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Retail Development
from NPF4 Briefing Note
by James Bompas
What Does NPF4 Mean for Retail Development?
The key retail policy within NPF4 is Policy 28 (Retail) This policy is based on the well-established ‘town centre first principle’ and as such does not move the dial hugely beyond the majority of current LDP policies on retail development.
Retail proposals will continue to be supported in existing city, town and local centres. They will also be supported in edge of centre areas or in commercial centres if they are allocated as sites suitable for new retail development within the relevant LDP.
This means that it will be important to secure allocation through the LDP consultation process for sites in edge of centre locations, or in established commercial centres. This is not dissimilar to the current status-quo, where LDPs are generally supportive of the principle of retail development in these areas (subject to assessment against other relevant LDP policies).
Policy 28 also states that new retail development will not be supported in out of centre locations, though there are some stated exceptions to this as follows:
The development contributes to local living, including where relevant 20 min neighbourhoods and / or;
The development can be demonstrated to contribute to the health and wellbeing of the local community.
Iceni Projects has a strong track record of providing justification for out of centre retail proposals. We consider that the above policy, while potentially adding an additional layer of difficulty to this type of development, provides enough flexibility to not prohibit out of centre retail proposals entirely, subject to appropriate justification.
Key Considerations for Future Development
The NPF4 continues the well-established application of the ‘town centre first’ principle when assessing new retail proposals.
Retail proposals within city, town and local centres will continue to be supported in principle.
Retail proposals in edge of centre locations, or commercial centres, will be supported where allocated within Local Development Plans.
For retail proposals in out of centre locations, it will be important to provide adequate justification and demonstrate that the development would contribute to local living (i.e. 20-minute neighbourhoods), and/ or would have positive impacts on the health and wellbeing of the local community.