2 minute read
Drive Throughs
from NPF4 Briefing Note
by James Bompas
What Does NPF4 Mean for Drive-Through Facilities?
NPF4 provides a basis for the high-level management of drive-through locational choices and sets out a planning policy approach whereby new drivethroughs which do not meet certain locational criteria will not be approved.
Policy 27 (City, Town, Local and Commercial Centres) strengthens support for sustainable futures for city, town and local centres. The NPF4 focus on climate mitigation and tackling the nature and climate crises means that locations for drive-throughs which would generally increase car borne traffic will be avoided.
Through Policy 27 NPF4 also sets out that LDPs should identify a network of centres that reflect the principles of 20-minute neighbourhoods and the town centre vision. They should also consider, and if appropriate identify, any areas where drive-through facilities may be acceptable where they would not negatively impact on the principles of local living or sustainable travel.
Policy 27 therefore specifically notes that it will be for LDPs to set out locations where drive-through facilities may be supported.
NPF4 signals a shift away from the ‘old way’ of drivethrough facilities being developed in isolation and encourages a more sustainable locational approach rather than an outright ban. Importantly, during the Parliamentary debate on 11th January, it was stated that further guidance on drive-through development would be provided in due course. The Transitional Arrangements, published on 8th February, confirm the intention of Policy 27 is to ensure that this type of development is considered as an integral part of the wider development plan, and is not “as has been erroneously reported” a moratorium or ban on such developments.
The Transitional Arrangements confirm that when considering whether such developments are supported, planning authorities may regard wider uses that are compatible with the drive-through function to be included. Suitable locations may include for example those allocated for Class 1 shops or Class 3 food and drink.
The Scottish Government have confirmed that it will include further guidance on drive-throughs within the forthcoming Local Development Plan guidance, which will be published this Spring.
Key Considerations for Future Development
There will be a requirement for Local Authorities to be specific in the LDP as to suitable locations for drivethrough facilities.
Likely that the market will need to seek out locations where drive-through facilities will be supported - this will include sites which connect safely and easily into existing town centres/ retail locations and to bus or rail stops and active travel networks.
There is a need to consider placemaking, in particular to make it easier for pedestrians and cyclist to access ‘supportable’ sites.
A Transport Assessment analysing traffic impact of any drive-through use may be required.
Sustainability should be central to built form and function - opportunities to include PV use on roofs, green walls, recycling, and EV charging as part of future drive-through developments should be considered to create a positive case for development.