President’s Report A fabulous “PaKaGe” of Entertainment
New Board
Photo Gallery Dinner Dance fashion that rivals international awards
017 was a success and now it is in the rearview mirror. As forward looking Cornwallians, we now have a glorious opportunity to make 2018 a bigger, better and more productive year. All our energies will now
Our New Board of Directors for 2018
be focused on achieving the goals for the new year. We thank you for your contribution and support in 2017 and we know you will be with us, as we navigate
Egbert Clarke
Warren Bloise
Chris Sterling
Colin Ramsay
President Class of ‘77
Vice-President Class of ‘89
Secretary Class of ‘97
Membership Class of ‘71
and achieve our milestones on the 2018 journey. If you are not yet a member, please join us in transforming the next generation of boys into “Men of Might.”
Patrick Green PRO Class of ‘85
Richard Mc Innis
Easton Turner
Fundraising Class of ‘91
Treasurer Class of ‘83
Deon Reid
Kirk Thorpe
Director-At-Large Class of ‘83
Director-At-Large Class of ‘83
Orvil Denton Director-At-Large Class of ‘87
Lance Gibbs Alumni Relations Class of ‘83
Michael Nedrick Director-At-Large Class of ‘83
Kimani Phillips Director-At-Large Class of ‘95
FROM OUR PRESIDENT We are getting ready for the 2018 executives to take their positions as the new leadership team. The entire organization was reshuffled this year to give some additional individuals the opportunity to serve, as well as not to burn out long serving executives. Dr. Martin Luther King said:
“No work is
insignificant. All labor that uplifts humanity has dignity and importance and should be undertaken with painstaking excellence.”
A creed that we at CCAA
live by.
Before we plunge into 2018, let’s look back on 2017. Again, for the Cornwall College Alumni Association, 2017 was another successful year. We planned and executed three successful events. We authored and presented a very detailed Strategic Plan that upon execution will help to move our belov-
not without its share of challenges, yet
without their two graduating star play-
ed school forward. Our team will continue to
we are thankful for what we achieved
ers struggled a bit and were unsuc-
work and collaborate closely with the
as we continued to break new ground
cessful in repeating last year’s feat of
school’s administration, the school board,
and meet key milestones.
reaching the DaCosta Cup final. The
and the other Cornwall College alumni association chapters. Nevertheless, the year was
As mentioned last year, football is now back at the Pav! The football field will still require some additional support in
U14 team on the other hand repeated their dominance in that age group and were once again rural champions and national runners up.
maintaining the surface, as
Our continued support for the track
well as to replace the secu-
team was met with some encouraging
rity fences that were de-
rewards as the team that participated
stroyed by last year’s
in the Penn Relays saw our 4X100 me-
flooding. The football team
ter team in the final for the first time in
years, as we medalled in the triple jump
The initial cost estimate for every-
and the individual 100M event. The bas-
thing is JA$60 Million of which JA$5
ketball teams also benefited during their
million has been funded from the old
participation in the ISSA basketball com-
boy chapters and some special
ing for more than 30 minutes past the con-
petitions, and made the finals in the U-16
groups of graduates. Stay tuned
tracted time. We received a small
and U14 age groups. Our chapter's con-
more to come on this matter.
sponsorship from Victoria Mutual this year
tribution to the school was not limited to sports, as we ensured that quite a number of students benefited from scholarships across the board.
As a group we remain very active in the community and participated in a number of local events. We made it
The pledge generated significantly more this year than any year previously.
to the finals of the Calabar sponsored
The plan we are supporting is more long-
soccer tournament
term strategic in nature. As mentioned
as well as perform-
before, the renovation of the football field
ing with distinction
was just the first phase of an ambitious
in the all schools
program to transform the playing field and
event over the la-
Pavilion into a first-class athletic complex.
bour day weekend.
Upon completion, the complex will include the main football field surrounded by an eight lane, 400-meter Mondo running track, adjoining practice fields, a grass athletic running track, a cricket pitch with batting cages, a long jump pit and the restoration of the field’s security fencing and perimeter wall. The proposed facility will seat approximately 2,000 patrons with adequate parking and a secure turn-style gate entry and ticketing system that fosters accountability.
that offset our cost for the pledge cards.
Our March Madness, Family Fun Day and Dinner Dance events were huge successes. More than 475 people attended our “sold out” Dinner
Our traditional support continued for our
Dance in the brand-new Pembroke
brother chapters as we visited the Dinner
Pines Center. The entertainment
Dances in Canada (40th year celebration),
was “off the chain” and the perform-
New York, and Montego Bay. We must ad-
ing group “Pakage” left the people
mit that for us to be successful with our
begging for more even after perform-
events we depend on a lot on other alumni
bodies for their support. As such, our support went beyond our circle of Cornwallians as we continued the annual trend of attending events and activities from other local Jamaican Alumni Association. On the hill by the sea, the school underwent some major changes. The Principal was not retained and the process to recruit a new principal is underway. The new school board settled in place and was constantly called upon to make emergency meetings to support the school. We will continue to search for ways to help the school and continue to work closely with the various board committee. Our Association members are also very active in the local South Florida community. We had members contribute and participate in the local Team of Life “Big Mama Turkey Give Away” and the 2017 Jamaican Alumni Association Annual Walkathon. Overall, 2017 was good, but there is still a lot of work to do! Members of the team
We have big plans for 2018. Our Annual Gener-
gic plan in place and the event execu-
al Meeting was Sunday 1/18 and we elected a
tion will be done with (Event
new board to lead the South Florida Chapter. I will continue to lead the new executive body. We have three major fundraising events
We will have a high-level event strate-
March Madness 3/24. (Grand Palms).
planned this year:
Donations to our Association may be tax deductible in the USA. As an IRS approved 501 (C) 3; non-profit organi-
March Madness 3/24. (Grand Palms).
Family Fun Day 6/24
zation, your donations may be tax de-
Family Fun Day 6/24 (Central Broward Park in Sunrise)
(Central Broward Park)
ductible if you itemized your
Dinner Dance weekend of activities 11/3 (Pembroke Pines Center)
We also plan to support the Homecoming event in Montego Bay scheduled for October 14-20.
deductions. (Speak to your tax advisor). Below is the URL to make a dona-
Dinner Dance weekend 11/3 (Pembroke Pines centre)
We are always looking for volunteers to help plan the individual events.
child/make-donation 5
You can also send donations or payments to the following email: using the various electronic payment solutions available through most major bank including,: Bank of America, Capital One P2P Payments, Chase QuickPay , FirstBank Person to Person Transfers, Frost Send Money, U.S. Bank Send Money, Wells Fargo “SurePay …most of whom have now combined into Zielle. I would like to also take the opportunity to thank the people of this organization who have volunteered their effort over the years.
thanks to the team of individuals, whom have played very important leadership roles as part of the executive team over the years. I know that you choose to volunteer selflessly and without the expectation of being recognized or rewarded. I want to let you know just how much your dedication is appreciated and to make sure that everyone at Cornwall College is forever grateful to each one of you. Whether you are a long-time hardworking member or if you got involved recently, and regardless of how many hours you choose to give, it’s impor-
Become a member today
tant for you to know that what you do makes a difference every day at Cornwall. Please know that your membership, contributions, and volunteerism is recognized, appreciated, valued and cherished. We thank you and look forward to continuing to work to the benefit of CC. We are looking forward to bigger and better things this year. The ultimate end game is to make Cornwall College the preeminent high school it once was. Thank you and stay blessed…
CC fi life! 6
Check our website for more photos 7
CC for Life! 8