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Reuse & Retrofit
from NPF4 Briefing Note
by James Bompas
What Does NPF4 Mean for Reuse & Retrofit?
Whilst there is no specific policy within NPF4, the term ‘reuse’ is widely referred to throughout the document, in relation to promotion of the reuse of buildings generally. Given the need to conserve embodied carbon, the reuse of existing buildings, in lieu of demolition and subsequent new build, is the preferred option.
Within the section of NPF4 related to ‘Brownfield, vacant and derelict land, and empty buildings’, the policy intent is to encourage, promote and facilitate the reuse of empty buildings, and to help reduce the need for greenfield development. The policy outcome looks to ensure that derelict buildings and spaces are regenerated to improve wellbeing and transform places.
Historic Assets and Places are covered by the first section of Policy 7 (Historic Assets and Places) of NPF4. Within this section it is stated that development proposals for the demolition of listed buildings will not be supported unless it has been demonstrated that there are exceptional circumstances and that all reasonable efforts have been made to retain, reuse and/or adapt the listed building.
Development proposals for the reuse, alteration or extension of a listed building will only be supported where they will preserve its character, special architectural or historic interest and setting. Development proposals affecting the setting of a listed building should preserve its character, and its special architectural or historic interest.
In terms of the policy requirements such as alterations to listed buildings, demolition, developments affecting the setting of conservation areas, scheduled monuments and designed landscapes for example, this is in the main a reiteration of current best practice and existing local development plan approaches to the historic environment. NPF4 aligns with current policy and best practice guidance in Scotland.
Within the Six Qualities of Successful Place set out within NPF4, Quality 5 relating to sustainability and the efficient use of resources acknowledges the transition to net zero and the inclusion of energy / carbon efficient solutions, retrofitting, reuse and repurposing.
Key Considerations for Future Development
Policy 2 within NPF4 confirms that retrofit measures to existing development that reduce emissions or support adaptation to climate change will be supported.
NPF4 also notes that Local Development Plans should set out opportunities for the sustainable reuse of empty buildings. Development proposals for the reuse of existing buildings will be supported, taking into account their suitability for conversion to other uses.