6 Online Marketing Tasks That You Should NOT Be Doing Yourself
So now you aware of why you should be outsourcing AND also the step by step process to outsource any task efficiently, let’s get into the 6 specific online marketing tasks that you should NOT be doing:
Managing Your Social Media & Content Strategy
Every online business needs a social media and content strategy, as let’s face it, content is the language of the internet and your social media accounts are the megaphones (if used effectively).
Keyword Research There are parts of the keyword research process that SHOULD NOT be outsourced and those that definitely can. For example, you must define the high level strategy, though the time spent to gather data in the category you target, is a great candidate for Efficient Outsourcing.
Managing Your Email Lists Growing your list is a crucial task for every online marketer, and guess what? These time sucking activities do NOT classify as “List Growth� tasks:
1) 2) 3) 4) 5)
List hygiene List segmentation Subject line analysis Scheduling auto responders Simple replies to customer requests
Customer Service As social media amplifies the effect of word of mouth marketing, it is of paramount importance that your customer experience is flawless.
let’s follow the four step formula for Efficient Outsourcing, perform the “Customer Service Representative” role for a couple of days, create the Working Procedure and then hand over to you enthusiastic virtual team member.
Helping To Hire a Virtual Assistant Thus, it is best that you as the business owner, has the final say on each hire you bring into your business, though that does NOT mean you have to perform the following tasks that consist of a robust recruitment process:
Advertising vacancies Screening candidate CV’s Initial interviews Designing and distributing test tasks Candidate communication