1 minute read
Gratitude is a Must
Gratitude is a Must
I remember when, I had nothing, A teen mom in need of everything. Diaper for my baby was nonexistent, The cloth ones only held for a second
My baby daddy was only sixteen, Give me money? What! are you kidding? We both were in shock of what happened, 1 teen, 2 teens, now a little being.
How depressed I was you have no idea, You probably wouldn’t get it even if I told ya. Sleepless nights and endless days, My shameful feeling never went away.
Even years later I didn’t want anyone to know, That I’m only 24 with a 9-year-old. But thanks to the Women’s Centre I went back to school, It was a struggle but I pulled through.
Now it’s my time to return the favor, Thanks to you all, a little baby will have diaper. What doesn’t seem like much is a whole lot, Cause I smelled like piss some days when I had not.