Introduction Scala is one of the modern programming languages which has become the most prominent language for data scientists today. Scala is an extension of the Java language that is run on a Java virtual machine. When it comes to working with Big Data, this statistically typed language works as a better tool for data scientists. This article has provided a list of 10 Scala libraries for all data science enthusiasts which is beneficial for data science enthusiasts.
DeepLearning.scala DeepLearning.scala is considered to be an alternative machine learning toolkit that provides the best solution for better drying that helps to link all object-oriented and functional programming. It uses it to create statistically created dynamic neural networks with high-level functions. This library is most commonly used and writing code is almost the same. But the only difference is that all the code based on this library is different, which helps to develop such a new way by modifying such code from its parameters.
Breeze The Breeze Library is considered to be Scala's most elementary scientific computing library. Breeze is used as a library to perform numerical processing, with the help of which modeling is done on Scala. It helps to provide a new set of libraries for ScalaNLP which includes many optimizations such as numerical computing whose main goal is to enable the implementation of all functions.
ScalaLab 12
The biggest difference between ScalaLab and other libraries is that it uses its own domain-specific main language, which is the best scientific programming environment for Java virtual machines. ScalaLab is also known as ScalaSci whose main capability is numerical code speed and flexibility. One of the main design priorities of ScalaLab is its user-friendly interface that can easily import data.
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Summingbird Summingbird Library: This is a library that allows for integration with other functions such as MapReduce that look like the main Java and Scala development data collection changes. Summingbird is a domain-specific data processing framework that helps execute on MapReduce platforms that also include storm and scaling. It executes Summingbird in batch mode using scaling and in real-time mode using Storm Helps significantly in execution.
Vegas If we talk about data visualization, then the Scala library called Vegas is the best option which is considered to be much more functional than breeze-wise. Vegas allows for plotting specifications to be created when performing visualizations and provides the Scala API to perform declarative statistical data visualizations. The Vegas library enables Scala development to work by typing and manipulating the code better in JSON specifications.
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Saddle Saddle is a high-performance data manipulation library created by Scala that is considered a scale analog of the R, Python and Panda languages. Its use helps reinforce missing values in different fields, such as arraysupported, vectorized numerical computation, allowing you to manipulate your data structures and analyze basic data.
Breeze-viz Breeze-viz: You know by name that it is also called a plotting library and visualization library which has been created by Breeze for Skat. Breeze-viz is a kind of charting library based on JFreeChart and also an "image" command like MATLAB.
Epic Epic libraries are seen as Scala and ScalaNLP as some of the main natural language processing libraries considered to be structured prediction frameworks for Scala. It was distributed under the Apache License version 2.0 which can be used with the help of the program and command line using pre-trained models with all the models that the developer has trained due to the Epic prediction framework Is known which helps significantly in employing structured prediction to create the most difficult systems.
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Spray Spray: Talking about Spray, this is a suite of Scala development for Rest / HTTP web services like the main one of Akka which assures you to perform asynchronous actorcreated high-performance request processing but it allows you to use internal Scala DSLs. Provides a defined web services and convenient test solution capability.
Smile Smile is a very fast machine learning engine that speeds up business as well. It is a very attractive machine learning system. This system has been developed in Java Programming Language which is described as similar to Python Sci-KitLearn. Smile helps developers to quickly write applications in Java, Scala, and JVM languages, and the Scala API provides high-level operators for them to make it easy for users to build machine learning applications.
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