 137 0663, office: 021-5220990 E: paulbeale@gms-financial.com

For over 14 years, Living in Indonesia, A Site for Expatriates has provided expats with “Practical Information” to help smooth the transition to their new life in Indonesia. Choose from 1,200+ articles – all written by expats to address the specific concerns of expats. Living in Indonesia, A Site for Expatriates www.expat.or.id I'm providing facial treatments in the comfort of your home for

PROPERTY LEASE OFFERING NEAR BALI AIRPORT The property is strategically located about 50 meters from the entrance of Ngurah Rai International Airport, right opposite the 4-star international Harris Hotel, and at the outskirts of one of the fastest-growing areas in Bali, Ngurah Rai. The building of 250 M2 was professionally fitted out as a European-style bar and restaurant, although its façade and layout are versatile and accommodating of other types of businesses and purposes. Lease period ends at 2027. Price per year: 300 juta.

For more data, email: info@jakartaexpat.biz


Jakarta Expat­­ · ­­20 June - 3 July 2012

Place a Classified Ad and get results!

Garage sale quality expat furniture, teak dining, tables chairs, carved teak chaise lounge, fold up ping pong table on wheels, large fish tank approx 6' x 4' x 3' as new, filter, gravel complete, pioneer home theatre music system, etc. Jl.H.Namin no.40 Cipete jakarta selatan, call peter : 081286130223 or gina : 08111632656.

FOR SALE: SAMSUNG GALAXY MINI GT-S5570 (color Silver)- Secondhand - bought September 2011. In very good condition, complite: headset, cable data, adaptor, CD installer, adabtor and box. Price Rp1.000.000 (can bargain). If you interest, please contact Stacey by email to stacey.tighe@gmail.com

Cross trainer: Horizon Fitness Andes 200. Good condition. Very sturdy and folds upright for storage. Big 7 window LED display. Programmable. Cost 10 million new will sell for 2.5 million. Call Adrian on 081314112815

www.kekayuan.com. Simple, Modern, Minimalist, Teak wood Furniture. We are a furniture manufacturer based in Jakarta specializing in reclaimed / recycled teak wood. We accept customized furniture requests at competitive prices. Manufacturing in Jakarta means easier monitoring, faster response, production, and delivery. For contact please email us at bagus@kekayuan.com or sms / call us at 0818 068 558 17 Blackberry PIN: 2917ACDF

Purchased in Central Java in 1974 . Used it as conversation area in my living room in Jakarta (memorable to all guests) then in Singapore (uniquely luxurious to sleep in) Excellent carving detail and gold. Professionally packed/crated and stored since 1989. About 2.8 m tall and a Queen bed size. Visit or inspect in Singapore. If interested, contact me and make an offer: Rfaraone@ singnet.com.sg or +65 9010 4860 A woman's touch can make all the difference in the world. But sometimes her touch alone isn't enough. Any woman can touch you and all you'll feel is her hand on your skin. When the RIGHT woman touches you, she doesn’t just touch your skin. She touches, tickles everything about

you, every aspect of your being, inside and out. There's an awakening! Every part she touches tingles with life, energy, anticipation and, ultimately, satisfaction. Please come…take the journey with me. Contact point ~ email: tantrictherapeutic@gmail.com (Private Session by appointment only)

Large (2.00 m x 2.00 m) double bed for sale. Comes with decorative teak construction, bed frames and complete with mattrasses, has only been used in guest room, asking 4 mln. Please contact marnix@ sam-media.com

Kelapa Gading, and Ancol. We're somewhere near you! Contact us now and set up a Free Trial for your child & guaranteed to improve every player during every session (even at the Free Trial). There is no risk, we love what we do & it’s fun and healthy. Contact us now & Try for Free! SMS or Phone: Contact us today at +62 - 815 1160 7218. SuperSkills@SuperSkillsSoccer.com www.SuperSkillsSoccer.com Professional make-up artist offers services to artists and discerning ladies for venues, weddings, special occasions, etc. We will come to you at your Home, Office or Venue. Professional, Experienced and Courteous Make-up Artist with that special touch. Call Eka at: 081280964477 to schedule an appointment; or email at kjbjkt11@ att.net Hair and Nail services can also be pre-arranged!

FOR SALE! Pub/Cafe in Kemang. Great Location! Ready to operate! Registered under PMA Company, so perfect for foreigners that want to venture into this business. For information please call: 0858 8267 0873

Special offer! Private Diving Cruises (6days/5nights) on a traditional buginese schooner in Komodo. Minimum 3 persons, maximum 8 persons. Price starting at $ 160 person/day. Departure every Wednesday. For more information contact: info@divingcruisesambasi.com www.divingcruisesambasi.com

Does Your Child Play Soccer? Give your child the chance to become the best soccer player on the team!Try the SuperSkills guaranteed way of creating skillful soccer players. We teach the secrets to expert dribbling & complete mastery of the ball. All of our coaches are former professional players and certified in the SuperSkills methodology. Currently SuperSkills is available 5 days per week after school on Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Thursdays & Fridays at 9 various locations in Jakarta – South, North, & Central Jakarta all have centers including Pondok Indah, CiToS, ISCI,

For sale : USA- bred male maltese dog, fully vaccinated, potty-trained 100% adorable 3 years old contact: 0811 910 555 :08 588 588 3700. Email:lannysoen@gmail.com Looking for: do you have too much unused stuff? Do you want to go back to your originating country and want somebody to buy your stuffs? We buy used goods like furniture, electronic, clothing, sport equipment, household, bag, shoes, etc. Contact: 082123232589 (christi)

I want to trade my laughter for your fun times. I am new to Jakarta and would like to find genuine friendships with kind hearted people to discover what Jakarta has to offer. Requirements: 24+ age, English speaker and good glasshalf-full attitude. Please contact me for friendship, fun and laughter by emailing me at xhappyemily88x@ hotmail.com. Have a happy day! If you would like to have very nice relaxing massage in JAKARTA, INDONESIA and have a lot of fun,

you got the right person! Hello everybody..... Adam here, 27 Years old, athletic body for you with 172 cm/ 67kg. I do travel to your Hotel, Apartment, House as soon as possible right to your place. Am Hot and Friendly and ill be ready to serve you anytime. Am very nice, SAVE AND HEALTHY and you will be very enjoy your time with me from top till bottom. Am gonna be ready for 24/7 hours/day to serve you with my adorable price. Looking forward to see you soon. PLEASE CONTACT ME AT 081916714744/ +6281916714744 FOR MAN & FOR CALL ONLY! DO YOU DREAM OF A BETTER LIFE WITH MORE OPPORTUNITIES OVERSEAS? BBC3 SERIES SEEKS YOUNG BRITISH COUPLES, FRIENDS AND SIBLINGS WHO ARE EMIGRATING TO START A NEW AND EXCITING WORKING LIFE OVERSEAS. UK-based television production company Ricochet are developing a new documentary series about young Brits starting their dream life overseas. The series will follow people as they relocate and get their businesses up and running.

We are looking for people who are contemplating emigration or have even started the process. If you have embarked on your adventure, we would love to hear from you.To find out more, please contact Naomi Gayler: Naomi.gayler@ricochet. co.uk or 0044 (0)1273 224800 * Getting in touch does not obligate you to take part in the programme, Speaking Partner! Hit two birds with one stone! Bring me to coffee shops, grocery shopping, city sight seeing, etc. I’ll teach you Bahasa on the spot. Fun, practical & easy. Bachelor in education, had lived in the US, laid back, humorist, and relatively good looking. Call 081286668413 My name is Matta, am searching for a soul mate; don't you think we could have something in common? Let’s open communication and see what transpires, here's my email address { mattarichard@live.com} Just go ahead and email me, i promise to get back to you,matta..


Jakarta Expat足足 揃 足20 June - 3 July 2012

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