The Jambalaya News - 02/08/16, Mardi Gras Special Edition

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February 8, 2016 • Mardi Gras Special Edition

715 Kirby St. Lake Charles, LA 70601 Phone: 337-436-7800 Fax: 337-990-0262

Cover Photo: Monsour’s Photography

Krewes of SWLA 7



10 Bons Amis 12 Bon Coeur

Publisher/Executive Editor Lauren Abate

15 Carnivale

16 Chaos


18 Charlie Sioux

Graphics Art/Production Director Burn Rourk

20 Classique 22 Cosmos 24 Déjà Vu du Monde


26 Des Amis Business Office Manager Jeanie Taggart

28 Du Lac 30 Grande Bois 32 Extraordinaire 33 Gratin 34 Illusions 36 La Famille 38 Louisiane 40 L’Ecore 41




42 Maison de Calcasieu 44 Masque 45 Mischief 48 Noblesse 50 Pirates 53 L’Possede 54 Ruckus Legal Disclaimer The views expressed by The Jambalaya News columnists are their own and do not necessarily reflect the position of The Jambalaya News, its editors or staff. The Jambalaya News is solely owned, published by Jambalaya Media, LLC, 715 Kirby Street, Lake Charles Louisiana 70601. Phone (337) 436-7800. Whilst every effort was made to ensure the information in this magazine was correct at the time of going to press, the publishers cannot accept legal responsibility for any errors or omissions, nor can they accept responsibility of the standing of advertisers nor by the editorial contributions. The Jambalaya News cannot be held responsible for the return of unsolicited manuscripts, photographs or illustrations, even if they are sent to us accompanied by a self-addressed envelope. The views expressed do not necessarily reflect those of the publisher. Copyright 2014 The Jambalaya News all rights reserved. Reproduction in whole or in part without prior written permission is prohibited.

Mardi Gras 2016

56 Sauvage 58 Parade Marshals 59 Mardi Gras Queens

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A Note From Lauren

Queen Gayle Cline, Until We Meet Again As the old saying goes, the one thing you can be sure about in life is that you can never be sure of anything. Last year, we celebrated Mardi Gras with our dear friend Gayle Cline, as we always did. In 2010, she and her husband Tip were King and Queen of our Krewe, Déjà Vu du Monde. Prior to that, they were our Duke and Duchess when we were King and Queen in 2008. Gayle’s favorite time of the year was Mardi Gras, hands down. She adored it and

was totally involved with just about every aspect of it, from wearing a green coat as a Mardi Gras Southwest board member to being a Krewe rep for Déjà Vu and a member emeritus of the Krewe of Mystique. But this year was different. This year, Gayle was too weak to attend her own ball, although she was able to make it to rehearsal the night before and see all of the beautiful costumes and join in the fun with her Krewe family. She stayed until the very end. Ill as she was, she still made sure her home was beautifully decorated for the holiday, as always. Her Mardi Gras tree was shining in all its glory in the middle of the living room, and her vintage New Orleans posters were placed strategically throughout the rooms. There was a story behind each and every one of them, and her eyes would flash with excitement as she talked about them and about the old days of Mardi Gras. I loved hearing her stories; her expressions alone were priceless.

“We are very proud of our local Mardi Gras, which brings people to Southwest Louisiana from all over the country. Mardi Gras in Southwest Louisiana is a communitywide celebration and a family affair. Over the years, it has grown remarkably into the standout festival it is today — the second largest in the state! My very best wishes to all for a safe and memorable 2016 Mardi Gras in Lake Charles and all of Southwest Louisiana.” 04 FEBRUARY 8, 2016

Just a few days ago, Queen Gayle was laid to rest during her most beloved season. I still can’t believe she’s gone. I really can’t express how I feel yet, except to say that she was the heart and soul of Mardi Gras and everything has changed. But perhaps it’s only fitting that most of her friends who attended her service would be going to a ball that evening; that’s how Gayle would have wanted it. If anyone knew about laissez les bon temps rouler, it was Gayle. With that, we dedicate our 2016 Mardi Gras issue to Gayle Ellen Smith Cline with love and fond, fond memories. Until we meet again.

Lauren Abate

On behalf of the citizens of Sulphur, we welcome you to the 2016 Southwest Louisiana Mardi Gras festivities. This is a very exciting event which revelers anticipate each year. The krewes work diligently all year for the events planned including Twelfth Night, balls, and of course, the Krewe of Krewes parade. Local merchants have mastered their famous king cakes and have shipped them to thousands who are fascinated with our heritage. Not just a local event, Southwest Louisiana Mardi Gras attracts tourists from other areas who travel here to witness the fun and excitement that we all know. Our wish for each of you is for a safe and enjoyable 2016 Mardi Gras and remember… Laissez les bons temps rouler! Mardi Gras 2016

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Mardi Gras of SWLA Board

By Jackie Bergeron During the carnival season, traditions run rampant. From the King Cake and Twelfth Night to the Second Line and tossing of throws, customs old and new come out to play. My paternal grandparents were a Cajun couple from Eunice, speaking both Cajun French and English, so it is no secret that I was raised with deep Acadian roots and a love for the unique traditions. My favorite Mardi Gras tradition (next to the savory King cake) is the Courir de Mardi Gras or Mardi Gras Run. It is easy to spot a “Mardi Gras” (as runners are called) displayed by their colorful costumes and pointy hats, often carrying a whip. (Yes, I said a whip!) Origins of courir date back to the customs of Catholic Medieval France from fete de la quemande or “feast of begging” when begging from house to house was socially acceptable. Most of the land was owned by the upper class and the poor would gather in groups and make their way from castle to manor to beg for food at the end of the long winter due to food shortages. In return for their generosity, beggars would perform a song or dance. During the carnival season, the people would celebrate with contests and races and would hold processions through the streets whipping themselves or onlookers to rid the body and soul of all sin. The use of a burlap whip is derived from folk traditions of pre-Christian Brittany, a Celtic enclave on the northwest French coast where the original settlers of Acadia came from before migrating to North America during the 17th and 18th centuries. In the mid-to-late 18th century, Acadians were forcibly deported from Nova Scotia by the English and settled what is now the Acadian region of South Louisiana, where the “Cajuns” held on to many of their traditional customs. This determination to hold on to their religious customs and faith has been a major factor in celebrating the joy of life or la joie de vivre that is characteristic of the Cajun life and culture. The traditional courir starts in the early morning hours as the riders or runners gather at a central meeting place. Le Capitaine, or Captain and leader of the group, usually rides on horseback, wears a cape, carries a small flag and is commonly unmasked. After he and his Co-Capitaines (unmasked also) organize the runners to explain the rules and traditions to be followed, the bands begin to play and the Capitaine leads them on the route. The Capitaine is the first to approach the houses and asks for permission to enter onto the property. In the spirit of frivolity, individual runners try to sneak onto the property, but are held back by Capitaines who sometimes brandish a plaited burlap whip. Claude Durio, co-Capitaine of Tee-Mamou Courir says, “These whips are used to maintain discipline during the Courir de Mardi Gras. They are used by the captain and his subordinates [co-captains] only.” Whips are designed to be flexible and not inflict any serious damage onto their victims, and produce a loud noise for the edification of onlookers. Participants claim one has not fully participated until they have been whipped. Revelers also play a variety of pranks on the farmers and beg for food for the community gumbo, the prize ingredient being a live chicken that is thrown into the air for drunken runners to chase through muddy yards and fields. The traditional costumes are derived from costumes in early France worn to conceal participants’ identities and allow parody of authority figures and society. The costumes, meant to mock nobility, clergy, and the educated, are made from old work clothes decorated with cloth remnants and pieces of feed sack material, as many participants could not afford material strictly for the event. This led to the vibrant patchwork style and mismatched patterns that are cut in strips that are fringed and sewn onto garments. The revelers also wear the cone-shaped hats, or capuchons, to mock the tall, pointy hats worn by noble women, as well as miter hats or mortarboards. The hats are decorated to match, or intentionally mismatch, the costumes. The masks are made of ordinary wire mesh window screen with attached large protruding noses and can include animal features, hair, fur, or tails. For many Cajuns, whether they run or not, Mardi Gras is not just a diversion. It is a deeply meaningful part of their religious, ethnic, regional, and community identity. Once you run a Mardi Gras, it is very difficult to stand on the sidelines and watch. So the next time you see a “Mardi Gras” in their full colorful regalia, don’t be afraid to play with them, for it is what the Mardi Gras season is all about. Passé de la Bon Temps! 06 FEBRUARY 8, 2016

Mardi Gras 2016

Throw Back in Time for Krewe of Athena The Krewe of Athena celebrated its 14th Mardi Gras Ball on January 16 at the West Cal Event Center in Sulphur. Emcee was Lee Peck of FOX 10 News in Mobile, AL. Music was by the REWIND band of Baton Rouge and Southern DJ Productions. Captain Athena XIV was Denise Savant, a lifelong resident of Iowa. She is a graduate of Iowa High School and holds an associate’s degree in paralegal studies from McNeese. Denise is the Judicial Administrator for the 14th Judicial District Judges. The Captain is a member of Krewe du Lac, serving as Queen Katherine XXXII in 2015. She served Athena as Duchess Aglaia VII in 2009 and as a Krewe Rep. She and her husband Kenny Savant have been the sustaining bingo providers for the FUN Flamingo Bingo from its inception. She is a member of the Buccaneers, the Calcasieu Boat Club, the Pelican Coast Parrot Head Club, the LA Court Administrator Assn. and the Natl. Assn. of Court Mgmt. and attends St. Margaret Catholic Church. The daughter of Mildred Lee and the late Julius Lee, she is mom to Nikki Gallier (Will) and Lori Johnson (Daniel). Her grandchildren are Rebekah, Ryan and Robin Lyons and Candice and Landon Johnson and she has a greatgrandchild, Chloe Lyons. The Krewe honored young adult children of members by presenting them as Princesses and Gents. Natalie Landry is the daughter of Christine Landry and Blaine Landry, both of Lacassine. Hannah Bunch is the daughter of Brandon Vincent of Sulphur, Brandy Vincent of Bossier City and the granddaughter of Lee and Cindy Vincent of Sulphur. Hannah Savoie is the daughter of Debra and Craig Bussell of Starks and Mitchell Savoie of Lake Charles. Boyd Bradley is the son of Chuck and Mitzi Bradley and Johnny and Barbie LeJeune, all of Sulphur. Tanner Pousson is the son of Henry and Sharla Fontenot of Lacassine. Duchess Thalia XIV was Mary Farris Little. A lifelong resident of Sulphur, she is a graduate of Sulphur High and is a substitute with the CPSB. She attends Immaculate Conception Catholic Church and is a member of the Catholic Daughters, the Krewe of Cosmos and the Krewe des Danseurs Fou. Duchess Mary has two daughters: Jessica Wilfer (Glenn), Amy Dever (Brandon), a son, Bobby Little (Jamie) nine grandchildren: Kelsey, Kerri, Austin, Jammi, Kennedy, Faith, Tucker, Tatum and Heaven’s angel, Payton.; and a great-grandson, Cayden. She is the daughter of Marie and the late Davis Farris of Sulphur. She was escorted by her husband, Art Little. Duchess Euphrosyne XIV was Cindy Castille Touchet. A native of Edgerly, she is a graduate of Vinton High and has resided in Carlyss for 30 years. Duchess Cindy has been employed by the CPSB as the secretary

Mardi Gras 2016

at WW Lewis for 15 years and recently transferred to the Sulphur High main campus. She is a member of St. Theresa’s Catholic Church, the Catholic Daughters and the “Inkie Pinkie Travel Group.” Cindy has three children: Shaun Touchet (Bethany), Megan Trahan (Blaine) and Emily Touchet and four grandchildren: Gracie, Alexis, Kylie and Baylor. She is the daughter of the late Mildred and Henry Castille of Edgerly. She was escorted by her husband, Randy Touchet. Duchess Aglaia XIV was Melanie Johnson McMullen. A native of Westlake, she graduated from Westlake High, attended LSU and resides in Maplewood. Duchess Melanie is co-owner of CRAVE Gourmet Baskets and Gifts in Lake Charles and attends Immaculate Conception Catholic Church. She is a sustaining member of the Junior League of LC, member of the SWLA Chamber Alliance, a charter member of LPSC and an alumna of Tri Delta Sorority. She has two children: John Cabot and Laura and is the daughter of Bobbie and Katie Johnson of Westlake. he was escorted by her husband, John McMullen. Queen Hera XIV was Lisa Godare Hansen, an Illinois native and a Sulphur resident for 48 years. She is a graduate of Sulphur High School and holds an associate’s degree in accounting from SOWELA. Queen Lisa has been employed at WW Lewis Middle School as the accounting clerk for 28 years and has also been a bus driver for the past six months, with retirement plans soon. Lisa is a member of Wesley United Methodist Church, the Wesley Methodist Women, CFT and the Calc. Assn. of Bus Drivers. She is the daughter of the late Dick and JoAnn Godare of Sulphur. Lisa has a daughter, Lauren and two sons, Josh and Dustin. The Queen was escorted by her husband, Jack Hansen. The Krewe of Athena is a 140-member women’s Krewe. It was founded in 2002 “just for fun” and its Royalty is chosen strictly by the “luck of the draw.” It provides the Tracy Beaugh Rising Star Award at SOWELA each semester, giving $500 to a deserving Graphic Arts student. The Krewe participates in 12th Night, the Children’s and Krewe of Krewes parades and the Royal Gala.

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On January 9, Krewe des Bons Amis and guests attended their 11th year of fun at the West Cal Event Center in Sulphur celebrating their own version of ComicCon. Upon entering the ballroom, the theme was evident, with Storm Troopers, Spiderman, Batman, Smurfs and even a 9-foot Pirate Minion! President Carrie Cubbage welcomed the crowd, gave a brief his-

tory of the Krewe and introduced founding members Charles and Leslie Cubbage, Jimmy and Jackie Bastow and Christine Draper. The Board of Directors were introduced, as well as Master of Ceremonies for the night, Justin Morris. As the emcee took the stage, the lights dimmed and the 2016 Captain entered to the song “Immortals” by Fall Out Boys. Michelle Gaspard, dressed as Storm from X-Men,

King Henry XI and Queen Anne XI Christine Draper and Chris D’Errico 10 FEBRUARY 8, 2016

threatened all enemies, seen and unseen, in the room with her lightning bolt. Michelle and her three children are residents of Moss Bluff and she is employed by Langley, Williams and Co., CPAs. She is an avid Crossfit enthusiast and has been a member of the Krewe for five years. Her presence signaled the beginning of the Mardi Gras festivities. Mike and Annie Allen made their last official procession as King Henry X and Queen Anne X. This year, they were dressed as the Incredibles and they were truly incredible as King and Queen for 2015. As members and guests rose to their feet, King Henry XI and Queen Anne XI, Christine Draper and Chris D’Errico were introduced to the sounds of “Boom Boom Pow” by the Black Eyed Peas. The Queen wore a white satin A-line gown with rhinestone trim and cropped jacket. The King wore an embellished white tux. The Queen is a resident of Sulphur and the mother of two sons. She is employed by Stonebridge Place Assisted Living Facility as the Resident Care Director. She is an excellent cook and loves to travel. Christine is also a founding member of Krewe des Bons Amis. When the Krewe was formed in 2005 the Queen was named in honor of Christine Draper’s mother, Anne, who was a huge supporter of Mardi Gras. This year is extra special for our Queen Anne XI, knowing how happy her mom would have been for her. The King is originally from California but is now a resident of SulMardi Gras 2016

Captain Michelle Gaspard

The Duke and Duchess of Gotham Don and Sharon Dugas

The Duchess of the Warrior Princess Cassie Robbins

phur and is the proud father of three children. He enjoys fishing and going on road trips with the Queen. He is employed by Specialized Industrial Maintenance and has been a member of the Krewe for two years. The Duke and Duchess of Gotham, Don and Sharon Dugas were introduced with the Batman theme and “Hero” by Skillet playing in the background. In their traditional Batman attire, Don and Sharon tossed beads to the crowd. Residents of Lake Charles, Don is employed by Geo Engineers and Sharon volunteers at the Water’s Edge Food Pantry. They love going to movies and spending time on Pensacola Beach. This is their first year as members of the Krewe. The Bons Amis Avengers next took the stage to the sound of the Incredible Hulk Smash. They were complete with masks and red capes and danced to a mashup of “Single Ladies,” “Chicken Dance Song,” “Shout,” “YMCA,” “Jump Around” and “Watch Me NaeNae” as they performed for the King and Queen.

Included in the Avengers skit were Ryan Doucet, Michael Allen, Charles Cubbage and Jimmy Bastow. The Duchess of the Warrior Princess entered the room and found that a fair damsel had been tied up and what does a Warrior Princess do? She changes into her Hero clothes and saves her! And saves her to the sound of “Wonderwoman” by Sweet California! In her red, white and blue cape, leotard and fine red boots, Cassie Robbins was quite the able Super Hero. Cassie is a resident of Sulphur and has four children, three stepchildren and six grandchildren. She is Medical Massage Practitioner, working at Renew Medical Spa and Thrive Physical Therapy. She loves life, family and friends. Cassie has been a member of the Krewe for five years. The presentation ended with a timely Star Wars skit with Darth Vader and lightsaber duels. Multiple Darth Vaders complete with capes and light sabers entered the room to the Star Wars Theme then broke

into Bruno Mars’ “Uptown Funk” for a Star Wars parody. Participating were Melissa McDaniel, Suzanne May, Annie Allen, Monica Faulk and Zelda Lantier. As the court gathered around King Henry XI and Queen Anne XI, a toast was offered to the new Royalty and new year. Following the toast, guests and court joined in for the traditional Second Line procession. The rest of the night was reserved for dancing to the music provided by Southern DJ Productions. Board of Directors for 2015-2016 are President Carrie Cubbage; Vice President Ryan Doucet; Treasurer Jackie Bastow; Secretary Suzanne May; Sergeant at Arms, Steven Collins. Standing Committees: Float Committee, Steven Collins; Ball and Decorating Chairperson, Leslie Cubbage; Social Chairperson, Leslie Gillespie; Historian and Webmaster, Leslie Gillespie. Please visit for information on joining our Krewe.

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The Krewe du Bon Coeur celebrated its 19th annual Presentation and Ball Saturday, January 9 at Habibi Shrine Center. This year’s theme was “Come One Come All…the Circus.” Master of Ceremonies Dale Mann requested all to stand and pay tribute to our country with the presentation of our nation’s colors by veterans and Krewe members Curley Faulk, Paul Schuldes, and Kent Vincent. Captain 2016 and Ringmaster Linda Patrick took the stage representing the circus in a costume designed by Valerie Smith and Don Marx of D’VAL Designs of Sulphur. Linda is married to King Bon Coeur XVIII, David Patrick. She has been a Krewe member for 16 years, served as Duchess of Thailand in 2008 , and is currently serving on the Board of Directors. She has two amazing children Allison and Darin. A McNeese alumnus, she is currently employed by the Calcasieu Parish School Board. This year’s debutantes included Cassidy Celeste Briggs, daughter of Wade and Celeste Briggs of Cypress, TX and the granddaughter of Krewe Members Gerald and Joy Fruge’ and niece of Krewe members Gerald and Kara Fruge’; and Ashley Elizabeth Head, daughter of Krewe members Jay and Miranda Thibodeaux of Carlyss, and Gerad and Britney Head of Orange, TX. Next, the 2016 Royal Court Couples were presented to the Krewe and guests. Duke and Duchess of Lion Tamers were

King Bon Coeur XIX Ronnie Mesh and Queen Karen “KJ” Smith 12 FEBRUARY UARY 8, 2016 201 016

Dale Guidry and Aimee Abshire. Duke Dale resides in Moss Bluff and is married to his adoring wife Camille of 25 years. He has two children, daughter Hannah, married to Austin Hebert who recently blessed them with their first granddaughter, Stella Rose; and son Tanner, a junior at McNeese. Dale has spent many years coaching youth baseball, basketball, and soccer. He is an avid woodworker and loves boating with family and friends. Dale is a graduate of Lake Charles High and Northwestern State and has been employed for over 30 years with State Farm Claims Division. Duchess Aimee is married to Krewe Social Director Dustan Abshire. A lifelong resident of Lake Charles, she and Dustan have been Krewe members for five years but have been attending the ball since 2002. Aimee is the proud parent of Chasity Rayon and Macey Sandifer and Zeke Abshire and recently become a grandmother to Jonah Rayon. Aimee currently works at Southern Home Health. Duke and Duchess of Magic were Johnny Jones and Laura Ponthieaux. Duke Johnny, a native of Del Rio, Texas, became a resident of Vinton in 1980. He is married to Rene’ M. Jones and they have two wonderful children, Jerrod and Carrie. Johnny is employed by United Rentals, Inc. and has been a Krewe member for thee years. Duchess Laura is a graduate of Sulphur High and McNeese State University. She has been employed at R & H Quality Refractory Services Inc. for 21 years and is currently the office manager. Laura and her spouse Skipper Turner reside in Sulphur and have three children Justin, Jordan, and Jesse and three awesome grandchildren. Laura has been a Krewe member for six years. Duke and Duchess of the Flying Trapeze were Jason Martinez and Kim Carerre. Duke Jason, a DeRidder native, now resides in Lake Charles. He and his wife Trisha Dawn Martinez have four daughters, Cadence Madeline, Caroline Elizabeth Captain 2016 and twins Carrington Dawn and and Ringmaster Campbell Elise. He is employed Linda Patrick by Iberia Bank as Senior Vice Mardi Gras 2016

Duke and Duchess of Lion Tamers Dale Guidry and Aimee Abshire

Duke and Duchess of Magic Johnny Jones and Laura Ponthieaux

President and Banking Manager. A McNeese alumni, Jason graduated with a degree in finance and has been a Krewe member for two years. Duchess Kim has been a member of the Krewe for five years and resides in Lake Charles with her husband of nine years, Todd. Kim is an alumnus of McNeese State University with a double major bachelor of science degree in marketing and management and her master’s of business administration. She has been in banking for 15 years and is currently employed as a credit analyst for Iberia Bank. Duke and Duchess of Clowns were Burt Parham and Becky Vincent. Duke Burt resides in Lake Charles with his wife Julie Malus Parham. He has two children, his son Matthew and his daughter AnneMarie Parham Folmer, a fellow Krewe member. Burt has been a Krewe member for five years and is known around town as “Burt of West Oak.” Rebecca Reon (Becky) Vincent is the wife of Kent Derrick Vincent USAF, Msgt. Retired of Sulphur. She has two stepdaughters, Jennifer (Vincent) Barbee of Sulphur and Anna-Marie (Vincent) Bigham of Dover Air Force Bace, DE and two daughters, Megan Paige Alexander and Alydia Marie Vincent, both of Sulphur. She also has four grandchildren. Becky is employed by the Federal Aviation Administration, Lake Charles Air Traffic Control Tower, Lake Charles Regional Airport as a Management and Program Assistant for the past 12 years. Becky has been a Krewe member for five years. Finally the Royal Couple, King Bon Coeur XIX Ronnie Mesh and Queen Karen “KJ” Smith made their grand entrance representing the King and Queen of the Big Top. Ronald Lee “Ronnie” Mesh makes his Mardi Gras 2016

Duke and Duchess of the Flying Trapeze Jason Martinez and Kim Carerre

home in Lake Charles with his wife Linda and his daughter Christina. An avid supporter of local businesses and charities, King Ronnie loves the Southern way of life. Born August 23, 1944 to Homer and Lorice Mesh, Ronnie spent his early years in Carlyss before the family moved to Lake Charles. He became a parishioner of Immaculate Conception Cathedral in 1948 where he continues to worship. He is the Head Usher for the Sunday 11 a.m. Mass. Ronnie opened Towaways Wrecker Service and ran the business for years with his wife Linda at his side. Today, he takes an advisory role while his wife and daughter are responsible for the daily operations. Ronnie has been a Krewe member for eight years and takes a lively role in activities. In 2012, he was Duke of Tee Mamou. Ronnie is a Vietnam Veteran, holds a membership in the Idlers Car Club, is a fourth degree Knight in the Knights of Columbus, and attended Cursillo in the beginning. Ronnie wants everyone to enjoy the joie de vie of living in Southwest Louisiana and invites the community to celebrate the Mardi Gras season and all the beauty of Southwest Louisiana. Queen Karen “KJ” Smith was born in Texas, but has lived in Lake Charles most of her life. She is the third of seven children born to Dudley and Leola Fruge. KJ is married to Curt Smith and they have one daughter, Mindi Roberts and husband Anthony. KJ is a graduate of Iowa High School and The Louisiana Institute of Massage Therapy. She is a licensed Massage Therapist working at Roxana’s Skin Care. She loves the Mardi Gras Season and has been with the Krewe for 19 years as a charter member. KJ was a Duchess in 2005, representing Fire and Ice in a Winter Wonderland theme. Her hobbies

Duke and Duchess of Clowns Burt Parham and Becky Vincent

are cooking, dancing, and singing. She started singing at the age of ten with her family band called The Little Giants. Over a span of 50 years, she’s entertained with area bands like Lafitte, Boogie Kings ‘75, and The Cruisers. She still sings with The Fruge Family Band when her brothers are in town. KJ hopes you enjoy your 2016 Mardi Gras Season with a Cajun Spirit in your dance and a song in your heart! Have Fun, Be Safe, and God Bless Mon Amie! After a toast by Captain Linda Patrick, the Royalty finished their presentation with a Royal Promenade and the party began! Music was provided by Infinite Groove of Houston. Special thanks to Heather Fontenot Photography for the King, Queen, and Captain pictures, Sandra Gillard, Bobby Gillard and Andrea Davis for their work on ball decor, Susan Lamendola for the ball script, Gary Meek for ball/court photography, and Allison Patrick for Krewe custom designs. Current board members are Linda Patrick, Captain; Selena Bryant, President; David Wyatt, Vice President; Sherry Campbell, Secretary; Vicki Saxby, Treasurer; and Dustan Abshire, Social Director.

Debutante Cassidy Celeste Briggs

Debutante Ashley Elizabeth Head FEBRUARY 8, 2016 13

14 FEBRUARY 8, 2016

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Krewe de Carnivale celebrated Mardi Gras in grand and glorious style at the Lake Charles Civic Center’s Contraband Room on Saturday, January 9. The Krewe chose “Every Day is a Holiday” as the theme for their annual Mardi Gras mega party. The event was a costume-optional masked ball with guests and members alike transforming themselves into characters portraying various holidays during the year. For the festive evening, guests entered through a flurry of calendar pages into a surreal ballroom. Members and guests were dressed in elegant attire as well as festive costumes from every holiday including, Christmas, Chinese New Year, Day of the Dead, St. Patrick’s Day, Labor Day and many more. Ball Captain Tony Duhon served as the Master of Cer-

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emonies as he signaled the start of the Krewe’s Second Line procession into the ballroom. The introduction of royalty kicked off with the presentation of the King and Queen of Krewe de Carnivale 2016, David Hamilton and Jill Zachary portraying the King and Queen of Christmas Carnivale. He then offered a traditional toast to the members and guests. Ball Captain Duhon is a native of Lake Charles and is the son of Reggie and Barbara Duhon also of Lake Charles. Tony currently resides in Lafayette and is employed as an environmental data specialist for eDataPro, LLC. King David is a native of Kinder and graduated from McNeese State University with a BS in business administration. David has lived in Lake Charles for the past 38

years and enjoys cooking, gardening, and Friday nights out with friends, as well as, enjoying the companionship of his loveable Bichon Frise dogs. Queen Jill was born and raised in Sulphur where she currently resides. She graduated from McNeese State University with a degree in sociology. She is employed by the State of Louisiana in the Department of Children and Family Services. While Jill enjoys traveling and spending time with friends, she enjoys her time with her grandchildren most of all. The King and Queen would like to

thank everyone who helped to make the evening so memorable, especially the Captain and the entire Krewe. Krewe de Carnivale has two traditions unique to the area. The first of these are the bead tosses where Krewe members take to the stage of the Contraband Room to whip the party crowd into a frenzy with their parade-style bead tosses. The other tradition is a napkin toss where guests are invited to pitch thousands of paper napkins into the air while the disco classic “Love is in the Air” plays on, capping off the evening.

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Captain Karah Wilson Krewe of Chaos held its 11th annual Mardi Gras Ball on January 16 in the L’Auberge Ballroom. This year’s theme was “The Great Chaos - A Roaring 20s Masquerade.” Chaos Krewe members and guests entered the ballroom through lighted trees draped with pearls and diamonds, large columns with urns full of white peacock feathers, boas and masks, and a sitting area with park benches and fountains adorned with pearls and diamonds. Tables had black, gold, and silver balloon centerpieces. The evening started with Captain Karah Wilson welcoming the crowd and introducing the Captain Elect, Kellery Barton, Treasurer Scott Jackson,

Fall Event Chair and Co-Chair: Alicia Silver and Codey LeMaire; Float Chair and Co-Chair Kim Little and Rhonda Ney; Ball Chair and Co-Chair Amanda Meche and Candis McCaughey; Royal Court Chair and Co-Chair Teena McElveen and Earline Stapleton; the Gumbo Cookoff Team Timmy Wilson, Zak Barton, and Dillon Coates; and Historical Chair Nicole Jackson. The emcee of the evening was introduced as fellow Chaos member, Bryan Manning. He began the evening by going over the House Rules and reminded the guests that a Little Chaos Party Never Killed Nobody! 2015 King Chaos IX Dillon Coates

King Chaos X and Queen Gaea X Brandon and Jessica Marcantel 16 FEBRUARY 8, 2016

and Queen Gaea IX, Mika Dulany, along with their Court were summoned to bid farewell to their Chaos members to the tune of “Uptown Funk.” The ball guests were promised a roaring good time and were then introduced to the 2015-2016 cast of The Great Chaos. I Like Large Parties. They’re so Intimate. At Small Parties, There isn’t any Privacy.... The first Duchess was spotlighted on the dance floor with “Let’s Get This Party Started” by PINK playing along as she entered. This Bossier City native dresses like Jackie, acts like Audrey, and parties like Gatsby. She is a silent screen star and is engaged to her escort of the evening, Mr. Mike Hermann. They are planning a wedding at Nottoway Plantation in November of this year. This Duchess and her American Gangster fiancé’ now live in Moss Bluff with their five dogs: Mollie, a yellow lab; Wassabi, a golden retriever; and Dixie, Hudy, and Zeus, (all three are rescue dogs). This Daisy Buchanan is the Talent and Employment Manager at L’Auberge Casino. She will receive her Master’s degree in human resources management and leadership development from LSU in May 2016. Too Much of Anything Is Bad, But Too Much Champagne Is Just Right! Duchess Hotsy Totsy Hazel was revealed as Tiffany Hudson. You Can Find Your Seat Here, But Your Place is on The Dance Floor. The next couple entered to the tune of “No Hands” by Waka Flaka Flame, featuring Roscoe Dash. This Duke and Duchess Mardi Gras 2016

are both residents of Lake Charles. This Baby Grand and Smarty have been married for 20 years and have an 18-year-old daughter Alyssa who was born during the 1997 ice storm, a 10 –year-old son Adam who was born during Hurricane Rita and a dog named Chloe. They’re putting on the Ritz at Steven Derouen & Associates, CPA and Assurance Financial Group. The Duke and Duchess are both graduates of McNeese State University; he has a Bachelor’s degree in accounting and management and she has a degree in marketing. When they are not having children during natural disasters, they both enjoy boating, vacationing, hanging out with family and friends, and he can Hit on All Sixes when playing the guitar. The Problem With the World is That Everyone is a Few Drinks Behind. Duke Bees Knees Bruno and Duchess Jazzy Jezebel Julep were revealed as Eric and Mandi Grueber. You Look Ridiculous If You Dance, You Look Ridiculous If You Don’t Dance, So You Might As Well Dance! The next Duchess hit the floor to the tune of “Confident” by Demi Lovato. This Duchess is a 23-year-old broad from Vinton who shows off those gams at L’Auberge Casino as an accounts payable clerk. This Pretty Looker graduated from Vinton High School in 2011 and McNeese State University last year. She enjoys drinking giggle water at the Speakeasy, watching movies and dancing the Charleston while spending time with her friends and family, especially her nephews Mason and Cameron and her niece Kinley. She was escorted by her handcuff Robby Russo….. Save Water, Drink More Champagne! Duchess Fizzy Flapper Florence was introduced as Kelsey Gaspard. First you Take a Drink, Then the Drink Takes a Drink, Then The Drink Takes You! Taking the floor to “Turn Down for What” by DJ Snake and Lil Jon, the final Duke and Duchess were introduced. This Sheba and Sheik started their swanky life together in Orange, Texas over 14 years ago. This glamorous pair are parents to Harley Mardi Gras 2016

(11) and Scarlett (3). He wears a flat lid and drinks Mickey Finn and she wears her best rags with their miniature schnauzer Louis and their Great Dane Zeus. He’s no flat tire at Cheniere LNG and she’s no weak sister as an American Surgical Professional. While hanging out in Capone’s Hideaway, he likes hunting and hot rods. She avoided the elephant ears by graduating from Lamar State College and Meridian Institute of Surgical Assisting. What People Are Ashamed of Usually Makes For A Great Story! Duke Gin Rickey Remus and Duchess Ritzy Rum Runner were introduced as Erik and Elizabeth Duhon. The Krewe of Chaos’ tenth Royal Couple entered the ballroom wearing Chaos custom collars adorned with white peacock feathers and robes of purple and white. King Chaos X and Queen Gaea X were presented as Brandon and Jessica Marcantel. Her Royal Highness is a Domestic Diva who volunteers her time with the Sulphur Chapter of Ducks Unlimited. She attended Sulphur High through 2007 and graduated with a bachelor’s degree in business management from McNeese State University in 2010. She enjoys working out, playing the keyboard in the band at Henning Memorial United Methodist Church, and spending time with her friends and family. His Royal Highness, an operator at Sasol, attended Sulphur High through 1999 and also graduated with a Bachelor of science degree from McNeese State University in 2004. He enjoys calf roping and spending time with friends and family. He and his Queen live on a ranch with their five horses, 25 cows, and 40 chickens. Their favorites are Roan Bone, Junior, Bernice, and Thelma. The Chaos King and Queen have been married for four years. Music was provided by Southern DJ Productions and Upscale Productions. Krewe of Chaos was chartered in February 2005 as a social organization with the sole purpose of bringing together family and friends to celebrate the merriment of fellowship year round.

Duke Bees Knees Bruno and Duchess Jazzy Jezebel Julep

Eric and Mandi Grueber

Duke Gin Rickey Remus and Duchess Ritzy Rum Runner

Erik and Elizabeth Duhon

Duchess Fizzy Flapper Florence

Duchess Hotsy Totsy Hazel

Kelsey Gaspard

Tiffany Hudson FEBRUARY 8, 2016 17

The Krewe de Charlie Sioux was sanctioned by the state of Louisiana in 1997. That same year, Lake Charles and Sioux City officially became Sister Cities at a twinning ceremony in Lake Charles. Members consist of Sioux City, IA and Lake Charles residents. Each city has its own Krewe Board and Ball Captain. Sioux City members come to Lake Charles for Mardi Gras and Lake Charles members travel to Sioux City the week of July Fourth and bring Mardi Gras to Siouxland in the form of a gala, parade and Zydeco concert. The purpose of the Krewe is to promote Mardi Gras and share cultural experiences as well as develop tourism in each city. This Mardi Gras season completes the 21st year that the Krewe members have traveled back and forth between the two cities, and the 18th year of presentation of a King, Queen and Court. This year, King Charles XVIII, John Chavanne and Queen Siouxland XVIII, Marcella Miller reigned over the “Games People Play� festivities in Sioux City. Interested in participating in Krewe de Charlie Sioux events? Please contact Blaine Bourgeois at 437-7927 or email

18 FEBRUARY 8, 2016

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King and Queen Classique XXIX Ronald Atlow and Gloria Rubit Krewe de Classique celebrated their 29th Annual Ball on Saturday, January 30 at the Habibi Temple. This year’s theme was “Classique in the Cotton Club.” The ball opened with the presentation of colors by WMHS Jr. ROTC and the national anthem was sung by Cynthia Williams. Mistresses of ceremonies were Carol Collins and Jackie Semien. The Krewe then presented their beaus and debutantes for the evening: Gared Brown, Nadia Coleman, Shelby Guy, Zavier Rubit and Travon Talbert. The Krewe Captain and Consort, Frederick and Nellie Rideaux, represented musician Duke Ellington and vocalist, Adelaide Hall of the Cotton Club. In their 7th year as Captain and Consort, Frederick, a 28year member of the Krewe and Nellie, a 27-year member, have been married 42 years and have two children and two granddaughters. Classique then depicted the origin of the Cotton Club with a skit followed by presentation of the Duchess of Cotton Club’s Origin, Joyce Alexander. Duchess Joyce is retired from the Calcasieu Parish School System. She stays busy as an active member of Ward A Recreation Center, LA Retired Teachers and the National Association of University

Women. Joyce has been a member of the Krewe for more than 25 years and has two sons and one grandson. Krewe members then showcased some of the musicians and vocalists that were made famous through the Cotton Club. Duke and Duchess of Cotton Club Musicians and Vocalists were Darrell McDowell and Princella Ryan. Duchess Princella has worked as deputy clerk for the Calcasieu Parish Clerk of Court since 1994. She is also co-director of elections, a notary public and a lifetime member of SWLA Women’s Commission. A charter member of the Krewe, she has served as financial secretary for many years. Duke Darrell served in the US Army as a weapon armorer/ supply clerk. He has four sons. Darrell worked for the US Postal Service for 25 years and currently works for Calcasieu Parish Police Jury as a Sign Technician II. He has been a member of the Krewe for 23 years and has served as both King and Duke. The final skit was a tribute to the dancers of the Cotton Club. Then entered Duke and Duchess of Cotton Club Dancers – James Pennix and Angela Arceneaux. Duke James is a 28-year member of the Krewe and serves as Sgt. At Arms. He traveled the world first as a US Marine and

then as a motor coach operator for 32 years with Greyhound Corp. He presently works as a motor coach operator trainer for the Calcasieu Parish School Board. He is married to Sylvia Hawkins, has two children and seven grandchildren. Duchess Angela, a 26-year Krewe member, presently serves as president and has been on Court several times. She is employed with EmCare Envision as a billing coordinator with Christus St. Patrick Hospital. Angela is married to Greg Arceneaux and they have three children and seven grandchildren. The highlight of the evening was the presentation of King and Queen Classique XXIX, Ronald Atlow and Gloria Rubit. Queen Gloria has been a member of Classique since 1988 and has served on the Royal Court on several occasions. Retired now, Gloria was a long-time employee of Christus St. Patrick Hospital as a unit secretary. She spends numerous hours at Ward 3 Recreation Center and has two children and 3 grandchildren. King Ronald started his military career in 1967 with the US Army, serving two tours in Vietnam. He then traveled to several locations around the country. Upon returning, he met his wife of 36 years, Theresa Mouton, who blessed him with two

children – son, Mikell and daughter, Erin. They have three grandchildren. After retiring from the US Army, Ronald started RRA Transportation. He recently retired from trucking to help raise his grandson Kingston after the tragic death of Erin in October 2015. Ronald has been a member of the Krewe for three years. All Krewe members were then introduced and the party started with everyone participating in the Second Line.

Krewe Captain and Consort Frederick and Nellie Rideaux

Duchess of Cotton Club’s Origin

Duke and Duchess of Musicians and Vocalists

Duke and Duchess of Cotton Club Dancers

Joyce Alexander

Darrell McDowell and Princella Ryan

James Pennix and Angela Arceneaux

20 FEBRUARY 8, 2016

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Supporting Krewe du Bon Coeur

Supporting Krewe of Cosmos

Mardi Gras 2016

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The Krewe of Cosmos celebrated its 66th annual Mardi Gras pageant on Saturday, February 6 in the Sulphur High School auditorium. The Krewe is the oldest in Calcasieu Parish and has opened its pageant free to the public since it was founded in 1951. The ushers directed everyone to their seats to see the special production of “Krewe of Cosmos Celebrates an Island Odyssey.” The pageant began with the presentation of colors by the Boy Scouts of Troop 83, followed by the National Anthem sung by Krewe member Joe Castro. The Merry Makers came out to greet the crowd with music and beads, followed by the presentation of the Krewe officers: President Art Little, Vice President Mark Wilburn, Secretary Mindy Darby and Treasurer Daphne Gautreaux. The Master of Ceremonies for the evening was State Representative Mike Danahay. Next was the presentation of the night’s Royalty. The Captain of Cosmos, Captain Kallistee, served as our Tour Guide as we arrived on the island of Japan. Representing Japan were Duke Katsumoto and Duchess Taka, Rocky and Paula Keeley. Born in New Orleans, Duke Rocky graduated from East

King and Queen of Hawaii Kerry and Charlene Trahan 22 FEBRUARY 8, 2016

Jefferson High, Metairie in 1969 and attended Southeastern Louisiana University in Hammond. Rocky has been the owner/franchisee of Gatti’s Pizza in Sulphur for 30 years. Duchess Paula was born in Lake Charles and graduated from LaGrange High School in 1976. She attended USL and later graduated from McNeese State University in 1994. She is employed by the Calcasieu Parish School Board as special education teacher and has been teaching for 21 years. Duke Rocky and Duchess Paula have been Krewe members for three years, and Paula has been a member of the Krewe of Athena for four years. They have eight children: Bill, Kyle, Allison and Emily Keely, Nicole Bihm and Derek, Erik and Devin Morris. They also have five grandchildren. Duke Rocky and Duchess Paula are members of Henning Memorial United Methodist Church. The next destination on our voyage was to the island of Trinidad. Representing Trinidad were Duke Pierre Grenade and Duchess Calypso Rose, Garrett and Chavanne Stine. A native of Sulphur, Duke Garrett is a 1998 graduate of Sulphur High School and received a BS in mass communications from McNeese State University in 2002. He went on to do graduate work at the University of Louisiana in Lafayette. He has been a manager at Stine Lumber Co. for 16 years. Duchess Chavanne, a native of Lake Charles, graduated from St. Louis Catholic High School in 2001. She went on to McNeese State University, graduating with a BS in family and consumer science in 2005. She has been executive director at Oil Center Association for four years. The couple have a son Brody; a daughter, Jeanne-Marie, and Angel Baby, Holden. Duke Garrett has been in the Krewe for 14 years and Duchess Chavanne has been a member for six years. As our island adventure continued, we arrived on the island of Tahiti where we met Duke Matahi and Duchess Tehani, Jared and Kenzie Leboeuf. Duke Jared is a native of Lake Charles and graduated from South Cameron High School in 2002. He has been an operator at Encana Oil for three years. Duchess Kenzie was born in Sulphur and is a 2006 graduate of Sulphur High School. She graduated from McNeese State University in 2010 in health and human performance, attended massage therapy school in 2012 and is now getting her certification in Muscle Activator Technique. She has been a massage therapist at Stelly Mardi Gras 2016

Duke and Duchess of Japan Rocky and Paula Keeley

Duke and Duchess of Trinidad Garrett and Chavanne Stine

Queen of Cosmos in 2006. The Captain Physical & Occupation Therapy for five has served as secretary and vice presiyears. The couple, who attend St. Raphael Catholic Church in Iowa, have been dent of the Krewe and has chaired the committees for ball decorations, jestin the Krewe for two years. ers, floats and the annual crawfish boil. Our last stop on our Island OdysAs a founding member of the Krewe of sey found us on the island of Sri Lanka Athena, she was the first Captain Athena where we met Duke Mahatma Gandhi and 2014 Duchess Euphrosyne XII. and Duchess Indira Gandhi, Doug Captain Cindy graduated from Suland Kristy Como. Born in Lafayette, phur High in 1975 and recently served Duke Doug is a 1990 graduate of Sulon the planning committee for her 40th phur High School and a 1995 graduate of McNeese State University with a BS in class reunion. She attended McNeese and graduated from Demmons School finance. He is employed by Merchants of Beauty in 1984. She has been in busiand Farmers Bank. Duchess Kristi, also ness for 31 years, presently working at from Sulphur, is a 1991 graduate of Sulphur High School and a 2001 gradu- Latest Cuts, and is Regent and District Deputy for the Catholic Daughters. ate of McNeese State University with a Cindy and Lee have been married for 36 BS in education. She has been an Engyears and have two sons, Brandon and lish teacher with the Calcasieu Parish Justin and six grandchildren. They are School Board for 14 years. The Duke members of Immaculate Conception and Duchess have one son, Geoffrey and are members of St. Theresa Catholic Church in Sulphur. The final stop of our Island OdysChurch. They have been Krewe memsey was perhaps the most “Royal” of bers for two years. all. It is a place known for its beautiful It was now time to reveal our guide islands surrounded by the Ball Captain, who beaches of warm, white hails from the city of sand and verdant, lush Athens, named for flora… Hawaii. RepAthena, the Greek resenting the island of goddess of wisdom. Hawaii were King Kali The 2016 Captain of Kamea Ku’ulani and the Krewe of Cosmos Queen Leilani Kale’s was Cindy Vincent. Alohalini Kerry and Cindy was born in Charlene Trahan. Lake Charles and has King Kali “Kerry” been a Sulphur resiis a native of Sulphur dent all her life. She and graduated from has been a member Sulphur High School of the Krewe for 26 and McNeese State years and was a DuchUniversity. He has ess on the 1991 court. been employed with She and her husband, Captain Cindy Vincent the La. State Police for Lee, were King and Mardi Gras 2016

Duke and Duchess of Tahiti Jared and Kenzie Leboeuf

Duke and Duchess of Sri Lanka Doug and Kristy Como 20 years, currently as a Master Trooper. Kerry enjoys hunting, fishing, working out at the gym and spending time with his wife and son, Tanner. Queen Leilani “Charlene” is a native of Creole. She is a graduate of Grand Lake High School and is employed at Walmart as a Market Health and Wellness Director for 21 years. Queen Leilani’s hobbies are spending time with her husband and Tanner, fishing, reading, shopping and going to the movies. The couple attends St. Theresa Catholic Church. Kerri and Charlene have been in the Krewe for 17 years and have been Jesters and Court Duke and Duchess. Escorting the King and Queen was their son, Tanner, a 9th grade honor role student at Sulphur High. He is a member of the football team, BETA club and fishing team. After the King, Queen and Royal Court were presented, the Krewe of Cosmos Royal Court Jesters performed to “Jump in the Line,” “Macarena,” “Day0,” and Wipeout.” After the presentation, Krewe members and their guests were entertained by the Kadillacs at the Annual Ball held at the West Cal Event Center. FEBRUARY 8, 2016 23

Krewe Déjà Vu du Monde held their 27th Ball on January 9 at the Lake Charles Civic Center. The theme was “Shaken Not Stirred” and the Court followed this theme by representing different James Bond films and characters. Master of Ceremonies Gayle Marshall presented the hard-working board of directors: President Tom Price, VP/Co-Captain Julie Babineaux, VP of Membership Dina Royer, Secretary/Treasurer Lauren Abate, Krewe Reps Katherine Petty and Gayle Cline and Advisory Board Member Jennifer Gill. The Royal Court of 2015, King and Queen XXVI George Jacobson and Margaret Steele, Duchess Wendy Lambert and Duchess Sherrene Cook representing “Clue! A Murder Mystery” made

their final promenade. The 2016 King and Queen XXVII of “Shaken, Not Stirred” were W.L. Pate, Jr. and Sherrene Cook. King W.L. was born and raised in Beaumont, TX. He started college at Louisiana Tech and graduated with a BBA and MBA from Lamar University. He served in the US Army Reserves and retired after 27 years as a Lieutenant Colonel. He is presently serving his 5th term as At Large member of Beaumont City Council. He is the Texas Municipal League Region 16 President, President of Babe Zaharias Foundation, President of PRG Services, and president of Diagnostic Resources providing diagnostic services for primary care healthcare providers. He is a member of numerous boards such as Lamar University Cardinal Club,

2016 King and Queen XXVII W.L. Pate, Jr. and Sherrene Cook 24 FEBRUARY 8, 2016

Mental Health America, Christus Healthcare Advisory Board, and Art Museum of Southeast Texas. The King has two daughters. Suzanne Pate is with LJA Engineering and Jennifer Pate is the District Director of Texas State Senator Brandon Creighton. Queen Sherrene Cook was born and raised in Beaumont and attended McNeese State University. She worked as a recruiter throughout Louisiana and Texas and is now retired and gives her time to multiple charities throughout Florida and Texas. She serves on the boards of The Lamar University Cardinal Club, The Babe Didrikson Zaharias Foundation, The Oaks District Historical Board, the Parks and Recreation Advisory Board for The City of Beaumont and was just appointed to the Planning and Zoning Commission for the City of Beaumont and is currently serving as Co-Chair of Lamar University’s Le Grande Ball. Sherrene is the mother of Justin Moore and the proud grandmother and aunt of two eight-year-old future Mardi Gras Queens, the lovely Regan Kelly Cook and Claire Elise Danks. Captain Phil de Albuquerque came out next as the Voodoo Priest from Live and Let Die. He was born in Michigan, graduated from Michigan State University with an engineering degree and literally ran off and joined the circus! Captain Phil attended Clown College in Sarasota, Florida and was selected to be a Ringling Brothers Barnum & Bailey Circus clown, where he performed with many celebrities, including Dick Van Dyke. Phil moved to Lake Charles in 2003 after finding it on the Internet. He is the president of the Children’s Museum Board, a member of the Family & Youth Board, a member of The Buccaneers of Lake Charles, a tour guide and the mascot “Gumbeaux Gator” for the SWLA Convention & Visitors Bureau. He is

an animal rescuer, a contractor at Ft. Polk, a Silver Distributor for Advocare, and the host of Fox 29’s “What’s Happening Lake Charles.” Krewe VP/Co-Captain Julie Lynette Babineaux followed representing Octopussy. The daughter of Sigmund and Yvonne Babineaux of Oberlin, she has been a member of Krewe Deja Vu since 2003 and vice-president and co-captain since 2009. She is employed by the Calcasieu Parish Police Jury, 14th Judicial District Court and attends Our Lady Queen of a Heaven Catholic Church. Her son, SSgt Justin Chatman, US Air Force, and his wife Senita are stationed in Salinas, California with her grand-dog Sophie Mae, an Alaskan Husky. Next, Lieutenant Dr. Bruce Maerhofer came out as Jaws! Bruce hails from New York State and attended the University of Missouri in Kansas City. He and his wife Monika came to the Pelican State over 25 years ago. A licensed Chiropractor, he retired a few years ago. He is a member of The Buccaneers and the ParrotHeads, and he and his wife Monika were King and Queen of the Krewe in 2005. They are also members of Krewe de la Famille and were on their Royal Court in 2014. Duchess Phyllis Hodgkins represented Honey Rider in Dr. No. She graduated from LaGrange High School and attended McNeese State University. She is a member of Alpha Delta Pi social sorority, a sustaining member of Lake Charles Junior League, a member of Lake Charles Newcomers Club and L’Heure Du Livre Book Club. She was married to the late Allen Ray (Buddy) Hodgkins, Jr. She has two married sons and four grandsons. A career with the IRS brought Duchess Phyllis to the National Office in Washington, DC where she supervised audit activity Mardi Gras 2016

Krewe VP/Co-Captain Julie Lynette Babineaux

Lieutenant Dr. Bruce Maerhofer

nationwide. From there, she was sent to Warsaw, Poland for three years to assist in developing their Ministry of Finance. She went on to Bucharest, Romania for three years to assist in designing a national organizational chart for their Ministry of Finance. After retirement from the U. S. Treasury, Phyllis began working for contracting companies funded by USAID to assist Egypt for three years restructuring the Audit Department for the Inland Revenue Department. She was then sent for three years to Amman, Jordan where she trained all levels of management and improved the IT capabilities of the Ministry of Finance. She was sent for shorter periods of time to Montenegro, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Baku Azerbaijan, and Tblisi Georgia. During these work assignments, she had the opportunity to visit all surrounding countries, covering all of Europe, some of Africa,

and most of the Middle East. Duke Dan Carlson represented Goldfinger! Duke Dan grew up in a small town in Iowa and moved to Sioux City for college. A co-worker was a member of Krewe de Charlie Sioux and got him involved with the Krewe from Sioux City. He had always wanted to move out of the Midwest, ands since he had gotten to know the Lake Charles members of Charlie Sioux and visited several times for Mardi Gras, it was a no-brainer as to where he was going to move. After coming to Lake Charles in 2007, he stayed active with Charlie Sioux and is that Krewe’s current Captain. He currently lives in Westlake and is an Industrial paramedic for Prime Occupational Medicine at the Cameron LNG new construction site in Hackberry. In his spare time, he enjoys fishing, hunting alligators, and hanging out with friends and family. Duke Dan attended his first Déjà Vu ball two years ago and it was a great experience. “When asked to be on Court this year I couldn’t say no,” he said. “This has truly been an experience that will stay with me forever. This is a Krewe that knows how to have fun.” Duchess Michelle Durand Elliott represented Moonraker. Born and raised in the Lake Area, Duchess Michelle has a bachelor’s degree in psychology and a master’s in gerontology from the University of Louisiana Monroe. She has been employed as a Service Coordinator Administrator at California Commercial Investment Group since 2011. She and her husband Tim Elliott live in Moss Bluff with their two daughters Caleigh, 3 and Lila, 1. After the students of the Ashworth School of Performing Dance performed to a medley of Bond movie hits, the Krewe partied all night long to “The Issue” from Baton Rouge. Sound and music were supplied by Deep South Productions, and photography was by Monsour’s. Special thanks to John Chavanne for his fabulous costumes!

Captain Phil de Albuquerque Mardi Gras 2016

Duchess Phyllis Hodgkins

Duke Dan Carlson

Duchess Michelle Durand Elliott FEBRUARY 8, 2016 25

The King and Queen of 2016 Floyd and Sharon Saltzman Krewe Des Amis celebrated its 36th year on January 23 in the Lake Charles Civic Center Coliseum. The theme for this year’s Ball was “Krewe Des Amis Deep in the Jungle.” The venue was transformed that night for Krewe members and guests to celebrate this year’s Mardi Gras season. The 2015 Royal Court was introduced for the final time: King and Queen Bart and Sybil Landry and their Dukes and Duchesses, Darren and Emily Alcock, Robert and Stacie Cady, and Derek and Stephanie Stanley. The first 2016 Royal Couple, Jerod and Laryn Abshire, were the Duke and Duchess of the Asian Jungle. The couple resides in Lake Charles. Duke Jerod is a patrol deputy of the Calcasieu Parish Sheriff ’s Office in the Enforcement Division. He enjoys fishing, hunting, golf, running and cooking. He also served eight years in the United States Marine Corps. Duchess Laryn works for Calcasieu Oaks Behavioral Center as a social worker and clinical 26 FEBRUARY 8, 2016

manager. She earned her bachelor’s degree in psychology at Campbell University and has a master’s degree in social work with a concentration in mental health and sub concentration in military social work from the University of Southern California. Laryn is a member of the ACTS community. She enjoys spending time with her family and friends, traveling, relaxing on the beach, reading poetry, and dancing. The couple has a daughter Keslyn, 8 and a baby on the way. They attend St. Martin de Porres Catholic Church. Our next Duke and Duchess representing the African Jungle were Randy and Tammi Morgan. Duke Randy is a business manager for University United Methodist Church. He holds a bachelor of science degree in business management from McNeese State University. Randy enjoys McNeese football and basketball, hunting, fishing, camping, and yard work. He is a member of the Rowdy Road Wranglers, Habitat for Humanity Board, and is United Methodists’ Men’s Vice-President. Duchess

Tammy is an office administrator for Resource Management Services and attended Lamar University. She enjoys reading, camping with friends, McNeese football and basketball, and fostering dogs and cats from community animal rescue and adoption agencies. She is also a high-ranking Candy crush addict! A member of the United Methodist Women, she and the Duke are members of University United Methodist Church. The couple has three children, Dustin 26, Tristan 19, and Randy Paige 16. They live in Lake Charles. The Duke and Duchess of the South American Jungle were Andy and Amanda Saltzman. The couple resides in Lake Charles. Duke Andy is a pipe fitter/fabricator for various industrial contractors and was a Rank Sergeant in the United States Marine Corps. Duke Andy enjoys spending time manicuring his homestead (their house they built last year). Duchess Amanda is a pharmacist for Medical Plaza Pharmacy. She attended University of Louisiana Monroe where she earned a Doctor of Pharmacy. Amanda enjoys being a Cub Scout den leader, reading, and spending time with family and is a member of the National Catholic Committee on Scouting. The couple attends St. Martin De Porres and are both members of the ACTS community there. They have two children, Anna Leigh, 9 and Andy Jr., 7. The King and Queen of 2016, Floyd and Sharon Saltzman, emerged to meet their family and friends. King Floyd is a physical therapist and the owner of Action Potential Physical Therapy. The King attended Louisiana State University Medical Center in New Orleans where he earned a bachelor of science degree in physical therapy. He is a member of Boy Scouts of America as a Past Cubmaster and Assistant Scoutmaster, and a member of the Louisiana and American PhysiMardi Gras 2016

Duke and Duchess of the Asian Jungle

Duke and Duchess of the African Jungle

Duke and Duchess of the South American Jungle

Jerod and Laryn Abshire

Randy and Tammi Morgan

Andy and Amanda Saltzman

cal Therapy Association. He actively serves as Training Chair for the Catholic Committee on Scouting and is active in ACTS Retreats. He enjoys hunting, fishing, and anything outdoors with family and friends. Queen Sharon also attended Louisiana State University Medical Center and also has a bachelor of science in physical therapy. She enjoys reading,

Bible Study, Hallmark movies, and spending time with family and friends. The Queen is a member of Come Lord Jesus, Apostles of St. Peter (presenting the basis for papacy to local schools), St. Martin de Porres Women’s Bible study, Catholic Women Seeking God’s Word, Adult Faith Formation and Youth Religion Education. The couple resides in Lake Charles and attends

St. Martin de Porres Catholic Church. They have four children Jordan, 21, Hunter, 20, Sydney, 18 and Reagan,16 The Krewe then toasted the Royalty and were treated to a final promenade by their Court. Then it was time to party with music by Chinatown. Photography was done by Gary Meeks. All costumes and mantles were designed and created by DVal Designs.

Mardi Gras 2016

FEBRUARY 8, 2016 27

The 33rd annual Krewe du Lac Mardi Gras Ball, one of the few costume-only balls in Lake Charles, was held on January 30 at the Lake Charles Civic Center. Master of Ceremonies was Mr. Chris St. James, a local radio celebrity with Gator 99.5. The celebration began with the introduction of Captain Colvin LeDoux. Captain LeDoux, who reigned as King Charles du Lac XI, served on the Krewe’s board for several years before assuming the role of Captain from Mr. John Thibodeaux, Krewe founder. Colvin, a retiree of Conoco, and his wife, Pam, a retired elementary school principal, enjoy spending time with friends and family, travelling, and working on home projects. They are members of St. Martin de Porres Catholic Church and Trinity Baptist Church. Captain LeDoux, along with the Krewe’s dedicated board of directors, strive to ensure that members enjoy fun-filled activities throughout the year. Captain LeDoux imparted affirmation to the efforts of the current board of directors: Mickey Connor, Chris Ebersole, Phyllis Guidry, Claire Hess, John Lafleur, Clarice Lafosse, Kevin Miller, Chris Owen, Robyn Setoon, and Celeste Stephens. He also acknowledged

King Charles du Lac XXXIII

David Neal Begnaud 28 FEBRUARY 8, 2016

Krewe member Don Menard, who faithfully serves as the webmaster for www.krewedulac. com. Additional thanks went out to board advisors, Brenda Wilkinson and Debbie Carlin, who faithfully organize the Royal Court preparation and presentation. Honor was given to King Charles du Lac XXXII, Donnie Martin, and Queen Katherine XXXII, Denise Savant, as they graciously made their last promenade. The identities of the Royal Court XXXIII were yet to be revealed to the anxiously awaiting members. As the moment arrived, Duke Andrew XXXIII, Charles Daniel Bourne, and his cohort, Duchess Angelica XXXIII, Alicia LeBlanc, began their first walk as a Royal pair. Duke Andrew was born and raised in Iowa, La., and is the son of Betty Bourne and the late Wilford Sr. He and his wife, Tiffie Bourne, former Duchess Caroline XXIX, are the proud parents of Cole Daniel and Ahndi Rae. They are members of St. Raphael Catholic Church. Duke Andrew is the owner/operator of Bourne Aviation for the past 29 years as an agriculture aviation pilot with over 20,000 hours of flight time. Having a commercial pilot’s license, Charlie also has his FAA license as an airframe and power

Queen Katherine XXXIII

Marilyn Milliken Boudreaux

plant mechanic. He is contracted by O’Brien’s Flying Service in Iowa to do seeding, fertilizing, and crop spraying. Previously, he flew for 14 years with the Calcasieu Parish Mosquito Control. Charlie is a member of Louisiana Agricultural Aviation Association, National Agricultural Aviation Association, and the Stump Hunting Club in Gloster, Mississippi. He is a graduate of Iowa High School and SOWELA Tech in airplane mechanics. A Krewe member for 20 years, he enjoys hunting, fishing, playing golf, running, and spending time with his wife and children. An avid lover of skydiving, our Duke has 532 jumps to his credit. Duchess Angelica XXXIII, Alicia LeBlanc, a Krewe member for three years, entered the room wearing a royal blue ball gown with a sweetheart neckline and beaded bodice with lace embellishments. The lovely Duchess is the wife of Chris LeBlanc and daughter of Catherine Higginbotham of Sulphur. Alicia and Chris are the proud parents of Colin and Mason. She is a graduate of Sulphur High School and recently graduated from McNeese State University with a bachelor’s degree in sociology and a minor in psychology. Duchess Angelica is a self-employed personal trainer at Fit2Geaux in Sulphur. She holds additional group fitness certifications in kickboxing, weightlifting, aquatic fitness, and suspension training. She enjoys participating with the Pelican Coast Parrot Heads, traveling, playing fantasy football, fishing, spending time with family and friends, helping out as a Den leader for her son’s Webelo den, and watching her boys participate in Jujitsu, soccer, and baseball. Krewe members for three years, the LeBlancs attend Immaculate Conception Catholic Church where Alicia is a member of the Catholic Daughters and Chris is member of the Knights of Columbus. The next Royal pair to be introduced was Duke Edward XXXIII, William Keith Green, and Duchess Caroline XXXIII, Jessica Paulette Stewart. Duke Edward, a resident of Lake Charles, is the son of Margie Dailey of Sulphur and Bill and MaryAnn Green of Sylva, NC. Keith and his wife Tina, have four children together, Meagan, Christopher, Ashley, and Ryan along with four grandchildren, Connor, Callie, Mary Margaret, and Emily. Two other members are the spoiled rotten

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ones: Mollie and Penny, the family dogs. children, Brittany Corbello and her husband for 35 years, the Queen is married to Craig Duke Edward and Tina are members of Lucas, Alex, and Leah along with grandsons Boudreaux and has two grown children, Curtis Our Lady of Good Counsel Catholic Church. Ethan and Owen and granddaughters Spencer Woodyear and Melinda Woodyear Walsh. She He is employed as a salesman at Scott-Macon and Mia. David graduated from Iowa High has been a Krewe member for five years. Equipment. Keith enjoys playing golf and has School in 1983 and earned a bachelor of sciThe Queen is a top-producing Realtor affilirefereed high school football for the past 13 ence degree in marketing from McNeese State ated with Century 21 Mike D Bono & Co. Her years, earning the right to be the Linesman in University in 1989. real estate certifications include New Conthis past year’s Class 3A state championship While still in college, King Charles du Lac struction, E-Pro, Social Media, and Internet game in the Superdome. Krewe members for began his nearly 30-year career in the automoMarketing Designations. Marilyn was recently the past 13 years, the Greens are also members tive industry. After spending less than a year in selected as the national recipient of the Century of the Pelican Coast Parrot Heads and the Mcsales, he was fortunate enough to be promoted 21 Technology Producer Award. Her Royal Neese Quarterback Club. They enjoy tailgating into management with Billy Navarre Chevrolet. Highness attended the University of Arkansas and attending both McNeese and LSU football His experience includes nine years as finance in Fayetteville where she was a member of the games. manager, three years as used car manager, and Razorback Spirit Club, Kappa Alpha Theta Duchess Caroline XXXIII, Jessica Paulette for the past 16 years as pre-owned director. He sorority, and Lambda Chi Alpha fraternity Little Stewart is married to Curtis and they are the has recently accepted the position as general Sister. parents of Tyson James Stewart residing in Lake sales manager for Tarver Automotive at Tarver Marilyn is a sustaining member of the Charles. She is the daughter of Army Sergeant Ford in Sulphur. Junior League of Lake Charles and still actively First Class Sylvia Robinson of Enterprise, AlaAs alumni of McNeese, David and Deidre volunteers with the Liberty Belles. Her other bama and the late Sergeant Anthony Robinson. enjoy tailgating and watching the Cowboys. In affiliations include National Association of Duchess Caroline and her family are memtheir spare time, they have embarked on family Realtors, SWLA Board of Realtors, McNeese bers of Christian World Church and she is the trips to Disney, Dominican Republic, Cancun, Quarterback Club, Daughters of the American residential director at CARC. A Krewe member and Florida, cruised, and enjoyed snow skiRevolution, The Mayflower Society, Krewe of for five years, this royal Duchess enjoys playing ing in Colorado. They also like to travel on Barataria, and Canal Place Homeowners Assovolleyball, working out, running, rollerblading, yearly vacations to Mexico with friends and ciation. The Boudreauxs attend Trinity Baptist and playing instruments. co-workers, and recently took a bucket list trip Church, where Marilyn is an active member of She has been involved with volleyball since on a fabulous 12-day Mediterranean cruise. The the Celebration Choir. In her leisure time, she she was 14, ultimately earning numerous MVP Begnaud family are members of St. Raphael loves spoiling Lola and Vivie, her two Pomeraawards and being selected to the Alabama Catholic Church. nians, staying active at the gym, and attending All-Star volleyball team. At the collegiate level, Queen Katherine XXXIII, Marilyn Millikcommunity events. Jessica was a member of the University of North en Boudreaux, made her first Royal appearance The traditional exchanging of toasts between Alabama volleyball team, winning the Gulf wearing a floor-length designer gown of white the new King and Queen and their Royal Court South Conference Championship while earning Italian satin. A full box-pleated skirt fell from and subjects took place, followed by Captain GSU player of the week, All-Tournament Team, her strapless bodice, which was embellished LeDoux blowing the official whistle to signal and All-Region II Team. Later, playing for with silver embroidery encrusted with crystals that the party had begun. Revelers dressed in Middle Tennessee State University in the Sun and pearls. Silver-embroidered lace laden with creations that can be described as creative and Belt Conference, her team won the Conference crystals and pearls bordered the skirt, which eye-catching danced away the evening to the Championship and she was named to Sun Belt flowed into a chapel train. A resident of SWLA music of “The Mixed Nuts” of New Orleans. All-Tournament team and participated in the NCAA National Championship Tournament. Upon graduation, her volleyball career ended with four championship rings. Here in Lake Charles, Jessica has participated in Ward 3 Co-Ed and Men’s League volleyball. Recently, she received an original proclamation of the Anniversary of the Americans with Disabilities Act written and signed by President Barack Obama. As the Dukes and Duchesses took their places of honor, all attention was focused on the imminent entry of the soon to appear King and Queen. The Royal pair made their illustrious entrance as the crowd applauded and cheered. King Charles du Lac XXXIII, David Neal Begnaud, a lifelong resident of Iowa, is the son of Geraldine Begnaud of Church Point and the late Duke Andrew XXXIII and Duchess Angelica XXXIII Duke Edward XXXIII and Duchess Caroline XXXIII James Begnaud. He and his Charles Daniel Bourne William Keith Green and bride of nearly 30 years, Deidre and Alicia LeBlanc Jessica Paulette Stewart Hardy Begnaud, have three Mardi Gras 2016

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Krewe du Grande Bois held its 36th annual Pageant and Ball on February 5 at the Habibi Shriners event center in Lake Charles. The theme for this year’s ball was “Streets of New Orleans.” Krewe President Eric Mire welcomed the members and guests and then turned the evening’s festivities over to the Master of Ceremonies, Perry Comeaux. The 2015 King and Queen, James and Rebecca Bayer were introduced and made their final appearance to open the evening’s pageantry. The 2016 Captains of Canal Street were represented by Eric and Mandi Mire, who have been active Krewe members for nine years. They previously served on Court in 2012, and Eric is currently Krewe President. Eric graduated from McNeese State University with a bachelor’s degree in finance and also from the Graduate School of Banking at LSU. Captain Eric is currently employed at First Federal Bank of Louisiana as a Vice President and Commercial Lender. Captain Mandi is a graduate of McNeese State University with a bachelor’s degree in accounting and management and a master of arts in teaching. She is currently employed with the Calcasieu Parish School Board as a fourth grade teacher at LeBleu Settlement Elementary. Currently residing in Moss Bluff, they have been married for 12 years and are the parents of Hailey and Kailyn. Eric

2016 King and Queen of Bourbon Street

Lewis “Rusty” C. Rougeou, III and Denise Blocker Rougeou 30 FEBRUARY 8, 2016

enjoys hunting, fishing and playing golf and Mandi enjoys shopping, and spending time with her family and friends. They both enjoy coaching their daughter’s Stars & Stripes fastpitch softball tournament team and basketball team. The Duke & Duchess of Rampart Street were portrayed by Dwayne and Amy Johnson, who have been Krewe members for 16 years and served on Court in 2006 and 2010. Duke Dwayne is a superintendent employed by Pat Williams Construction. Duchess Amy attended the University of North Texas and received a bachelor of science degree in hotel and restaurant management with a minor in business. She is currently employed at West Calcasieu Cameron Hospital as the Charge Master Coordinator in the Finance Department. The Duchess is a CASA volunteer, a member of the SPICY coalition, a facilitator for the suicide support group HALOS, a field advocate for the AFSP and a church volunteer. Dwayne and Amy are residents of Moss Bluff, have been married for 20 years and have a son, Cole, in heaven. Dwayne is an avid hunter and loves the outdoors, camping and four-wheeling. Amy enjoys traveling. The Duke and Duchess of Toulouse Street were portrayed by Mike and Denise Stillings, who have been Krewe members since 2008. Duke Mike is a graduate of St. Vincent de Paul Seminary and attended McNeese State University. He is retired from SASOL where he served as Purchasing/Contracts Manager and recently retired from the same position for Sundrop Fuels of Longmont, Colorado. Duchess Denise is a graduate of LaGrange Sr. High School and Delta Tech. After working for 25 years in industry, she has recently retired from ReCon Engineering where she worked as an Electrical/Instrument Designer. The Duke and Duchess have three children, Heather, Jade and Mickey Stillings and four grandchildren, Payton, Ramie, Jami and Greysen. They are parishioners of St. Martin de Porres Catholic Church where they are ACTS members and are active in ACTS retreats and church ministries. Mike enjoys golfing, hunting and spending time with his grandchildren. Denise spends time enjoying old friends, spoiling those grandchildren and singing. The Duke and Duchess of Poydras Street were Michael and Amanda Miller. After attending the Ball for two years, they decided that they liked the Krewe so much that they wanted to join. They have been members now for two years. Duke Michael is a Project Planner for the Calcasieu Parish Police Jury and Duchess Amanda is a pre-K teacher at First Methodist School in Lake Charles. They have been married for six years and are residents of Sulphur. They have one son, Colton. Michael enjoys hunting, Mardi Gras 2016

Amanda enjoys crafting and shopping, and they both enjoy spending time with their friends and family. The Duke and Duchess of Magazine Street were Brady and Amanda Fontenot. Duke Brady attended McNeese State University where he earned a bachelor of science degree in finance. He is currently employed by Firestone Polymers in Sulphur. In his spare time, he enjoys fishing, hunting, playing golf and watching McNeese and LSU sports. Duchess Amanda also attended McNeese State University with a degree in paralegal studies. Over the last 12 years she has been an employee of First Methodist School where she taught pre-K. Currently residing in Lake Charles, Brady and Amanda have been married for 12 years and have three children, Brayden, Aubrey and Baylor. Grande Bois’ Grand Royalty, the 2016 King and Queen of Bourbon Street were Lewis C. Rougeou, III (Rusty) and Denise Blocker Rougeou. King Rusty is a US Army veteran and holds degrees in mortuary science and Criminal Justice and is a graduate of the 96th Basic Law Enforcement Academy. He is currently employed as a Deputy with the Calcasieu Parish Sheriff ’s Office and as a Funeral Director and Embalmer with Hixson Funeral Home. Rusty served on the St. John Bosco Core ACTS Team, taught CCD for eight years and enjoys working as a team member on ACTS Retreats. He is a member of the Knights of Columbus, Past Grand

Knight and Trustee and is also a 4th Degree Knight. He also is a member of the Sons of American Legion, Past Council Commander and Adjutant. Queen Denise is employed by KPMG as a senior associate working in Health Care and Life Sciences Group as a Meditech Consultant. Rusty and Denise have been married for 22 years and reside in Westlake. They have been members of the Krewe for 17 years and previously served on Court in 2007 and 2012. They attend St. John Bosco Catholic Church where Denise is a Eucharistic Minister, serves on the Women’s ACTS Team and is a member of the Ladies Auxiliary. They have two sons, Lewis and Graham and one grandson, Levi. When not fighting over the LSU Tigers and the Georgia Bulldogs, the Royal Couple enjoy camping, cooking, traveling and spoiling their pets, Rosie, Gracie Anne, Bella and Snappy. They also enjoy parties at the Rub Pub and spoiling their grandson. The Queen especially thanks Valerie Smith of D’Val Designs for the beautiful costumes that she created. After the Court presentation, the royal goblets, the Krewe flag and banners were presented to the King and Queen by the Krewe’s co-founder, Pat Fontenot. The royal toast and promenade followed with the throwing of beads. The band, “No Idea” entertained the members and guests with great dance music for the rest of the evening.

2016 Captains of Canal Street

Duke and Duchess of Rampart Street

Duke and Duchess of Magazine Street

Eric and Mandi Mire

Dwayne and Amy Johnson

Brady and Amanda Fontenot

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Duke and Duchess of Toulouse Street

Mike and Denise Stillings

Duke and Duchess of Poydras Street

Michael and Amanda Miller

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Last year, La Krewe Des Gens Extraordinaire’s theme was “A Moment in Time” with King Ricky Armelin, Sr. and Queen Paula Armelin. This year, on February 6, the Krewe presented “Festivals of Louisiana” where they celebrated 21 years of Royalty. The 2016 Royal Court was led by President Lillian Porche and Ball Captain Sybil Douglas. The Court consisted of the Duke and Duchess of The New Orleans Jazz Festival, Quentin Lewis and Kimberly Lewis and the Duke and Duchess of The Essence Music Festival, Mark Thomas and Elena Thomas. The 2016 King and Queen of Festivals of Louisiana representing the Zydeco Festival were Carlos Metoyer and Tara Metoyer. The Royal Couple has been married for 23 years. Queen Tara is the daughter of Hilton Guillory and the late Delores Plummer. King Carlos is the son of Irene Orsot Meyer, who attended the Ball, and the late Louis E. Metoyer III. Their Majesties were attended by their children, Prince Jacques Metoyer and Princess Jolie Metoyer. The Prince and Princess both attend St. Margaret’s Catholic School. Jacques is in the Chess Club and loves playing with his WII U. Jolie aspires to be involved in gymnastics and is a Daddy’s girl. They are both altar servers and their parents are so proud of them. The King and Queen are parishioners of St. Henry Catholic Church, which they have

Duke Mark Thomas 32 FEBRUARY 8, 2016

Duchess Elena Thomas

attended for the past 30 years. They have been members of KEP since 2001 and have enjoyed every Ball and performing in shows for the Krewe. Queen Tara is the owner of All Fixed Up Nails and More and has been in business since 2003. King Carlos is a board operator at Westlake Group where he has been employed for 19 years. He has also owned and managed Metoyer & Associates since 2004. He is assisted in the tax office by Tara Irene and Ronald Metoyer. The Royal Toast and Promenade preceded a night of second lines and Royal pageantry. Krewe members entertained guests with performances by Frankie Beverly and Maze, Mary J. Blige and Rosie Ledet. Krewe members and guests danced the night away to the sounds of Hotline, a live band from Opelousas. The night was filled with fun people, good music, Creole food and Mardi Gras excitement. Laissez Les Bon Temps Rouler! La Krewe Des Gens Extraordinaire was founded in 1995 and is composed of 33 extraordinary people from all walks of life, all dedicated to the festive Mardi Gras celebration. This Krewe of Extraordinary People has made a commitment to foster and promote this joyous celebration by participating in all Mardi Gras activities in Southwest Louisiana. La Krewe Des Gens Extraordinaire is in its 21st year and looks forward to continuous Mardi Gras merriment in the spirit of Mardi Gras.

Duke Quentin Lewis

Duchess Kimberly Lewis

Ball Captain Sybil Douglas

2016 King of Festivals Carlos Metoyer

2016 Queen of Festivals Tara Metoyer Mardi Gras 2016

Krewe de Gratin is going on their fourth year. A group of friends from Vinton thought how awesome it would be to get their family and friends together for Mardi Gras. This year, the Krewe is exploding with energy and growing! The Krewe participated in 12th Night and will participate in The Royal Gala and Krewe of Krewes parade. They are honored to announce their Royal Court for 2016, comprised of Vinton natives. Chad and Tandy Guidry are representing the Krewe as King and Queen. Both raised in Vinton, they have been married for 23 years and have three children, Nicole, Mikayla and Dalaina. Duchess Rene Broussard is married to Lloyd Broussard and they have three children, Shane, Lacie and Chad.

Duchess Lacey Peloquin is married to Jeremy Peloquin and they have one child, Remington. Duchess Kathy Cormier is married to Roland Cormier and they have two children, Hunter and Trevor. Duke Jerry Jackson is married to Elaine Jackson. They have two children, Maegan and Geri. Duke Danny Young is married to Misti Young and they have four children, Tanner, Taylor, Cannon and Cruz. Duke Jim Prestwood is married to Rebel Prestwood. They have three children, Balie, Alexis and Colbie. The Captain for 2016 is Sheramie LeBrun. She is married to Jackie LeBrun and they have two children, Devon and Dawson.

Krewe de Gratin King and Queen Chad and Tandy Guidry

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The Krewe of Illusions convoked its 27th annual Mardi Gras extravaganza at 7:30 pm Saturday, February 6 in the Rosa Hart Theatre. This year, Illusions wandered back in history to a time when all was new. Springing forth was the show’s theme, “Experience the Renaissance.” As the Ball began, guests were welcomed by various Renaissance figures. Prior to formal announcements and introductions by the mistresses of ceremonies, the show opened with a very special and sentimental tribute to one of the founding spirits of Krewe of Illusions, Mr. Billy Brown. Next, the show was dedicated to the memory of our beloved friend and Rosa Hart Theater stage director Mr. Denver Kaufman. The Krewe crest was lowered and set the stage for the Extravaganza. The evening was stylishly introduced by Renaissance villagers singing “Welcome to the Renaissance” in their festive attire. As the curtains opened, the audience was greeted by the stone wall to the Kingdom of Illusions; behind it were the Regal Monarchs of the Kingdom. Illusions King 26 Clifford Bailey represented the

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boasting control that the mighty lion identifies with in most royal monarchs. Illusions Queen 26 Ramona Primeaux represented the powerful peace that the glorious peacock symbolizes in those who come from the greatest Royal lines. Their glorious costumes were adorned with hundreds of crystals. The pieces were set with scarlet, blood rubies, pearl whites and silvers along with gold and were banked in feathers of the same color. The King and Queen graced the stage wearing collars representing the Kingdom of Power and Peace. The King wore rich furs and brocades handmade by Kingdom peasants, colored in scarlet with braids of gold and silver cordings. The Queen was lavishly draped as she seemed to float across the stages in the purest of colors to complement the King. Royal entertainment was provided by Laurel and the Electric Circus as per the request of the Queen. They rocked the stage as only they can. The Major Costumes of the Royal Court represented famous figures, tales, and mysteries of the era. Marcella Miller brought to life the heroism of the fe-

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male Knight. After a hilarious dungeon scene, she graced the stage and freed all under capture by the two-faced Queen. Marci’s costume was draped in yellows and royal blues as she proudly represented The She Knight. Boy, did we get the real story of how a Princess feels after waiting for the Prince to come and save her, and it wasn’t a happy ending. After the six angry Princesses finished, Chad Evans came to save the day. He might not have been their bright and shining armored Prince, but he was somebody’s. As the Dragon Lorde, Chad slayed the dragon, saved the prince and in some cases, the princesses. Chad was robed in deep purple, black and silver, dressing in armor fit only for a slayer. Who said evil wasn’t sexy? They were wrong. After a very intense lap dance by some peculiar fairies and gnomes, the audience was dazzled by the evil sex appeal of Melanie Kershaw-Gournay. She taunted the stage with sexy evil spells and colors of reds and black. Draped in sorcery, she entertained the crowd with spunk and pizzazz. There’s always a store or booth that no one finds appealing. In our village it’s the magic stand. Not only is there no luck coming from it, there’s no magic, either. Or is there? After an accidental trick, the neighborhood villagers get a friend that’s full of magic. As the magic climaxes, Donny King appears from the mist of many magic tricks bringing jokes, music, and tricks up his sleeve. Donny represented the jester well and he flaunted his lively Caribbean colored costume of teal, fuchsia, purple, and lime. Ball Captain BrandRick Levy challenged the audience to reflect on English literature and corrected all the accidentals from Shakespeare’s famous Romeo and Juliet balcony scene. When Shakespeare meets the 21st century, his works will never be the same. BrandRick was feathering in colors of lime and emerald accompanied by natural browns and creams. His backpiece told the stories of Othello, Romeo and Juliet and Hamlet, as he carried famous items from each tale such as the poison that foretold the demise in Romeo and Juliet. He carried the silhouette of the famous literatim as he jammed to the sounds of “Word Up.” After a final group song, the members and Major Costumes were brought back to the stage for a final bow. The Krewe and their guests did a second line to the exhibition hall where everyone danced to the exceptional sounds of the Tugboats. The production was supported by Krewe of Illusions’ board of directors and all the members who worked as performers, dancers, singers, scriptwriters, backstage hands, and technical masters along with the talents of personal friends and family. Mardi Gras 2016

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XXXVI Roland and Sondra Moss. Dukes and Duchesses Mike and Susan McHugh, and Jim and Jena Price were invited for their last promenade. Famille’s lovely debutantes appeared next: Brittany Michelle Darrah, Madeleine Rose Desselle, Anna Guidry, and Laura Catherine Lewing. The first glimpse of the event was an invitation with a Famille’s Iceman, Captain Johnny “JJ” Johnson and the beautiful peaceful forest blanketed in snow. Ball guests were Chillin’ Captain Brigitte Johnson made their entrance, showgreeted with a fun scene filled with sleighs and snowflakes. ing they were capable of making winter magic! Dale Mann served as Master of Ceremonies, and Anne The 2016 Krewe’s King and Queen Famille XXXVII were Monlezun directed the presentation. The U.S. Naval Sea Dr. Syd Dyer, Jr. and Roby Murrell Dyer. A native of Fulton Cadets, Chennault Division, posted the colors. Haley Noelle Cooley sang the National Anthem, and music was provided by KY, King Syd was raised in Ville Platte, and is now a resident of Lake Charles. He is the founder of Anesthesia Associates of City Heat. The 2015 Famille Royal Court was presented. Those present Lake Charles and Sulphur where he retired from on April 1, 2015. Syd practiced Anesthesia for 33 years combined at all honored the memory of the late King and Queen Famille Lake Charles Hospitals, Surgicare of Lake Charles, and WCCH. He is the owner and President of Fox 29 and Cable Warner of Lake Charles and is a partner of DyerLangley Real Estate. Syd attended Scared Heart High School in Ville Platte, completed his pre-medical studies at University of SWLA-Lafayette, graduated from Medical School at the LSU Medical Center in New Orleans, completed his internship at Earl K. Long Baton Rouge, his residency for OB/GYN at the LSU Division of the Charity Hospital System, and his residency for Anesthesia at John Sealy Hospital in Galveston. Syd is a member of the Calcasieu Parish Medical Society, Louisiana State Medical Society, American Society of Anesthesiologists, International Anesthesia Research Society, Lake Charles Gun Club, SW Rifle & Pistol Club, Quality Deer Management Association, Ducks Unlimited, National Rifle Association, National Skeet Shooting Association, Safari Club International, Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation, and Texas Trophy Hunters Association. Queen Roby Murrell Dyer is a native of Sulphur and a resident of Lake Charles. She is a graduate of Sulphur High and McNeese State University, with a Bachelor of science in computer science, math and statistics. She is a former orthodontic assistant for Drs. Pat Crawford and Emma DiCarlo. She also performed sales support for Lanier Digital Systems, and was a software developer for Getronic IT Services. Queen Roby is president of the RepubKing and Queen Famille XXXVII lican Women of Southwest Louisiana, a Dr. Syd Dyer, Jr. and Roby Murrell Dyer member of the Republican Parish comKrewe de La Famille celebrated its 37th annual Ball on January 30. The theme was Famille’s “Winter Wonderland” featuring songs, skits, and costumes that evoke the beauty, joy and fun of the celebration of the Winter Season.

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mittee elect, and is running for the Republican State Central Committee. Roby is a member of Calcasieu Parish Medical Society Alliance, served on the Lake Charles Symphony Board and is a member of Krewe de la Contree. Our King and Queen are members of the Lake Charles Country Club, Appaloosa Horse Club, and the Arabian Horse Association. Roby enjoys Pilates, golf, and traveling; spending time with family and friends, and their 7 horses. Krewe members since 2010, they attend Our Lady Queen of Heaven Catholic Church. Their Majesties are parents to Jada Dyer Theriot, Brittany Pilley Thomas, Khory Pilley, and grandchildren Christopher Sharp, Leah Phelps, and great-grandchild Adeline Theriot. Their Majesties’ attendants were Masters Remy Vincent and Ramsey Vincent. Princesses were Misses Leah Phelps, granddaughter of the King and Queen; and Margaret Elizabeth Blevins. The Duke of the Downhill Races was Keith Murray, and the Duchess of the Aurora Borealis was Renee Murray. Duke Keith is a native of Lake Charles and is a graduate of St. Louis Catholic High School. A graduate of LSUE with a degree in applied fire science, he is listed on the National Registry of Emergency Technicians. He has a number of International Fire Service Accreditation Congress Certifications, studied at the National Fire Academy, and has training on Weapons of Mass Destruction. Chief Murray has been accepted into the Department of Homeland Security Federal Emergency Management, National Fire Academy Executive Fire Officer Program. Keith has a too many community recognitions to mention. He is on the Executive Board of the Louisiana Fire Chiefs Association, and a member of the Southwest Louisiana Fire Chiefs Association. Duchess Renee is a native of Lake Charles and graduated from C.E. King High School in 1985. An employee of the Calcasieu Parish School System, she currently Mardi Gras 2016

teaches at M.J. Kaufmann. She enjoys reading, cooking, spending time with family and friends, and enjoying the Krewe de la Famille ball! The Duke and Duchess have been members since 2011. Parents of Michael, Kelsey, and Kaleb, they reside in Iowa. The Duke of the Hunt was James Tilley and the Duchess of the Winter Solstice was Katie Ann DesOrmeaux Tilley. Duke James is a native of Lake Charles and a 1999 graduate of Barbe High School. He attended Louisiana State University. James is the facilities account manager for United Rentals, and has been with the company for five years. He is a member of the Humble Chamber of Commerce, and the United Rentals Disaster relief team. He enjoys hunting, fishing, golf, and boating. James and Katie joined Krewe de la Famille in 2012. Duchess Katie was born in Evanston Wyoming, but considers herself a native of Sulphur. She graduated from Sulphur High School in 2003 and attended McNeese State University. She works for Agility Logistics, and is an international logistics coordinator, managing accounts in Brazil, Yemen, Qatar, and Saudi Arabia. She is also an independent consultant for Arbonne International. Katie enjoys boating and golf. James and Katie moved to Houston in Feb. 2013 and attend the Strawbridge Methodist Church. They volunteer at both Weimaraner Rescue of Texas and Texas German Shorthaired Pointer Rescue. The royal entertainment was provided by the McNeese State University Cowgirl Kickers. The Ball planning and execution was led by Krewe President Anne Monlezun, Krewe Chief Executive Lee J. Monlezun, Captains JJ and Brigitte Johnson, Board Members Ricky and Tricia Guidry, Jim and Diann Manning, Chuck and Karen Henderson, Steve and Kelly Hagood, and Fred and Dana Sebren. Thanks also go out to all in the Krewe who participated in decorating, skits and support.

Duke of the Downhill Races Keith Murray and Duchess of the Aurora Borealis Renee Murray

Duke of the Hunt James Tilley and Duchess of the Winter Solstice Katie Ann DesOrmeaux Tilley FEBRUARY 8, 2016 37

Krewe de la Louisiane celebrated their 14th Anniversary Ball on Saturday, January 30 at the West-Cal Event Center in Sulphur. It was a formal event where guests were entertained by Krewe jesters and the flamboyant performance of the super Pop band “Bag of Donuts.” The 2016 Royal Court wore costumes representing the mystical world of gods, goddesses and the myths of ancient Greece to go with their theme, “A Night In Olympus”. The celebration began with Ball Captain Arlette Gass posing as Calypso, Goddess of the Sea. She is the daughter of Benton and Denise Trouard. After completing her degree in accounting and business management from Delta School of Business and Technology, she now is the office manager at Ohmstede Industrial Services in Sulphur. Her hobbies include painting, up cycling (where

she turns trash into treasure), gardening, building stuff and home improvement projects. Outside of her hobbies, she enjoys hanging out with friends and family. She is the proud mother of three boys. Duke Mitchell Adrian represented Ares – God of Chaotic War and his wife Duchess Melisa Adrian was Aphrodite – Goddess of Love, Beauty and Eternal Youth. Both are natives of Lake Charles. He is the JP Morgan Chase Bank Endowed Professor of Management at McNeese State University. Currently, he serves on numerous advisory and management boards. His hobbies include motorcycling and weight lifting. She is a business owner and agent for McMillian Agencies – Allstate Insurance, a member of the Women’s Commission of Southwest Louisiana and a McNeese alumni where she remains involved as a financial advisor for Alpha Delta Pi Sorority. In her spare time, she enjoys traveling and spending time with family. They have two children who are both seniors at St. Louis High School. Artemis – Goddess of the Hunt and Moon was Duchess Karen Kingsley. An Air Force brat born in England, she is the oldest of twins by five minutes. Together, she and her husband David have five sons, three elderly cats and two dogs. Her enjoyment comes from traveling (she has been to almost all 50 states), reading (over 100 books per year), watching sci-fi and cooking shows, drawing, painting, sewing, taking pictures and collecting vintage glassware and antique furniture. In her spare time, she works at the Misty Finchum Agency in Iowa assisting clients with their insurance needs. Duchess Melissa Moss was Hemera – Goddess of the Day. She is employed at Credit Services, her family-owned company that has been in business King Louie XIV as Zeus and Queen Anne XIV as Hera for 46 years. Some of her acChris and Ada Louviere complishments include assist-

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ing with Special Olympics, Tor booster mom, past member of Women Business Leaders, and past Optimist of the Year where she served on the original committee of the Celebrity Golf Tournament for 27 years. Currently, she is helping with the Walk for Life as she is a 13-year breast cancer survivor. She enjoys cooking, baking and decorating cakes, dancing, traveling and spending time with her family which consists of two sons, one daughter, three grandsons, one granddaughter and another granddaughter on the way. His Royal Highness, King Louie XIV was Chris Louviere, portraying Zeus, King of the Gods. Her Royal Highness, Queen Anne XIV was Ada Louviere, portraying Hera, Queen of Olympus. The Royal Couple married in April of 2012 and reside in Iowa. They have no children but are working daily towards a family of their own. They enjoy hunting, fishing, LSU sports, spending time with family and friends and traveling. The King grew up in Bell City and is currently employed at Southside Machine Works as the night shift supervisor. The Queen grew up in Iowa and completed her degree in accounting from Delta School of Business and Technology. She is currently a member of the Iowa Women’s League and is employed in the HR department at Devall Towing and Boat Service. The Royal Couple love to have a great time! Special thanks to Big South Entertainment for providing production, Simple Memories for the photography and all the guests for their attendance. Krewe information can be found on their Facebook page – Krewe de la Louisiane.

Duke Ares and Duchess Aphrodite

Mitchell and Melisa Adrian

Hemera, Goddess of the Day

Calypso, Goddess of the Sea

Artemis, Goddess of the Hunt

Duchess Melissa Moss

Ball Captain Arlette Gass

Duchess Karen Kingsley

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Krewe de l’Ecore held its 18th annual Mardi Gras Ball on January 29 at Habibi Temple in Lake Charles. The Krewe’s theme for the evening was “Down on the Bayou.” Clay Rougeau served as Master of Ceremonies, and also provided the entertainment. Photography was by Lorri Dailey. Board officers are Larry and Cathy Huber, Todd and Victoria Huber, Randy and Jen Bellon, Russel and Shelly McNabb, Shawn and Brandi Croxdale, Joe and Laura Ellis, and Brian and Brandi Arrant. The celebrations began with Cathy Huber as the Grand Duchess of the Swamp. The Grand Duchess resides in Moss Bluff with her husband of 33 years, Larry Huber. The couple has two children, Chad and Larry Jr. and two granddaughters, Emma and Baylee. The Grand Duchess is co-owner of Control Concepts, LLC and attends Mount Calvary Baptist church. Daniel and Renee Bailey reigned as King and Queen of Louisiana Cuisine, dressed as a Chef and Louisiana Dish. The King and Queen reside in Moss Bluff, and have been married for 12 years. The couple has two children, Kamryn and Juddsen and are currently hosting Mikko, an exchange student from Finland. The King is a sales manager at Bill Bailey’s Auto Sales, and the Queen is the park coordinator at Moss Bluff Recreation.

They attend Living Way Church. Danny and Tammy Lynn Davis appeared as the Duke and Duchess of the Bayou, representing the Alligator Industry. The Davises reside in Iowa, have been married for 19 years and have two children, Mallory and Logan. The Duke is the owner of Rockin “D” Trucking and the Duchess is a practice manager at LCMH- Memorial Medical Group. They attend St. Raphael Catholic Church. Ricky and Brandy Mouton appeared as the Duke and Duchess of Duck Commander, representing the Duck Industry. The Moutons reside in Moss Bluff, have been married for five years and have two children, Austin and Zoe. The Duke is a senior scheduler at Westlake Chemical and the Duchess is a special education teacher at LeBleu Settlement Elementary. They attend St. Theodore’s Catholic Church. Justin and Lauren Kallenbach appeared as Duke and Duchess of Louisiana Mud Dogs, dressed as Water Boy and Vicki Valencourt. The Kallenbachs reside in Moss Bluff, have been married for six years and have three children, Tucker, Taiden, and Claraleigh. The Duke is an operator at Carboline and also owns JK Lawn N Service. The Duchess owns Kallenbach Services. They attend Water’s Edge Church.

Duke and Duchess of Duck Commander

Duke and Duchess of Louisiana Mud Dogs

Duke and Duchess of the Bayou

Ricky and Brandy Mouton

Justin and Lauren Kallenbach

Danny and Tammy Lynn Davis

Grand Duchess of the Swamp

Cathy Huber

King and Queen of Louisiana Cuisine

Daniel and Renee Bailey

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The Krewe des Lunatiques celebrated its 28th Mardi Gras Ball in the Contraband room of the Lake Charles Civic Center on January 30. The theme was “Come Celebrate Louisiana Festivals with the Lunatiques.” Krewe members and guests entered into a Louisiana Festival celebration with beautiful décor by Diana Bourgeois. Chad Austin, Master of Ceremonies, introduced the hard workers of the 2015-2016 board of directors and elected officer, including Chairman Heather Bourgeois along with Marion Bordelon, Mark Bordelon, Leslie Materne, Tami Blocker, Mark Lavergne, Angel Mefford, Charlotte Flores, Denise Hite, Ashley Bourgeois, Diana Bourgeois and Katie Dupont. The evening’s festivities were underway with the sounding of the Captain’s whistle and a final farewell was given to King Raphael XXVII Mike Cossey and Queen Evelyn XXVII Leslie Harrington Materne. The presentation continued with the arrival of Captain Ashley Bourgeois. A graduate of Barbe High School, Ashley resides in Lake Charles and is employed by Stine Lumber as a pricing analyst. She has been a Krewe member for five years. Queen Evelyn XXVIII was

Heather Bourgeois. Queen Heather is a graduate of McNeese State University with a bachelor of science degree and a master’s in educational leadership. Her daughter Macie Lynn Bourgeois (11) attends SJ Welsh Middle School. Heather is employed by the Calcasieu Parish School Board and is the curriculum coordinator at F.K. White Middle School. She enjoys spending time with her family and friends and traveling. Heather has been a Krewe member for seven years and is on the executive board. King Raphael XXVIII was William Bruce. King William is a graduate of South Beauregard High School and attended McNeese Sate University. He has been married to Cindy Bruce for 31 years. They have one daughter Annie Bruce (15) who attends Barbe High School. William has worked for Northrop Grumman for 24 years and enjoys fishing, hunting and watching his daughter swim for Barbe High School. He has been a Krewe member for three years. The Duchess of Mardi Gras was Gloria Frazee. Duchess Gloria is a graduate of St. Charles Academy. Retired from the Housing Authority, she resides in Lake Charles and has been a Krewe member for six years.

The Duchess of Duck Festival was Charlotte Flores. Duchess Charlotte is a graduate of Sam Houston High School and McNeese State University. She is employed by Furmanite America and resides in Moss Bluff. She has been a krewe member for 15 years and is on

the executive board. The Duchess of Crawfish Festival is Katie Dupont. Duchess Katie is a graduate of Barbe High School and is married to Chris Dupont. Employed by City Saving Bank, she resides in Lake Charles and has been a Krewe member for six years.

Captain Ashley Bourgeois

Duchess of Mardi Gras Gloria Frazee

Duchess of Duck Festival Charlotte Flores

Duchess of Crawfish Festival Katie Dupont

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Princess Annie Bruce, King William Bruce, Princess Morgan Begnaud, Queen Heather Bourgeois, Princess Macie Bourgeois (Not Pictured Prince Brody Begnaud)

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The Krewe de la Maison de Calcasieu celebrated its 17th Annual Ball with a little celebration of first downs and touchdowns. “Maison Super Bowl XVII” was the theme for this year’s festivities held on Saturday, January 30. The VFW on Country Club Road was transformed into a stadium with a lit scoreboard, turf, and goal posts, and guests were also greeted by the sights and sounds of a typical game day. Master of Ceremonies John Bridges and his co-commentator, Jacob Kiser took center stage in “the booth,” welcoming guests and members in true pregame fashion. The Krewe said goodbye to the 2015 “Moonshine and Mobsters” royal court. Bidding farewell were the Duke and Duchess of the Heists (a.k.a. Bonnie and Clyde) Bill and Linda Tassin; Duke and Duchess of Speakeasys, Todd and Liz Johnson; Duchess of Flappers Daina Kilchrist, Captain, the Mob Boss, David Nelson, and King and Queen of Moonshine and Mobsters, Jerry and Loretta Ousley. After Jerry and Loretta took their last walk, the Krewe crest was presented by new members, C.J. and Sue Langley. The Krewe presented one debutante this season, Miss

Kennedy Rae Hebert of Ragley. Kennedy is a senior at South Beauregard High School and plans to pursue a degree in chemical engineering at McNeese in the fall. After the pregame show ended, guests were introduced to the referees officiating, otherwise known as the Captains, for the evening. Clad in retro referee uniforms, Captains Troy and Angela Kiser ran out with whistles blowing. Troy and Angela reside in Moss Bluff. They have two sons and have been members of the Krewe for 12 years. Angela served on the board for many years and assists with the presentation and music. Troy has been an active member of the Krewe’s Men of Maison entertainment team. After the officials took their places at the edge of the turf, the Krewe presented the Duke and Duchess of the Colts, Thomas and Sarah Townsley. The Townsleys stepped out in traditional Colts colors of blue and white. Duchess Sarah wore a sparkling blue dress and a collar created by her daughter. Duke Thomas wore a blue suit and white hat with blue and white feathers. Thomas and Sarah reside in Moss Bluff and have two daughters. They have been Krewe members since 2011. With a whisper of scandal and deflated balls, guests were presented with the Duke and Duchess of the Patriots, Phillip and Rachel Oliver. Dressed in colonial garb, Duke Phillip wore a blue colonial suit with a traditional tri-horn hat. Duchess Rachel wore a dress of red, white and blue with a matching collar of red and blue feathers. Phillip and Rachel are residents King Charles XVI and Queen Catherine XVI of Carlyss and have Chad and Erin Davison

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Duke and Duchess of the Patriots Phillip and Rachel Oliver two daughters with another one on the way. The couple has been members of the Krewe since 2014. No football theme would be complete with a visit from a team from our own backyard: Duke and Duchess of the Saints, Kurt and Sherry Klein. Duchess Sherry stepped out in a gold sequin dress and wearing a black and gold-feathered collar while Duke Kurt wore a sequin trimmed black suit and a black hat with black and gold feathers. Kurt and Sherry are residents of Moss Bluff and have two daughters and one granddaughter. They have been members of the Krewe since 2012. The lights went out and the Super Bowl Champions stepped through the curtain. The King and Queen of the Jets appeared dressed in white and green. The Queen’s green gown flowed around her as the rhinestones of her dress caught the light and shimmered. The King wore a white tux adorned with green accents and the Jets’ logo proudly displayed on his coat. Greeting members and guests for the first time as King Charles XVI and Queen Catherine XVI were Chad and Erin Davison of Moss Bluff. Chad and Erin have three children, one granddaughter, and another grandchild on the way. Both Chad and Erin have been active on the board of directors serving multiple roles. Chad is currently serving as communication director for the Krewe. At half-time entertainment, the Pro Am group from Ashworth’s School of Performing Arts had the crowd on their feet with their hip-hop routine. After a toast to the newly crowned Royal Court, members and guests danced the Debutante night away to the sounds of Kennedy Rae Hebert The Kadillacs. Mardi Gras 2016

Duke and Duchess of the Saints Kurt and Sherry Klein

Duke and Duchess of the Colts Thomas and Sarah Townsley

Captains Troy and Angela Kiser

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Krewe du Masque was established in 1997 and held their 18th ball on January 23. King Etienne 18th is Matt Lavergne and Queen Andrianne 18th is Doris Mudd. Duke and Duchesses are Todd and Shannon Dupuis and Marvin and Hope Berry. We are a small, family-oriented Krewe who love to party and ride in the parades. We are always open to new members.

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The Krewe of Mischief held its third annual Ball on January 23 at the American Legion in Sulphur. The theme was “Twisted Fairy Tales.” Krewe members wore exquisite costumes and displayed table decorations to represent various fairy tales in a twisted manner. Captain and founding member Michael Richard welcomed members and their guests to the Ball and introduced fellow founders, including Co-Captains Celina Wilburn, Garland Holbrook and Melissa Richard. Members of the board include President Devon “Devo” Theriot, Vice-President Mike Trahan, Sergeant-at-arms Kalop “Jamie” Vincent, Secretary Bridgette Culpepper and Treasurer Melissa Richard. Captain

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Mike presented the 2015 reigning King David Newman and his Queen Tammy Newman as they made their final walk. Finally, it was time to introduce the Royal Court of 2016 to members and guests. Duke and Duchess of Mischief, Mike Trahan and Melissa Trahan represented Alice in Wonderland. Duke Mike is a graduate of Reeves High School and is employed by Citgo Refinery as a Unit Inspector. The son of Susie McDaniel and Norman Trahan, his hobbies are hunting and fishing. Duchess Melissa is a graduate of LaGrange High School and is an office manager at Southwest Bar Needs. The daughter of Bob and Denise Pinter, Melissa’s hobbies are boating and spending time with family and friends. The Duke and Duchess have been married for 16 years and reside in Moss Bluff with their children, Mason and Jacob Trahan. Duke and Duchess of Mischief, David Newman and Tammy Newman represented the Fairy Tale Snow White and Their Many Dwarfs. Duke David is a graduate of Crosby High and employed by Coastal Gulf as an operations manager. His hobbies are playing softball and playing cards with friends. David is the son of Charlotte and the late Derold Newman and Sara Long and the late Dean Long. Duchess Tammy is a graduate of Sulphur High and is employed by All Star Buick GMC in Sulphur as an inventory manager. The daughter of Dennis and Gail Bergeron, her hobbies are playing softball, watching football and spending time with friends. David and Tammy live in Moss Lake and have been married for eight years and are the parents of Alex Newman, Ryan Guidry and Andrew Guidry. FEBRUARY 8, 2016 45

Duke and Duchess of Mischief David Newman and Tammy Newman

2016 King and Queen of Mischief James Dronet and Lauren Richard Finally, all eyes were focused on the 2016 King of Mischief James Dronet as he escorted his beautiful Queen of Mischief Lauren Richard. They represented King of the Fairies and Gothic Fairy Tales. His Royal Majesty is a graduate of Orangefield High School in Orange, TX and is employed by Foskey Veterinary Clinic as a receptionist (team leader). The son of the late Cecil and Dianne Dronet, he resides in Orange with Lonnie, his life partner of 22 years. James’ hobbies are chilling by the pool with family and friends and spending time with Krewe members. Her Royal Highness, Lauren Richard, is a graduate of McNeese State University and Sulphur High School. The daughter of Mike and Melissa Richard and the granddaughter of Judy Richard, Queen Lauren is store manager at Australian Super Tanning Salon. She resides in Carlyss and enjoys yoga, fishing, spending time with family and friends and attending Krewe functions.. In reverence to the newly presented Court, a toast was made by all the founders and board members. Jesters Devon “Devo” Theriot and Kalop “Jamie” Vincent began the party with the Second Line as the Royal Court followed and invited guests to join in the dance to kick-start a night of fun and excitement!! 46 FEBRUARY 8, 2016

Duke and Duchess of Mischief Mike Trahan and Melissa Trahan Mardi Gras 2016

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“Festivals Abroad” was the theme for Krewe de la Noblesse’s 31st Mardi Gras Ball held on Saturday, January 16 at the Lake Charles Civic Center Coliseum. In keeping with this year’s theme, the Coliseum entrance was decorated to represent the Running of the Bulls and the Dutch Tulip Festivals. The Court entrance was a large world globe; other areas represented Oktoberfest, Day of the Dead, Chinese New Year and Carnival in Venice. The presentation script was written by Krewe member Kristine Lyons. Presentation Director was Krewe Member John Richards, assisted by Krewe member Lattie Polk. Master of Ceremonies for the evening was Mr. Dale Mann. The presentation began with the posting of colors by the United States Naval Sea Cadets Corps – Chennault Battalion and the singing of the national anthem. The board for 2015-2016 was introduced: Mrs. Valerie Norwood, President, escorted by her husband Kenneth Norwood; Mr. Anthony Vincent, First Vice President, escorted by his wife Mary Vincent; Mrs. Leah Brame, Second Vice President, escorted by her husband Tommy Brame; Mrs. Brenda Cimini, Secretary, escorted by her son-in-law, Rodney Russell; Ms. Christine Fontenot, Treasurer, escorted by her fiancé, Keith Fontenot; Mrs. Polly Richards, Krewe Representative, escorted by her husband John Richards and Mrs. Dorothy Conner, Krewe Representative Elect,

King Gabriel Noblesse XXXI and Queen Ashley Kenny and Donna Elkins 48 FEBRUARY 8, 2016

escorted by her husband, Tom Conner. The Royal Court for the 30th Ball, “Golden Age of Television” was introduced: King Gabriel Noblesse XXX, Mr. James Dominic Serra; Queen Ashley Noblesse the XXX, Mrs. Deborah Hacker Serra. The Court was comprised of the Duke and Duchess of the Golden Age of Westerns – Tom and Joanne Logston; the Duke and Duchess of the Golden Age of Drama– Scott and Angela Stevens; and the Duke and Duchess of the Golden Age of SciFi– Rex and Dina Royer. Next, the 2016 Debutantes were presented. Miss Megan Lynn Elkins is the daughter of Krewe members Kenny and Donna Elkins. Megan is a graduate of Grand Lake High School where she was a valedictorian of her graduating class, member of the Senior Beta Club, Student Council, Prom Committee, 4-H, Family and Career and Community Leaders of America, and Future Business Leaders of America. Megan was also cheerleader for three years, Captain of the Dance Team, member of the Track Team and served as Baseball Manager. She received a full academic scholarship to McNeese State University where she is now a sophomore majoring in chemical engineering. In her spare time, Megan enjoys pinning on Pinterest, crafting, shopping online and dancing. Megan was escorted by her father, Kenny Elkins. Miss Lacie Elizabeth Fontenot is the daughter of Krewe members Mark and Laurie Fontenot. Lacie is a 2015 graduate of Lafayette High School Arts Academy where she participated in the Academic Enrichment Program and was a member of the Color Guard and the Dance Line. She received T.O.P.S with honors and was awarded a scholarship to Nicholls State University where she is majoring in marine biology and has been awarded the Nicholls State University Achievement Award. Her goal is to obtain her master’s degree. Her hobbies include reading and dance, as she has attended Sugar and Spice Dance Academy for 12 years. Lacie was escorted by her father, Mark Fontenot. Miss Haley Amber Hart is the daughter of Krewe member Steven Hart and Nanette Hart. Haley graduated Magna Cum Laude from Brazoswood High School in Lake Jackson, Texas, in 2013. While at Brazoswood, Haley received multiple outstanding dancer awards with the Brazoswood Belles and the Attitude Dance Studio. She was also honored as the Student of the Year in English in her senior year. After graduation, Haley attended Texas State University. She is currently attending Lamar University majoring in mechanical engineering. Haley enjoys dance, particularly jazz, tap, and ballet, completing Noblesse XXXI jigsaw puzzles, time at the beach, listening to music, fishing and spending time with family and friends. Mardi Gras 2016

Duke and Duchess of The Day of the Dead Mike and Beth Fraser Haley was escorted by her father, Steven Hart. Miss Anne Marie Self is the daughter of Robby and Elizabeth Self. She was sponsored by her aunt, Krewe member Christine Fontenot. Anne is a 2015 graduate of Alfred M. Barbe High School where she brought the Barbe High School Volleyball Team to the State Championship Meet her junior and senior years. She was awarded Second Team All District and broke the school record for the number of digs throughout the season and for her volleyball career. Anne is currently attending SOWELA Technical Community College majoring in nursing. She was escorted by her father, Robby Self. Serving as host for our tour through “Festival Abroad” was Captain, Joe Cimini, representing the famous Bavarian Oktoberfest. Captain Joe and his wife Brenda are residents of Lake Charles. They are the parents of Mrs. Laura Piercy and Mrs. Jo Ellen Russell and have seven grandchildren. Joe, a graduate of West Virginia University, is retired from PPG Industries and is president of the board of directors of the Banyan Resort in Key West, Florida. The Captain and his wife attend Our Lady Queen of Heaven Church and the Basilica of St. Mary Star of the Sea. They are members of the Pelican Coast Parrothead Club and the Key West Parrothead Club and enjoy traveling and spending time at their home in Key West. Next, the Royal Court for 2016 was introduced. Representing the Day of the Dead were Duke Mike Fraser and Duchess Beth Fraser. The Duke and Duchess are graduates of McNeese State University and together they have four children – Hensley Hayek, Marissa Fraser, Ryan Eiselstein, and Jessica Forsyth. Grandsons Devon, Judson, Colin, Cohen, Silas, Nolan, Pasha and little Eli are the loves of their lives. Duke Mike and Duchess Beth are owners of Progressive Mortgage & Associates, LLC Safe Start LLC and Team National. The Duke and Duchess are members of the SWLA Rifle and Pistol Club, NTRA, BASS, Louisiana State Troopers Association and Affiliates of SWLA Realtors Association. The Duke and Duchess enjoy Cabo San Lucas Sport Fishing, camping at Toledo Bend, shooting, cooking, designing and upholstery. Captain Joe Cimini Mardi Gras 2016

Duke and Duchess of The Carnival of Venice Tim and Kelly Huffer

Duke and Duchess of The Chinese New Year Steven Hart and René Dever

Representing the Carnival of Venice were Duke Tim Huffer and Duchess Kelly Huffer. Duke Tim Huffer is a graduate of Oklahoma University and is employed as a chemical engineer at Targa Resources. He enjoys coaching youth sports and golf. Duchess Kelly Huffer, a graduate of the School of Nursing at New Mexico State University, is employed by the Cameron Parish School System. The couple, parents of three children – Stacey Huseman, Paige Huffer, and Katie Huffer, are members of Tout Le Vin, and Krewe des Pirates. The Duke and Duchess like to travel, watch McNeese sports and enjoy golf and gardening in their spare time. Representing the Chinese New Year were Duke Steven Hart and Duchess Rene’ Dever. Duke Steven Hart, a graduate of McNeese State University and the University of Houston, is employed as a Senior Reliability Engineer with the Shell Oil Company. The Duke has three children – Haley Hart, Brittany Hart, and Katherine Battenfield; and two grandchildren. He enjoys spending time with family and friends and assisting with United Way campaigns and fundraising activities. The Duke is a member of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers, Louisiana State Board of Registration for Professional Engineering and Land Surveyors and Tout Le Vin Wine and Dinner Club. Duchess Rene’ Klump Dever is a graduate of McNeese State University with a bachelor of arts and master of education degrees. The Duchess has two sons – Zachary Paul and William Garrett Dever. She has been employed by the Calcasieu Parish School Board for 30 years as a preschool special ed teacher. In her spare time, Rene’ enjoys traveling, baking, sewing, photography, monogramming, reading and celebrating life with family and friends. The audience was asked to stand for the arrival of King Gabriel Noblesse XXXI, Mr. Kenny Elkins and Queen Ashley Noblesse XXXI, Mrs. Donna Elkins. The King is an employee of Axiall Corporation and the Queen is employed at Grand Lake High School. They are the parents of four daughters – Ashley Doucet, Ashley Navarre, Dylan Elkins and Megan Elkins and have five grandchildren: Layla and Fallon Navarre, Zarah Elkins, and Keira and Kian Doucet. In their spare time, the King and Queen enjoy spending time with family and friends; they also enjoy the outdoors and shrimping, crabbing and fishing on their boat. Other hobbies include hunting, golfing, and exploring small towns around the U.S. Following the traditional promenade and the toast by the Royal Court, members and guests enjoyed remainder of the evening dancing to the music of Jet Seven.

Debutante Megan Lynn Elkins

Debutante Lacie Elizabeth Fontenot

Debutante Haley Amber Hart

Debutante Anne Marie Self FEBRUARY 8, 2016 49

On February 6, a group of scurvy Pirates sailed the seas in search of treasure! This raucous group wreaked chaos and had a good time at the Sixth Annual Ball of the Krewe des Pirates at the VFW on Country Club Rd. The venue was befitting of a shipwreck in Key West during Fantasy Fest, complete with Jolly Roger flags suspended from the ceiling, skull and crossbones, palm trees, bright colors, and a sandy beach as they celebrated “Pirates Shipwrecked in Key West.� Master of Ceremonies Mike Guidry, with help from copresenter Joe Vezina, presented the Board Members: President Elect Johnny Duhon, Ball Chairperson Cherie Trahan,

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Secretary Pam Harris, Treasurer Donna Duhon, and advisory members Manley Sims, Jessica Duhon, Joe Vezina and Vicki Vezina. The 2016 Dukes and Duchesses Steve and Libby Laubach, and John and Ellie Stickney took their last walk of the plank with King Pierre V and Queen Jacqueline V, Eddie Langley and Ginger Basone. The 2016 President and Captain was Eddie Langley. Eddie lives in Westlake and has four children and one granddaughter. He is employed by Union Pacific Railroad as foreman where he has worked for 37 years, and has been the president of SMART union local 1947 for the past three years. Eddie is also a member of the Krewe de la Noblesse, Maison de Calcasieu, Krewe du Lac, and is one of nine founding members of the Krewe des Pirates serving as Vice President in 2015 and King Pierre V of 2015. He is currently serving his fourth year as Commodore of the Calcasieu Boat Club, is a member of the Pelican Coast Parrot Heads Club, McNeese Cowboy Club, and McNeese Petrochem Club. Eddie joined the Buccaneers of Lake Charles in 2000 and had the honor of being Jean Lafitte 2012. Richard and Cindy Long were presented as Duke & Duchess of The Conch Republic. Richard and Cindy live in Central Texas but lived in Lake Charles just long enough to meet some of the best people in the world. They are also members of the Pelican Coast Parrot Head Club, and Krewe des Danseurs Fou, as well as Krewe du Lac. Duke Richard enjoys fly-fishing in the Rockies as well as lakes, rivers, and the bay along the Gulf Coast. He is retired from Sears, has worked with his family in the cattle and land business, and is currently a licensed pest control applicator. Duchess Cindy is a retired high school special education

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teacher and has taught in Texas public schools, the Texas Juvenile Justice Department, and for the Calcasieu Parish School Board. She graduated from Sam Houston State University and went to Baylor University to complete her Special Ed certification. She has two children: a daughter who lives in New York and a son who lives in the Texas Hill Country. Cindy enjoys travel, camping, reading, Mardi Gras activities, stargazing, and science fiction. Donnie and Lottie Courvelle were presented as Duke & Duchess of Fantasy Fest. Lottie Rice Courvelle is a native of Lake Charles, a graduate of LaGrange High School and attended McNeese State University. Duchess Lottie is currently the Facility Administrative Coordinator at Axiall Corporation and has been employed there for 43 years. She is a member of Alpha Delta Pi Sorority, past member and Provisional Chairman of the Junior League of Lake Charles, and International Association of Administrative Professionals. Lottie served as Duchess on the 2013 Court of Krewe de la Noblesse of which she is a member. In her free time she likes to garden, cook, travel and spend time with family and friends. One of Lottie’s passions is raising funds for Cystic Fibrosis and in 2015 she and her daughters raised over $17,000 for the CF Foundation. Donnie Courvelle is a native of Vinton a, a graduate of Vinton High School and attended McNeese State University. He is a proud Army veteran and served in Germany for four years. Duke Donnie is currently a Maintenance Supervisor at Axiall Corporation and has been employed there for 39 years. Donnie served as Duke on the 2013 Court of Krewe de la Noblesse of which he is a member. In Donnie’s free time, he enjoys golf, yard work, eating Lottie’s cooking, and traveling, especially to sunny, sandy shores. He was a competition power lifter for 25 years, still holds senior state titles and continues enjoying regular workouts to stay fit. The couple are members of the Pelican Coast Parrot Head Club and travel to Key West each May with a group of their crazy Parrot Head friends for lots of fun and relaxation. Together, Donnie and Lottie have four daughters, five granddaughters and two grandsons. The crowd then rose to their feet to welcome the Krewe des Pirates King & Queen of the Atocha Shipwreck, King Pierre VI and Queen Jacqueline VI, Mike & Christine Guidry. The King and Queen have been

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married 21 years. Between them, they have five married children - Julie, Melanie, Phil, Beau and Lori - and eleven grandchildren, with a 12th joining them soon. Queen Chris is a graduate of LaGrange High School; King Mike graduated from Sulphur High and later McNeese State University. Mike has been employed by Axiall Corporation for the past 34 years, while Chris retired from Axiall after over 35 years of service. Both are members of Our Lady Queen of Heaven Catholic Church, and enjoy other Mardi Gras activities as members of Krewe du Lac, (where Mike served as a Duke on the legendary Court Gone Wild in 2012). The King and Queen have been Krewe des Pirates members since the Krewe’s first year, and Mike is a past board member. The King and Queen have been longtime members of the Pelican Coast Parrot Head Club, where Mike is currently serving as club President. (Both have entertained the parrot heads as Docta Phlocka and Mother Phlocka.) The Queen enjoys gardening and has become an avid reader since her retirement. The King enjoys volunteering as Public Address announcer for McNeese State softball and Barbe baseball. He has also served as the emcee for the Krewe des Pirates ball for the past four years. One of his most enjoyable hobbies is throwing darts. For the past 9 years, the Guidrys have enjoyed spending time with friends each year “down island” in Key West, Florida. Music was provided by Joe Harmon & The Harmonics, and Gary Meeks was the photographer. Krewe des Pirates was founded in 2010.

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The Krewe De L’Possede’s Annual Ball was held at the Isle of Capri on January 30. The theme was “Possede’s Speak Easy ~ Classics & Their Cocktails.” King 2016 Craig Guidry represented “Hugh Heffner.” Craig Guidry was born and raised in Sulphur. He has been married to the love of his life Crystal Guidry since 2000, and they have two amazing kids, Haley and Cade Guidry. Craig has been a Krewe member for four years and is currently on the Krewe De L’ Possede Gumbo team. Thanks to Mark Piatt and Derek Ardoin, he has been entertaining guests for the past two years as a jester and loving every second of it. Craig enjoys 4H swine shows, drag racing, professional bull riding and camping with friends and family. Queen 2016 Crystal Guidry represented “Lucille Ball.” Crystal was born and raised in Carlyss and has been happily married to Craig Guidry since 2000. She and Craig have two wonderful children, Haley and Cade. Crystal works as paramedic for Bechtel Oil, Gas & Chemical. She has been a Krewe member for the past four years and a jester for the past two years. She enjoys anything to do with Haley’s 4H Swine project, teaching, baseball, professional bull riding, camping, hanging out with family and all her crazy Krewe and pig show friends. Captain 2016 Kim Dyer represented “John Wayne.” Kim was born in Lake Charles and raised in

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Moss Bluff. She has been married to T-Ron for 20 years and they have three children, Brittany, Tanner and Colston. Kim is a McNeese graduate with an associate’s degree in nursing. She is currently employed with Lake Charles Memorial Hospital as a Registered Nurse. Her hobbies include baking and decorating cakes. She enjoys spending time with her family and friends, watching LSU and Saints football and taking mini vacations. Kim has been a member of the Krewe for 13 years and has served as a board member and was Krewe de L’ Possede Queen in 2009. Duchess 2016 Stephanie Sonnier represented “Marilyn Monroe.” Stephanie was born and raised in Canada and moved to Louisiana three years ago with her husband of seven years, Chad Sonnier. Stephanie has two children: Jeremy, 19 years old and Pyper, 6. She is a hairstylist and true Canadian who loves to be with family and friends. Stephanie has been a member of Krewe De L’Possede for three years and says she is always up for a good time! Duke 2016 Michael Kristopher Hollan represented “Al Capone.” Kris was born and raised in Lake Charles, and now resides in Iowa, LA. He and his wife of 14 years have two children, Gabriel and Chance. Kris joined Krewe de L’Possede over three years ago and has enjoyed it immensely. He is employed with the Calcasieu Sheriff ’s Department and deals poker during his time off. Kris’ hobbies include golf (as often as possible) and video games. He also enjoys night-fishing and spending time with his sons and his friends. Krewe De L’ Possede (Mischievous Children) was established in 2002 with the purpose of promoting the heritage and celebration of the Mardi Gras season throughout our community. FEBRUARY 8, 2016 53

The Krewe De Ruckus held its second annual Ball on January 30 at the American Legion in Sulphur. The theme was Masquerade Ball, and members used formal attire, masks and table decorations to celebrate Mardi Gras Masquerade-Style. Founding members Chris and Bridgett Daigle welcomed Captain Allison Malone members and their guests. Krewe de Ruckus’ first Captain, Allison Malone, born in Honolulu, Hawaii 50 years ago, moved to Sulphur with her husband, Mark and two sons 23 years ago. She has three children: Rosa Weise 32, who resides in Williamsburg, Virginia, Mike Malone 31, Lake Charles and Travis Malone who resides in Edgerly. Allison has two grandchildren, Lylauni ,11, and Maddox, 6. She is a member of Westminster Presbyterian Church and is employed by Calcasieu Parish School Board. She has been the front office secretary at Sulphur High 9th Grade campus for 12 years. Most know her as “ Ma Malone.” She I has been a Mardi Gras Southwest Louisiana “green coat” for three years and a member of Krewe de Ruckus for two. The 2016 King and Queen were Tony and Pam Thibodeaux. They were both born and raised in Sulphur and attended Sulphur High School. King Tony is the son of Hattie Thibodeaux and the late Harvey Thibodeaux, and Queen Pam is the daughter of Daniel and Jeanette Terro. Married for 32 years, they have two sons. Their oldest son Anthony is married to Katie and they have daughter Jacie, with son Finnley making his debut in March. Younger son Josh is married to Courtney and they have a daughter, Harvey Belle. The King and Queen are self-employed at a family-owned business. Their hobbies are hunting, fishing, four-wheeling, spending time with family and friends and Mardi Gras. Duke and Duchess Jamie and Tracey Guillory were both born in Louisiana and raised in Sulphur. After 2016 King and Queen graduating from Sulphur High School, Duke Jamie remained local working in the construction industry and Tony and Pam Thibodeaux then moved into car sales about 10 years ago. He has 54 FEBRUARY 8, 2016

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coached numerous local recreational football and tournament baseball teams, and even won World with the Warriors in 2010. He currently wholesales vehicles with Speedway Motors in Lake Charles. Duchess Tracey also graduated from Sulphur High School but joined the Army, serving five years as a Legal Specialist, and is a veteran of Desert Shield/Storm. She has lived in Germany, Georgia and Tennessee, and spent ten years in the San Francisco Bay area where she started working in retail real estate. She currently works for Simon Property Group leasing their two Louisiana malls. The Duke and Duchess have five great kids: Aaron, 31; Jamie,

30; Kade, 25; Whitney, 21 and Keely, 17. The next Duke and Duchess were Jeffro and Deedee Oquain. Duke Jeffro was born and raised in Sulphur. Deedee was born in Dallas but moved to Sulphur in 1989 where they met. They have been together ever since. They are married and have three children: Samantha Young, 25, who is married to Caleb and is the mother of their grandson Cayden with another on the way! They also have a daughter Dancy, 22 and another son Frankie, 15. Duke Jeffro has been working for R&R for 12 years and Deedee has been a hairdresser for 15 years. They love Soul Food Sunday, camping and spending time with family and friends.

Duke and Duchess Jamie and Tracey Guillory

Duke and Duchess Jeffro and Deedee Oquain

Mardi Gras 2016

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Krewe du Sauvage ccelebrated its 13th Annual Ball on January 23 in the Ballroom at L’Auberge Casino Resort. It was a black-tie event where guests enjoyed music by Bag of Donuts and Deep South Productions. Samy Stone provided photography. The theme for this year’s Ball was “Mobsters and Mayhem of the Roaring ‘20s.” The Royal Court followed this theme by representing different events occurring during the 1920s. All Royal Court costumes were designed and constructed by John Chavanne of Lake Charles, Sam Reeves and Ryan Abell served as Masters of Ceremonies. The evening began with the emcee welcoming a crowd of over 900 people to the biggest party in town. The 2015 “Masters of Disaster” Royal Court was introduced for the final time: King Henri XI and Queen Sophie XI, Cheyenne and Kristi Boudreaux, Duke Philippe XI and Duchess Henriette XI, Brad and Kelly Durio, Duke Louis XI and Duchess Antoinette XI, Dennis “Skeet” and Rachel Owens, Duke Charles XI and Duchess Elizabeth XI, Kindall and Jessica Pruitt and Duke Pierre XI and Duchess Anne XI, Louie IV and Tracey Barbe. The 2016 Royal Court presentation began with the introduction of Duke Pierre XII and Duchess Anne XII, Jeff and Tanis Sewell of Lake Charles wearing green and black costumes representing the “Stock Market Crash.” Duke Jeff is the son of the late Robert and Jackie Sewell of Lafayette. Duchess Tanis is the daughter of the late Otis Logue of Houma, stepmother Kimino Logue of Houma and the late Blanche Logue of Lafayette. Jeff and Tanis both attended University of Louisiana at Lafayette. Jeff

King Henri XII and Queen Sophie XII Christopher Martin and Deanna Russell

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is a regional vice president for Total Safety, Inc. He enjoys golf and spending time with his family. Tanis is a homemaker and notary public and is in the process of obtaining her real estate license. She enjoys reading and DIY projects. They have two daughters, Sarah, a graduate of Loyola University, and Grace, a student at McNeese State University. Representing “Prohibition” in purple costumes were Duke Charles XII and Duchess Elizabeth XII, George Paul, Jr. and Allison Sonnier of Westlake. Duke Paul is the son of George and Suzanne Sonnier of Moss Bluff and is the general manager of Twisted Off Road. He enjoys boating, fishing and cooking. Duchess Allison is the daughter of Keith and Carol Conner of Westlake and is the office manager for Reeves Uptown Catering. She enjoys baking, boating and having fun with family and friends. They have one son, Drew. Representing the “St. Valentine’s Day Massacre” in tan and turquoise costumes with hot pink accents were Duke Louis XII and Duchess Antoinette XII, Bob and Nikki Crooks of Lake Charles. Duke Bob is the son of Thomas and Betty Crooks of Lafayette and is the vice president of operations at Redfish Rental. He is a member of the Louisianan Pipeline Association and the American Rental Association. He enjoys golf, hunting, fishing and traveling. Duchess Nikki is the daughter of Ronnie and Brenda Ingalls of Lake Charles. She is a graduate of Auburn University and is a registered nurse and case manager at Lake Charles Memorial Hospital. She is a member of the Auburn Alumni Association and enjoys tennis and traveling. They have five children, Ashley, Amy, Ally, Reese and Cooper. The family attends Our Lady Queen of Heaven Catholic Church. Presented in royal blue and gray costumes and representing “Women’s Suffrage” were Duke Philippe XII and Duchess Henriette XII, Sam and Paige Reeves of Sulphur. Duke Sam is the son of Helen Reeves of Nashville, AR and the late Buster Reeves and graduated from McNeese State University with a Bachelor of Science degree in agricultural economics with minors in math and chemistry. He is a plant operator and rescue instructor at Westlake Chemical. Sam is a member of CCA and McNeese State University Alumni Association, as well as a past board member of Krewe du Lac and Mardi Gras of SWLA. He enjoys kayaking, fishing, golf, music, beaches and cheap beer. Duchess Paige is the daughter of Linda Doucet of Sulphur and the late Mardi Gras 2016

Gerald Doucet. She is a graduate of McNeese State University with a bachelor of arts and a master’s degree, both in early childhood education. She is a second grade teacher at Frasch Elementary and a member of Louisiana Association of Educators. Paige enjoys reading and kayaking. The Duke and Duchess are also members of Krewe du Lac. They have three children, Gillian, Olivia and Alex. Reigning over “Mobsters and Mayhem of the Roaring Twenties” were King Henri XII and Queen Sophie XII, Christopher Martin of Welsh and Deanna Russell of DeRidder. King Chris is the son of Barry and Doris Martin of Elton and is a graduate of McNeese State University with a bachelor’s degree in elementary education and a master’s degree in administration and supervision. Chris is an employee of Jefferson Davis Parish School Board as a 7th and 8th grade science teacher at Lake Arthur High School. He is a member of Louisiana Association of Educators, Louisiana Federation of Teachers, Louisiana Middle School Teachers Association and Louisiana Science Teachers Association. Chris is an assistant coach for McNeese State University Co-Ed Cheerleaders and Staffing and Camp Director for Southwestern Cheerleaders Association. He also enjoys coaching and judging cheer and dance competitions. Queen Deanna is the daughter of Butch and Colleen (Cline) Guidry of Moss Bluff. She is a graduate of McNeese State University and is an English teacher at South Beauregard High School. A member of the McNeese Alumni Association and Louisiana Association of Educators, she is the president of the Beauregard Association of Educators and serves on the Board of Krewe du Sauvage. She enjoys traveling, spending time with family and friends, Mardi Gras reveling and being a public education activist. She is married to Jeff Russell and they have one son, Jake. Krewe du Sauvage was founded in 2003 by Ashlee LeLeaux Milazzo of Katy, Texas. Ashlee is married to Joe Milazzo and has one daughter, Campbell Elisabeth Lemons. She is the daughter of E. Stephen LeLeaux and Donna Richey Ortego, both of Lake Charles. She is a member of the McNeese Alumni Association and Phi Mu Fraternity Alumnae Association. A Sauvage board member, she has served as Captain and holds the honor of reigning as Queen Sophie I. Gena Richard Millslagle of Iowa serves as the Captain. The daughter of Ivan and Linda Richard of Iowa, she is married to Erik Millslagle of San Diego. A registered nurse, she’s employed by Baptist Hospital of Southeast Texas and is a member of the

McNeese Alumni Association and Phi Mu Fraternity Alumnae Association. She has served as President of the Krewe and holds the honor of reigning as Queen Sophie VIII. She and her husband have two sons, Luke Patrick and Jack Henry. Board members of Krewe du Sauvage include Terri Aubey, Donovan Dupuis, Scott Helms, Elizabeth Laughlin and Lisa Smith.

Duke Louis XII and Duchess Antoinette XII Bob and Nikki Crooks

Duke Philippe XII and Duchess Henriette XII Sam and Paige Reeves

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Duke Pierre XII and Duchess Anne XII Jeff and Tanis Sewell

Duke Charles XII and Duchess Elizabeth XII George Paul, Jr. and Allison Sonnier

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Kayleigh Johnson Johnny (JJ) Johnson Grand Marshal of the Krewe of Krewes Parade Johnny Johnson is a native of Lake Charles. He graduated from Lagrange High School in 1975 and attended Louisiana Tech University. He is known to most as JJ or to children as Coach JJ. For over 20 years, he has been very involved in coaching the children in our community from Little League baseball to Girls fast pitch soft ball. He loves the game and continues to share his talent with his grandchildren. JJ served on the Calcasieu Parish Planning and Zoning board for 10 years while serving on various other committees around the city and Parish. He works in sales at Mike Baker Brick Company after previously working in sales at Aumiller’s Petroleum Equipment Co. Currently serving his fifth year as the Captain of Krewe de la Famille, he has also served on the board for 12 years. He is an active member of the SWLA Mardi Gras board. His hobbies include playing senior softball with the Lake Charles Lakers, a travel team that has won numerous state, regional and national championships. He also enjoys McNeese football games and tailgating with friends and family. Johnny is a parishioner of Our Lady of Good Counsel Catholic Church and is a member of the Knights of Columbus. He is married to Brigitte Aumiller Johnson and has three children and eight grandchildren.

Erik Tee, Merchant Parade Marshal Originally from Meridian, Mississippi, the Big Homie, Erik Tee, moved to Lake Charles in 2001. He is currently the Brand Manager for The People’s Station 107 Jamz and Lake Charles Hit Music Station 92. 1 Kiss FM. He also does the afternoon jumpoff on 107 Jamz weekdays from 2 to 7 p.m. He is the Assistant Operations Manager for Gator 99.5, 92.9 The Lake and Cajun Radio 1470. Erik started his radio career at the age of 14 with a local gospel station and moved around Meridian to various other radio stations from Urban to Pop music to Gospel. He left Meridian in 1996 and hasn’t looked back since. One of his greatest accomplishments in life is marrying his best friend Latonya. They have been married for 15 years and have a son Kameron, a senior at Barbe High School who currently plays on the school’s soccer team. He enjoys spending quality time with his family, which includes vacations, eating out and catching the latest movies. Erik is also the owner of his own radio and television production company called Tee Tyme Productions, where he is in charge of doing commercials for some of your favorite local and national businesses. He is grateful that he is able to make a career out of something that he loves.

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Children’s Parade Marshal Kayleigh is the 10-year-old daughter of Dwain and Jessica Johnson of Lake Charles and is a 4th grade student at Dolby Elementary. Kayleigh is a rider athlete for Ainsley’s Angels where she has participated in many runs in the Lake Area. She enjoys spending time with her friends, dancing, reading and raising awareness of Pulmonary Hypertension. On July 11, 2014, Kayleigh was diagnosed with a rare, life-threatening, progressive and incurable illness called Idiopathic Pulmonary Hypertension, which is caused when the pressure in a patient’s lungs is too high and keeps blood from flowing freely between the heart and lungs. The stress on the heart may eventually lead to heart failure. Idiopathic means there is no cause for the type of Pulmonary Hypertension Kayleigh has. Because there is no cause, there is also no cure. Treatments vary from oral and IV medication to a heart and double lung transplant. There are currently FDAapproved 14 medications for the treatment of PH in adults. There are NO approved treatments for children. To continue with Kayleigh’s dream of raising awareness of Pulmonary Hypertension and fighting for a cure, Kayleigh, along with family and friends, will host a fundraiser, “Peace, Love & Cure Pulmonary Hypertension,” on March 5. Proceeds will be donated to the Pulmonary Hypertension Association to be used for patient services and research. For more information on Kayleigh, Pulmonary Hypertension or “Peace, Love & Cure Pulmonary Hypertension,” follow Kayleigh’s PHight on Facebook.

Mardi Gras 2016

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