Jakarta Expat - issue 88 - Nature's Wrath

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Jakarta Expat­­­­ · ­26 September - 9 October 2012

Indonesia's Largest Expatriate Readership | 88th Edition | 27th February - 12th March 2013

Lighting Strikes the City's Skyline by Henry Wong

Jakarta Expat­­­­ · 27 February - 12 March 2013



Jakarta Expat­­ · ­26 September - 9 October 2012

Dear Readers,

88 Edition | 27 Feb - 12 March 2013 th

Editor in Chief Angela Richardson angela@jakartaexpat.biz Assistant Editor Cecilia Forsman cecilia@jakartaexpat.biz Management Edo Frese edo@jakartaexpat.biz Sales Dian Mardianingsih ads@jakartaexpat.biz Marketing & Public Relations Silvia Forsman silvia@jakartaexpat.biz Distribution Dian Mardianingsih dian@jakartaexpat.biz Graphics Randualas didiet@jakartaexpat.biz Finance & Admin Pertiwi Gianto Putri tiwi@jakartaexpat.biz Lini Verawaty lini@jakartaexpat.biz Contributors Lily Akpuaka Nithin Coca Jeff Hutton Juan Leysner David Metcalf Eamonn Sadler Grace Susetyo Antony Sutton Editorial Enquiries letters@jakartaexpat.biz Circulation Enquiries info@jakartaexpat.biz Subscription info@jakartaexpat.biz

Nature is powerful and sometimes we underestimate her wrath. Recently we saw a landslide caused by heavy rainfall on the Jakarta–Bandung toll road, luckily missing any vehicles, but causing disruption for several days. I witnessed the remnants of the landslide being cleared by excavators on our drive back to Jakarta from Bandung, where we retreated for some much-needed cool, fresh air in the hilly tea plantation area of Lembang. Although it can get quite busy in Bandung over the weekends, I would recommend this as a short city break, for the air is much cooler and less polluted, and a walk through the tea plantations of Lembang will give you some much-needed perspective. Bandung is also a great escape due to the fact that it is a shopping haven with factory outlets everywhere. We stopped in at what seemed to be the busiest outlet, Rumah Mode – an open air complex made up of one large outlet, coffee shops, restaurants and many hungry bargain hunters. Brands sold here included, but weren’t confined to Zara, H & M, Scotch & Soda, Burberry, Tommy Hilfiger, Hugo Boss and Guess, with an average price of around $10 per item, making the two hour drive to Bandung, avoiding contact from erratic drivers, most definitely worth it! If you continue heading up towards Lembang from Rumah Mode, you will meet a very unique place to dine and relax aptly named Kampung Daun (Village of Leaves) – a stunning open-air restaurant set on a riverbank where one can dine in enchanting wooden huts amidst greenery and, most importantly for Jakartans, cool clean air (it gets quite nippy in the evenings so bring a jumper). On your way home I would recommend a stop in at the Bamboo Shack on Jl. Ir. H. Juanda in Dago for some tasty treats and refreshments, not to mention great company. You may have guessed from our awesome cover photo by Henry Wong that this issue is themed ‘Nature’s Wrath’, her fury of which we see on a daily basis here in the tropics. Contributions include a look at history and its affect on Jakarta’s floods with Grace Susetyo, and how the mangrove forests could save the city from future flooding with Nithin Coca. With a different approach to nature, our personal coach, Lily Akpuaka, explores how your environment could be affecting your mood and behaviour – turn to our Motivational Coaching page to find out more. We have also started our first Photography Competition, so get your cameras out and have the chance to feature on the cover of our ‘Earth’ issue in April! Just send in your earth-related photographs or queries to silvia@jakartaexpat.biz and you could also be the lucky winner of a 6 month subscription to Jakarta and Bali Expat. Be creative and show us how the world looks through your eyes. We look forward to receiving your photographs! Good luck and stay dry!  Angela Richardson

4 Motivational Coaching The environment: from the insides out 6 Observations jakarta's real people 8 Meet the expat Dr. David E. Parry 10 faces of Jakarta icha the three-in-one jockey 11 languages want to study indonesian in jakarta? 12 The Environment more mangroves less flooding 14 personal tech & apps early warning system: hope for disaster prevention 16 Jakarta expat properties 17 light entertainment how to make a maltese cross 18 events 20 classifieds 21 Featured once

upon a sinking city: the perpetual floods of Jakarta

Spotted Pic

Events events@jakartaexpat.biz Jakarta Expat is published bi-weekly by PT. Koleksi Klasik. Opinions expressed in this publication are those of the writers and the publisher does not accept any responsibility for any errors, ommisions, or complaints arising there from. No parts of this publication can be reproduced in whole or in part, in print or electronically without permission of the publisher. All trademarks, logos, brands and designs are copyright and fully reserved by PT. Koleksi Klasik Indonesia. Published by PT. KOLEKSI KLASIK INDONESIA Jl. Kemang Raya No. 29A Kemang, Jakarta - Indonesia Tel: 021 7179 4550 / Fax: 021 7179 4546 Office hours: 09.00 - 17.00 Monday - Friday


Spotted by Brent Wheeler at Hero Supermarket

Jakarta Expat­­ · 27 February - 12 March 2013

Jakarta Expat­­­­ · ­26 September - 9 October 2012


Jakarta Expat­­­­ · 27 February - 12 March 2013



Jakarta Expat­­ · ­26 September - 9 October 2012


Once Upon a Sinking City:

The Perpetual Floods of Jakarta By Grace Susetyo

It is said that in life only two things are certain: death and taxes. But if you live in Jakarta, you can add two more to that list: macet and banjir.


overnment officials come and go, and it seems like none of them can keep floods out of Jakarta. Even award-winning Governor Joko “Jokowi” Widodo--who visits the capital’s problematic areas on a daily basis and demonstrates considerable effort to “fix Jakarta”--was quoted saying to the press, “(Solving) banjir and macet takes process, so don’t expect me to fix it like a god turning his hand. Even the gods can’t [solve Jakarta’s floods and traffic jams].” It is rather unfortunate that Jokowi’s 100th day evaluation fell on January 22, right in the middle of last month’s major floods. But I don’t blame Jokowi. Nevertheless, Jakarta’s flooding remains a serious perpetual concern. Some areas in Jakarta, according to urban planner and director of RuJak.org Marco Kusumawijaya, are confirmed to sink at an alarming rate of 18 centimetres per year (that’s a tall person’s height per decade!), mostly due to deep well groundwater usage and urban development. Many people, fatigued with Jakarta’s less-than-stellar water management, like to romanticise about the “good-old-days” under the Dutch rule when the old canals were well maintained and Batavia was known as “Paris of the East”. But not many people know that Batavia has been flooded since 1665. Batavia was established in 1619 by the Dutch East India Company. According to historian Bondan Kanumoyoso, who authored a book on 17th-18th century socioeconomic development in Batavia, the settlement now known as Jakarta’s Old City was never meant to be a proper city, but rather as the company’s Southeast Asian hub for the spice trade. Ecological considerations were the least of the Company’s concern. 4

The settlement was healthy for the first thirty years, until Batavia was attacked by Mataram (present-day Yogyakarta Sultanate), thus prompting the Dutch to end their isolation and start developing new settlements along the riverbanks of Ciliwung. Sugarcane plantations burgeoned down south, and migrant workers from outside Java were brought in, causing deforestation and subsequently flooding. “But flooding in the rainy season is only half of the problem. In the dry season there’s drought, which causes muddy waters to stagnate in the canals and become breeding grounds for disease vectors like malariabearing mosquitos,” said Bondan. “In addition to preventing floods, there’s also the challenge of making sure that there’s the right amount of water flowing in the dry season.” Batavia’s canals were commissioned in the early 17th century by Jan-Pieterszoon Coen, a Company official who studied in Venice and wanted a similar waterway transportation system in the hub. Batavia’s canals would later inspire the infamous canals of Amsterdam. However, some of Batavia’s canals had to be converted into roads when waters carrying sedimentation from Mount Salak’s eruption stagnated. Other canals were subsequently built over the coming centuries, like the Molenvliet in Jl. Hayam Wuruk-Gajah Mada, the Mookervaart in Jl. Daan Mogot, Kanal Banjir Barat, and Kanal Banjir Timur. But the floods keep on coming. Marco Kusumawijaya referred to Restu Gunawan’s book Gagalnya Sistem Kanal (“The Failure of the Canal System”), which explains the history of flood control in 20th century Batavia and problems Dutch canals cannot solve. Canals ultimately fail because once bigger ones are installed, it encourages

development, which only exacerbates the root causes of flooding. Marco’s mathematical formula for floods is:

F = SR - (Q1 + Q2) F being “Flood”, SR being “Surface Runoff ”, Q1 being natural drainages like rivers and lakes, and Q2 being manmade channels. Most of the time, people attempt to control floods by maximising Q2: canals, dams, reservoirs. Such projects are often commissioned to private companies, thus making them economically and politically beneficial. “But increasing Q2 without reducing SR is like putting a bigger glass under a tap of running water. Sure, it holds more water, but unless the tap is turned off, the glass would still eventually overflow no matter how big it is,” said Marco. Jakarta already has a great amount of natural SR from rainfall and excess waters from West Java’s highlands alone. And then there’s the additional runoff from population growth, developments that take away surfaces for groundwater absorption, and sewage produced by human settlements and industries--some which draw deep groundwater but can’t put it back into the ground. Efforts to curb SR include reforestation and groundwater recharging through infiltration wells. “They’re not politically ‘sexy’ because they require decentralisation and the empowerment of the people,” said Marco. “Q2 measures tend to be more popular because they put money into infrastructure, thus giving the impression of modernisation. In comparison, SR measures tend to give

the impression of curtailing development.” Reforestation, for instance, may require spending tax money to buy hectares of rainforest and simply conserve them, without developing any moneymaking investments on the expensive land. In order to encourage SR measures, Marco said that it is important for the public to assure the government and businesses that it is acceptable to invest in them. “The sustainable way is always a challenge, but technology makes it possible. It’s just not well-embedded in the system yet,” said Marco. These technologies include permeable drainage to absorb the runoff, plants that act as natural water cleaners and absorbers, biopores, and “green roofs” that retain water. Additionally, development and flood control can go hand-in-hand by implementing spatial planning bylaws that regulate the intensification of land use and set limits on floor area ratio. Unfortunately businesses often violate them with under-the-table arrangements involving money. “This is because our government and our people still lack a scientific mentality,” said Marco. “In order for it to stop, damages must be clearly calculable, and there needs to be legal procedures to punish offenders. Sure, this will increase development costs and reduce profits, but it also disciplines the market by forcing it to become more efficient. Businesses need to start including SR measures as part of their normal business costs. It only costs a few million Rupiahs.” “In order for Jakarta to have zero flooding, there needs to be zero corruption,” he added. “Sustainability is the only way to go if we want to survive. First we must believe that we need to survive and that we have the technology to make it possible.”  Jakarta Expat­­ · 27 February - 12 March 2013


Jakarta Expat­­­­ · ­26 September - 9 October 2012

Flooding on Jl. Gatot Subroto on January 17th, 2013.

Jl. Denpasar in Kuningan - a playground for drowning vehicles.

Pulo Raya, an area often hit by serious flooding.

RuJak Center for Urban Studies Gedung Ranuza 2nd Floor Jl Timor No. 10 Menteng, Jakarta Pusat 10350 http://www.rujak.org RuJak (“Ruang Jakarta”) is a non-profit organisation devoted to exchange ideas and commit to actions that transform Jakarta into a better, sustainable city. The RuJak website is regularly updated with entries on urban planning and architecture, and announces upcoming public discussions.

Grace susetyo Grace is a freelance writer, former TV journalist, and aspiring documentarist with a passion for Indonesian history and culture. Now in her 6th year in Jakarta, Grace has lived in various countries and looks forward to exploring more places. Contact her at g.c.susetyo@gmail.com

Jakarta Expat­­­­ · 27 February - 12 March 2013



Jakarta Expat­­ · ­26 September - 9 October 2012

Motivational Coaching

The Environment – From the Insides Out By Lily Akpuaka

If the outsides are a reflection of what’s going on inside, what does your environment/space say about you? Our actions, no matter how ‘negligible’ they seem, shape our environment and in response, the environment, natural or man-made, shapes us affecting our physical and emotional wellbeing.


ow do you shape your environment/space? And how does the environment reflect the mind? These two questions are closely linked. Just as the design of a house is a product of the architect’s mind, her creativity and thinking and just as the mood of a room is a product of the decorators’ choices so the state of an environment/space is a creation of its inhabitant’s mind, a sum of their thinking, choices and creativity. How does your environment shape you? Well, you just need to recall how you

felt the last time you spent a few hours in a traffic jam or at the spa to appreciate the impact the environment has on you. Space, Nature, Smell, Colour, Lightning and Decoration all contribute toward making our environment ideal in terms of beauty, practicality and organization. Beauty, practicality and organization influence whether we find our environment liveable, supportive, relaxed and inspiring

• So what exactly causes clutter? Terry Mabbit, a professional organizer believes there are three categories of clutter. • The most obvious cause for clutter is a poorly managed, disorganized lifestyle, which gives the appearance of clutter because everything is everywhere and nothing can be found without a hunt for it; this is called Life Management clutter and organization is key to resolving this issue. • Then you have Historical clutter, this is clutter that gathers over a lifetime and is caused by the stuff one collects in response to significant changes in life including weddings, births, graduations and even deaths. The trick here is to hold onto one or perhaps two significant items only whilst giving the rest to friends, family or others who have need for them. • And finally you have Behavioural clutter where the individual is driven by deeper issues such as beliefs, esteem needs or even depression to collect stuff, here he/she might need to seek support resolving the issues driving their behaviour before dealing with the clutter itself.

• So, what if you do have a restless, exhausting environment or space, how can you manage or even change it?

• Space is the 21st century luxury item - get rid of the unnecessary stuff you own and create space where movements can flow uninterrupted; learn to delight in space appreciating its calm. • We often attach memories and meaning to items in our lives, this leads us to hold on to

Lily Akpuaka Lily provides Life and Behaviour Coaching Services to individuals in Jakarta. Her experienced approach to coaching facilitates lasting behaviour changes to enable you to attain your personal or career goals. Contact: admin@akpuaka.com 0818 888 091 www.akpuaka.com


or demanding, stressful and draining. Ideally your space should be rejuvenating, relaxed and inspiring so it supports your physical, mental and emotional needs. Look around, what type of environment or space have you created? Is it inspiring, relaxed and rejuvenating or cluttered, restless and exhausting? Clutter is often a common culprit making an environment less supportive.

these things even when we don’t need them anymore. Understand there is a separation between the physical item and the memories in your head; your memories are much more powerful than the items that ‘represent’ them, giving away the items does not imply losing the memory. • If you haven’t needed it in the past four-five months (and it’s not winter gear or a pregnancy test kit) then you probably don’t need to own it, let it go and when you need it go out and buy or rent it.

• A good way of finding out how much clutter you have is to take a picture of your space and study it; there is nothing as sharp and effective as the camera in the hands of an amateur to pick up the ugliest crowded angle in a room. You might be surprised at the odd things you have hanging around. • Invite friends with toddlers over for lunch, when mum is not watching, let the toddlers loose on the room/space in question; in no time the toddlers will have helped you identify all the clutter you own waist level down – how? By trying to play with it, throw it or eat it. Best to carefully supervise toddlers if using this technique; angry mothers are dangerous to health. • Stop procrastinating; putting tasks off until later makes stuff pile up causing clutter. Whatever the ‘stuff’ whether an email, a DIY shelf or filing– do it and do it now. • Get into a weekly cleaning schedule, clean often – it’s easier and faster cleaning/tidying twice or three times a week because there is less to clean. • The mind responds to visual representations of beauty – pick one item you find beautiful and make it the focal point of your space. All the other items should complement the focal point. A focal point helps still your mind making you calm and inspiring you to train yourself and look at your focal point when you need inspiration or peace. • Go Green, actively seek to be around green places. Own plants, go for a walk in the forest or perhaps go golfing – studies show that nature restores mental clarity, rejuvenates people experiencing mental fatigue while improving learning, sharpening thinking, balancing emotions and self-regulation.

So grab a coffee or a tea, sit bac k, relax and look around you – if the outsides are a reflection of what’s going on inside, what does you r environment/space you have created say about you ?

Jakarta Expat­­ · 27 February - 12 March 2013

Jakarta Expat­­­­ · ­26 September - 9 October 2012


Jakarta Expat­­­­ · 27 February - 12 March 2013



Jakarta Expat­­ · ­26 September - 9 October 2012


Jakarta’s Real People Y By Antony Sutton

I don’t know about others, but for me one of the joys of living in Indonesia is its people. Not the unthinking drivers who don’t know basic road etiquette or the coiffured Ibus who trip round the high end malls but the folks who you come into contact with as individuals.

es there are good beaches and mountain ranges to enjoy but getting anywhere is so time consuming and such a chore, like many others I end up thinking it’s just not worth the effort. Anyway, there is so much fun to be had on the doorstep.

Soap operas here tend to follow the same tired old mantra of white skinned, rich people getting themselves involved in no end of drama, usually with a piano or drum kit as accompaniment. Real life proves to be much more fun and, best of all, lacks the fake eyelashes. Take one of my wife’s drivers. She’s had many but this one stood out for his ability to invent a fantasy world that even the top shelf magazines would have shunned. I was being picked up at the airport one time and he certainly looked in a bad mood. First impressions were confirmed as we sailed past our exit and on merrily into Jakarta. I had a go at him but that was nothing compared to the ear bashing my wife gave him. He quit. He never told us, he told the maid who over the years has become almost a matriarch in our little unit by dint of having survived us so long. He had left some things with us and so our maid went round to where he lived - a place my wife had helped find for him after he had been kicked out of his previous place for bringing too many ladies home for the night. When she reached his house she found he has done a midnight bunk and no one knew where he had gone. She sat and talked with the local residents and it was then we got to find out about our former driver’s fevered imagination. In his own words he had slept with our maid, my son’s nanny and my wife. A full house! His was mostly a world of fantasy. Another driver had lived the dream! He had a wife in Sukabumi, complete with children and moved to the big city and soon fell for the charms of another, divorced the first and settled down with number two. Number one would occasionally come round asking where her no good old man had gone; she wasn’t aware she had been divorced! The driver soon tired of number two and after a polite pause of a few days decided the time was ripe to find number three. He started hanging out near some of the local factories and sure enough, he hit pay dirt, moving in with a worker who owned her own property. He was onto number three in less than three years and that did not include the

flings he had with nannies and maids who worked locally. And still number one would come round once in a while looking for him! It’s not just drivers of course who have their bit of fun. Maids and nannies are keen on fluttering their eyelashes at any building labourer or satpam (security guard) who smiles their way. We had one nanny who had spent time in Saudi Arabia and certainly considered herself to be a pious individual. She kept her head covered all day, inside and out, and went around her business in an efficient enough manner. She had been forced into a marriage when she was younger by her parents, but she had never been keen on the relationship and eventually got a divorce, leaving the poor guy in East Java while she came to the Smoke. She told my wife her first husband was gay and they had never consummated the marriage and now she had a new fiancé, but that didn’t stop her having an affair with another one of our short-lived drivers before getting a job at a local supermarket and falling off our radar. Others haven’t even bothered trying to be pious. There are a gaggle of maids and nannies on our estate who gather together in the cool evening air to gossip and play with their mobile phones, while at the same time making sure the local lads get an eyeful as they dress themselves up in their shortest, tightest skirts or skinniest jeans. Some of the off duty satpams, labourers and grass cutters gather at the same place and admire the view while the young children, whose recreation time this is supposed to be, are left to run around under their own steam. The park is more like a dating agency than a children’s recreation ground! Then there is the nanny of them all - the Alpha nanny. Bigger, older and wiser, she holds the younger ones in her thrall as she meets them at the school gates. She has the latest (ish) phone, her clothes are more stylish and of course she earns more money. And boy, she likes to tell the other naïve country bumpkins how much she earns. The younger ones look up to her, they see her as worldly wise - she has been there, done that and is the Lionel Messi of nannies. And they believe her. They lap up her words, go back and tell their employers how much they feel they should be earning, then find themselves out of a job. Meanwhile Alpha nanny gets a new breed to titillate. In a city of 12 million people there will of course be 12 millions stories waiting to be told. But you can’t help thinking the TV stations are telling the wrong ones because for sure, the real life stories on the street prove truth is stranger than fiction. 

Antony Sutton Antony is a freelance writer based in Jakarta. Please send comments and suggestions to antony@the-spiceislands.com


Jakarta Expat­­ · 27 February - 12 March 2013

Jakarta Expat­­­­ · ­26 September - 9 October 2012


Jakarta Expat­­­­ · 27 February - 12 March 2013



Jakarta Expat­­ · ­26 September - 9 October 2012

Meet the Expat

Meet Dr. David E. Parry. the Soil Scientist, Environmental Development Consultant and Curator who has been a resident of Jakarta since 1980. By Cecilia Forsman

So David, what exactly do you do and how long have you been a resident of Indonesia? I am a soil scientist and remote sensing expert by training which means that I map and analyze soil types to determine the most appropriate crops to grow. I have lived and worked in Indonesia for 34 years and mapped soils for agricultural development projects in 28 provinces including five years working in the forests of Irian Jaya. What are your thoughts on Global Warming as a direct result of human activity? The world is almost certainly heating up through natural causes since we are in the middle of an inter-glacial warm period and man’s activities are probably having some impact on the warming through the ‘greenhouse effect’. Where I differ from the mainstream opinion is in querying the degree of warming being caused by emissions of CO2 gas from human (anthropogenic) activities such as burning fossils fuels, and man’s ability to ‘engineer’ the climate. After forty years as a field scientist and with considerable knowledge of meteorology and climatology - unlike, I hasten to add, the majority of commentators on climate change including the bulk of the mass media - I have enormous respect for the sheer scale, size and raw power of our atmosphere and oceans and find the very idea that man can somehow tinker with them as one would a thermostat on your air conditioner quite ludicrous. Is this a valid argument or pure sensationalism? Of course, there is a valid scientific argument to backup the ‘greenhouse’ theory but unfortunately, the scientific debate on the role man’s activities play in changing the world’s regional climates through the trapping of 10

I started collecting antique maps in my late teens and began, as so many collectors do, by buying English County maps. Once I started working overseas in 1968 I started to collect antique maps of the countries I worked in, which included much of Africa, the Middle East and India. My passion for collecting antique maps of Indonesia began when I returned here in 1980.

bureaucracy and develop the Bekasi and Tangerang links as later phases. The new Governor, Pak Jokowi, is trying very hard to revive the monorail project and recently a new consortium of local companies has proposed a second monorail system providing three new routes: one from East Bekasi to Cawang, one from Cibubur to Cawang and the third from Cawang to Kuningan, connecting, one would hope with the original monorail blue and circle lines. This is good news, but I do have one major concern, namely the plan of the consortium to build the monorail cars themselves and not purchase from a tried and trusted supplier. The Mott MacDonald study team recommended purchasing the monorail cars from an established

I began writing the book in 1992 when I realised that there was no single reference on the antique maps of Indonesia, a country that included the fabled ‘Spice Islands’, the Holy Grail of the European Renaissance Explorers. The book was published in 2005 so it took 13 years to complete – a real labour of love!

increasing amounts of CO2 and other greenhouse gases has been hijacked by politics, the mass media and the very powerful ‘Green Movement’ in all its guises. I am an environmental scientist with a passionate desire to conserve the planet’s resources and decrease our dependence on finite fossil fuels through developing alternative renewable sources of energy, but the cause is not helped by the alarmist and catastrophic scenarios on climate that are fed up daily by the media. So how can we, as individuals, do our part to help the environment – specifically, here in Indonesia? Practice the three Rs – Reduce, Reuse and Recycle. Reduce the amount of plastic and packaging you use when you go shopping – take your own eco-friendly shopping bags. Conserve water by recycling rainwater to help with the washing; irrigate your garden and pot plants with grey wastewater which contains plant nutrients such as phosphate and nitrogen; dig some metre deep bio-pores in your garden to help rainfall infiltrate into the soil and recharge the overburdened aquifers; conserve electrical power; switch off electrical appliances; only switch on water heaters (major consumers of power) an hour before you want to have hot water; stop throwing rubbish, especially plastic ‘Aqua’ bottles and bags out of the windows of your air conditioned vehicles into the road – keep the trash in the car and dispose of it properly at home. Little things but collectively, they make a difference. You were involved in the MRT project here in Jakarta. Could you tell us a little about this project and what it would mean for the city? I was involved in the original feasibility study for the Jakarta

monorail that was carried out by Mott MacDonald Ltd., one of the world’s largest civil engineering consulting firms and one with a long track record of designing and supervising the building of some of the world’s major railway systems including the Channel Tunnel, various lines on the London and Singapore underground systems and the Taipei- Kaoshung High Speed Rail Link. Jakarta needs a full heavy rail MRT system such as that being proposed for the Lebak Bulus – Kota route, as well as a network of cheaper, easier to build monorail lines bringing commuters in from Tangerang in the West and Bekasi in the East using the existing road and toll road routes to minimise land acquisition. The original concept for the monorail was to link Bekasi and Tangerang with Jakarta via lines running from each city to Jakarta, plus a circle line (the Green Line) acting as a distributary line to the Semanggi CBD, the Jalan Sudirman/Jalan Asia-Afrika offices and Malls and the offices of Jalan Rasuna Said. To complete such a project in one phase would have meant working with and obtaining permits from nine local governments! It was therefore decided to begin the project within the DKI area to minimise

You used to be an avid rugby player and still maintain a regular exercise schedule. Any tips for those looking for a more active lifestyle? I played regularly for Oxford University, English Universities (UAU) and the Harlequins’ first XV in the 1960s. I played in Jakarta in the 1980s and 90s but was far too old for such a physical game – I now suffer the consequences in the form of arthritic hips, damaged knees and lower lumbar problems! But I like to work out with weights since I have done weight training since my school days, do plenty of walking and some swimming. A visit to the gym is good for both your physical and mental health – I feel guilty if I miss a workout! My tip for middle-aged and elderly men is don’t go jogging and if you go to the gym and are not used to regular exercise, start very slowly and use the services of a qualified fitness trainer.

supplier such as Hitachi since research and development costs for railway systems are very high and are most easily borne by the big railway companies such as Alstom, Hitachi and Bombardier. If you were Governor of Jakarta, what immediate actions would you take to improve quality of life in the city? I would do precisely what Governor Jokowi is doing, namely attempting to tackle the perennial problems of traffic congestion and flooding, plus trying to improve the lives of the poorer sections of the community through better health and education welfare programmes. You and your wife Sonja are animal lovers - how many pets do you currently have and is it true that people leave kittens in plastic bags on your gate for you to adopt? We have five dogs; three Golden retrievers and two kampung dogs, plus about 15 cats. And yes, we occasionally find abandoned kittens hanging in plastic bags on our front gate that we always save. You are also Curator at Bartele Gallery and author of ‘The Cartography of the East Indian Islands’. How did you become a map expert and how long did it take you to complete your book?

You’ve achieved quite a lot in your life, any plans to slow down anytime soon? Not really, I still enjoy the challenges involved in working on development projects although now I’m semi-retired I have the luxury of picking those projects that really interest me, such as the East Bali Poverty Project. I thoroughly enjoy the two days a week I spend in Bartele Gallery doing research on the antique maps and prints and when I’m not in the gym or walking the dogs, I play bridge with my wife at various Jakarta bridge clubs. So I don’t really see myself slowing down although I have reduced the amount of kilograms I put on the bars in the gym!  Thank you, David. To get in touch, email him at deparry777@gmail.com

Jakarta Expat­­ · 27 February - 12 March 2013

Jakarta Expat­­­­ · ­26 September - 9 October 2012


Faces of Jakarta


the Three-in-One Jockey Words and photos by David Metcalf

Icha stands patiently, arm outstretched, hoping for a ride to Monas, Kota or

another part of Jakarta with the hope that she will meet a generous person who will part with more than the 20,000 Rupiah she expects as a minimum fee. At 27 Icha is a very young mother of two children. Having given birth at the age of thirteen, the eldest is 14 years of age and the other is eight. She divorced her husband two years ago after a very difficult marriage and now lives in Prapanca with her two daughters. Icha did not attend high school, as her parents were too poor to support her so she is determined to continue to pay the fees so her eldest daughter has some hope for the future. Icha’s dream is to get a job as a receptionist in a hotel but never gets to the interview stage due to her lack of skills and education - a huge barrier. I got the feeling from talking to this honest woman that she would make a fantastic employee with a very positive attitude if only someone would give her that opportunity. The Jockeys typically work five days a week from 7 – 10 am and 4.30 – 7 pm, however it is a very competitive pastime and some days they do not get a ride. The income of around Rp.800,000 per month makes it very difficult for Icha to cover her rent and food bills, however somehow she manages, which gives a good indication of her determination and resolve. She feels vulnerable at times and has had some bad experiences in the past, but most of the time the people that pick her up are courteous and kind. Occasionally the police do come around to check ID card but generally leave them alone, even though this practice is illegal. To me the Jockeys of Jakarta are a great example of entrepreneurial spirit, working on the edge of the law but providing a much needed service to those commuters needing to get across the city in a timely fashion.. 

David metcalf David Metcalf (Dayak Dave) is a professional photographer who specialises in photography workshop tours and cultural, adventure tours throughout Indonesia. Please visit his website www.davidmetcalfphotography.com and www.facebook.com/indodave

Jakarta Expat­­­­ · 27 February - 12 March 2013



Jakarta Expat­­ · ­26 September - 9 October 2012

Languages Indonesian language teacher for foreign students. Lilie organized University Indonesia’s first international conference for Indonesian language teachers in 2010. He says many here treat Indonesian with no great love, merely a tool to get by with someone from another part of the country. “Indonesian language speakers pick it up early on at school or through daily life and, honestly, many wonder why foreigners don’t do the same”, Lilie says. With no real government plan to promote the language, English loan words proliferate and teaching standards are tough to nail down. “You can learn it from anybody, they think.” “Many people are not proud of their own language,” says Lilie, who comes from central Java and speaks Javanese with his family. “There’s English, English everywhere. I want people to appreciate Indonesian.” That benign neglect is at odds with government requirements for Indonesian language regulations for Kitas work permits and the increasingly broad study of the language in neighbouring Australia. Nia Indrakusuma has been the Director of Berlitz Jakarta languages schools since 2007. She says about a quarter of Berlitz’s students study Indonesian, the rest mostly study English. She’s betting a bigger proportion of her students will want to study the national language. Trouble is the government doesn’t say what they want the schools to teach. “We regularly get requests for letters to accompany kitas applications,” Indrakusuma says. “If they enforce the rules more they should give us guidelines.”

Want to Study Indonesian in Jakarta? Few Schools Here May Make the Grade Finding quality Indonesian classes is surprisingly tough in the nation’s capital. And as interest grows it may get tougher. By Jeff Hutton


ack in 2006, when he was teaching English at a Jakarta high school, Desmond Breau did what many expatriates in the capital get around to eventually: he sought out an Indonesian language teacher. And then he sought out another; and then another. Finding a language tutor, it turns out, was the easy part. But outside Yogyakarta, where Indonesian language instruction is well established, finding a teacher with a rigorous curriculum is tougher. “I asked the Director of the high school where I was teaching, “Where can I get a serious education in Indonesian?” recalls Breau. The options, he was told: Either go to Yogyakarta or enrol at the University of Indonesia, where lesson times are numerous and inflexible and the semesters lengthy. “I found it really discouraging.”

Jakarta’s mainly specialized base of expatriates – a mainly professional and government linked bunch with busy jobs, a huge pool of private tutors and a general indifference to Indonesian as a language has crimped the supply of high quality schools in the country’s capital. As Indonesian authorities ratchet up language requirements to secure work permits and neighbouring countries like Australia do a better job at promoting Indonesian than authorities in Jakarta, demand will grow, experts predict. Amazingly, though, specialized Indonesian language courses are still tough to find. Breau and business partner Rahdian Saepuloh eventually set up Language Studies Indonesia after hitting up some Canadian investors and spending 18 months to devise their own curriculum. They claim that when they started taking students in 2007 they were the first commercial Indonesian language school in Jakarta specializing in the language. That’s tough to verify, but Google searches even now turn up few direct competitors 12

Students considering a school or a teacher should insist on an outline of the curriculum and the methods. “The curriculum needs to build in stages and be continuous,” Saepuloh says. Most teachers will come from a background of English training. Ask about their experience. “It’s the first thing every client asks me. They want to know the qualifications of the teachers,” says Breau. Good schools seek feedback and should be able to show it to prospective students and teachers should be able to tell you what you can express after each course level. After 30 one-and-a-half-hour meetings at Berlitz a student should be able to go to the doctor and employ survival Indonesian on a daily basis. Language Studies offer flexible tutorial time slots and a curriculum that runs 156 hours of training from beginner to advanced.

that make their money only by teaching Indonesian. The biggest headache right now, the pair say, is the challenge of finding teachers with what Breau calls leadership ability. With a staff of 15 instructors Saepuloh and Breau say they need two more immediately. They’ve interviewed more than 40 candidates over three weeks and still haven’t found anyone suitable. “Every single teacher I’ve had was incredibly nice. And if you tell them you want to be able to speak to your driver they’ll tell you what to say,” says Breau.

Anyone with more time on their hands may consider studying at University Indonesia where classes run over three semesters, Monday to Friday starting at 8am until midday. Breau at LSI expects the school to grow. Last year the school had 10 teachers. In 12 months they hope to have as many as 25 teachers leading students aiming to make the most out of their stay in Indonesia. Without any direction from cultural officials in ministries of education and elsewhere, the schools are on their own.

“I don’t want a nice person. I want a teacher.” Saepuloh says developing the school’s curriculum was a learning experience for him, challenging notions that just because Indonesian was his language it didn’t mean he could teach it. It also laid bare for him just how little anyone else was doing to promote and protect his language. “When you come to the airport in Milan, what are the first words you see? Italian, right? When you come to the airport in Jakarta you see English.” For most Indonesians, in Jakarta their common language is the standardized product cobbled together by the Dutch in the 1920s with roots in Malay. For many here it’s a second or third tongue, varying significantly from what’s spoken in their hometowns such as Javanese or Sundanese, explains Lilie Suratminto. Suratminto has been a lecturer for 30 years at the University Indonesia of Dutch language and culture and

“When anyone signs up for classes they need to feel they are getting somewhere,” says Breau. “We are advocates for the language.” 

List of Schools: Language School Indonesia (021) 7087 2200 or (021) 7087 3300. Jl MPR III Dalam No. 3 Cilandak Barat, Jakarta Selatan Berlitz: 021) 251 4589. Jl Jend Sudirman Kav 10-11 Shopping Gallery Karet International Language Institute University of Indonesia (021) 786 4075. Gedung X Lt.1 Fakultas Ilmu Pengetahuan Budaya, Kampus UI Depok, Depok 16424

jeff hutton Jeff moved to Jakarta earlier this year after stints as a business reporter in Tokyo and Sydney. After more than a decade in newsrooms, he turned to freelance writing specializing on infrastructure, sustainable development and finance. http://www.jeffreyhutton.com/ Follow Jeff on Twitter: @jeffreyhutton

Jakarta Expat­­ · 27 February - 12 March 2013


Jakarta Expat­­­­ · ­26 September - 9 October 2012


Introducing the New Look & Concept of MY ISLAND BALI

Home Furnishing & Accessories

Just about twenty years ago, we started a décor business based in Hong Kong. We then delightfully expanded to Indonesia and with time and pride, opened our own production facilities. Successfully creating and exporting worldwide to Japan, the U.S.A and Europe. “My Island” brand decor initially was only exported from our designs and production. We also found the desire to source and include many of Indonesia’s products chosen from both the skill of the artisan craftsmen and the unique new materials that are specialist for its area or village. Then came the need for our own local outlets in Jakarta and Bali. Welcome to MY ISLAND BALI. Yes, we are difficult to locate so please plan ahead, especially as you may miss us in the macet!

What we know is we’ve been in this home decor business, servicing our clients with quality and a trustworthy service. Our products worldwide have been sold in the finest department stores and designer outlets for many years. We have designed and created a unique and wide selection of furniture, decor and accessories - vintage teak furniture, sofas, dining tables, wine racks and wine cabinets, hampers, shelving and so much more. We also produce basketry, storage, dressers and Balinese unique gift items made with the best assorted natural materials of Indonesia. You may find a one-of-a-kind designed furniture piece in our collection and you may choose to use our “Design Center” services to create your own special items. Come and see, you will be pleasantly surprised at We look forward to welcoming you! ■

JL. Pakubuwono VI NO.35 B Kebayoran Baru, Jakarta 12120 Tel. +62-21-7264238 E. myislandjkt@cbn.net.id


Every year, the Jakarta International Djarum Super Mild Java Jazz Festival spoils music lovers leaving them feeling the excitement as they become the subject of conversation for months later. In 2013, the Jakarta International Djarum Super Mild Java Jazz Festival will be held on the 1st, 2nd and 3rd of March at the JiExpo Kemayoran. Djarum Super Mild Jakarta International Java Jazz Festival is an international-class jazz festival that brings together local jazz musicians whose talent easily matches international artists. The event has become part of the Indonesian music scene and continues to attract broader audiences each year. The program fulfills the urban need for entertainment while boosting/supporting a jazz industry that continues to bring forth young talented jazz artists. Jazz Up The World is a large and influential music event, for years now the Jakarta International Djarum Super Mild Java Jazz Festival conveys a message that relates to the lives of the citizens. This annual jazz event has succeeded to utter the importance of harmony in the world.

Jakarta Expat­­­­ · 27 February - 12 March 2013


This is the ninth edition of Djarum Super MILD Jakarta International Java Jazz Festival, a much celebrated jazz festival in the southern hemisphere, presenting names like Joss Stone, Lisa Stansfield and Basia as part of the Special Shows and will also be enlivened by Spyro Gyra, Stanley Clarke, Marcus Miller, Jimmy Cliff, Magnus Lindgren, Gregory Porter, James Carter, Roy Hargrove, Kenny Garrett, Phil Perry, Butterscotch, Wouter Hamel, The Soul Rebels, Bob James, Chuck Loeb, Fernandez4, New York Voices, Balance and the Traveling Sounds, George Duke, Jose James, Miles Smiles (Larry Coryell, Omar Hakim, Joey DeFrancesco, Daryll Jones, Rick Margitza), Jose James, Brian Simpson, Fourplay, Eldar Djangirov, Emily Elbert, David Helbock, Roberta Gambarini and Mellow Motif. This year, Indonesian musicians who will perform at this annual jazz festival will be Indro Hardjodikoro - The Fingers, The Groove, Indonesian Youth Generation, Dwiki Dharmawan, Abdul and the Coffee Tree Theory, Ade & Brothers, Ginda and the White Flowers, The ExtraLarge, Calvin Jeremy, Indra Lesmana, The Jongens Quartet, Margo Rising Stars, Glenn Fredly, Oddie Agam, Sister Duke, Storia, BubuGiri, Tulus, For Better Life Movement 57kustik, Tompi, G-PLUCK BEATLES, Barry Likumahuwa Project, Andien, NINO, Matthew Sayersz, and Heaven On Earth. In the 1980s, there were two musicians who influenced the jazz fusion in Indonesia, and they were Marcus Miller and Stanley Clarke. It will be interesting to see their performance on the stages of the Jakarta International Djarum Super Mild Java Jazz Festival 2013. Marcus Miller will perform with his own band, and Stanley Clarke will perform together with George Duke, which was a special project collaboration in 1981 known as the “Clarke/Duke Project”. Last year they

toured as “Clarke/Duke Project 4- Bring It”, as they will do at the festival this year. Miles Smiles is a project consisting of musicians that have performed together with the legendary musician Miles Davis. Although at times, the formation of the group changes, this March will see the well-known Hammond player Joey DeFrancesco, the expert guitarist Larry Carlton, Omar Hakim on drums, Darryl Jones on bass and Saxophonist Rick Margitza. Amongst the Indonesian artists, Oddie Agam will celebrate his 4th decade in the music industry. Jakarta International Djarum Super Mild Java Jazz Festival always provides room to show appreciation to musicians that have contributed to music in Indonesia. In the past, the festival has acknowledged the contributions of names such as Chrisye, Sam Saimun, Bing Slamet, Fariz RM, Elfa Secioria, and this year, it will be for Oddie Agam. Barry Likumahuwa Project will present the “Tribute to Weather Report”. Weather Report was one of the most respected fusion jazz groups in the past. Other special projects along the way will be presented to make the Jakarta International Djarum Super Mild Java Jazz Festival 2013 spectacular. So don’t miss the Jakarta International Djarum Super Mild Java Jazz Festival 2013! Jazz Up The World.




Jakarta Expat­­ · ­26 September - 9 October 2012

photos: www.alwaysrestlessfeet.wordpress.com

The Environment

More Mangroves, Less Flooding By Nithin Coca

Did you know there is actually a mangrove plantation in Jakarta? You probably have driven by it many times and not even noticed. It can be found right along the expressway connecting central Jakarta with Soekarno-Hatta International Airport, a tiny bit of greenery and one of Jakarta’s few true protections against Climate Change and flooding.


t is a shadow of what once was a vast mangrove forest that covered most of the north coast of Java. Mangroves, which thrive in the mixture of sea and freshwater along coastlines, help maintain sea levels and hold back storm surges, forming a wall against flooding. I visited it last summer when working for Kehati, the Indonesian Biodiversity Foundation. Rows of carefully plotted and maintained mangroves fill a swampy wetland, small but efficient. Each Mangrove is planted as the result of a donation, cared for by a non-profit that runs the centre. They also work to educate local children about the benefits of nature and the environment. Jakarta needs mangroves, as a city in a delta-basin, one that, under natural conditions, is often inundated. Today, the bulging megacity, with its strained infrastructure and depleted environment, is so susceptible to flooding that there have even been calls for moving the capital to another province. The shut-down we saw this past January 17th is only the latest example of what will likely be a more regular occurrence if things do not dramatically change. The fact is, Indonesia is incredibly vulnerable to climate shifts. Already Climate Change is making a small, but noticeable impact through more intense rainfalls across the archipelago. As temperatures rise in the coming years, it is predicted that the rainy season will shrink, leading to shorter but more substantial downpours, while the dry season will become longer and more desiccant. In fact, the seasonal Monsoon’s onset may be delayed by as much as 30 days. This means harder soils with less absorptive capacity, and greater runoff, leading to higher and more frequent flood risk. There is also the threat of more intense, and potentially more frequent, El Nino events. El Nino is a normal, periodic warming of waters off the coast of Peru which affects global weather patterns. In Indonesia, this usually means drought conditions. You may remember the last strong El Nino, in 14

1997-98, the same years that rampant fires decimated Sumatra and Kalimantan, leaving an estimated $9 billion in economic losses and the harmful smog that blanketed Southeast Asia. Warmer temperatures also mean higher sea levels. Just a one metre increase - well within consensus scientific projections - will mean that 405,000 hectares of land with be flooded in Indonesia, especially in low-lying, densely populated north Java. Jakarta is especially at risk because nearly 40% of the city lies below sea level. Sea water intrusion also can harm freshwater supplies and pollute groundwater. Moreover, ocean temperatures will be higher, which is harmful for corals and their dependent fisheries, a major source of food and livelihood for Indonesians. Warmer water also means stronger cyclones, such as the ones which have recently affected Bali. The economic effects of all this will be huge. A detailed study from the International Food Policy Institute says that Climate Change will have significant negative impacts on the Indonesian economy by 2030, especially in the agricultural and fishing sectors. There is an environmental justice angle to the situation, as it is the poor who live in low-lying, flood prone regions, and who are more dependent on agriculture for income. It is they who will suffer the most, acerbating income inequality. So what can Indonesia do? The Government has developed several adaptation plans, which outline general goals, but, as the flooding showed, little concrete action has been taken. Now is the time to implement those plans. Stated

environmental actions include restoring mangrove forests along the coast, increasing forest cover around Jakarta, which would reduce water run-off, lessening the strain on the city’s infrastructure. Indonesia also needs to take action to mitigate emissions. Few realize that Indonesia is the world’s third largest emitter of greenhouse gases behind China and the United States. However, unlike both those countries, whose main sources of emissions are the energy and agricultural sectors, here 85% of emissions come from deforestation and land-use change. There needs to be strong global action on greenhouse gases, and Indonesia, as one of the largest polluters, needs to take a more active global role and reduce its own forest emissions. The chief drivers are palm oil plantations, whose short term financial gains are greatly outweighed by the long term costs of fire, biodiversity loss, and Climate Change. One relatively easy step that can be taken is promoting more sustainable, multispecied, dispersed palm oil plantations versus existing singlespecies plantations, which remove water from the soil and make fires more likely. Enforcement, of course, will be key. Unfortunately, things are still moving in the wrong direction. I recently learned that the proposed rail line to the airport will cut right through the mangrove plantation I visited. The question now is, have the recent floods created the impetus for Indonesia to change its urban development policies, restore watersheds and adapt to Climate Change? Or will we have to wait for another more devastating, and potentially catastrophic, flood to force us into action? 

Nithin Coca Nithin was born in San Diego, California to parents from South India, and has taken his international upbringing to the maximum, having lived and worked in the United States, France, Spain, Nepal, and currently Indonesia, where he hopes to play a role in protecting this country's amazing environmental and cultural heritage through education, policy and social activism. He can be reached at 2011@nithincoca.com

Jakarta Expat­­ · 27 February - 12 March 2013

Jakarta Expat­­­­ · ­26 September - 9 October 2012


Jakarta Expat­­­­ · 27 February - 12 March 2013



Jakarta Expat­­ · ­26 September - 9 October 2012

Personal Tech & Apps

Early Warning Systems – Hope for Disaster Prevention By Juan Leysner

From earthquakes to cyclones and tropical storms, landslides, volcanic eruptions, floods, and avalanches, no nation is immune from the threat of natural disaster. Early warning systems attempt to assess risk and reduce threat to life, property and general environment, by pulling together the available scientific research.


eteorological surveys, geological surveys, and satellite monitoring can be combined with historical records of past events and statistical modeling of current probabilities to give detailed early warning information for many natural disasters. Slight changes in the environment will often alert scientists and officials to a potential real time threat. But even with the most sophisticated early warning systems available today, exact hazard predictions will always be difficult because some events simply cannot be predicted.

Early warning systems I see three major disaster events that could happen in Indonesia and would like to be warned before they take place. The so-called early warning system can warn us of upcoming natural disasters such as tsunamis, earthquakes and volcanic eruptions. You can receive early warnings for tsunamis and earthquakes on your hand phone although I must say that I think for earthquakes the name is misleading as it does not warn you when the shaking begins. Unfortunately I was not able to find anything on an early warning system for your mobile in the event that a volcano in your backyard erupts, but perhaps the smoke plume on top of the volcano could be an indication that something is about to happen.

The Tsunami Alarm System receives earthquake and tsunami warning information from a multiplicity of seismic measuring stations and tsunami warning stations from different countries all over the whole world. As a subscriber, you can be sure that your Tsunami Alarm System does not miss any warnings and that any tsunami warnings will result in an alarm being sent to your mobile phone as soon as possible. When a tsunami alarm is sent to subscribers, it is particularly important that it does not go unnoticed, therefore three back-to-back SMSs are sent. The Tsunami Alarm System reliably ensures that subscribers and other people you may want to warn can apply life-saving measures several minutes before the arrival of a destructive tsunami. The Tsunami Alarm System works everywhere in the world covered by the GSM network, assuming that your mobile phone is logged into a GSM network. 1 year subscriptions to the Tsunami Alarm System cost 29,95 Euro (around Rp.380,000).

How does the Tsunami Alarm System work?

Wunderground.com Weather Underground is committed to delivering the most reliable, accurate weather information possible. Their state-of-the-art technology monitors conditions and forecasts for locations across the world, so you’ll always find the weather information that you need. Their ever-expanding network of 22,000+ personal weather stations is the largest of its kind and enables the unique ability to provide the most local forecasts based on actual weather data points. Weather Underground is also available to download on iPhone, iPod touch, iPad and Android devices.

http://www.tsunami-alarm-system.com/en/shop/php/ abonnieren.php

Earthquake Early Warning

Lewatmana.com LewatMana helps keep you updated on the traffic conditions around you. Get the latest traffic information in real-time and updates through CCTV and crowd-sourced reports to help you plan your commute by avoiding congested areas. Information is now available in both still image and pre-recorded video clip format. You can easily search for the nearest CCTV or search CCTV by city. LewatMana also offers mobile apps for Android and Blackberry for traffic info on the go. Try the “driving mode” to help you track where you are and view the traffic conditions surrounding you. In addition to the colour coded traffic line indicators, there are also camera images, videos and running text of latest traffic reports. 16

Although the name suggests that this system will warn before the earthquake starts, most of the systems that I have investigated are more notification systems than early warning systems. When a massive shallow earthquake hits below land, the shaking will be almost simultaneously felt together with the alert sound of an early warning app or tool, as there are usually only a few seconds in between both waves at short distances. Measuring the alert and redistributing an alert signal will at least need some seconds. Further away from the epicenter (from 50 to several hundred km) the time in between the alert and the time the shaking starts can be used to take cover or to follow the approved evacuation methods.

tsunamis, such as air pollution, traffic jams and heavy rain fall. There was an electronic board nearby the Gambir train station which highlighted the quality of the air. It is not working anymore but I think this kind of information would be great to have. You can find Information on traffic on the web such as www.macetlagi.com and www.kemana.com. Both websites will give a screenshot of the condition of the road. Heavy rain and consequently banjir (flooding) in a city that almost came to a complete stop, I can only wish that IT could solve this problem as no one wants to get stuck in his car 2km away from his home for more than three or four hours. Unfortunately we have to deal with these daily problems, but as said before the mobile industry has some early warnings systems in place to help us cope with one or two of them in an easier way. And on that note I will say keep safe. 

But remember, early alert systems DO NOT predict earthquakes. You can find these programs in every online store such as BB/ Android and iPhone.

Other hazards Especially in Indonesia, during our daily lives we will be confronted with smaller hazards than earthquakes and

Juan G. Leysner Juan G. Leysner has lived and worked in Jakarta for over 10 years and is the founder of 2 db.mobi, www.2dbarcodesolutions.com

Jakarta Expat­­ · 27 February - 12 March 2013


Jakarta Expat­­­­ · ­26 September - 9 October 2012

Denpasar Residence at Kuningan City In the Heart of Kuningan

1 Bedroom Apartment for rent Description: • 16th floor • Balcony • View to Thamrin / Rasuna Said • Brand new building • Newly fully furnished with 2 ACs • Cozy & minimalist • Full bathroom • Stove, fridge, microwave, cutlery, crockery, cooking utensils • Washing machine, 2 TVs • 1 Free parking • Spacious lobby • Electronic access • 24-hour security system Size: 45 sqm. • Price: Rp 10 million/month. Service charge included, min 1 year

Apartment for rent in strategic location Somerset Grand Citra, Kuningan

Description • 3 bedroom ( 2 +1 ), 2 bathrooms, • 1 maid room • Service area • Full kitchen set • View of Ciputra world • Balcony • Furnished • Easy access to Jl Sudirman, Mega Kuningan and Jl Gatot Subroto. Size: 136 sqm. • Price: US$ 2,200/month (nett) negotiable. Minimum rental term 1 year.

Exclusive beach front land for sale. Size: 950 m2 = 9.5 are

• Prime building block with 70m walk to the Indian ocean with views.

• Building permission • private beach at doorstep • famous surfing spot

A must see for serious investors. Photos and building plans available.

• Price: IDR 2.660.000.000,- (IDR 280.000.000.-/are)

Spacious Apartment in Casa Grande The apartment is in Mirage Tower on a high floor and is actually 2 apartments combined into one. The apartment comprises: Description • Very large Master bedroom with ensuite; • Second bedroom (double) with ensuite; • Third bedroom (single); • Fourth bedroom (single) or study; • Large open plan living area comprising lounge, dining and kitchen area; • Main bathroom; • Utility room; • 2 rooms suitable for storage or as maids quarters (plus 2 maids bathrooms); • 2 Balconies; • Semi gross area 217m2, Net living area 183m2; • Fully furnished, 75% brand new furniture and fittings; • Secure basement parking. • Price: $4,000/month (nett) negotiable. 1 year minimum rental term. Casa Grande is a brand new apartment complex in the Kota Kasablanca Complex.

Are you a Property owner? are you looking for property?

Let us help you! Contact us at:

property@jakartaexpat.biz // 08131 772 2271 Jakarta Expat­­­­ · 27 February - 12 March 2013



Jakarta Expat­­ · ­26 September - 9 October 2012

Light Entertainment

How to Make a Maltese Cross By Eamonn Sadler


hile I was on holiday in Malta with some friends a few years ago we booked a boat trip to the neighbouring islands of Gozo and Comino. The package deal provided all food and drinks for the day, including breakfast, so we woke up early and set off for the harbour under a bright morning sun and a clear blue sky. The boat waiting for us on the dock in Sliema was medium sized and quite old, but it seemed to be well maintained and it was floating so that was good enough for us. We climbed aboard with about 50 or 60 other people. While my companions went off in search of beer I stood at the back of the boat, leaning on the handrail and curiously watching the hardy Mediterranean seafaring types preparing for our departure. The boat was moored facing outwards like a car backed up against a wall, so as the engines roared into life a cloud of blue diesel fumes filled the air in front of me obscuring my view of the action. As the air cleared I saw a guy on shore hurriedly cast off the mooring rope to the right and a burly young crew member pulled it swiftly on board, but before the second rope could be cast off the captain

gunned the engines and gave it full speed ahead. The crew member ran across the boat behind me and desperately tried to untie the rope from the bollard on the deck as it stretched like a piece of elastic gradually getting thinner and thinner. At the same time he was shouting over his shoulder in Maltese obviously trying to tell the captain to cut the engines. He couldn’t hear him. The guy on shore tried in vain to heave the rope off the mooring post on the dock but the extreme tension made it impossible. I was considering offering some kind of assistance when the unthinkable happened; the rope snapped about five feet from the boat and whipped violently in both directions. The short end of the rope shot through the boat’s railing and hit the crew member squarely between the legs. Unfortunately he was still looking backwards and bellowing towards the wheelhouse so he had no chance to take evasive action. The violent force of the impact ended his tirade on a very long vowel, and the sudden and simultaneous acceleration of the boat caused him to stumble forward and hit his head hard on the railing with a clang. He fell to the deck clutching his groin with one hand and his head with the other. He slowly pulled his knees up to his chest as he muttered a Catholic prayer, his face completely white except for a trickle of blood from a wound above his right eyebrow. The captain set sail, oblivious to the chaos aft, while passengers gathered to offer assistance to the fallen crew member. The captain eventually got word of what had happened and ventured to the back of the boat to see for himself. By this time the young crew member was sitting up against the railing

nursing his genitalia with both hands, while a sympathetic female passenger dabbed at his head wound with a tissue. Empathetic male passengers with crossed legs and pained expressions on their faces looked on. The heavily bearded captain stood in front of the young man, said something in Maltese and then burst into hearty laughter. The young man slowly hauled himself to his feet and shuffled painfully towards the hysterical captain. He pulled himself upright before him, looking for all the world like he was about to salute, then, without saying a word, swiftly head-butted him in the face. The captain’s nose broke with loud crack and his knees buckled instantly. The young man managed to get a couple of good swift kicks in as the captain slumped to the deck before passengers intervened to prevent further bloodshed. Amazingly the rest of the crew decided to continue the cruise as if nothing had happened and we did actually get to see Gozo and Comino that day. As we ate lunch on board we got talking to a Maltese passenger about the morning’s events and we asked him what the captain had said to elicit such a violent and career-ending response from his crew member. Loosely translated, here’s what the captain said: “Don’t worry about it - a little faggot like you was never going to give me grandchildren anyway.”  To read more by Eamonn Sadler, go to www.eamonnsadler.com To find out more about live stand-up comedy in Indonesia please e-mail jakarta@thecomedyclub.asia text or call 0821 1194 3084 or register at www.thecomedyclub.asia


We had a lot of correct entries this time but the winner is Nigel G. from Lebak Bulus. Well done Nigel. Please contact us to collect your two free tickets for the next comedy club event.

Last Edition's answer: Mick Jagger (top right).


0821 1194 3084



1 Feeble - sentimentally childish (5-5) 7 Let in (or out!) (8) 8 Notice - stain (4) 9 Ceremony - ritual (4) 10 Wild - frenzied (7) 12 Boring - keen (11) 14 Bill - relation (7) 16 Portent - sign (4) 19 Garden pest - pellet (4) 20 Spectator - weekly publication (8) 21 Writing material (10)

1 Lowest point (5) 2 Add water - dampen (7) 3 Abominable snowman (4) 4 Former civic dignitary (8) 5 Dock - vessel (5) 6 Managing - top course of masonry (6) 11 Refuse to agree - project (5,3) 12 Steep - predicament (6) 13 Steep - plunge (7) 15 Should - zero (5) 17 Poor - destitute (5) 18 Norwegian capital (4)

We must apologise to Glenn from Kemang who got the caption competition in Issue 86 correct. We said it was Marlene Dietrich and Charlie Chaplin, but it was in fact Marlene Dietrich and her husband at the time, Rudolf Sieber. Sorry Glenn – please contact us to collect your prize of two free tickets for our next event.

Can you name the celebrity couple above AND say what tragedy befell them in August 1969?

{ Answers in the next edition! }

*Answers for Edition 88 Across 5. Potting shed 7. Byng 8. Cheerful 9. Shuffle 11. Moult 13. Adage 14. Unblock 16. Platinum 17. Chop 18. Contretemps Down 1. Stag 2. Piccolo 3. Agley 4. Charcoal 5. Psychedelic 6. Double cross 10. Fighting 12. Animate 15. Snare 17. Comb

This Edition’s Quiz: the Nature quiz Scan the barcode and answer the 10 questions correctly for a chance to win: A Sangria Sunday voucher worth Rp.1,800,000 from Tapas Movida, Cipete.

Congratulations to Christine Huang for winning 2 daily passes to Java Jazz Festival on Friday 1st March and Silvia Boen for winning 2 daily passes to Java Jazz Festival on Saturday 2nd March!


Jakarta Expat­­ · 27 February - 12 March 2013

Jakarta Expat­­­­ · ­26 September - 9 October 2012


Jakarta Expat­­­­ · 27 February - 12 March 2013




Jakarta Expat­­ · ­26 September - 9 October 2012

platform, this is an excellent opportunity to exchange views, solicit information, and seek out business opportunities. Light snacks will be served throughout the evening together with a 2.5 hour free flow of wine, beer, soft drinks, and juices. Entrance Fee: * Member (with booking): Rp. 220,000 * Member (walk-in): Rp. 250,000 * Non Member (with booking):Rp. 350,000 * Non-member (walk-in): Rp. 380,000 How to register? Email at events@britcham.or.id www.britcham.or.id

art & exhibition

Let’s laugh with RUSSELL PETERS!. Wed, Mar 20 2013 Location: Skeeno Exhibition Hall Gandaria City, Jakarta Russell Peters is back by popular demand! The show contains same material as last year’s performance, plus a few new observations from the Canadian funnyman – this is definitely not a show to be missed! For more info call 021 - 7237203 Tickets available at www. standupjakarta.com

business & networking

BritCham - February’s Business & Social Gathering Thu, 28 Feb 2013 Location: TBA on RSVP Located at the heart of a vibrant city-centre hub, voted our most popular business networking

10th Indo Power 2013 Int’l Expo Wed, 03 Apr 2013 - Fri, 05 Apr 2013. Location: Jakarta International Expo (JI. Expo), Jakarta - Indonesia CEMS-Global USA’s `POWER Series of Exhibitions are held in Indonesia, Bangladesh & Sri Lanka, the emerging economies where huge investments are happening in the Power & Renewable Energy sectors. With some western countries enforcing certain import restrictions on Solar Technology, it will be a good opportunity for Manufacturers of Solar to look upon other potential markets for sales of Solar Power generation like Indonesia, a huge potential country & emerging economy in South-East Asia. To create more platforms for the Renewable Energy sector and Electronics associated to Power & Energy, CEMS-Global have further announced well defined segmented concurrent exhibitions which will be held along side the 10th Indo-Power 2013 International Expo’, namely, `Indo-Renewable Energy 2013 Expo’, `Indo Solar Power 2013 Expo’ and `Indo E-Power 2013 Expo’. www.indo-power.com

Reflected Dimension – Painting Exhibition by David K Rees. Wed, Mar 13 2013 – Tue, Apr 2 2013. Location: Jl. Kemang Raya No. 72, Koi Kemang – 3rd Floor Opened by John Arnold OBE on 13.03.13 at 7 pm at Koi Kemang 3rd floor. David has been a professional painter since 1998 following a career in advertising. Ever the versatile artist, he has had an ongoing fascination with reflections of tower buildings. Recently David has used photorealism to create surreal juxtapositions. www.david-k-rees.com

music & festivals

Java Jazz Festival 2013 Fri, 01 Mar 2013 - Sun, 03 Mar 2013. Location: Jakarta International Expo (JIExpo), Jl. Kawasan PRJ Kemayoran, Jakarta 10620 For any further information on artists and tickets, please visit our website at www.javajazzfestival.com General info: info@javafestivalproduction.com Ticketing: ticketing@javaticketonline.com Ticketing HOTLINE: +62 21 96810022/23 www.javajazzfestival.com

SATURDAY NIGHT FEVER in Concert. Sun, 17 Mar 2013 - Sun, 24 Mar 2013. Location: Music Republicain, Jl. Fatmawati Raya No 8, Dapur Susu, Jakarta Selatan Time: 2 pm and 6 pm The most talked about Disco movie at the late 70’s now come into Live Performance. You will not only sit and enjoy our performance, but you will have the chance to SING ALONG AND DANCE ALONG with us! Dress up in your fancy and fabulous 70’s costume and stand a chance to win prizes! Ticket price: Rp. 150.000,- For ticket reservations please contact Lena Touvez Julien at 0815 9006043 20


* Adventure Challenge Trail * Live Music * Wet, Wild, and Wonderful Games For more info call: w+6221 5361 400 Email: info@swa-jkt.com www.swa-jkt.com


The Great Escape Family Activity Day. Sat, 09 Mar 2013 Location: Sinarmas World Academy, Jl. TM. Pahlawan Seribu CBD Lot. XV, BSD City * Great Food

14th Annual SPE Fish Fry Sat, 2 Mar 2013. Location: Hotel Kristal. From 7:00 PM We will be holding the 14th

Annual SPE Fish Fry at Kristal Hotel and like last year, Jakarta Chefs will be providing their authentic Louisiana-style fish fry, Indonesian buffet and an acoustic band. This is just one of the social events in which the SPE raises funds to support our student scholarship program. Tickets for the event are available now on a “first come, first served” basis, and will be limited to a total of 400. We are still accepting sponsors for this event so if you would like to contribute and have a highlighted presence at the event, please let us know. For more info, tickets or sponsorships please contacts Mega at spe@jakarta.oilfield. slb.com

Jakarta Expat­­ · 27 February - 12 March 2013


Jakarta Expat­­­­ · ­26 September - 9 October 2012

Send in your classifieds to ads@jakartaexpat.biz


Price: Rp.3,000,000,000.- (three billion Rp.). The house is available from March 2013. Klaus Nienhaus <success.bali@gmail.com>

Scan the barcode to receive your free bi-weekly newsletter.

vacancies Our company specializes in training, consulting and recruitment. We are looking for Part time Native speakers to teach our corporate clients. If you are interested, please send your complete CV/Resume and a recent photograph to recruitment@ kpiconsultancy.com ordwi. nugroho@kpiconsultancy.com

Classifieds are still FREE! Send in your classifieds to ads@jakartaexpat.biz Next issue deadline: 6 March 2013 Have something to sell? Looking for something to buy? Looking for staff? Selling property? Or need a place to live? Why not place your classified ad with Jakarta Expat! Your classified will be placed once for 2 weeks online and once in our printed version which has a circulation of 15.000 copies bi weekly. Conditions: Personal classifieds : Free of Charge / 50 words max Commercial classifieds : Rp. 100,000 / 0 - 50 words : Rp. 200,000 / 50 - 100 words - Property listings are considered as Commercial. - For adding an image / company logo in our printed issue another Rp. 150,000 needs to be charged. Send in your classifieds to ads@jakartaexpat.biz


port. Perfect for art gallery as well. Rare property. Ready for rent $7000/ month (min 2 years). Selling Price Rp. 12 Billion. Contact: linaonly@ gmail.com/0815 888 9700

lives in Jakarta, I would like to find a job there. I am 36, have 3 degrees and specialised in marketing and export/sales. please contact fabrizio_lai@yahoo.it

6948M2 of land, consist of 1 main house with 3 rooms and 2 bahtroom, mini bar, living and dining room, kitchen and powder room. 2 units of guest house in the back garden. Completed with swimming pool and tennis/badminton court. Garage together with maid area are separated. The beautiful garden with some fruit tree like rambutan, manggo, guava etc and some beautiful flowers. 10.500W electricity power, 2 line tlp, internet, cable tv and 8 unit AC. If needed will give a dog as a watchdog. Phone: +6281513101115 Area: Jakarta Price: USD 2.000.000

I am looking for 2 qualified Primary English teachers to work at a very reputable school in North Jakarta. This is for an immediate start! preston22@hotmail.com

My boss, an Italian looking for maid / cook that available for the job from 3pm - 10pm every Monday to Saturday. if you interested or have someone recommended for more details please text only to 08159944283.

jobs Motorbike 220cc. Custom paint-job, Fairings, leather hand stitched seat. Unique - The only one in Indonesia. Never used - Only 26km on clock. (Unwanted Prize) All paperwork available. Value 23 Million - Will accept 17 Million. Contact John 08176 691552

Silver Metallic. 1st registration Jan 2010.Expat owned. Mint condition. Never rented out. Pics: http:// kijang.hadodi.com or 08123951444 Michael

property Houses for rent at Kemang, Cipete, Cilandak, Pejaten Barat, Pondok Indah. Big garden, S’pool, Complex, 4-5 bedrooms, U$ 2000 - U$ 7000. Phone: 0816859551 081287488717 e-mail: nantha_realtor@yahoo.com

FOR RENT: Two-bedroom apartment at Essence on Darmawangsa. 71.2m. Fully furnished, including a 32-inch LED, a washing machine, and a bathtub. Available from March 3rd, 2013. $1400 a month (negotiable) for a minimum of six months. Call 087878010799 (Mahmuda).

Villa w/ swimming pool in the City Centre ready to rent/sell. Land 296m, building 300m. 3 bedroom + 2 bath, 1powder room, 1maid bed+bath room. 1 garage, 1 car

Looking for Work

Sunrise House (homestay with hotel style design); New build and locates at sudirman cbd, few minutes from four season hotel; Contact (081586238622); Monthly rate net usd 400 up; Daily or weekly available; Facilities; a/c, wifi, swimming pool, fridge, hot shower; fully furnished, roof garden, lift. Facebook : Sun Rise House

For Sale – 2 story Expat house in Jagakarsa near Zoo. 4 bedroom, 4 bath-room, pool, spacious living area. Land approx. 400 m2 building approx. 460 m2. POA. Expat leaving. Phone Peter 0816 1909 706

3 houses furnished, 2 bedrooms, kitchen set, AC, TVcable, located in Taman Griya, Jimbaran, close to restaurants and shops. Daily rent. Contact Lucy athlusia.ipd@gmail.com

House in Bogor for Sale. 3 bedroom plus studio, European Style, in Villa Duta, BOGOR. Land 591 sqm,Living 360 sqm. (includes Servant Quarter); Land title: Sertifikat Hak Milik.

Jakarta Expat­­­­ · 27 February - 12 March 2013

My name is fitria nurhayati. I am 24 years old. I would like to offer you my service. I had experience working with Canadian family. I also had 2 years experience working abroad in Singapore as a nanny and a year in hong kong for taking care of baby (infants). I have recomendation letter from my previous employer. Here are the number you might want to contact as my reference (Mrs.Merrina Wedewer 081298642028 My number is Fitria nurhayati -- 0813 1775 9992

background – please make sure to submit a writing sample on a golf related topic. info@ jakartaexpat.biz

We are an international test prep firm and we are looking to hire math and/or verbal GMAT tutors in Jakarta. If interested, please send your resume to hr@ manhattaneliteprep.com

Italian looking for maid / cook that available for the job from 3pm 10pm every Monday to Saturday. if you interested or have someone recomended for more details please text only to 08159944283.

Looking for a job as int. recruiter in JKT. Experience in oil, gas and engineer. Speak: Dutch, English, German, Bahasa Indonesia and (beginn) Arabic. Motivated, flexible and directly avaible! For any vancancies send it to: abusanti2012@gmail.com

Hi My name Usman, I can speak english well and know Jakarta at present I still work but will end soon. My boss move to vietnam I would like to apply for job as driver I have recommendation letter from my previous boss please call me at 085283607744 or 085319143586.

JOB IN JAKARTA. As my girlfriend

PT Koleksi Klasik Indonesia, publisher of the Jakarta Expat and the Bali Expat, is expanding its portfolio with a new tabloid that will focus on GOLF in INDONESIA. We are looking to hire AN EDITOR that is a golf enthusiast and has excellent written English and editing/proofreading skills. You are joining a world-class team at PT Koleksi Klasik. To qualify as an Editor, you must have some knowledge or background in the game of golf. This type of experience could include, but is not limited to: instructors, coaches, avid players and followers of the sport, frequent golf vacationers, or writers with applicable experience in golf. Get started today by emailing us your resume. For resumes that do not include a golf, sports or writing

Looking for Korean and english speaking person to work in a garment factory in Semarang. Good salary and allowance. Pls contact: manish@ptames.com My name is Hanif Darussalam from Semarang, central Java. I'm looking for a native speaker that can run my english course business. He/she must be not more than 30 years old, single,and love to travel. Good income....if u r interested, give me a call 087832568476.

services Traveling? Let us help you! As your partner in business, we aspire to provide service standards that are faster, more accurate and more reliable. Contact us now to assist you for all your travel needs. PT. Amazing World Explorer T&T. Kemang Square,

3rd floor unit III-12. Jl. Kemang Raya no. 5. Phone: 7179 4722 - awe. tours@gmail.com

Bahasa Indonesia lessons for Expats given by experienced instructor at your house or office. Please contact Pak Chairuman on 08121037466.

For private BAHASA Course and Interpreter service in Bali. Call MOKO 081236514990 Email atmokosapto@gmail.com

Teaching Indonesian lesson online by Skype for foreigners and get free trial now! For more information details, please visit our blog: WWW. LEARNBAHASA.NET or email to carolina@learnbahasa.net 085234292211

"FAMILY HEALTHY MASSAGE" For serve: - Traditional massage > Rp. 250.000 / 90 minute. - Sprain massage > Rp.300.000/ 90 minute. - body scrub massage > Rp.300.000/ 90 minute. By experience masseur and will come to your place/apartment/ hotel. Call mona at phone number 083872784959. 21


Jakarta Expat­­ · ­26 September - 9 October 2012

Place a Classified Ad and get results!

Send in your classifieds to ads@jakartaexpat.biz 930-3744, Office: 021-632-6667. E-mail:charoen@megaenviron.com www.MegaEnviron.com


Music Course (Private Classical Piano Lesson) for Children. Wellexperienced in teaching piano for children and music theory as well. If interested, for further info please send message to: music_course@ hotmail.com or 0816.17856074

Scan the barcode to receive your free bi-weekly newsletter. Classifieds are still FREE! Send in your classifieds to ads@jakartaexpat.biz Next issue deadline: 6 March 2013 Have something to sell? Looking for something to buy? Looking for staff? Selling property? Or need a place to live? Why not place your classified ad with Jakarta Expat! Your classified will be placed once for 2 weeks online and once in our printed version which has a circulation of 15.000 copies bi weekly. Conditions: Personal classifieds : Free of Charge / 50 words max Commercial classifieds : Rp. 100,000 / 0 - 50 words : Rp. 200,000 / 50 - 100 words - Property listings are considered as Commercial. - For adding an image / company logo in our printed issue another Rp. 150,000 needs to be charged. Send in your classifieds to ads@jakartaexpat.biz

Teaching bahasa indonesia for jakarta expat. You can contact me on 085697692508

ARE YOU IN PAIN? WANT TO FEEL BETTER? At our wellness center, Lifestyle Chiropractic, our American trained professionals have helped 1000s of practice members: improve sleep, decrease back/neck pain, eliminate headaches, when all else failed. even avoid getting sick/flu with better immunity, more energy, improved breathing, less brain fog, decrease stress! Just to name a few. Call now and mention the Jakarta Expat to receive 50% off initial consult and first treatment. www. lifestylechiropracticjakarta. com 08111041881 / 021 7203769

I am offering a profesional service in F&B photography in reasonable price. If you need your restaurant a new menu or just a few promotion photos, call me. With photography experiance more than 10 years, huge list of satisfy and return

clients; yes there is international brand restaurant with michelin star also among my clients, don't hasitate to CALL ME.. Charlie Sugiri F&B specialist photographer Phone: +62 8129174836

INTERNATIONAL, DOMESTIC, LOCAL, OFFICE MOVING, STORAGE ... Call Francois 085 8838 98678, email: francois@safeway.co.id, or Lanny 081 3166 61874, email: lanny@safewayrelo.com www.safewayrelo.com “RELOCATION MADE EASY”

Have the Coolest Party With BINTANG PARTY EXPRESS. We deliver and serve Bintang & Heineken Draught beer to your door, just email to: party_express@yahoo.com or dial 759 24611 or +6285715587548

Welcome to Jakarta! If you haven’t already discovered the expat website, come visit. You’ll find a wealth of practical information for newly arrived expatriates in our extensive data Welcome to Jakarta! If you haven’t already discovered the expat website, come visit. You’ll find a wealth of practical information for newly arrived expatriates in our extensive database of articles. Medical, housing, schooling, social life and more are covered in great depth. Living in Indonesia, A Site for Expatriates www.expat.or.id

Medical evacuation health & life insurance. Let us diagnose your needs. Contact Paul Beale, mobile: +62 816 137 0663, office: 021-5220990 E: paulbeale@gms-financial.com

Bahasa Indonesia class starts on 25 March 2013 at the American Club. Private also available for Bahasa/ English/ Mandarin. Qualified teacher & excellent material 02168888246 or 0813-85590009 www.sibschool.com

Scan your books to read them on the go!!! PT. MegaEnviron is specialized in scanning books even without removing the book bindings (non-destructive scan). Other services include scanning documents, photographs, films, and slides, data entry, managing documents and database. Contact: Charoen Sanpawa, Mobile: 081122


"NEW", 2 - SEATER, SOFA BED FOR SALE. American standard, heavy-duty springs, foldup mattress: 160 x 190cm. Upholstery: Grey Microfiber, plus 2 toss cushions. Original Price: Rp. 11.8 million. ASKING PRICE: Rp. 10.4 million. Comfortable sofa that converts into a double bed! Please call: #0812 9402 5699 / #0812 8659 4071

For Sale - Fireproof Record Management & Filing System by Dataplan. Filing system for large quantities of plans and drawings vertically hung in a metal cabinet. The system ensures safe filing of important drawings, preventing against tears, wrinkles, curls, and folds. Extracting the drawing through the lateral opening, Dataplan is a space saver since it only opens partly when taking out the plans. Suspension strip not included. Asking price IDR 3 million. Please call or email Cecilia 021 7190087 cessieforsman@ gmail.com

Java Sea Charters. Explore West Java and the Sunda Straits aboard Jakarta’s favorite liveaboard the “Cecelia Ann”. Activities include diving, surfing, fishing, and trekking around Krakatau, Ujung Kulon and Panaithan Island. Trips depart from Anyer, maximum 10+PAX for overnight trips and 20 PAX for day cruises. Mid week specials available! Contact Kyle for more information. Phone: 082 111 616 030.

Email:info@javaseacharters.com / Wesite:www.javaseacharters.com

Honey Moon Package 3 Days in Bali at only Rp.4 Million...!!! All inclusive : 3 days stay in super deluxe hotel Kuta, daily breakfast for couple, free tour 2x Ubud, 1x candle lite dinner Seafood grill Jimbaran. more info: Rere 085 739 178 158, Website :www.dionbalivillas.wix.com/ dionbalivillas

2003 Beneteau Antares 13.80 flybridge powerboat in Jakarta. 13.80m x 4.23m. 2 x 480 hp Volvo TAMD-75P 750 hrs. 220V 7kw Onan genset. 3 cabins 2 bathrooms. Inflatable with 15hp Yamaha. Excellent condition. Ok for foreign ownership. Call 08111049162

Honeymoon Package 3 Days/ 2 Nights stay in Deluxe hotel Bali.. At only 4 Million !!! All Inclusive : Free airport transfers, free stay in Exclusive Deluxe hotel in Bali,free daily Breakfast for couple, free lunch and dinner, Free tour 2 days in Ubud, Uluwatu, 1 x free candle lite dinner Seafood grill in Jimbaran. Reservation : Rere 085 739 178 158. Promo Website:dionbalivillas.wix.com/ dionbalivillas

Sale: Baby gear, car seat, baby furniture, toys, baby clothes, children's clothes and shoes, men's & women's clothes and shoes, kitchen items, dinnerware, glassware, decorative items, furniture, electronic appliances, kitchen appliances, sports gear, & more! No pre-sale available. For Questions: chuzailiving@gmail.com

We are moving to Jakarta beginning of March, and we are looking for a cook/maid. We will be living in Pondak Indah area. We have two girls, 3 and 7, who will be attending JIS. The primary job for our maid is cook,ing, cleaning, and maybe some ironing, and some babysitting if needed. She needs to love cooking and cooks well; if she can cook Chinese food, it will be much preferred. She needs to be able to speak either English or Chinese, as I don't know Bahasa at all. She also needs to pass all health checks that our company requires. Please e-mail to Nancy if interested nancyjtzh@hotmail.com LOOKING FOR RUNNING COACH. FROM FIRST STEPS. FITNESS AND WEIGHT LOSS PURPOSES. LIVE AROUND CILANDAK/CIPETE/ KEMANG/ FATMAWATI AREA. I WOULD LIKE TO START ASAP. CONTACT ME : 0817-6600-925

We are a family of 3 (husband, wife and one 7.5 years old son) lives in Kintamani Apartment. We are looking for a lived-in maid that can cook well, iron well, do the laundry and dishes and clean the apartment. Please call Ibu Sandra at 0816733263.

Big Garage Sale. MARCH 9, SATURDAY 9:00 AM - 12:00 PM. Best Deals in Jakarta!! 25+ Expat Families Will Participate. Taman Puri Oasis, Jalan Darmawangsa Raya, Kebayoran Baru. Items For

Fruit machine, takes coins but doesn't pay out. The best way to save money. Needs repair. Price: 2 million rupiah. Contact 08111490400

Jakarta Expat­­ · 27 February - 12 March 2013


Jakarta Expat­­­­ · ­26 September - 9 October 2012

Place a Classified Ad and get results!

Send in your classifieds to ads@jakartaexpat.biz

Authentic old dining table. Carving of unruly child(ren) makes a conversation piece. Solid teak. Dimensions: L122 x W75 x H77cm. Table top one piece 3 cm thick. Natural finish maintained with teak oil. Price: Rp 8,500,000. Contact: Hans 0813-1632 1133

I am interested in starting up ¨Mappy Hours¨ here in Jakarta. It would be a monthly meetup for geonerds to talk maps and projects. Those interested should contact me at katrina@engelsted.co and we can get started with some amazing geospatial events.

Two leather recliners for sale. Both are in good condition, brown color. Two for 400 usd, one for 250 usd. One Exercise bike, Kettler, model VIGO 500, 350 usd. Contact Hakan @ 021 27505914 or email:haktol@ yahoo.com

Quality wardrobes for sale: Huge French design model wardrobe: H 250cm x L 350 cm (bought from Paris for 3 000 Euros). Also, 1 brown wardrobe: H 230X L 200cm. Price for the lot of two: 1 000$ USA. Contact mail: orchidee2@gmail. com. Tel: 0812 9865 2784

I am an Australian arborist and horticulturist expert with 15 yr experiences, now resides in Bandung with family. If you need landscaping designer / consultant and vertical garden expert for house garden, office, commercial area, please contact: 085317381878

For Sale Gold set - Taylor made. Selling full golf set, taylor made, including driver, 3 wood, 5 wood, putter (hotwhite) and golf bag. price Rp. 3.500.000 for everything avburkert@yahoo.com

For Sale. Nice 38 foot fishing boat for sale from a client of mine. Fully loaded. Boat was built in 1980 and last year it was dry docked for 3 months for repairs. Damaged fiberglass was removed. It was re-glassed below the water line with 2 new layers of fiberglass, 1 double diagonal and 1 matt roving. These were impregnated with Poly Vinyl Ester Resin as it is superior to polyester resin. The engines have been completely re-built using original Detroit parts from P.T BU. Their SHP is 325 PK. The

boat is legally imported and has Sertipikat@ Kesempurnnahan, Pas Tahunan, Sertipika Radio dan Surat Ukur. Boat is in Jakarta. Asking price is 1,000,000,000 IDR. Please contact David at dlbird@ jakres.com

I am looking for a qualified experienced prenatal yoga instructor for private classes in Kemang. Please e-mail me asap leonira@yahoo.com

Jakarta Expat­­­­ · 27 February - 12 March 2013

WANTED: We are moving to apartment and we arelooking for used furniture that fit into our little apartment like 2 or 3 seater sofa, day bed with frame, chest of drawers, fridge, rug and shelves.Please contact me to 0819 1010 1200 or email to t_tootz@yahoo.com.

personals Fond of gym but recently no spirit left due to office hardship. Really need a female partner accompanying in workout and inspire for routine presence. Kindly write

if you are the one who need fitness companion too: monymkr2000@gmail. com

Hi. I am new to Jakarta and in my twenties. Just arrived- will be here for 3 years. I am looking for a companion to look after me and show me what Jakarta is all about. Maybe we will be friends, maybe we will be more. Age, nationality and gender are details that I hold no prejudgments towards. Take a chance, write to me to find out if we could be a good fit. sarahinthetropics@yahoo.com 23


Jakarta Expat­­ · ­26 September - 9 October 2012


Jakarta Expat­­ · 27 February - 12 March 2013

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